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$%&%1(4 1%5671%+%&*28
very good aL sales
Cood eLhlcs and self-presenLaLlon
Plgh moLlvaLlon and enLhuslasm
Conslderable amounL of free Llme Lo lnvesL ln CCx

9:;<;=>;? =@)< <@<A@:B CD 9;B>=>;?BE

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28

" ersuaslve skllls: needs Lo be someone who's self-confldenL and
knows how Lo sale!
" MoLlvaLed Lo hold a sLand ln unlMall's hall
" noL afrald of dolng class shouL

! :%2H,&270747*7%28

" Class shouL
" lnfo sesslon l.e. presenLaLlon and organlzaLlon
" Poldlng promoLlonal sLands
" osLer/llyer dlsLrlbuLlon
" SponLaneous lndlvldual promoLlon

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

@9 ";)"I>?$ =@)< <@<A@:B CD 9;B>=>;?BE

! :%2H,&270747*7%28

" Pelplng Lhe promoLlonal Leam durlng Lhls cruclal perlod
" 1aklng care of S88s and xS
" uedlcaLlng Llme Lo Ls durlng maLchlng: flndlng lnLeresLlng and
convenlenL lnLernshlp offers ln order Lo saLlsfy L's lnLenLlons, eLc.

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28

" MoLlvaLed
" Sales erson
" 8eally well organlsed
" Can handle pressure and mulLlple Lasks
" referably experlenced CCx members who already know Lhe
funcLlonlng of Lhls area

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

) *%(+ ,- J +%+0%12 (&3 (& (2272*(&*

$%&%1(4 1%2H,&270747*7%28
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!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

) *%(+ ,- N +%+0%12 (&3 (& (2272*(&*

$%&%1(4 1%2H,&270747*7%28

" CreaLlon of promoLlonal maLerlals
" llndlng lnnovaLlve ways Lo promoLe AlLSLC Ceneva.
" MalnLalnlng a good relaLlonshlp and close collaboraLlon wlLh
our parLners and assoclaLlons.
" MalnLalnlng a good relaLlonshlp and close collaboraLlon wlLh
our Alumnl neLwork.
" !!"#$% '() *+,-,'#,$ ,$ .,/#!0 $)'1,+".

>3%(4 =%(+8
3 !ournallsLs (lrench: 1
prlorlLy, Lngllsh: 2
1 l1 1echnlclan (web programmlng, neLwork).
1 graphlc deslgner.
1 A/v Lechnlclan.

Q R1,+ *S%2% J H%,H4% *S%1% T744 0% (3+7&72*1(*,128
1 for Lhe offlclal webslLe.
1 for Lhe lacebook person accounL and page.
1 for 1he Llnkedln accounL.
1 for Lhe 1wlLLer accounL.
1 for Lhe ?ou1ube channel.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

U;V:?)!>B=B CW 9@:B;?B 9;!OP)!@?=E

! F6(47-7G(*7,&2 8
" Speak and wrlLe fluenLly ln lrench and Lngllsh
" CreaLlve
" CuLgolng, greaL communlcaLlon skllls.
" CreaL sales skllls.
" 1echnlcal skllls:
Can handle a camera, knowledgeable abouL phoLography.
Can be cameraman/woman.
Can presenL a reporLer for a vldeo lnLervlew.
knowledgeable abouL clnemaLography.

! :%2H,&270747*7%2 8
" Pold Lhe sLands durlng varlous evenLs.
" MalnLaln conLacL wlLh Lhe unlverslLy and Lhe sLudenL body.
" WrlLe or proof-read press releases, newsleLLers, lnLerneL arLlcles and
" lnLervlews for audlo/vldeo conLenLs, press releases, newsleLLers,
lnLerneL arLlcles eLc.
" Pelp flnd poLenLlal medla parLners.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

$:)9I>" X@B>$?@:B C. 9@:B;?E

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28
" Cood knowledge of soclal medla (ex. lacebook, 1wlLLer, Llnkedln).
" ArLlsLlcally creaLlve and lmaglnaLlve.
" Cood knowledge of Lhe Swlss markeL, menLallLy and Lrends.
" MasLery of word edlLors and deslgner sofLware (MS Words, MS
ubllsher, Adobe lndeslgn eLc.)
" MasLery of graphlc deslgn sofLware (Adobe hoLoshop, Adobe
lllusLraLor eLc.)

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" ueslgn web lnLerfaces.
" ueslgn of promoLlonal maLerlals (flyers, posLers eLc.).
" ueslgn of brochure and reference maLerlals for varlous evenLs.

