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Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BY n !"o"#i Regd. No: $%&'%(%%()*'(+,&-


$A..iliate to O/0ania Univer/it"12AR3AT2PURA 24DERA1AD $'+%%('+%,-


I hereby declared that this project RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PLANNIN ! s"b#itted by #e to the depart#e$t o% &"si$ess Ma$a'e#e$t ANDHRA YU ATHI MANDA!I SCHOO! OF BUSINESS# is a bo$o%ide (or) "$derta)e$ by #e * it is $ot s"b#itted to a$y de'ree+diplo#a+certi%icate or p"blished a$y ti#e be%ore,

$N %YOTHI& Na#eDate-


I (o"ld li)e to #y deep se$se o% 'ratit"de to the #a$a'e#e$t o% ANGE!

BRO'ING !IMITED ! %or pro/idi$' #e a$ opport"$ity to carry o"t project (or)

(hich is a$ e.celle$t lear$i$' e.perie$ce, I (o"ld li)e to si$cerely tha$) Project I( c)arge Ma(ager HR MR. Sri, POC0ENDER 1A2RO2# (ho has 'i/e$ #e per#issio$ to do #y project, At the o"tset I #y 'ratit"de to all o%%icers a$d other sta%% (ho o%%ered their /al"able opi$io$s to #a)e this project (or) s"ccess%"l, I ha/e to #y special tha$)s to o"r project '"ide *ro+ec, g-ide as (ell as HOD (ho 'a/e #e s"pport a$d '"ida$ce to co#plete #y project i$ ti#e, 3i$ally4 I (o"ld li)e to #y 'ratit"de to #y belo/ed pare$ts (ho ha/e al(ays bee$ a so"rce o% i$spiratio$ a$d s"pport,


A, 0A(gel Bro1i(g .2, !,d/


<, DATA ANAL6SIS * PRESENTATION Prese$tatio$ a$d A$alysis I$terpretatio$s =, 3INDIN S * SU >, ?UESTIONNAIRE @, &I&LIO RAP06 ESTIONS


INTRODUCTIONor'a$iAatio$ ha/e e/ol/ed tre#e$do"sly o/er the past decade, It is i#porta$t to $ote that achie/i$' 'oals ca$$ot be do$e (itho"t h"#a$ reso"rces, A lot o% b"ildi$'s4$si/e eB"ip#e$t4 a$d so#e i#pressi/e ba$) bala$ces ca$$ot #a)e a co#pa$yC its people (ho #a)e a co#pa$y!, E#ployees play a$ i#porta$t role to #a)e or'a$iAatio$s (or), I$ this lies the s"bject %or %o"$datio$ o% h"#a$ reso"rce #a$a'e#e$t, ItDs part o% the lar'er %ield o% #a$a'e#e$t, So4 be%ore atte#pt to "$dersta$d ho( a$ or'a$iAatio$ sho"ld #a$a'e its h"#a$ reso"rces, LetDs brie%ly re/ie( the esse$tials o% #a$a'e#e$tE, NATURE OF HUMAN RESOURCES: People i$ a$y or'a$iAatio$ #a$i%est the#sel/es4 $ot o$ly thro"'h i$di/id"al sectio$s b"t also thro"'h 'ro"p i$teractio$s, 8he$ i$di/id"als co#e to their (or)place4 they co#e (ith $ot o$ly tech$ical s)ills4 )$o(led'e etc,4 b"t also (ith their perso$al %eeli$'s4 perceptio$s4 desires4 #oti/es4 attit"de4 /al"es etc, There%ore4 e#ployee #a$a'e#e$t i$ a$ or'a$iAatio$ does #ea$ #a$a'e#e$t o% the h"#a$ reso"rces, DEFINITION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: 0"#a$ reso"rce #a$a'e#e$t ca$ be de%i$ed as #a$a'i$' Fpla$$i$'4 or'a$iAi$'4 directi$'4 a$d co$trolli$'E the %"$ctio$s o% e#ployi$'4 de/elopi$' a$d co#pe$sati$' h"#a$ reso"rces res"lti$' i$ the creatio$ a$d de/elop#e$t o% h"#a$ relatio$s (ith a /ie( to co$trib"te proportio$ately Fd"e to the#E to the or'a$iAatio$al4 i$di/id"al a$d social 'oals, 0"#a$ reso"rce #a$a'e#e$t ca$ be de%i$ed as #a$a'i$' Fpla$$i$'4 or'a$iAi$'4 directi$'4 a$d co$trolli$'E the %"$ctio$s o% e#ployi$'4 de/elopi$' a$d co#pe$sati$' h"#a$ reso"rces res"lti$' i$ the creatio$ a$d de/elop#e$t o% h"#a$ relatio$s (ith a /ie( to co$trib"te proportio$atelyFd"e to the#E to the or'a$iAatio$al4 i$di/id"al a$d social 'oals,

MEANING OF HRM: E#ployi$' people4 de/elopi$' their reso"rces4 "tiliAi$'4 #ai$tai$i$' a$d co#pe$sati$' their ser/ices i$ t"$e (ith the job a$d or'a$iAatio$al reB"ire#e$ts (ith a /ie( to co$trib"te to the 'oals o% the or'a$iAatio$4 i$di/id"al a$d the society,

Pri#ary object
G To st"dy /ario"s %actors4 deter#i$a$ts a$d o"tco#es o% Recr"it#e$t a$d Selectio$, G To #a)e a st"dy at the or'a$iAatio$ so as to %i$d the de'ree o% Recr"it#e$t a$d Selectio$ i$ the real (or) e$/iro$#e$t,

Seco$dary objecti/esG To st"dy ho( the co#pa$y searches %or the prospecti/e ca$didates, G To )$o( (hat sti#"lates the# to apply %or the job i$ the or'a$iAatio$, G To st"dy ho( the ca$didates (ith reB"ired s)ill4 )$o(led'e a$d abilities are selected, G To dra( co$cl"sio$s a$d #a)e s"''estio$s based o$ the i$%or#atio$ collected,

Title o% the st"dy - RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PLANNIN ! Sa#ple- The sa#ple siAe is $o#i$al to that poi$t,
Pri#ary data- C This co$sists o% ori'i$al i$%or#atio$ 'athered %ro# speci%ic p"rpose, by 'i/i$' the B"estio$$aires to people i$di/id"ally4 to 'et the reB"ired data, 0ere the data bei$' so"'ht is /ario"s #ethods a$d tech$iB"es o% recr"it#e$t %ollo(ed i$ this or'a$iAatio$,

Seco$dary data- C
The pro%ile o% the co#pa$y4 Te.t boo) a$d (ebsites o$ 0RM a$d PERSONNEL MANA EMENT a$d /ario"s #a'aAi$es,

Sa#pli$' %ra#e- C

Sa#pli$' proced"re- C

A$alysis o% data- C
The data (as a$alyAed "si$' si#ple statistical tools li)e #ea$4 perce$ta'e, The data collected (as i$terpreted "si$' pie chart a$d rele/a$t co$cl"sio$s (ere dra($ %ro# therei$,

S"ccess%"l h"#a$ reso"rce pla$$i$' is desi'$ed to ide$ti%y a$ or'a$iAatio$Ds h"#a$ reso"rce $eeds, O$ce these $eeds are )$o($4 a$ or'a$iAatio$ (ill (a$t to do so#ethi$' abo"t #eeti$' the#, The $e.t step4 the$4 i$ the sta%%i$' %"$ctio$C ass"#i$' that de#a$d %or certai$ s)ills4 )$o(led'e4 a$d abilities is 'reater tha$ the c"rre$t s"pplyC is recr"iti$', Recr"iti$' is the process o% disco/eri$' pote$tial ca$didates %or act"al or a$ticipated or'a$iAatio$al /aca$cies, Recr"it#e$t is o$ly o$e o% the steps i$ the e$tire e#ploy#e$t process, It is 'e$erally %ollo(ed by selectio$, It precedes the selectio$ %"$ctio$ a$d it i$cl"des o$ly %i$di$'4 de/elopi$' the so"rces o% prospecti/e e#ployees a$d attracti$' the# to apply %or the jobs i$ a$ or'a$iAatio$4

(hereas the selectio$ is the process o% %i$di$' the #ost s"itable ca$didate to the job o"t o% the ca$didates attracted Fi,e,4 recr"itedE, They are critical ele#e$ts o% e%%ecti/e h"#a$ reso"rce #a$a'e#e$t, F,,,E 8e ca$$ot disc"ss ho( recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ ta)e place (itho"t as)i$' (hy certai$ tech$iB"es are "sed i$ pre%ere$ce to others,8ithi$ the 0RM paradi'#4 they are $ot si#ply #echa$is#s %or %illi$' /aca$cies, Recr"it#e$t a$d red"$da$cy ca$ be /ie(ed as )ey Hp"shH a$d Hp"llH le/ers %or or'a$iAatio$al cha$'e, Recri"t#e$t a$d selectio$ allo(s #a$a'e#e$t to deter#i$e a$d 'rad"ally #odi%y the beha/io"ral characteristics a$d co#pete$ces o% (or)%orce,the %ashio$ %or tea# (or)i$' %or e.a#ple4

has %oc"sed o$ people (ith a pre%ere$ce %or (or)i$' (ith others as opposed to the i$di/id"alist HstarsH pre%erred by recr"iters i$ the 5I@JHs, Atte$tio$ has s(itched %ro# ri'id lists o% s)ills a$d abilities to broaderCbased co#pete$ces, I$ 'e$eral C as (e $oted i$ the pre/io"s sectio$ K ;

there is 'reater re'ard %or perso$al %le.ibility a$d adaptability C a reorie$tatio$ %ro# prese$t

to %"t"re stability,

RECRUITMENT DE3INITIONAccordi$' to %lippo4 G Recr"it#e$t de%i$ed as A process o% searchi$' %or prospecti/e e#ployees a$d sti#"lati$' the# to apply %or jobs,! G Accordi$' to De$erely a$d Pl"#blay4 Recr"it#e$t is co$cer$ed (ith both e$'a'i$' the reB"ired $"#ber o% people4 a$d #eas"ri$' their B"ality, It is $ot o$ly a #atter o% satis%yi$' a co#pa$yDs $eeds4 it is also a$ acti/ity (hich i$%l"e$ces the shape o% the co#pa$yDs %"t"re, < G Recr"it#e$t is de%i$ed as A process to disco/er the so"rces o% #a$po(er to #eet the reB"ire#e$ts o% the sta%%i$' sched"le a$d to e#ploy e%%ecti/e #eas"res %or attracti$' that #a$po(er i$ adeB"ate $"#bers to %acilitate e%%ecti/e selectio$ o% a$ e%%icie$t (or)%orce,!

