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English Monthly Test Year 4 Question 1 4 Choose the best word to fill in the blanks. 1.

. Dara is riding her ___________ to school. A watch B bicycle C camera D computer 2. !"lease take the cat to the __________ #$ says my brother. A nurse C dentist B doctor D %eterinarian 3. Mei Li wears her traditional __________ when she goes to the temple. A. saree B. samfoo C. cheongsam D. ba u kebaya &. Add __________ pepper to the soup. A. some B.a few C.much D.many

Questions 5 7 'tudy the picture carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

Maya and her sister are cleaning their room. Maya ___()*__

dirty clothes on

the floor while her sister __(+*___

the floor. ,heir mother walks in and


to see her daughters being responsible.

5. A is collect B is collects C is collected D is collecting

6. A B C D

is swept is sweep is sweeps is sweeping

7. A is angry B is happy C is ner%ous D is surprised

Questions 1! 'tudy the picture carefully. ,hen choose the best answer. 8. A Aina is a hardworking girl. B ,he girls are reading storybooks. C Aina and her brother are studying. D Aina and her family are ha%ing lunch.

9. A .akimi is reading a letter. B .akimi is writing a letter. C .akimi is posting a letter. D .akimi is drawing a letter.

10. A ,here is a car under the tree. B ,here is a car near the house. C ,here is a car at the parking lot. D ,here is a car in the sea.

Questions 11 15 Look at the picture below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

// A B C D 0 can1t reach it. Certainly. .ere you are. 01m looking at some books. 2hich book do you want to buy3


A Can you help me carry these3 B 2ould you like coffee or tea3 C 2here would you like the coffee pots3 D. Can you make me coffee#please3

/3 A B C D 0s this your %ase3 2ho broke this %ase3 01m sorry. 0 broke the %ase. 2here can 0 buy a new %ase3

/& A B C D 0 am Mr. 5anesh. 2ho is Mr. 5anesh3 Are you Mr. 5anesh3 0 am looking for Mr. 5anesh.

/) A B C D ,he cinema is 6uite new. 0 want to go to the market. 5o to the roundabout and turn right. ,hey are showing !2ar of the 2orlds$.

Questions 16 "! Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

/+. __________ old man with the black shirt stole my wallet. A A C. ,he B An D. 7

/-. 'he __________ the dancing competition last year. A win B won C win D making /:. __________ do 0 need to bring for the camping trip3 A. 2hy B. 2hat C. 2hen D. 2here Question "1 Choose the sa#e #eaning to the underlined word. 4/. ,he grocer is courteous to his customers. A patient B polite C mean D rude Questions "" "$ Choose the answer with the correct s%elling.

/8. ,he children ran __________ to the park. A thirstily B e9citedly C patiently D accidentally 4;. ,he shoes in that shop are the __________. A. cheap B. cheaper C.cheapest D.more cheap

43. My parents celebrated their 4+th __________ yesterday. A. anni%ersary B. ani%esari C. ani%ersary D. ani%asari 44. Mother boils water in a __________ . A ketlet C ketlte B keltte D kettle Questions "4 "5 Choose the sentence with the &orre&t %un&tuation.


A Congratulations. i1m proud of you. B Congratulations< 01m proud of you. C congratulations< 01m proud of you. D. congratulations#01m proud of you.



Look out< ,here is a drain in front. Look out3 ,here is a drain in front. Look out. ,here is a drain in front3 Look out. ,here is a drain in front.

Questions "6 $! Look at the picture and read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage# choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

,he boys from =ear & Cendana are in the school hall. ,hey __________ '"6( cleaning the hall for the school concert. 'ome of them are __________ '"7( the chairs. >ne of the boys is sweeping the __________ '" (. Another __________ '")( is wiping the windows. ,he others are hanging __________ '$!( the balloons. ,hey are all hardworking. "6. A is B are "). A boy B girl C was D were C man D woman 4-.A arrange B arranges $!. A up B down C arranging D arranged C abo%e D below " . A floor B ceiling C wall D door

Questions $1 $5 ?ead notice below and answer the 6uestions.

$1. ,he phrase last t*o #onths refer to A @anuary and Aebruary B March and April C May and @une D Bo%ember and December $". ,he Betball Club will ha%e netball practice A e%ery day B twice a week C on 44 April 4;/4 D during the weekend $$. "upils who want to %isit the library must inform Mrs =ong A on 4& April 4;/4 B on 3/ March 4;/4 C by 3/ March 4;/4 D before 4& April 4;/4

$4. ,he Ceep Ait Club1s notice is mainly about A the Club ,reasurer B the school canteen C paying subscription D the Countryside 2alk $5. ,he 'pelling Contest is organised by A the 5irl 5uides B the Ceep Ait Club C MaDnah bt =acob D the English Language Club

Questions $6+4! ?ead the story below and choose the best answer.

$6. 2hat was 'ang Cancil looking to eat3 A Cake B Cobra C Aruits and roots D ,iger $7. 2ho wanted to eat 'ang Cancil3 A ,iger B Cobra C ,he king $ . 2hy did ,iger let 'ang Cancil go the -irst time3 A .e was not feeling hungry. B .e wanted to eat the cobra. C .e wanted to eat the Cing1s cake. D .e wanted to wear the Cing1s belt.

$). 2hat is the word that best describes 'ang Cancil3 A Aast C 'mart B Bra%e D 5reedy 4!. ,he cobra will #ost li,ely __________ ,iger. A kill B lick C release D make friends with

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