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by students of Dr. Zakir Naik and ahmed deedat. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Old Testament:
The Quran mention in !urah A"#Ara$ %hapter & 'er e ()&* +Tho e ,ho $o""o, the Me en-er. the un"ettere/ Prophet. ,hom the0 $in/ mentione/ in their o,n ( %ripture ) in the "a, an/ the 1o pe"+2

For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord Your God raise up unto You of Your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear In all things what-so e er he shall say unto You! "#$LY %I%L&' A(ts )* ++


A"mi-ht0 1o/ pea3 to Mo e in Boo3 o$ Deuteronom0 %hapter (4 'er e (4* +I ,i"" rai e them up a Prophet $rom amon- their brethren. "i3e unto thee. an/ I ,i"" put m0 ,or/ in hi mouth5 an/ he ha"" pea3 unto them a"" that I ha"" %omman/ him2+ The 6hri tian a0 that thi prophe%0 re$er to 7e u (pbuh) be%au e 7e u (pbuh) ,a "i3e Mo e (pbuh)2 Mo e (pbuh) ,a a 7e,. a ,e"" a 7e u (pbuh) ,a a 7e,2 Mo e (pbuh) ,a a Prophet an/ 7e u (pbuh) ,a a" o a Prophet2 I$ the e t,o are the on"0 %riteria $or thi prophe%0 to be $u"$i""e/. then a"" the Prophet o$ the Bib"e ,ho %ame a$ter Mo e (pbuh) u%h a !o"omon. I aiah. E8e3ie". Danie". Ho ea. 7oe". Ma"a%hi. 7ohn the Bapti t. et%2 (pbut) ,i"" $u"$i"" thi prophe%0 in%e a"" ,ere 7e, a ,e"" a prophet 2 Ho,e'er. it i Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) ,ho i "i3e Mo e (pbuh)* i) Both ha/ a $ather an/ a mother. ,hi"e 7e u (pbuh) ,a born mira%u"ou "0 ,ithout an0 ma"e inter'ention2 9Mathe, (*(4 an/ Lu3e (*:) an/ a" o A"#Qur;an :*<=#<&> ii) Both ,ere marrie/ an/ ha/ %hi"/ren2 7e u (pbuh) a%%or/in- to the Bib"e /i/ not marr0 nor ha/ %hi"/ren2 iii) Both /ie/ natura" /eath 2 7e u (pbuh) ha been rai e/ up a"i'e2 (<*()&#()4)

Muhamma/ (pbuh) i $rom amon- the brethren o$ Mo e (pbuh)2 Arab are brethren o$ 7e, 2 Abraham (pbuh) ha/ t,o on * I hmai" an/ I aa% (pbut)2 The Arab are the /e %en/ant o$ I hmai" (pbuh) an/ the 7e, are the /e %en/ant o$ I aa% (pbuh)2 ?or/ in the mouth* Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) ,a un"ettere/ an/ ,hate'er re'e"ation he re%ei'e/ $rom A"mi-ht0 1o/ he repeate/ them 'erbatim2 +I ,i"" rai e them up a Prophet $rom amon- their brethren. "i3e unto thee. an/ ,i"" put m0 ,or/ in hi mouth5 an/ he ha"" pea3 unto them a"" that I ha"" %omman/ him2+ 9Deuteronom0 (4*(4> i') Both be i/e bein- Prophet ,ere a" o 3in- i2e2 the0 %ou"/ in$"i%t %apita" puni hment2 7e u (pbuh) ai/. +M0 3in-/om i not o$ thi ,or"/2+ (7ohn (4*:@)2 ') Both ,ere a%%epte/ a Prophet b0 their peop"e in their "i$etime but 7e u (pbuh) ,a reAe%te/ b0 hi peop"e2 7ohn %hapter ( 'er e (( tate . +He %ame unto hi o,n. but hi o,n re%ei'e/ him not2+ i') Both brou-ht ne, "a, an/ ne, re-u"ation $or their peop"e2 7e u (pbuh) a%%or/in- to the Bib"e /i/ not brin- an0 ne, "a, 2 (Mathe, )*(&#(4)2