OB%ECTI ES: G To attract people (ith #"ltidi#e$sio$al s)ills a$d e.perie$ces that s"its the prese$t a$d %"t"re or'a$iAatio$al strate'ies, G To i$%"se %resh blood (ith the all le/els o% the or'a$iAatio$, G To i$d"ct o"tsiders (ith a $e( perspecti/e to lead the co#pa$y, G To de/elop a$ or'a$iAatio$al c"lt"re that attracts co#pete$t people to the co#pa$y, G To search %or headh"$t+head po"ch people (hose s)ills %it the co#pa$ies /al"es, G To de/ise #ethodolo'ies %or assessi$' psycholo'ical traits, G To see) o"t $o$Cco$/e$tio$al de/elop#e$t 'ro"$ds o% tale$t, G To search %or tale$t 'lobally a$d $ot j"st (ithi$ the co#pa$y,

Need 5or recr-i,6e(,:

Need %or recr"it#e$t #ay arise o% the %ollo(i$' sit"atio$aC G 1aca$cies d"e to tra$s%er4 pro#otio$4 retire#e$t4 ter#i$atio$4 per#a$e$t disability4 or death, = G Creatio$ o% /aca$cies d"e to e.pea$sio$4 di/ersi%icatio$4 'ro(th4 or job respeci%icatio$, Recr-i,6e(, *rocess: The process co$sists o% < i$terrelated sta'es /is"aliAed 5, Pla$$i$', 7, Strate'y de/elop#e$t 9, Searchi$' ;, Scree$i$' a$d co$trol The recr"it#e$t pro'ra##e is the o$e that attracts a relati/ely lar'e $"#ber o% B"ali%ied applica$ts (ho (ill s"r/i/e the scree$i$' process a$d accept positio$ (ith the or'a$iAatio$ (ho o%%ered, recr"it#e$t pro'ra#s ca$ loose the ideals i$ #a$y (ays- by to attract a$ adeB"ate applica$t pool4by "$der o/er selli$' the or'a$iAatio$4or by i$ adeB"ately scree$i$' applica$ts be%ore they e$ter the selectio$ process,th"s to approach the ideal i$di/id"als respo$sible %or the recr"it#e$t process #"st )$o( ho( #a$y abd (hat type o% e#ployees are $eeded4(here by a$d ho( to loo) %or i$di/id"als (ith appropriate B"ali%icatio$ a$d i$terest4(hat i$d"ce#e$t to "se %or /ario"s types o% applica$t 'ro"ps4ho( to disti$'"ish applica$ts (ho are "$B"ali%ied %ro# those (ho ha/e a reaso$able cha$ce o% s"ccess4a$d ho( to e/al"ate their (or),

3i', Recr"it#e$t Process

Accordi$' to 6oder4 !the recr"it#e$t policy is co$cer$ed (ith B"a$tity a$d B"ali%icatio$ o% #a$ po(er!, It establishes broad '"ideli$es %or the sta%%i$' process, e$erally- the %ollo(i$' %actors are i$/ol/ed i$ a recr"it#e$t policyiE To care%"lly obser/e the letter a$d spirit o% the re/ele$t p"blic policy O$ hiri$' a$d4 o$ the (hole4 e#ploy#e$t iiE Relatio$shipL iiiE To pro/ide i$di/id"al e#ployees (ith the #a.i#"# o% e#ploy#e$t Sec"rity4 a/oidi$'4 %reB"e$t layCo%% or lost ti#e, i/E To pro/ide each e#ployee (ith a$ ope$ road a$d e$co"ra'e#e$t i$ the co$ti$"i$' de/elop#e$t o% his tale$ts a$d s)illsL /E To ass"re each e#ployee o% the or'a$iAatio$ i$terest i$ his perso$al , oals a$d e#ploy#e$t objecti/esL /iE To ass"re e#ployees %air$ess i$ all e#ploy#e$t relatio$ships4 I$cl"di$' pro#otio$s a$d tra$s%ers-

/iiE To a/oid cliB"es (hich #ay de/elop (he$ se/eral #e#bers o% the Sa#e ho"sehold or co##"$ities are e#ployed i$ the or'a$iAatio$L /iiiE To pro/ide e#ploy#e$t i$ jobs (hich e$'i$eered to #eet the ?"ali%icatio$s o% ha$dicapped (or)ers a$d #i$ority sectio$sL a$d RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES: The recr"it#e$t strate'ies %or#"lated by the co#pa$ies i$cl"de5, I$so"rci$' or O"tso"rci$'-co#pa$ies recr"it the ca$didates4 e#ploy the#4 trai$ a$d de/elop the# a$d "tiliAe the h"#a$ reso"rces o% these co#pa$ies, This strate'y is called I$so"rci$', So#e or'a$iAatio$a e#ploy a$d de/elop the ca$didates (ith co$ce$trate o$ #a$"%act"ri$'4 ser/ici$' a$d s"ch other acti/ities,

7, 1ast a$d 3ast so"rce-The %ast de/elopi$' IT i$d"stry a$d hi'h tech$olo'y orie$ted i$d"stry i$/ariably reB"ire /ast h"#a$ reso"rces (ithi$ the spa$ o% ti#e, The best strate'y to 'et /ast h"#a$ reso"rces i##ediately is i$ter$et,

G Traditio$al so"rces o% recr"it#e$t The so"rces o% recr"it#e$t are di/ided i$to i$ter$al so"rces a$d e.ter$al so"rces, I$ter$al so"rces are so"rces (ithi$ or'a$iAatio$al p"rs"its,E.ter$al so"rces are so"rces o"tside or'a$iAatio$al p"rs"its, INTERNA! SOURCES- These so"rces i$cl"de 5, prese$t per#a$e$t e#ployees 7, prese$t te#porary+cas"al e#ployees 9, retre$ched or retired e#ployees ;, depe$de$ts o% deceased4 disabled4 retired a$d prese$t e#ployees, 5, Prese$t Per#a$e$t E#ployees- or'a$iAatio$s co$sider the ca$didates %ro# this so"rce to hi'her le/el jobs d"e to a/ailability o% #ost s"itable ca$didates %or jobs relati/ely or eB"ally to the e.ter$al so"rce4 to #eet the trade "$io$ de#a$ds a$d d"e to the policy o% the or'a$iAatio$ to #oti/ate the prese$t e#ployees, 7, Prese$t Te#porary+Cas"al E#ployees- or'a$iAatio$s %i$d the so"rce to %ill the /aca$cies relati/ely at the lo(er le/el o(i$' to the a/ailability o% s"itable ca$didates or trade "$io$ press"res or i$ order to #oti/ate the# o$ the prese$t job, 9, Retre$ched or Retired E#ployees- e$erally4 a partic"lar or'a$iAatio$ retre$ches the e#ployees d"e to lac) o% (or), The or'a$iAatio$ ta)es the ca$didates %or e#ploy#e$t %ro# the retre$ched e#ployees d"e to obli'atio$4 trade "$io$ press"re a$d the li)e, So#eti#es4 the or'a$iAatio$s pre%er to reC e#ployee their retired e#ployees as a to)e$ o% their loyalty to the or'a$iAatio$ or to postpo$e so#e i$terperso$al co$%licts %or pro#otio$ etc,

;, Depe$de$ts o% Deceased4 Disabled4 Retired a$d Prese$t E#ployees- so#e or'a$iAatio$s %"$ctio$ (ith a /ie( to de/elop i$ the co##it#e$t a$d loyalty o% $ot o$ly e#ployee b"t also his %a#ily #e#bers a$d to b"ild "p i#a'e a$d pro/ide e#ploy#e$t to the depe$de$tFsE o% deceased4 disabled4 retired e#ployees,

E7,er(al So-rces:
E.ter$al so"rces i$cl"de 5, Ca#p"s Recr"it#e$t 7, Pri/ate E#ploy#e$t A'e$cies+Co$s"lta$ts 9, P"blic E#ploy#e$t A'e$cies ;, Pro%essio$al Associatio$s <, Data &a$)s =, Si#ilar Or'a$iAatio$s a$d @, Trade U$io$s, 5, Ca#p"s Recr"it#e$t- Di%%ere$t types o% or'a$iAatio$s li)e i$d"stries4b"si$ess %ir#s4 ser/ice or'a$iAatio$s4 social or reli'io"s or'a$iAatio$s ca$ 'et i$e.perie$ced ca$didates o% di%%ere$t types %ro# /ario"s ed"catio$al i$stit"tio$s li)e colle'es a$d "$i/ersities i#parti$' ed"catio$ i$ Scie$ce4 Co##erce4 Arts4 E$'i$eeri$' a$d Tech$olo'y4 Medici$e4 Ma$a'e#e$t st"dies etc,4 7, Pri/ate E#ploy#e$t A'e$cies+Co$s"lta$ts- Pri/ate E#ploy#e$t A'e$cies or co$s"lta$ts li)e A&C co$s"lta$ts i$ I$dia per%or# recr"it#e$t %"$ctio$s o$ behal% o% a clie$t co#pa$y by char'i$' %ees, Li$e #a$a'ers are relie/ed %ro# recr"it#e$t %"$ctio$s so that they ca$ co$ce$trate o$ their operatio$al acti/ities a$d recr"it#e$t %"$ctio$s are e$tr"sted to a pri/ate a'e$cy or co$s"lta$ts, 9, P"blic E#ploy#e$t A'e$cies- The 'o/er$#e$t set "p P"blic E#ploy#e$t E.cha$'es i$ the co"$try to pro/ide i$%or#atio$ abo"t /aca$cies to the ca$didates a$d to help the or'a$iAatio$s i$ %i$di$' o"t s"itable ca$didates, ;, Pro%essio$al Or'a$iAatio$s- Pro%essio$al Or'a$iAatio$s #ai$tai$ co#plete biodata o% their #e#bers a$d pro/ide the sa#e to /ario"s or'a$iAatio$s o$ reB"isitio$, They also act as a$ e.cha$'e bet(ee$ their #e#bers a$d recr"iti$' %ir#s i$ e.cha$'i$' i$%or#atio$4 clari%yi$' do"bts etc, or'a$iAatio$s %i$d this so"rce #ore "se%"l to recr"it the e.perie$ced a$d pro%essio$al e#ployees li)e"ti/es4 #a$a'ers4 a$d e$'i$eers, <, Data &a$)s- The #a$a'e#e$t ca$ collect the biodata o% the ca$didates %ro# di%%ere$t so"rces li)e e#ploy#e$t e.cha$'e4 ed"catio$al trai$i$' i$stit"tes4 ca$didates etc, a$d %eed the# i$ the co#p"ter, =, Cas"al Applica$ts- Depe$di$' "po$ the i#a'e o% the or'a$iAatio$4 its pro#pt respo$se4 participatio$ o% the or'a$iAatio$ i$ the local acti/ities4 le/el o% "$e#ploy#e$t4

ca$didates apply cas"ally %or jobs thro"'h #ail or ha$do/er the applicatio$s i$ the perso$$el depart#e$t, This (o"ld be a s"itable so"rce %or te#porary a$d lo(er le/el jobs, >, Si#ilar Or'a$iAatio$s- e$erally4 e.perie$ced ca$didates are a/ailable i$ the or'a$iAatio$s prod"ci$' si#ilar prod"cts or are e$'a'ed i$ si#ilar b"si$ess, This (o"ld be the #ost e%%ecti/e positio$s a$d %or $e(ly established or'a$iAatio$s or$ded or'a$iAatio$, @, Trade U$io$s- e$erally4 "$e#ployed or "$der e#ployed perso$s or e#ployees see)i$' cha$'e i$ e#ploy#e$t p"t a (ord to the trade "$io$ leaders (ith a /ie( to 'etti$' s"itable e#ploy#e$t d"e to latterDs i$ti#acy (ith the #a$a'e#e$t, Ma$a'e#e$t decides abo"t the so"rces the recr"it#e$t tech$iB"es a%ter decidi$' "po$ the so"rce,

