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.' 1.1 0 __ '_ _,_._._ __ __ __ ,., _ __ _._._._ __ _ _

Time: 2 Hrs


M. Marks: 50

__________ Roll No

C1ass I Section Date





of four sectlons

This paper consists

(i) (Ii)

Section A Section B

Reading LVritiil9 Grammar Literature


8 Marks 7 Marks 15 Marks

(Hi) Section C ('iv) Section D

. 18 Marks
2 Marks

C .enerallnstructions:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Answer all the questions. The questions should be t~nsweredin the space provided. Neat and tidy work will be appreciated. Avoid overwriting. No extra sheet will be' issued. '1

1. Read tlhe passage carefully and answer the questions fo IIow. 'The Little .-~Fir Tree

(8 marks) that

Once there was a Little Fir Tree ina forest in the middle of some tall fir trees, The Little Fir Tree was very unhappy because he was not big like the other fir trees, When the birds sat on the branches of the big trees he used to Gall them, "Come, rest o'n my branches!" But they always said that the Little Fir Tree was too small.
para 1

In winters, the snow covered the, trees with wonderful white caps. Ihe Little Fir Tree would call the snow. But the snow also said that the Little Fir Tree was too tiny.SomE~time:s, men came to cut the big trees and carried them away. Some tall trees would become masts of big ships or parts of fine houses in cities. But nobody even looked at the Little Fir '

II [:





One morning the same men carne looking for smaller trees. They chose the Little Fir Tree. They took it away and when they came to the town

, they placed him in a row of other small fir trees. People kept coming to look at the trees but nobody chose him. Until two children saw the tree and cried out, "VVe'li take this one. ltis just the right size."
l2ara 3

The children took the tree through big doors and set him on a table. The tree felt them touch his branches. After some time, when he looked at

himsE~lf,hie saw shiny' chains and golden bells on his branches. There were presents at his feet! He waslboking wonderful.
para 4



Suddenly two ladies wearing uniforms took the table with the tree' another room. There were littfe white beds in it and children were sitting


up in the beds. He was in a hospital! Before he could wonder anymore, he heard the children s,ay, .How pretty! It's the best

_. -'...,~ ',.,; .....~-"'-:/" "-'~~/, ~~

~Sj, L-.

Christmas, tree evsr! " At last, the Little Fir Tree knew what he was - he 'was a

r ~~,


~_ -~;~

__ .~ ~.~.~ ~'~
~ ~--:cI

Christmas tree. How happy he was! para 5



C!1. Why was the Little Fir Tree unhappy?



0!2.What dld the Little Fir TreE:!want the birds to do?


Q3. What happened to the tall trees that were cut?

(1 )

-------------------~--------,-_._--Cl4. Why was the Little Fir Tree happy at the end of the story? (1)

--------------.--~-C15.Write 'true' or 'false'. i) ii) iii) iv) The Little Fir Tree wanted .' the snow to cover him.The children took the Little Fir Tree to a hospital. __ The Little Fir Tree was decorated with flowers. The ladies in the white uniforms were teachers. .,..:.-_ _

(1/2x4=2 )


Cl6. Find words from the passage that meanthe same as: (1) i) ii) big poles (para 2) -;-_.'_ want to know, curious (para 5)

cl'r. F~om,.w&l~o'f

the passa~B~~ find two similar spelling words.'




.: ,:'

(~1.Fm inthE~speech bubbles with the conversation between Giri and Uncle Rusel.







.. --- .

__ ._------

-------------.: --"


Q2. Giver~ below is the beginninlg of a story. Use your imagination and complete the story in around 100 words. . (4)
. I

Ruhi was very excited!

Flnally; she had finished

her project. As her

ma'am enterea the class room Ruhi opened her bag and started looking for her project. She .






---, ..


Q1. Complete the postcard given below by filling in the blanks with suitable preposltlons


given in the brackets.


-_---_._-----Dear Tom Last Friday we went to the JlVildlifePark. Affer resting for some time we climbed .

the backs of elephants and went

(for/into) the ji.lngle. To our delight we saw many animals. Then we sat
(on /under) the shady trees and had snacks.

We couldsee a lot of birds fly,j7g In fact a cuckoo bird came and sat Later we even walked

(over/ into) the trees. (off/beside) me.

(across/ along) .

the stream in the park. It was a great trip!

Lots of love

"- U'\.&-_~



Ct2. Fill in the blanks with correct similar sounding words from the brackets. (1/2x8=4) i)

Shelly could not __ ._ to see the poor child __ of any woollens in winter. (bare I bear)
The children caught them Rahul the . __ some nuts at the monkey. The monkey ._.the bars of the cage.( threw/through)




his cycle carefully as there was a lot of traffic on ' (road/rode) who was eating _


The ~,irl in the television .. _ . is my neighbour. (cereal/serial)

Q3. Fill in the blanks with Past Tense of, the verbs given in the



Yesterday, Jaya . looked scared. Jaya

a nearby shop and

(see) a kitten on a high branch of a tree. It .__ (decide) to help it. She _ (gelt) a ladder. She

(run) to (climb) up

the ladder and

(take) the kitten in her arms. She then _-,-(give) it warm milk to drink.

(put) it in her bag. Later, she _ The kitten looked at her smilingly.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Present Tense or Present Contilluous; Tense of the verbs given in the brackets. (1/2x8= 4)
1. My pet dog, Toffee, usually

At the!moment Toffee ___ (play) with his bone.

2. Sana's younger brother always often (hide) her

(sleep) under my chair. (sit) on my chair and he


(disturb) her. He Look, how he

3. It .

(run) around her! (rain) just (play) in the rain. now and all my friends

SECT~~N-D {LITERATURE} (~1. Answer the following questions:

. '. ~: ,.:"

(18 marks)


Why did Giri take UnClE! Russi's help?

------~. ---------------~----~:.
,'f ". ~,:.

---------------------... ~




How did the Ojinn travel?

,---,------, ------.-----------------------------





iii) Why did all the villagets respect Yuuki's grandfather?

----_. -------, -----,-------_._-------------------------------_._-------------------,--------------


iv) Why did Saina Nehwal dedicate her Padrna Shri to her parents?



-_.,---,------(~2. Read the lines given below (carefully and answer the questions
that follow.
(4) a) "I had to find a way t(! get everyone to go to the top of the

!!Jl2.Y.!llta in .~.
(1) i) This line has been taken from thelesson -:-

ii) Who is the speaker of the!:;e words?


iii) . Why did the speaker want everyone to go to the top of the mountain? (1)

iv) Pick out a verb from the line given above. Also give its present continuous tense. (1 )


b) "Jf mYJ~oachtells me tOJ:losomething, Ido it blindly."

., i) This linE:! has been taken froT!' the lesson

(1) ~_

~i) Who is the speaker of these words?


._---------iii) Which quality has helped the speaker the most? (1)



(~3.Match the words with their rneanings llIsing numbers.'


1) idle


hold tightly

~~)paid off

C] . not working

or lazy



given good results

4) clasp


breathing heavily

5) tawny

[ ]

to be unwilling to do something

6) panting

brownish yellow


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