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T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 11, 2 0 0 4

Experience USA TODAY

YOUR GUIDE TO THE PEOPLE, PLACES AND EVENTS THAT SHAPE OUR WORLD For customer service or delivery questions, call 1-800-757-TEACH

News to Use D e v e l o p i n g E v e n t
• Americans honor Bush counsel tapped for AG, News, 1/20A
nation’s veterans; •
U.S. troops advance through Who is Alberto Gonzales? Why would his confirma-
Fallujah; • Today’s Debate: tion as U.S. attorney general make history? In what
Drug supplement safety way is President Bush’s selection of Gonzales a polit-
ical move? Why did Attorney General John Ashcroft
Activity: Arafat’s death can decide to resign? How did you react to the news?
breathe life into peace process
(History: The 20th century
since 1945) page 2 According to the editorial on page 20A, “Ashcroft
By Tim Dillon, USA TODAY repeatedly inserted his personal beliefs into the
Out: Attorney General John Ashcroft, administration of justice.” What examples does the
• Fed raises short- one of the most controversial figures
term interest rates; • within the first Bush administration, editorial board give to support this assertion? In your
Personal technology: Satellite has resigned. White House counsel opinion, is it possible to hold public office without
Alberto Gonzales is the president’s
radio; • Snapshot: States with allowing your beliefs to guide your actions? Explain.
choice for the post, but the Senate
the highest sales tax must confirm him first.
What controversial positions have made Gonzales unpopular with some civil
A c t i v i t y : Unions begin to
struggle in Europe libertarians? In your opinion, are there ever situations in which anti-torture and
(Economics: Role of economic prisoner-protection laws should be waived? If you were a member of the Senate,
institutions) page 2 what question would you ask Gonzales during the confirmation process?

C a r e e r pC o r n e r
• Baseball’s free agent
USA TODAY Snapshots

season begins; • No one listens to me

Showalter, Cox named base- A number of companies have recordings on their 800 Connections
ball managers of the year; • number that say “your call may be monitored for
quality assurance.” The percentage of consumers that
Snapshot: NBA trophy winner believe that their calls are being recorded: Today is Veterans Day, a
All of the time day “designed to perpet-
Activity: Cincinnati’s Huggins
digs in for season (Language 15% uate peace through good
arts: Participating in society) Most of the time will and mutual under-
page 3 16% standing between
nations …”* How can
Some of the time
• Nancy Reagan hon- 51% governments promote
ored for promoting Never peace at home and
stem-cell research; • Kinsey, as 10% abroad? What can you
timely as ever; • ‘ER’ ratings Source: International Communications Research (ICR)/Witness Systems do to honor the men and
survey of 1,013 consumers conducted in October.
bleed is nothing too traumatic Margin of error ±3 percentage points.
women who have served
By Darryl Haralson and Keith Simmons, USA TODAY

A c t i v i t y : Navigating college and are serving in our

admissions (Language arts: What is “quality assurance”? If you were a nations armed forces?
Evaluation strategies) page 3 supervisor in a service industry, would you *Source:
monitor your employees’ communications
with customers? Why or why not?
E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 11, 2 0 0 4 q P a g e 2

Arafat’s death c
breathe life into W RD PR EP

p e ace p r o ce ss,
ry: 20 th ce
ntury since 1945:
I Define the following
words as used in
ize? Why will his
ho is Yasser Araf
death create a pr
Promises and para
at? What does he
S the article:
ofound sense of lo
Palestinians? Ac
chaos likely crea
cording to Denn
te? What mecha
is Ross, what w
nisms are needed
ss among
fears of
Palestinians' futu to shape
re and determine
tors would facilita their leadership?
What fac-
steps should the
te a smooth tran
sition of authority Unions begin to
U.S. take to help fu ? What
the region? rther stability and
peace in struggle in Europe,
Money, 1B
contends that Ar
tional upheaval afat’s death will cr
for Palestinians w eate emo-
new era. Identify hile paving the 1. plummet
the maj or causes w ay for a
conflict. What ro of the perennial
le are religion, po M ideast
ests playing in pe litics, land and sp 2. discrediting
rpetuating the di ecial inter-
stances, if any, w spute? Under wha
ill Israelis and Pa t circum-
peace? Discuss yo lestinians achiev
ur answers in clas e a lasting 3. entwined

