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The Multi Dimensional Consciousness

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari.

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Cover Design by Anthony Segadaes. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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umanity is undergoing much e!pansive change. "his book is to aid #$% in rediscovering multidimensionality for yourself and what conte!t this spiritual e!pansion is occurring right now on &arth'

"his book came about because a friend had some (uestions for me regarding multi dimensionality. )t*s because of this+ this special book was created with the intention of helping #$%.

)*ve also referred to hardcore science here, with the intention of e!panding minds. ) purposefully keep everything simple so that the human mind does not get ,lost- or overwhelmed in comple! ideas. )t*s much easier to spiritually advance when things are kept simple, unlimited and free' "his is also a .alactic/ Angelic 0rinciple, and one which ) was happy to see &instein advocate here on &arth too. Simplicity in science and life is the key to unlocking all potential.

1ay this 2ook help boost your energy levels with multi dimensional particles of 3ight'

4ith "he 3ove, 0rosperity, 5oy, A34A#S'

STAR & The Galactic Family, Federation Of Light

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

the !opyright owner.

1. Level Of Multi Dimensional Awareness 2. Questions & Answers on Multi Dimensionality

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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4hat is 1ulti dimensional Consciousness6

1ulti dimensional is defined in the $!ford Dictionary as7 ,involving several dimensions,$R

)nvolving several aspects, or layers superimposed on another. 1ultidimensional therefore describes anything with many different
parts or aspects. "he ascended ones such as 5esus, 1ohammed referred to the ,othermulti dimensional realms which e!ist aside our own reality. "his can include the higher dimensions such as angelical realms 8the higher galactic realms9, as well as dimensions on &arth 8such as the elemental dimensions etc9. "his can get comple! when we talk about dimensions, but this is the basic start.

Consciousness is ,awareness- level e!pressed. Awareness is about the true nature of our reality 8s9, of the world, universe and the laws of physics.

4hen the element of consciousness 8which is the awareness state or level9 is combined with multi dimensional aspects, you get what is called a D):)N& &;0ANS)$N or e!plosion into creativity and uni(ueness and spiritual oneness'

"his is spiritual evolvement, and enlightenment. 2ringing oneself to the state of .od<Divine<3ove<.oodness< 2eauty of life, living and


Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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Does Science 0rove 1ulti Dimensions &!ist6

$ur 1odern physics has two basic scientific laws7 =. >uantum 0hysics which studies the smallest ob?ects in nature such as atoms, protons, neutrons etc @. .eneral Relativity studies the planets, gala!ies and the %niverse in general. &instein is a key name. A. Sometimes these two areas* can overlap in studies which scientists then call ,(uantum gravity.-

"he most fundamental to multidimensionalism is the string theory.

"he string theory is like ,the theory of everything in the universe- . )t*s based around the concept that all the ob?ects in our universe are composed of vibrating ,8strings9- and membranes 8or branes9 of energy.
Scientists call it ,super symmetry- 8also known also as superstring theory, or 1/theory9. "his theory can be correct if reality has =B, ==, or as many as @C dimensions. 1any physicists believe multi/dimensional space is :&R# likely' "hey are still researching this. "herefore scientists theorise that several e!tra dimensions to the universe must e!ist. "hey also believe that these vibrating strings of energy and can not be seen by or observed by our Ad eyes that*s why we are mostly unable to see into them or perceive them in our current reality. "his leads to more (uestioning by scientists. 0ossibilities include parallel universes, and other endless possibilities'

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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Scientists want the string theory to unlock one of the biggest mysteries of the universe, namely how gravity and (uantum physics fit together to work perfectly in our current world.
0arallel %niverse theory has already been proven true by mathematical discovery by $!ford scientists. "he $!ford team, showed mathematically that the universe splits into parallel versions of itself. Dr Deutsch of the $!ford "eam also believes that*s time travel shifts can happen between the different branches of reality but insists much more research is needed' "herefore the idea of dimensions is still being researched into by scientists. Some people who lack interest say the idea of parallel universes lacks evidence. owever already initial results have predicted that scientists may soon be able to finally detect these e!tra dimensions in more upcoming e!periments' 2ecause they may be larger than initially thought. 1any e!periments in the world*s particle accelerator laboratories, such as C&RN 8in &urope,9 are searching for this evidence R). " N$4.

0lease see my you tube C ANN&3 :)D&$7

The Agenda Of Your Soul: DOCUMENTARY Dor more information about this'

"herefore the possibilities are endless' "his is e!actly what humanity*s ascension, e!pansion E creation is all about'

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

the !opyright owner.

ow can being multi dimensional help me6

All umans e!perience the four dimensions7 the three physical dimensions and time itself. )n Albert &instein*s theory of relativity, time is actually the fourth physical dimension. "ime itself is certainly a very comple! topic in physics, and often thought of as an ,illusion.- "his is true, because time as we define it in a linear sense is an ,illusion-. owever please be aware that ")1& does e!ist as an energy 8in it*s own state9. 0hysicists do believe that time does really, truly e!ist ... theyFre ?ust a bit divided on what causes this e!istence of energy to come about'

