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Public Health Engineering Department Maintenance Division Municipal Corporation Ujjain (M.P.

Standard tender document

!orm "#$

Providing % la&ing o! '( mm dia ).*. pipe line at Hamu+hedi (,ushata Dham) at Ujjain (#s per Schedule) (-s. .//'0((12 onl&) Cost o! tender document -s. /(((12 3nl&

E4ecutive Engineer Public health Engineering Maint. Division Municipal Corporation5 Ujjain (M.P.)

#PPE6D*7 /..(

DE8#*9ED 638*CE *6:*8*6) 8E6DE-S

(In Form - A Percent !e r te" (For PHED#UMC"
D te o$ %&&'e o$ N(I(T( ........................ D te o$ Rece%)t o$ Ten*er (((((((((((((((((

*68-3DUC8*36 ;

sealed tenders are invited on behalf of the Municipal Corporation Ujjain (Governor of M.P.) for the following wor in !or" #$% in the office of the &'ecutive &ngineer( Public )ealth &ngineering *epart"ent Maintenance *ivision UMC Ujjain within the ti"e "ention in the ey dates fro" the registered contractors of categories C in Public +or s *epart"ent M.P. (Under Central ,egistration -yste") .he bidders intending to participate in this tender are re/uired to get enrolled0 registered on the e procure"ent web sight +tt),##m)e)roc(!o-(%n and get e"panelled on the sub portal of UMC U11$23 +tt),##m)e)roc(!o-(%n &nroll"ent 0 registration and subse/uent e"panel"ent on the above portal and sub portal is "andatory. .he bidders registered with other depart"ents of Govt. of M.P. who are also eligible to participate in tenders are also re/uired to be registered on the e4procure"ent syste" on +tt),##m)e)roc(!o-(%n and after sanction of the tender( they will have to "anage their registration in UMC Ujjain or have to deposit the total security deposit in the approved for" before agree"ent also as per provisions. (1) Name of Work Providing & laying of 50 mm dia G.I. pipe line at Hamukhedi
1.1 Online digitally

(Kushata Dham at !""ain (#s per $%hedule

(2) (3) (4)

1(. 1(5

Probable Amount of Contract &s. '((5)00*+ Amount of earnest money &s. ()550*+ Time allo e! for com"letion 04 Months including rainy season. from t#e !ate of or!er to commence t#e ork.


T+e e/ectr%c / 0or1 &+ // 2e e3ec'te* on/4 t+ro'!+ t+e contr ctor& 0+o )o&&e&& )ro)er - /%* e/ectr%c /%cen&e $rom t+e C+%e$ E/ectr%c / A*-%&or to t+e Go-ernment( He &+o'/* /&o tt c+ co)4 o$ t+e /%cen&e( Not more t+ n one ten*er &+ // 2e &'2m%tte* 24 contr ctor or 24 $%rm o$ contr ctor&(

1(6 ..<

3o two or "ore concerns in which an individual is interested as proprietor and0or partner shall tender for the e'ecution of the sa"e wor . 2f they do so( all such tenders shall be liable to be rejected.
T+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer7 P'2/%c He /t+ En!%neer%n! De) rtment M %nten nce D%-%&%on UMC U88 %n &+ // 2e cce)t%n! o$$%cer +ere%n $ter re$erre* to & &'c+ $or t+e )'r)o&e o$ +%& contr ct( 8ender documents can be purchased onl& online !rom +tt),##m)e)roc(!o-(%n b& ma+ing online pa&ment. 8he last date o! purchase o! tender document is as mentioned in the +e&dates. Ten*er *oc'ment& con&%&t%n! o$ )/ n& &)ec%$%c t%on&7 &c+e*'/e (&" o$ 9' nt%t%e& o$ t+e - r%o'& c/ &&e& o$ 0or1 to 2e *one7 t+e con*%t%on& o$ contr ct n* ot+er nece&& r4 *oc'ment&7 to!et+er 0%t+ **re&&e* en-e/o)e& to 2e '&e* $or ret'rn o$ $orm& n* ot+er *oc'ment& 0%// 2e o)en $or %n&)ect%on n* %&&'e* $or & /e online on ) 4ment o$ R&( .:::#- bet>een the dates mentioned in the +e&




.he copies of the drawings and docu"ents pertaining to the wor signed for the purpose of identification by the accepting officer or his accredited representative and sa"ples of "aterials to be arranged by the contractor will be open for inspection by tenderers online between the dates "entioned in the eydates.
,P-.I.G ,/ #PP0I1#2I,.


The Post-qualification documents will be opened Online as per ey dates at http; !f the "arnest money is not found in accordance with the prescribed mode# the technical and financial proposal will not be opened. The financial offer of only technical qualified contractors will be opened. (. $-#0I.G ,/ 2-.D-&$ The Tenderers are ad$ised to properly seal the tender papers online and physically it is in their interest. 3. /I.#0 D-1I$I,. 4#KI.G #!2H,&I256 Office of the "%ecuti$e "ngineer P&" Maint. 'i$ision Municipal (orporation )**ain will scrutini+e the applications and reser$es the right to recommend for enlisting of the applicant or for re*ecting any of the Post-qualification document# without assigning any reasons there of. ). -arnest 4oney6 The earnest money of all the tenderer shall be refunded if it is decided to re*ect all the tenders. Otherwise the earnest money of the all the Tenderers shall be retained till any tender is accepted and agreement e%ecuted. &owe$er# irrespecti$e of the decision on the tenders the earnest money of all the tenderers shall be refundable on e%piry of the $alidity period specified in the ,!T unless otherwise mutually agreed. 5. 0ead and lift of material6 ,o lead or lift of carting of material shall be payable to the contractor. -. .ecurity 'eposit/ Performance .ecurity amount shall be equal to 01 of the amount of contract 2"%clusi$e of earnest money amount3. This additional 4mount to deposit in the form of 5'6 on name of "%ecuti$e "ngineer P.&.". Maint. 'i$ision (ommissioner Municipal (orporation )**ain 7. .o es%alation 8ill 9e paya9le :. Po8ers of offi%er opening the tender6 The officer opening the tenders does not bind himself to accept or recommend for the acceptance of the lowest or any tender or to gi$e any reasons for his decision. ;. 1anvassing6 (an$assing for support in any form for the acceptance of any tender is strictly prohibited. '0. <alidity of offer6 The tender $alidity period shall be 170 days from the date of opening of financial bid. !n the e$ent of the tenderer withdrawing the offer before the aforesaid date or failing to deposit the performance security amount and or e%ecute the agreement documents within the notified period for any reason whatsoe$er# earnest money deposited with the tender shall be forfeited. ''. 2a=es 6 4ll dues regarding ta%es# including the sales ta%# (ommercial ta%# surcharge# entry ta%# 6oyalty on minor minerals# other duties cost of insurance etc. le$ied on the contractor8s wor or materials of the contractor# by 9o$ernment or local bodies or pri$ate indi$iduals will be payable by the contractor. '(. In%rease & De%rease in the >uantum of 8ork6 6easonable decrease or increase in the quantum of wor # becoming necessary and ordered by the "%ecuti$e "ngineer P&" Maint. 'i$ision Municipal (orporation )**ain will not $itiate the contract. '3. 2ime of %ontra%t6 Time allowed for carrying out the wor as entered in the ,.!.T. shall be strictly obser$ed by the (ontractor and shall be rec oned from the date of issue of wor order to commence the wor . '). 2ransport of 4aterials6 The contractor shall ma e his own arrangement for transport of all materials. The "ngineer is not bound to arrange for priority in getting wagon or any other material though all possible assistance by way or recommendation will be gi$en it is found necessary in the operation by the "ngineer-in-(harge. !f it pro$es to be in effecti$e# the contractor shall ha$e no claim for any compensation on that account. '5. Tenderer should carefully e%amine the specifications# special conditions and other particulars etc. &e may $isit the site of wor s and fully satisfy and acquaint himself about the nature# location of the wor # the surface conditions# quality and quantity of materials required the character of equipment and ancillaries needed preliminary to and during the e%ecution of the wor that may affect the wor or its cost. '?.. 'eductions of !ncome Ta% and commercial ta% etc. at source shall be done as per the law. !t is open to the contractor or the .ub-(ontractor# as the case may be# to ma e an application to the !ncome Ta% Officer or (ommercial ta% officer concerned and obtain from him a certificate authori+ing the payer to deduct ta% at such lower rate or deduct no ta% as may be appropriate to his case. .uch certificate will be $alid for the period specified therein unless the officer concerned cancels it. '7. /or%e 4easure @ .hould failure in performance of any part of this contract arise from war# insurrection# act of :egislature or other authority# stoppage or hindrance in the supply of raw