Moder( So-rces o5 Recr-i,6e(,

These i$cl"de 8al) i$ a$d co$s"lta$t i$4 head h"$ti$'4 body shoppi$'4 #er'ers a$d acB"isitio$s4 teleCrecr"it#e$t a$d o"tso"rci$', 5, 8al)CI$- The b"sy or'a$iAatio$s a$d the rapid cha$'i$' co#pa$ies do $ot %i$d ti#e to per%or# /ario"s %"$ctio$s o% recr"it#e$t, There%ore4 they ad/ise the pote$tial ca$didates to atte$d %or a$ i$ter/ie( directly a$d (itho"t a prior applicatio$ o$ a speci%ic date4 ti#e a$d at a speci%ied place, The s"itable ca$didates %ro# a#o$' the i$ter/ie(s (ill be selected %or appoi$t#e$t a%ter scree$i$' the ca$didates i$ter/ie(s thro"'h tests a$d

7, Co$s"ltCI$- The b"sy a$d dy$a#ic co#pa$ies e$co"ra'e the pote$tial job see)ers to
approach the# perso$ally a$d co$s"lt the# re'ardi$' the jobs, The co#pa$ies select s"itable ca$didates %ro# a#o$' s"ch ca$didates thro"'h the selectio$ process,

9, 0eadC0"$ti$'- The co#pa$ies reB"est the pro%essio$al or'a$iAatio$s to search %or the
best ca$didates partic"larly %or the se$ior"ti/e positio$s, The pro%essio$al or'a$iAatio$s search %or the #ost s"itable ca$didates a$d ad/ise the co#pa$y re'ardi$' the %illi$' "p o% the positio$s, 0eadh"$ters are also called MsearchCco$s"lta$tsD, ;, &ody Shoppi$'- Pro%essio$al or'a$iAatio$s a$d the hiCtech i$stit"tes de/elop the pool o% h"#a$ reso"rces %or the possible e#ploy#e$t, The prospecti/e e#ployers co$tact these or'a$iAatio$s to recr"it the ca$didates, Other(ise the or'a$iAatio$s the#sel/es approach prospecti/e e#ployers to place their h"#a$ reso"rces, These pro%essio$al a$d trai$i$' i$stit"tio$s are called Mbody shoppersD a$d these acti/ities are )$o($ as body shoppi$', This is #ostly "sed %or co#p"ter pro%essio$als,

<, Mer'ers a$d AcB"isitio$s- &"si$ess allia$ces li)e acB"isitio$s4 #er'ers a$d ta)eo/er help i$ 'etti$' h"#a$ reso"rces, I$ additio$ co#pa$ies do also ha/e allia$ces i$ shari$' their h"#a$ reso"rces o$ adhoc basis,

=, ECRecr"it#e$t- The tech$olo'ical re/ol"tio$ i$ teleco##"$icatio$s helped the

or'a$iAatio$s to "se i$ter$et as a so"rce o% recr"it#e$t, Or'a$iAatio$s ad/ertise thro"'h the e#ail "si$' i$ter$et,

>, O"tso"rci$'- So#e or'a$iAatio$s rece$tly started de/elopi$' h"#a$ reso"rce pool by
e#ployi$' the ca$didates %or the#sel/es, These or'a$iAatio$s do $ot "tiliAe the h"#a$ reso"rcesL i$stead they s"pply 0Rs to /ario"s co#pa$ies based o$ their $eeds o$ te#porary or adhoc basis,

Recr"it#e$t tech$iB"es are the #ea$s or #edia by (hich #a$a'e#e$t co$tacts prospecti/e e#ployees or pro/ides $ecessary i$%or#atio$ or e.cha$'es ideas i$ order to sti#"late the# to apply %or jobs, Ma$a'e#e$t "ses di%%ere$t types o% tech$iB"es to sti#"late i$ter$al a$d e.ter$al ca$didates, These tech$iB"es are classi%ied as traditio$al tech$iB"es a$d #oder$ tech$iB"es,

Tradi,io(al Tec)(i9-es5, Pro#otio$s- Most o% the i$ter$al ca$didates (o"ld be sti#"lated to ta)e "p hi'her respo$sibility a$d their (illi$'$ess to be e$'a'ed i$ the hi'herCle/el jobs i% the #a$a'e#e$t 'i/es the# the ass"ra$ce that (ill be pro#oted to the $e.t hi'her le/el, 7, Tra$s%ers- E#ployees (ill be sti#"lated to (or) i$ the $e( sectio$s or places i% the #a$a'e#e$t (ishes to tra$s%er the# to places o% their choice, 9, Ad/ertisi$'- It is (idely accepted tech$iB"e o% recr"it#e$t tho"'h it #ostly pro/ides o$eC(ay co##"$icatio$, It pro/ides the ca$didates i$ di%%ere$t so"rces4 the i$%or#atio$ abo"t the job a$d co#pa$y a$d sti#"lates the# to apply %or the jobs, It i$cl"des ad/ertisi$' thro"'h di%%ere$t #edia li)e $e(spapers4 #a'aAi$es o% all )i$ds4 radio4 T1 etc, This tech$iB"e sho"ld ai# atN Attracti$' atte$tio$ o% the prospecti/e ca$didates, N Creati$' a$d #ai$tai$i$' i$terest a$d N Sti#"lati$' actio$ by the ca$didates,

Moder( Tec)(i9-es:
5, Sco"ti$'- It #ea$s se$di$' the represe$tatio$ o% the or'a$iAatio$s to /ario"s so"rces o% recr"it#e$t (ith a /ie( to

pers"adi$' or sti#"lati$' the ca$didates to apply %or jobs, The represe$tati/es pro/ide e.cha$'e i$%or#atio$ a$d the clari%y the do"bts o% the ca$didates, 7, Salary a$d Per)s- Co#pa$ies sti#"late the prospecti/e ca$didates by o%%eri$' hi'herCle/el salary4 #ore pro#otio$s etc, 9, ESOPs- Co#pa$ies rece$tly started sti#"lati$' the e#ployees by o%%eri$' stoc) o($ership to the e#ployees thro"'h their e#ployees Stoc) O($ership Pro'ra##es FESOPsE,

I$%or#al recr"iti$'-8ordCo%C#o"th applica$ts are li)ely to stay lo$'er a$d #ay be #ore s"itable tha$ recr"its obtai$ed by ad/ertisi$', &"t (ordCo%C#o"th is discri#i$atory4 si$ce it restricts applicatio$s to established co##"$ities a$d"des rece$tly arri/ed #i$ority 'ro"ps (ho ha/e $ot had ti#e to beco#e part o% i$%or#al $et(or)s, At se$ior le/els the i$%or#al #ethod )$o($ as Hheadh"$ti$'H or"ti/e search has beco#e co##o$, Specialist co$s"lta$cies ai# to %i$d Ho"tsta$di$'H people to %ill hi'herCpayi$' jobs, 8hether they really are Ho"tsta$di$'H is B"estio$able, G 3or#al recr"iti$'-EB"al opport"$ity de#a$ds eB"al access, This ca$ o$ly be achie/ed thro"'h p"blic a$d ope$ recr"it#e$t, F,,,E The li)elihood o% attracti$' Hs"itableH applica$ts depe$ds o$ the detail a$d speci%icity o% the recr"it#e$t ad/ertise#e$t or literat"re, Oey %actors s"ch as salary4 job title4 career a$d tra/el opport"$ities ob/io"sly i$%l"e$ce respo$se rates, &"t re#e#ber that e#ployers do $ot (a$t to be s(a#ped (ith lar'e $"#bers o% applicatio$s %ro# "$s"itable people, This sectio$ o% 0"#a$ Reso"rce Ma$a'e#e$t i$ a &"si$ess Co$te.t 'oes i$to %"rther detail s"ch as- B"ality o% a'e$cy recr"iters4 co#pariso$ o% di%%ere$t #edia cha$$els4 c"lt"ral /ariatio$ i$ recr"it#e$t practice, The I$ter$et is beco#i$' a$ i$creasi$'ly pop"lar #ethod o% recr"it#e$tECcr"it#e$t is re/ol"tio$isi$' the Recr"it#e$t I$d"stry The real stre$'th a$d po(er o% o$li$e recr"it#e$t4 (he$ do$e properly4 lie i$ har$essi$' i$ter$et tech$olo'y to $ot j"st attract ca$didates b"t to deal (ith the# too, G Recr"it#e$t- #ar)eti$' jobs Pote$tial ca$didates #ay co#e %ro# a$ i$ter$al tra(l o% the or'a$iAatio$4 or %ro# the e.ter$al job #ar)et, The latter are reached thro"'h cha$$els s"ch as recr"it#e$t ad/ertisi$'4 e#ploy#e$t a'e$cies4 pro%essio$al asociatio$s or (ord o% #o"th, The approach di%%ers accordi$' to the or'a$iAatio$Hs reso"rci$' philosophy-

Or'a$iAatio$s (ith a stro$' c"lt"re are li)ely to see) #alleable $e( e#ployees at schoolClea/i$' or 'rad"ate le/els, More se$ior jobs are %illed %ro# the i$ter$al job #ar)et,

