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Wijang Wisnu Raharjo2) Mechanical Engineering Department Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia 2) Mechanical Engineering Department Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia email:

Abstract The purpose of the research is to investigate the change of composite characteristics of HDPE plastic and organic wastes because of sintering temperatures elevation. The characteristics would be found including water absorption, density, bending strength. The organic wastes used in the research were leaves and twigs or branches and then they were bound by HDPE plastic. The pressured sintering method was selected for making the specimens. The change of process parameters investigated in the resaerch were sintering temperature elevation of 105 oC, 112oC, 120oC and 127oC refferred to melting temperature of HDPE. The composite consite of 30%wt HDPE powder with particles size of -20 mesh and the remaining procentage of ornagic wastes. The testing specimens method reffered to ASTM standard. The result depicts that the increasing temperature of 105oC to 127oC will make the bending strength to be stronger and the density to be higher as well. Key words: HDPE-organic wastes composite, water absorption, density, sintering 1. Introduction Manufacturing of composite products sawdust and recycled plastic is one of the alternative utilization of waste wood and plastic, in order to improve the efficiency of wood utilization, reduce environmental loading of waste plastics and producing innovative products as a wood substitute building materials. The development of this product in the future will hopefully provide a positive impact, not just limited to industrial development and foreign exchange savings, but also improve the environmental quality of life (Setyawati, 2003). The usage of composite porous aims to obtain a composite that has a low density but has a relatively high strength. In the health sector, for example, a porous composite applications usually used for bone replacement. A study of porous composite states with controlled temperature, the composite porous / solid titanium structure can show buckling strength exceeds that of human bones yet still provide the porosity and pore size of the conditions necessary for the growth of skin tissue (Pitkin, 2007). Amal, 2008, made preparation of composites of HDPE, used tires and polyester matrix with sintering time variations of 10, 15 and 20 minutes. On the variation of sintering time 10 minutes have 0.391% volume, the variation within 15 minutes have a volume of 0.413%, and the variation within 20 minutes have a volume of 0.530%. Sintering time increasing the tensile strength decreased, the variation within 10 minutes had a tensile strength of 13.1 MPa, the variation within 15 minutes has a 60

tensile strength of 10,603 MPa, and the variation within 20 minutes has a tensile strength of 7.92 MPa (Amal, 2008). Research conducted by Purnama (2008) with pressured sintering method states that the composite powder HDPE plastic-rubber tires have a flexural strength far below the flexural strength of HDPE material. The quality of the composite boardpolyetylene cocopeat best form on the volume ratio of 30:70 with a clamp temperature 170 C, because this board has a value of low water absorption and the highest value of MOR. Providing treatment temperature felts no effect on the quality of the resulting composite board (Prasetyawan, 2009). Teak (2008) conducted a study on the influence of sintering temperature variations on the composite HDPE - rubber tires. The result showed that increasing the sintering temperature of 110 C to 140 C will increase the density up to 10:18%, 71.52% the impact strength, and flexural strength of 12:28%. The greatest increasing density occured when the temperature rises from 120 C to 130oC that is equal to 6.20%, the biggest impact increases when the temperature is raised from 110 C to 120 C that is equal to 55.01%, and an increase in flexural strength was greatest when the temperature rises from 110 C to 120 C that is equal to 6.91%. At fault observation after tensile and impact testing on composite HDPE-PET-rubber can be seen that the fault that occurred is brittle fracture, where the direction of crack propagation is perpendicular to the direction of tensile stress that work and produce a relatively flat surface (Huda, 2009) . Research conducted by Suyanto (2007) stated that with the variation of sintering time from 10 to 20 minutes will reduce the mechanical properties (impact strength and flexural strength) of the material. Widya T (2007) in study of experimental research on the influence of sintering time on the physical and mechanical properties of plastic-rubber composite materials concluded that, given sintering time from 10 to 20 minutes will improve the physical properties of materials that is shrinkage and density. 2. Research Method The process of preparing the base material is a collection of plastic, HDPE plastic kind that cames from the plastic garbage collectors while the use of organic waste came from the environment around campus and housing. The materials were then cleaned from the remnants of oil and dirt. The next process was the manufacturing of basic materials into powder which made the process of milling (crushing). For the selection of the size of HDPE powder was done by sieving using size of 30 mesh and 40 mesh, while for organic waste used 6 mesh and 10 mesh. Powder mixing process carried out to uniform composition, as well as reducing segregation commonly occur due to movement or vibration to the powder. Powder mixing was done in the dry state. HDPE and organic waste were mixed with composition of volume fraction of 30:70. The use of volume fraction in mixing the two materials was to facilitate for estimating the amount of each ingredient each the mix. The mixing was done in a cylindrical tube which was rotated by speed of 85 rpm with a tube diameter of 14 cm with a maximum volume of powder in the tube is 40% of the volume of the tube.] Specimens were make by pressured sintering method. Pressured sintering is intended to form bonds between the powder particles using thermal energy at temperature of below the melting point material, in this case was HDPE. Pressured sintering was done inside the mold with air-free environment. Sintering temperatures

