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JEP - Number 2 - Fall 1995-Winter 1996 Against Lacanism A conversation of Andr Green with Sergio Benvenuto

(Conversation held in Paris, 1 !5!9" - #ranslated $rom the Fren%h b& 'ianmaria (enia) *envenuto+ ,ou -ere a o$ /a%an0s $or a -hile! Could &ou tell us somethin1 about &our relation -ith him2 'reen+ 3 4ne- him in 1955 -hen 3 started as a .s&%hiatrist at the (ainte-6nne 7os.ital in Paris! (ome o$ m& $riends -ere in anal&sis -ith /a%an, -ho at the time -as 1ivin1 an e8tremel& interestin1 series o$ le%tures at (ainte-6nne, -here he o$ten invited the most im.ortant intelle%tuals o$ the time! 3 attra%ted /a%an0s attention at a %ertain .oint, and our relation develo.ed $rom there! 3n 1959 he invited me to *ar%elona, -here -e had a ver& im.ortant %onversation! 7e -as sur.rised to hear that 3 had de%ided to :oin the Ps&%hoanal&ti%al 6sso%iation he had le$t $ive &ears earlier! ;ur relations %ontinued s.oradi%all& u. until 196< and the =Journ>es de *onneval=, -here the -or4 o$ his .u.ils Jean /a.lan%he and (er1e /e%laire had a %onsiderable im.a%t1! 3 de%ided then to attend /a%an0s seminar! We %ollaborated bet-een 196< and 196 , -hi%h %aused me some .roblems -ith m& 6sso%iation! *envenuto+ *ut in 1965 a ma:or s%hism o%%urred in Fren%h .s&%hoanal&sis! 'reen+ ,es, 3 had $riends on both sides o$ that %ontrovers&! 3 arran1ed the $irst stud& 1rou. bet-een =&oun1= members o$ both the Parisian (o%i>t> Ps&%hanal&ti?ue and the then %alled (o%i>t> Fran@aise de Ps&%hanal&se! 3 too4 .art in /a%an0s seminar, and had the .rivile1e o$ le%turin1 there t-i%e, in 1965 and 196 , and dis%ussin1 emer1in1 ideas! /a%an loved dis%ussion! 7e ho.ed to also %onvin%e me, in the end, to :oin his side! 3n 196 our .aths .arted! 3 had .ublished a lon1 arti%le on nar%issism in -hi%h 3 ne1le%ted to ?uote him! 7e rea%ted ver& badl& and, behavin1 in his usual -a&, be1an ma4in1 allusions durin1 his seminars, -hi%h -as $airl& un.leasant! A& relationshi. -ith /a%an -as a .rivile1ed one+ 3 -as %lose to him -- he himsel$ en%oura1ed m& %riti%ism be%ause he needed interlo%utors -- and at the same time totall& $ree be%ause 3 belon1ed to a di$$erent asso%iation! *envenuto+ ,ou are o.enl& %riti%al toda& to-ards /a%an and /a%anians! *ut .uttin1 /a%anians aside, 30d li4e to hear more about &our theoreti%al disa1reements -ith /a%an! 'reen+ First o$ all, /a%an -as e8%e.tionall& intelli1ent! Bereadin1 his E%rits a$ter some time, one dis%overs that the& still arouse %onsiderable interest!

*envenuto+ #his is an im.ortant statement, in li1ht o$ the $a%t that man& .eo.le -- even in Fran%e -- %onsider him an im.ostor! /a%an ver& o$ten .rovo4ed e8treme, %on$li%tin1 rea%tions+ un%ontrolled admiration or utter %ontem.t! 'reen+ E8%e.tional intelli1en%e and the abilit& to .rodu%e some interestin1 -or4s does not ne%essaril& im.l& his adheren%e to the .s&%hoanal&ti% e8.erien%e! 3 also $ind 7eide11er and Cerrida interestin1! *ut in .s&%hoanal&sis, -e are %ommitted to an allian%e bet-een .ra%ti%e and theor&, and to the .s&%hoanal&ti% institution! #hus, 3 %annot %om.l& -ith &our re?uest to =.ut /a%anians aside and tal4 about /a%an=, be%ause /a%anians are /a%an0s .osterit&, his %reation, and /a%an is res.onsible $or -hat the& do toda&! We %annot re1ard a .s&%hoanal&st in the same -a& -e re1ard a .hiloso.her! 6 .hiloso.her0s onl& %on%ern is himsel$ and other .hiloso.hers+ a .s&%hoanal&st must also deal -ith .eo.le outside his $ield! 7o- is it, &ou mi1ht as4, that someone -ho $or seven &ears -as an asso%iate and an admirer o$ /a%an %ould suddenl& abandon him, and be%ome one o$ his $oes2 A& ans-er is that it re?uires time to %om.letel& de%onstru%t /a%an0s theoreti%al me%hanism and to relate it to his .ra%ti%e in 1eneral! 6t the time, 3 limited m&sel$ to a 4ind o$ %om.romise, sa&in1+ =3 %annot a..rove o$ &our .ra%ti%e, but &our theor& interests me=! ;nl& in 199" did 3 realiDe that theor& and .ra%ti%e -ere %onsiderabl& more inter-oven than one -ould have thou1ht! 3t is im.ossible to sa&+ =7is .ra%ti%e -as debatable, but his -ritin1 is sound=! *envenuto+ *a%4 in the 196<s, at the time &ou and /a%an -ere $riends, -hi%h -ere the as.e%ts o$ his .ra%ti%e -hi%h &ou had alread& be1un to ?uestion2 'reen+ /a%an a..eared at a moment o$ im.overishment $or Fren%h .s&%hoanal&ti% thou1ht, as the anal&ti% movement in Fran%e had been interru.ted b& WW33! 