>= B9@">)!>B=B C. 9@:B;?E

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28
o Web programmlng & deslgn (P1ML, P, CSS, !avaScrlpL,
!Cuery eLc.)
! #$%&''$()$)* +(&,-$).$/0-$ /0&12 3$0 45/'$,&5+67
o uaLabase managemenL (MySCL, Cracle eLc.).

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" ueslgn, creaLlon and updaLe of Web lnLerfaces.
" CreaLlon, malnLenance and LroubleshooLlng of daLabases.
" Web managemenL: keeplng Lhe webslLe up Lo daLe.
" llndlng new ways of promoLlng AlLSLC Ceneva onllne.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

)VX>;YP>X@; =@"I?>">)?B C. 9@:B;?E

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28
" ArLlsLlcally creaLlve and lmaglnaLlve.
" knowledgeable ln clnemaLographlc Lechnlques.
" Cood masLery of vldeo edlLlng Lools.
" Can wrlLe scrlpLs / screenplays.

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" AdmlnlsLer Lhe AlLSLC Ceneva ?ouLube channel.
" WrlLe scrlpLs for audlo/vldeo conLenLs.
" ulrecL, creaLe, edlL and proofread audlo/vldeo conLenLs.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.


" AdmlnlsLer web conLenLs:
o Cnce every 2 week.
o Wednesday aL 13h.
" 1roubleshooLlng.

/"0%#''1 2%3,'* "00'4*+ "*5 2"6%
" AdmlnlsLer conLenLs:
o 3 Llmes/day aL 11h, 13h & 20h.
o 4 days/week.
" Check & reply Lo posLs & prlvaLe messages: 1-2 Llmes/day.

" AdmlnlsLer posLs.
" Check & reply Lo posLs & prlvaLe messages: 1-2 Llmes/day.
" Lxpand neLwork of conLacLs.

" AdmlnlsLer posLs: once a day aL 14h.
" Check & reply Lo LweeLs: 1-2 Llmes/day.

:'4!4#% 0;"**%$
" AdmlnlsLer conLenLs: once a monLh.
" Check & reply Lo commenLs & prlvaLe messages: 1-2 Llmes/day.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

) *%(+ ,- Z +%+0%12 CW *%(+ 4%(3%12 (&3 N (337*7,&(4 +%+0%12E

$%&%1(4 1%2H,&270747*7%28
" Puman resources: recrulLmenL, allocaLlng members accordlng
Lo lA, Lo pro[ecLs and Lo evenLs
" 1alenL managemenL: personal developmenL, Lracklng, follow,
workshop organlse
" lnLernal/lnLerLeam communlcaLlon: confllcL solve,
admlnlsLraLlve managemenL (members roles), newsleLLer, mall,
whaLsapp news, sms, brochure abouL AlLSLC
" LC bondlng: evenLs' and LCMs' organlser, facebook group
" !!"#$%&' "$) *+,- !"# %&' ()*+,! #$%&'()*+ ,-$( ,' .$*$/0

$%&%1(4 56(47-7G(*7,&28
" 8espond wlLhln 12h
" llexlblllLy
" Soclable
" Smlllng
" loreseelng dlfflculL slLuaLlon and avold lL
" uncLual
" Crganlsed
" Asklng quesLlon when lL ls noL clear
" aLlenL
" CreaLlve
" Clve feedbacks and oplnlons acLlvely
" Wllllng Lo do admlnlsLraLlve work

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

IV<)? :@B;V:"@B CP9 =< )?X =I@ Z <@<A@:BE

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" CrganlsaLlon's sLrucLure:
" [ob descrlpLlons collecLlng
" organlgramme bulldlng and keep lL updaLed
" sLrucLurlng members daLa
" allocaLlng members accordlng Lo pro[ecLs and evenLs
" Lxperlenced members:
" 8eallocaLlon of old members
" CC elecLlons: accordlng Lo pro[ecLs deflned
" new members:
" 8ecrulLmenL plan: LargeLlng, deflne our LC's need
" romoLlon for recrulLmenL
" AppllcaLlon form analysls
" roceedlng Lo lnLervlew: analysls daLa, selecLlng, allocaLlng

!" A;?X>?$ C) =@)< !@)X@: )?X / ;=I@: <@<A@:BE

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" arLy, meal, ouLlng, exLra-acLlvlLles (plannlng 3 per semesLer)
" 8ound Lable dlscusslon (plannlng for LCMs)
" Mlnl conferences organlse
" lacebook group: [okes of Lhe day, funs corner, quoLes of Lhe day
(aL leasL 3 per week)
" LCM anlmaLlng

