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In The Name of Jehovah The God of Israel

The light of Revelation

This is a revelation by God’s Will. It is the confirmation of the prophecies by a series of messengers of
old, in the books of Torah, Zaboor, Injil, Qur’an and Nostradamus
This Revelation was inspired by the Arc-Angel Gabriel, by the revelation.
We the so called Africans are the people of Israel, The Chosen Nation of Jehovah’s Covenant, whom He
chose as His own when all the nations of the earth had chosen to worship, other things than Him,

This revelation is meant to achieve two main objectives;

Firstly: Jehovah means to re-instate the conditions of the covenant, to those that will adhere to this
revelation, it is meant to identify the nations of the people of Israel. Among the peoples of the earth.
Secondly: It is to warn those that live on the earth as to the state of man and his domain, as in the sight
of God Almighty. That the deeds of man have brought him closer to Armageddon, imminent
The inspiration with which this revelation was to me sent, began on the year 2003. This was year of the
fall of Iraq on the hands of Allied forces. Which is the first of the prophecies of Armageddon? (The Fall of
Babylon) . The attack on the Twin Towers reflects the fall of the Gold Headed Statue, dreamed by king
Nebuchadnezzar in the revelations of Daniel.
The first vision was that of the arrival of God with His Cherubs: which revealed the events preceding the
War of God, with mankind. God will pour Retribution, and separate purity, from abomination

Other visions were of a serpent Leviathan & Behemoth. (Job 42), these were filled with occurrences of
incredible destruction. By fire from the sky, pestilence and upheavals, and signs most fearful

This revelation shall declare the following:

1. The Temple of Jehovah will be built on this land of South Africa.
2. God Almighty has condemned all religion, but this one of The Covenant of Israel as the only religion
known to Him. All Qibla are rejected, but this mountain.
3. The earthly domain shall be moved from Apo static to Apocalyptic Law.
4. Jehovah has revealed a secure sanctuary, in preparation of Armageddon.
5. The Resurrection is imminent, and the rule of man will collapse.
6. The Kingdoms of the earth shall be called to account.
7. Jehovah shall come to sanctify his Temple once it is built.

This is the Armageddon, against which man has been repeatedly warned. The Leviathan shall rise.

Decree to the People of Israel, and all the sincere

1. Israel must cease from worship of idols, to the worship of God Almighty
2. The People of Israel must conduct Pilgrimage, to this mountain of God
3. All holy feasts and sacrifices must resume, to sanctify this mountain
4. Israel must cease it, transgressions. And repent, or expect perdition.
5. This land shall be prepared for the worship of God, all those opposing shall be condemned
6. Those of Israel who oppose the revelation will be exiled for forty years. They shall be forced back to
slavery, in foreign lands, until this period is over. There will be no mercy!
7. The second Messiah has been chosen and identified
This is the truth and a warning, take it or leave it, I am only a Warner.
These are the revelations the clarification of the former prophecies. These are self evident signs, future
revelation by God’s capabilities. No hand of magic or any form of wizardry or science of any kind, but
God’s intervention and Wisdom has achieved this. We are warmers. Prophets and our understanding
and ways are inspired God’s inspiration. I do not know the days, when these events will take place, none
but God Almighty can reveal them.

The Futuristic Revelations

These are the events that will take place in the near future. We intended to place this warning in
public domain on ways that might seem, not likable to some people, but we are the silenced and
subdued of this earth. We can only use means that are available to us, any skepticism; or ill will that
has risen, and that which will rise regarding this revelation we place on the Wisdom of God Almighty,

World Economic Collapse

Unbiased Wisdom
It is very important to understand the imminent scenario this event will cause, because man has led his
legacy towards self perdition. Those kept in the dark are given this chance in recognizing the affairs of
man’s domain. It is the wish of the perpetrators that this should not happen. Because the truth might
cause panic, because of the conspirators and the things that they have brought forth since long ago.

This importance that I emphasize upon this understanding is because; soon there will be a chain of
events that will be interpreted in different ways, mainly by an ignorant crowd of skeptics, and self
proclaimed wise man. It is thus imperative that this revelation be announced before these events occur,
this will determine truth and conjuncture. So that those that seek the truth will recognize the speech by
its nature and, that those who deny may increase in their denial of God, this is a trial of, man.

1. The collapse of the world economy is imminent;

It is only the privileged few that acknowledge this, but the economic monetary system is incapable of
averting the current down fall. There are no measures that can stabilize the deficit caused by credit
exchange. This incapability will certainly cause much reversal on the achievements of this civilization.

