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Office of the Registrar University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA 30118 The grading system sed !

y the University "ystem of Georgia of #hich the University of West Georgia is a $art is as follo#s% Grade of A & ' $oints Grade of ) & 3 $oints Grade of C & + $oints Grade of ( & 1 $oint Grade of * & 0 $oints

The grade $oint average is calc lated !y dividing the total n m!er of $oints earned for each co rse ta,en !y the total n m!er of credit ho rs ta,en- A G.A is a #eighted average- This means that some co rses have more of an effect on yo r G.A than others*or e/am$le, .rinci$les of Chemistry 00 1C234 1+1+56 is #orth ' credit ho rs, ! t Com$ ters and "ociety 1C" 10+06 is only #orth + credit ho rs- This means that ma,ing a good grade 1or a !ad one76 in chemistry #ill have t#ice as m ch !earing on yo r G.A as ma,ing the same grade in C" 10+0- Th s, a ) in chemistry #o ld !e 8' Credit 2o rs9 / 839 & 81+ : ality .oints9 o t of a total $ossi!le 1; : ality .oints 1if yo made an A, yo #o ld get 1; instead of 1+6- The act al G.A calc lation is then < st division% the total n m!er of : ality .oints divided !y the total n m!er of Credit 2o rs- 0n this case, 81+ : ality .oints9 = 8' Credit 2o rs9 & 83-009To ma,e the e/am$le slightly more com$licated, let>s s $$ose yo too, C" 10+0 as #ell and made an A- That #o ld give yo 8 : ality .oints- ?o r G.A for the t#o classes #o ld then !e 8+0 : ality .oints9 = 8; Credit 2o rs9 & 83-339Co rse $oints are calc lated !y m lti$lying the grade $oints times the n m!er of credit ho rs for the co rse- *or e/am$le, if a st dent earns a grade of A 1' $oints6 in a co rse #hich carries 3 credit ho rs, the co rse $oints #o ld !e 1+ 1' / 363/am$le% Co Co Co Co Co rse 1 rse + rse 3 rse ' rse A Totals Credit ho rs 3 3 3 1 3 13 Grade A C ) ( * Co rse $oints 1+ 13 / '6 ; 13 / +6 @ 13 / 36 1 11 / 16 0 13 / 06 +8

Grade $oint average is +8 divided !y 13 & +-1A Grade $oint averages are not ro nded $A G.A of +-8B is not a +-@0

0f yo have #ithdra#n from a co rse !efore the #ithdra#al date and yo r transcri$t sho#s a W, that co rse does not co nt to#ards yo r G.A- 0f yo #ithdra# after that date, yo r transcri$t #ill sho# a W* and that co rse will co nt to#ards yo r G.A 1as a Cero6A st dent may re$eat a co rse ta,en at West Georgia in order to re$lace an earlier grade earned in a co rse ta,en *all 1@@; or later- Grades earned in co rses ta,en at other instit tions cannot re$lace grades earned in co rses ta,en at the University of West Georgia- 0n the case of co rses #ith varia!le co rse titles, the re$eated co rse m st have the e/act same title as the original co rse- )eginning " mmer "emester +001, st dents can re$eat D0(" +001, +00+, and +100 and se the grade re$lacement r les regardless of the titles of the co rses ta,en- The academic standing and grad ation G.A #ill !e !ased on the last attem$t at all co rses ta,en at the instit tionEote that yo r last attem$t at the co rse is #hat co nts- 0f yo ta,e a co rse once ma,ing a ( and then ta,e it again ma,ing an *, it>s the * that co nts7 * rther note that grades are not re$laced in calc lating yo r F2o$e G.A-F 0f the fo rGdigit co rse n m!er is !elo# 1000, the co rse #ill not co nt to#ards yo r G.A-

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