were varied 105, 112, 120C and 127oC, while the sintering time of detention carried out for 10 minutes. Way of cooling the specimen after sintering is muted in the mold to cool (ambient temperature). Tests performed included testing specimens flexural strength (ASTM D1037), density testing (ASTM D-1037) and water absorption (ASTM D1037). 3. Research Results and Analysis A. The Effect of Temperature Sintering on Density Graph the results of testing the density of HDPE plastic-waste composite with variation oganik sintering temperature 105, 112, 120, and 127oC done can be seen in Figure 1. At a temperature of 120C an increase in density is higher, amounting to 0.86% compared to the temperature of 112oC. The increasing density occurs because the viscosity of the plastic become low, as a result, plastic flow ability become increase and to be able to fill the voids between the particles of waste.
475 470 465

Density (Kg/m3)

460 455 450 445 440 100 R2 = 0.9512







Sintering Temperature ('C)

Figure 1.The graphic of correlation between sintering temperature and composite density

Figure 1 shows the increase in density at each sintering temperature rises. At a temperature of 105oC plastic viscosity is still very high, because most of plastic powder do not melt yet. Plastics have not been able to fill the empty spaces between particles of organic waste, thereby forming pores large enough. The increase in temperature from 105oC to 112oC powder plastic viscosity only slightly decrease, because the plastic has not melted enough. So the ability of plastic flow at a temperature of 112C is almost equal to the temperature of 105oC. At a temperature of 112C an increase in density is not higher that is 0.65% than the temperature of 105oC. The increase was greatest density at a temperature of 127C which is worth 1.79% over the temperature of 120C, because at 127oC temperature of HDPE plastic that is already close to its melting point at a temperature of 130oC (Corneliusse, 2002). But the ability of plastics to withstand the load from the outside goes down. If the sintering temperature continues to rise, the viscosity of HDPE will be higher. HDPE will be more melting and mass transfer that occurs will be greater. With a greater mass transfer will result in HDPE easy move to find an empty space, especially the pores between particles of the composite. So that the resulting composite has pores smaller and has a greater density (German, 1994). Temperature variations in the sintering process will affect the density of the

composites are made. Evident from the research that increasingly produce density increased with increasing sintering temperature. The value of the density of the composites according to the sintering temperature is 452.49 kg / m at a temperature of 105oC; 455.44 kg / m at a temperature of 112oC, and then sequentially 459.35 kg / m and 467.56 kg / m at a temperature of 120oC and 127oC. B. The Effect of Temperature Sintering on Bending Strength
8 7 Bending Strength ( MPa ) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 Sintering Temperature ( 'C ) ) R 2 = 0.9805

Figure 2.The graphic of the effect temperature sintering on composite bending strength property. Figure 2 shows that the bending strength of plastic-organic wastes composite increase proportionally to sintering temperature upward. The increasing of bending strength composite is contributed by decreasing porous size in the composite material because of the porous is

the location for initiating the crack. Sintering temperature effect on the mass transfer of HDPE. The higher the sintering temperature of the HDPE will be more easy to melt and move to find a place that has a smaller pressure (pores). With the movement of molten HDPE into the pores, it will cause the pores of the composite has narrowed. With the addition of the sintering temperature of the HDPE will be more easily infiltrate and surrounding organic waste. The behaviour results the bonding between particles become better besides the burden imposed on the composite can also be transferred to better the HDPE into the organic waste. Organic wastes also are not easily separated from the HDPE bonding. The composites flexural strength values in a sequence according to the sintering temperature of 105C, 112C, 120C and 127C are 1.97 Mpa; 2.66 Mpa; 3.96 MPa and 5.37 MPa. The highest increasing in the strength of the composite are at temperature 105C to 127C that is 171.6%. C. Effect of Sintering Temperature on Water Absorption Figure 3 shows the reducing value of water absorption due to the increasing sintering temperature. At the sintering temperature of 105C the uptake of water from organic waste-HDPE composite has the highest value compared with another temperatures. The value of water absorption at this temperature is still high because there are many pores in the composite. The composite with so many pores formed makes the water stored in the composite reaching 71.9%. The value of water uptake of composite at a temperature of 112C is equal to 66.2% or a decline of 8%. Declining the value of the composite water absorption is not too big because at this temperature

