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1. Barcelona and Brazil playmaker Ronaldinho was ____ 2005 European Footballer o the !ear on "onday. a. christened b. named c. identi ied d. re#ected 2. $he 25%year%old was a&orite to claim the Ballon '()r* ha&in+ ____ won the 200, F-F. /orld 0layer o the !ear and the inau+ural F-Fpro award. a. already b. yet c. still d. all ready 1. $he Ballon '()r is ____ accepted to be the hi+hest accolade a&ailable to a player plyin+ his trade in Europe. a. wide b. width c. widen d. widely ,. 2helsea mid ielder Frank 3ampard ____ second* while 3i&erpool(s 4te&en 5errard inished third. a. went b. reached c. came d. mo&ed 5. .rsenal striker $hierry 6enry was ourth in the &otin+* ollowed by .2 "ilan and 7kraine orward .ndriy 4he&chenko* who ____ last year. a. wins b. has won c. had won d. won 8. Ronaldinho was instrumental in helpin+ Barcelona ____ their irst 0rimera 3i+a title since 1999 last season* scorin+ nine +oals and pro&idin+ many more. a. clinchin+ b. to clinchin+ c. clinched d. to clinch :. 6is orm this season seems to be e&en more impressi&e with ____ +reat +oal in 4unday(s win o&er Racin+ 4antander seein+ him match last year(s entire lea+ue haul a ter #ust 12 +ames. a. other b. another c. the other d. each other ;. 6e has also been a key i+ure or Brazil* ____ the world champions top the 4outh .merican <uali yin+ +roup. a. helpin+ b. helped c. help d. to helpin+ 9. Ronaldinho is ____ Brazilian to win the award or per ormances at Barcelona* a ter Ronaldo in 199: and Ri&aldo in 1999. a. third b. the three c. the third d. three 10. $he Ballon '()r is &oted or by European ootball #ournalists ____ by French ma+azine France Football. a. selectin+ b. select c. selected d. selection 11. $he award celebrated its 50th anni&ersary in 0aris ____ "onday ni+ht and was irst won by 4tanley "atthews while he was at Blackpool in 1958. a. at b. on c. in d. or 12. $ime is runnin+ out or 25%year%old .ustralian dru+ tra icker =+uyen $uon+ >an* ____ is due to be e?ecuted at 4in+apore(s 2han+i prison on Friday. a. which b. that c. whom d. who 11. 6is death sentence has sparked widespread ____ in .ustralia. a. criticism b. critic c. critical d. critically 1,. $he 2anberra +o&ernment has ____ pleaded or clemency* as ha&e lawyers* trade unions and church +roups. a. repeated b. repetition c. repeatedly d. repeatin+

15. 4in+apore remains unmo&ed* and insists the han+in+ will +o ahead ____ planned. a. until b. as c. so d. while 18. =+uyen was arrested carryin+ ____ ,00 +rams o heroin at 4in+apore(s 2han+i airport in late 2002. a. most b. the most c. mostly o d. almost 1:. $he .ustralian +o&ernment belie&es =+uyen should not ace the +allows ____ he has no pre&ious criminal con&ictions. a. althou+h b. there ore c. unless d. because 1;. -n a letter to his .ustralian ____ * the 4peaker o the 4in+apore 0arliament* .bdullah $armu+i* said there was no room or compromise. a. collea+ue b. counterpart c. partner d. ac<uaintance 19. .ccordin+ to .mnesty -nternational* about ,20 people ____ in 4in+apore since 1991* mostly or dru+s o ences. a. ha&e been han+ed b. ha&e han+ed c. were han+ed d. will be han+ed 20. .t the weekend .ustralian 0rime "inister @ohn 6oward ____ his i th personal plea to the 4in+aporean leadership* durin+ the 2ommonwealth 6eads o 5o&ernment "eetin+ in "alta. a. did b. accepted c. made d. re#ected 21. "r 6oward warned that 4in+apore could prepare or Alin+erin+ resentmentA in .ustralia i the e?ecution ____ ahead. a. +oes b. went c. will +o d. had +one 22. 6e has* howe&er* re#ected calls or boycotts o 4in+aporean companies* ____ trade and military sanctions with one o .ustralia(s closest .sian allies.