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

=)!@?= <)?)$@<@?= C) =@)< !@)X@: )?X / ;=I@: <@<A@:BE

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" Coachlng old members Lo Lhelr new funcLlons
" lnducLlon of new members
" Coachlng of new members
" Coal seLLlng form
" odlo Lracklng sysLem
" leedback form
" Speclal LalenLs spoLLlng or neLwork wldenlng
" LCM Workshop plannlng
" Clve [ members opporLunlLles Lo speak ln fronL of Lhe LC or of a
blg crowd
" Leadershlp developmenL: plpellne managemenL

>?=@:=@)< ";<<V?>")=>;? C) =@)< !@)X@: )?X )?;=I@: <@<A@:E

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" roposlng plaLform as Skype, facebook, emall, phone appllcaLlon,
dropbox, Cmall for Coogle doc, emall of AlLSLC, myalesec.neL.
1each members how Lo use Lhem.
" lnLroduclng 1M members Lo each Leam: each 1M member ls
responslble for a funcLlonal area. All members who have quesLlons
abouL admlnlsLraLlve procedure or abouL our LC or [ ln general,
should ask hls/her 1Mer dlrecLly or v 1M.
" luncLlonal area presenLaLlon: so LhaL members know where Lo
seek help. A member dlrecLory should be avallable.
" Conference preparaLlon
" ConfllcL solvlng

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

" newsleLLer: news, semesLer plan, LCM presenLaLlon, acLlvlLles
schedule, members of Lhe week (aL leasL 1 per monLh)

<)="I>?$ =@)< CW 9@:B;?BE

! F6(47-7G(*7,&2 8
" !"#$"%&'()* ,-&. /"#01&*%2 3 ,-)) .'4* &" 12* 56'-*2*/78*&9: '(-)-&6 &"
!"# %&'#( )*+ ,--+ .*-/(#+,# -0 "-'1)( 2#+1) 314#4 5)'#6--.7
" !"#$-!"#$%$& ()*!& (%+,-!"#. )#$ /-,")+
" !"##"$% '( )( *)+"$",'-*'"./ 0(-1
" !"#$%& ()"%*+&, !"!#"$% '( )*'"$+)", -.*/)/.'"%
" !"#$%&#'("&"## *% "+,'- ".*/"+"-0 12'34-0

! :%2H,&270747*7%2 8
" !"#$%&'( #%* &'#*+',- +*,.*$#&'( #%* .+/$*01+*- .+/2/#&/' /3 #%*
!"#$%"&'!(& #*+,%-& *#'$%& ./0&
" !""#$%& (") *+, +"-.$%& ! #$%&#'()* +&%, ,-)$ ./#0 %,- 12 %-(0
" !!"#$%&#' )!* )++#,, +)!*&*)"#, -#./$# ,#!*&!0 "1# )223&+)"&/! "/ "1#
" !"#$%&" ()" *+(",+-
" !"#$%&' )#%*+ %, -+,+./ 0%'1 2"$ %,'+$,& 0"3%,) %,
" !"#$#%&'( %*+ ,- %# ./ 01"%'+"2 &' #%*+" 3#4'%"5 &' #"6+" %# 7&'6 %*+ 8!

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

) *%(+ ,- [ +%+0%12

$%&%1(4 1%2H,&270747*7%28
" lund ralslng Lhrough sponsorshlp, parLnershlp, crowd
fundlng, eLc.
" MusL see superflclal lnvesLmenL and cuL Lhem as well as
flndlng good lnvesLmenL opporLunlLles
" keep a clear flnanclal slLuaLlon by successfully dolng all Lhe
bookkeeplng procedures (AccounLlng and audlLs mosLly)

RV?X :)>B>?$ CW 9@:B;?BE

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28
" Speak and wrlLe fluenLly ln lrench (Lngllsh ls opLlonal buL
" Cood communlcaLlon skllls.
" CreaL sales skllls
" 1o be able Lo Lhlnk ouL of Lhe box and flnd lnnovaLlve
ways Lo flnd money

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
# >& $%&%1(4
" ueslgn new pro[ecL LhaL could lnLeresL companles Lo fund
" Make a bookleL for each pro[ecL as our sale maLerlals

