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Example 6.1 Computing a Z Value T compute a z score, we can use the formula Z = ( x - ) / . Gi en the alues of x, an!

n! , plu" into e#uation an! sol e. Z score measures the num$er of stan!ar! !e iations that a point (x) awa% from the mean. Example 6.2 Use the Standard Normal Table To calculate the area un!er the stan!ar! normal cur e $etween a point x an! the "i en alue of Z, in this case &.'(, use the stan!ar! normal ta$le an! mo e !own the left si!e of the ta$le to &.' an! across the top of ta$le to .)( an! the intersection of these tow alues is the area. *esult is ).+,('. Example 6.3 rea bet!een " and Negati#e $ -ince Z (-&.'( for this example) is ne"ati e, we .now that it is to the left of the mean. *emem$er that the mean in the stan!ar! normal cur e is zero. /n the last example, we foun! the area for &.'(. -ince the stan!ar! normal cur e is s%mmetric, the area is the same. *esult is ).+,(' Example 6.% rea &et!een '$ and $ 0or this example, the z score is '. 1e follow the same proce!ure as $efore" !own the left column to ' an! across the top to ). The intersection is ).233'. -ince we want from 4z to z, this is ' times z or '().233') =.,522. Example 6.( rea bo#e $ -tan!ar! normal ta$le is s%mmetrical. The total pro$a$ilit% is &.), so $ase! on s%mmetr% area to the ri"ht of ) an! area to the left of zero are the same or .5. To fin! the pro$a$ilit% that a normall% !istri$ute! ran!om aria$le will lie more than z (in this case ') stan!ar! !e iations we follow the proce!ure to fin! the area from ) to z as we ha e !one $efore usin" the ta$le. Then su$tract this alue from .5, $ecause this result is the area un!er the cur e correspon!in" to that from ) to the Z alue. /n this case, we use our area of ).233' an! su$tract from ).5 an! "et ).)''6. Example 6.6 rea &et!een T!o )ositi#e $ Values /t helps to !raw a !ia"ram to isualize this. -ince $oth z score alues are positi e, the% are on the same si!e of the mean (the ri"ht) an! the result woul! $e the !ifference $etween the two alues. 7ase! on what we ha e $een !oin", this woul! $e the !ifference $etween the two alues we woul! "et $%" up our z scores in the ta$le. The two z alues in this example are &.( an! &.', which is the !ifference of ).225' an! ).+62,, which is ).)()+. Example 6.* +inding $, Gi en a alue, Z8 = Z.&), we are as.e! to fin! the area. /n this case z8 = z.&) which is positi e, so we see. the area of ) to Z.&) an! then we will loo. for that area in the chart to "et the z. 9nce a"ain we .now the half of the stan!ar! normal cur e has an area of .5. 1e ta.e the !ifference of ).5 an! ).& to "et ).2. 1e then loo. into the $o!% of the normal !istri$ution ta$le to fin! a z alue. The correspon!in" alue is not shown, $ut we can see that it is $etween .+,,3 (Z = &.'6) an! .2)&5 (Z = &.',). 7: examinin" the !ifference from ).2 to each of our alues, we see that ).+,,3 (Z = &.'6 is closer) so we choose that alue. 1e coul! pro$a$l% interpolate to fin! a $etter fi"ure. Example 6.- ppli.ation/ +inding a Normal )robabilit0 The pro$lem "i es us the followin" information ; era"e -alt <onsume! per !a% $% an ;merican - &5 " () ;ctual ph%siolo"ical minimum !ail% re#uirement - '' " ;mount of salt inta.e is normall% !istri$ute! with a stan!ar! !e iation of 5 " ()

1e are "i en two alues for x, let x& = &2 an! x' = '' 1e want to .now what percenta"e of ;mericans consume $etween x & an! x' =se the formula z = x - / for each alue of x, $ecause we ha e x, an! . 1e "et z& = -.' an! z' = &.2. 9nce a"ain usin" the stan!ar! normal ta$le an! fin!in" that correspon!in" area we ha e ;&=.)3,+ an! ;'=.2&,'. 9ne Z alue is ne"ati e an! once is positi e. 1e a!! the ; alues we "et an! the result is.)3,+ > .2&,' = .2,65. 7ase! on this we state that 2,.65? of ;mericans consume $etween &2 an! '' "rams of salt per !a%.

