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Debunking the Myth Using Sound Facts to Explain Why Bensidy is Awful Abstract he Bensidy !

s anti"Bensidy debate centers around a long list of hateful words and har#ful stereotypes$ Many assu#e that anyone who hates Bensidy either wants Elliot back% hates S&U% and is generally a horrible person$ his essay will explore and debunk these #yths% and use facts o!er opinion to explain why Bensidy is an awful pairing% and #ust end$ The Premise With Stabler gone% Benson logically had a new hole in her life$ 'ne can argue that Elliot% as she herself ad#itted% was once so#eone she had lo!ed$ (e left her% and she needed so#eone$ First it was Da!id% a relationship doo#ed to end because of a conflict of interest$ Benson was single once #ore% until the return of so#eone fro# her past$ As #ost know% Benson and )assidy slept together one ti#e in season one% and she fir#ly stated *Don+t get used to it$, She later assured hi# that their liaison would not happen again$ 'f course% he left the s-uad% only to return thirteen years later as an underco!er cop$ 'li!ia% arguably desperate fro# her recent heartbreaks fro# Stabler and (aden% confessed that she had ne!er stopped lo!ing )assidy$ 'ne passionate kiss and two seasons later% and the two ha!e entered an exclusi!e relationship$ he -uestion is. why/ Bensidy shippers: Claim #1 Brian and 'li!ia are endga#e$ his is false$ With ru#ors swirling of Winters+ new show% the odds are against the couple$ But this clai# is also in!alidated by the original assertion by the writers regarding the ship$ )assidy was ne!er her Mr$ 0ight% but rather% her *Mr$ 0ight 1ow$, Bensidy shippers: Claim #2 Bensidy shippers lo!e to insult E' shippers and yell at the# for asking for )hris Meloni+s return$ hey con!eniently forget two #a2or ships. A' and )'$ 'li!ia #ay not be a lesbian on the show% but she does ha!e a large lesbian following% and not all Bensidy +haters+ like E'$ 3% personally% do not want Meloni back$ 3 do not hate or disrespect Mariska% and whene!er 3 see that anyone who critici4es Bensidy is assigned to this stereotype% 3 find it !ery frustrating$ Bensidy shippers. )lai# 56 Bensidy are happy together$ 3 apologi4e% but this is not true$ hey cannot agree on anything% including rice$ 'li!ia ignored his call% and Brian was relie!ed that she did not obtain the one thing she wants #ore than anything. a baby to call her own$ Additionally% poor 'li!ia had to listen to her boyfriend ha!e sex with a hooker$ She later explained it as *7ou were working$, ell #e% girls% would you allow your boyfriend to cheat on you% work or not/ Bensidy shippers. )lai# 58 his one is a personal fa!orite$ 'li!ia #o!ed in with hi#% so she #ust lo!e hi#$ (er ho#e was a cri#e scene% and no one wants to li!e in a hotel$ Further#ore% #o!ing in with so#eone does not necessarily signify lo!e$ )o#fort% friendship% and other reasons could explain her split second decision to abandon her 69 year old self+s instincts$ Bensidy shippers. )lai# 59 3 bet Bensidy has tons of dirty% a#a4ing sex$ Again% not true$ Brian is ne!er ho#e% and now%

neither is 'li!ia$ Maybe she thought she was pregnant% but that does not #ean they had unprotected sex$ )ondo#s break$ Further#ore% 'li!ia still has : SD$ She isn+t -uite in the *kinky sex, #ood so soon after her ordeal$ Bensidy shippers. )lai# 5; 7ou hate Bensidy% so you #ust not want 'li!ia to be happy$ 3 will personally explain this one$ his logic hurts$ 3 want 'li!ia to be happy$ She is #y fa!orite fictional character% but 3 don+t want to see her settle for so#eone she ne!er wanted in the first place$ 7ou don+t ha!e a one night stand% not speak for fourteen years% then confess true lo!e in a whirlwind encounter$ Conclusion 1ot e!ery Bensidy shipper wants Elliot back$ 'ther ships exist$ A' and )' are both !ery popular$ his essay explored co##on tweets 3 see fro# Bensidy shippers$ 3 a# not trying to offend anyone or anything$ 3 a# #erely responding to a Bensidy shipper+s re-uest for an essay explaining why people hate Bensidy$ And% rather than spark hate% 3 a# #erely asserting #y personal beliefs and apologi4ing for anything 3 ha!e e!er said that offended anybody$ 3 a# 2ust as passionate about #y ship as e!eryone else$ 3 wish we could all get along$

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