There is a false peace that takes place on this world, my people are suffering from hungry and mass
deaths, and this plight is covered by false pretenses and hypocritical declarations of friendships and
reconciliations. While the masses of my people die pauper’s deaths under the hand of great savagery
and greed, unequaled to any. In the history of man’s existence,

Captured lands are not returned but by payment, squalor and pestilence is still the reoccurrence over
Africans to this day and beyond, yet it is said that we are free, The economies of the world are thriving
on debt that can only be repaid by African wealth, if the imminent ca collapse were to take place, there
is going to be war. The African continent is already surrounded by numerous nuclear war ships, and they
are fully armed. I know that these ships will be fighting against each other to gain control of this land for
the benefit of their lands of origin.
South Africa is blessed with ever deepening gold reserves and immeasurable fortunes of all kinds, yet
this great blessing has turned into curse because now everyone wants it and they will do anything to
obtain it. We have seen the plunder happening, for the last 300 years. Millions of tons of wealth have
been shipped under scrupulous laws and savage incarcerations, during this war this plunder will
False peace
I predict conflict never imagined, and we the great target, are happily ignorant of the storm gathering all
around us. We have made friends with avowed enemies well armed. But I also predict a great upset,
because Gad will not stand on the side line any longer, we have made peace with our God most fearful,
most adorable. I am entitled to letting my people realize this, and it is my duty.

So that man can have no argument against God or myself when their deeds start reaching them. This is a
war front gathering from both sides, so those involved directly or otherwise in this plot, should never
rest secured in their planning.
My people shall not heed until well too late. This is their legacy, I despair. Because those whom they call
friends today will soon prove to be wolf in sheep’s clothing. If this is not so, then why is it that Israel has
denied our relations with them, Why did Kaiser and Hitler massacre them because of this fact.

Why has not the Arabs tell us about our Quran in their possessions as it Keepers, they are no different
from the Romans who took our books to make themselves worthy of something other than their
historical legacy of pagan worship. All the nations of this earth have together bowed down on the feet of
the Pope with only one thing uniting them. Their collective hatred for the Nations of Israel.

Plans have been made, weapon most destructive have been built in preparation for war against God and
His Chosen people. This in gratitude for the polite welcome and service that they have received in our
lands; these are people of absolutely no conscience, honor and self worth. People of lands barren and
cursed, they have subdued us to the very last of our breath. And their plotting, worse.

These plots are under way in places most hidden indeed, but God is also plotting. Your advances will be
met with highest resistance, so you shall not succeed in your dark conspiracies. The signs of God which
the people are so eager in invoking, will soon reach you. God will not be overcome by man in His
intentions. What is man but mud, who you are but people of the book? Leave back the book you have
stolen, and see what is left of you but lies and cruelty. God will certainly exact retribution on you.

My people shall rise again, this you yourselves know. Let us go to war, that which you are plotting, but
then like your past and recent plots, these will also fail. Those that believe in God should know that this
mountain is for their sanctuary. The signs of Retribution shall inflict all those who live on the earth, but
this place of God shall be protected by them.

These signs come from God Almighty. Let those that believe it not take an oath in the sight of God.
That whoever is liar among us should fall upon them and their wives and their sons. A curse of God
and all Angels and all men.

God Almighty will certainly be raised up, war and retribution is surely coming, and Leviathan will
certainly be stirred against men. Those that wish to learn the truth will be welcome, Israeli or not. The
Word of God is sent to all mankind, yet rebellion and transgression will be met likewise. Amen.
Take this warning or avoid it, it does not matter, judgment is against individual soul, no intercessors
will avail any, Those that wish to learn more or obtain antivirus software should visit the places
mentioned below. This announcement will be officially made in Shaka’s Day Celebrations.
The Word of Jehovah
The Revelation of Armageddon

Bheka Jeshuruni Shabalala


This is a depiction of a naturally sculptured notice board as can be seen

on the foot of a marvelous Ntanyandlovu (Elephant's neck) mountain in
Nqutu South Africa. It is situated, five kilometers north of the infamous
iSandlwana Battle Site, and it has some of the most fascinating,
naturally sculptured, rock art formations. Known to man!!!!

This is not any kind of rock art, as can be found anywhere in the world.
But a beautiful depiction of sculptured rock formation, showing the
likenesses of men, animals, sea life, apes, serpents and that which can
possibly belong to no one, but the Creator. Like the wall paper of this

It is the most fascinating feature among these natural sculptures, is the

depiction of what can only be God Almighty's facial likeness, which I
think is the only one of its kind ever, in existence or in the discoveries
of men, In all his existence, this is not blasphemy!

Jehovah wants to prove once and for all that, He not only exists. But He
does not shy away from meeting men on their methodology, and
modus operandi and surpass them by excellent undertakings, of His

Our generation has been led to believe much in imagery, and material
evidence, for satisfaction, to prove, lure or adhere to any particular
belief or way of living,
Signs and symbols

Thus have people been led to believe and accept anything and
everything that they can see and touch, they will follow that which they
see and touch, with blind obedience. No matter how pathetic or ghastly
it may be.