materials or fuel# e%plosion# accident# stri e# riot# loc -out# or other disorgani+ation of labor or transport# brea down of machine# flood# fire# act of 9od# or any ine$itable or unforeseen e$ent beyond human control directly or indirectly interfering with the supply of stores or from any cause which may be reasonable ground for an e%tension of time the competent authority will allow such additional time as it considers to be *ustified in the circumstances of the case. ,o compensation will be payable to the contractor for any loss incurred by him due to these reasons.


Con!itions a""licable for contract% $ll the ter"s and conditions of the tender notice and the $nne'ure( referred to herein before( will be binding on the contractors in addition to the conditions of the contract in the prescribed fro". -pecial conditions will ta e precedence over the other conditions of the 32.. -i"ilarly the 32. conditions will ta e precedence over the clauses of the agree"ent for". RATES ,
.(1 .(. 1(<(1 a) b) c) T+e &c+e*'/e o$ %tem& ,

T#e sc#e!ule of main items of ork to be e&ecute! is enclose! as Anne&ure-(').

Percent !e r te ten*er %n $orm ;A; or ;C;( In re&)ect o$ )ercent !e r te ten*er&7 contr ctor &+o'/* 9'ote +%& &e) r te ten*er )ercent !e r te 2o-e or 2e/o0 t+e $o//o0%n! &c+e*'/e& o$ r te( ?uilding @or+s 2 T+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& %&&'e* 24 t+e UADD %n $orce $rom 1: M 4 .:1. n* %t& men*ment& %&&'e* ') * te o$ N(I(T( Electrical Aitting 2 T+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& %&&'e* 24 t+e UADD %n $orce $rom 1: M 4 .:1. n* %t& men*ment& %&&'e* ') * te o$ N(I(T( @ater suppl& and sanitar& !ittings 2 T+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& %&&'e* 24 t+e UADD %n $orce $rom 1: M 4 .:1. n* %t& men*ment& %&&'e* ') * te o$ N(I(T(


(oa! Works - T#e current sc#e!ule of rates issue! by t#e )A** in force from 1+ ,ay 2+12 an! its amen!ments issue! u" !ate of N.-.T.

8he tender shall be submitted b& the tenderer in the !ollo>ing three separate sealed covers ;2 .. Earnest Mone& 2 Envelope B#B /. 6.*.8. % 8echnical ?id 2 Envelope B?B C. 8ender in Aorm2# 2 Envelope BCB (Ainancial o!!er)
Note, On/%ne B%**er& re re9'%re* to &'2m%t t+e )+4&%c / EMD %n )+4&%c / EMD En-e/o)e - =A> n* n4 ot+er *oc'ment re/ te* to Tec+n%c / B%* 0+%c+ c nnot 2e &'2m%tte* on/%ne %n )+4&%c / Tec+n%c / En-e/o)e - =B>( Pr%ce B%*& re to 2e &'2m%tte* m n* tor4 on/%ne n* &+ // not 2e cce)te* %n n4 )+4&%c / $orm( Re$erence o$ t+e EMD %& to 2e ment%one* on/%ne n* &c nne* co)4 o$ EMD %& to 2e ')/o *e* on/%ne( A/&o7 %n c &e o$ Tec+n%c / B%*&7 t+e /%&t o$ *oc'ment& 2e%n! &'2m%tte* m n' //4 %& to 2e ')/o *e* on/%ne( In t+e $%r&t %n&t nce7 t+e En-e/o)e - ?A? cont %n%n! t+e e rne&t mone4 &+ // 2e o)ene* on/%ne n* m n' //4( I$ t+e e rne&t mone4 %& $o'n* )ro)er t+e En-e/o)e ?B? cont %n%n! tec+n%c / 2%* &+ // 2e o)ene* %n t+e )re&ence o$ &'c+ contr ctor& 0+o c+oo&e to 2e )re&ent( T+e $%n nc% / o$$er %n En-e/o)e ?C? &+ // 2e o)ene* on/4 %$ t+e ten*erer meet& t+e 9' /%$%c t%on cr%ter% n* - %/ 2%/%t4 o$ 2%* c ) c%t4 & )er 9' /%$%c t%on7 cr%ter% o$ t+e tec+n%c / 2%*(

