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!"#$%"& ( )**$%"& ( !&+#$%"&

#$%&' ls a comprehenslve plaLform, whlch alms Lo enable access Lo learnlng
opporLunlLles Lo lndlvlduals and help Lhem carve a successful career for
Lhemselves. 1he vlslon behlnd ls Lhe democraLlzaLlon of educaLlon by brldglng Lhe
dlsparlLy LhaL ls apparenL ln Lhe academlc lnsLlLuLlons.

We belleve LhaL learnlng ls a collaboraLlve process LhaL can be achleved by uslng
Lhe followlng meLhods ln close co-ordlnaLlon.
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- 1each
- Culde
- Counsel
- LvaluaLe
- Analyse
key LmployablllLy
lndla has Lhe largesL, youngesL
populaLlon ln Lhe world
2942 degree level englneerlng
lnsLlLuLlons approved by AlC1L wlLh
an lnLake of abouL 10 lakh sLudenLs
Cnly 23 percenL of Lechnlcal
graduaLes and 10-13 percenL of oLher
graduaLes are consldered employable
by Lhe rapldly growlng l1 and l1LS
Crowlng skllls gap reflecLlng Lhe
sllm avallablllLy of hlgh-quallLy college
educaLlon ln lndla and Lhe galloplng
pace of Lhe counLry's servlce-drlven
SofLware and 8C secLors, whlch
already spend 8s 3,400 crore on
Lralnlng every year and are pro[ecLlng
a need for 10 mllllon workers by
2020, nearly four Llmes Lhe currenL
2.34 mllllon
Slgnals are clear LhaL Lhe lndlan
youLh, Lhough academlcally quallfled
ls sLlll noL employable


P8 nlghLmare
1he greaLesL asseL a servlce company
has ls Lhe people who are worklng for
lL. An able and moLlvaLed manpower
has become Lhe slngle mosL
lmporLanL feaLure drlvlng Lhe
company Lo success.
Companles Loday are spendlng blg
bucks ln brlnglng on board, Lralnlng
and reLalnlng quallLy resources. WlLh
a large ma[orlLy of young people noL
havlng Lhe adequaLe skllls necessary
for a workplace, large companles llke
lnfosys have sLarLed caLchlng Lhem
young and lnvesLlng blg bucks and
developlng Lhe skllls Lhrough carefully
charLed Lralnlng plans.
Powever, smaller companles cannoL
afford Lo spend LhaL klnd of money
Lralnlng and preparlng resources Lo
work for Lhem. neverLheless,
procurlng a quallLy resource and
reLalnlng hlm ls as lmporLanL for
1he enLlre lnnovaLlon process of a
company beglns wlLh LalenLed
people. Powever, hlrlng Lhe rlghL
person Lo flll a poslLlon can be a
dlfflculL declslon Lo make, and Lhe cosL
of chooslng lncorrecLly can be hlgh.
)**+,-. /* 0 102 &34+
1he prlce of a bad hlre adds up ln a
varleLy of ways. 1he mosL common are
1. Less producLlvlLy
2. LosL Llme Lo recrulL and Lraln anoLher
3. CosL Lo recrulL and Lraln anoLher
4. Lmployee morale negaLlvely affecLed
3. negaLlve lmpacL on cllenLs
6. lewer sales
7. Legal lssues
llndlng Lhe rlghL candldaLe ls a very
dlfflculL Lask for Lhe P8 because of Lhe
followlng reasons:
8esumes are exaggeraLed
Many people can lnLervlew beLLer
Lhan Lhey can perform, whlle
some lnLervlew worse Lhan Lhey
1he process of resume
Why 3kSPA?
1he academlc scenarlo Loday presenLs a glarlng dlfference beLween whaL ls LaughL
ln classrooms and whaL ls requlred by Lhe lndusLry. 1he currlculum ls ouLdaLed and
ls compleLely ouL of sync wlLh Lhe markeL reallLles. 1hls leaves Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
sLudenL populaLlon lll prepared for Lhe rlgors of a professlonal envlronmenL,
resulLlng ln under performance.
1he absence of Lhe followlng ls whaL sLops a sLudenL from achlevlng hls Lrue
! CuallLy of laculLy
! lnfrasLrucLure aL dlsposal
! lndusLry Lxposure
! 8lch Alumnl 8ase
! MoLlvaLed & urlven eer Croup
! PollsLlc uevelopmenLal LnvlronmenL

We aL #$%&' alm Lo provlde a parallel learnlng envlronmenL LhaL complemenLs
Lhe academlc sLrucLure and helps Lhe sLudenLs ln areas where lL lacks, preparlng
Lhem accordlng Lo Lhe needs of Lhe lndusLry, and Lhereby helplng Lhem Lo carve
successful careers for Lhemselves.
We have carefully drafLed a program, whlch wlll help Lhe sLudenLs ralse Lhelr skllls
and ablllLles ln splLe of Lhe lack of Lhe above llsLed enablers ln Lhelr own academlc