of HDPE is almost the same conditions with a temperature of 105C. At a temperature of 120C water uptake value of the composites decreases at the amount of 54.3%. The biggest decreasing in the value of water absorption occurs at the sintering temperature of 127 C which is a decrease of 28%. The value of water uptake at this temperature is 39.1%. The reason of the result is that at the temperature the HDPE plastic is approaching its melting point, so that HDPE has begun to be soften. With the softening of HDPE there will be a process of filling the pores of composite by the HDPE resulting in decreasing pore size of the composite. From some of the statements above can be concluded that the higher of sintering temperature the water that could seep in and stored in the composite will decrease. So that will reduce the value of water absorption of composite.
90 80 Water Absorption (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 100 (%) R2 = 0.9647



115 120 SinteringTemperature('C)



Figure 3.The graphic of the composite water absorption property as sintering temperature increased

D. Scanning Electron Micrograph ( SEM ) Immages

wastes HDPE porous

HDPE wastes


Figure 4 shows that the bond between HDPE and organic waste is not too strong. It can be seen from the organic waste which does not coverred by HDPE entirely. Figure 5 shows the bonding between the HDPE with organic waste at a temperature of 127 C. Figure 5 shows clearly that the strong binding HDPE or surrounding organic waste so much better. The reason is that at temperature of 127C will increase the mass transfer of HDPE in the composite.

Figure 4. SEM immage of sample at 105oC sintering temperature

Figure 5. SEM immage of sample at 127oC sintering temperature

The phenomenon shown in Figure 4 and 5 occurs because the higher the sintering temperature will tend to HDPE become softened. The softening of HDPE plastic will increase the infiltration to the pores and the surrounding organic waste and causing the pores of the composite will become smaller. Conclusion a. Increasing sintering temperature tends to raise the density composite up to 3.33% from temperature of 105oC to 127oC. b. Increasing sintering temperature from 105oC to 127C will increase the flexural strength of composites by 171.6%. c. Increasing sintering temperature from 105oC to 127C causes the water absorption of composite down organic that is equal to 84.23% Refferences Amal, Effendy Dwi., 2008, Pengaruh Waktu Sintering Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit Dari High Density Polyethylene (hdpe), Ban Bekas Dan Matrik Polyester Dengan Variasi Waktu Sintering 10, 15 Dan 20 Menit, skripsi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. ASTM D1037-99,Standart Test Methods for Evaluation Properties of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials. German, R.M., 1994, Powder Metallurgy Science, The Pensylvania State University New Jersy. Huda, Muhammad Nur., 2009, Pengaruh Suhu sintering Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Komposit Hasil Daur Ulang Plastik (HDPE,PET) dan Karet dengan Variasi Suhu Sintering 170C, 180C, dan 190C. Skripsi thesis, Univerversitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Jati, W., 2008, Pengaruh Suhu Trhadap Karakteristik Komposit HDPE-Karet Ban Menggunakan Metode Pressured Sintering, Skripsi, UNS, Surakarta. Milosevki, D., 2009, Liquid Phase Sintering Of Dense and Porous Composites Obtain from Industriaal Waste, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Republic of Macedonia. Pitkin, M., 2007, Porous composite prosthetic pylon for integration with skin and bone, Tufts University, Boston, MA; Poly-Orth International, Sharon, MA. Purnama, S., 2008, Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Plastik-Karet Terhadap Densitas dan Sifat Mekanik Komposit HDPE-Karet Ban Bekas Dengan Metode Pressured Sintering, Skripsi, UNS, Surakarta. Prasetyawan, D., 2009, Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Papan Komposit dari Serbuk Sabut Kelapa (cocopeat) dengan Plastik Polyethylene, Skripsi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia. Setyawati D., 2003, Komposit Serbuk Kayu Plastik Daur Ulang Teknologi Alternatif Pemanfaatan Limbah Kayu dan Plastik, Program Pasca Sarjana-IPB, Bogor. Suyanto A., 2007, Kajian Eksperimental Pengaruh Waktu Sintering Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Komposit Plastik (HDPE,PET)-Karet Ban Bekas, Skripsi, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Widya, S., 2007, Kajian Eksperimental Pengaruh Waktu Sintering Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Material Komposit Plastik Karet Berbahan Dasar Limbah Plastik HDPE dan Ban Bekas, Skripsi, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Yonanta, R., 2008, Pengaruh Ukuran Serbuk HDPE Terhadap Karakteristik Komposit HDPE-Ban Menggunakan Pressured Sintering, Skripsi, UNS, Surakarta.

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