3n En1land, on the %ontrar&, it had %ontinuedE the $amous 6nna Freud-Flein Controversies o%%urred bet-een 19"1 and 19"5, -hile /ondon -as bein1 bombed, and %onstitute some o$ .s&%hoanal&sis0 most rivetin1 do%uments! Even the 6meri%an movement %ontinued durin1 that .eriod! #hose in Freud0s %ir%le, $leein1 the NaDi invasion o$ %entral Euro.e sou1ht sa$et& -here the& %ould! Fran%e, itsel$ o%%u.ied b& the NaDis, never 1ave them a -arm -el%ome, so the& -ere more or less e?uall& distributed bet-een *ritain and the Gnited (tates, -ith a $e- in (outh 6meri%a -- -hi%h e8.lains the .resen%e o$ Hiennese thou1ht and %ontroversies in those %ountries -- -hile in Fran%e the onl& .erson to have 4no-n Freud .ersonall& -as Prin%ess Aarie *! Conse?uentl&, a$ter the -ar, Fren%h theoreti%al and .ra%ti%al .s&%hoanal&sis had $allen behind! #he onl& e8%e.tion to this .revailin1 medio%rit& -as .robabl& the -or4 o$ the %lini%al .s&%holo1ist *ouvet! #hen /a%an a..eared, e?ui..ed -ith %onsiderable intelle%tual armor and 1leamin1 talent, in an ambian%e o$ in%redibl& im.overished anal&ti%al thou1ht! 3n the end 3 %onsidered /a%an0s theoreti%al rene-al to be .urel& %ir%umstantial! Gnli4e other im.ortant -or4s in .s&%hoanal&sis, it does not reveal an a-areness o$ the di$$i%ulties o$ anal&ti% .ra%ti%e, althou1h /a%an -as .er$e%tl& a-are o$ -hat -as ha..enin1 on the intelle%tual s%ene! Earl& on, -ith =the mirror sta1e=, /a%an $lirted -ith the theories o$ alienation, essentiall& o$ 7e1el, and later o$ Wallon, a Communist .s&%holo1ist! 3n /a%an0s best -or4s durin1 this .eriod he re$ers to 7e1el! 3n the earl& 195<s, /a%an $elt that somethin1 e8tremel& im.ortant -as ha..enin1 -- the redis%over& o$ (aussure and o$ s&n%hroni% lin1uisti%s, than4s to the mediation o$ Claude />vi-(trauss and o$ his $riends Aauri%e Aerleau-Pont& and Boman Ja4obson! 3n 19"9, /a%an realiDed that />vi-(trauss0s Elementar& (tru%tures o$ Finshi. -as a %ultural event o$ some

im.ortan%e, $o%usin1 on lan1ua1e! *ut then the disa..ointments be1an+ his meetin1 -ith Choms4& led no-hereE lin1uists did not a%%e.t his ideas! /in1uisti%s, -hi%h he %onsidered a leadin1 s%ien%e, later be%ame $or him lin1uisterie, =lin1u-h&steria= or =lin1ui-deli=! *envenuto+ Cidn0t /a%an sa& that lin1uisterie -as the ri1ht term $or his a..roa%h, to distin1uish it $rom real lin1uisti%s2 'reen+ 3n an& %ase, a$ter the marria1e o$ lin1uisti%s and .s&%hoanal&sis, a divor%e too4 .la%e instead o$ a 1reat rene-al! Conse?uentl&, /a%anian thou1ht in the 19 <s tended more and more to-ards mathemati%al to.olo1&, and a lo1i% o$ the .ure si1ni$ier! 7o-ever, /a%an0s -or4 moved %om.letel& a-a& $rom .s&%hoanal&ti% e8.erien%e to dro-n in an ideolo1& o$ s%ien%e, movin1 radi%all& a-a& $rom the idea o$ .s&%hoanal&sis as an e8.loration o$ the de.ths o$ the un%ons%ious, o$ emotional under-orlds and o$ o$ the $irst months o$ li$e, et%! 3n time, this stru%4 me as an in%redible rush $or-ard! #he more di$$i%ulties he en%ountered, the more liberties he too4 -ith his te%hni?ue! 3n the anal&ti% situation he be%ame a 4ind o$ Ien master, doin1 absolutel& an&thin1 he -anted, not $ollo-in1 an& rule! Even so, he is the theoreti%ian o$ /a-! 7e tal4s o$ the Name-o$-Father as a theoreti%al re$eren%e, but in $a%t he behaves more li4e an abusive mother than a la--.rovidin1 $ather! 6s $or his si1ni$ier theor&, it 1oes hand in hand -ith the use o$ $or%e, be%ause the timin1 and interru.tion o$ a session %orres.ond to a use o$ $or%e! *ut his .osition as the rebel o$ anal&ti% institutions made it .ossible $or a .ole -hi%h %onsidered itsel$ revolutionar& to 1ather around him! /a%an -as hailed as havin1 su%%ess$ull& o..osed the establishment, and as havin1 %onstru%ted a revolutionar& line o$ thou1ht and institution! 6t the ver& moment /a%an %reated the E%ole Freudienne and the so-%alled .asse, his ins.iration -as %omin1 e8%lusivel& $rom Aao and the Chinese Cultural Bevolution! *envenuto+ Aan& $ind /a%an0s theor& interestin1 but his %lini%al .ra%ti%e un%om.rehensible, in .art be%ause he himsel$ tal4ed ver& little about it! #hat -ould e8.lain -h& in the G( and in En1land, /a%an is more -idel& read b& .hiloso.hers and literar& s%holars than b& .ra%ti%in1 anal&sts! 3n 1965 -- be$ore the Chinese Cultural Bevolution -- -hen he $ounded the E%ole Freudienne, he had alread& $ormed a 1eneration o$ anal&sts as either their anal&st or su.ervisor! 3$ /a%an0s %lini%al .ra%ti%e is ne1ative, does that then mean that all anal&sts $ormed b& him -some o$ -hom are ver& .rominent toda& -- are bad anal&sts2 'reen+ When /a%an $ounded the E%ole Freudienne, a lot o$ talented /a%anians -ere still -ith him! ;nl& later, in 1969, did the& abandon him! /a%an -anted to remain the AaJtre absolu+ he -anted to %reate a 1eneration o$ $ollo-ers -ho -ouldn0t turn a1ainst him, as the& did in the s%hism o$ 1965! ;ne da& he %on$ided to me+ =3 have t-o t&.es o$ $ollo-ers+ a.ostles and mandarins! #he a.ostles -ill $ollo- me an&-here, -hile the mandarins al-a&s have somethin1 o$ the irredu%ible!= 7e %onsidered the .asse one -a& o$ .reventin1 the $ormation o$ a nemandarinate! ,ou as4ed, =but are the& then all bad %lini%al thera.ists2=! ;$ %ourse not! *ut it is not sur.risin1 that so man& .eo.le le$t him, in%ludin1 some o$ the most .resti1ious and international names o$ the moment, not onl& $rom m& 6sso%iation, but also $rom the 6sso%iation Ps&%hanal&ti?ue de Fran%e (/a.lan%he, Pontalis, 6nDieu, Bosolato, 'rano$$ and others)! 6nd the anal&ti%al .ra%ti%e o$ /a%an0s $ormer .u.ils (Piera 6ula1nier, Fran@ois Perrier, Paul Halabr>1a, Conrad (tein and