(Form ;A; on/4" T+e )ercent !e o$ ten*er 2o-e # 2e/o0 or t ) r 0%t+ t+e re/e- nt &c+e*'/e r te& %nc/'&%-e o$ men*ment& n* correct%on &/%)& %&&'e* ') to t+e * te o$ t+e not%ce %n-%t%n! ten*er& &+o'/* 2e e3)re&&e* on t+e ten*er $orm %t&e/$ 2ot+ %n 0or*& n* $%!'re& %n &'c+ 0 4 t+ t %nter)o/ t%on %& not )o&&%2/e( Ten*er& not &)ec%$4%n! )ercent !e %n 0or* 0%// &'mm r%/4 2e re8ecte*( An4 men*ment& to t+e &c+e*'/e o$ r te& $ter t+e * te o$ %&&'e o$ t+%& ten*er not%ce or t+e * te o$ %&&'e o$ n4 men*ment& to t+e N(I(T( &)ec% //4 not%$4%n! t+e & %* men*ment& to t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te&7 &+ // not ))/4 to t+%& ten*er . T+e )ercent !e ten*ere* 24 t+e contr ctor 0%// ))/4 to t+o&e r te& 0+%c+ $%n* )/ ce %n t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& ment%one* %n c/ '&e .(.(1 or + -e 2een *er%-e* $rom t+e & %* c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& n* not to ot+er %tem& o$ 0or1( .(.(5 T+e )ercent !e 9'ote* 24 t+e contr ctor &+ // not 2e /tere* 24 t+e contr ctor *'r%n! t+e term& o$ contr ct( T+e *e*'ct%on or **%t%on & t+e c &e m 4 2e o$ t+e


)ercent !e 0%// 2e c /c'/ te* on t+e mo'nt o$ t+e 2%// $or t+e 0or1 *one7 $ter *e*'ct%n! t+e co&t o$ m ter% /& &'))/%e* *e) rtment //4 t r te& &)ec%$%e* %n t+e !reement(


*tem -ate tenders in !orm 2 D?D In re&)ect o$ %tem r te ten*er&7 contr ctor &+o'/* 9'ote +%& r te& $or t+e %tem& ment%one* %n t+e &c+e*'/e o$ %tem %n Anne3're-F o$ t+%& N(I(T( On/4 r te& 9'ote* &+ // 2e con&%*ere*( T+e r te& &+o'/* 2e e3)re&&e* %n $%!'re& & 0e// & 0or*& n* t+e 'n%t &+o'/* 2e & !%-en 24 t+e De) rtment( T+e contr ctor 0%// not + -e t+e $ree*om to c+ n!e t+e 'n%t( No )ercent !e 2o-e or 2e/o0 t+e &c+e*'/e 2e 9'ote*( .(5(. T+e r te& 9'ote* %n t+e ten*er $or t+e - r%o'& %tem& o$ 0or1 0%// not 2e /tere* 24 t+e contr ctor *'r%n! t+e term& o$ contr ct( /.0 9ead and li!t o! >ater 2 No /e * n* /%$t $or c rt%n! o$ 0 ter 0%// 2e ) %*( /.' 9ead and li!t o! materials 2 No /e * n* /%$t $or c rt%n! o$ m ter% /& &+ // 2e ) 4 2/e to t+e contr ctor e3ce)t %n c &e o$ &'c+ %tem& $or 0+%c+ &)ec%$%c /e * n* /%$t re )ro-%*e* %n t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& ment%one* %n c/ '&e .(.(1 o$ t+e NIT or %n t+e &c+e*'/e o$ %tem& %n re&)ect o$ %tem r te ten*er&( /.< 6on Schedule items o! >or+s 2 D'r%n! t+e e3ec't%on o$ t+e 0or1 t+ere %& /%1e/%+oo* o$ &'c+ %tem& o$ 0or1 0+%c+ *o not $%n* )/ ce %n t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te&7 re$erre* to 2o-e %n re&)ect o$ )ercent !e r te contr ct& or &'c+ %tem& 0+%c+ re !%-en %n t+e &c+e*'/e o$ %tem& %n re&)ect o$ %tem r te contr ct&7 $or 0+%c+ contr ctor + & not 9'ote* +%& r te&( Contr ctor 0%// + -e to c rr4 o't t+e&e %tem& o$ 0or1( /.= R te& o$ &'c+ %tem& o$ 0or1 0+%c+ *o not $%n* )/ ce %n t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& re$erre* to 2o-e %n re&)ect o$ )ercent !e r te contr ct& or &'c+ %tem& %n re&)ect o$ %tem r te contr ct& &+ // 2e *ec%*e* 24 t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer7 P'2/%c He /t+ En!%neer%n! De) rtment M %nten nce D%-%&%on UMC U88 %n n* t+e *ec%&%on o$ t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer7 P'2/%c He /t+ En!%neer%n! De) rtment M %nten nce D%-%&%on UMC U88 %n &+ // 2e 2%n*%n! on t+e contr ctor( T+e 9' nt'm o$ &'c+ 0or1 0%// not e3cee* 1:A o$ mo'nt o$ contr ct 'n/e&& cce)te* 24 t+e *e) rtment n* t+e contr ctor( C Submission o! 8ender ;2 3.1 Earnest mone& 2 No ten*er 0%// 2e rece%-e* 0%t+o't *e)o&%t o$ e rne&t mone4 o$ 6s. 74000;- 0+%c+ 2%// 2e ret'rne* to t+e 'n&'cce&&$'/ ten*erer& on t+e re8ect%on o$ t+e%r ten*er& or e r/%er & m 4 2e *ec%*e* 24 t+e com)etent 't+or%t4 n* on )ro*'ct%on o$ cert%$%c te o$ com)etent 't+or%t4 t+ t // ten*er *oc'ment& + -e 2een ret'rne* n* 0%// 2e ret %ne* $rom t+e &'cce&&$'/ ten*erer& & ) rt o$ t+e &ec'r%t4 *e)o&%t(


.he reference details of the &arnest Money *eposit are re/uired to be "entioned and a scanned copy of the &arnest Money *eposit is to be uploaded in the online &M* envelope for verification during opening by the Online 9idders.
Form o$ E rne&t Mone4 ,


+here the a"ount of &arnest "oney is "ore than ,s. :;;04 the sa"e shall be accepted only in the shape of !.*. or in other shapes "entioned in +.*. Manual para.8.;<= in favour of officer inviting tender.

