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Curriculum Vitae

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PERSONAL INFORMATION !ire Vel"an#s$i %& '() Isai"a Ma*+#,s$i- S$#p"e- Mace*#nia .'/) &0/ %&1 %2' street3#n*45mail6c#m Male- '161&61)0/ - Mace*#nian 7#l*in5 3achel#r *e5ree in lan5ua5e Lin5uistics an* arts6 7a,e 3een w#r$in5 as a teacher 8#r ,isuall9 impaire* chil*ren- R#ma min#rit9 nati#nalit9 in Mace*#nia an* w#r$e* as an En5lish lan5ua5e assistant:teacher at uni,ersit9 le,el6


2&&/:present? ;#r$in5 as an En5lish lan5ua5e teacher- teachin5 R#ma nati#nalit9 min#rit9 chil*ren a5e* @:1/ in Ara$"a Rami+:7ami* elementar9 sch##l in S$#p"e- Mace*#nia

2&&@:2&&/ Bw#r$e* as an En5lish lan5ua5e assistant:teacher at CNew D#r$E ni,ersit9 in S$#p"e- Mace*#nia6 Tau5ht c#mp#siti#n an* En5lish literature t# stu*ents a5e* 1/:'& with ma"#r in En5lish lan5ua5e #r in 3usiness su3"ects6 Main acti,ities an* resp#nsi3ilities? Creatin5 the curriculum- translatin5 8#r ,ari#us NFO #r5ani+ati#ns- teachin5 essa9 c#mp#siti#n6

2&&2:2&&@ ;#r$e* at the sch##l 8#r ,isuall9 impaire* chil*ren an* 9#uth CGimitar Vlah#,E in S$#p"e- Mace*#nia6 Tau5ht chil*ren in pres:sch##l e*ucati#n up t# chil*ren a5e* 1/6 Main acti,ities an* resp#nsi3ilities In,#l,e* in the creati#n #8 the annual curriculuma*ministrati,e w#r$- 5ra*in5 the #r5ani+ati#nal structure6

= Eur#pean ni#n- 2&&2:2&1' > http?((eur#pass6ce*e8#p6eur#pa6eu

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Curriculum Vitae

Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)

PERSONAL S!ILLS M#ther t#n5ue(s)

r Spea$s an* writes well in? Ser3ian- Cr#atian- an* A#snian6 ;rites an* rea*s in Araille6 Mace*#nian

C#mmunicati#n s$ills

AcHuire* eIcellent c#mmunicati,e s$ills thr#u5h the 9ears w#r$in5 as a teacher with Chil*renJs parents- Geans- Sch##lJs principals- NFO sta88- a*ministrati#n- municipalit9 #88icials6 Lea*in5 1& pe#ple team *e*icate* t# the *e,el#pment #8 the sch##l en,ir#nment an* enr#lle* in the pr#"ect #8 inte5ral R#ma:Mace*#nian team 8#r s#cial min#rit9 inclusi#n #8 R#ma chil*ren in the e*ucati#nal pr#cess in the Repu3lic #8 Mace*#nia6

Or5anisati#nal ( mana5erial s$ills

C#mputer s$ills

F##* c#mman* #8 Micr#s#8t O88iceK t##ls- M#3ile ph#ne applicati#ns- Internet relate* interests6 S#li* 5eneral $n#wle*5e #8 Music arts- re,iewin5 ,ari#us written articles- Sel8 m#ti,ate* $n#wle*5e in the area #8 health9 8##*- especiall9 8#r ,isuall9 impaire* chil*ren an* 9#uth6

Other s$ills

AGGITIONAL INFORMATION Participate* in ,ari#us seminars- pr#"ects an* structural #r5ani+ati#ns in the area #8 e*ucati#n an* inclusi#n #8 ,isuall9 impaire* chil*ren an* R#ma min#rit9 chil*ren in Mace*#nia6

= Eur#pean ni#n- 2&&2:2&1' > http?((eur#pass6ce*e8#p6eur#pa6eu

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