others) resembles the standard %lini%al .ra%ti%e o$ non-/a%anians! #he& ma& have theoreti%al diver1en%es but the& are all in a1reement as to the %onditions o$ the settin1! #he& abandoned him be%ause the& thou1ht his %lini%al .ra%ti%e -as unde$ensible! *envenuto+ Freud, too, -as abandoned b& some o$ his most talented and briliant .u.ils+ Jun1, 6dler, Feren%Di! 3s it not inevitable that the best .u.ils abandon their masters, :ust as o$ten the most o$$s.rin1 -ho leave the $amil& and ma4e their o-n -a&2 'reen+ 3t is im.ossible to %om.are Freud and /a%an! 6$ter 1912, there -ere no real se%essions $rom the Freudian mainstream, and an& %ontrast too4 .la%e e8%lusivel& -ithin the anal&ti%al movement! #here -ere .roblems %onne%ted -ith Feren%Di and Ban4, but the& -ere %on$ined to the institution! *envenuto+ #hat is not ?uite ri1ht! Wilhelm Bei%h -as e8.elled $rom the Ps&%hoanal&ti%al 3nternational 6sso%iation in 1955! #heodore Bei4 -as never even a%%e.ted b& the 6meri%an Ps&%hoanal&ti% 6sso%iation! 6nd even re%entl&, lon1 a$ter Freud, Aasud Fhan and Conald AeltDer -ere e8.elled $rom the *ritish (o%iet&! 'reen+ None o$ Freud0s dis%i.les, or Freud himsel$, ever ?uestioned the anal&ti% settin1! #heoreti%al diver1en%es -ere $re?uent, and are on1oin1! Ever& $ive or si8 &ears -e have a or Aessiah, &et none ?uestions the essential $oundation o$ anal&ti%al .roto%ol! No one .ra%ti%es -- as /a%an did -- shorter sessionsE on the %ontrar&, an& %han1e leans to-ards lon1er sessions! No one ?uestions the anal&st0s neutralit&, or tries to mani.ulate trans$eren%e, or .ra%ti%es anal&ti%al sedu%tion, or even violen%e! /a%an used to beat some .atients! *envenuto+ *ut that -as in later &ears, -hen he -as alread& ver& old and in%reasin1l& e%%entri%! 'reen+ #hat is not so! #here -as tal4 o$ su%h violent behavior as earl& as the 19 <s!!! *envenuto+ ,es, in the 19 <s he -as alread& over sevent&K 'reen+ *ut 3 have eviden%e that even be$ore he a%tuall& be1an abusin1 his .atients, /a%an -ould not allo- %ertain thin1s to be said to him, and -ould rea%t abrasivel&! 7e -as an absolute t&rant -ith his .atients! 6nd it ta4es time to be%ome a-are that /a%an -rote -hat he did $rom the ver& start! /a%an understood -ell the %on%lusion o$ the Freudian lesson -- the im.ortan%e o$ .rimordial maso%hism! Para.hrasin1 Ces%artes, 3 -ould sa& that it is no lon1er %ommon sense that is most 1enerousl& distributed, but maso%hism, L .ro.os o$ -hi%h Freud said+ =30ll ste. ba%4, 30m not .re.ared to .la& this han1man role &ou -ant me to .la&=! /a%an instead too4 advanta1e o$ it! 7e thou1ht that i$ a .atient0s maso%hism -asn0t $ueled, he -ould resort to more dan1erous situations! 7e %alls this =nar%issism o$ the lost %ause=! *etter an alienated situation -ith /a%an than terrorist 4ami4aDe o.erations! 3n $a%t, -hen he -ent to Hin%ennes in 19692, /a%an re.lied to some students0 %hallen1e b& sa&in1, =vous %her%heD un AaJtre= (=&ou are loo4in1 $or a Aaster=) -- and re$errin1 to himsel$ he added, =that0s -h& &ou had me %ome here=!

*envenuto+ Beadin1 the te8t o$ that debate in Hin%ennes, 3 had the im.ression that, ta4en in their %onte8t, those -ords meant somethin1 else! What he -as sa&in1 to the students -ho, b& %hallen1in1 him, thou1ht the& -ere .rovin1 their total inde.enden%e and $reedom, -as+ =&ou thin4 &ou are rebellin1 a1ainst the AaJtre, 3 in%arnate b& me at the moment, but &ou don0t realiDe that -hat &ou are a%tuall& loo4in1 $or is authorit&, the t&rant=! 6nd, in $a%t, man& o$ them $ound their AaJtre in t&rants li4e Aao or 7o Chi Ainh! 'reen+ ,our inter.retation $avors too mu%h /a%an! #r& .uttin1 his -ords in relation to his li$e as an anal&st and s%hool leader+ he has al-a&s set himsel$ u. as the AaJtre! #he arti%les in (%ili%et -- the revie- o$ the E%ole Freudienne -- bore no si1nature unless the& -ere -ritten b& him, be%ause the distin%tion bet-een the AaJtre and the anon&mous mass o$ dis%i.les had to be maintained! /a%an -as %om.letel& unres.onsive to the idea o$ relationshi.+ others o-ed him ever&thin1, but he o-ed nothin1 to an&one! *envenuto+ What &ou are sa&in1 about /a%an has been said o$ man& other anal&sts! Cid not Freud o$ten behave as a AaJtre, and tra1i%all& so -ith Hi%tor #aus4, (andor Feren%Di and ;tto Ban42 Aan& %riti%iDe .s&%hoanal&sis be%ause it is based on %harismati% ties, or be%ause the anal&ti% settin1 is too, or be%ause the anal&st dominates too mu%h! 'reen+ Peo.le not in anal&sis e8.ress their $antasies -ith re1ard to an anal&ti% situation $rom -hi%h the& need to distin1uish themselves, -hile 3 s.ea4 as both a .ra%ti%in1 and theoreti%al anal&st! 3 be%ame interested in En1lish (not 6meri%an) .s&%hoanal&sis in 1961, -hen 3 attended a %on$eren%e in Edinbur1h and 3 met .ersonall& $or the $irst time the Fleinians (Bosen$eld, 7anna (e1al) and Winni%ott! #here, 3 $inall& observed a $un%tionin1 %lini%al .ra%ti%e that %orres.onded to the .roblems o$ .ra%ti%e that time! A& interests in /a%an and in En1lish thou1ht develo.ed in .arallel! /ivin1 in Fran%eas 3 -as, it -ould have been di$$i%ult to resist the $as%ination o$ /a%anian thou1htE &et in En1land 3 had seen a di$$erent thin4in1 about %lini%al .s&%hoananal&sis! 6nd so $or man& &ears 3 -as torn bet-een the t-o! #oda&, %ertain earl& /a%anians -ho abandoned him sa&, =3 bou1ht /a%an0s most re%entl& .ublished seminar and it bored me to deathE ho- %ould -e ever have been ta4en in b& that stu$$2= #he e$$e%ts o$ time are im.ortant! #oda&, readin1 /a%an dis.assionatel&, it is eas& to see his ti%s, tri%4s, mani.ulations, his various -a&s o$ sedu%in1 the .ubli%! 