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Part 5: Phrasal Verbs. Fill in the blanks. Use a two-part verb from the list.

Sometimes you will need to add a pronoun, such as me, her, him, it, or them. call off drop off fill out get back look up call up figure out find out get by

1. Be sure to write your student ID number when you ____________ the form. 2. Call me as soon as (, tan pronto como, ) you ____________ from your vacation. I want to hear about everything you saw and did! 3. He didn't know very much about the Chinese Cultural Revolution (, ), so he ____________ in the encyclopedia (, ). He was shocked (, se indign al, ) to learn that the government had killed about one million people, and at least seven million died from hunger. 4. He read the instructions, but he still couldn't ____________ how to operate (, hacer funcionar, ) the machine. 5. I'm afraid to talk to him about. Here's his number. Why don't you _______________? 6. Jimmy's mom ______________ at school in the morning, and his father picks him up at 3:00. 7. We have both lost our jobs, and we have used up (=used all) our savings. We are struggling (*trying very hard, , luchar, ) to ____________. 8. When she ____________ that her boyfriend had slept with her best friend, she broke up (separated, , romper con l, ) with him. 9. When she learned that he had been married three times before, she decided to ___________ the wedding.

Part 5: Phrasal Verbs. Fill in the blanks. Use a two-part verb from the list. Sometimes you will need to add a pronoun, such as me, her, him, it, or them. call off drop off fill out get back look up call up figure out find out get by

1. Be sure to write your student ID number when you ____________ the form. 2. Call me as soon as (, tan pronto como, ) you ____________ from your vacation. I want to hear about everything you saw and did! 3. He didn't know very much about the Chinese Cultural Revolution (, ), so he ____________ in the encyclopedia (, ). He was shocked (, se indign al, ) to learn that the government had killed about one million people, and at least seven million died from hunger. 4. He read the instructions, but he still couldn't ____________ how to operate (, hacer funcionar, ) the machine. 5. I'm afraid to talk to him about. Here's his number. Why don't you _______________? 6. Jimmy's mom ______________ at school in the morning, and his father picks him up at 3:00. 7. We have both lost our jobs, and we have used up (=used all) our savings. We are struggling (*trying very hard, , luchar, ) to ____________. 8. When she ____________ that her boyfriend had slept with her best friend, she broke up (separated, , romper con l, ) with him. 9. When she learned that he had been married three times before, she decided to ___________ the wedding.
56Int022402 Roland Trego 02/24/2002 revised 2/18/2014 7:27 PM

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