The world religions of today thrive much by using symbolist displays to

identify and prove themselves worthy to those the target to net-in.

These are fragile idols that have little to keep, them away from sudden
collapse, a good example of this use of symbols, is money.

By putting numerous inexplicable symbols, on a piece of tree made into

Our oppressors have been able to get away with a greatest fraud of all
time. Millions of tons of wealth have been extracted from our lands, to
foreign land.
We send our sons to our mines to gig deep into the earth’s entrails,
they then dig this, our gold in hellish places, carry it with great strength
and endurance.
Once our gold is on the surface we, willingly submit it to our slave-
The master will give our sons pieces of feeble paper that is ever losing
its credibility, and tell him its wealth.

This one symbol is on it, last legs, yet we still accept it willingly, much to
our loss and pathetic ridicule.
Whoever said that a tree with ink more worthy than glittering gold, of
great mass?
Why does everyone believe this, farce?

It is this skillful evaluation of futile idols that

This gives them solace and false hope against the unseen. Which they
know exists, yet choose to ignore, much to their own peril. As we can
now see the volatile fiber of societies that inhabit the earth. And utter
collapse of the system as a whole. If we are not careful. We shall haste
to our Apocalypse, which is, as can be seen. Is inevitable!

For this reason, GOD Almighty wishes to give this final warning to the
peoples of the earth. That there can be no argument against God
Almighty on the upheavals of Armageddon, who's first sign was, as
mentioned in the Prophecies of Darkness ( Zaboor)The fall of Babylon
(Iraqi defeat, six years, six months ago!)

This is not for amusement, nor is it done to satisfy the rebellious

covetous yearnings of man.
Should this decree inscribed be blasphemed by any?
GOD help us, that don’t!

This is the way my God works, He will choose and cause to excel those
whom He approves, with wisdom and revelation against all skepticism.
He does this by revealing that which the peoples of the time will
recognize and identify with. In ways befitting of His Majestic Throne,
and capabilities.


It is to the interest of some ideologies, to promote the perception that

God does not exist, or at the most. That He has forsaken the Domain of
Men, so everyone can do as they will. There are secret societies and
impoverished, empires that thrive, by parasitic scheming. Devouring all
that the earth produces, and sparing nothing for the future. They
consume as if they expect their term of good fortune to cease
spontaneously, and it will.
They thrive through deceitful tactics, and are never satisfied. No matter
how much gold, land, and comfort, you allow, them, they will still try to
scatter what they can't fit into their booty vaults.
They justify their exploits, by convincing themselves, and all, that there
can be no Judgment, for deeds sent from this life. "Survival of the
fittest", they say. Thus justifying the unnecessary starvation of the
masses the need not be in want, let alone need.

These shadow assailants are as wicked and manipulative, as they are

cruel and secretive.
Now one of their most effective, if not the most influential tool in
propagating their Apo static Empires and beliefs. Is the Theory of
Evolution, or Darwin theory. Which surmise that every living thing was
derived of chance? That everything started by chance and evolves from
that chancy alteration of some grain. Billions of years.

By attributing everything living, to this common ancestor, they then

justify and enforce their atheistic dogma, on mankind, from cartoon
strips to major university qualifications; the propagation of this belief is
impounded mercilessly into unsuspecting wonderers, who believe their
mentors as possessors of knowledge.

This has been the most manipulative and influential, Apo static tool.
These peoples have ever devised or dared to use against the
Omnipotence and Decrees God the Creator.
Followed closely by democracy, whose origin can only be from, the
most twisted of minds. And is the cornerstone, to the implementation
of the Theory of Evolution, for unless people believe that God does not
exist, or care.
Then there can be no other way of cushioning the blatant abominability
of such demonic cultural adaptations as abortion. In victim's reasoning.

Creation versus Chance

The first time that I read about the attributes accorded to chance. I
didn’t immediately throw away the book, for its nonsensical contents,
not until I began comprehending the contexts, and the intent behind
the whole theory.
My initial response at first was wonder and fascination, for I said in my
mind: “Wow, so God created everything, from a tiny speck of dust. By
throwing against it a well calculated chance encounter, to continuously
alter its original natural state. Until all that which He decreed has been
“Fascinating undertaking," I thought, in delight.
This is the approach with which I pursued my endeavor, 'Balanced
I called it, for I believe that in pursuit of truth, no stone should be left
unturned. No possibility should be unattended to. Nothing should be
discarded unchecked, or ideal accepted blindly, until they said God is
non-existent, I delighted to the theory, but not since then

For I could never for the life of me, comprehend that everything will be
attributed to 'Chance', how can something that cannot speak for itself,
create something that can?
If chance triggered the 'domino effect', than someone must have
pushed the first chip!