3$ -e se.arate the %ore o$ /a%an0s thou1ht $rom all the drivel, -hat -e have le$t is ?uite a limited o$ -or4! *envenuto+ 3t has been said that /a%anian anal&sts are either the best or the -orstE there is .ra%ti%all& no middle 1round! 3 don0t 4no- i$ this statement is true, but &ou are onl& %onsiderin1 the -orst /a%anians! With re1ard to /a%an himsel$, 3 also have reservations as to his %lini%al st&le, es.e%iall& -hen -ith a1e, he be%ame .ro1ressivel& more e%%entri%! ,et -e all 4noanal&sts -ho maintain a $airl& traditional anal&ti%al settin1 (i!e!, the $ort&-$ive minute session) -ho have been dee.l& ins.ired b& /a%an0s thou1ht! What do &ou thin4 o$ this %ontradi%tion, $indin1 as &ou do the 4e& to /a%an0s theoreti%al a..roa%h in his =.erverse, de1enerate= %lini%al .ra%ti%e2 6nd then, must -e %ondemn Freud0s theor& be%ause -e 4no- he $ed the Bat-Aan or anal&Ded his dau1hter 6nna2 #he .roblem, a$ter all, e8tends -ell be&ond .s&%hoanal&sis+ to -hat e8tent %an a thin4er0s .ra%ti%al li$e be %onsidered a 4e& to 1ras.in1 the essen%e o$ his

thou1ht2 #a4e 7eide11er $or instan%e+ man& maintain that 7eide11er0s .hiloso.hi%al thou1ht must be inter.reted in li1ht o$ his NaDi s&m.athies, be%ause it is an arti$i%e to se.arate theor& and .ra%ti%e! 'reen+ #he %om.arison bet-een /a%an and 7eide11er doesn0t -or4! 7eide11er0s .ra%ti%e -as not NaDism! 3nso$ar as he is a .hiloso.her, his thou1ht ori1inates $rom te8ts! *ut &ou %annot .ut the .s&%hoanal&st in a similar .osition+ he is res.onsible $or the .atients in his %are! Ever& noand then 3 see some =%ou%h-s%arred= .atients, -ho have under1one all sorts o$ abuse b& /a%anian anal&sts! 6nd the& have had to .a& $or thisK 7ere -e are not tal4in1 about theories+ this is the /a%anians0 .ra%ti%e, this is ho- the& earn their livin1K 'enerall&, anal&sis is a situation o$ total alienation! #hose in a relationshi. -ith an anal&st -ill never 4no- a similar or -orse alienation -ith an&one else, not even a do%tor or la-&er, even thou1h a do%tor or la-&er %an be a last re%ourse in %atastro.hi% situations! 3t is true, anal&ti% alienation rests on the .atients0 need $or su$$erin1 and sel$-.unishment! When a sub:e%t $inds someone -ho $uels his need to su$$er, he rushes in! (ome tal4 about anal&ses lastin1 $i$teen or t-ent& &ears, and -hen 3 as4, =-h& did &ou 1o on $or so lon12=, the& ans-er, =out o$ 1ratitude, 3 o-ed him so mu%h=! *ut, in $a%t, their anal&sis has been a massa%reK *envenuto+ ,our %riti%isms o$ /a%an are $or the most .art ethi%al ones! (tran1e, in the histor& o$ .s&%hoanal&sis /a%an more than an& other has so %losel& %onne%ted ethi%s and .s&%hoanal&sis! 3n an& %ase, one %ould ob:e%t that dis.utes amon1 s%hools are mostl& ethi%al! 6 %ertain .ra%ti%e -hi%h seems un:usti$ied theoreti%all& also a..ears ethi%all& .erverse! Freudians, $or e8am.le, -hile admittin1 no validit& in Jun1ian theor&, %annot den& that man& .atients o$ Jun1ian anal&sts have a%tuall& im.roved! 7o- %an this be e8.lained in Freudian terms2 (ome sa& that a Jun1ian is su%%ess$ul than4s to su11estion! *ut su11estion is somethin1 morall& $or a FreudianE there$ore Jun1ian anal&sis is immoralK ;ne0s o-n theor& is s%ienti$i%, -hile adversaries0 one is .urel& ideolo1i%al! Even /a%an, -hen he %riti%iDed 6meri%an E1o Ps&%holo1&, dismissed Ne- ,or4 anal&sts as ideolo1ists o$ the 6meri%an Wa& o$ /i$e! Fris and /oe-enstein0s .atients had im.roved be%ause the& -ere vi%tims o$ .ro.a1andaK When &ou sa& that =/a%anians obtain their e$$e%ts b& e8.loitin1 their .atients0 maso%hism=, &ou are doin1 nothin1 more than moraliDin1 the s%ienti$i% debate, -hi%h is so %ommon in this $ield! 'reen+ ,our relativism ne1ates all s.e%i$i%it&! 3n $a%t, /a%an, in his seminar on ethi%s5, states that an anal&st is someone -ho does not 1ive u. his desire! #his is ho- he himsel$ des%ribed /a%an-the-anal&st+ =3 don0t 1ive a damn about le1islation tellin1 the anal&st to behave in su%h and su%h a -a&! 30m 1oin1 to do e8a%tl& -hat 3 li4e, unless %riminal la- .revents it!= (o he too4 advanta1e o$ the ambi1uities in national la- on .s&%hothera.ies to do e8a%tl& as he .leased! National la- does not deal -ith .s&%hoanal&sis be%ause that -ould im.l& re%o1niDin1 it, also as a thera.&, and havin1 to re$und anal&ti%al %osts! #he ethi%al .osition -hi%h states, =3 -ill not renoun%e m& desire,= is analo1ous to the ethi%s o$ terrorists -ho sa& be$ore a tribunal, =one da& -e0ll 1et rid o$ the :ud1es -ho are no- :ud1in1 me=! #his ethi% reads+ =A& desire is the onl& la-=! #he AaJtre, li4e the terrorist, does not re%o1niDe a universal la-! 6ll are sub:e%t to the la- but him! ,ou ma4e %om.arisons -ith Jun1ians! (ome o$ Jun10s theoreti%al .ositions disturb me, but 3 %an sa& nothin1 a1ainst Jun1ian .ra%ti%e! 3$ &ou -ere to as4 me -hat Jun1ian thera.euti%al results are based on, 3 -ould not sa& =su11estion= -- that -ould be too eas&!

