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( 3)*+ Sector , -3. /urgaon 0aryana. 1n&ia2 Email # s'ailes'2visen3gmail2com 'one 4o# +)5, +5-* , *5+573+ 6ob# +)75+7+7)73

To be associated with development environment where my technical and analytical skills can be utili e in providin! help and support to clients" this will increase the !rowth o# an or!ani ation" which in turn is my !rowth$

Havin! 7 years o# IT e%perience out o# which 3 years o# e%tensive e%perience with SA& '() *asis+ SA& '() Installation and ,aintenance" -ser Administration" .lient Administration" .han!e and Transport Setup and ,aintenance" *ack!round /obs Administration" Spool ,ana!ement" &er#ormance Analysis" Apply Support &acka!es" 0atabase and Tablespace Administration usin! SA&0*A 1 *'T22LS and remainin! in System Analysis 1 System Administration on 3indows 1 -ni% &lat#orms$ &art o# the Global SA& rollout team$ E%cellent communication skills honed by e%tensive vendor(customer interaction$ Able to learn 4uickly and produce$ Hi!hly enthusiastic(committed" creative and very proactive$

Company Sukhmani Inc$ Navmesh Technolo!ies In#osystems So#tware 1 .onsultin! &vt$ Ltd$ ;ey In#oware and Solutions &vt$ Ltd$ Designation / Key Role *asis Administrator *asis .onsultant System and Network Administrator System and Network Administrator Duration ,ar 56 7 till date /un 58 7 9eb 56 Apr 5: 7 ,ay 58 /an 55 7 ,ar 5:

KEY RO!EC"S# Client: Kodak Polychrome Graphics ;odak &olychrome !raphics <;&G= is a part o# Eastman ;odak>s Graphic .ommunications Group$ ;&G provides one o# the broadest port#olios o# di!ital" conventional and business solutions available in the !raphic arts industry today$ ;&G has head4uarters in Norwalk" .onnecticut" -SA$ Client: Creo Japan Inc. The .reo &rint 2n?0emand Solutions !roup <.reo &20 Solutions= develops and supports hi!h?per#ormance di!ital color servers #or a ran!e o# di!ital printers and presses$ It also develops advanced on?demand applications to enable the creation o# personali ed direct mail" tar!eted catalo!s and other power#ul one?to?one marketin! communications tools$ Role# $asis %&ministrator 'esponsible #or overall System ,aintenance" System Administration" 0atabase Administration" Transport ,ana!ement System" .lient ,aintenance" &atch ,ana!ement in '() and Sun systems" ,aintenance o# -sers and Authori ations and security o# the '() system$ .reated and desi!ned the Authori ations &ro#iles$ .on#i!uration and ,ana!in! .lient Speci#ic Transports in ) systems Landscape$ .on#i!ured the 2peration modes #or 0ay and Ni!ht$ All the backups are scheduled usin! the D$% sc'e&uler or usin! cron #rom the operatin! level$

.reatin! and mana!in! users$ Also success#ully restored the 0atabase usin! *rrestore$ ,onitorin! active users$ &roblem solvin! throu!h SA& Notes" 2SS$ Generatin! SS.' <SA& So#tware .han!e 'e!istration= key$ Applyin! SA& support &atches and &acka!es on each server$ -pdated the SA& G-I 9ront?end &atches$ Schedulin! and ,onitorin! o# *ack!round /obs$ Installin! &rinters and Spool Administration$ Table space monitorin! and maintenance$ .reatin! and ,onitorin! o# '9. .onnections" 4'9. and t'9.$ ..,S ,onitorin!$ ,onitorin! System Lo!s$ ,onitored the 2peratin! system at various levels at 9ile system" .&-" 3orkload" Lo! #iles" Swap space etc$ Error determination throu!h A*A& 0umps" Lo!s" Trace 9iles$ ,onitorin! o# -pdate 'ecords$ Analy in! o# 0atabase .hecks$ Table Lock ,ana!ement$ ,onitorin! o# E%ternal Send &rocesses$ E%tensive knowled!e o# Solaris" Linu% and 3indows :555 2peratin! Systems$ 3orked on "i&al Enterprise Sc'e&uler Adapter #or SA&$ Tidal Enterprise Scheduler brin!s the automation" mana!eability and reliability o# the premier enterprise application$ @ou can #inally ma%imi e the productivity !ains o# your SA& Aobs by settin! dependencies to and #rom other plat#orms and pro!rams" includin! e%ternal non?SA& applications$ SA& Aobs can now be mana!ed #rom a sin!le console$