D"R (AR#"#) %OR *HR"!T"A#! '. "t is Mentioned in the boo+ o, Deuteronom- .hapter 1/:10
+An/ it ha"" %ome to pa . that ,ho oe'er ,i"" not har3en unto m0 ,or/ ,hi%h he ha"" pea3 in m0 name. I ,i"" reBuire it o$ him2+


Muhammad (pbuh) is prophesised in the boo+ o, "saiah:

It i mentione/ in the boo3 o$ I aiah %hapter =C 'er e (=* +An/ the boo3 i /e"i'ere/ to him that i not "earne/. a0in-. Rea/ thi . I pra0 thee* an/ he aith. I am not "earne/2+ ?hen Ar%han-e" 1abrai" %omman/e/ Muhamma/ (pbuh) b0 a0in- IBra # +Rea/+. he rep"ie/. +I am not "earne/+2

2. prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned b- name in the old testament:

Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) i mentione/ b0 name in the !on- o$ !o"omon %hapter ) 'er e (@* +Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem 2+

,ranslation* -#is mouth is most sweet* yea, he is a"to-ether "o'e"0 ,his is my belo ed, and this is my friend, $ daughters of .erusalem!/'

In the Hebre, "an-ua-e im i a//e/ $or re pe%t2 !imi"are"0 im i a//e/ a$ter the name o$ Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) to ma3e it Muhamma/im2 In En-"i h tran "ation the0 ha'e e'en tran "ate/ the name o$ Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) a +a"to-ether "o'e"0 but in the O"/ Te tament in Hebre,. the name o$ Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) i 0et pre ent2

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the #e3 Testament:

A"#Qur;an 6hapter @( Der e @* +An/ remember. 7e u . the on o$ Mar0. ai/. ;O 6hi"/ren o$ I rae"E I am the me en-er o$ A""ah ( ent) to 0ou. %on$irmin- the La, (,hi%h %ame) be$ore me an/ -i'in- -"a/ ti/in- o$ a me en-er to %ome a$ter me. ,ho e name ha"" be Ahme/2; But ,hen he %ame to them ,ith %"ear i-n . the0 ai/. ;Thi i e'i/ent or%er0E; + A"" the prophe%ie mentione/ in the O"/ Te tament re-ar/in- Muhamma/ (pbuh) be i/e app"0in- to the 7e, a" o ho"/ -oo/ $or the 6hri tian 2

1. 4ohn .hapter 12 5erse 16:

+An/ I ,i"" pra0 the Father. an/ he ha"" -i'e 0ou another 6om$orter (AHMED. PBUH). that he ma0 abi/e ,ith 0ou $ore'er2+

'. )ospel o, 4ohn .hapter 17 5erse '6:

+But ,hen the 6om$orter (AHMED (PBUH) i %ome. ,hom I ,i"" en/ unto 0ou $rom the Father. e'en the !pirit o$ truth. ,hi%h pro%ee/eth $rom the Father. he ha"" te ti$0 o$ me2+

1. )ospel o, 4ohn .hapter 16 5erse 8:

+Ne'erthe"e I te"" 0ou the truth5 it i eGpe/ient $or 0ou that I -o a,a0* $or i$ I -o not a,a0. the 6om$orter (AHMED (PBUH) ,i"" not %ome unto 0ou5 but i$ I /epart. I ,i"" en/ him unto 0ou+2 +Ahme/+ or +Muhamma/+ meanin- +the one ,ho prai e + or +the prai e/ one+ i a"mo t the tran "ation o$ the 1ree3 ,or/ Periclytos2 In the 1o pe" o$ 7ohn (<*(@. ()*=@. an/ (@*&2 The ,or/ ;6om$orter; i u e/ in the En-"i h tran "ation $or the 1ree3 ,or/ Paracletos ,hi%h mean a/'o%ate or a 3in/ $rien/ rather than a %om$orter2