Here is a question: According to your confirmed Laws of Probability,

which is the more likely of these two possibilities is the most likely, and
which is the most pathetic?

Given a single chance in eternity (odds: 1: infinity) which of these two

scenario is the most possible:

Scenario 1: There once existed a Self-Regulating Energy Source. An

Independent will power and self- sustaining intelligence.
The Energy Source ever distributing, and changing into numerous
forms, called creation. Stars were " Created", through the access
release of energy, Among them a self-sustained planet was "created",
using it's sand, tissue was molded into shape and given some energy, so
that they began to, breath and thrive, through continuous flow of
energy provided for its sustenance. The intelligence called itself God.

Scenario 2: There once existed a chance phenomenon, a stray grain of

sand in aquatic environment, the "chance" phenomenon caused the
grain to begin mutating. Unaided, the grain went to become all living
organism. The chance phenomenon did not repeat, yet the grain
mutation continued to produce numerous complex beings.

Above is a copy that illustrates the on-going debate regarding the two
ideologies which are creation and evolution. If one can note on the
highlighted sentence,
a sense of much confusion and much vain argument, whilst it is not
much really a complication. If you can comprehend God that is!
That the earth cannot be less than ten thousand years old, and I fully
But this does not mean that the biblical account of creation is the least
flawed, this is why.

God is an energy force of greatest proportions, a will power, if you like.

Self sufficient and with no boundaries.
Like all energy source of note, this ever presence of energy is luminous.
Now then such a one can never be overcome by night, how then do you
expect days and nights of our own counting, to affect him.

God regulates everything day and night, time and eternity, His days can
only determined by a task at hand. If it means dividing a six billion year
task of creation, into seven disciplines.
Then each one of those discipline’s term will be considered a single day.

It does not matter if the task, in our reckoning took six billion years, like
the creation of material universe and its numerous identities.
Nor does it matter if it is six thousand years, since the fall of man, to his
present form of mortality.
No account is given as to the amount of time that Adam and Eve stayed
in the Garden of Eden, as immortals before they were cast out.

It is possible that they lived there for millions of years since the time of
the appearance of all mammal species, even the apes.
It is certain though, that the trial of man is, six thousand years old! For
there is no record that dates earlier that that, save for the illiterate,
illusive ape-man!

(Nota benne: read the progeny of Adam’s descendents on Vicegerents)

The Monkey Business:

For many centuries the people of Africa, were subjected to horrendous

For no obvious reasons, they were attacked from their homes, sons
were sold as slaves.
Daughters were made prostitutes, and men were buried in months to
feed a greedy master with his own wealth, land and dignity.
These extermination attempts were done by people who pretended to
worship God, 'We come in peace', they said.
These people told each other, in their churches that is, it was not wrong
in the sight of God, to kill, maim, exterminate, enslave, plunder and
deceive black men because they were not humans, but monkeys that
can talk.
Our cries and claims of human discendancy were ridiculed with glee, as
the slaughter raved on.
Now there came later, a Good Samaritan called Charles Darwin.
"Stop" he protested to our barbaric slave-masters," We are all
monkeys," he declared.

So with great reluctance there ceased the blatant slaughter, for the
sake of these relations suddenly established. Open persecutions were
halted, but, so did the respect for The Almighty Creator.

This was our second down fall, for by leaving the eternal decrees, we
took to folly. This left us vulnerable, for the enemy knows that. The only
way to overcome us is by creating a rift, between us and our God.

Through this, there manifested a new form of persecution.

Secretive, cruel and extremely greedy. And now, what's with the
monkey business, I think we can expect history to repeat itself, I'm
sensing oncoming slaughter, like in a jungle. War of the Apes.
1. Miraculous Rocks

So every living thing evolves, according to need, says the chancers.

What about all the non-living things that can take ones breathe away in
fascination, because of their sheer brilliance?
From gigantic neutron stars to majestic black holes, they all exist in
perfect harmony, and well implemented and regulated laws, sheer
The diverse atoms well spaced and super miniature, excellent
acquaintance and craftsmanship.

Atoms are too tiny to really, appreciate. Whilst black hole are too
gigantic and way too distant to comprehend. Let us consider something
closer to perception, rocks.

There is a wonderful natural art gallery in my home-land. With rocks

that can only be described as miraculous. They are made to resemble
sculptures of varying beings and objects. These rocks are not only
sculptured as objects and beings.

There is an arc shaped semi-cave, on this location. A real work of sacred

wonder, for above it is a formation that makes a foundation of a house
and it is made entirely of rocks, untouched. In the following topics will
deal with this fascinating place of wonders.