T+e %nten*%n! ten*erer& $rom ot+er &t te& m 4 rem%t E(M( %n t+e $orm o$ FDR o$ n4 &c+e*'/e 2 n1 to t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer7 P'2/%c He /t+ En!%neer%n! De) rtment M %nten nce D%-%&%on UMC U88 %n



.arnest ,oney in se"arate co/ers - T#e .arnest ,oney in one of t#e "rescribe! forms s#oul! be "ro!uce!0sent se"arately an! not ke"t in t#e co/ers containin1 t#e ten!er an! if t#e earnest money is not foun! in accor!ance it# t#e "rescribe! mo!e t#e ten!er ill be returne! uno"ene! to t#e ten!erer. (Also 2ee "oint 3.1)
#djustment o! Earnest Mone& 2 E rne&t mone4 0+%c+ + & 2een *e)o&%te* $or ) rt%c'/ r 0or17 0%// not7 or*%n r%/4 2e *8'&te* to0 r*& t+e e rne&t mone4 $or not+er 0or1 2't %$ t+e ten*er o$ contr ctor $or 0or1 %n t+e & me *%-%&%on + & 2een re8ecte* n* t+e e rne&t mone4 + & not 2een re$'n*e* to +%m *'e to n4 re &on %t m 4 2e &o *8'&te* 24 t+e e3ec't%-e En!%neer(


Securit& Deposit 2 ( " T+e Sec'r%t4 *e)o&%t &+ // 2e reco-ere* $rom t+e R'nn%n! B%//&( D6 )ercent & )er c/ '&e-1 o$ t+e !reement re * 0%t+ ) r 5(6 o$ t+e N(I(T( T+e mo'nt o$ t+e E(M( &+ // not 2e *8'&te* 0+en - /'e o$ 0or1 *one re c+e& t+e /%m%t o$ t+e mo'nt o$ contr ct or e3cee*& t+e )ro2 2/e mo'nt o$ t+e contr ct( *mplication o! submission o! 8ender 2 Ten*erer& re *-%&e* to -%&%t &%te &'$$%c%ent/4 %n *- nce o$ t+e * te $%3e* $or *m%&&%on o$ t+e ten*er( A ten*erer &+ // 2e *eeme* to + -e $'// 1no0/e*!e o$ t+e re/e- nt *oc'ment&7 & m)/e&7 &%te etc( E+et+er +e %n&)ect& t+em or not( T+e &'2m%&&%on o$ ten*er 24 contr ctor %m)/%e& t+ t +e + & re * t+e not%ce con*%t%on& o$ ten*er n* // ot+er contr ct *oc'ment& and guidelines !or e tendering5 n* m *e +%m&e/$ 0 re o$ t+e &t n* r* n* )roce*'re7 %n t+%& re&)ect7 / %* *o0n %n t+e N t%on / 2'%/*%n! co*e o$ In*% 1FC: # In*% n &t n* r*& t+e &co)e n* &)ec%$%c t%on o$ t+e 0or1 to 2e *one n* t+e con*%t%on& n* r te& t 0+%c+ &tore& too/& n* )/ nt& etc( 0%// 2e %&&'e* to +%m 24 t+e( De) rtment + & &een t+e 9' rr%e& 0%t+ t+e%r ))ro c+e&7 &%te o$ 0or17 etc( n* & t%&$%e* +%m&e/$ re! r*%n! t+e &'%t 2%/%t4 n* - %/ 2%/%t4 o$ &%te o$ 0or1 etc( n* & t%&$%e* +%m&e/$ re! r*%n! t+e &'%t 2%/%t4 n* - %/ 2%/%t4 o$ t+e m ter% /& t t+e 9' rr%e&( T+e re&)on&%2%/%t4 o$ o)en%n! ne0 9' rr%e& n* con&tr'ct%on n* m %nten nce o$ ))ro c+e& t+ereto &+ // /%e 0+o//4 0%t+ t+e contr ctor(




C.=.. *ncome 8a4 Clearance Certi!icate 2 # tenderer purchasing tender documents !or >or+s e4ceeding -s. /.(( lacs shall upload the scanned cop& o! either an income 8a4 Clearance Certi!icate in the !orm printed as #nne4ure D or a certi!icate !rom the *ncome 8a4 authorit& that the assessment is under consideration in the online EMD Envelope "#$. C.E 9ist o! >or+s in progress 2 Ten*er& m'&t 2e ccom) n%e* 24 /%&t o$ contr ct& /re *4 +e/* 24 t+e ten*erer t t+e t%me o$ &'2m%tt%n! t+e ten*er7 %n t+e De) rtment n* e/&e0+ere &+o0%n! t+ere%n t+e mo'nt o$ e c+ contr ct( 2 / nce o$ 0or1 rem %n%n! to 2e *one n* t+e mo'nt o$ &o/-enc4 - cert%$%c te )ro*'ce* 24 +%m enro/ment %n t+e De) rtment( t t+e t%me o$

(%" (%%" (%%%" C.F

-elationship 2 T+e contr ctor &+ // not 2e )erm%tte* to ten*er $or 0or1& %n t+e D%-%&%on#UMC (re&)on&%2/e $or 0 r* n* E3ec't%on o$ contr ct&" %n 0+%c+ +%& ne r re/ t%-e %& )o&te* & D%-%&%on / Acco'nt nt( He &+ //7 %nt%m te t+e n me& o$ +%& ne r re/ t%-e 0or1%n! %n P(H(E(D(#UMC( He &+ // /&o %nt%m te t+e n me o$ )er&on& 0+o re 0or1%n! 0%t+ +%m %n n4 c ) c%t4 or &'2&e9'ent/4 em)/o4e* 24 +%m n* 0+o re ne r re/ t%-e& to n4 ! Gette* o$$%cer %n t+e P(H(E(D(#UMC( An4 2re c+ o$ t+%& con*%t%on 24 t+e contr ctor 0o'/* ren*er +%m&e/$ /% 2/e to 2e remo-e* $rom t+e ))ro-e* /%&t o$ contr ctor& o$ t+e P(H(E( De) rtment#UMC( 6ote 2 B4 t+e term ne r re/ t%-e %& me nt 0%$e7 +'&2 n*7 ) rent& n* &on7 !r n* &on7 2rot+er&7 &%&ter&7 2rot+er-%n-/ 07 $ t+er-%n-/ 0 n* mot+er-%n-/ 0(

C... T+e ten*er $or t+e 0or1& &+ // 2e 0%tne&&e* 24 contr ctor( F %/'re to o2&er-e t+%& con*%t%on &+ // ren*er t+e ten*er o$ t+e contr ctor /% 2/e to re8ect%on( 0 0.. 3pening and #cceptance o! 8ender ; Place and 8ime o! opening 2 T+e ten*er &+ // 2e o)ene* t t%me n* )/ ce stated in +e&dates 24 t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer( T+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer 'n*er 'n -o%* 2/e c%rc'm&t nce&7 m 4 *e)'te not+er o$$%cer %n +%& 2&ence to rece%-e n* o)en ten*er& on +%& 2e+ /$(


