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anuary 19, 2012

Sun? CharLer Schools lnsLlLuLe
41 SLaLe SLreeL, SulLe 700
Albany, new ?ork 12207
uear Slr/Madam:
ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer Schools (CWCS), worklng ln parLnershlp wlLh parenLs and resldenLs
of CommunlLy School ulsLrlcL 14, represenLed by !eremy 8oblns, who ls servlng as our Lead
AppllcanL, lnLend Lo submlL an appllcaLlon Lo Lhe SLaLe unlverslLy of new Yorks Charter School
lnsLlLuLe for conslderaLlon durlng Lhe sprlng 2012 submlsslon perlod. 1he name of Lhe proposed
school wlll be ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer School new ?ork 1 (CWCn?1). lease see conLacL
lnformaLlon below for krlsLe uragon, Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer of ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer
Schools, along wlLh Mr. 8oblns:
krlsLe uragon !eremy 8oblns
3371 Wllshlre 8oulevard, SulLe 210 64 norman Avenue #2
Los Angeles, CA 90036 8rooklyn, n? 11222
(323) 634-3340 (917) 301-1302
krlsLe.dragon[ [eremyroblns7[

CWCn?1 wlll serve a socloeconomlcally, raclally, and culLurally dlverse populaLlon of sLudenLs
llvlng wlLhln new ?ork ClLy CommunlLy School ulsLrlcL 14. SLarLlng wlLh Lhe 2013-14 academlc
year, Lhe school wlll begln servlng sLudenLs ln grades k-1 and wlll add a grade each year. 8y Lhe
end of Lhe 3
year of operaLlon, CWCn?1 wlll serve sLudenLs ln grades k-3. ulLlmaLely, CWCn?1
hopes Lo be parL of a clusLer of ClLlzens of Lhe World charLer schools ln CSu 14 servlng sLudenLs
ln grades k-12. Lach grade wlll have Lhree or four classes of 20 sLudenLs. lollowlng ls a pro[ecLed
enrollmenL charL for Lhe flrsL flve years of operaLlon:

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4 60-80 60-80 60-80 60-80 60-80
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- 60-80 60-80 60-80
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0 60-80
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CWCn?1 wlll offer a consLrucLlvlsL, pro[ecL-based academlc program for all sLudenLs. 1he
mlsslon for CWCn?1 is to provide a socio-economically, culturally, and racially diverse
communlLy of sLudenLs ln Lhe hearL of CSu 14 wlLh an lnLellecLually challenglng, experlenLlal
learning environment that develops each individual students confidence, potential, and
lndlvldual responslblllLy as clLlzens of Lhe world ln whlch we llve.

Cur enLlre program ls cenLered on Lhe followlng key deslgn elemenLs: academlc excellence,
dlverslLy, communlLy, and LalenL and leadershlp.

78$%&9:8 ;<8&))&=8&: Cur currlculum wlll be cenLered on Lhe Common Core SLaLe
SLandards and Lhe new ?ork SLaLe Learnlng SLandards. lL wlll be grounded ln rlch
educaLlonal Lheorles of consLrucLlvlsm and reallzed Lhrough evldenced-based
lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces, whlch serve as Lhe means for each and every chlld Lo meeL and
exceed Lhose sLandards. As consLrucLlvlsm ls a Lheory abouL learnlng, noL a descrlpLlon
of teaching, no cookbook teaching style of instructional techniques can be abstracted
from Lhe Lheory and proposed as a consLrucLlvlsL approach Lo Leachlng. We wlll bulld
lnLeracLlve, dynamlc classrooms ln whlch crlLlcal Lhlnklng and creaLlvlLy can Lhrlve
alongslde sLandards and academlc benchmarks. Cur schools wlll embrace a rlgorous yeL
sLudenL-cenLered, consLrucLlvlsL, pro[ecL-based approach Lo Leachlng and learnlng ln
whlch Lhe core lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces of pro[ecL-based learnlng and balanced llLeracy
are enhanced by teachers rich repertoire of instructional strategies. We wlll sLrucLure
learnlng Lo bulld on whaL sLudenLs already know and supporL Lhem ln revlslng and
reflnlng Lhelr undersLandlng as Lhey work Lowards masLery. Cur sLudenLs wlll engage ln
learnlng processes LhaL develop concepLual undersLandlng and self-knowledge, ln
addlLlon Lo conLenL knowledge.