The mountain is very large indeed, seven stadia round. It has many
wonderful sights, all around it. But it is as one approaches the summit-
hill that the mountain stands up as a place wonder, a holy place.
At the foot of the hill, there are numerous rock sculptures.
2. The Notice-board

The first obvious formation is that of a notice board, strange as it may

sound. The first thing is a sign board, strange, but real. And it is the
same sign board you see as you open this article, precisely what I
needed, a self explaining 'sign-board'.

3. Eve’s Twin

The next thing I needed was an image to paste on this sign-board, now
the next significant sculpture fitting this purpose, is the face of a
woman that is attached to the 'notice-board'. It is located about a
hundred meters from the 'sign-board’; I call it Eve's twin.
As can be seen, it depicts a face of a woman, and is situated on the
foundations of a boundary walls, on the gate opening.
The woman depicted on this formation, is alive, and known to the
author, she is a renegade and an apostate, hence the name and its
historical insignificance. She is a reject.
All around this location is a boundary wall foundation.

4. Ancient House

There is a unique undertaking here, a house architecture whose walls

were placed on the day that the earth solidified, about four billion years
The house is three stories high. With the back wall about sixty meters
long. From side-wall to side-wall, which are about thirty metres.

The front wall is Arc-shaped, and about sixty meters long, beyond it,
and a little lower. Is situated a semi-cave. This house is not easy to
describe, even with these image footage, not the least justice is done to
reflect its original splendor, But the cave is even more so!
When the house is completed, the semi-cave will be used as a throne
room, really!

Inside the ancient house is a pure marvel. It has large boulders stacked
in perfect order, some of them balanced so intricately that they seem
about to tilt over. The place of prayer is in form of a particular species
of shark, the one like a chameleon.
On the right side of the arc locations a large boulder, almost thirty
meters long, and shaped like a big ship. It is on this rock and the one
placed on the centre of the arc that the real miracle is situated.

5. Noah’s Two Arks

If the last two centuries have been without many wonders, these have
been kept mysterious to fill this void, and all eternity.
For on these rocks, there are two sculptured images that one has to see
to believe, unique, and simply sacred. For in other time in history has
Almighty God revealed his face to mankind? In the way that He has
done in these depictions of Him-self.

These depictions are situated in the surfaces of two rocks, and they are
shaped like mighty ships.

If anything is capable of convincing, the truth seekers, this sign is it. If

anything is to prove beyond doubt, this as Gods own domain, then this
is it.
If anything can prove the infamy of the theory of evolution, this is it.
If God ever shown His good intent for the repentant, none surpasses
this one, none!!!!
It was due to need that I decided to reveal these signs, beyond my
greatest regrets have I exposed these signs, which I have kept hidden
for the last three years. It is not through selfishness, I did this.
But it is through fear of man's rebellion, and exploits. His lack of respect
and fear of sacred symbols of the Almighty.
For I know that this sign is the ultimate warning, beyond which, there
shall be no more respite.

Any that wishes to honour this revelation, shall do so with a clear mind
assured. Any that wishes not to do so, can hold on to that which he
thinks is right, in the end shall truth be separated from falsehood. I am
a warner, this is a warning, take it or leave it, it is your soul at stake!
None but you the reader, a possessor of the soul shall decide if it is
worthy of worrying about.

6. The Nebuchadnezzar

These signs mentioned, are located on the right side of the hill-top' but
on the left side there is more, among these, is a cluster of rocks in
varying formations. Among these there is a depiction called The

It is a rock approximately five meters in length; it depicts an image of a

man's head. Placed on top of another head, a soldier's head.
The upper depiction looks like that of a master, yet strangely enough, it
is eating grass, as can be seen on the picture, hence the name. This
depiction is meant to confirm the first prophecy of Armageddon, The
Fall of Babylon

For with his armies to support him, this man stood forth to war against
God Almighty, and raised his hand against God's earthly throne. For
retribution, a vision was sent to Daniel, the depiction of coming
kingdoms, and the manner with which they shall crumble, starting with,
iron and mortared feet, which crumble, The World Twin Towers

7. The Sleeper

Even though it is not the most fascinating depiction in the series, it

certainly is the most curious .The depiction is the one that covers the
length, and breathe of the mountain; Made of different parts of the
mountain, the complete image is that of a body of a sleeping woman
This sign is obscure as to its proper meaning and significance, but the
influence of a woman is quiet obvious.
The similitude of the Queen of Saba is connected with it in the
scriptures regarding this sign.
I don't know who, or where she is, but the sign is as clear as daylight.
This is my revelation by God's Will.
Commemorating this depiction is that of a sleeping child, whilst the
summit-hill itself, is shaped like a stomach of a pregnant female,
It is on this hill that the Temple shall be built. For this is where the last
Temple of Jehovah shall rest, forever.