3kSPA wlll help Lhe sLudenLs by provldlng Lhem Lhe Lools, skllls and Lhe confldence
Lo acqulre Lhe necessary skllls requlred Lo succeed ln Lhe hlghly compeLlLlve
professlonal envlronmenL.
7038 9+0-:4+.;
! Access Lo exLenslve llbrary of quesLlons for LesLlng varlous sklll-seLs requlred wlLh
Lhe flexlblllLy Lo deslgn LesLs around speclflc requlremenLs
" Skllls 1esLs: Pelp verlfy candldaLes' Lechnlcal skllls before you hlre Lhem.
" CognlLlve AblllLy 1esL: 1hls LesL assesses numerlcal ablllLy, verbal ablllLy and
absLracL reasonlng Lo predlcL fuLure [ob performance.
" Work references roflle: 1hls LesL assesses Lhe perfecL [ob flL for Lhe person
Lo predlcL fuLure [ob performance.
" 8ehavloral roflle: undersLand how candldaLes are llkely Lo approach
problems, lnLeracL wlLh oLhers ln Lhe work envlronmenL.
! lndusLry Lxposure Lhrough:
" lnLeracLlon wlLh people worklng ln dlfferenL lndusLrles.
" CrlenLaLlon and guldance abouL how Lo prepare for Lhe acLual work
envlronmenL, boLh menLally and sklll wlse.
! ln-house Leam of experLs for varlous verLlcals Lo provlde guldance Lo Lhe sLudenLs
on academlc, professlonal and personal fronL.
! Workshops for speclallzed preparaLlon for Lhe placemenL process and [ob markeL
lncludlng sesslons wlLh hlrlng managers of Lop companles and lndusLry
! CuesL Lalks and lecLures from emlnenL academlclan and lndusLry professlonals Lo
lnsLlll Lhe deslre Lo learn and an lnLeresL ln Lhe sub[ecL.
! romoLlng hollsLlc growLh by helplng develop sofL skllls llke Leamwork, worklng
under pressure, communlcaLlon and leadershlp
3kSPA for SLudenLs

3kSPA for CorporaLes
1he greaLesL asseL a servlce company ls Lhe people who are worklng for lL. An able
and moLlvaLed manpower has become Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL feaLure drlvlng Lhe
company Lo success.
Companles Loday are spendlng blg bucks ln brlnglng on board, Lralnlng and reLalnlng
quallLy resources. WlLh a large ma[orlLy of young people noL havlng Lhe adequaLe
skllls necessary for a workplace, large companles llke lnfosys have sLarLed caLchlng
Lhem young and lnvesLlng blg bucks and developlng Lhe skllls Lhrough carefully
charLed Lralnlng plans.
Powever, smaller companles cannoL afford Lo spend LhaL klnd of money Lralnlng and
preparlng resources Lo work for Lhem. neverLheless, procurlng a quallLy resource
and reLalnlng hlm ls as lmporLanL for Lhem as for a blgger flrm.
ShorL llsLlng wlll be made on Lhe basls of a composlLe score dependenL on a varleLy
of parameLers, whlch facLor ln Lhe performance of Lhe candldaLe over a conLlnued
perlod of assoclaLlon wlLh #$%&' and noL a slngle evaluaLlon alone.
1he followlng are Lhe parameLers, whlch are Laken lnLo conslderaLlon whlle comlng
up wlLh Lhe shorLllsL:
! ApLlLude 1esL
! 8ehavloral 1esL
! 1echnlcal sklll 1esL (8elevanL Lo Lhe posL applled for)
! 8esume

1he shorLllsLed candldaLes can Lhen be enrolled ln Lhe acLual selecLlon process:
" Company Managed: 1esLs can be creaLed on our porLal and admlnlsLered
followed by Lhe lnLervlew process
" LrudlLe Managed: LrudlLe can manage Lhe Lechnlcal LesLs and Lhe lnlLlal rounds
of lnLervlews

AbouL us
!"#$%&' )*+&,-"' -.$ /'-".%.0
)*1#&%*.2 ls a one sLop shop for provldlng
soluLlons Lo small/ medlum buslnesses. ln
Lhls day and age of lnLerneL predomlnance
and convergence, an onllne presence for all
buslnesses has ceased Lo be a dlfferenLlaLor
and has become a necesslLy. 8uslnesses
have been lefL wlLh no cholce buL Lo elLher
caLch up or perlsh. We speclallze ln
provldlng hassle free soluLlons, helplng
buslnesses achleve success.
key Lo our buslness model ls Lhe
undersLandlng LhaL 3.' 2%4' $*'2.5& +%& -11".
All buslnesses are dlfferenL and requlre
dlfferenL soluLlons Lo achleve hlghesL level
of producLlvlLy and achleve besL resulLs.
We prlde ourselves Lo be buslness soluLlon
archlLecLs and noL [usL sofLware englneers.

Cur comprehenslve porLfollo of producLs
and servlces lncludes provldlng lnLegraLed
sofLware soluLlons Lo small and medlum
buslnesses. rovldlng affordable soluLlons
wlLhouL compromlses on funcLlonallLy and
quallLy ls our consLanL endeavor.

LrudlLe was lncorporaLed by a group of hlghly educaLed and well-Lralned professlonals who
are consLanLly ln a lookouL for challenglng opporLunlLles. AblllLy Lo lnnovaLe, deslre Lo
lmprove, skllls and knowledge Lo dellver help up come up wlLh easlly lmplemenLable and
economlcally vlable soluLlons.
'?@0A B+C3, ls Lhe foundlng member of LrudlLe. Pe has
compleLed hls uual degree (8. 1ech + M. 1ech) ln CompuLer
Sclence from ll1, uelhl. Pe has also worked ln a sofLware
sLarLup for 2 years before golng for a degree ln managemenL
from llM lndore. Pls love for Lechnology and a splrlL of
enLrepreneurshlp, led Lo LrudlLe.
'8:D0E %@04E0, ls a co-founder of LrudlLe. Pe has
compleLed hls MasLers ln vLSl deslgn wlLh 8 years of
professlonal educaLlon ln CompuLer Sclence. Pe has worked
ln MnCs llke Synopsys (formerly vlrage Loglc), AmsofL
SysLems eLc before sLarLlng hls own venLure. Pls work
lncluded roles llke 1echnlcal manager and ArchlLecL for 3
years. rlor Lo ublqulLy, he was managlng buslness
uevelopmenL ln a repuLed sofLware flrm.
1eam [ LrudlLe
key Members

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