1ulti dimensionality can help one open a doorway into endless potential spiritually as well as intrinsically.

ow does it work..6 )f we can be here and there at the same time, then why are we here on &arth physically6
4e are incarnated on &arth physically )n a body because &arth has many things to teach the soul 0 #S)CA33#+ which the other dimensions are incapable of teaching at " )S point in N$4 R&A3)"#. "his is because the other dimensions have different laws of physics compared to the one*s on &arth' Dor e!ample on &arth we can e!perience many ,physical sensationsof Ad such as se!, touch, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating, etc 8with

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

the !opyright owner.

the added bonus of free will thrown in9 in our life to make it more varied. "his variation means we can are given DR&& 4)33. 4e can C $$S& in &:&R# moment to choose a physical action out of love from our soul or without love which is from our physical nature.

4hen we learn that love based actions are more accumulative, beneficial to our spiritual state+ and overall healthier we advance in such a way physically alive in our &arth bodies' "his means with our own human DNA gets to e!pand and grow, we get in touch with our creativity, uni(ueness and manifest greater potential'

"he other dimensions are incapable of teaching us these spiritual lessons in that same way.

"herefore we are here to physically learn, grow and evolve our dna strands, by storing light and information for the earth. 4e are meant to be working with the earth and protecting and loving the &arth and everything in it+ the same way she loves and holds us in the bosom of her body, &arth is a beautiful 0lanet to grow, e!pand and learn.

4hy did we choose to be here GdisconnectedG 6

4e are never ,disconnected- from the Divine &nergy. "he life force of the divine energy is always )N AND AR$%ND every human, animal, place and thing in e!istence. So there is never a disconnect. &ven the worst humans on this planet are never totally ,cut off- from the divine life force.

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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A33 on this planet 8and others9 are sustained by the higher power+ that loving energy which is called .od<3ove<%niverse< Divine< Angelic+ since the divine is DA)R in all things, and all giving 8.enerous, abundant9. 1any people in life ?ust choose to do what they want and choose not to work with the divine energy+ instead they shut themselves off from unconditional love of source<god<angelic. "his is what appears as a ,disconnection- 8but really its from their own choice and free will. 9

)s this &arth e!periment ending now6 )f so do we stay here after it*s finished6
"he ,e!periment- which started when &arth first came into being, is on completion stage, yes. "his is what the ascended ones, 0rophet 1ohammed and 5esus also referred to as the ,last days-. 4e are in the last completion stages. )t wont ever ,finish- as such it is ongoingH which means, no one really can give a date when the ultimate happens. "his is because everyone is on their own spiritual growth and e!pansion+ and everyone will achieve at their time, and not to another*s deadline. 4e can stay here or wherever we put our minds and hearts at'

4e don*t need to have a last day or end process to achieve a beautiful, balanced mind, heart and body 8temple, vessel of divine9 '

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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Can we 8through dimensions9 be on one of the planets in the 0leiades<Sirius< etc6

#es possibly, as it depends on the person. )t also depends on your own awareness 8conscious9 level in this life. As well as your own personal vibration. ighly vibrational planets are very loving and only ground those types of energies in their dimensions. 5ust like gravity.

Do we need spacecrafts in the other dimensions if we can be anywhere anyway6

Spacecrafts are merely ,e!tensions- of energy. $therwise referred to as technology. Spacecrafts serve many functions. Sometimes one is needed to fly over &arth ?ust to show the Ad world that e!tra terrestrials do e!ist and multi dimensional reality is not a ?oke' Divine Angelics or 3ightbeings can be anywhere they chose to be, visible or invisible+ as long as the vibration is high enough and good enough for them to be close.

ow does being in multiple dimensions work7

I Do you choose yourself, which dimension to be in at a certain moment after you have advanced to a higher dimension6 #es, you simply ,think- a thought and choose in the higher dimension. "hen whatever it is ,you think- you get. At a faster level, at a faster pace. Remember the law of physics is different level on the higher realms.

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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"he Ascended one*s 5esus and 1ohammed also spoke of a ,heavenie higher dimensions, whereby manifestations are instant, and choosing< thoughts is instantly answered'

I Can a person remain on .aia but be in a different dimension or different planet by GchoosingG to be6
#our physical body, and part of your soul energy is on .aia and A34A#S grounded.

"hen aspects of you 8depending on your own awareness levels on spirituality, love, and god nature9 then is allowed to be at different locations. "his is something the angelic team 8Angels9 take care of as everyone*s stage of awareness is different. Some remain on &arth levels whilst others roam between different levels and doing different tasks. Depends on the person and the soul.

I 4hen entering a new dimension, does the physicality change. 3ike, does houses, trees etc disappear from vision and replaced by what belongs to that particular dimension6
#es. 4hen you go into different dimensions things change. )t may appear to look like our Ad world, however when you are in it, things are more ,fluid- , or rapidH "ree*s for e!ample can appear larger, much larger than ours.


Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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ouses can become more like fluid particles of water. Colours can be rich, music can be toned. )t*s all depending on your vibration and consciousness what your allowed to perceive. #ou can raise your self into higher states and e!perience better things in other dimensions.