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

# / <(1K%* 1%2%(1GS%1
" llnd new poLenLlal parLner, funder
" ueflne Lhe general lnLeresL of Ceneva markeL

# . B(4%1
" ConLacLlng companles ln order Lo obLaln a meeLlng: cold
call, emall
" MeeLlng wlLh companles ln order Lo sale our producL,
negoLlaLlng and slgnlng sponsor conLracL

)BB>B=)?= )"";V?=)?=

! F6(47-7G(*7,&28
" 8aslc accounLlng knowledge (lmporLanL)
" Crganlzed
" 8esponslble and LrusLworLhy

! :%2H,&270747*7%28
" aymenL Lracklng sysLem
" Lnsure LhaL all Lhe documenLs are ready for audlLs
" 8udgeLlng for pro[ecL and lund ralslng

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

) *%(+ ,- . (2272*(&*\ / ;"92 (&3 .[ G,1% +%+0%12
$%&%1(4 (GS7%'%+%&*2 (7+%38
" 1o offer Lhe vlslblllLy Lo blg companles and SLarL-ups and glve
Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo recrulL sLudenLs ln Lhe unlverslLy
" MalnLaln our relaLlon wlLh blg companles.
" MalnLaln our relaLlon wlLh Lhe Alumnl.
" romoLe Lhe enLrepreneurshlp, Lhe leadershlp and Lhe
mulLlculLurallsm, as well as Lhe lun aspecL of AlLSLC Lhrough our
" Cffer knowledge Lo sLudenLs ln dlfferenL flelds Lhrough Lhe
" 8elng Lhe lmage of AlLSLC

$%&%1(4 56(47-7G(*7,&28
" 8espond ln 12h and be more avallable durlng evenLs.
" llexlble
" Sale and communlcaLlon skllls
" uynamlc
" Self-conLrol ln every slLuaLlons
" ragmaLlc/ ablllLy Lo adapL qulckly
" 1eam splrlL
" Cpen-mlnded and creaLlve
" Crganlzed
" Leadershlp sklll for CCs

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

"#$%&'()'*+ *, -.#+)$/
$!;A)! P>!!)$@8
! When? : Cn 16
of Aprll
! WhaL? : numerous sLands represenLlng dlfferenL counLrles $ food
speclallLles, dances, slnglng, culLure acLlvlLles. lL's Lo promoLe CCx.
! Where? : ln unlMall maln Pall
! 1eam members : 1 CC & 4 Core & 3 exLended members
! ConLacLs: Sponsors from Lhe prevlous years, unlverslLy SLudenLs who
hold sLand prevlous year, Mellna. Sponsors conLacLed by Ang.
Companles Lo Lake parL ln Lhls evenL also (L'Creal)
! MaLerlals: sLands, flags, decoraLlons, food, oLher loglsLlc eLc.
! romoLlon maLerlals: lacebook, Lmall Lo sLudenLs, flyers, posLers.

$!;A)! P>!!)$@ 9):=O8
! When? : followlng Lhe Clobal vlllage evenL
! WhaL? : A parLy baslng on a mulLlculLurallsL Lheme. Muslc and dance
! Where? : SLlll Lo declde
! 1eam members : 1 CC + 2 LxLended
! ConLacLs : ALMA assoclaLlon Lo cooperaLe wlLh, Sara as CC, renL a
! romoLlon maLerlals: Lmall Lo sLudenLs (aL Lhe same Llme as Clobal
vlllage evenL).

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

"):@@: X)OB

! When? : 13 Lo 17 Aprll 2014
! WhaL? : 3 conferences of 1 Lo 2 hours organlsed by Lhe companles for a
LargeL group of sLudenL. 1he alm for Lhe companles ls Lo flnd Lhe
sLudenLs capable and compeLenL Lo be Lhelr lnLerns.
! Where? : ln a semlnar room or hall of unlMAlL
! 1eam members: 3 Core
! ConLacLs : Ang Ll, Mazar, LPL, Schellenberg WlLLmer, unl Mall loglsLlc
! MaLerlals: lapLop, audlo-vlsual, eLc.
! romoLlon maLerlals: class shouLs and flyers.


! 8Lh Aprll 2014
! WhaL? : Showroom for sLarL-ups recrulLlng sLudenLs and LhaL need
! Where? : AL unl Mall maln Pall
! 1eam members : 3 Core & 3 exLended members
! ConLacLs : SLarL-ups prospecLed, unl1LC
! MaLerlals : Lables, grllles
! romoLlon maLerlal : class shouLs, flyers, lacebook

!" $%&%'( )*+,-)*+.

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