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Tetrshedron Lattera, lie. 7, pp. l-4, 1959. PergamonPm88 Ltd.

in Great Britain.





RKLATIONSHIPOFOLIVACII'?KTO~ALKUMDC Miguel A. Ondettiand VeuancioDeulofea Laboratorio de Iuve8tigacibn, E. FL. Squibb and Son8 ArgentinaS. A., Av. Sir AlexanderFleming 1653, hrtinea, Bueno8 Aires, Argentiua (Reoelred1 June 1959)
From the

bark (root)of A. australe,Mull. Argov. a plant

which ha8 a wide distributionin South America, we have isolated three alkaloid8identicalwith other base8 fouud in A. ulei Mgf. and A. olivacem M, Arg., both growing in the 8ame region. The major alkaloid (alkaloid A), ir a yellow base, Cl,Hl4l$, (a)Fa+ 0, m.p. 314~316~ (Kofler)'. Ultravioletspectrumin ethanol and ethanol-hydrochloric acid, infraredrpectmm and colour reaction8 in eBact abeenmnt with those of olivmine, an alkaloidisolatedb 251 Schmut5 and Ruusiker*from& olimce& (m.p. 316-324'; (")D + 00) (Found:C-CB3r 4.80; talc. 1 C-CE3: 6.09). The minor alkaloid8are: AlkaloidB; Cl6H2OH2,m.p. 243-2469 (a)f*+ ll2* (pyridine). Dltravioletspectrumin ethanoland ethanolhydrochloric acid, infraredspeotrum and colonr reaction8 identioal

' l4.p. not corrected.Analythtl flgurerr satisfactor) for the i8OhtSd 2

produOt8 and IIOU 8ub8tanoe8.

Schauts and Huusiker,pBam. Acta Helv, 33, 34l (1958).


with thorre deecribedfor gdlkaloid C, isolatedfrom &. ulei by the same authorr3 (m.p. 249-2SZp; (a)i6*+ 112p). AlkaloidC; Gl~22N2, m,p. 78-80 (Kofler); ll8-121a (Capi&$"+11.5; hydrochloride 11p.p. 240-241*;methfcdidem.p. 204-206O. ultravioletepectrumm.p. and aolour reaotlonaidentioalwith those of uleine from &. uleA4 {x&p. 76-llS*;Kofler);




chloridem.p. 241-242*;methiodidem.p. 204-G%B"). The base m.p. 3X-316* (olivacine) gives a methicdidethat decompoeeeat 320* and uhiah wae reducedwith Ad-1 oatalyat, in

ethanol, to a base Cl8320N2,m.p. 223-225*.It containsone &-methyl and two C-methylgroupa (Found:N-CH3, 5.3614-CH3, 11.10; talc. 1 N-CH3, 5.69; 2 C-cH3: ll.38). This new baee has oolour reactions and an ultraviolet and infraredspecrtra in potassiumbrtide identiual with the epectraof alkaloid L 3 fromA.australe (g-Alkaloid C from

ulei) and appears to be the racemic form of it. Ihis is supported

of g-alkaloidC with platinum,in by the fact that dehydrogenation boiling dipheql ether producesolivacine,identifiedby mixed m.p, and w-spectrum. The reduoedbase ia identicalwith one isolated from the 25s aerial bark of the same Aspidospenra, m.p. 223-225* (cs)~ 4 Oa (no depressionin mixed m.p.; same colour reactions,W- and IR-spectra).

3 Sohmutsand Humdker, Helv. Chim. Acta 4f, 288 (1958).


Schmuts,Hunsikerand Hirt, Helv. Chim. Acta &Q -_) ll89


Albloidr from Anpidomexaa auetraleMull. Argov.

The aerial

bark containsalso olivaoiw and uleine. Sohmutm and Iiunsiker3have no&d that the ultraviolet

rpectrumof g-alkaloidC, is almort identical oarbasol,exoept that it is displamd S-6 m


the spectrumof

to longer wave lengths.

It does not shift on the addition of hydrochloric acid, although the nmzdma are increased (hyperchro~&~ effect). These propertiesare exaatly those of the base obtainedreducing olivacinemethiodide,ad of alkaloidB and the inactivebase m.p. 223-225*from A. auatrale. The easy reduotionof the mthiodide of olivacine,the presenoe of an &methyl group in the reductionproduot (II) ad the

earbarol egw3atrtm of the latter, are in agreementwith the hypotberis that olivaainehas a carbarolunit condensedwith a @dine ring,

forming an indol-quinoline or an indol-iequinolinestructure. Although the indol-uinoline structurecan not be excltied,the isoquinoline (I) is more acceptableon the basis of the Uo-epeotrupa, because in the quinolinethe nitrogenof the reducedbase would be directlyatfmhed to the bensene ring of carbaaol,and ae pointedw

Schmuts and Hunsiker3a shift in the maxima could be expected, in passing from ethanol to ethanol-hydroohlorio acid, which, however, doea not happen.

Alk8loidrfrom &pidomnmm8




Because of the value obtainedfor C-methylih the reduction product, two C-methylsare

presentin the moleculeof olivacine.

At least one methyl must be a substituent of the pyridinering to explain the opticalactivityof g-alkaloidC. We thank Mr. J. F. Alicino and Dr. N. H. Ccrg, The Squibb Institutefor MedicalResearch,New Brunswick,N. J., for the microanalysisand IX-spectra.

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