a. either b. but also c. as well as d. to+ether 21. 4e&eral last%ditch e orts to sa&e him ha&e been su++ested* includin+ takin+ 4in+apore to the -nternational 2ourt o @ustice or arran+in+ a prisoner swap* but le+al e?perts ha&e said ____ are likely to succeed. a. not b. no c. neither d. none 2,. 4ome church leaders ha&e called on .ustralians to obser&e a minute(s silence or =+uyen on Friday* ____ o&erall opinion remains mi?ed. a. but b. so c. howe&er d. ne&ertheless 25. $he last .ustralian ____ o&erseas was "ichael "c.uli e. a. was e?ecuted b. to be e?ecuted c. to be e?ecutin+ d. to be e?ecute 28. $he barman rom 4ydney was han+ed in "alaysia in @une 1991* a ter ____ ei+ht years in prison or heroin tra ickin+. a. ser&ed b. to ser&e c. ser&in+ d. ser&e 2:. -n 19;8 two .ustralian citizens* Be&in Barlow and Brian 2hambers* were also han+ed in "alaysia a ter bein+ ____ o dru+ smu++lin+. a. cleared b. ac<uitted c. released d. con&icted 2;. 4tru++lin+ 74 car%parts maker 'elphi has delayed plans to ____ sta wa+es* reducin+ ears o a strike at the irm. a. boost b. earn c. cut d. raise

29. 5"* which owned 'elphi until 1999* has a+reed to temporarily +i&e up pre&iously a+reed ____ reductions on 'elphi parts or 2008. a. price b. prices c. priced d. pricin+ 10. $he price o +old has continued ____ relentless climb and looks set to pass the C500%an%ounce le&el this week. a. her b. its c. their d. it 11. -ts risin+ &alue is bein+ dri&en by ____ demand or #ewelry and mo&es by some countries to increase their +old reser&es. a. stron+ly b. stren+th c. stren+then d. stron+ 12. $he threat o terrorism and the ensuin+ economic uncertainty has also added to +old(s ima+e as sa e ____ . a. in&estment b. in&est c. in&estin+ d. in&estor 11. .nalysts say that the +old price is likely ____ past the C500%an%ounce mark* e&en i some in&estors decide to take their pro its at that price. a. continuin+ b. continue c. to continue d. to continuin+ 1,. 0latinum prices ha&e also ____ in recent months* dri&en by stron+ #ewelry demand and the metal(s important role in car e?hausts. a. stabilized b. diminished c. decreased d. sur+ed 15. )scar%winner @ulia Roberts still ____ as the hi+hest%paid actress in 6ollywood. a. ranks b. names c. considers d. selects 18. 6ollywood Reporter(s annual /omen in Entertainment 0ower list su++ests she ____ C20m a ilm* despite her recent career break to ha&e twins.

a. pays b. earns c. wins d. succeeds 1:. Roberts* ____ last ilm was )cean(s $wel&e* will return to actin+ in 2008 makin+ her Broadway sta+e debut. a. whom b. who c. which d. whose 1;. Roberts became the irst actress ____ the likes o $om 2ruise in the ranks o the C20m%per%mo&ie stars a ter scoopin+ the best actress )scar in 2001. a. #oined b. #oinin+ c. to #oin d. to #oinin+ 19. 4he picked up the 0eople(s 2hoice .ward on nine occasions ____ 1991 and 200, % an illustration o her endurin+ popularity with ilm%+oers. a. rom b. between c. amon+ d. since ,0. =icole Bidman commands an ____ C18 million to C1: million per mo&ie. a. estimated b. estimate c. estimatin+ d. estimates ,1. $he =o. 1 and =o. , spots were held by Reese /itherspoon* currently starrin+ in )scar hope ul A/alk the 3ine*A and 'rew Barrymore* ____ take in C15 million a mo&ie. a. both o whom b. whom o both c. o both whom d. both whom o ,2. British .irways is to cut almost 800 ____ #obs by "arch 200;. a. mana+e b. mana+er c. mana+ed d. mana+ement ,1. $he #ob ____ are the irst bi+ mo&e by new chie e?ecuti&e /illie /alsh to cut the irm(s costs. a. loss b. losses c. lost d. loses