The selectio$ proced"re is the syste# o% %"$ctio$s a$d de/ices adopted i$ a 'i/e$ co#pa$y to ascertai$ (hether the ca$didates speci%icatio$s are #atched (ith the job speci reB"ire#e$ts or $ot, Selectio$ is the process o% %i$di$' o"t the #ost s"itable ca$didate to the job o"t o% the ca$didates recr"ited, The selectio$ proced"re ca$$ot be e%%ecti/e "$til a$d "$less ReB"ire#e$ts o% the job to be %illed ha/e bee$ clearly speci%ied Fjob a$alysis etc,E, E#ployee Speci%icatio$s Fphysical4 #e$tal4 social beha/ioral tec,E ha/e bee$ clearly speci%ied,Ca$didates %or scree$i$' ha/e bee$ attracted,

Si'$i%ica$ce o% selectio$ processThe ability o% a$ or'a$iAatio$ to attai$ its 'oals e%%ecti/ely a$d to de/elop i$ a dy$a#ic e$/iro$#e$t lar'ely depe$ds "po$ the e%%ecti/e$ess o% its selectio$ pro'ra##e, I% ri'ht perso$$el are selected4 the re#ai$i$' %"$ctio$s o% perso$$el #a$a'e#e$t beco#e easier4 the e#ployee co$trib"tio$ a$d co##it#e$t (ill be at a$ opti#"# le/el a$d e#ployeeCe#ployer relatio$s (ill be co$'e$ial,

Selectio$ process i$cl"de5, 2ob A$alysisIt is the basis %or selecti$' the ri'ht ca$didate, E/ery or'a$iAatio$ sho"ld %i$aliAe the job a$alysis4 job descriptio$4 job speci%icatio$ a$d e#ployee speci%icatio$s be%ore proceedi$' to the $e.t step o% selectio$,

7, 0"#a$ Reso"rce Pla$E/ery co#pa$y pla$s %or the reB"ired $"#ber o% a$d )i$d o% e#ployees %or a %"t"re date, This is the basis %or recr"it#e$t %"$ctio$, 9, Recr"it#e$tIt re%ers to the process o% searchi$' %or prospecti/e e#ployees a$d sti#"lati$' the# to apply %or jobs i$ a$ or'a$iAatio$,

;, De/elop#e$t &ases %or Selectio$-

The co#pa$y has to select the appropriate ca$didates %ro# the applica$tDs pool, The co#pa$y de/elops or borro(s the bases %or scree$i$' the ca$didates i$ order to select the appropriate %or the jobs, <, Res"#e+&ioCdata+C1This is also )$o($ as applicatio$ %or#, The tech$iB"e o% applicatio$ %or# or C1 is traditio$al a$d (idely accepted %or sec"ri$' i$%or#atio$ %ro# the prospecti/e ca$didates, It ca$ also be "sed as a de/ice to scree$ the ca$didates at the preli#i$ary le/el, I$%or#atio$ is 'e$erally o$ the %ollo(i$' ite#s i$ the applicatio$ %or# 5, Perso$al bac)'ro"$d i$%or#atio$ 7, Ed"catio$al attai$#e$ts 9, 8or) e.perie$ces ;, Salary <, Perso$al details =, Re%ere$ces =, 8ritte$ e.a#i$atio$The or'a$iAatio$s ha/e to co$d"ct (ritte$ e.a#i$atio$ %or the B"ali%ied ca$didates a%ter they are scree$ed o$ the basis o% the applicatio$ bla$)s so as to #eas"re the ca$didates ability i$ arith#etical calc"latio$s4 to )$o( the ca$didatesD attit"de to(ards the job4 to #eas"re the ca$didatesD aptit"de4 reaso$i$'4 co##"$icatio$4 )$o(led'e i$ /ario"s discipli$es, >, Preli#i$ary I$ter/ie(The preli#i$ary i$ter/ie( is to solicit $ecessary i$%or#atio$ %ro# the prospecti/e applicatio$s a$d to assess the applica$ts s"itability to the job, It is "se%"l as a process o% eli#i$ati$' the "$desirable a$d "$s"itable ca$didates,They are short a$d )$o($ as sta$dC"p i$ter/ie(s or scree$i$' i$ter/ie(s,

@, TestPsycholo'ical tests play a /ital role i$ e#ployee selectio$, A Psycholo'ical test is esse$tially a$ objecti/e a$d sta$dardiAed #eas"re o% sa#ple beha/ior %ro# (hich i$%ere$ces abo"t %"t"re beha/ior a$d per%or#a$ce o% the ca$didates ca$ be dra($, I, 3i$al i$ter/ie(3i$al i$ter/ie( is "s"ally %ollo(ed by testi$', This is the #ost esse$tial step i$ the process o% selectio$, I$ this step4 the i$ter/ie(er #atches the i$%or#atio$ obtai$ed abo"t the ca$didate thro"'h /ario"s #ea$s to the job reB"ire#e$ts,

There are di%%ere$t types o% i$ter/ie(s $a#ely5, Pa$el I$ter/ie( 7, Stress I$ter/ie( 9, ro"p I$ter/ie( ;, I$%or#al I$ter/ie( <, 3or#al I$ter/ie(

5J, Medical E.a#i$atio$Certai$ jobs reB"ire certai$ physical B"alities li)e clear /isio$4 per%ect heari$'4 "$"s"al sta#i$a4 tolera$ce o% hard (or)i$' co$ditio$s4 clear to$e etc, it re/eals (hether or $ot a ca$didate possesses these B"alities,

55, Re%ere$ce Chec)sA%ter co#pletio$ o% the %i$al i$ter/ie( a$d #edical e.a#i$atio$4 the perso$$el depart#e$t e$'a'e i$ chec)i$' re%ere$ces, Ca$didates are reB"ired to 'i/e the $a#es o% re%ere$ces i$ their applicatio$ %or#s,

57, 3i$al decisio$ by the Li$e #a$a'er0e has to #a)e the %i$al decisio$ (hether to select or reject a ca$didate a%ter soliciti$' the reB"ired i$%or#atio$ thro"'h di%%ere$t tech$iB"es, The li$e #a$a'er has to #a)e #"ch care i$ ta)i$' the %i$al decisio$ $ot o$ly beca"se o% eco$o#ic i#plicatio$s a$d o% the decisio$s b"t also beca"se o% beha/ioral a$d social i#plicatio$s,

5;, 2ob O%%erThe or'a$iAatio$ o%%ers the job to the s"ccess%"l ca$didates either i##ediately or a%ter so#e depe$di$' "po$ its ti#e sched"le,

5<, E#ploy#e$tThe co#pa$y #ay #odi%y the ter#s a$d co$ditio$s o% e#ploy#e$t as reB"ested by the ca$didate, The co#pa$y e#ploys those ca$didates (ho accept the job o%%er (ith or (itho"t #odi%icatio$ o% ter#s a$d co$ditio$s o% e#ploy#e$t a$d place the# o$ the job,



S"ccess%"l h"#a$ reso"rce pla$$i$' is desi'$ed to ide$ti%y a$ or'a$iAatio$Ds h"#a$ reso"rce $eeds, O$ce these $eeds are )$o($4 a$ or'a$iAatio$ (ill (a$t to do so#ethi$' abo"t #eeti$' the#, The $e.t step4 the$4 i$ the sta%%i$' %"$ctio$C ass"#i$' that de#a$d %or certai$ s)ills4 )$o(led'e4 a$d abilities is 'reater tha$ the c"rre$t s"pplyC is recr"iti$', Recr"iti$' is the process o% disco/eri$' pote$tial ca$didates %or act"al or a$ticipated or'a$iAatio$al /aca$cies, Recr"it#e$t is o$ly o$e o% the steps i$ the e$tire e#ploy#e$t process, It is 'e$erally %ollo(ed by selectio$, It precedes the selectio$ %"$ctio$ a$d it i$cl"des o$ly %i$di$'4 de/elopi$' the so"rces o% prospecti/e e#ployees a$d attracti$' the# to apply %or the jobs i$ a$ or'a$iAatio$4 (hereas the selectio$ is the process o% %i$di$' the #ost s"itable ca$didate to the job o"t o% the ca$didates attracted Fi,e,4 recr"itedE, They are critical ele#e$ts o% e%%ecti/e h"#a$ reso"rce #a$a'e#e$t, F,,,E 8e ca$$ot disc"ss ho( recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ ta)e place (itho"t as)i$' (hy certai$ tech$iB"es are "sed i$ pre%ere$ce to others,8ithi$ the 0RM paradi'#4 they are $ot si#ply #echa$is#s %or %illi$' /aca$cies, Recr"it#e$t a$d red"$da$cy ca$ be /ie(ed as )ey Hp"shH a$d Hp"llH le/ers %or or'a$iAatio$al cha$'e, Recri"t#e$t a$d selectio$ allo(s #a$a'e#e$t to deter#i$e a$d 'rad"ally #odi%y the beha/io"ral characteristics a$d co#pete$ces o% (or)%orce,the %ashio$ %or tea# (or)i$' %or e.a#ple4



.ROFI!E OF co6*a(y

A$'el &roo)i$'sD tryst (ith e.celle$ce i$ c"sto#er relatio$s be'a$ i$ 5I@>, Today4 A$'el has e#er'ed as o$e o% the #ost respected Stoc)C&ro)i$' a$d 8ealth Ma$a'e#e$t Co#pa$ies i$ I$dia, 8ith its "$iB"e retailC%oc"sed stoc) tradi$' b"si$ess #odel4 A$'el is co##itted to pro/idi$' MReal 1al"e %or Mo$eyD to all its clie$ts, The A$'el ro"p is a #e#ber o% the &o#bay Stoc) E.cha$'e F&SEE4 Natio$al Stoc) E.cha$'e FNSEE a$d the t(o leadi$' Co##odity E.cha$'es i$ the co"$try- NCDEP * MCP, A$'el is also re'istered as a Depository Participa$t (ith CDSL, COM.ANY<S B-si(ess

EB"ity Tradi$' Co##odities Port%olio Ma$a'e#e$t Ser/ices M"t"al 3"$ds Li%e I$s"ra$ce Perso$al Loa$s IPO Depository Ser/ices I$/est#e$t Ad/isory

A(gel Gro-*:

A$'el &ro)i$' Ltd, A$'el Co##odities &ro)i$' Ltd, A$'el Sec"rities Ltd,

Co6*a(y<s isio( To pro/ide best /al"e %or #o$ey to i$/estors thro"'h i$$o/ati/e prod"cts4 tradi$'+i$/est#e$ts strate'ies4 state o% the art tech$olo'y a$d perso$aliAed ser/ice,

Co6*a(y<s Mo,,o

To ha/e co#plete har#o$y bet(ee$ B"alityCi$Cprocess a$d co$ti$"o"s i#pro/e#e$t to deli/er e.ceptio$al ser/ice that (ill deli'ht o"r C"sto#ers a$d Clie$ts,

