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Aila Gita Overview

7-8: Waste of time 9-13: Humiliation 14: 1st realization: Lust is insatiable 15: 2nd realization: Only Krishna can save me 16-17: How can I blame her? 18-21: Beauty is an illusory super-imposition 22-24: Never associate with women

9-13: Humiliation
Lust makes the wealthiest, the strongest, the cleverest into dismal beggars Our essential choice: Humiliation vs Humility

14: 1st realization: Lust is insatiable

Lose-lose game: Lust is insatiable and irresistible (Impossible to satisfy, impossible to resist) Ladder of abstraction: The link from the specific to the universal takes place not by experience of material enjoyment, but by hearing and purification

15: 2nd realization: Only Krishna can save me

Christian idea of saving vs Vaishnava understanding of saving Krishna saves us by giving us the opportunity to practice devotional service

16-17: How can I blame her?

Attitudes towards women: Karmi: Sense objects eg. All women for my enjoyment All women except my wife - mothers Jnani: Traps for entangling me eg. snakes Bhakti: Fellow-servants of Krishna Eg. Souls seeking Krishna, Vaishnavis, Gopis

18-21: Beauty is an illusory super-imposition

Worldly beauty agitates, Krishnas beauty pacifies: Worldly beauty is limited and temporary; Krishnas beauty, however, is eternal and eternally available for each one of us.

18-21: Beauty is an illusory super-imposition

Worldly beauty dissatisfies, Krishnas beauty satisfies: Just as a spark doesnt illuminate adequately, worldly beauty leaves us dissatisfied. Just as the sun provides abundant illumination, Krishnas beauty provides us supreme satisfaction.

18-21: Beauty is an illusory super-imposition

Worldly beauty pollutes, Krishnas beauty cleanses: Our unsatisfied thirst for worldly beauty goads us into immoral and perverse imaginations and actions. Our satisfied longing for Krishna gradually drives out all other longings from our heart.

21: How am I different from a worm?

Sex is extraordinarily ordinary:

Frequency: millions of times at every moment since creation began Availability: in every species Familiarity: in every lifetime till now

22-24: Never associate with women

Are my attachments holding me or am I holding my attachments? If daydreams, hopes and plans precede indulgence, then I am holding my attachments

22-24: Never associate with women

Our goal is not to prove our sensecontrol but to serve Krishna. Avoid association unless genuinely necessary The Billy Graham rule.

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