,,. $he brunt o the reduction will hit senior mana+ement* whose numbers are e?pected to all ____ ,1, to 20:. a. to b. between c. rom d. amon+ ,5. . +radual rise in the state pension a+e to 8; has been put orward as part o a ____ proposed shake%up o 7B pensions. a. ma#or b. ma#orin+ c. ma#ority d. ma#ored ,8. -n return* the basic state pension would be increased and would rise with line with earnin+s ____ prices. a. rather b. rather o c. instead than d. rather than ,:. 7nder 3ord $urner* the commission has spent three years ____ at ways to re orm the 7B(s pension system. a. lookin+ b. look c. to look d. looked ,;. Rescuers are ____ hope o indin+ more sur&i&ors at a 2hinese coal mine hit by an under+round blast on 4unday. a. creatin+ b. li&in+ c. losin+ d. destroyin+ ,9. $he ____ toll at the 'on+ en+ mine in 6eilon+#ian+ pro&ince reached 1,8 on $uesday* as more bodies were ound. a. dyin+ b. death c. dead d. died 50. Relati&es o the &ictims +athered outside the mine(s +ates % ____ temperatures o %152 on "onday ni+ht % demandin+ to be let in. a. because b. on account o c. despite d. howe&er 51. .uthorities say the blast occurred ____ coal dust cau+ht ire* knockin+ out the colliery(s &entilation systems. a. while b. when

c. but d. unless 52. 2hina(s mines are considered the world(s deadliest and this year ____ * 1*000 deaths ha&e been reported. a. lone b. lonely c. lonesome d. alone 51. $he 2hina 'aily newspaper says that ollowin+ a dri&e to increase sa ety* 9*000 ille+al coalmines ha&e been closed down ____ 4eptember. a. since b. in c. or d. by 5,. $he paper also admitted that the central +o&ernment(s attempts ____ sa ety were bein+ compromised by local authorities i+norin+ unsa e mines. a. impro&in+ b. impro&e c. to impro&e d. impro&ed 55. $wo 2hinese irms ha&e been ordered to pay compensation to drinks maker 4ociete @as 6ennessy* and to stop ____ items breachin+ its trademarks. a. sell b. sellin+ c. to sell d. sold 58. . 4han+hai court said wines marketed by Dian+ "u $on+ $radin+ and bottled by Diamen 5olden 6uanya Food were too ____ 6ennessy(s name. a. similar to b. same c. the same d. similar 5:. $hey had been ____ under the names o 6anlissy or 6en+lishi in 2hinese. a. product b. production c. producin+ d. produced 5;. $he wine was sold as AFrench co+nac brandyA in local supermarkets* ____ had been bottled in 2hina. a. and b. so c. but d. howe&er

59. )&erseas irms are ____ lookin+ or court protection or their trademarks* patents and other intellectual property in 2hina. a. increase b. increased c. increasin+ d. increasin+ly 80. 0oliticians and campai+ners ha&e pled+ed to ocus ___ 6-> pre&ention to stop the spread o the &irus. a. in b. on c. about d. at 81. E7 ministers issued the irst pan% European pled+e o their commitment to limit the spread o 6->E.ids* the world(s ____ . a. ourth bi++est killer b. the our bi++est killer c. the ourth bi++est killer d. our bi++est killer 82. $hey backed e orts to +i&e people around the world better access to condoms and e ecti&e in ormation on how to ____ their risk o in ection. a. pose b. take c. reduce d. in&ol&e 81. "ore than ,0m people around the world are li&in+ with 6->E.ids. Fi&e million people ____ so ar this year. a. had been newly in ected b. ha&e been newly in ected c. were newly in ected d. will be newly in ected 8,. 74 economic ____ accelerated to an annual rate o ,.1F in the three months rom @uly to 4eptember. a. +row b. +rowin+ c. +rows d. +rowth 85. ____ ears that the cost o rebuildin+ a ter hurricanes Batrina and Rita* coupled with record oil prices* would slam the brakes on +rowth. a. -t had been b. $here had been c. $hey had been d. 6a&in+ been