4. hovering

5. entrenched

6. flagging
Unions begin to
struggle in Europe, 1B
economic institutions
STA NDA RD: Economics: Role of 6. dwindling; weak;

goal of labor unions? What

DISCUSSION: What is the main
5. firmly established; solid
the upper hand? Why do
economic conditions give unions
uce the number of employ-
German businesses want to red 4. fluttering; wavering;
advisor y boards? When
ee representatives on corporate
ortant force in the U.S.?
did unions first become an imp
3. twisted together

y? Why have employees

How did they star t in German of; defaming
longer hours for less pay?
across Europe agreed to work
2. injuring the reputation
opean labor unions?
Why is the outlook bleak for Eur 1. fall; dive; drop

tify the impact that U.S.

ACT IVI TY: Through research, iden
hours, benefits, hiring/fir-
labor unions have had on wages,
r, create a “Then/Now”
ing and working conditions. Afte
es overall conditions for
graphic organizer that describ
1900s and now.
blue-collar workers in the early
E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 11, 2 0 0 4 q P a g e 3

This Day In History

gg ins
Cincinnati’s Hu
on, 1-2C
digs in for seas
ating in society
DA RD: Language arts: Particip ggins, coach of
STAN u describe Bob Hu
w would yo
DISCUSSION: Ho m? Why was he November 11
in na ti’s basketball progra
University of Ci nc forced to con-
hi s jo b? W hat was Huggins q In 1620, 41 Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower,
suspended fro m nt change
s ab se nc e? Ho w did the incide anchored off Massachusetts, signed a com-
template during for his career?
ha t sa cr ifice s ha s Huggins made pact calling for a "body politick."
him? W
Buford says, “I
er Ci nc in na ti player Anthony
AC TIVI TY: Fo rm jocks, and q In 1831, former slave Nat Turner, who’d led
le th in k we’r e all a bunch of dumb
think a lot of peop y’s paper of athlet a violent insurrection, was executed in
tr ue … ” Fi nd tw o examples in toda es ea ch a
it’s not hat mak Jerusalem, Va.
th e “d um b jo ck” stereotype. W indi vid-
who defy sperson or unique
bl e le ad er, astute busines business
re m arka
an ot he r ster eo type that exists in q In 1918, fighting in World War I came to an
ual? Then, identif
y it. What
e tw o in divi duals who disprove end with the signing of an armistice between
scrib s you identified
or politics, and de each of the person the Allies and Germany.
te ris tic , if an y, do
one charac
have in common q In 1921, President Harding dedicated the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington
National Cemetery.

q In 1942, during World War II, Germany

completed its occupation of France.

Navigating coll q In 1966, Gemini 12 blasted off from Cape

ege Kennedy, Fla., with astronauts James A.
admissions, 1D Lovell and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. aboard.
nguage arts: Evaluation strateg
DIS CUSSION: ies q In 1983, President Reagan became the first
According to J.B
College Summit, . Schramm, foun U.S. chief executive to address the Diet,
what is the value der of
process? What ar of the college ap Japan’s national legislature.
e the benefits an plication
ing the FAFSA d drawbacks of sim
form? Why don’ plify-
apply for federa t many eligible
l aid? Do you th students q In 1993, a bronze statue honoring the more
financial aid proc ink you could na
ess without pare vigate the than 11,000 American women who’d served
ntal assistance?
in the Vietnam War was dedicated in
AC TI V IT Y: Visit
http://www.fafs Washington, D.C.
and print out th
e “Pre-Applicatio et.htm,
helps students ga n Worksheet.” (T
ther the inform his form
plete the finan ation they need Read today’s Forum piece on page 21A
cial aid proces to com-
through the sh s.) As you read entitled, “Misty eyes for one old soldier.”
eet, mark any or work
understand. Then parts that are After, explain how Veterans (Armistice)
, share your nota difficult to
other peers. As tions with three Day has evolved in the last several
a group, identify or four
that you would and explain five decades. What social and political condi-
make to improv ch anges
e the application. tions do you think caused the change?
Finally, predict how veterans of the cur-
rent Iraq war will be regarded and
remembered when this conflict ends.
E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 11, 2 0 0 4 q P a g e 4