*envenuto+ *ut isn0t sa&in1 that /a%anians 1et results than4s to their .atients0 maso%hism also too eas& an ans-er2 'reen+ No, be%ause maso%hism is ever&-here, and is %ertainl& not a Jun1ian .rero1ative! Jun1ians don0t e8.loit maso%hism in an una%%e.table manner! When t-o .eo.le remain $a%e to $a%e $or some time, in an o$ .ro8imit&, somethin1 inevitabl& ha..ens! Even in /a%anian anal&ses somethin1 ha..ens! *ut is -hat ha..ens in the .atient0s best interest2 #he abandonment o$ neutralit&, the im.osition o$ the .s&%hoanal&st0s -ill -- both /a%anian methods -- do not bene$it the .atient! 3 4no- o$ a .atient -ho tried to interru.t her anal&sis $ive times, and her /a%anian anal&st .honed her and tal4ed to her $or hours to %onvin%e her to return! Where, then, is the .atient0s $reedom2 *envenuto+ 6nal&sts -ho behave in%orre%tl& %an be $ound in an& anal&ti%al s%hool! #he 3talian Ps&%hoanal&ti% 6sso%iation re%entl& s.lit over a .s&%hoanal&st -ho sle.t -ith his .atients, and he -as not a /a%anian! ,ou said &ou had nothin1 to sa& a1ainst Jun1ian .ra%ti%e -- &et, as -e no- 4no- $rom Carotenuto0s boo4", Jun1 sle.t -ith his s%hiDo.hreni% .atient, (abina (.ielrein! Aa& the s%hool that never sinned %ast the $irst stone! 'reen+ ,ou tend to relativiDe too mu%h! #here are anal&sts -ho do not abide b& the la- in an& so%iet&, but the& are in a state o$ delin?uen%&! 6mon1s /a%anians there is no delin?uen%&, be%ause there are no la-sK *envenuto+ ,ou do, ho-ever, dra- a %ari%ature o$ the /a%anian theor& on the anal&st0s desire! /a%an sa&s that ever& sub:e%t -- not :ust the anal&st -- must not renoun%e his desire! Aore than an& other anal&st, /a%an insisted u.on the stru%turin1 $un%tion o$ la- in relation to desire! For /a%an, desire itsel$ is .artl& an e$$e%t o$ the la-! 3n $a%t, some le$tists atta%4ed /a%an ?uite virulentl& be%ause his theor& seemed too moralisti%! 'reen+ /a%anians tal4 about the la-, but in .ra%ti%e $or%e$ull& and arbitraril& interru.t sessions! #he& tal4 o$ the .rima%& o$ the si1ni$ier, but don0t 1ive .eo.le even the time to tal4! What %an one anal&De in sessions that 1o on $or .erha.s $ive minutes2 #here is not even time to des%ribe a dream! #he& tal4 o$ the Name-o$-the-Father, but the& seem more li4e .ossessive and abusive mothers+ =/ove meK 6nd be on m& sideK= ;$ %ourse /a%an -as -arml& -el%omed onto the Fren%h intelle%tual sta1e $or the undeniable ?ualit& o$ his thou1ht+ he -rites better than Aelanie Flein, Winni%ott or *ion, -hose -or4s don0t address the intelle%tual -orld! *envenuto+ *ut is it :ust .ure %han%e that the anal&st &ou %riti%iDe most is the one -ho -rites best2 Aasud B! Fahn also -rote -ell, &et he too -as thro-n out o$ the *ritish Ps&%hoanal&ti%al 6sso%iation, a..arentl& $or ethi%al reasons! 3s it not a =s&m.tom= that in order to -rite -ell about .s&%hoanal&sis, one must sta& at the $rin1es o$ it2 'reen+ C>line too -as a 1ood -riter, &et he -as a Fas%ist! /a%an su%%eeded better than others in sellin1 .s&%hoanal&sis to the intelle%tuals, b& tellin1 them that the un%ons%ious -as stru%tured li4e a lan1ua1e! 6n intelle%tual, -hose .rimar& tool is lab1u1e, -ill be sedu%ed b& this %on%e.tion o$ the un%ons%ious -hi%h allo-s all sho%4in1 as.e%ts o$ .s&%hoanal&sis, su%h as

se8ual drives, be i1nored! 3ntelle%tuals are dee.l& o$$ended -hen .s&%hoanal&sis tells them that the& are indelibl& mar4ed b& their %hildhood obsessions, their bodil& and animal-li4e instin%ts! /a%an trans$orms the .roblem o$ %astration, or mournin1, or $ra1mentation, into a 4ind o$ 1eneral man?ue (la%4), sa&in1, =but this is the human %ondition=! 7e does not a%4no-led1e the theolo1i%al and Christian side o$ .s&%hoanal&ti% theor&5+ /a%an re-rites Freud0s .s&%hoanal&sis in a Christian 4e&, a so$tenin1 $or -hi%h the intelle%tuals -ere e8tremel& 1rate$ul! *envenuto+ 7ave the best inter.retations o$ .s&%hoanal&sis been made b& Je-s2 'reen+ #hat is not the .oint! What is im.ortant is to avoid re-ritin1 .s&%hoanal&sis in a Christian sense! Freud had Je-ish ori1ins, but he is above all an atheist -riter -- 3, too, am an atheist Je-! #he #imes /iterar& (u..lement, in revie-in1 the E%rits, ?uite ri1htl& -rote that the -ei1ht o$ reli1ion on /a%an0s thou1ht is %onsiderable! *ut his Christian re-ritin1 o$ .s&%hoanal&sis ma4es it deviate $rom its %ourse! With time, a %onsiderable se1ment o$ /a%anian thou1ht! What remains is the %har1e o$ a deviated anal&sis! #he survivin1 %ore allo-s man& in%om.etent, untrained .eo.le to live o$$ .eo.le %omin1 to bu& the illusions o$ healin1! *envenuto+ Coes this a..l& also to the late Fran@oise Colto2 6lthou1h not stri%tl& s.ea4in1 a /a%anian, she -as al-a&s a member o$ the E%ole Freudienne! Was it .ure %han%e that the most .o.ular %lini%al anal&st in Fran%e toda& -as a /a%anian2 7o- %an &our a%%usations o$ abuse be dire%ted a1ainst solid .eo.le li4e Colto2 #rue, Colto -as a Catholi% and, li4e /a%an, dre- .eo.le $rom outside the .s&%hoanal&ti% %ir%le to .s&%hoanal&sis! *ut %an -e sa& that she be%ame ino$$ensive and a%%e.table to the Catholi% masses $or this reason2 'reen+ Colto -as a 1enerous and sensitive .erson! #rue, she did admire /a%an immensel&! (hortl& be$ore she died she said that she -as 1oin1 to heaven to .la& 1ames -ith /a%an! 7er -or4s has had a vast im.a%t in Fran%e, but she -as never re%o1niDed b& intelle%tuals! ;n the %ontrar&, she -as atta%4ed b& man& /a%anians .re%isel& be%ause o$ her reli1ious belie$s! 3n /a%an0s %ase, there -as a theolo1i%al rather than a reli1ious .osition -- he -as not $as%inated b& reli1ion, but b& the Fathers o$ the Chur%h! Colto0s %haritable s.irit .la%ed her at the other end o$ reli1ion! *envenuto+ *ut it is -ell 4no-n that the devil is an e8.ert theolo1ian!!! 3 thin4 &ou are missin1 the =diaboli%al= as.e%t o$ /a%an0s thou1ht! 'reen+ Colto s.o4e on the radio and ordinar& .eo.le -ere tou%hedE /a%an sold .s&%hoanal&sis to the intelle%tuals! *envenuto+ Ps&%hoanal&sis has al-a&s sold -ell to the intelle%tualsE i$ it survives toda&, it is than4s to them! Ps&%hoanal&sis0 .rivile1ed .osition toda& in Western %ountries is %ertainl& not attributable to do%tors, .s&%hiatrists or a%ademi% .s&%holo1ists, but to the enthusiasm that Freudianism 1arnered amon1 -riters, .hiloso.hers, :ournalists, artists and tea%hers! 'reen+ 3 don0t a1ree -ith &ou! G. until no- Freud has been a $ailure -ith intelle%tuals! ;nl& a $e- men o$ letters have $ollo-ed him!