Co6*a(y<s CRM .olicy : C-s,o6er is 'i(g A C"sto#er is the #ost I#porta$t 1isitor o$ o"r pre#ises, 0e is $ot depe$de$t o$ "s4 b"t (e are depe$de$t o$ hi#, 0e is $ot a$ i$terr"ptio$ i$ o"r (or), 0e is the p"rpose o% it, 0e is $ot a$ o"tsider i$ o"r b"si$ess, 0e is part o% it, 8e are $ot doi$' hi# a %a/o"r by ser/i$' hi#, 0e is doi$' "s a %a/o"r by 'i/i$' "s a$ opport"$ity to do so,! B-si(ess .)iloso*)y Ethical practices * tra$spare$cy i$ all o"r deali$'s C"sto#ers i$terest abo/e o"r o($ Al(ays deli/er (hat (e pro#ise E%%ecti/e cost #a$a'e#e$t COM.ANY 8-ali,y Ass-ra(ce .olicy 8e are co##itted to pro/idi$' (orldCclass prod"cts a$d ser/ices (hich e.ceed the e.pectatio$s o% o"r c"sto#ers4 achie/ed by tea#(or) a$d a process o% co$ti$"o"s i#pro/e#e$t, 8or) C"lt"re At A$'el4 (e )eep e.plori$' $e( paths to pro/ide the best /al"e to all o"r i$ter$al a$d e.ter$al c"sto#ers, 8e co$sider people as o"r bi''est asset a$d belie/e i$ creati$' lo$' ter# relatio$ships by $"rt"ri$' tale$t %ro# (ithi$, A %astC'ro(i$'4 %or(ardCloo)i$' or'a$iAatio$ li)e o"rs4 de#a$ds 0R to be a )ey respo$sibility area o% o"r core #a$a'e#e$t tea#, O"r 0R tea# co$sta$tly e.plores (ays to e$ha$ce a$d a"'#e$t the )$o(led'e base a$d prod"cti/ity o% all A$'els by pro/idi$' /ario"s lear$i$' a$d de/elop#e$t Pro'ra#s, O"r three tier Leadership De/elop#e$t pro'ra# helps all star per%or#ers to 'ro( a$d de/elop their #a$a'erial s)ills to beco#e e%%ecti/e #e$tors %or their tea#s a$d thereby ta)e o$ the $e.t le/el o% respo$sibility e%%ecti/ely, O"rs is a (i$$i$' tea# o% hi'hly deter#i$ed4 #oti/ated4 a$d adaptable people4 all (or)i$' dili'e$tly to ta)e A$'elHs$' s"ccess story %or(ard, 0R Philosophy At A$'el4 People co#e %irst, Alo$' (ith o"r c"sto#ers4 o"r e#ployees are eB"ally /ital to o"r or'a$iAatio$, The &"si$ess o% 0R is to %oster a$ e$trepre$e"rial spirit K (hereby A$'els ca$ operate (ith o($ership as a$ e$trepre$e"r Fpro%it ce$terE (ithi$ the co$%i$es o% their job role a$d ear$ o/er a$d abo/e their %i.ed salaries,

8e belie/e i$ i$c"lcati$' a se$se o% respo$sibility a$d o($ership i$ all A$'els (hich bri$'s o"t the e$trepre$e"rial Aeal to e.plore pote$tial (ithi$ as (ell as beyo$d job bo"$daries, Co#pa$yDs 0R Philosophy is to e$'a'e e#ployees at pro%essio$al4 e#otio$al a$d #aterial le/els, 8e ai# to create a$ e$/iro$#e$t co$d"ci/e to both perso$al a$d pro%essio$al de/elop#e$t o% the e#ployees4 leadi$' to a prod"cti/e a$d happy (or) %orce

A$'el belie/es that people i#pact b"si$ess a$d there%ore each a$d e/ery A$'el is a )ey reso"rce a$d a /al"able asset O"r b"si$ess philosophy o% bei$' tra$spare$t i$ all o"r deali$'s (ith o"r c"sto#ers4 is eB"ally applicable i$ deali$'s (ith e#ployees 8e e$co"ra'e i$itiati/e4 pro/ide pro%essio$al %reedo# a$d e#po(er A$'els based o$ tr"st

EM.!OYEE ENGAGEMENT: Tea# 0R at A$'el (or)s e%%ecti/ely to create a (or) e$/iro$#e$t a$d per%or#a$ce c"lt"re that %osters tea# spirit a$d e$ha$ces e#ployee prod"cti/ity thro"'h #oti/atio$ a$d positi/e a#bitio$, O"r 0R tea# is co$ti$"ally (or)i$' to ratio$aliAe a$d restr"ct"re #eas"res to e$s"re better e#ployee relatio$ship #a$a'e#e$t4 e#ployee co##"$icatio$s a$d relatio$s4 recr"it#e$t a$d trai$i$' $eed a$alysisL pro'ra# desi'$ a$d i#ple#e$tatio$4 per%or#a$ce e/al"atio$ a$d other (or)Cli%e i$itiati/es, Spri$t MSpri$tD is a$ e$'a'e#e$t pro'ra# de/ised %or better i$cl"sio$ o% $e( joi$ers %ro# Day 5, The #ajor ai# is to help e#ployee "$dersta$d the co#pa$y prod"cts * ser/ices a$d prese$t the# to c"sto#ers, Race A%ter ha/i$' do$e (ell i$ the MSpri$tD pro'ra#4 MRaceD is hi'hly e%%ecti/e i$ har$essi$' the pote$tial o% $e( joi$ers %or %"rther de/elop#e$t i$ the $e.t three #o$ths, Hall O5 Fa6e It is a display to i$crease /isibility o% i$itiati/es ta)e$ by e#ployees (ith a$ objecti/e to #oti/ate a$d reco'$iAe co$trib"tio$ a$d de/elop se$se o% pride a$d belo$'i$', A6 *ar1

Sa# par) is o"r (ay o% brid'i$' the e#ployeeC#a$a'e#e$t co##"$icatio$ thro"'h a co##o$ %or"# (here4 ideas4 achie/e#e$ts4 i$si'ht a$d /isio$s %or s"ccess are shared o$ a re'"lar basis,

Clas) o5 A(gels A$'el or'a$iAes a cric)et to"r$a#e$t K MClash o% A$'elsD (ith a$ ai# to e$co"ra'e the co#petiti/e spirit a$d sports#a$ship i$ all e#ployees, The best tea# li%ts the rolli$' trophy, Cric)et bei$' the %a/orite sport o% the $atio$4 the e/e$t 'e$erates a lot o% %a$%are a#o$' the e#ployees, .raga,i A$'el stro$'ly belie/es that i$$o/atio$ does $ot co#e %ro# processes b"t people, 8e also belie/e i$ e/ol/i$' co$ti$"o"sly to #eet the c"sto#er $eeds a$d create a co#petiti/e ad/a$ta'e thro"'h tr"ly perso$aliAed ser/ice, MPra'atiD is a plat%or# to capt"re creati/e ideas %ro# e#ployees (ith the objecti/e o% bri$'i$' ta$'ible res"lts by i$creasi$' e%%icie$cy4 e$ha$ci$' prod"cti/ity a$d red"ci$' TAT i$ o"r (or) areas, Red Tag Day A$'el e$co"ra'es e#ployees to red"ce4 recycle * re"se as a (ay o% li%e, To reCe$%orce the si'$i%ica$ce o% red ta''i$' e/ery year (e celebrate MRed Ta' DayD across A$'el,


The core esse$ce o% PMS is to b"ild a$d stre$'the$ the tea# #e#berDs MCo$$ectD (ith A$'el thro"'h

E$rolli$' the tea# #e#ber to A$'elDs /isio$ Mea$i$'%"l e$'a'e#e$t Mea$i$'%"l dialo'"e Ope$$ess to 'i/e a$d recei/e %eedbac) Co#pli#e$t achie/e#e$ts 3oc"s o$ the tea# #e#berDs 'ro(th to e$ha$ce per%or#a$ce

The (hole %oc"s o% PMS is to loo) %or 'ood$ess i$ a perso$, The o$"s is o$ the #a$a'ers to loo) %or that 'ood$ess4 ide$ti%y stre$'ths a$d try to create a role aro"$d stre$'ths rather tha$ 'etti$' bo''ed do($ (ith (ea)$esses, The Per%or#a$ce Ma$a'e#e$t Syste# at A$'el has red"ced #a$"al i$ter/e$tio$ to a #i$i#al le/el, The %"lly i$te'rated o$li$e syste# "ses sophisticated tools s"ch as $atio$al a$d re'io$al stac) ra$)i$'4 per%or#a$ce ba$ds a$d ra$) based reco##e$datio$s, All this is s"pported thro"'h o$eCo$Co$e i$teracti/e %eedbac) * coachi$' sessio$ (ith tea#, Per%or#a$ce credits are recei/ed %or e.ceedi$' e.pected tar'ets a$d there are eB"al opport"$ities %or all e#ployees to ear$ re(ards (ith $o "pper li#its, Per%or#a$ce credit str"ct"res ha/e bee$ (or)ed o"t di%%ere$tly %or /ario"s cate'ories o% e#ployees, Leadership Acade#yLear$i$' is a co$ti$"o"s process at A$'el, 8e ide$ti%y the stre$'ths o% e#ployees a$d desi'$ trai$i$' pro'ra#s to b"ild their stro$' poi$ts a$d o/erco#e their shortco#i$'s, 8e prepare o"r e#ployees %or %"t"re positio$s (ith trai$i$' a$d by e$co"ra'i$' the lear$i$' process, This helps the# to #o/e to(ards their career objecti/es e%%icie$tly, 8e also e#ploy /ario"s people de/elop#e$t i$itiati/es li)e EClear$i$' opport"$ities %or %"$ctio$al * beha/ioral s)ills thro"'h /ideo co$%ere$ces a$d thro"'h o"r e#ployee portal, O"r E 8ise K &e (ise Pro'ra# pro/ides e/ery A$'el (ith 7;.> access to all rele/a$t i$%or#atio$ abo"t A$'el, This e$co"ra'es e#ployees at all le/els to "p'rade their )$o(led'e co$sta$tly a$d apply their lear$i$'s i$ the day to day (or) to achie/e hi'h prod"cti/ity a$d c"sto#er satis%actio$ le/els,

PROUD TO &E AN EL-8e Do$Dt 2"st &"ild Careers,,,8e &"ild Li/es!

