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Instructional Materials Development Digital Image Processing Subjects Using ProjectBased Approach For Multimedia Class XI SMK A.

Background Issues Curriculum 2013 is a new curriculum based on the characters and the application directed at achieving competence formulated from Competency Standards , the curriculum was developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2013, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, number 69 in 2013. In the structure of the curriculum , there are three groups of subjects,there are : group A ( mandatory ) , group B ( mandatory ) , and group C ( specialization ) . In group C is divided into three sections , there are: ( 1 ) C1 . Basic areas of expertise , (2 ) C2 . Basic programming skills , (3 ) C3 . Package of expertise . In group C3 Multimedia Package expertise have some new subjects, new subjects one that is Digital Image Processing . Based on the observations that have been made in several vocational , constraints that happens is the lack of teaching materials ( modules ) that support its learning process , it is because these subjects are taught new subjects on the curriculum in 2013 . It is very unfortunately because learning media is very important in the process of distribution of the material , In addition to be able to attract the attention of learners , learning media can also facilitate students in understanding the delivery of messages . The selection of instructional media should pay attention to the factors that goal to be achieved , efficiency , state of the learner , technical quality , and cost ( Hamalik , 1993:51 ) . The benefits of use instructional media is very important , one of the benefits of learning media is to overcome the limitations of the frequency of face-to- face between learners with educators . Meanwhile , the current concept of using the theory of constructivism learning a lot . According to the theory of constructivism , learning is the result of the construction itself ( the learners ) as a result of its interaction with the learning environment . Learning is a change in behavior caused by experience . Experience the experience here can be directly or indirectly se way . Direct experience can provide higher memory effectiveness compared with indirect experience . And the self-learning learners themselves will seek first to understand the lessons being read or seen by the media prepared . Then when trouble obtain new learners to ask the teacher or educator . Hence, development of teaching materials digital image processing is necessary to add a reference to the teacher when delivering learning material . The teaching materials aimed at students of class XI vocational , as a vocational high school that gives students the skills provision in accordance with department / program expertise taken . In the process of learning in SMK necessary learning resources developed by the standards of competence and basic competences to facilitate the achievement of the expected learning goals . One of the programs or majors expertise contained in SMK is a multimedia , a program to learn the skills of computer science related graphics . Productive subjects for multimedia skills program requires the presence of a teaching material support for new subjects that digital image processing has been adapted to the subject matter , because in the materials listed on the syllabus for these subjects still not appropriate when said to be the basis for image processing . Due to these conditions, the materials developed in the instructional materials are made with material developed its

own syllabus , by adjusting the competence of vocational students who can help during the learning process takes place , and help learners to learn the concepts contained in the material presented . The importance of appropriate teaching materials to be used as a source of selflearning and for the learning process in the classroom are things that need attention . This was a key consideration for developing a proposal entitled " Development of Instructional Materials Subjects Digital Image Processing Using Project -Based Approach for Class XI students of SMK Department of Multimedia " .

B. Problem Formulation Based on the background of the problem , formulation of the problem can be identified as follows : 1. How to design instructional materials Digital Image Processing for class XI CMS expertise Multimedia Package ? 2. How to build a learning media teaching materials as a guide so that students' learning activities are more active , creative , and effective on the subjects of digital image processing ? 3. How to test the feasibility of teaching materials developed through a series of validation and verification ?

C. Development Goals Objectives to be achieved in the development of teaching materials is to : 1. Provide instructional materials in accordance with the standards of competence and basic competences for Digital Image Processing subjects for class XI CMS majors Multimedia 2. Develop teaching materials that are useful to help the learning activities as well as helping students to be more active , creative , and effective . 3. Identification of feasibility and effectiveness of teaching materials developed .

D. Product Specifications Main ideas in the development of this teaching are : 1. Instructional materials prepared to assist teachers in presenting the material on the subjects of Digital Image Processing is a new subject in the package multimedia expertise . 2. Instructional materials prepared in accordance with competence in the subjects of digital image processing for multimedia programming skills . Subjects : Digital Image Processing Class / Semester : XI / 1 ( Odd )

Standards of competence : Concepts and Application of Digital Image Processing Core competencies : ( a) Understand the anatomy of a digital image processing ( b ) Understanding the parts of software for digital image processing ( c ) Understand and make the image geometry transformation ( d ) Processing the image by applying intensity image processing ( e ) Understand and perform processing to improve the image ( image enchacement ) 3 . There are 3 types of products , namely : ( a) module handles the teacher , ( b ) module handles the student , ( c ) Jobsheet practicum . 4 . Teachers handle module loading : ( a) cover page , (b ) Introduction , (c ) Introduction , (d ) classroom management instructions ; ( e ) Table of Contents ; ( f ) Guidelines for practical assessment tasks ; ( g ) Description of lesson ; ( h ) The key to the answer , and ( i ) RPP . 5 . Handle the student load module : ( a) cover page , (b ) the use of module Instructions ; ( c ) The students' learning activities , (d ) for the evaluation of answer sheets . 6 . Jobsheet includes : ( a) cover page , (b ) Instructions for using the worksheet ; ( c ) The students' learning activities , (d ) assessment guidelines practical tasks ; ( e ) the student activity worksheets . 7 . The goal of the development of teaching material is vocational learners Multimedia Department , particularly Class XI students .

E. Importance of Development Development of teaching materials is expected to benefit some stakeholders , namely : 1 . For vocational school , teaching material is expected to : Assist in the development of new teaching materials for the program in accordance with the multimedia skills related competencies . 2 . For Teachers , teaching material is expected to : a. used as a medium of learning in the classroom . With teaching materials are made , teachers easier in providing materials and manage classroom 3 . For students , teaching material is expected to : a. used as a learning resource for independent study b . used as teaching materials to support learning in the classroom . c . can be used as a self- teaching materials . 4 . for Researchers

The results of the development of a teaching material is expected to be used as material to expand the discourse and experience in the development of teaching materials .

F. Assumptions and Limitations The assumption of this development are : 1 . Unavailability of teaching materials for Digital Image Processing subjects are used to learning in the classroom and on their own , this is because the subject of this new curriculum implemented in 2013. 2 . Respondents provide information that is considered to be correct and trustworthy While this is a limitation in the development of : 1 . This development resulted in three teaching materials , namely : ( 1 ) a handbook for students , (2 ) a handbook for teachers , and ( 3 ) jobsheet practicum for students . 2 . Developed teaching materials for self-learning and can be used as a learning tool ( supplement ) at school 3 . Validation is performed only on the content validation ( material ) on Competency Standards Concepts and Application of Digital Image Processing . 4 . The goal of teaching materials that will be developed are the students of SMK Grade XI 5 . The trial is limited to the development of teaching materials testing class XI SMK majoring in Multimedia at 5 Malang .

G. Operational Definition 1 . Development is a process of translating the design specifications into physical form specified . 2 . Self-learning is learning that stresses activity and participation of the learner . 3 . Teaching materials is a learning device that is used during the process pembelajara , where the instructional materials containing pembelajara purposes , the material , to evaluate understanding of the material covered . 4 . Jobsheet is one kind of teaching materials used learners that serves to measure the level of understanding of learners . 5 . Digital Image Processing is a new course on Multimedia skills package listed on the Curriculum 2013. 6 . Supplement is tambahana material that is optional or preferred Google Terjemahan untuk Bisnis:Perangkat Penerjemah

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