8. Revelation

Is it not then curious that, now at this time of uncertainty, a revelation

of this sort should come from God. Why was it put here at the first
place, why Africa, why me.
(Well I do have a firm belief that we are the descendants of the people
of Israel (a tribe of Asher, to be specific)
The plight of Israel

When the people of Israel were driven out of their land by

Nebuchadnezzar, they scattered through the wide plains of the so
called African continent, (Afriques are Ethiopian slave tribes, go
figure!). By first venturing South West, they reached the lands of Mali,
where they formed a civilization of great splendor.
University of highest scholarship worth were created. Trade was rife,
and wealth aplenty. (Insert images of Mali)

During the fourteenth century, this civilization was suddenly halted to

be over taken by a kingdom of Musa? During this transition of power
many of the resident tribes of Mali under took a great migration south.
It is during this time that the Israeli tribes began appearing in the
Southern part of Africa, coincidence, I think not!
The Sotho and Nguni tribes, over took the prominence of the Sans in
these parts, and began expanding radically. Zulus, Swazi, Ndebele, and
the Sotho tribe.
They all appeared simultaneously, during this time period.

This fact is well known own conveniently, ignored in scholarly circles,

and day politics! Just as well because Israel never listens, only to vanity
will they submit.

King Shaka-A prophet

This man of God is one of the most vilified by the west, his legacy is
such that you can see a sense of co-operation between him and his
European counterparts, and this why!

During the death of King Senzangakhona, Shaka’s father. The nation

now known as the Zulus (i.e. People of Heaven), were just a ridiculous
tribe striving to keep its land cattle. With twenty thousand subjects
only. It was to become a Nation of Warriors.

During his reign of only twelve years, Shaka managed with divine
intervention, to transform this insignificant tribe , into an empire of
more than seven hundred subject, Now that is a great feat in any
language. Unprecedented in history. Because thousand, this man had
to begin from scratch, with no inheritance of any sort.
Either financial or military, from his estranged father.

Who had rejected him as a gastric disorder, called ‘ishaka’? This caused
the swelling of the stomach.
Thus disinherited his mother has to seek refuge in neghbo8uring clans.
First the Mhlongos, his mothers’ tribe, which rejected her as a fallen
woman, to the Mthethwas, who regarded him to an incredible warrior,
we hear about.

He had to prove himself to the Mthethwa chief Dingiswayo, that he was

a warrior and a man of arms worth of his attention and honor. He
helped the Mthethwas to become a worthy adversary in arms.

To cut a long story short, he, went home, took the chieftaincy by killing
his lesser brother. And went on to cause a major upset among the
surrounding clans. So that’s the time he was through. All clans and
tribes with in an eight hundred kilometer radius. He was an emperor,
feared and respected.

It was important that such a man be sent by God, imagine if the Dutch
sea farers had arrived in this land, with all the people scattered about,
with no resistance what so ever, there would have been a hundred
times more mischief than we see today, upon finding the riches of this
land, they would, surely have sent us all to their God forsaken hell
holes. Otherwise we would be digging our gold for them and forever be
living like slaves in our own home land.

The Zulus were erected to form a last form of defence. Today they are
some of the most respected nations on the face of this earth, a warrior
nation, still fiery today as they were in the old days. Shaka was a
prophet, of God, not some cadaver crazy, raging lunatic. It’s lies, as
usual. Nothing’s new.

I can distinguish some similarities, between Moses and this man. Both
prophets, both warriors, both saviors of Israel. No king in the west or
where ever has been able to accomplish this great feat. True heroics.
These are chosen man of God, ‘Chose Kings’ of the chosen people.

Traits of Israel

The people of Israel are not hard to distinguish, because, they have
particular religion, ways and customs that are unique to themselves
alone. We shall complete this passage by identifying these unique
identifying traits:

1 Circumcision: The people of Jehovah’s Covenant: When God made

the covenant with Abraham, God ordered him to cut-off the fore skin of
his sons, when they are “eight days” old “in order that it may be a
‘identity symbol’ for the people of Israel, forever.
But my people have tainted this graceful sign, they take their sons to
mountain tops, torture them expose them shamelessly all in the name
of initiation’ to manhood
The worst thing is that, this ‘initiation process’, usually ends with death.
They sacrifice their sons to things they don’t know, to cause confusion
in their religions. Human sacrifices are condemned by God,
2.Polygamy: The Israeli Custom: Many kings and common man the
‘Bible’ (this name was derived from the confusion of the builders of the
Tower of Babel, it means confusion. The correct names are Torah and
Zaboor in the ‘old testament’ and Injil, the new testament. Nb: only
those verses that were direct quotations of ‘Jesus’. Everything else is
apo-static rebellion by apostles, go figure).
Now kings like David, had many wives. Like my fore-father King
Mandlangampisi, he had forty eight wives
Now tell me of some European king of Spartan or where ever outside
‘Africa’. That had more than a single wife.