Po>ers o! E4ecutive Engineer 2 T+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer *oe& not 2%n* +%m&e/$ to cce)t o$ recommen* $or t+e cce)t nce to t+e S')er%nten*%n! En!%neer or ot+er +%!+er 't+or%t4 t+e /o0e&t or n4 ten*er or to !%-e n4 re &on& $or +%& *ec%&%on( 0.C Conditional 8ender 2 Con*%t%on / ten*er& re /% 2/e to 2e re8ecte*( 0.0 Canvassing 2 C n- &&%n! or &'))ort %n n4 $orm $or t+e cce)t nce o$ n4 ten*er %& &tr%ct/4 )ro+%2%te*( An4 ten*erer *o%n! &o 0%// ren*er +%m&e/$ /% 2/e to )en /t%e& 0+%c+ m 4 %nc/'*e remo- / o$ +%& n me $rom t+e re!%&ter o$ ))ro-e* contr ctor& or )en / ct%on 'n*er &ect%on - < o$ t+e M(P( V%n%r*%&+tt B+r &t Ac+ r n N%- r n V%*+e4 17 1F<.( 0.' 369*6E SU?M*SS*36 3A 8E6DE- ;2 3nl& the bid submitted online and envelopes digitall& signed >ill be opened. 0.< #uthorit& o! E4ecutive Engineer2 T+e 't+or%t4 com)etent to cce)t ten*er re&er-e t+e r%!+t o$ cce)t%n! t+e ten*er $or t+e 0+o/e 0or1 or $or *%&t%nct ) rt o$ %t7 or *%&tr%2't%n! t+e 0or1 2et0een one or more ten*erer&( ' Speci!ications ;2 '.. ?rie! Speci!ication 2 A Br%e$ note on con&tr'ct%on n* &)ec%$%c t%on o$ t+e 0or1 %& enc/o&e* %n Anne3're-E( './ Material o! Construction 2 T+e m ter% /& o$ con&tr'ct%on to 2e '&e* %n t+e 0or1 &+ // 2e !o-erne* 24 t+e )ro-%&%on o$ ) rt-V o$ t+e N t%on / B'%/*%n! Co*e o$ In*% 7 1FC: H t+e re/e- nt In*% n7 St n* r* &)ec%$%c t%on 0%t+ men*ment& n* re-%&%on& %&&'e* ') to t+e * te o$ ten*er not%ce( '.C @or+manship 2 T+e 0or1 &+ // 2e c rr%e* o't ccor*%n! to t+e &)ec%$%c t%on re$erre* to +ere%n $ter n* ccor*%n! to &o'n* en!%neer%n! )r ct%ce( T+e *ec%&%on o$ t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer %n re&)ect o$ 0or1m n&+%) 0%// 2e $%n /( '.0 Speci!ication !or building >or+s 2 (Inc/'*%n! 0 ter &'))/4 n* & n%t r4 $%tt%n!&"( '.0.. T+e contr ctor &+ // e3ec'te t+e 0or1 %n con$orm%t4 0%t+ t+e &t n* r*& n* )roce*'re / %* *o0n %n t+e n t%on / 2'%/*%n! co*e o$ In*% 7 1FC: n* & )er M(P( P(E(D( &)ec%$%c t%on or &)ec%$%c t%on& %n $orce or &)ec% / &)ec%$%c t%on 0+ene-er enc/o&e* &e) r te/47 n* %n ccor* nce 0%t+ t+e ))ro-e* *r 0%n!( '.0./ Concrete 2 A// concrete &+ // 2e m%3e* %n concrete m%3er& n* com) cte* 24 mec+ n%c / V%2r tor&( S/'m) te&t &+ // 2e c rr%e* o't *'r%n! Concret%n! n* & m)/e te&t c'2e& )re) re* n* te&te* %n *'e co'r&e( T+e te&t%n! 0%// 2e c rr%e* o't 24 t+e De) rtment( T+e re&'/t& o$ t+e te&t& &+ // con$orm 0%t+ t+e re9'%re* &t n* r* n* %$ t+e En!%neer-%n-C+ r!e con&%*er& t+ t &tr'ct'r / te&t %& nece&& r47 t+e & me &+ // 2e c rr%e* o't & %n&tr'cte* 24 t+e En!%neer-%n-C+ r!e t t+e contr ctor?& e3)en&e& n* &+o'/* t+e re&'/t o$ t+%& 2e 'n& t%&$ ctor4 t+e contr ctor 0%// 2e 2o'n* to t 1e *o0n n* recon&tr'ct t+e ) rt%c'/ r )ort%on o$ Eor1 0+%c+ + & !%-en 'n& t%&$ ctor4 te&t re&'/t( '.0.C ?ric+s 2 T+e contr ctor &+o'/* '&e t+e 2r%c1& m n'$ ct're* on t+e metr%c me &'re& & $ r & )o&&%2/e( '.0.0 A// t%m2er '&e* %n t+e 0oo*-0or1 $or // ne0 0or1& m'&t 2e )ro)er/4 &e &one*( In c &e o$ %m)ort nt 2'%/*%n!& mec+ n%c / &e &on%n! &+o'/* 2e *one %n !oo* &e &on%n! P/ nt( In c &e t+e contr ctor *oe& not )roc're !oo* &e &one* 0oo*7 +e m 4 2e &1e* to !et %t &e &one* %n )/ nt t +%& o0n e3)en&e 2't no cert%$%c te %& re9'%re* 0+ere no **%t%on / r te %& ) %*( '.0.' Maintenance o! roo!s 2 S'28ect& to t+e )ro-%&%on %n t+e !reement&7 %t 0%// 2e t+e re&)on&%2%/%t4 o$ t+e contr ctor to &ee t+ t t+e 2'%/*%n! *oe& not /e 1 *'r%n! t+e )er%o* o$ t+e $%r&t r %n4 re &on %n re&)ect o$ t%/e n* &+eet roo$%n! n* t0o con&ec't%-e r %n4 &e &on& %n re&)ect o$ /%me concrete n* cement concrete terr ce* roo$7 $ter %t& com)/et%on n* +e 0%// m 1e !oo* n* re)/ ce // t+e *e$ect%-e 0or1 on t+%& cco'nt( '.' Speci!ication o! Electrical >or+s 2