88. $he /orld Bank has appro&ed a C100m ____ to -ra< to help reduce o&ercrowdin+ in the country(s schools. a. loan b. mort+a+e c. debt d. loans 8:. )il +iant $otal is to compensate Burmese &illa+ers ____ claimed they were used as orced labor durin+ the buildin+ o a ma#or +as pipeline. a. which b. whom c. who d. whose 8;. Ei+ht Burmese &illa+ers sued $otal in 2002* claimin+ they were orced to work on the pro#ect ____ their will. a. on b. in c. a+ainst d. with 89. $hey alle+ed that $otal ____ that human ri+hts &iolations would occur durin+ the construction o the pipeline* #ointly built by $otal and 74 irm 7nocal. a. must ha&e known b. must ha&e knowin+ c. must had known d. mi+ht ha&e known :0. $he 19%mile pipeline connectin+ $hailand to the .ndaman 4ea was completed ____ the mid%1990s. a. since b. in c. or d. at :1. $he compensation will be ____ to the ei+ht plainti s in the case and anyone else able to pro&e they were also used as orced labor in the area durin+ construction work. a. spent b. char+ed c. ined d. paid :2. $otal said most o the money would +o towards impro&in+ housin+* healthcare and ____ in the re+ion. a. educatin+ b. educator c. education d. educate

:1. $otal has already spent C12m ____ humanitarian aid or the ,5*000 people li&in+ there* many o whom worked on the pro#ect. a. on b. at c. in d. with :,. Earlier this year* 7nocal a+reed to pay undisclosed ____ to residents o the re+ion ollowin+ alle+ations that Burmese soldiers +uardin+ the pipeline pro#ect had committed rape and murder. a. price b. ine c. ee d. compensation :5. $he 7nited =ations has accused Burma(s military +o&ernment ____ ailin+ to stamp out orced labor* sayin+ it remains a Aserious problemA. a. in b. o c. on d. about :8. 4ur+eons in France ha&e carried out the irst ace transplant. $he woman had lost her nose* lips and chin a ter bein+ ____ by a do+. a. sa&a+e b. to sa&a+e c. sa&a+ed d. sa&a+in+ ::. -n the contro&ersial operation* tissues* muscles* arteries and &eins were taken rom a brain%dead ____ and attached to the patient(s lower ace. a. donors b. donation c. donate d. donor :;. 'octors stress the woman will not look like her donor* but ____ will she look like she did be ore the attack. a. no b. not c. nor d. none :9. -t has been ____ possible to carry out such a transplant or some years* with teams in the 74* the 7B and France researchin+ the procedure. a. technical b. technically c. techni<ue

d. technician ;0. 4kin rom another person(s ace is better or transplants as it will be a ____ match than skin rom another part o the patient(s body* which could ha&e a di erent te?ture or color. a. better b. +ood c. well d. best ;1. 2oncerns relatin+ to immunosuppression* psycholo+ical impact and the conse<uence o technical ailure ha&e so ar pre&ented ethical ____ o the procedure in the 7B* thou+h doctors here are ully able to per orm transplants. a. appro&e b. appro&in+ c. appro&ed d. appro&al ;2. $he ____ French patient rom the northern French town o >alenciennes underwent e?tensi&e counselin+ be ore her operation* which is belie&ed to ha&e lasted at least i&e hours. a. 1;%year%old b. 1;%years%old c. 1;%old%year d. 1;%old%years ;1. $he French ma+azine 3e 0oint reports that the tissues* muscles* arteries and &eins ____ or the transplant were taken rom a multi%or+an donor in the northern city o 3ille* who was brain%dead. a. needed b. need c. needin+ d. to need ;,. $he operations were ____ by a team led by 0ro essor Bernard 'e&auchelle and 0ro essor @ean "ichel 'ubernard. a. carried on b. carried o c. carried out d. carried away ;5. -n a statement* the hospital said the woman had been +ra&ely dis i+ured in the attack ____ "ay this year. a. on b. in c. at d. since