Testi#o$ials %ro# e#ployees abo"t (hat #a)es the# to be pro"d to be a$ A$'el a$d ho( this or'a$iAatio$ has #ade a di%%ere$ce to their li/esQ,

1i)ra#Di/e)ar Sr, Ma$a'er K E Co##erce I joi$ed A$'el as a Trai$ee K 8eb Desi'$er i$ 2"$e 7JJ< a$d (ithi$ a short spa$ I ha/e 'ro($ to the role o% Se$ior Ma$a'er K ECco##erce4 ha$dli$' a tea# o% 7< people, A$'el $ot o$ly %oc"ses o$ rete$tio$ b"t )i$dles the e$trepre$e"rship spirit i$ each a$d e/ery e#ployee, 0ere eB"al opport"$ities are 'i/e$ to e/eryo$e a$d $e( * i$$o/ati/e ideas are (elco#ed,

Ma$ishaMishra"ti/e K Operatio$s Pro"dCtoCbeCa$CA$'el4 there are se/eral aspects that bri$' this %eeli$', The /al"es o% A$'el that ha/e a #ajor i#pact are Ser/ice Orie$tatio$4 Tra$spare$cy4 a$d ?"ality Mi$dset, 8he$ (e recei/e appreciatio$ o$ the sa#e by o"r clie$ts4 it #a)es "s happy * e$co"ra'es "s to (or) the sa#e (ay a$d cherish o"r (or), The /ario"s aspects o% A$'el C"lt"re that has a #ajor appeal a$d e$co"ra'e #e to per%or# d"ri$' #y te$"re are %irstly the trai$i$' pro/ided to #e * co$str"cti/e %eedbac) recei/ed %ro# #y se$iors to e$ha$ce #y per%or#a$ce, Also4 I appreciate the %air$ess o% policies * proced"res %ollo(ed by A$'el, Also4 the %reedo# * ope$$ess to the ideas * s"''estio$s co$trib"ted %ro# #y side, Also4 the process dri/e$ approach to(ards (or) help "s (or) syste#atically, The i$%rastr"ct"re * reso"rces pro/ided to "s to do o"r job (ell creates a$ e$/iro$#e$t that #a)es "s co#%ortable, 8e %eel cared %or * /al"ed as a tea# #e#ber (or)i$' i$ A$'el, 8hile (or)i$' i$ A$'el4 they #a)e "s %eel that the (or) do$e by "s adds /al"e to the or'a$iAatio$, A$d lastly the i#a'e * /al"e associated (ith A$'el bra$d #a)es #e pro"d to be part o% this or'a$iAatio$,

Dha/alShah &"si$ess Ma$a'er I$ a# pro"d to be a$ A$'el beca"se o% tra$spare$cy o% o"r or'a$iAatio$ %or 'i/i$' #e path %or $e.t le/el o% 'ro(th, I joi$ed this co#pa$y as a Sales"ti/e, I$ the %irst 9 #o$ths I achie/ed #y tar'ets a$d (as soo$ pro#oted as a Tea# Leader ha$dli$' a tea# o% @ #e#bers, 8ithi$ a short spa$ o% = #o$ths4 I (as pro#oted as a &"si$ess Ma$a'er headi$' #y &ra$ch, The reco'$itio$ o% (or) per%or#a$ce is a si'$i%ica$t as aspect o% A$'elDs (or) c"lt"re, As a$ e.a#ple I ha/e recei/ed a trophy %or o"tsta$di$' per%or#a$ce %ro# the se$ior #a$a'e#e$t, I a# /ery happy to be a part o% the A$'el %a#ily,

Sh(etaTi(ari Ma$a'er K So%t(are De/elop#e$t I joi$ed A$'el i$ May 7JJ> as a trai$ee pro'ra##er, A$'el has 'i/e$ #e $e( challe$'es a$d roles e/ery year, No( I a# desi'$ated as Ma$a'er i$ So%t(are De/elop#e$t Depart#e$t, I do$Dt thi$) this (o"ld ha/e bee$ possible i$ a$y other co#pa$y i$ s"ch a short period o% ti#e, A$'el is really a per%or#a$ceCbased eB"al opport"$ity co#pa$y, The bac) (or) e$/iro$#e$t allo(s "s to ha/e o"r o($ (or) style a$d e/eryo$e is al(ays ope$ to $e(4 i$$o/ati/e ideas, Not o$ly do the people (or)i$' here care abo"t o"r prod"cts a$d appreciate the#4 they also care abo"t each other as (ell, 3reedo#4 3le.ibility4 Passio$, I ha/e the %reedo# to do (hat is $ecessary to acco#plish (hat is as)ed o% #e4 the %le.ibility to ta)e care o% social li%e a$d respo$sibilities4 a$d I share a passio$ (ith #y tea# #e#bers %or (hat (e do, I a# /ery pro"d that I (or) %or this co#pa$y a$d to co$trib"te to its s"ccess,

3i$a$cial I$d"stry It all started i$ the year 7JJ7 (ith the US lo(eri$' its i$terest rates %eari$' the slo(do($ o% their eco$o#y, To be i$ li$e (ith the (orld4 I$dia also lo(ered its i$terest rates4 thereby i$itiati$' a $e( co$s"#ptio$ cycle, This had a cascadi$' e%%ect o$ all sectors- co##odities4 a'ric"lt"re4 i$%rastr"ct"re4 ba$)i$'4 a"to a$d a"to a$cillary4 IT a$d IT e$abled ser/ices,

The st"pe$do"s 'ro(th trajectory achie/ed i$ the past ; years (as d"e to so"$d 'o/er$#e$t %iscal policies (hich assisted i$ 'i/i$' a %illip to the I$dia$ eco$o#y,

I$dia$ eco$o#y has bee$ 'ro(i$' at >C@R o/er the last %e( years a$d is $ot o$ly e.pected to reco/er soo$ b"t also #ai$tai$ a hi'h trajectory %or a lo$' ti#e to co#e, 3i$a$cial sector leadi$' %ro# the %ro$t (ith 'ro(th rates #"ch hi'her at 7JR, De#at acco"$ts 'ro(i$' S 7JR CA R o/er the last %e( years, &"t4 eB"ity pe$etratio$ is still /ery lo(- 55=cr pop"latio$G4 5>cr PANG card holders4 o$ly 5,;>cr De#at acco"$tsG, 0istorically4 EB"ity FS 5<R CA RE as a$ asset class o"tper%or#s all others,

0istorically4 the Se$se. has bee$ 'ro(i$' at a co#po"$ded rate o% 5>R per a$$"#,!

3iscal sti#"l"s a$d R&Is Mo$etary Policy (ill p"t eco$o#y o$ stro$' 'ro(th path, I$terest rates o$ a decli$e4 eB"ities e.pected to 'ai$ %ro# this, I$dia$ eco$o#y e.pected to bo"$ce bac) by year e$d, Corporate ear$i$'s to i#pro/e i$ the seco$d hal% o% the c"rre$t %i$a$cial year,

")y A(gel=

The #ost tr"sted retailCce$tric bro)i$' ho"se (ith HSer/ice Tr"ly Perso$aliAedH, A$'el is a#o$' the top %i/e bro)i$' ho"ses i$ the co"$try, A$'el (as %irst to co$ce$trate o$ retailCce$tric research, A$'el (as %irst to adopt the bra$ch co$cept, A$'el (as %irst to la"$ch the (ebCe$abled &ac) O%%ice So%t(are %or s"b bro)ers a$d clie$ts, A$'el has the hi'hest $"#ber o% re'istered s"bCbro)ers o$ &SE a$d NSE, A$'el has the hi'hest $"#ber o% tradi$' ter#i$als"di$' eCbro)i$' ter#i$alsE, A$'el has bee$ a(arded #ost co/eted MMajor 1ol"#e Dri/erD a(ard by &SE %ro# the year 7JJ;CJ< to 7JJ@CJI, A$'el has rece$tly bee$ a(arded t(o presti'io"s a(ard o% T&est Retail &ro)i$' 0o"seT a$d T&ro)i$' ho"se (ith Lar'est Distrib"tio$ Net(or)T by D"$ a$d &radstreet,

.rod-c,s > Ser2ices

EB"ities Co##odities C"rre$cies EC&ro)i$' PMS

A$'el old I$s"ra$ce M"t"al 3"$d Perso$al Loa$ 3i.ed Deposits IPO Depository Ser/ices 1al"e Added Ser/ices

Research * Ad/isory Ser/ices Mar'i$ 3"$di$' PreCpaid Prod"cts ECChopda SMS Ser/ices MCCo$$ect Clie$t &ac) O%%ice NRI Ser/ices

B-si(ess .la(s A$'el &ro)i$' o%%ers a (ide selectio$ o% &"si$ess Pla$s %or all the aspiri$' e$trepre$e"rs o"t there, 6o" select the o$e (hich yo" thi$) is the #ost be$e%icial to yo" or si#ply call o"r e.perts (ho (ill '"ide a$d direct yo" to(ards the ri'ht path, S-**or, A$'el &ro)i$' o%%ers a host a co#prehe$si/e s"pport i$%rastr"ct"re to its part$ers a$d clie$ts, As A$'elHs &"si$ess Part$er4 yo" 'et

0a$dCholdi$' to ide$ti%y b"si$ess pote$tial, Specially desi'$ed trai$i$' pro'ra# to de/elop the $ecessary b"si$ess s)ills, Tech$olo'y that '"ara$tees sea#less co$$ecti/ity %or tradi$', 3le.ibility o% a local bro)i$' ho"se a$d sophisticatio$ o% corporate bro)era'e, A dedicated Relatio$ship Ma$a'er to help i$ sales a$d other b"si$ess related B"eries, O$li$e prod"cts %or part$erHs clie$ts at $o additio$al cost, &asic4 I$d"ctio$ a$d 3"$ctio$al trai$i$' to &"si$ess Part$ers a$d their e#ployees %or operatio$al )$o(led'e, A specially desi'$ed 'lo( Si'$ &oard pro/ided (ith A$'el &ra$di$', &ra$di$' s"pport i$ ter#s o% re'"lar Research * Ad/isory (or)shops, 7;.> O$li$e &ac)Co%%ice syste# %or the Part$er as (ell as all their c"sto#ers,

.ro+ec, a, co6*a(y


Optio$s aE2ob portals bEE.isti$' database cERe%errals dE0ead h"$ti$'

R o% Optio$s 99,99 59,99 99,99 7J

5, i/e yo"r opi$io$ o$ (hich is best so"rce o% recr"it#e$t,

5, 99,99R o% the e#ployees opted %or 2ob Portals a$d Re%errals, 7, 59,99R %or E.isti$' Data base, 9, 7JR opted %or "si$' the 0ead 0"$ti$',

5,It ca$ be i$%erred that the #ajority o% the e#ployees %o"$d 2ob Portals a$d Re%errals as the best so"rce o% recr"it#e$t, 7,8hat are other strate'ies "sed to collect pro%iles (hich satis%y clie$t e.pectatio$s other tha$ old practices i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U Optio$s aECa#p"s recr"it#e$t bE2ob #elas cERoad sho(s dEECpaper ;9,99 9J 5J 5=,=> R o% Optio$s

