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Application for Student Council HISTORIAN Executive Board 2014-15

The historian makes sure that photographs are taken of every student council event and maintains the student council scrapbook. The historian provides pictures for H.O.Y.A. Awards slide show.
Tentative Meeting Schedule for 2014-2015 Every 1st !rd " #th $onday %&#' a.m.& E(ecutive )oard $eeting Every *nd $onday %&#' a.m.& +lass $eetings with ,ponsors - E(ecutive +ommittee $eetings Every 1st Thursday of the $onth %&#' a.m. and !&!' p.m.& .eneral +ouncil $eeting-+ommittee $eetings

/ame& 0000000000000000000000000000 Home 1hone&00000000000000000000000 T2,hirt ,i3e& 00000000000000000000000

Email&00000000000000000000000000000 +ell 1hone&0000000000000000000000000

Application due Wednesday, March 2 , 2014 To be elected at the General Student Council Meeting on Thursday, April 10 !lease initial the follo"ing state#ent and chec$ the applica%le %lan$& 000004 understand that if 4 am not selected 4 will be automatically placed on the ballot for class office or representative. 1lease indicate which position you prefer. 000 class president 000class vice president 000class secretary 000class rep

'ligi%ility (e)uire#ents for '*ecutive +oard ,andidates&

E(emplary conduct and behavior 5your school attendance and discipline record will be evaluated and considered67 8edication and commitment to Harrison High ,chool and the ,tudent +ouncil7 Availability for $onday morning meetings 5see schedule below67 A signed commitment statement with respect to student council e(pectations with parental endorsement7 Timeliness of applications turn2in 9 it $:,T be turned in on time by the due date indicated above , signed and complete to be eligible to run.

'*ecutive +oard officers #ust %e availa%le to attend the follo"ing& '*ec +oard su##er retreat tentatively scheduled for -uly 14-1 , 2014 Southern Association of Student ,ouncils convention .cto%er 11-1/, 2014 0eorgia Association of Student ,ouncils convention 1e%ruary 20-22, 2015

Sign up 2.W for te*t re#inders of #eetings and points opportunities& te*t this #essage ;harrisonsc to this nu#%er 5!#%6 <=#2#!%1. Su%scri%e to the Student ,ouncil %log at http&33"""4harrisonstuco4co#

,.MM5TM'2T STAT'M'2T& 6ou are encouraged to see$ advice fro# parents and teachers4 '*a#ine closely your "illingness to co##it ti#e and energy to the success of the student council for the entire school year4 !lease read the follo"ing state#ent, and after discussing "ith your parents, sign %elo"4 5 "ill strive to %e an e*a#ple of good leadership, tea# cooperation, and school spirit4 5 understand that failure to e*ecute #y responsi%ilities "ill result in #y dis#issal fro# the '*ecutive +oard4 5 understand that the sa#e attendance policies that apply to other #e#%ers of the Student ,ouncil also apply to '*ecutive +oard #e#%ers 5 a# a"are that as a leader of the school, 5 need to support those "ho are in authority a%ove #e 7i4e4 president, advisor 8 ad#inistration94 5 "ill e*hi%it e*e#plary %ehavior and adhere to A:: school policies4 5 "ill %e in the Student ,ouncil ho#eroo# under the sponsor;s direction4 5 a# a"are that the Student ,ouncil sponsor "ill revie" #y school discipline and attendance records4 ,andidate Signature& <ate&

!A('2T '2<.(S'M'2T& 5 understand the level of co##it#ent that #y child has #ade to the student council of =arrison =igh School and the e*pectations placed upon hi#3her4 5 "ill %e fully supportive of his3her decision to %e involved4 Additionally, 5 "ill %e co##unicative "ith the student council advisor of any fa#ily decision that "ill i#pact #y child;s participation in Student ,ouncil functions4 5 understand that if #y child fails to #eet responsi%ilities or has poor attendance, they "ill %e dis#issed fro# the Student ,ouncil4 !arent Signature& <ate&

.n a separate T6!'< sheet, ans"er the follo"ing )uestions co#pletely4 '#ail your response to Stephanie4tatu#>co%%$124org4 6our responses "ill %e shared on the online voting site4 1. 1lease list the leadership and team roles you have held in the past two years. >ist also any class activities in which you have participated during the past year. *. >ist all the e(tracurricular activities 5including church and work6 in which you plan to be involved ne(t year and your responsibilities in each. +ring this to your intervie"&
The historian will create a memory board that is large enough to capture a year?s worth of photos but light enough to hang in the student council room. This board should be able to be constantly updated with memorabilia. How will you design captions and headings that describe the events and people pictured in the photos@ )ring a small scale e(ample of the board you will maintain.