#ou can interact with the loveliest souls, and then live a more productive and goodly life here on &arth in this e!istence'

All great things are possible for .od<Divine<%niverse to grant humans. )t*s all down to C $)C&S and DR&& 4)33.

Are there unlimited numbers of dimensions, or is =@d ma!6

#es7 %nlimited and 1ore than =@. +9

4hen entering a higher dimension like Jd, will people in Ad still be visible6 or will Ad people be visible for the Jd people but not the other way around6

4hen one is in a Jth dimensional state, either physically or mentally+ Ad is visible but they also e!perience the Jd things<beings etc Jd is always A23& to see into Ad. Kd also observes and interacts with Ad.

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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I 4ill we be able to see other non/human entities when we enter Jd6 )f so how will the transition be6
4hen one is in sleep state for e!ample+ one can potentially enter Jd through dream state. )n this situation seeing other non humans can be different from individual to individual.

Dor some the transition is easy in dreams, for others it may be challenging. "his is the same in non dreaming too.

)n any case it does not matter' "he wonderful Divine collective is always non ?udgemental, corporative, kind and helpful. "his energy can be felt and is able to heal any fear or doubts.

I After advancing<ascending to a higher dimension, do you also get more abilities6 ) mean since one will be more spiritually oriented. )*m thinking telepathy, perhaps even some sort of visual telepathy. 4hat else can be e!pected6
$nce your raising your own consciousness and awareness level in this life+ you automatically get ,gifts-. "hese are called ,spiritual gifts- which can take any form from the divineH and are also multi dimensional' )t is a blessing'


Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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"he aim is to %S&, %")3)S& these spiritual gifts to help, aid and encourage others in humanity and this way humanity and the whole world benefits from a divine act from the giver of 3$:&, E A2%NDANC&.

I 4hat can be manifested in a higher dimension6

Anything you dream of. #ou can also have it in Ad life too+ depends how much energy and positive focus you put into it. As above down below, 8as mentioned in the &merald "ablets of "hoth, a great teacher.9

I 4ill we still Ggo to workG in higher dimensions6

,4ork- is translated as ,fun- E ,divine service of love, bliss happiness' - in the higher dimensions. #es you can do any type of fun you want, any type of good loving energy work as you please. )t*s open and honest atmosphere and everyone is willing to help and encourage because DA1)3# always sticks together. "his is multi dimensionality at its best'

I 4hat can be e!pected to be e!perienced at the time of dimensions merging6

#ou may feel physically the sense of ,change-, either hearing or feeling. An immediate sense of change is felt once the dimensions merge or begin to merge. 2ear in mind, this is any dimension mergeH including lower astral. $pening the pineal gland will aid in reading

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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energy better, to know whether the dimension is positive or negative in charge.

ow (uickly can dimensions merge6 instantaneously or progressively6

%sually a dimension from Ad L Kd is progressive+ then there is what is called a ,time lapse-, time stops in Ad.

)n Jd it*s (uicker merge, but again depends on who and what work is going on as to what manifests.

I Does .aia change when dimensions merge6

.aia*s physics change yes, because it becomes more fluid and rapid. Sometimes bigger, emptier. )t depends on the vibration of the ,perceiver- to what dimension they go or enter.

I Does a Jd .aia already e!ist6


I 0eople who do not have love in their hearts, will they perish or will a Ad version of .aia still e!ist6
No one will perish. "he only hell or torture is from what the ego gives.

Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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2ut truly the .od<%niverse<Divine<Angelics are most loving and most kind+ no one will ,perish- since energy can never die or perish. &nergy7 can only be transmuted $%" or evolved better.

"he idea of ,perishing- is contrary to spiritual principles because it goes against high vibrations and good natured principles'

$4&:&R anyone on this planet who does not hold love in their hearts cannot cooperate physically or vibrationally with the divine. "herefore they will be offered countless opportunities to spiritually help themselves. )f they choose not to listen or not to care, no one can force them, but 4& can collectively use our energy to steadily improve things on &arth.

%ltimately the path of love, the path of goodliness may not appeal to everyone. "his is free will+ and ultimately A33 have to answer to their own consciousness energy.

4ill we as humans change appearance after or during a dimensional shift6

#es humans can change their appearance, even using the law of attraction they are able to N$4 change their appearance, so no need to wait until after a shift' "he only difference is that in the higher dimensions the change is )11&D)A"&, whereas down here physical appearance may take a while to change.


Copyright 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this Ebook ay be !opied or sold witho"t the prior written per ission fro

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"his is the end of the >uestions E Answers 0art.

1y ne!t book will be on 1anifestations and 1ulti dimensionality which is very important for this e!pansion when dealing with manifesting a goodly life here on earth 8aligned to your soul9 whilst co creating with the .alactic Angelic Divine beings in the cosmic sphere. 0lease watch out for that book on my website in the near future' "hank #$%' MA Star MA

About The Author: Sitara Ansari, 2A 8 ons9 is an Author and )ndigo Child. "o Nnow 1ore $n "he &!pansion 0lease :isit7


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