;8. -t added that the woman % who wishes to remain anonymous % was in Ae?cellent +eneral healthA and said the +ra t looked ____. a. normally b. normalize c. normality d. normal ;:. ____ any other transplant patient* the woman will ha&e to take immunosuppressant dru+s to help her body cope with the donated tissue. a. .like b. 3ikes c. Resemble d. 3ike ;;. 'octors workin+ in the ield say many could bene it rom the procedure* ____ 10*000 burns &ictims in the 7B. a. include b. includin+ c. includes d. included ;9. 4amsun+ pleaded +uilty /ednesday to a char+e it participated ____ a worldwide price% i?in+ conspiracy that dama+ed competition and raised 02 prices. a. on b. at c. in d. about 90. 7.4. 'istrict @ud+e 6amilton ordered 4amsun+ Electronics 2o. 3td. to pay C100 million G the second%lar+est ____ in a criminal antitrust case. a. ine b. char+e c. ee d. e?pense 91. $he sentence was the culmination o a three%year ____ into price luctuations in the dynamic random access memory market rom .pril 1999 to @une 2002. a. research b. in&esti+ation c. e?periment d. test 92. 0rosecutors said 4amsun+ and ____ companies conspired in e%mails* telephone calls and in%person meetin+s to i? the price o chips used in personal computers and other electronic de&ices. a. another b. others c. other

d. the others 91. . meditatin+ teena+e boy in south%central =epal is drawin+ the ____ o scientists a ter attractin+ hu+e crowds in the past si? months and earnin+ himsel the name Buddha%reincarnate. a. attendance b. intention c. participation d. attention 9,. $hey are considerin+ how ____ him without disturbin+ his meditation. a. to e?amine b. to e?aminin+ c. e?amines d. should e?amine 95. Ram Bahadur Bam#an(s riends* relati&es and mana+ers say he has been meditatin+ without ____ water or si? months. a. drinkin+ b. to drink c. drink d. to drinkin+ 98. $hey add that he will ____ or another si? years until he +ains enli+htenment as did the Buddha some 250km away in 3umbini in western =epal. a. carry on b. carry o c. carry out d. carry away 9:. /ord ____ <uickly about the teena+er* and people around be+an to &isit Bam#an* 15* who has been sittin+ cross%le++ed in a traditional Buddha posture under a peepal tree. a. created b. spread c. e?chan+ed d. uttered 9;. 6is hair has +rown ____ and has almost co&ered his eyes. >illa+ers say he has +rown weak. a. len+th b. len+thened c. lon+ d. len+thily 99. $he dramatically increased mo&ement o people has +enerated economic ____. a. re orms b. ties c. strate+ies d. opportunities

100. "akeshi t shops ha&e sprun+ up* and o erin+s in cash and kind are on the ___. a. mend b. rise c. wane d. run 101. 3ocal people ha&e ormed a committee to make sure that Bam#an +ets the ri+ht en&ironment to meditate and ____ the in lu? o &isitors and the o erin+s they make. a. to mana+in+ b. mana+ed c. mana+in+ d. to mana+e 102. 4ome say he has eaten nothin+ since he be+an his meditation* ____ that he used to take a milk%like li<uid rom the roots o the peepal tree at the be+innin+. a. another b. other c. others d. the other 101. "ost people can li&e without ood or se&eral weeks* ____ the a&era+e human can sur&i&e or only three to our days without water. a. howe&er b. still c. but d. or 10,. Followers o holy men and ascetics ha&e o ten ascribed e?traordinary powers to them* but such powers are seldom sub#ect to ____ inspection. a. science b. scienti ic c. scienti ically d. scientist 105. $he number o people seekin+ real e&idence here ____ . 7nder pressure* locals ha&e asked the administration to ind out the truth. a. is increasin+ b. are increasin+ c. ha&e been increasin+ d. were increasin+ 108. "r. Boirala said scientists rom the Royal =epal .cademy o 4cience and $echnolo+y were due to arri&e to ____ the e?amination. a. encoura+e b. meet c. i+nore