3. Ukungena(take over)
Now when a man of Israel dies leaving a wife, his brother is dutifully
obliged to keep her.
This is a common custom among my people. Show me another nation
that performs this custom.

4. Languages

There are many similarities between, the languages of the “Biblical

Israelis”, and the present, ‘Africans’

1. The names: when we give names to our children, we use names

that have a significant meaning to us, or the child. Like ‘Bheka
Amaswazi’, which means, ‘ Seek the Swazis’, My brother
‘Thulasizwe’ It means ‘ Hush my people’
Abram was called Abraham, which means. ‘The father of Nations’
The man known as Jesus, His original name Joshua, means ‘The
All the sons of Jacob’s names had significant meanings, just like all
‘original’ Israeli names. This custom is not just common in Israel;
it’s the only way we name our sons.
Speech: there are similarities in the way of speaking, for example;
Sotho people, call for the ‘Children of Israel’ as ‘ Banna ba Israeli’,
the same way as Hebrew and Arab speaking peoples. Who say
‘Bani Is’rail’.
Also there are common terms like Malaika, an angel. Which
stretches across from Hebrew, Arabic, Swahili and Sotho, co-
incidence, what co-incidence?

Is this declaration fact or fiction?

Now, if this is a fact, and it is! What implications does that 'fact' have
to the world’s history, religions and perceptions? This passage touches
what I believe to be the most sensitive subject, and a most hidden
secret in the history of mankind. An illusive fact to my people,
intentionally so, because it is to the great advantage of the oppressor
to keep the people of Israel from knowing this historical significance. To
know where you are going, you must know where you come from,
remember? We know neither.

Still because I know that it is true, then I shall pose this question to all
Christians, Jesus was an Israeli, and they regard him as a god.
‘Do they then admit that they are worshiping a black man, if not who?’

I really won't commence any argument of justification regarding the

claim of my decency, for I owe to no one such an explanation.

And of the fact that all the man and woman spoken about in the bible
were black prophets, anyone else is an impostor.
This is so, unless they can prove that 'white people' are Israeli Jews,
because those that call themselves Jews today are European Jews.
A tribe descended from Israeli Jew refugees that flew to Europe when
the second destruction of Jerusalem was completed by the Romans
They are 'stained' Israelis!

Returning back to the question at hand, of creation and evolution. After

seeing these signs, I would like to welcome any expert to tell me I
public speech, how on earth did these rocks evolve? And what need
was there for them to depict the similitude’s of the sacred decrees.
If no one can answer this, then creation prevails as the only possible
origin of life. And evolution remains where it has always been.
Imagination of men of wicked inventions. Amen.

Aryans: The Self Proclaimed Master Race

Let u compare these facts against those of our ‘masters’. The ‘Master
race for instance. Hitler one of the most hated villains of all time, is a
member of this race, a lunatic bent on perdition of the innocent, was
treated as a god! by the ‘master racists.
Over fifty million were killed in his fantasy to form the Aryans*, and
most of those killed were Jews. Their only crime being the fact that,
they are of our progeny, Europeanized in the genes, yet they still bore
the brunt.
-- Let u compare these facts against those of our ‘masters’. The ‘Master
race for instance. Hitler one of the most hated villains of all time, is a
member of this race, a lunatic bent on perdition of the innocent, was
treated as a god! by the ‘master racists.
Over fifty million were killed in his fantasy to form the Aryans, and most
of those killed were Jews. Their only crime being the fact that, they are
of our progeny, Europeanized in the genes, yet they still bore the brunt.
Wllhem Kaizer and Adolph Hitler had one thing in mind; save for some
discriminatory elusive ancient barbarians race, their pursuit is world
domination, at all cost. And they have succeeded.
Aryan Race
Aryan Race, name for the white race used by white supremacists, who claim the superiority of certain
whites to other people. In Nazi Germany, the term was narrowed to refer to certain “pure” Germans.
In linguistics, it is sometimes used to refer to people who speak any of the Indo-European family of

For information on:

• concept of the Aryan race used to justify persecution and conquest, see Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf;
Adolf Hitler: Hitler's Racial Policies
• Nazi persecution of Jews as non-Aryans, see Anti-Semitism: Organized Anti-Semitism as a Political
Tool; Genocide: Types of Genocide; Holocaust: Pre-World War II Persecution of German Jews
• writers who promoted the idea of Aryan superiority, see Joseph Gobineau; Houston Stewart