=A((5S.2 =50= S,=..:

,lu%s and After School !rogra#s ,ontract 2014-2015 ,tudent /ame& 0000000000000000000000000000 .rade& 00000 Advisor& 000000000000000000 1arent-.uardian /ame& 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1hone 5where parent-guardian can be reached during activity6& 000000000000000000000000000 Address& 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Activity& ,T:8E/T +O:/+4> $EET4/., ,O+4A>, " ,EAB4+E O11OAT:/4T4E, 5They are listed under +lubs " Organi3ations on the CA>> 5,tudent +ouncil6 )log.6 .eneral $onthly $eetings& 1st Thursday of each month in room =1D# in the Ereshman Academy building from %&#D2F&DD a.m. OA !&#D2#&DD p.m. Emergency Contacts 1. /ame& 000000000000000000000000000000 Aelationship to student& 0000000000000000 Home& 00000000000000000000 +ell& 00000000000000000000 Cork& 00000000000000000000

*. /ame& 000000000000000000000000000000 Aelationship to student& 0000000000000000 Home& 00000000000000000000 +ell& 00000000000000000000 Cork& 00000000000000000000

I understand that students are expected to stay for the whole acti ity or club !eeting" If a student needs to lea e prior to the ti!e noted abo e, he#she !ay lea e the school pre!ises ONLY if they ha e a note fro! a parent#guardian and sub!it it to their sponsor infor!ing the! of their intent at the start of the !eeting#acti ity" The note !ust also include how they will be getting ho!e and with who!" I also understand that I need to pic$ up !y student or !y student needs to pro!ptly lea e the school at the ti!e noted abo e" 1arent ,ignature& 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 8ate& 0000000000

1hone /umber 5where parent can be reached at conclusion of activity6& 00000000000000000000

,tudent ,ignature& 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 8ate& 0000000000

=arrison Student ,ouncil Teacher (eco##endation 1or# 2a#e of ,andidate& ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? .ffice ,andidate is !ursuing& ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2a#e of Teacher (eco##ender& ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ,andidate& .ive this form to a core subGect teacher. Teacher& 1lease fill out this form and place it in ,tephanie Tatum?s mailbo(. 4 appreciate your candid and confidential response. 2o +asis for +elo" -udg#ent Average (espect accorded %y faculty (espect accorded %y peers :eadership ,o##it#ent to service ,haracter and 5ntegrity (eaction to set%ac$s <isciplined "or$ ha%its A%ility to "or$3interac t "ith others !ositive i#pact at school 5s there anything you "ould li$e the sponsor to $no" a%out this student@ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Average A%ove Average .utstandin g .ther 7!lease "rite in9

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Teacher ,ignature

00000000000000 8ate

=arrison Student ,ouncil '*ecutive +oard (eco##endation 1or# 2a#e of ,andidate& ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? .ffice ,andidate is !ursuing& ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2a#e of '*ecutive +oard Me#%er (eco##ender& ??????????????????????????????????? ,andidate& .ive this form to a ,tudent +ouncil E(ecutive )oard member who knows you well. '*ecutive +oard Me#%er& 1lease fill out this form and place it in ,tephanie Tatum?s mailbo(. 4 appreciate your candid and confidential response. 2o +asis for +elo" -udg#ent Average (espect accorded %y faculty (espect accorded %y peers :eadership ,o##it#ent to service ,haracter and 5ntegrity (eaction to set%ac$s <isciplined "or$ ha%its A%ility to "or$3interac t "ith others !ositive i#pact at school 5s there anything you "ould li$e the sponsor to $no" a%out this candidate@ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Average A%ove Average .utstandin g .ther 7!lease "rite in9

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 E(ecutive )oard $ember ,ignature

00000000000000 8ate

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