Example 6.1 ppli.ation/ +inding a Normal )robabilit0 =sin" the information "i en in the pre ious example, we are as.e! to !etermine the pro$a$ilit% that a ran!oml% selecte! ;merican consumes less than & " of salt per !a%. =se the formula z = ( x - ) / for this alue of x, we "et z=-'.6. 7% usin" the -tan!ar! @ormal Aro$a$ilit% Ta$le, we fin! that .))'( is the result. 7ase! on this we state that .'(? of ;mericans consume less than & "ram of salt per !a%. Example 621( Computing Uni3orm 4 and 5. 1e are tol! that pro!uction lines ha e len"ths that can $e mo!ele! $% a uniform pro$a$ilit% !istri$ution o er the inter al of .,5 to &.)5 inches. a. 1e are as.e! to calculate the mean an! stan!ar! !e iation of x. -ince we are tol! this is a uniform pro$a$ilit% !istri$ution for the inter al in #uestions, we can use the followin" e#uationsB = (a > $) /', an! = ($ 4 a )/&'. = & inch an! =.)', inch. $. 1e are also as.e! to "raph the pro$a$ilit% !istri$ution an! locate , C , C '. The hei"ht of rectan"le of this pro$a$ilit% !istri$ution plot is & / ($-a) = / (&.)5-.,5) = &). ;ll hei"hts are the same. 9nce %ou plot %ou can see that all pro!uction line len"ths of .,5 to &.)5 inches are within two stan!ar! !e iations of the mean.

<omputer ;ssi"nment / use! the -tan!ar! (@ormal) !ensit% pro"ram to test what result / woul! "et if / plu""e! in a z alue. 1e were to DEnter your computed z-statistic, and then click the Compute button. From the Homework, example we were to calculate the Area above a z value. From Example 6.5, we calculated this for z = . From the homework, the a!swer was "." #. $ plu%%ed ." i!to the pro%ram a!d & was ."'6. At first $ was surprised because the !umber was !ot what $ expected. (ividi!% & b) a!d $ %ot . " * which is the rou!ded versio! of the homework correct respo!se. $ was!+t sure what this mea!t or whether this was a coi!cide!ce. ,ext $ used z value of -. 6. .e k!ow from the homework that the probabilit) is .*/6 , but the result from the pro%ram was . "#. (ividi!% this result b) a!d p=.-"'. 0his time $ subtracted . */6 from .5 a!d %ot .-"*# or .-"' rou!ded. $ was still !ot sure whether there is a tre!d, so $ decided to tr) some more z values. For z=", pro%ram retur!ed p of -." or a p=.5. From the sta!dard !ormal curve, we k!ow at z=", which is at the mea!, that o!e half of the area is to the ri%ht 1a!d left2. For z=-.', area is .'-/ . &ro%ram retur!ed a & value of .-6 or p=."#-. From the homework, result should be .'-/ . 3ubtracti!% this from .5 a!d we %et ."#"# or rou!ded ."#-

Z Ealue -' -&.5 -&.'( -& ) & &.'( &.5 '

*esult from Ta$le ).233' ).2++' ).+,(' ).+2&+ ) ).+2&+ ).+,(' ).2++' ).233'

.5Ta$le result ).)''6 ).)((6 ).&)+6 ).&563 ).5 ).&563 ).&)+6 ).)((6 ).)''6

Aro"ra m *esult, 'A ).)2( ).&+2 ).')6 ).+&3 & ).+&3 ).')6 ).&+2 ).)2(

A ).)'+ ).)(3 ).&)2 ).&56 5 ).5 ).&56 5 ).&)2 ).)(3 ).)'+

$t looks liked the pro%ram retur!s a value of twice the area to the ri%ht of the z value for z4".For z5", pro%ram retur!s a value twice the area to the left of the z value. 6elow is a chart of data $ used

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