T+e 0or1& 0%// 2e c rr%e* o't & )er t+e ))ro-e* *r 0%n! n* & *%recte* 24 t+e En!%neer-%n-c+ r!e( T+e 0or1 0%// 2e !o-erne* 24 ?Gener / S)ec%$%c t%on&? $or t+e E/ectr%c / 0or1& %n Go-ernment 2'%/*%n! %n M *+4 Pr *e&+ %n $orce $rom 1FC.( '.'./ A// & m)/e& o$ e/ectr%c / cce&&or%e& &+o'/* 2e !ot ))ro-e* $rom t+e En!%neer-%n-C+ r!e Contr ctor 0%// + -e to rr n!e n* $$or* // $ c%/%t%e& $or t+e%r %n&)ect%on n* rect%$4 t+e *e$ect& )o%nte* o't 24 t+em( A /%&t o$ cce&&or%e& %& enc/o&e* & Anne3're E( '.'.C T+e )er%o* o$ te&t%n! n* re$'n* o$ *e)o&%t 0%// 2e B mont+& $ter com)/et%on o$ 0or1( '.'.0 In c &e o$ &'))/4 o$ ce%/%n! $ n7 t 2/e $ n7 e3+ '&t $ n7 c 2%n $ n t'2e /%!+t $%3t're& 0%// 2e m *e 24 t+e &c+e*'/e* m n'$ ct'rer & ment%one* %n t+e S(O(R( A& &'c+ / 2o'r r te& on/4 & )er S(O(R( 0%// 2e ) %* $or $%tt%n! &'c+ %tem& %n )o&%t%on & )er S(O(R( '.'.' T+e contr ctor &+o'/* &'2m%t 0%r%n! *% !r m on tr c%n! c/ot+ &+o0%n! t+e )o%nt )o&%t%on o$ &0%tc+7 /en!t+ o$ )o%nt7 )o&%t%on o$ D(B( n* m %n &0%tc+ c%rc'%t no %n 0+%c+ )o%nt& $ // t t+e t%me o$ $%n / 2%//( Ot+er0%&e *e*'ct%on o$ 1#. )ercent (+ /$ )ercent" 0%// 2e m *e $rom t+e 2%//( '.< SPEC*A*C#8*36 A3- @3-,S ; (E3c/'*%n! Br%*!e& n* c'/-ert&" T+e ro * 0or1& n* co//ect%on o$ m ter% /& $or ro * 0or1& &+ // 2e c rr%e* o't ccor*%n! to M(P( P(E(D( &)ec%$%c t%on& & *o)te* $or UMC#De) rtment((((((((((((((((((( or &)ec%$%c t%on& %n$orce or &)ec% / &)ec%$%c t%on& 0+ere-er enc/o&e* &e) r te/4 or t+e re/e- nt &)ec%$%c t%on& )'2/%&+e* 24 t+e In*% n Ro * Con!re&&( '.= C368-#D*C8*36S 3- #ME6DME68S 2 In t+e e-ent o$ contr *%ct%on& 2et0een t+e &t%)'/ t%on& o$ t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& (-%*e ) rt o$ t+%& N(I(T(" n* $ore& %* &)ec%$%c t%on& (-%*e ) r 7 6(1 to 6(B 2o-e" t+e &t%)'/ t%on& o$ t+e c'rrent &c+e*'/e o$ r te& &+ // ! %n )rece*ence( In t+e e-ent o$ contr *%ct%on&7 %$ n4 2et0een *%$$erent &)ec%$%c t%on& n* or co*e&7 o$ )r ct%ce7 re$erre* to 2o-e t+e *ec%&%on o$ t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer &+ // 2e $%n / &'28ect to ))e / %n c &e o$ *%&)'te 2e$ore Comm%&&%oner UMC 0%t+%n one mont+ o$ E3ec't%-e En!%neer *%c%&%on( < SUPP9G 3A M#8E-*#9S ; <.. M#8E-*#9S SUPP9*ED ?G 8HE DEP#-8ME68 2 T+e $o//o0%n! m ter% /& 0%// 2e &'))/%e* 24 t+e *e) rtment( 6ame o! Materials -ate Place o! deliver& (1" Cement((((((((((((((((((((((((((( R&( ((((((((((((((((((( )er 2 !((((((((((((((((((((((((( (." (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (%nc/'*%n! co&t o$ cont %ner" ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (5" (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((( <.... T+e contr ctor &+ // 2e /% 2/e to ret'rn 'n'&e* cement 2 !& $ter *'e //o0 nce o$ /%m%t o$ - r% t%on )re&cr%2e* %n t+e S(O(R( to t+e &tore& o$ t+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer7 P'2/%c He /t+ En!%neer%n! De) rtment M %nten nce D%-%&%on UMC U88 %n $ %/%n! 0+%c+ co&t o$ 'n'&e* cement 2 !& &+ // 2e reco-ere* $rom contr ctor t *o'2/e t+e !reement r te&#%&&'e r te 0+%c+e-er %& more( <./ -E8U-6 3A EMP8G CEME68 ?#)S 2 It &+ // 2e com)'/&or4 on t+e ) rt o$ t+e contr ctor to )re&er-e n* ret'rn em)t4 cement 2 !& %n &o'n* con*%t%on to t+e e3tent o$ t/e &t C6 )ercent o$ t+e 2 !& %&&'e* to +%m7 to t+e ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( en!%neer-%n-c+ r!e o$ 0or1 t t+e )/ ce o$ %&&'e $or 0+%c+ no tr n&)ort t%on 0%// 2e ) 4 2/e( T+e re2 te $or &'c+ 2 !& 0%// 2e & )er r te& $%3e* 24 D(G(S( H D( $rom t%me to t%me( In c &e t+e em)t4 2 !& re not re9'%re* 24 t+e (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( t+e contr ctor 0%// + -e to &e// t+e&e to t+e 't+or%&e* co//ect%n! !ent& t t+e )r%ce $%3e* 24 D(G(S( H D( $rom t%me to t%me n* )ro*'ce rece%)t& %n &'))ort(



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t+ n R&( 6(:: L 1+&( (%%" (2" (c" (*" One D%)/om Ho/*er7 S'2 En!%neer 0+en t+e co&t o$ 0or1 to 2e e3ec'te* %& $rom R&( .(:: L 1+& or more 2't not more t+ n 6(:: L1 +&( T+e Tec+n%c / &t $$ &+o'/* 2e re9'%re* 24 t+e En!%neer-%n-C+ r!e to t 1e %n&tr'ct%on&( - %/ 2/e t &%te 0+ene-er &

In c &e t+e contr ctor $ %/& to em)/o4 t+e tec+n%c / &t $$ $ore& %* t+e E(E( &+ // + -e t+e r%!+t to t 1e &'%t 2/e reme*% / me &'re&(

T+e contr ctor &+o'/* !%-e t+e n me& n* ot+er *et %/ o$ t+e Gr *' te En!%neer#*%)/om Ho/*er S'2 En!%neer 0+om +e %nten*& to em)/o4 or 0+o %& 'n*er em)/o4ment on t+e 0or1 t t+e t%me +e commence& t+e 0or1( T+e Contr ctor &+o'/* !%-e cert%$%c te to t+e e$$ect t+ t t+e En!%neer#D%)/om +o/*er &'2-en!%neer %& e3c/'&%-e/4 %n +%& em)/o4ment(