d. conduct 10:. Bam#an(s amily members say they ha&e no ___ what is +oin+ on. a. knowled+e b. idea c. hope d. aith 10;. 6is mother ainted when she ound out ___ son had undertaken an inde inite meditation. a. she b. our c. her d. hers 109. $he amily said Bam#an was di erent ____ his our brothers. $hey said he did not speak much and stayed aloo . a. to b. rom c. in d. a+ainst 110. Bam#an undertook meditation when he returned rom a tour o 3umbini* ____ Buddha was born. a. which b. that c. whom d. where 111. "e?ico says it opposes a 74 plan to build more ences alon+ the border in order to control ____ immi+ration. a. ille+al b. ille+ally c. le+al d. le+ally 112. .bout 10 million "e?icans li&e in the 7nited 4tates and more than our million are said to stay ____. a. ille+al b. ille+ally c. ille+ality d. ille+alize 111. "ore than a million ____ e&ery year as they try to enter the 74 to look or work. a. ha&e been arrested b. were arrested c. will be arrested d. are arrested 11,. E?perts said the mi+ration trend would continue ____ the hu+e wa+e +ap between the 74 and "e?ico. a. there ore b. in spite o c. because o d. because

115. 0resident Bush toured 74 states to rally support or his strate+y to control immi+ration. 6e wants ____ security alon+ the "e?ican rontier. a. more se&ere b. ti+hter c. more &aluable d. more e ecti&e 118. $he 74 4upreme 2ourt is hearin+ a challen+e to a state law that re<uires +irls under 1; to noti y ____ one parent be ore ha&in+ an abortion. a. at least b. at the least c. at less d. at the less 11:. 7nder the =ew 6ampshire law minors can ha&e an abortion without tellin+ a parent only i their li e ____ in dan+er. a. were b. would be c. had been d. is 11;. .nti%abortion campai+ners and pro% choice ad&ocates aced each other on the steps o the 4upreme 2ourt as initial ____ were due to be+in inside. a. ar+ue b. ar+ument c. ar+uin+ d. ar+uments 119. "inors who want an abortion must in orm at least one parent in 19 states* ____ 2, others re<uire parental appro&al be ore a procedure. a. while b. because c. when d. howe&er 120. 2athay 0aci ic is to bolster its leet as ____ aces increased competition in the .sian lon+%haul market. a. he b. they c. it d. its 121. $he 6on+ Bon+%____ carrier is ac<uirin+ 19 planes % 18 Boein+ :::% 100ERs and three .irbus .110%100s. a. centered b. based c. located d. identi ied 122. $he deals* which will e?pand 2athay(s leet to more than 110 planes by 2010*

will enable it ____ more routes and de&elop 6on+ Bon+ as a +lobal hub. a. openin+ b. opened c. to open d. open 121. 2athay is ac<uirin+ 12 planes ____ rom Boein+ and se&en planes on lease rom the -nternational 3ease Finance 2orporation. a. directed b. direction c. direct d. directly 12,. 4outh Borea(s ____ o lat%screen $>s are to slash prices in an e ort to boost market share. a. two lar+est manu acturers b. the two lar+est manu acturers c. two lar+er manu acturers d. the two lar+e manu acturers 125. 4amsun+ Electronics and 35 Electronics are set to cut retail prices o 32' Hli<uid crystal displayI sets in their home ____ by more than 20F. a. marketer b. marketin+ c. market d. marketed 128. 'espite the popularity o lat%screen $>s* analysts ha&e warned that o&er% supply in the sector could orce prices ____ sharply. a. up b. o&er c. on d. down 12:. 35 Electronics recently announced plans to spend C,;5m on buildin+ a lat% screen ____ acility near 4eoul in partnership with 'utch irm 0hilips Electronics. a. produced b. production c. producti&e d. producin+ 12;. 4amsun+* the world(s leadin+ lat% screen producer* is also increasin+ production in anticipation o ____ demand ne?t year. a. low b. sur+in+ c. disappointin+ d. weak