*envenuto+ 6re &ou re$errin1 to the (urrealists, $or e8am.le2 'reen+ (urrealists totall& misunderstood .s&%hoanal&sis! When *reton -ent to see Freud, the latter told him he -as interested in dreams onl& to the e8tent to -hi%h the& %ould %ontribute to understandin1 oneiri% -or4 and asso%iations! #he (urrealists, ho-ever, -ere $as%inated b& the .henomenon o$ the dream itsel$! *et-een the 195<s and the 199<s, interest in /a%an0s thou1ht -as tied to so-%alled stru%turalism, -hi%h aroused the interest o$ some 1reat names -ho nevertheless never subs%ribed to /a%anism, or to .s&%hoanal&sis $or that matter+ Fou%ault, /&otard, Cerrida, CeleuDe, et%! CeleuDe0s 6nti-; %ame out in the earl& 19 <s! #o-ards the end o$ his li$e, Fou%ault, -ith his 7istor& o$ (e8ualit&, is at the .oint o$ a %om.lete brea4 -ith .s&%hoanal&sis! *envenuto+ *ut Cerrida has al-a&s been benevolent to-ards .s&%hoanal&sis! 'reen+ 3ndeed, he lives -ith an anal&st, his -i$eK *ut Cerrida does not admit a debt to .s&%hoanal&sis! 7is $amous te8t, =Freud and the Writin1 (%ene=6, is a le%ture 1iven b& him at m& seminar on .s&%hoanal&sis! 7e %ontinued to -rite on Freud, but in -hat a st&le, his thou1ht be%omin1 even more bitters-eet and a%idi%+ =30m a$raid that all anal&sis is sim.l& a ?uestion o$ ada.tin1 and %on$ormin1 to so%ial norms=! 3t0s true that he -or4s -ith Ben> Aa:or, an im.ortant anal&st! #he Paris Ps&%hoanal&ti%al (o%iet&0s mono1ra.h, /a Ps&%hanal&se+ Muestions .our Cemain , %ontains a lon1 te8t 3 -rote on the ?uestion o$ =thirdness=, -hi%h -as ta4en u. b& Charles (! Peir%e! For this 3 reread Cerrida and -as astonished to $ind that his theor& is none other than Freud0s theor& o$ .rimar& .ro%esses, althou1h Cerrida evidentl& doesn0t $eel obli1ed to a%4no-led1e his debt! When he tal4s o$ the %hara%teristi%s o$ a thou1ht that doesn0t 4no- -here it is 1oin1, that .ro%eeds b& asso%iations, then undoes itsel$, errs, et%!, he is sim.l& tal4in1 about the un%ons%ious anal&ti% .ro%ess! *envenuto+ *ut Cerrida has o$ten admitted that Freud is one o$ his $undamental .oints o$ re$eren%e! 'reen+ 3t is not a ?uestion o$ .a&in1 homa1e to Freud or Aar8, but o$ -hat to do -ith the notion o$ the un%ons%ious! Will a .hiloso.h& o$ the un%ons%ious ever be .ossible2 3s -hat -e are seein1 toda&, behind the s%reens and %ontortions, an attem.t to brin1 Freud0s thou1ht on the un%ons%ious ba%4 into the bosom o$ somethin1 -hi%h is still %ons%iousness, even i$ it is no lon1er %alled =%ons%iousness=! #here is tal4 o$ *ein1, =di$$eren%e,= and other %on%e.ts -hi%h blur an& re$eren%e to %ons%iousness -- be%ause a$ter Freud it be%ame im.ossible to de$end its .rima%&! *envenuto+ Cerrida has also %riti%iDed /a%an in #he Post-Card! 'reen+ ,es, he %riti%iDed him in =/e $a%teur de la v>rit>=9, and durin1 a %on$eren%e at Johns 7o.4ins Gniversit& in *altimore! *ut toda& it is not a ?uestion o$ %riti%iDin1 /a%an, but o$ .la%in1 onesel$ in relation to .s&%hoanal&ti% thou1ht, -ithout /a%an! 6t the %on$eren%e /a%an ave% les Philoso.hes9, some .hiloso.hers re%o1niDed their debt to him, -hile others %riti%iDed him (in .arti%ular, the Bussian lin1uist 6vtonomova1<, -ho radi%all& %riti%iDed his %on%e.tion o$

lan1ua1e)! *ut the real, serious error is that toda& /a%an is the un%hallen1ed authorit& $or intelle%tuals -hen the& are tal4in1 about .s&%hoanal&sis, -hen the real ?uestion is not /a%an, but .s&%hoanal&sis itsel$! *envenuto+ Philoso.hers toda& $ind in the /a%anian lan1ua1e a more dire%t -a& o$ a..roa%hin1 .s&%hoanal&sis be%ause, as &ou sa&, /a%an is %om$ortable -ith .hiloso.hi%al lan1ua1e, and be%ause he rereads Freudian thou1ht in a se%retel& Christian 4e&! *ut -h&, then, is not Paul Bi%oeur, a Christian s.iritualist, the .re$erred authorit& o$ .hiloso.hers2 3n 1965, Bi%oeur .ublished a remar4able -or4 on Freud, Ce l03nter.r>tation11! ,et the .ubli%ation o$ /a%an0s E%rits the $ollo-in1 &ear %om.letel& obs%ured Bi%oeur0s -or4 in the .hiloso.hi%al milieu! 'reen+ Bi%oeur -rote his remar4able boo4 on Freud in the %ourse o$ a .ersonal sear%h! 6t a %ertain .oint he be%ame interested in Freud, and even attended /a%an0s seminars! /ater /a%an re.roa%hed Bi%oeur $or not havin1 %ited him, to -hi%h Bi%oeur res.onded that he had understood nothin1 o$ -hat /a%an had saidK Bi%oeur0s boo4 on Freud is nevertheless the -or4 o$ someone -ho has ste..ed outside his habitual .ath! 6$ter WW33, ho-ever, there -as a 1eneral =return to Freud!