>:(&#?:@AB Cur school wlll be an effecLlve worklng model of Lhe larger socleLy sLudenLs
wlll someday [oln. As referenced ln our mlsslon sLaLemenL, CWCn?1 ls seeklng Lo serve a
socio-economically, culturally, and racially diverse community. Accordingly, we will seek
Lo maLch Lhe raclal and soclo-economlc dlverslLy of Lhe communlLy ln whlch Lhe school
wlll be locaLed Lhrough sLraLeglc sLudenL recrulLmenL. now, more Lhan ever, our
sLudenLs need meanlngful school experlences LhaL bulld cross-culLural undersLandlng
and Lolerance before Lhey enLer Lhe global workforce. !usL as we prepare our asLronauLs
Lo embark on [ourneys ln space, our docLors Lo perform operaLlng procedures, and our
armed forces Lo carry ouL crlLlcal mlsslons, we wlll offer our sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
slmulaLe and prepare for Lhelr broader engagemenL ln a plurallsLlc, global socleLy by
experlenclng an educaLlonal seLLlng LhaL reflecLs Lhe broader world. Moreover, our
lnsLrucLlonal pracLlces wlll offer concreLe opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo learn abouL
dlverse culLures, as well as to practice the skills needed to be successful in todays global

CD99E=:@AB We alm Lo bulld a Lrue school communlLy ln whlch all memberssLudenLs,
Leachers, famllles, and communlLy parLnersnoL only have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
parLlclpaLe, buL also feel welcome Lo acLlvely engage ln school llfe. We know all parenLs

wanL Lhe besL for Lhelr chlldren and see lL as our responslblllLy Lo work wlLh famllles Lo
undersLand how and where Lhey can besL play a parL ln our school communlLy so LhaL
100 of famllles are engaged.

5$)&=@ $=% '&$%&#?F:GB LxcellenL educaLors aL all levels of Lhe school and sLrong
partnerships within the district and the authorizer will be critical to our schools success.
ln llne wlLh our commlLmenL Lo Academlc Lxcellence, ulverslLy, and CommunlLy, we wlll
develop our Leachlng faculLy lnLo a supporLlve communlLy LhaL values and exLends Lhelr
unlque LalenLs and allows Lhem Lo reflne Lhelr crafL. 1eachers wlll work LogeLher Lo plan
unlLs, sollclL feedback on lessons, and share lnsLrucLlonal Lechnlques. 1hey wlll also
celebraLe successes and, LogeLher, work Lhelr way Lhrough challenges, whlle
encouraglng each oLher Lo grow as Leachers and leaders.

CWCn?1 wlll be parL of Lhe ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer Schools neLwork, flrsL esLabllshed ln
Los Angeles, Callfornla. 8y parLnerlng wlLh ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer Schools, we wlll have:

Access Lo a neLwork LhaL lncludes hlghly Lralned, experlenced educaLors commlLLed Lo
servlng all chlldren wlLh an uncompromlslng bar for excellence
Access Lo and supporL of leadershlp LhaL has successfully opened and run hlgh-
performlng schools wlLh Lhls model
1he ablllLy Lo learn from besL pracLlces and bulld on lessons learned from oLher schools
ln Lhe neLwork
Lmpowered local leadershlp CWC Schools places sLrong emphasls on local LalenL,
lncludlng parenLs, board, LxecuLlve ulrecLor, and rlnclpal
SupporL wlLh LalenL ldenLlflcaLlon and developmenL of board and school leaders.
SupporL wlLh sLarL-up cosLs, flnanclal plannlng, and faclllLles consulLlng
Access Lo academlc plannlng and supporL (charLer developmenL, currlculum, and
assessmenL consulLlng)

AddlLlonally, CWCS ls hoplng Lo esLabllsh a clusLer of schools ln Lhe 8rooklyn area. uurlng Lhls
appllcaLlon submlsslon, CWCS ls submlLLlng Lhls appllcaLlon and anoLher (CWCn?2) Lo Lhe SLaLe
University of New Yorks Charter Schools Institute.

CWCn?1 intends to seek public facility space in New York Citys Community School District 14.
Should publlc space be unavallable, we lnLend Lo locaLe Lhe school ln prlvaLe space, acqulred
through either a lease or purchase. Like most charter school start-ups, we face challenges ln
balanclng our currenL need for a smaller space wlLh our deslre Lo secure a permanenL faclllLy as
qulckly as posslble. We are conslderlng a varleLy of opLlons Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe school
and we wlll also uLlllze a varleLy of brokers/referral opLlons Lo ldenLlfy poLenLlal slLes ln our
LargeL area. We also lnLend Lo lnvolve Lhe local communlLy ln our process of securlng space for
Lhe school.

ClLlzens of Lhe World's flagshlp school ls currenLly operaLlng ln Pollywood wlLh a k-8 charLer
approved and auLhorlzed by Lhe Los Angeles unlfled School ulsLrlcL, and we hope Lo brlng
several key deslgn elemenLs, lncludlng Lhose descrlbed above, and successes from Pollywood Lo
our proposed schools ln n?.

llnally, accordlng Lo LducaLlon Law subdlvlslon 2832(9-a)(b)(ll), we musL demonsLraLe evldence
of communlLy ouLreach. Accompanylng Lhls LeLLer of lnLenL ls a summary of Lhe measures we
have underLaken Lhus far Lo lnform Lhe communlLy of our proposed school.
1hank you for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo parLner wlLh you Lo serve Lhe chlldren of new ?ork SLaLe.
krlsLe uragon !eremy 8oblns
Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer Lead AppllcanL
ClLlzens of Lhe World CharLer Schools CWCn?1

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