129. E?perts belie&e ne?t year(s ootball /orld 2up will spur interest in lat%screen $>s in 4outh Borea and @apan* ____ ha&e <uali ied or the tournament. a. both o which b. both o them c. which both o d. o both which 110. $he European 2entral Bank has raised ____ rates by a <uarter o a percenta+e point to 2.25F. a. interestin+ b. interestin+ly c. interested d. interest 111. $he European 7nion has +ranted 7kraine market economy status % seen as a key step to boost trade ____. a. disputes b. +aps c. ties d. embar+oes 112. "r. Blair and other E7 leaders also backed 7kraine(s bid to ____ the /orld $rade )r+anization. a. participate b. in&ol&e c. lea&e d. #oin 111. $his is the irst summit between the E7 and 7kraine since the )ran+e Re&olution a year a+o* ____ brou+ht pro%/estern 0resident >iktor !ushchenko to power. a. that b. which c. who d. what 11,. 'edicated +amers ha&e started <ueuin+ or the lon+%awaited Dbo? 180 which makes its debut in the 7B ____ midni+ht. a. at b. in c. on d. until 115. "icroso t(s machine is the irst ne?t +eneration +ames console ____ on sale* ahead o those rom 4ony and =intendo. a. +oin+ b. to +oin+ c. will +o d. to +o

118. Retailers howe&er ha&e warned that ans may be disappointed as most shops ha&e ____ sold out o all their stock due to limited supplies. a. yet b. still c. already d. e&er 11:. 4ome +amers ha&e been e?pressin+ their ____ at the e?pected shorta+e o Dbo? 180s in online orums. a. satis action b. rustration c. #oy d. e?citement 11;. $he Dbo? 180 is one o the most ea+erly%awaited consumer electronics ____ o the year. a. debuts b. debuted c. debutin+ d. debut 119. $he console sold out <uickly when it was ____ in the 74 last week. a. produced b. ad&ertised c. released d. declared 1,0. $his is the irst time that a console maker has launched a product ____ simultaneously across the world and the ambitious plan has led to supply problems or "icroso t. a. most b. the most c. almost d. most o 1,1. 4ome 100*000 Dbo? 180s are likely to be a&ailable or Friday(s European launch* thou+h ____ is ar e?pected to e?ceed this. a. supply b. demand c. desire d. trade 1,2. 4ony and =intendo are plannin+ to release ____ ne?t +eneration consoles durin+ 2008* +i&in+ "icroso t an ed+e o&er its ri&als by launchin+ the 180 now. a. its b. her c. our d. their


1,1. $he so tware +iant is &irtually tied with =intendo or second place* way behind 4ony* in a +ames market ____ C25bn +lobally. a. worth b. worthy c. worthily d. worthless 1,,. .n ;0%pa+e handwritten script by Beetho&en* ____ was missin+ or 115 years* has sold or J1.1m at auction. a. who b. which c. whose d. whom 1,5. -nternational ____ o&er how to i+ht the +lobal 6->E.ids pandemic has persisted on /orld .ids 'ay. a. disa+ree b. disa+reements c. disa+reein+ d. disa+reement 1,8. .ustralia and East $imor ha&e a+reed on how to share ener+y resources beneath the sea between ____ . a. themsel&es b. them c. their d. theirs

1,:. .ustralian Forei+n "inister .le?ander 'owner said details o the a+reement would not be released ____ a si+nin+ ceremony* which is to be held sometime ne?t month. a. unless b. so that c. until d. despite 1,;. .n .ustralian court has #ailed an 6->% positi&e man or 12 years or ____ unprotected se? with two European tourists. a. ha&in+ b. ha&e c. to ha&e d. to ha&in+ 1,9. 4outh . rica(s economy should be able to reach and sustain an annual +rowth ____ o 8F. a. acceleration b. cost c. rate d. speed 150. $he airline(s hu+e loss is lar+ely the result o e?ceptional items associated ____ its bankruptcy reor+anization. a. to b. about c. o&er d. with


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