= Aerleau-Pont&0s #he Hisible and the 3nvisible12 alread& %ontains several re$eren%es to .s&%hoanal&sis! (artre0s relationshi. to Freud is more deli%ateE />vi-(trauss states that his t-o masters are Aar8 and Freud! Bi%oeur0s boo4, there$ore, is .art o$ a .redi%table attem.t to anal&De Freud a%%ordin1 to traditional methods! *ut /a%an0s E%rits is not the -or4 o$ a .hiloso.herE rather o$ someone -ho has dedi%ated his li$e to the .ra%ti%e o$ .s&%hoanal&sis, and -ho is moreover a man o$ letters and ver& mu%h a-are o$ -hat is ha..enin1 on the %ultural s%ene! /a%an, be%ause he $eared a .oor re%e.tion b& intelle%tuals, did not -ant to .ublish his E%rits, and did so onl& under .ressure $rom Jean Wahl15! 3 sa- /a%an be$ore the .ubli%ation o$ the E%rits, and he -as e8tremel& distressed! *envenuto+ Wh& this $ear o$ intelle%tuals2 7e re.eatedl& stated that his seminars -ere e8%lusivel& $or anal&sts, even i$ ever& no- and then he li4ed to invite some %ultural %elebrities! 'reen+ *e%ause /a%an al-a&s belon1ed to the intelli1entsia! Aan& .hotos sho- him in the o$ .eo.le in vo1ue on the Parisian intelle%tual s%ene! 7e $re?uented Fo:Nve0s seminars, Mueneau, Aerleau-Pont& and />vi-(trauss!!! *envenuto+ Co man& .s&%hoanal&sts in Fran%e env& their %ollea1ues -ho -- li4e /a%an -su%%eed in the -orld o$ intelle%tuals2 ;ne has the im.ression that Fren%h anal&sts as.ire to an intelle%tual role -- somethin1 $ar less %ommon amon1 6meri%an or *ritish anal&sts! Could it be that /a%an is envied as the $irst anal&st, a$ter Freud, to be a star o$ the Parisian intelli1entsia2 'reen+ ;$ %ourse, an& anal&st -ould en:o& su%%ess amon1 the intelle%tuals -- althou1h at a .ri%e o$ be%omin1 a sedu%er! 3ntelle%tuals ma& be im.ressed -hen told+ =even &ou have an un%ons%iousK=, but there are al-a&s limits be&ond -hi%h one ma& not 1o! #he .ri%e /a%an .aid -as not 1oin1 be&ond these limits! #he E%rits had an im.a%t above all be%ause it e8.ressed an ori1inal and %lear %ut thou1ht, and be%ause its st&le o$ -ritin1is e8%ellent! 6t that time intelle%tuals $elt some-hat 1uilt& $or havin1 so hastil& dismissed Freud! 6nd here is /a%an advertisin1 another Freud -ho is a .hiloso.her and lin1uist, in short, a Freud -ho does not o$$end them!

*envenuto+ 3 -as astonished -hen &ou said that intelle%tuals ta4e o$$en%e to the im.ortan%e 1iven b& Freud to se8ualit& and the bod&K Gniversit& .ro$essors toda& deal -ith nothin1 but se8, 1ender and the bod&K 3t a..ears to me that the o..osite is true+ Bi%oeur at that time seemed too =sublimatin1=, -hile /a%an em.hasiDed the .hallus, se8ualit& and %astration, -hi%h .leased the intelle%tuals! 6n&-a&, man& $oes o$ .s&%hoanal&sis sa& it is too sedu%tive as a -hole! 3n his Conversations on Freud1", Witt1enstein remar4ed that Freud ver& o$ten denoun%ed the resistan%e -hi%h .s&%hoanal&sis .rovo4ed -- .arti%ularl& amon1 intelle%tuals -- &et Freud -as totall& blind to its other side, that is, to the enormous sedu%tive .o-er o$ his theor&! ,ou sa& that /a%an %reated a %ari%ature o$ .s&%hoanal&sis to sedu%e the intelle%tuals, but %ari%atures o$ten reveal more o$ the truth than e8a%t %o.ies! 6 1ood .art o$ &our %riti%ism o$ /a%an %an a%tuall& be de$le%ted a1ainst .s&%hoanal&sts in 1eneral! 'reen+ A& %riti%ism o$ Witt1enstein is similar to m& %riti%ism o$ /a%an+ 3 don0t thin4 one should 4ee. silent about -hat %annot be s.o4en o$! ;n the %ontrar&, one should ma4e the utmost e$$ort to tal4 as mu%h as .ossible about -hat %annot be s.o4en o$! Witt1enstein blames Freud $or bein1 too %onvin%in1, $or 1ivin1 himsel$ too man& means to .rove his ob:e%ts!!! *envenuto+ 7e blames Freud $or -antin1 to e8.lain too mu%h!!! 'reen+ Perha.s on a te8tual level Witt1enstein is ri1ht! *ut a$ter Freud, thin1s -ent ahead+ a neinter.retation o$ Freud is needed, but it is also ne%essar& to e8tend .s&%hoanal&sis to thin1s that Freud barel& 1lim.sed! Fren%h anal&sts are o$ten a%%used o$ bein1 too Freudian, but in m& o.inion Freud0s -or4 is a .ermanent -or4sho. $or inter.retative reelaboration! Freud -as said to have been a sedu%er, but so -as Witt1enstein, i$ -e 1ive %reden%e to -hat Bi%hard Wollheim sa&s, $or e8am.le! *ut i$ Freud0s thou1ht is so sedu%tive, -h& then did it meet -ith so mu%h resistan%e2 Philoso.hers -ho aim at the naturaliDation o$ thou1ht throu1h neuros%ien%es, as -ell as the 7eide11erians, are %ertainl& not sedu%ed b& Freud! *envenuto+ 3n 3tal&, 7eide11erians (Hattimo, Bovatti) and man& others (*odei, 'alimberti --ho is also anal&st -- 'ar1ani, Bella, et%!) have al-a&s dealt -ith Freud! 'reen+ ,ou ma& be ri1ht as $ar as 3tal& is %on%erned! *ut Freud never reall& trium.hed on the .hiloso.hi%al s%ene! ;n the %ontrar&, .hiloso.hers0 resistan%e to Freud is still ver& stron1! Freud su%%eeds on the other hand in the most un.redi%table $ields -- $or e8am.le, amon1 mathemati%ians su%h as Ben> #hom15! *oth lo1i%ians and hermeneuti%ians usuall& state that .s&%hoanal&sis is neither ri1orous nor %onvin%in1, and so haD&! *envenuto+ What &ou are sa&in1 sur.rises me, be%ause it a..ears to me that in Euro.e -- and es.e%iall& in Fran%e -- Freudian thou1ht is still dominant! 7arsh %riti%isms o$ Freud are a si1n o$ his su%%ess+ all thin4ers -ho have le$t their mar4 on an era have been %riti%iDed! #he $a%t that in the G( Ne-t 'in1ri%h is no- s.o4en o$ in $oul terms is a si1n o$ his .o-er, not o$ his -ea4ness! 3n an& %ase, 3 don0t see -h& some -ell-ar1ued %riti%ism o$ Freud should be $a%tiousl& dismissed as =resistan%e=! ,ou onl& seem .leased -hen a .hiloso.her .ro.a1andiDes .s&%hoanal&sis, .ro.a1anda $idei! Would &ou li4e .hiloso.h& to be $or .s&%hoanal&sis -hat theolo1& should be $or the Catholi% Chur%h, .roo$ that the Po.e is al-a&s ri1ht2 6nd is it true that man& Parisian .hiloso.hers are in anal&sis2

