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Heilmans Monthly Newsletter

Newsletter Date: April 2012 Volume 1, Issue 9 Ms. Teresa Heilman Special Education

Note Worthy News

Recently I watched a presentation on the internet that I felt would be of great importance to pass along. This webinar was entitled What is Assistive Technology? I feel that this is an important topic because many children would benefit from this type of technology. The next thing I would like to define is

Universal Design for Learning or

Note Worthy News AT vs. UDL Upcoming Events Assistive Technology Helpful Websites 1 1 1 2 3

UDL. UDL is giving every student the opportunity to engage in classroom materials. When using this design to teach lessons it is presented in multiple different ways to help all students. There are three different ways that First off, I would like to start off with a students learn: 1. Engagement few definitions just to make sure that 2. Expression we are all on the same page. This 3. Representation newsletter will define assistive If the goal is to help all students to technology and the Universal Design for learn material that is covered in class it Learning. is important to use different ways to present the information. Assistive Technology is any item, piece of equipment, or product that was purchased, modified, or customized. These things are also used to increase, A common myth is that maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a student with a Assistive Technology is disability. There are several forms of Assistive Technology which be discussed later in this newsletter.

expensive (which it can be) but the high tech and expensive

Assistive Technology vs. UDL Upcoming Events

Spring Break: April 2-6, 2012 Strive for Five: April 20, 2012 Special Olympics: April 23, 2012
This brings up the next idea which is: What is the difference between Assistive Technology and UDL? The main difference is that UDL is something that all teachers should use while teaching lessons. Students do not have to qualify for Special Education services to receive this type of instruction. On the other hand Assistive Technology is something that would be in a students Individualized Education Program or IEP. Since Assistive Technology would be in a students IEP then it is something that only students in Special Education would qualify for. What are the benefits of Assistive Technology for my child? 1. They can make a difference in a students home and school life, etc. 2. If your child has trouble with communication the technology can also help in that area. 3. These types of technology can also help promote development and independence.

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Assistive Technology

Classroom Newsletter

Types of Assistive Technology

**Please note that there are a lot of types and categories
of Assistive Technology. Not all of these ideas will qualify for your child. This is just a list of many things that different students will need. Some of these things may be items for home or school. When you look over these categories think about which ones your child might benefit from.**
1. Daily living Aids: These things are aids that would help students to perform daily tasks. An example would be a utensil that is modified for a student with physical limitations to eat. 2. Mobility/Ambulation Aids: These aids are things that help students to get around on their own. Examples would be a wheelchair or a walker adapted for a particular students needs. 3. Vision Technology: This is a very big category and depending on a childs vision impairment there a lot of things that can be used to help them. Some free programs are offered on most Apple and Microsoft computers. An example of this technology would be a program that enlarges a screen for ease of viewing. 4. Hearing Technology: Just like the vision technology category this is also a big category that would depend on your childs hearing impairment. An example of technology that would help a child with a hearing impairment would be an alarm clock that vibrates when it is time to wake up. 5. Educational Aids: These aids will help students in their subject areas of study. For instance in a math setting a large print ruler or a talking calculator might be necessary for learning. Communication Tools: The range and options in this category are quite large. There are lots of choices and range from low to high tech. Examples would be picture cards that students point to or Voice Output Communication Aids. Environmental Control Aids: The aids in this category are things or items that allow students to control their environment. For instance a child may be able to use a switch to turn on and off a radio. Boardmaking Tools: These tools create picture representation of things a student might want to say. Also it could be a visual schedule for a child so that they can see what they are doing that day. These things would be called visual supports.



The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.
- Helen Keller


**If you think any of these aids or tools would be helpful for your child we would be happy to talk with you about them. Also if you would like more information we can provide that for you as well.**

Classroom Newsletter

Helpful Websites

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Helpful Websites
Would you like more information on Assistive Technology or things that might help your child? Below are some websites that might help you with your quest for more information. Please let us know if we can be of any help.
1. 1. This website is the South Carolina Assistive Technology Program. It helps with explaining Assistive Technology and programs that are available to purchase such technology or tools. 2. 2. The PACER Center has a great website that contains lots of information concerning Assistive Technology. They also have several free presentations on all kinds of topics that you may find interesting. The webinar that is mentioned in this newsletter was watched on this website.

3. whatisudl This is the website for the National Center on Universal Design for Learning. If you have more questions about UDL this is a great website to check out. This website explains the accessibility tools that come free with some Apple products. This website explains the free programs and accessibility that is available on most Microsoft computer software.



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