Paracletos i the ,arpe/ rea/in- $or Periclytos2 7e u (pbuh) a%tua""0 prophe i e/ Ahme/ b0 name2 E'en the 1ree3 ,or/ Paraclete re$er to the Prophet (pbuh) ,ho i a mer%0 $or a"" %reature 2 !ome 6hri tian a0 that the 6om$orter mentione/ in the e prophe%ie re$er to the Ho"0 !prit2 The0 $ai" to rea"i e that the prophe%0 %"ear"0 a0 that on"0 i$ 7e u (pbuh) /epart ,i"" the 6om$orter %ome2 The Bib"e tate that the Ho"0 !pirit ,a a"rea/0 pre ent on earth be$ore an/ /urin- the time o$ 7e u (pbuh). in the ,omb o$ E"i8abeth. an/ a-ain ,hen 7e u (pbuh) ,a bein- bapti e/. et%2 Hen%e thi prophe%0 re$er to none other than Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh)2

2. )ospel o, 4ohn .hapter 16 5erse 1'912:

+I ha'e 0et man0 thin- to a0 unto 0ou. but 0e %annot bear them no,2 Ho,beit ,hen he. the !pirit o$ truth i %ome. he ,i"" -ui/e 0ou unto a"" truth* $or he ha"" not pea3 o$ him e"$5 but ,hat oe'er he ha"" hear. that ha"" he pea3* an/ he ,i"" he, 0ou thin- to %ome2 He ha"" -"ori$0 me+2 The !prit o$ Truth. po3en about in thi prophe%0 re$ere to none other than Prophet Muhamma/ (pbuh) be(ause he glorifies the 0esus "pbuh'! 2

%1, IF 1 2,ILL 2AY 3$ 3$ 3$ #$4 5A3 I 63$4 ,#A, ,#&2& 78$7#&2I&2 $3LY 8&F&8 ,$ 3$, $,#&8 ,#A3 78$7#&, M1#AMMA9 "7%1#'! $6 #$4 ,$ 63$4 ,#A, A3Y 78$7#&, 5$M& I2 ,81& $8 3$, A55$89I3G ,$ %I%L& 2I8 %elo ed, belie e not e ery 2pirit, but try the 2pirits whether they are of God; be(ause many false 7rophets are gone out into the 4orld! "#$LY %I%L&' : .ohn ;* :-)

%elo ed, belie e not e ery spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God* be(ause many false prophets are gone out into the world! #ereby know ye the 2pirit of God* & ery spirit that (onfesseth that .esus 5hrist is (ome in the flesh is of God* And e ery spirit that (onfesseth not that .esus 5hrist is (ome in the flesh is not of God*

and this is that <spirit= of anti(hrist, whereof ye ha e heard that it should (ome; and e en now already is it in the world!! ,he religious book whi(h (onfirms that .esus "7%1#' 5hrist of G$9 is holy >18A3

why not apply that a(id test whi(h the Master .esus "7%1#'! himself wanted you to apply to any would be (laimant to prophet hood? #e had said* %eware of false prophets, whi(h (ome to you in sheep@s (lothing, but inwardly they are ra ening wol es! Ye shall know them by their fruits ! 9o men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? & en so e ery good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a (orrupt tree bringeth forth e il fruit! A good tree (annot bring forth e il fruit, neither (an a (orrupt tree bring forth good fruit! & ery tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down , and (ast into the fire! 4herefore by their fruits ye shall know them! "Matthew A*:B-+C'! 3ow see the fruits that Islam gi es us 4e "Muslims' ha e the lowest al(oholi( (on(eption rate in the world! 4hi(h prote(t us from many e il a(ts su(h as rape, murdered, a((idents, gambling, many deases su(h as li er failure brain hamrage et(! $nly religion on the fa(e of the earth whi(h gi es u the solution of surplus women in the world is Islam! ,here are billions of more women than men what about them! 4e ha e the lowest di or(e rate in the world! 4e ha e the lowest gambling rate in the world! 4e are the least raises people! 4e are the most hygieni( people "personal hygiene'! 4e are one brotherhood! 4e ha e no (ast system in Islam! 4e are (ir(um(ised and the s(ien(e tells us the man who is (ir(um(ised has fewer (han(es of AI92! ,he man ha ing (lean beard "washing fi e times a day' has less (han(es of lungs (an(er 4e ha e answer to all the problems of man kind su(h as robbery, murdered, and e er problem
NOTE* A"" Buotation o$ the Bib"e are ta3en $rom the Hin- 7ame Der ion

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