'reen+ 3$ the& under1o anal&sis, the& %ertainl& don0t 1o around shoutin1 about it, and the& are .er$e%tl& able to maintain an absolute se.aration bet-een .s&%hoanal&sis as a .ersonal e8.erien%e and .s&%hoanal&sis as a o$ thou1ht! *envenuto+ *ut %an &ou den& that, -orld-ide, .s&%hoanal&sis has made more inroads on intelle%tuals than on do%tors2 Wh& do .s&%hoanal&sts su%h as &oursel$ so o$ten %om.lain about intelle%tuals0, and not .s&%hiatrists0, resistan%e a1ainst .s&%hoanal&sis2 #here are man& -ell4no-n Fren%h .hiloso.hers or theoreti%ians -ho have be%ome .ro$essional anal&sts+ Julia Fristeva, Cornelius Castoriadis, Paul-/aurent 6ssoun, /u%e 3ri1ara&, to name a $e-! 'reen+ 3 hold Julia Fristeva in 1reat esteem, but 3 don0t %onsider her a .hiloso.her! Cornelius Castoriadis has multi.le identities, as he is also a so%iolo1ist and a .oliti%al thin4er! *ut neither Fristeva nor Castoriadis belon1 to the .hiloso.hi%al %urrents! *envenuto+ ,et Freud -as essential to the -or4 o$ .hiloso.hers li4e *a%helard, Aar%use, 6lthusser, CeleuDe, /&otard! 7abermas, in Fno-led1e and 7uman 3nterests16, elevates .s&%hoanal&sis to a .aradi1m o$ a =s%ien%e o$ the s.irit=! 6nd even $or Bi%hard Bort&, Freud is im.ortant! 3sn0t that enou1h2 'reen+ 7abermas0 thou1ht is not .s&%hoanal&ti%all& but .oliti%all& oriented! 6nd the =%onversions= o$ the .hiloso.hers &ou mentioned are rare! 6mon1 the so-%alled .ure .hiloso.hers -- o$ the %alibre o$ 'adamer or Ba-ls -- &ou -on0t $ind a sin1le .s&%hoanal&st! 3 -ould ho.e, nevertheless, that Freud0s thou1ht -ill be%ome .art o$ the e.istemolo1i%al thou1ht! 1 - Jean /a.lan%he and (er1e /e%laire, #he Gn%ons%ious! 6 Ps&%hoanal&ti% (tud&, tr! b& P! Coleman, Fren%h ,ale (tudies, "9, 19 2! 2 - /e%ture held b& /a%an at the Gniversit& o$ Hin%ennes, be$ore a lar1e 1rou. o$ le$tist students! 5 - /a%an, #he (eminar, boo4 H33! #he Ethi%s o$ Ps&%hoanal&sis (/ondon+ #avisto%4-Boutled1e, 1992!) " - 6ldo Carotenuto, 6 (e%ret (&mmetr&! (abina (.ielrein bet-een Jun1 and Freud, tr! b& 6mo Pomerans, John (ha.le& and Frishna Winston (/ondon+ Boutled1e O Fe1an Paul, 199")! 5 - (li. o$ ton1ue+ 'reen meant =/a%anian=, not =.s&%hoanal&ti%=! We have le$t in an& sli.s o$ the ton1ue -hi%h emer1ed in the %onversation, s a tribute to the .s&%hoanal&ti% theor& o$ sli.s o$ ton1ue! 6 - 3n Ja%?ues Cerrida, Writin1 and Ci$$eren%e, tr! b& 6lan *ass (/ondon+ Boutled1e O Fe1an Paul, 19 9)! - 6ndr> 'reen et al!, /a .s&%hanal&se+ Muestions .our demain (Paris+ PGF, 199<)!

9 - Ja%?ues Cerrida, #he Post-Card, $rom (o%rates to Freud and be&ond, tr! b& 6lan *ass (Chi%a1o, /ondon+ Gniv! o$ Chi%a1o Press, 199 ), ..! "11-"96! 9 - 'reen is re$errin1 to the Collo?ues, the a%ts o$ -hi%h have been .ublished in the volume /a%an ave% les Philoso.hes (Paris+ 6lbin Ai%hel, 1991)Previe-ed b& Fulvio Aarone in the Journal o$ Euro.ean Ps&%hoanal&sis, Nr 1, (.rin1-(ummer 1995, ..! 195- Q! 1< - Natalia 6vtonomova, =/a%an ave% Fant+ l03d>e du (&mbolisme=, in /a%an ave% les Philoso.hes, %it! su.ra n! 9, .. 6 -96! 11 - Paul Bi%oeur, Freud and Philoso.h&! 6n Essa& on 3nter.retation, tr! b& Cenis (ava1e (Ne7aven+ ,ale Gniv! Press, 19 <!) Editor! 12 - Aauri%e Aerleau-Pont&, #he Hisible and the 3nvisible, tr! b& 6l.honso /in1is (Evernston+ North-estern Gniv! Press, 1969)! 15 - (li. o$ ton1ue+ 'reen is re$errin1 not to Jean Wahl, the e8istentialist .hiloso.her, but to Fran@ois Wahl, the .resti1ious editor o$ the Editions du (euil, editor o$ the E%rits and a 1reat su..orter o$ /a%an! 1" - /ud-i1 Witt1enstein, =Conversations on Freud= in C&ril *arrett, ed!, /e%tures O Conversations (*er4ele& O /os 6n1eles+ Gniv! o$ Cali$ornia Press, 199<), ..! "1-52! 15 - Ben> #hom is -ell 4no-n in Fran%e as the %reator o$ the mathemati%al =%atastro.hes0 theor&=! (ee Ben> #hom, AodNles math>mati?ues de la mor.ho1enNse (Paris+ 1<R19, 19 ")E Paraboles et %atastro.hes! Entretiens r>alis>s .ar 'iulio 'iorello et (imona Aorini (Paris+ Flammarion, 1995)! 16 - JSr1en 7abermas, Fno-led1e and 7uman 3nterests, tr! b& Jerem& J! (ha.iro (/ondon+ 7einemann, 19 2)!

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