Provided that 2 (%" An En!%neer or S'2-En!%neer m 4 /oo1 $ter more t+ n one 0or1 %n t+e & me /oc /%t4 2't t+e tot / - /'e o$ &'c+ 0or1 'n*er +%m &+o'/* not e3cee* R&( .6(:: L 1+& %n t+e c &e o$ n En!%neer n* R&( 6(:: L 1+& %n t+e c &e o$ &'2 en!%neer( It %& not nece&& r4 $or t+e contr ctor?& ) rtner %n t+e c&e o$ $%rm#com) n4 0+o %& +%m&e/$ n En!%neer#S'2-En!%neer to em)/o4 not+er En!%neer#S'2-En!%neer $or t+e &')er-%&%on o$ 0or1( T+e ret%re* A&&%&t nt En!%neer 0+o %& +o/*%n! D%)/om m 4 2e Gr *' te $or t+e o)er t%on to t+e 2o-e c/ '&e(


(%%%" tre te* t ) r 0%t+

In c &e t+e contr ctor $ %/& to em)/o4 t+e Tec+n%c / &t $$ & $ore& %* +e &+ // 2e /% 2/e to ) 4 t+e mo'nt o$ &'m o$ R&( 17::: (one t+o'& n* on/4" $or e c+ mont+ o$ *e$ '/t %n t+e c&e o$ !r *' te En!%neer n* R&( 6:: (F%-e +'n*re* on/4" $or e c+ mont+ o$ *e$ '/t %n c&e o$ D%)/om Ho/*er S'2-En!%neer(



C36D*8*36S #PP9*C#?9E A3- C368-#C8 2 A// t+e con*%t%on o$ t+e ten*er not%ce 0%// 2e 2%n*%n! on t+e contr ctor& %n o$ t+e contr ct %n t+e )re&cr%2e* $orm Fo//o0%n! *oc'ment& nne3e* 0%t+ t+%& N(I(T( &+ // $orm ) rt o$ t+e **%t%on to t+e con*%t%on&

contr ct( Anne3're ;A; ,Anne3're ;B; ,Anne3're ;C; ,Anne3're ;D; ,Mo*e/ r'/e& re/ t%n! to / 2o'r7 0 ter &'))/4 etc( Contr ctor?& / 2o'r re!'/ t%on&( So'rce o$ m ter% /& (not ))/%c 2/e $or 2'%/*%n! 0or1&"( Form o$ %ncome T 3 C/e r nce Cert%$%c te (A))/%c 2/e to 0or1 co&t%n! more t+ n R&( .(:: L 1+&"( Anne3're ;E; ,Anne3're ;F; ,Br%e$ &)ec%$%c t%on&( Sc+e*'/e o$ %tem&(


#nne4ure2D#D Model rules relating to labour5 to >ater suppl& and sanitation in labour campas 638E ; T+e&e mo*e/ r'/e& re %nten*e* )r%m r%/4 $or / 2o'r c m)& 0+%c+ re not o$ )erm nent n t're( T+e4 / 4 *o0n t+e m%n%m'm *e&%r 2/e &t n* r* 0+%c+ &+o'/* 2e *+ere* to &t n* r*& %n )erm nent on &em% )erm nent / 2o'r c m)& &+o'/* not o2-%o'&/4 2e /o0er t+ n $or tem)or r4 c m)&( 1( 93C#8*36 ; T+e c m) &+o'/* 2e /oc te* %n e/e- te* n* 0e// *r %ne* !ro'n* %n( t+e /oc /%t4( .( L 2o'r +'t& to 2e con&tr'cte* $or one $ m%/4 o$ 6 )er&on& e c+( T+e / 4o't to 2e &+o0n %n t+e )re&cr%2e* &1etc+( 5( HU88*6); T+e +'t& to 2e 2'%/t o$ /oc / m ter% /&( E c+ +'t &+o'/* )ro-%*e t /e &t .: &9m( o$ /%-%n! &) ce( @( S#6*8#-G A#C*9*8*ES ; L tr%ne& n* 'r%n /& &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* t/e &t 16 mtr&( 0 4 $rom t+e ne re&t 9' rter& &e) r te/4 $or men n* 0omen n* &)ec% //4 &o m r1e* %n t+e $o//o0%n! &c /e( 6( 9#8-*6ES ; P%t )ro-%*e* t t+e r te o$ 1: '&er or $ m%/%e& )er &e t( Se) r te re re9'%re* & t+e )r%- c4 c n /&o7 2e '&e* $or t+%& )'r)o&e( B( D-*6,*6) @#8E- ; A*e9' te rr n!ement& &+ // 2e m *e $or t+e &'))/4 o$ *r%n1%n! 0 ter( , )r ct%c 2/e $%/tere* n* c+/or%n te* &'))/%e& &+ // 2e rr n!e* 0+en &'))/e %& $rom %nterm%ttent &o'rce o-er +e * &tor !e t n1 &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* 0%t+ c ) c%t4 o$ $%-e /%ter& )er &on )er * 4( E+ere t+e &'))/4 %& to 2e m *e $rom 0e// %t &+ // con$%rm to t+e & n%t r4 &t n* r* / %* *o0n %n t+e re)ort o$ t+e r'r / & n%t t%on comm%ttee( T+e 0e// &+o'/* 2e t /e &t 5: meter& 0 4 $rom n4 / tr%ne or ot+er &o'rce o$ )o//'t%on( I$ )o&&%2/e t+e n* )'m) &+o'/* 2e %n&t //e* $or *r 0%n! t+e 0 ter $rom 0e//( T+e 0e// &+o'/* 2e e$$ect%-e/4 *%&%n$ecte* one e-er4 mont+ n* t+e 9' /%t4 o$ t+e 0 ter &+o'/* 2e !ot te&te* t t+e P'2/%c He /t+ In&t%t't%on 2et0een e c+ 0or1 o$ *%&%n$ect%n!( C( ?#8H*6) #6D @#SH*6) ; Se) r te 2 t+%n! n* 0 &+%n! )/ ce &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* $or men n* 0omen $or e-er4 .6 )er&on& %n t+e c m)( T+ere &+ // 2e one ! ) n* &) ce o$ . &9( $or 0 &+%n! n* 2 t+%n!( Pro)er *r %n !e $or 0 &te0 ter &+o'/* 2e )ro-%*e*( <( @#S8E D*SP3S#9 ; D'&t2%n &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* t &'%t 2/e )/ ce& %n c m) n* t+e re&%*ence &+ // 2e *%recte* to t+ro0 // r'22%&+ %nto t+o&e *'&t2%n&( T+e *'&t2%n &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* 0%t+ co-er( T+e content& &+ // 2e remo-e* e-er4 * 4 n* *%&)o&e* o$$ 24 trenc+%n!( F( MED*C#9 A#C*9*8*ES ; F(1 E-er4 c m) 0+ere 1::: or more )er&on& re&%*e &+ // 2e )ro-%*e* 0%t+ 0+o/e t%me *octor n* *%&)en& r4( I$ t+ere re 0omen %n t+e c m) 0+o/e t%me N'r&e &+ // 2e em)/o4e*( F(. E-er4 c m) 0+ere /e&& t+ n 1::: 2't more t+ n .6: )er&on& re&%*e& &+ // 2e )ro-%*e*

with a dispensary and a part time# ,urse; Midwife.