1. ;9,99R o% the e#ployees "se the strate'y to collect pro%iles (hich satis%y clie$t e.pectatio$ is Ca#p"s Recr"it#e$t, 2. 9JR opted %or 2ob #elas4 5JR %or Road sho(s, 3. 5=,=>R %or ECpaper,

It ca$ be i$%erred that #ost o% the e#ployees %eel that Ca#p"s Recr"it#e$t4 2ob #elas4 ECpaper are the strate'ies "sed to collect pro%iles to #eet the clie$t e.pectatio$s, 9 ,Accordi$' to yo"r perceptio$ to (hat le/el yo"r or'a$iAatio$ ca$ satis%y #a$po(er reB"ire#e$ts o% clie$tsU Optio$s aEMa.i#"# bEA/era'e cEMi$i#"# R o% Optio$s <9,99 9J 5=,=>

O&SER1ATION5, <9,99R o% the e#ployees %elt that they ca$ #eet the e.isti$' #a$po(er $eeds o% the clie$ts, 7, 9JR %eel that they ca$ satis%y their clie$ts o$ a$ a/era'e basis, 9, 5=,=>R tho"'ht that there is #i$i#"# satis%actio$ o% clie$ts,

It ca$ be i$%erred that #ajority o% the e#ployees (ere o% the /ie( that they satis%y the #a$po(er $eeds o% the clie$ts,

;E 0o( %ar are yo" satis%ied (ith th( recr"it#e$t proced"re i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U Optio$s aE reat e.te$t bEModerate cETo so#e e.te$t R o% Optio$s <9,99 9=,=> 5J

5, <9,99R o% the e#ployees a'reed that they are /ery #"ch satis%ied (ith recr"it#e$t proced"re, 7, 9, 9=,=>R o% the# (ere #oderately satis%ied, 5JR (ere satis%ied to so#e e.te$t,

It ca$ be i$%erred that #ajority o% the %resh recr"its co$sidered the or'a$isatio$Ds policy to be satis%actory, This spea)s /ol"#es %or the e%%ecti/e$ess o% the or'a$iAatio$ 0R Recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ policy,

< ETo (hat le/el yo"r proced"res o% recr"it#e$t help to satis%y #a$po(er $eeds o% o#a# clie$tsU Optio$s aE1ery #"ch bEModerate R o% Optio$s ==,=> 99,99

5, ==,=>R o% the e#ployees (ere /ery #"ch able to #eet the clie$t reB"ire#e$ts, 7, 99,99R o% the# #oderately #eeti$' the clie$ts reB"ire#e$ts,

It ca$ be i$%erred that #ajority o% the e#ployees %eel that they do satis%y clie$t reB"ire#e$ts to a 'reat e.te$t, =EChoose the B"ality sta$dards #ai$tai$ed by yo"r or'a$iAatio$ VC1 co$/ersio$- I$ter/ie( co$/ersio$- 2oi$i$' co$/ersio$

Optio$s ><-><->< 7<-><-7<

R o% Optio$s 99,99 5=,=>

5, 99,99R o% the e#ployees %elt that o#a# #ai$tai$s ><-7<->< B"ality sta$dards, 7, 5=,=>R o% the# %elt O#a# #ai$tai$s 7<-><-7< B"ality sta$dards, 9, <JR o% the# (ere o% %elt that it #ai$tai$s ><-7<->< B"ality sta$dards,

It ca$ be i$%erred that o% the sa#ple o$ly <JR o% the# )$e( abo"t B"ality sta$dards o% O#a#, 8e see a scope o% trai$i$' to ed"cate others i$ "$dersta$di$' the sa#e, > ETo (hat e.te$t the i$%or#atio$ collected by proced"res yo" %ollo( at yo"r or'a$iAatio$ help yo" to 'et ri'ht ca$didate %or ri'ht job, Optio$s aE reat e.te$t bEModerate cELittle e.te$t R o% Optio$s <9,99 9J 5=,=>

5, <9,99R e#ployees (ere satis%ied to a 'reat e.te$t, 7, 9, 9JR o% the e#ployees (ere #oderately satis%ied, 5=,=>R o% the# (ere satis%ied to so#e e.te$t,

It ca$ be i$%erred that the i$%or#atio$ obtai$ed by the proced"re %ollo(ed at O#a# helps 'et a ri'ht ca$didate %or the ri'ht job,

@E8hat is the le/el o% e/al"atio$ that 'oes i$ selecti$' a ca$didate be%ore se$di$' to a clie$tU Optio$s aE5C9 bE9C< cE<C> dE>C5J R o% Optio$s 5=,=> 59,99 5=,=> <9,99

5, <9,99R o% the e#ployees %elt that the rati$' scale o% >C5J is co$sidered i$ e/al"ati$' the le/el o% the ca$didate be%ore %or(ardi$' hi#+her to the clie$t, 7, 5=,=>R o% the e#ployees %elt that 5C9 * <C> rati$' scale is co$sidered i$ e/al"ati$' the le/el o% the ca$didate,

3ro# the abo/e that it is i$%erred that >C5J rati$' scale is co$sidered to be the best i$ e/al"ati$' the ca$didate, IE i/e the rati$' to (hich a ca$didate is a$alysed i$ the belo( para#etersVo$ a scale o% 5C5JW

Optio$s aECo##"$icatio$ bEAttit"de cETech$ical s)ills dEPsycho #eter eEOthers

R o% Optio$s @ > < = <

5, O$ scale o% 5C5J the e#ployees rated #a.i#"# @ %or co##"$icatio$ s)ills, 7, 9, > %or attit"de4 < %or tech$ical s)ills4 = %or psycho #eter, < %or others 4these are esse$tial to a$alyse a ca$didate,

It ca$ be i$%erred that all the s)ills i,e co##"$icatio$4 tech$ical s)ills4 attit"de4 psycho #eter are a$alysed i$ ca$didate, 5JE8hat are the basic perso$al s)ills a recr"iter sho"ld ha/eU Frate o$ a scaleE 1ery i#porta$t Optio$s aEE.perie$ce bECo##"$icatio$ slills cETech$ical s)ills dE?"ali%icatio$s i#porta$t #oderate least Least i#porta$t

R o% Optio$s 99,99 ;J 5J 5=,=>

5, o$ scale o% /ery i#porta$t4 i#porta$t4 #oderate4 least4 least i#porta$t 99,99R o% the e#ployees perceptio$ (as /ery i#porta$t to(ards e.perie$ce, 7, 9, ;, ;JR %elt that co##"$icatio$ is i#porta$t, 5JR o% e#ployees %elt that tech$ical s)ills are #oderately i#porta$t, 5=,=>R has %elt B"ali%icatio$ is i#porta$t,

It ca$ be i$%erred that all the s)ills co##"$icatio$ s)ills4 e.perie$ce4 B"ali%icatio$ a$d tech$ical s)ills are esse$tial %or a recr"iter, 55 EI$ yo"r opi$io$ ho( is the B"ality o% selectio$ i$ o#a#U Optio$s aEE.celle$t bE ood cEA/era'e R o% Optio$s <9,99 9J 5=,=>

5, <9,99R o% the e#ployees rates the B"ality o% selectio$ as e.celle$t, 7, 9JR o% the# rated the B"ality o% selectio$ i$ the or'a$iAatio$ as 'ood, 9, 5=,=>R o% e#ployees rated as a/era'e B"ality o% selectio$ i$ or'a$iAatio$,

It ca$ be i$%erred that #ajority o% the e#ployees %elt that the B"ality o% selectio$ i$ the or'a$iAatio$ is e.celle$t,

57 E0o( do yo" )eep a chec) o$ the a"the$ticity o% ca$didatesU Frate o$ a scale o% 5C<E Optio$s aERe%ere$ces bEE/al"ati$' certi%icates cEProbi$' o$ the project dEChec)i$' (ith c"rre$t co,details ; R o% Optio$s ; ; 7

5, E#ployees rated #a.i#"# ; %or re%ere$ces4 e/al"ati$' certi%icates4 chec)i$' (ith the c"rre$t co#pa$y details, 7, Rated 7 %or probi$' o% the project,

3ollo(i$' are i#porta$t to 'e$erated by the e#ployees to )eep chec) o$ the a"the$ticity o% a ca$didate

GRe%ere$ces chec) GE/al"ati$' certi%icates * chec)i$' (ith the c"rre$t co#pa$y details, 59 EDo yo" s"''est to #a)e a$y cha$'es i$ the prese$tly %ollo(ed selectio$ process i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U Optio$s aE6es bENo R o% Optio$s 99,99 ==,=>

5, 99,99R o% the e#ployees %eel that there sho"ld be a cha$'e i$ the e.isti$' selectio$ process, 7, ==,=>R o% the e#ployees %eel that the e.isti$' selectio$ process $eed $ot be cha$'ed,

It ca$ be i$%erred that the #ajority o% the e#ployees %eel that $o cha$'e sho"ld be bro"'ht i$ the e.isti$' selectio$ process,

5; EI$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$ at (hat sta'e o% selectio$ proced"re the $e( cha$'es are $eed to be bo"'ht i$U Optio$s aEReB"ire#e$t allia$ces R o% Optio$s 7J

bESelectio$ o% res"#es cEO$eCo$e i$ter/ie( dENo cha$'es

9,99 5J ==,=>

5, 7JR o% the e#ployees %eel that there sho"ld be a cha$'e i$ the reB"ire#e$t allia$ces, 7, 9,99R cha$'e i$ selectio$ o% res"#es, 9, 5JR o% the# %eel that there sho"ld be cha$'e i$ the O$e to O$e i$ter/ie(, ;, ==,=>R o% the e#ployees %elt that there sho"ld be $o cha$'e i$ process o% selectio$,

It ca$ be i$%erred that the #ajority o% the e#ployees %eel that there sho"ld $ot be a #ajor cha$'e i$ process, 5<,Me$tio$ the #ost i#porta$t %actors that help yo" to satis%y SLADs Fser/ice le/el a'ree#e$tE o% o#a# clie$tsU

Optio$s aECo#pa$y data base bEI$%rastr"ct"re cEMa$ po(er

R o% Optio$s 7=,=> 7J <9,99

5, 7=,=>R a$d 7JR o% e#ployees plotted co#pa$y database4 i$%rastr"ct"re as a %actor that help to satis%y SLADs o% clie$ts, 7, <9,99R o% the# rated #a$po(er as i#porta$t %actor that help to satis%y SLADs o% clie$ts, INFERENCE:It is i$%erred that #a$po(er4 i$%rastr"ct"re a$d co#pa$y database are help to #eet the SLADs o% clie$ts,