4avmes' "ec'nologies Role# *asis .onsultant Responsibilities# -ser Administration 1 Authori ations .reation and ,ana!in! -ser &ro#iles and 'oles$ ,onitorin! and controllin! active users Takin! *ackups and monitorin! backup lo!s$ ,onitored the 2peratin! systems Lo!s$ Spool ,ana!ement ;ernel up !radation Applyin! SA& support &atches and &acka!es on each server$ T,S administration Tablespace Administration+ .heckin! #or space problems in tablespace" addin! data #ile to tablespace" checkin! #or #ree space and #ra!mentation o# tablespace" checkin! the #ree space o# the obAects in tablespace$ SA& Internet Transaction Server$ ..,S Alert ,onitor$ -pdated the SA& G-I 9ront?end &atches annually with no interruption to business$

1n8osystems So8t9are : Consulting vt2 ;t&2 Role# System and Network Administrator Responsibilities# ,aintain a LAN with )5 &. throu!h switches 1 hubs$ Network 0esi!n and mana!ement Hardware ,aintenance o# systems and servers$ .on#i!urin! networkin! devices like Hub and Switches" Network 0esi!n and implementation$ 'esponsible #or T.&(I& con#i!uration over the network$ ,ana!e pro%y servers and 0NS servers$ Installin! and troubleshootin! H& :B55N Laser/et Network &rinter$ In char!e o# providin! services like installation" maintainin! and con#i!urin! company>s network and providin! 4ualitative" pro#essional and timely support #or any system or network breakdowns$ 'esponsible #or Network maintenance$ Set up and maintain &.s" laptops" printers" scanners and various peripherals" &rovide problem troubleshootin! and resolution to end?user$ 'esponsible #or -ser ,ana!ement" i$e$ creatin! and maintainin! user accounts" their pro#iles 4uota settin!s etc$

Key 1n8o9are an& Solutions vt2 ;t&2 Role# System and Network Administrator Responsibilities# ,aintain a LAN with :B &. throu!h switches 1 hubs$ .on#i!urin! networkin! devices like Hub and Switches" Network 0esi!n and implementation$ ,aintain 1 .on#i!ure ,icroso#t 2utlook" send ( receive E?,ail 1 #orward to concern local -sers ,aintain 1 .on#i!ure &ro%y Server #or access to Internet 1 E%tranet on local network$ 0ata *ackup 1 'estoration" Throu!h windows backup technolo!y$ 'e!ularly updatin! and checkin! Antivirus de#inition #ile and outbreak o# new viruses$ ,onitorin! ,ail server and takin! backup o# servers on daily basis$ ,onitorin! the System &er#ormance in &er#ormance ,onitor$ -pdatin! all ,achine and server re!ularly #or latest patches and service packs$

1" S<ills
2peratin! Systems E'& 0atabase Lan!ua!e SE2 Graphics 3eb &ublishin! + Sun Solaris" 3indows :555" 'ed Hat Linu%" 3indows C%" D&" NT$ + SA& '()? *ASIS? 8$Ec" 8$F with 2racle$ + 2racle C i" ,y SGL$ + HT,L" DHT,L" 0HT,L" .SS :" /avaScript &H&" AS&" /ava" .HH" .obol$ + 3eb&osition Gold" 3ebali er$ + Adobe &hotoshop" .orel 0raw" Ima!e 'eady" 9lash + 0reamweaver" 9ront&a!e" Adobe Acrobat <&09=

E,Commerce# 5 Year E?.ommerce course #rom %sset 1nternational /411"# 3 years computer course #rom 411"

E&ucational =uali8ications
6aster o8 Computer %pplications IGN2-" New 0elhi$ $2com2 0elhi -niversity

ersonal Details
4ame Date o8 $irt' 6arital Status Contact 4umbers Email 1D ermanent %&&ress assport + Shailesh Sin!h Visen + BCth 0ecember" BCFF + Sin!le + >)5 )75+7+7)73 <,ob= I HCB?B:8?8B5BF)5 <'es$= + shailesh$visenJ!mail$com" shaileshKsin!hFFJyahoo$com + L )C85" Sector?:)" Gur!aon <Haryana=" India + Valid till :55E


?S'ailes' Sing' @isenA

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