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The Online Code Environment and Advocacy Network


The current national model code for residential construction is
the 2009 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code). Tennes-
see’s mandatory residential code—the 2003 IECC—is signifi-
cantly outdated.
The current national code for commercial construction is the
ASHRAE 90.1-2007 (American Society of Heating Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Engineers). The state does not have a man-
datory commercial code.
Buildings in the residential and commercial sectors account for
39 percent of the state’s total energy use and 68 percent of its Blount County, Tennessee
electricity use, representing a significant opportunity Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons, Credit
for energy savings.
Retail and office buildings constructed to meet the requirements of the IECC can be as much as 30-40 percent
more energy efficient than typical buildings not constructed to meet the energy code.
While Tennessee has significant nuclear and hydroelectric power sources, it still relies on coal transported from
other states for over 60 percent of its electricity generation.
Tennessee leads the country in per capita residential electricity consumption, due in part to high air condition-
ing demand during the summer and the widespread use of electricity for home heating during the generally mild
winter months. Electricity is the primary source of energy for home heating in more than 50% of Tennessee
Low-income households typically spend 17 percent of their total
annual income on energy, compared with four percent for other
If Tennessee adopts and enforces the 2009 IECC, the yearly resi-
dential sector savings for 2010 to 2030 would be:
19 trillion Btu of energy, the equivalent of providing electricity
to roughly 144,000 US homes for an entire year
1.4 million metric tons of CO2, the equivalent of annual green-
house gas emissions for roughly 248,000 passenger vehicles
$125 million (Note: $125 million would pay more than the full
Graceland Estate, Memphis, Tennessee undergraduate tuition of all students currently attending private
Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons, Credit universities in Tennessee.)

Brian Sernulka is a Program Manager for the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). He is in
charge of Southern States Advocacy and works out of our Atlanta office. For more information,
please contact him at or (404) 433-9293.

OCEAN is an online resource of the Building Codes Assistance Project

BCAP 1330 W. Peachtree St. NW 4th Floor | Atlanta, GA 30309 BCAP
The Online Code Environment and Advocacy Network


What are energy codes?
Energy Codes are a subset of a broader collection of written
legal requirements known as building codes, which govern
the design and construction of residential and commercial
structures. Building codes protect individuals from substan-
dard living and working conditions by setting minimum stan-
dards for acceptable practice. Energy codes address increas-
ing the energy efficiency of building systems.
Where did they come from?
Courtesy of DOE-NREL, Credit--Warren Gretz
In the United States, national model energy codes were cre-
ated in response to the energy and economic crises of the 1970s. In 1978, Congress passed legislation requiring
states to initiate energy efficiency standards for new buildings. The first national codes were the American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90-77 and the Model Energy Code (MEC) 1983.
Since then, energy codes have undergone significant improvements, particularly in the last decade. Today, ASH-
RAE Standard 90.1-2007 and the 2009 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code) are the national model
codes, and each is updated on a three-year cycle.
How do they work?
Energy codes reference areas of construction such as wall and ceiling insulation, window and door specifications,
HVAC equipment efficiency, and lighting fixtures. Usually, there are two methods for compliance. The most com-
mon method is the prescriptive approach, in which the code stipulates the stringency of the materials and equip-
ment the builder must use. For the performance approach, the code allocates a total allowable energy use for a
building, and the builder can choose the materials and equipment that will meet this target.
Why adopt them?
In the United States, buildings use one third of our total energy and two-thirds of our electricity. By reducing en-
ergy demand, energy codes help protect occupants’ long-term interests and provide substantial benefits for soci-
ety, such as decreased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and increased national energy security and utility
system reliability. Moreover, they reduce energy bills and create a more comfortable indoor environment.
How can BCAP help?
Energy codes are extremely technical and complex. Determining how to use them effectively to achieve a variety
of national, state and local goals can be daunting. As a non-profit advocacy organization with 15 years of energy
code adoption and implementation expertise, we can develop a comprehensive energy code program that lever-
ages existing technical and advocacy resources, tailored to fit your government’s unique needs. BCAP can help you
improve the effectiveness of your code programs and ensure their long-term sustainability.
For more information, please visit us at:

OCEAN is an online resource of the Building Codes Assistance Project

BCAP 1330 W. Peachtree St. NW 4th Floor | Atlanta, GA 30309 BCAP

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