Community & Family EXTRA CREDIT ! Student Challenge on ...

Misty eyes for one old soldier, News, 21A Character Education
How did many Americans Some of these men and women
USA TODAY Snapshots
used to celebrate Veterans Day? paid with their lives; others sur-
Why did such occasions fill com- vived and make up our nation’s Students pilfer movies online
munities with a sense of pride? veteran population. Although the Recording Industry Association of Amer-
How have views of veterans and Whatever your views are on ica is suing illegal music downloaders, many college
students download movies without paying. Percentage
war changed in the last several the Iraq war — or war in general — who pay:
decades? When and why did this remember to be respectful of the
sea change occur? sacrifices being made by our sol-
Many of the everyday liberties diers. If you are able, make the Every
that Americans take for granted effort to personally thank a veter- Never
1% 84%
were fought for and preserved by an for his or her service to our Most
members of our armed forces. country. times

Quick Quiz TES T Seldom 12%

PR EP Source: Ipsos-Reid survey for the Business Software Alliance
1. What was Veterans Day originally called? (News, 21A) By Charlotte E. Tucker and Robert W. Ahrens, USA TODAY

a.) Armistice Day APPLICATIONS: business, ethics, cause & effect

b.) Armed Forces Day In your opinion, is it ethical to download
c.) Memorial Day movies and music from the Internet without
d.) Soldiers Day paying for them? How do you think download-
e.) Veterans of Foreign Wars Day ers rationalize their actions? Have the RIAA
lawsuits had an impact on your habits?
2. Who is Palestine’s leader? (News, 21A) On Nov. 4, Motion Picture Association of
a.) Hamid Karzai b.) Yasser Arafat c.) Ayad Allawi America head Dan Glickman announced that
his trade group will begin suing online movie
d.) Pervez Musharaf e.) Ariel Sharon
swappers in the next few weeks. Unlike the
RIAA, the MPAA will target both uploaders
3. Bob Huggins is coach of the University of ______________’s men’s
and downloaders, not just the former. In an
basketball program. (Sports, 1C) interview with USA TODAY,* Glickman
a.) Alabama b.) Chicago c.) Cincinnati expressed concern that illegal downloads will
c.) Illinois e.) Ohio ultimately “sink” an industry that “produces
hundreds of thousands of jobs in this country.”
4. Since 1980, union membership in the U.S. has . . . While many people think that the record-
(Money, 2B) ing and movie industries are comprised solely
a.) risen 9%. b.) risen 21%. c.) dropped 9%. of wealthy artists, producers and directors,
d.) dropped 21%. e.) remained about the same. this is not the case. Identify at least 10 middle
and lower-class workers who are affiliated
5. __________ has become the first state to reduce the number of with either industry. Do you think illegal
downloading affects these Americans? Explain
adult smokers to 12%. (Life, 9D)
why or why not. *11/05/04, 4B
a.) Virginia b.) Washington c.) California
d.) Nevada e.) Utah 4 Get an Acrobat PDF version of Experience USA
Today at our Web site: http://education. — click on “Daily Lesson Plan.”

4 Experience USA TODAY, developed by USA

TODAY Education, is written and edited by
Mary Barnes and Maria Dubuc. To send your
feedback, e-mail or
call 1-800-USA-3415, ext. 5949.
Answers: 1.) a 2.) b 3.) c 4.) c 5.) e

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