F(5 I$ t+ere re /e&& t+ n .6: )er&on& %n n4 c m) %n charge of whole time persons trained in first aid. $%r&t %* 1%t &+ // 2e m %nt %ne*

4ll the medical facilities mentioned abo$e shall be for the all residents in the camp# including a dependent of wor ers# if any# free of costs. $anitary $taff 6+ 5or each labour camp there should be qualified sanitary inspector and sweepers should be pro$ided in the following scales,-

1.+ 2.+

For c m)& 0%t+ &tren!t+ o-er .:: 2't not e3cee*%n! 6:: )er&on&- One &0ee)er $or e-er4 C6 )er&on& 2o-e t+e $%r&t .:: $or 0+%c+ 5 &0ee)er& 0%// 2e )ro-%*e*( For c m)& 0%t+ &tren!t+ o-er 6:: )er&on&- One &0ee)er $or e-er4 1:: )er&on& 2o-e

the first 000 for which - sweepers should be will be pro$ided.


#nne4ure I?J ContractorBs labour regulations

T+e contr ctor &+ // ) 4 not /e&& t+ n $ %r 0 !e to / 2o'r& en! !e* 24 +%m %n t+e 0or1( E7P9#6#8*36 A( ;FAIR EAGES; me n& 0+et+er $or t%me o$ )%ece 0or1 ten*er& & not%$%e* on t+e * te o$ %n-%t%n! n* 0+ere &'c+ 0 !e& + -e not 2een &o not%$%e* t+e 0 !e& )re&cr%2e* 24 t+e

com)etent 't+or%t4 $or *%-%&%on %n 0+%c+ t+e 0or1 %& *one( B( T+e contr ctor &+ //7 not0%t+&t n*%n! t+e )ro-%&%on o$ n4 contr ct to t+e contr r47 c '&e to be

paid a fair to labours indirectly engaged on the wor including any labour engaged by his subcontractor in connection with the said wor as if labours had been immediately employed by him.
C( In re&)ect o$ // / 2o'r *%rect/4 or %n*%rect/4 em)/o4e* on t+e 0or1& or t+e )er$orm nce o$ +%&

contract# the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with the :abour 4ct in-force.
D( T+e E3ec't%-e En!%neer#S'2-D%-%&%on / o$$%cer &+ // + -e t+e r%!+t to *e*'ct $rom t+e mone4

due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for ma ing good# the loss suffered by a wor er or wor ers by reason of iron-fulfillment of the conditions of the contract for the benefit of the wor ers non payment of the wages or of deductions made from his or their wages which are not *ustified by their terms of contract or non-obser$ance of regulations.
E( T+e contr ctor &+ // 2e )r%m r%/4 /% 2/e $or // ) 4ment& to 2e m *e 'n*er n* $or t+e

obser$ance of the regulations aforesaid without pre*udice to his right to claim indemnity from his subcontractor.
F( T+e Re!'/ t%on& $ore& %* &+ // 2e *eeme* to 2e ) rt o$ t+%& contr ct n* n4 2re c+

t+ereo$ &+ // 2e *eeme* to 2e G( T+e contr ctor &+ // o2t %n $orce

2re c+ o$ t+%& con*'ct( - /%* /%cen&e 'n*er t+e Contr ct (Re!'/ t%on A2o/%t%on" Act7 %n 't+or%t4 $rom t%me to t %me 2e$ore

n* r'/e m *e t+ere 'n*er 24 t+e com)etent

commencement o$ 0or1 n* cont%n'e to + -e t+e 0or1( An4 $ %/'re to $'/$%// t+%& re9'%rement &+ // contr ct contr ctor(

- /%* /%cen&e 'nt%/ t+e com)/et%on o$

ttr ct t+e )en / )ro-%&%on& o$ t+%& &&%!ne* to t+e

r%&%n! o't o$ t+e re&'/te* non-e3ec't%on o$ t+e 0or1


#66E7U-E ICJ Statement sho>ing the lead o! materials

S.6o. . / C 0 ' Description 9ead

6ote ;2 T+%& &t tement %& on/4 $or !'%* nce o$ t+e contr ctor&( T+e ten*erer &+o'/* & t%&$4 +%m&e/$ re! r*%n! t+e - %/ 2%/%t4 o$ t+e re9'%re* 9' /%t4 n* 9' nt%t4 o$ m ter% /&(


#..-A!&- BDC /rom of %ertifi%ated of in%ome ta= to 9e su9mitted 9y %ontra%tor ($ tendering for 8orks %osting &s. (.00 0akes or more

,ame < .tyle 2of the company# firm# &.).5.# or !ndi$idual3 in which the applicant assessed to !ncome Ta% and 4ddress for purposes of assessment.

%%( %%%(

The !ncome Ta% (ircle;=ard;'istrict in which the applicant is assessed to !ncome Ta%. 5ollowing particulars concerning the last !ncome Ta% 4ssessment made /-

(a) 6eference ,o# 2Or 9. !. 6. ,o.3 of the assessment. (b) 4ssessment year and 4ccounting year. (c) 4mount of Total !ncome 4ssessed. (d) 4mount of Ta% 4ssessed 1. T.# .. T.# ". P. T.# >. P.T. (e) 4mount of Ta% Paid 1. T.# .. T.# ". P. T.# >. P. T. (f) >alance being ta% not yet paid and reasons for such arrears. (g) =hether any attachment or certificate proceedings pending in respect of the arrears.
(h) =hether the company or firm or &. ). 5. on which the assessment was made has been or is being liquidated# roundup dissol$ed# petitioned or being declared insol$ent as the case may be. 2i3 The position about later assignment namely# whether returns submitted under section 772l3 or 273 of the !T 4ct and whether ta% paid under section 1?2a3 of the 4ct and the amount of ta% so paid or in arrears. #

!n case there has been no !ncome Ta% 4ssessment at all in the past# whether returns submitted under section 71 213 or 273 and 1?-4 2@3 and if so# the amount of !ncome Ta% 6eturn or Ta% paid and the !ncome Ta% (ircle;=ard; 'istrict concerned.


The name and address of branch 2es3 $erified the particulars set out abo$e and sound correct sub*ect to the following remar s.


$ignature of I.2. 1. (ircle;=ard;'istrict.


#..-A!&- B-C $pe%ifi%ation for ...................................

E4ecutive Engineer P.H.E.D. Maint. Division Municipal Corporation5 Ujjain

#..-A!&- B/C $%hedule of ........... $..o. Parti%ulars of items !nit

E4ecutive Engineer P.H.E.D. Maint. Division Municipal Corporation5 Ujjain


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