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Unit 1 Supply chain management Question What is supply chain management? Organi ation Structure Question What is a matri!

organi ation? #!plain responsi$e organi ation &eman' (orecasting Question What is 'eman' )orecasting? #!plain any 3 metho's o) 'eman' )orecasting? Metho's o) )orecasting +ustomer Ser$ice Question #!plain elements o) customer ser$ice , categori ation o) customer ser$ice elements What is the importance o) customer ser$ice in a competiti$e /usiness scenario? State main o/0ecti$es o) customer ser$ice 2o3 'oes logistics management help organi ation in gaining competiti$e a'$antage to 'eli$er super customer ser$ice? What is 1 4 rule? #!plain its signi)icance in customer ser$ice. What is customer ser$ice? #!plain the o/0ecti$es o) customer ser$ice. Unit 2 5ransportation # Question 1. 6ele$ance o) 'istance an' $olume to transportation cost. 2. 7ipeline is a mo'al transport 3. 7ro'uct relate' )actors in transportation -. 8ntermo'al transportation 4 )ishy/ack 9 /ir'y/ack an' lan' /ri'ge ". What is the importance o) transportation acti$ity in logistics management? %. What is inter 4 mo'al transportation system? What are the main )unctions o) transportation an' e!plain its role in integrate' logistical 1. management? *. +omment on $arious types o) cost that arise 'uring transportation operations .. What is the impact o) :$ehicle utili ation; on costs o) transport? 10. What are the strengths an' 3eaknesses o) :3ater transport; as a transportation mo'e? 11. <rie)ly comment on the )unctions o) transportation 12. &iscuss pipeline as a mo'e o) transportation 3ith a'$antages an' 'isa'$antages

# 1.

Marks Year 3 2010

# 1. 2.

Marks Year 2 200" " 200%

# 1. 2.

Marks Year " 200" " 200*

# 1. 2. 3. -. ". %.

Marks " " " 2 " "

Year 2003 200" 200. 200% 2001 2001 200*

Marks 2 2 2 2 " 2 " " 2 " 3 10

Year 2001 2001 2002 2003 200" 2001 2001 200* 200. 200. 2010 2010

Warehousing # 1. 2. 3. -. ". %. 1. *. .. 10. 11. 12. +ross 4 'ocking <asic )unctions o) 3arehousing What are the un'erlying principles an' s=uare root la3 in 'eci'ing the num/er o) 3arehouse location? #!plain the /asic 3arehousing 'ecisions in logistics management #!plain the $arious )actors 'eci'ing the num/er o) 3arehouses. >lso 'iscuss the /asic layout an' 'esign o/0ecti$es o) a 3arehouse What are the a'$antages o) hiring the pu/lic 3arehouses? &esign an' layout o) 3arehouses What is 3arehousing? Why 'o organi ations use 3arehouses in spite o) the o/$ious a''itional costs? What are the main o/0ecti$es an' )unctions o) 3arehousing? Why has 3arehousing gaine' importance in logistical management? What )actors are consi'ere' in 3arehouse location 'ecision? &iscuss merits an' 'emerits o) pu/lic 3arehouse as a 3arehousing alternati$e in logistical management What economic /ene)its are o))ere' /y 3arehouses e!plain Question Marks Year 2 2 " 10 2 " " " " " 10 2002002 2003 2003 200200" 200" 200" 2001 200* 200. 2010

Material 2an'ling # 1. 2. 3. -. ". %. 1. 7alletisation in material han'ling What are the main o/0ecti$es o) material han'ling system 'esign? What are the $arious types o) material han'ling e=uipment use' in manu)acturing plant? O/0ecti$es o) material han'ling system? What are the principles to /e applie' )or 'esigning e))icient material han'ling system? Why is material han'ling consi'ere' a cost a''ing acti$ity? :Material han'ling a''s only cost an' no $alue; comment on this statement Question Material han'ling e=uipment ?short note@ Marks Year " 2 " " " " 3 2001 2003 200" 200% 2001 2001 2010

Aogistical 7ackaging # 1. 2. 3. Bniti ation an' containerisation (unctions o) packaging Aogistics )unction o) packaging Question Marks Year " " " 200200200%

Unit 3
8n$entory Management # 1. 2. 3. -. ". %. 1. *. .. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1-. &istinguish /et3een M67C1 an' &67? ><+ classi)ication in in$entory control? &istri/ution resource planning +ritically e!amine the application o) o) ><+ analysis in in$entory management. Di$e a numerical e!ample. What is selecti$e in$entory control? What are the $arious metho's a'opte' in selecti$e in$entory control policy? #!plain 3ith e!amples Aea' time in in$entory management. &i))erentiate /et3een M67 41 an' M67 4 2 &e)ine :#conomic Or'er Quantity; ?#OQ@. What are the 'i))erent costs to /e consi'ere' 3hile calculating #OQ 7 an' Q system o) in$entory control What are the 'i))erent metho's a$aila/le )or impro$ing in$entory management per)ormance o) an organi ation? What is :E85 C 2;? &iscuss the impact o) in$entory on pro)ita/ility o) the company. #!plain :'ecoupling; as a )unction o) in$entory 7ipeline in$entory is a )orm o) in$entory Question Marks Year 2 2 " % 10 " 2 " " " 2 " " 2 2001 2002 2003 2003 200200200" 200" 200" 200% 2001 2001 200. 2001

8n)ormation Systems # 1. Question #!plain the strategic role o) 8.5. in logistics management. Marks Year " 200-

Unit 4
7er)ormance management # 1. 2. 3. -. ". %. 1. *. .. Question 2o3 is per)ormance appraisal carrie' out in logistics )unction? 8nternal per)ormance measures in logistics &iscuss the o/0ecti$es o) 'iscussing an' implementing a per)ormance measurement system in integrate' logistics management 7rocurement per)ormance cycle &iscuss the $arious )actors o) per)ormance measures o) logistics acti$ities. What are the o/0ecti$es o) logistics per)ormance measurement? &escri/e the components o) internal an' e!ternal per)ormance measurement #!plain internal an' e!ternal classi)ication o) per)ormance measures in logistical per)ormance measurement O/0ecti$es o) e!ternal per)ormance e$aluation &iscuss classi)ication o) internal per)ormance measures Marks Year 10 2 10 " " " " 10 2001 2003 2003 2003 200200" 200* 200. 2010

Aogistics costing # 1. Short note on >cti$ity /ase' costing Question Marks Year 2 2 " " " " " " 3 2002 200" 2001 2003 200% 200* 200" 200. 2010

2. 3. -.

#!plain the concept o) Mission /ase' costing. What are its /ene)its? Farious elements o) logistics cost 2o3 is mission /ase' costing is 'i))erent )rom acti$ity /ase' costing?

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