5, Recr"it#e$t i$ IT sector is co$ti$"o"s process, 7, Al#ost e/ery IT co#pa$y depe$ds o$ o"tso"rci$' %or recr"iti$' ca$didates, 9, Tech$ical )$o(led'e is #"st4 (itho"t (hich ca$didate is rejected, ;, The e$tire process %or recr"iti$' a IT pro%essio$al ta)es 7J to ;J days, <, IT co#pa$ies recr"it %reshers as i$ter$ship %or so#e period o% ti#e o% abo"t 7C9 #o$ths, =, All the < co#pa$ies F8IPRO4 CO NI:ANT4 I&M4 SONATACSO3T8ARE4 SAPCLA&SE ha/e al#ost si#ilar type recr"iti$' a$d selectio$ process,

G AN EL &ROOIN at prese$t is o$e o% the best recr"iti$' co#pa$y (he$ co#pared to others i$ the sa#e %ield, G The Recr"it#e$t a$d Selectio$ process at AN EL &ROOIN is syste#atic a$d pla$$ed, G Proper care o% the clie$ts a$d ca$didates is bei$' ta)e$ at AN EL &ROOIN ROUP, G All the e#ployees are a(are o% the recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ process i$ the or'a$iAatio$, G The recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ o% ca$didates are #ade o$ the basis o% e.perie$ce4 a'e a$d aptit"de, 3resh ca$didates are also recr"ited i$to the or'a$iAatio$ i$ a$ e%%ecti/e #a$$er, G The #ethods "sed by AN EL &ROOIN co#pa$y %or the collectio$ o% database are syste#atic a$d appropriate, G AN EL &ROOIN has a /ery co##itted a$d dedicated 0R tea#4 (hich is the #ai$ reaso$ o% its s"ccess



5, 8hat type o% i$d"stry does yo"r or'a$isatio$ participate i$U XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7, 0o( #a$y sta%% do yo" e#ployU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9, 8hat perce$ta'e o% yo"r (or)%orce is hi'h s)illedU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;, 8hat perce$ta'e o% yo"r (or)%orce is lo( s)illedU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <, 8hat perce$ta'e o% yo"r (or)%orce is "$s)illedU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX =, 8hat perce$ta'e o% yo"r e#ployees are e#ployed- 3"ll ti#e XXXXXXXXXR Part ti#e XXXXXXXXXR Cas"al XXXXXXXXXXXR Te#porary XXXXXXXXR Co$tract XXXXXXXXXXR >, 0o( i$/ol/ed are the "$io$s i$ yo"r partic"lar i$d"stryU Fplease circleE Not at all
Lo( le/el Medi"# Le/el 0i'h Le/el

@, 0o( (o"ld yo" rate the t"r$o/er o% sta%% i$ yo"r or'a$isatio$U Fplease circleE 0i'h
Medi"# Lo(

I, Do yo" ha/e #ore tha$ o$e cate'ory or type o% e#ployeeU I% yes4 please list, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5J, Does the recr"it#e$t a$d selectio$ strate'y di%%er %or each cate'oryU XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 55, 8ho is respo$sible %or recr"it#e$t i$ the or'a$isatio$U XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 57, 8ho is respo$sible %or selectio$ i$ the or'a$isatio$U XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Journal of Management Practice

59, Do yo" ha/e a$ I$ter$et siteU Fplease circleE 6es

No 6es No No

I% yes4 do yo" "se the I$ter$et site %or recr"it#e$tU

5;, Do yo" ha/e a reB"isitio$ %or# %or /aca$t or $e( positio$sU 6es XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5=, Do yo" "se job descriptio$s a$d+or d"ty state#e$tsU 6es No 5>, 0o( o%te$ are job descriptio$s re/ie(edU Fplease circleE Not at all
Mo$thly E/ery 9#o$ths

5<, Do yo" ta)e i$to acco"$t a$y le'islati/e reB"ire#e$ts (he$ recr"iti$'U Fplease listE


#o$ths 6early As positio$ beco#es /aca$t 5@, 8hich o% the %ollo(i$' so"rces do yo" "se %or recr"it#e$tU Fplease circleE Ne(spaper
I$ter$et Re%errals



&oards 8ord o% Mo"th rad"ate Recr"it#e$t Ser/ices"ti/e Search E#ploy#e$t Co$s"lta$t Recr"it#e$t A'e$cy Other Fplease listE 5I, I% yo" ad/ertise a positio$ i$ the $e(spaper4 (hat paper do yo" "seU Fplease circleE Local Metropolita$ daily S"b"rba$
7J, Do yo" ha/e a$ applicatio$ %or#U 6es No 75, Does the or'a$isatio$ ha/e a policy re'ardi$' i$ter$al recr"it#e$t /ers"s e.ter$al recr"it#e$tU

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 77, I$ the last %i/e positio$s that yo" %illed4 (hat perce$ta'e (as i$ter$al to e.ter$alU I$ter$al XXXXXXXXXR E.ter$al XXXXXXXXXR
79, Do yo" "se e#ploy#e$t co$s"lta$tsU




Recruitment & Selection

7;, Do yo" "se recr"it#e$t a'e$ciesU 6es


I% yes4 ho( o%te$U XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7<, I% yo" reB"ire applicatio$s a$d res"#es to be se$t i$4 do yo" ac)$o(led'e the applicatio$U 6es No No 7=, Do yo" "se i$ter/ie(s as part o% yo"r recr"it#e$t processU 6es 7>, 8hat type o% i$ter/ie( process do yo" "seU Fplease circleE Pa$el O$e o$ o$e Stress ro"p
1ideo co$%ere$ce Telepho$e i$ter/ie( Co#p"terCassisted i$ter/ie(

Other Fplease listE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 7@, 0o( (o"ld yo" class yo"r i$ter/ie( str"ct"reU Fplease circleE 3or#al * str"ct"red
Se#iCstr"ct"red U$str"ct"red

7I, 8hat type o% i$ter/ie( tech$iB"e do yo" "seU Fplease circleE Liste$i$' ?"estio$i$' NoteCta)i$' Other Fplease listE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9J, Do yo" ha/e a speci%ic roo# to co$d"ct i$ter/ie(s i$U 95, Do yo" ha/e a$ orie$tatio$ pro'ra#U 97, Do yo" $oti%y all applica$ts e/e$ i% they are "$s"ccess%"lU 99, Do yo" ha/e a$ e/al"atio$ process %or recr"it#e$t * selectio$U 6es 6es 6es 6es No No No No



5, i/e yo"r opi$io$ o$ (hich is best so"rce o% recr"it#e$tU 5, E.isti$' database 7, 2ob portals 9, Re%errals ;, 0ead h"$ti$' 7, 8hat are other strate'ies "sed to collect pro%iles (hich satis%y clie$t e.pectatio$s other tha$ old practices i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U 5, Ca#p"s Recr"it#e$t 7, 2ob #elas 9, Road sho(s ;, ECpaper 9, Accordi$' to yo"r perceptio$ to (hat le/el yo"r or'a$iAatio$ ca$ satis%y #a$po(er reB"ire#e$ts o% clie$tsU

5, Ma.i#"# 7, A/era'e

9, #i$i#"#

;, 0o( %ar are yo" satis%ied (ith the recr"it#e$t proced"re i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U 5, reat e.te$t 7, Moderate 9, To so#e e.te$t ;, Not satis%ied <, To (hat le/el yo"r proced"res o% recr"it#e$t help to satis%y #a$po(er $eeds o% clie$tsU 5, 1ery #"ch 7, Moderate 9, To so#e e.te$t ;, To little e.te$t =, Choose the B"ality sta$dards #ai$tai$ed by yo"r or'a$iAatio$VC1 co$/ersio$- i$ter/ie( co$/ersio$- joi$i$' co$/ersio$WU 5, ><-><->< 7, 7<-><-7< 9, 7<-><-><

;, ><-7<->< >, To (hat e.te$t the i$%or#atio$ collected by proced"res yo" %ollo( at yo"r or'a$iAatio$ help yo" to 'et ri'ht ca$didate %or ri'ht job, 5, reat e.te$t 7, Moderate 9, Little e.te$t @, 8hat is the le/el o% e/al"atio$ that 'oes i$ selecti$' a ca$didate be%ore se$di$' to a clie$tU

5, 5C9 7, 9C< 9, <C> ;, >C5J I, i/e the rati$' to (hich a ca$didate is a$alysed i$ the belo( para#etersVo$ a scale o% 5C5JWU 5, Co##"$icatio$ 7, Attit"de 9, Tech$ical s)ills

;, Psycho#eter <, Others =, All the abo/e 5J, 8hat are the basic perso$al s)ills a recr"iter sho"ld ha/eU Frate o$ a scale o% /ery i#porta$t4 i#porta$t4 #oderate4 least4 least i#porta$tE, 5, E.perie$ce 7, Co##"$icatio$ s)ills 9, Tech$ical s)ills ;, ?"ali%icatio$s 55, I$ yo"r opi$io$ ho( is the B"ality o% selectio$ i$ )ota) #ahi$draU 5, E.celle$t 7, ood 9, A/era'e ;, Poor 57 0o( do yo" )eep a chec) o$ the a"the$ticity o% ca$didatesU F'i/e rati$' o$ scale o% 5C<E, 5, Re%ere$ces

7, E/al"ati$' certi%icates 9, Probi$' o$ the project ;, Chec)i$' (ith c"rre$t co, details 59 I$ yo"r opi$io$ (hat are the #ajor %"$ctio$s (hich lead to rejectio$sU

5, I$e%%icie$cy i$ ha$dli$' reso"rces 7, Lac) o% a(are$ess abo"t reB"ire#e$ts 9, 3it#e$t proble#s ;, Others 5; do yo" s"''est to #a)e a$y cha$'es i$ the prese$tly %ollo(ed selectio$ process i$ yo"r or'a$iAatio$U 5, 6es 7, No


Boo1s: C,&,Ma#oria45III Perso$$el Ma$a'e#e$t4 0i#alaya p"blishi$' ho"se4 P, Dr S"bha Rao45II= Esse$tials o% h"#a$ Reso"rse Ma$a'e#e$t * I$d"strial Relatio$s4 0i#alaya P"blishi$' 0o"ses4, O4Ash(athappa 5II> 0"#a$ Reso"rces Ma$a'e#e$t4 Tata Mc ra(C0ill p"blishers, .or,als: (((,'oo'le,co# (((,AN EL &ROOIN ,co# (((,(i)ipedia (((,a$'elbro)i$',co# (((,$sei$dia4co#

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