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I. Chief Executive Officer(s). The NorthernandSouthernCEO(s)shallprepareand presideover all meetings of the Board. The chair of the Board meeting will be the Coordinator ofthe regionin whichthe meetingisbeing held. The Coordinators shall formulate an agenda for the LMSAWEST Board meetings, and distribute the agenda one week prior to the Boardmeeting. Approvingtheminutes ofthe prior meetingwillbe thefirstorder of business and additions to the agenda will be thesecond orderateach LMSAWESTBoard meeting.TheCEO(s) shall enact the decisions of the Executive Board and the LMSAWEST Board. The CEO(s) shall represent the Association in all matters as demanded by organizational needs. TheCEO(s)shallexerciseageneralsupervision over all the affairs of the Association and coordinate and facilitate communication to completeanyorganizational projects. The CEO(s) shall inform the LMSAWEST Board and its committees of the state of affairs of the AssociationattheAnnualConferenceMeetingandattheQuarterlyLegislativeAssemblymeeting. In the absence of the CEO(s), the CoordinatorElect shall proceed, and in his or her absence, the Chief FinancialOfficershallfulfillallofthedutiesoftheCoordinatorpreviouslydescribed. II.ChiefExecutiveOfficerElect:TheproposalapprovedonFebruary18th,2012formallytransitionstheVP ofCommunicationspositionintotheCEOElectposition.Inanefforttoincreasethecontinuityamongstthe CEOpositiontheCEOElectwouldfunctionasaCEOintraining.MosttangiblytheCEOElectofficerwould functionastheLMSANationalLiaisonandinordertoeffectivelyrepresenttheLMSAWestorganizationto LMSANational,theywouldregularlymeetwiththecurrentCEOs.RolesofCEOElect:FunctionasLMSA NationalLiaisonordelegatetoensureliaisontasksaretakenoutonbehalfofregion,MeetMonthlyona ConferenceCallwithCEOs,AttendatleastoneLMSANationalMeeting,ActivelyRecruitfortheNextYears ExecutiveBoard,ManagetheOrganizationsFB/Twitteraccountsandotheradvertisingmedia. III. Chief Financial Officer. TheCFO shallhavecharge,controlandberesponsible forallfundsandsecurities of the Association, receive and give receipts for monies paid tothe Association from anysource whatsoever, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Association in such banks, trust companiesor other depositoriesas may be authorized by the LMSAWEST Board. At all reasonable times, the CFO shall exhibit the books of account and records to the LMSAWEST Board upon application during normal business hours of the Associationandits principal place of business. The CFO shall render a statement of condition of the Association at all regular meetings of the LMSAWEST Board. The CFO may delegate some of those functions described above to a

designee approved by the LMSAWEST Board. The CFO shall perform such otherdutiesas maybe prescribed by the LMSAWEST Board from time to time. The CFO shall plan the LMSAWEST budget along with the Northern/Southern Coordinators and Executive Director for the fiscal year and is responsible for supervising the collectionofduesandcoordinatefundraisingactivities. IV. Chief Information Officer. The CIO shall keep a book of minutes of all meetings of Coordinators and members, with the time and place of holding of the meetings, whether regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, and the names of those present at such meetings. The CIO shall keep an uptodate membership database containing the name and address of each member and the date when he or she became a member. The CIO shall give notice of all meetings of the members and of the LMSAWEST Board required by the Bylaws or by law to be. In the case of the absence, disability, refusal or neglect of the CIO to make service or publication of any notices, then such notices may be served and published by theCoordinatoror CoordinatorElect. The CIOmaydelegatesomeofthosefunctionsdescribedabovetoa designeeapproved by the LMSAWEST Board. The CIO shall keep a complete record of the correspondences and proceedings of the organization and send email notification of meetings to all representatives. The CIO shall conduct all voting, elections, and record the final outcome. The CIO shall take minutes at all Legislative Assembly meetings and forward the minutes to all members at least 2 weeks before the next meeting and bring copiesofthe minutesfor allthememberstothemeetings. V. VP of Newsletter. The VP of Newsletter shall produce and setpublication dates forissuesofthe quarterly bulletin. The VP of Newsletter shall solicit articles, reports, and notices to be included in the Bulletin from LMSAWEST members, LMSAWESTalumni,politician(s), orany other healthprofessional orentity. TheVP of Newsletter is also responsible for coordinating the distribution of any printed materials. The VP of Newsletter shallplanandcoordinateanyotherpublicationstheorganizationmaychoosetocreate. VI. VP of Scholarships. The VP of Scholarships shall be responsible for coordinating the selection of eachof thefollowingscholarshipandheadthecommittee(s)inchargeofselectingawardrecipients:

TheLMSAWESTJanineGonzalezMCATScholarship TheRichardJuarezCommitmenttotheCommunityAward LMSAWESTCommunityServiceAward LMSAWESTFaculty/AdvisorServiceAward SiSePuedeScholarship AmandaPerezScholarship MSRoftheYearAward

VII. VP of Mentorship (2). The VPs of Mentorship are charged with heading our LMSAWEST Regional Mentorship program. Each local mentorship program shall provide academic and social support to prehealth students at a regional level and commit to the recruitment of Latinos into thehealth field. TheMentorshipChairs shall supervise the Mentorship Program at each LMSAWEST regional chapter, as well asprovideprogramming and resources to the Mentorship Program at each LMSAWEST regional chapter. The Mentorship Chairsshall maintain continual contact with Mentorship Program Coordinators. The Mentorship Chairs shall maintain an uptodata base of all participants in Mentorship Programs and assist in establishing contacts and onlinenetwork withLMSAWESTundergraduatecollegeoruniversityaffiliates. VIII. VP of Website. The Webmastershallproduce andsetyearlyprotocolsonmaintenanceofLMSAWEST website. The established LMSAWEST website shouldbeevaluated andassessedatthebeginningoftheyearto fit the needs of the membership and chapters. The Webmaster will formulate a website evaluation protocol and report data to the LMSAWEST board twice a year, and receive input and support on needed changes. The Webmaster can recommend changing website company for the year, but the board will have ultimate say. The webmaster is also in charge of soliciting and organizing any information from the LMSAWEST organization and its members for website use. The Webmaster with the assistance from the finance committee will establish financialmeanstomaintaintheLMSAWESTwebsite. IX. VP of Community Affairs. The VP of Community Affairs is responsible for developing a professional relationship with other community organizations or entities that have goals that are aligned with that of this organization. The goal of this relationship is to collaborateonvarious communityeffortsto strengthenourefforts. The VP ofCommunityAffairsisalso chargedwith thetasktofollowestablished protocol anddefine our stanceon anyissuesthataffectourorganizationortheLatinocommunityingeneral. X. VP of LMSAWEST History. The VP ofLMSAWEST History is responsibleforcapturingand tracingall of the important momentsintheorganizationshistorythrough various meansof communication(written,video,and photos). The VP of LMSAWEST History will organize and maintain LMSAWEST records, scrapbooks, pictures and other documents throughout the year. VPof History shallmaintainthe mostcurrentConstitution and Bylaws that are reflective of all amendments that have been approved in thepast,aswellas going forward. The VP of History shall have a working knowledge of the Constitution and Bylaws in order to serve as a resource during meetings. The VP of LMSAWEST History will strive to promote and emphasize the importance of any significant change, event, etc. The sole purpose of this position will enhance recruitment and retention of our membership through innovative historical events such as an annual LMSAWEST Founders Celebration wherein all members may grow in their knowledge of the heritage and traditions of our LMSAWEST familia. Effective immediatelyApril2012LMSAWestConference. XI. VP ofConference and RegionalPrograms. The VPofConference andRegionalPrograms isresponsible to establish communication between the LMSAWEST Regional Conference Coordinators and all of the LMSAWEST local chapters + LMSAWEST Regional Board. The VP of Conference and Regional Programs will attain all of the information needed from the chapters and consolidating it for use. For example, LMSAWEST local chapter graduation lists medical school advertisement logos and information for conference program. The VP of Conference and Regional Programs will continue recruiting exhibitors (Medical Schools,

Residency, Health programs, etc) and add these contacts to the existing database. The VP of Conference and Regional Programs will work directly with theLMSAWESTRegional Conference coordinators andprovidethem withLMSAWESTregionalsupport. XII. Duties of Medical Student Representative(MSR). The MSRwill represent theirlocalchapter ateach LMSAWEST Board meeting. At these meetings the MSR will vote on behalf of their chapter on issues presented. Theywill coordinatecommunicationandinteractionbetweentheir chapter andLMSAWEST regional. MSRs are responsible for reporting back to local chapters and distribute regional bulletins received at regional meetings within 1weekafterthe LMSAWESTRegionalBoardmeeting. EachMSR is responsiblefor submitting an activities report prior toeach regionalmeeting(4 timesa year). The deadline forsubmission willbedetermined by the CIO. MSRreports should include thefollowing: past events, upcoming eventswith thedateof theevent,a 23 sentence description and outcomes. In the event that neither MSR can attend, please notify the Northern and/or Southern Coordinators with a replacement designated by the chapter. This will allow the acting replacement to report events occurring at your school and cast votes. Each MSRisresponsible forsubmittinga bulletinarticleperquartertoreceivemoneyfromLMSAWEST. XIII. VP of Undergraduate Relations. The VP of Undergraduate Relations will represent all of the Undergraduate club members throughout the region. The VP of UR will oversee and maintain constant communication with each Undergraduate Representative. The VP of UR will attend all LMSAWESTRegional board meetings throughout the year. The VP of URs primary purpose is to support the LMSAWEST MentorshipprogrambyprovidinguptodatefeedbackandsupportingtheLMSAWESTVPsofMentorship. XIV. Duties of Northern and Southern Undergraduate Representative (UGR). The UGR will represent and establish a relationship between LMSAWEST Regional and their undergraduate club members. The UGR must provide LMSAWEST with updates on future events (Health Fairs, Premed conferences, etc). One (1) UGR affiliated with each LMSAWEST Chapter will be encouraged to attend LMSAWEST Board meetings at their respective region. Funding for UGR travelwillbelefttothediscretion ofindividualLMSAWESTchapters. The UGR will help coordinate mentorship activities with the designated mentorship contact of their affiliated LMSAWEST Chapter. The UGR will collect articles for the LMSAWEST Bulletin for prehealth club members and inform the Newsletter Editor about future events (conferences, seminars, etc.). The UGR will distributethebulletintotargetedprehealthorganizations. XV. VP of Policy. The VP of Policy will be held accountable to the regional executive board duties and expectations. The VP of Policy will meet the objectives and goals of thepolicy committee. TheVPof Policywill make sure there is proper representation among all LMSAWEST chapters. The VP of Policy will be theliaison between the policy committeeandLMSAWEST membership.The VPofPolicy willhaveregularcommunication with policy committee members i.e. teleconferences, email, etc. The VP of Policy will be responsible for preparingfinalpolicystanceproposalstoregionalboardmeetingsforvoting. XVI.VPofGrantwriting.TheVPofgrantwritingwillcoordinatewiththeexecutiveboardandBoardof Advisorsongrantsandagenciestoapplyforgeneralfunding.TheVPofgrantwritingwillassisttheVPof ConferenceandRegionalConferenceChairsinfundraising,andmaintainingagrantdatabase,andanypastgrant applicationsfortheLMSAWESTRegionalConference.TheVPofgrantwritingwillsubmitonegrantproposalby

theSummerLeadershipconferenceandaminimumofthreegrantproposalsbytheRegionalConference.TheVP ofGrantWritingwillnotberequiredtoattendallregionalmeetings.Reimbursementforattendingaregional meetingwillnotbeguaranteedandmustbeapprovedbytheCEOsandCFO. XVII. VP ofAlumniRelations.TheVPofAlumni Relationsisarelatively new position, having beenestablished in 2007. This position therefore is one that continues to evolve. The overall goal of the position is to have an individualthatmaintainsandgathersinformationaboutLMSAalumni. Dutiesinclude: Maintain and expand the LMSA alumni list. This includes adding the most recent graduatingclassto thealumni list and ensuring that contact information is gathered for graduating members. Thisalsoincludesmakingsurethat alumni information is up todate.Serving asaliaisonbetweencurrentLMSAmembersand LMSAalumni. Helping tocoordinatefundraisingeffortsthatinvolvealumni. Gathering dataonalumni. ThefirstVPof Alumni Relationscompleted aphysicians survey thatwas completedby 70+ LMSAalumni. Datafromthisand futuresurveysare importantto cataloguewhere our currentalumni areand what field they are specializing in. Aiding with alumni portion of regional conferences. This may include calling alumniorsendingfliers/conferencecorrespondence. FutureDirection ConnectingalumniwithcurrentLMSAmembersthatareinterestedinthatparticularspecialty. Websiteforalumni,includingawebpagewherealumniareabletoregister. Alumni focused newsletter that can be mailed/emailed to alumni to keep them updated on LMSA activitiesand

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