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Pope John Paul II

John Paul II served as pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 1978 to 2005. Originally from Poland, he was the
first non-Italian to serve as pope since Adrian VI of The Netherlands, who served from 1522 to 1523. John Paul II
governed the church from a staunchly conservative position, opposing birth control, the ordination of women, and
political participation by the clergy.
Hulton Deutsch
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Not many people now this, but the Roman empire is certainly not
fallen, popes rule the earth today, actually since the fall of Jerusalem
(2100 years ago), all faiths and institutions ruling this world are all
pope’s subject. The call them-selves Free-masons (freed slaves! Go
figure!) A Polish pope was bad enough, but a German, there is a real
need for concern, because they are infinitely cruel, the cruelest race on
the face of the earth.
Benedict XVI, born 1927, pope since 2005, the first German pope since Victor II, who died in 1057,
and the first noted scholar in theology to be elected pope since Benedict XIV in 1740. An unusually
knowledgeable and influential Vatican official during the pontificate of his predecessor, John Paul II,
Benedict XVI was looked upon at the time of his election as the leading representative of the
conservative wing of the Roman Catholic Church.


Pope Benedict was born Joseph Alois Ratzinger to a devoutly Catholic family on April 16, 1927, at
Marktl am Inn, in the southeastern German state of Bavaria. His father was a policeman. The young
Ratzinger began studying for the priesthood at a seminary in Traunstein, Bavaria, in 1939. He was
enrolled in the Hitler Youth in 1941, when membership in this Nazi (see National Socialism) youth
organization was made mandatory for German high school students. World War II (1939-1945) saw
many underage German youths conscripted into the military, and Ratzinger was no exception. He
served first in an antiaircraft unit near Munich, Germany, and later in a regular army unit near the
Hungarian border. At the end of World War II he was briefly in United States custody as a prisoner of


After John Paul II died, Cardinal Ratzinger was chosen to succeed him as pope. He was elected on the
second day of the conclave, April 19, 2005, on the fourth ballot. He was the best known of the
cardinals, and he had a remarkable understanding of the workings of the Vatican. Many Catholics who
hoped for early changes in the church’s teaching on issues such as birth control and abortion or the
ordination (see Holy Orders) of women and married men expressed disappointment at his election,
even while recognizing the new pope’s intellectual brilliance and quiet charm. For the general public,
the most important concern was perhaps the potential influence of Pope Benedict’s ideas upon
legislation and public policy.

This is the man that controls all the secret societies of this
world, and are responsible for all wars since then.( World
War 1 &2 atleast 1oo million dead, last centry, andtwo events
1. Committee of two hundred
2. The Knights of Templar
3. The Jesuits
4. The Free-Masons


THAT THEY WERE DISBANDED, This they did, n order to
accomplish their exploits in secret. Because the Catholics had one too many plunders. Today
they are able to do their fith in comfort. These are man that are called guardians of faith, pagans,
since the earliest history, of their emergence. I will get much blame for writing this. But that’s
the price one has to pay for truth.

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithful from a balcony at the Vatican shortly after his election to the papacy in April
2005. The new pope, formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, became the first German pope in nearly a thousand
Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters/Corbis/Corbis
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Contributed By:
Thomas D. O'Sullivan
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Pope Benedict was born Joseph Alois Ratzinger to a devoutly Catholic family on April 16, 1927,
at Marktl am Inn, in the southeastern German state of Bavaria. His father was a policeman. The
young Ratzinger began studying for the priesthood at a seminary in Traunstein, Bavaria, in 1939.
He was enrolled in the Hitler Youth in 1941, when membership in this Nazi(wow) (see
National Socialism) youth organization was made mandatory for German high school students.
World War II (1939-1945) saw many underage German youths conscripted into the military, and
Ratzinger was no exception. He served first in an antiaircraft unit near Munich, Germany, and
later in a regular army unit near the Hungarian border. At the end of World War II he was briefly
in United States custody as a prisoner of w

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Ancient Prophecies Know the Word

The previous part of this article, was based on declaring, loudly the
miraculous formation of what may only be called a True Ancient House,
which I mentioned, to contain Throne Room, which basically means
that it is a Palace, of some sort. The question then should be, whose
palace is it?

Their lives among those who study, the events of the past. A legend
most fascinating indeed, that of the Sumerian Kings. Especially the
Second Messiah
The story is that of Mighty man who ruled over gigantic empires. And
lived marvelously long times. On this earth.
The legend told depicts a picture of brave kings who were divinely
chosen by God to rule over His earth.

It is not true that these men lived for thousands of years, because this
present life, of mortal-man began only five thousand seven hundred
and seventy, years ago. But the legend told is true, and we shall simplify
it, for the sake of man.

The First Sumerian Kingdoms

Before the Fall of Man only two humans lived on this earth. Adam and
Eve, and they lived in the Garden of Eden. We are not obliged with the
understanding, as to the amount of years that they lived there, possibly
millions, since when the dinosaurs roamed this land and seas. God

What we do know for surety is that, Adam’s trial started no more than
six thousand years ago. God says so!
It is then, that he fell from grace. From being a Vicegerent, living
eternally, a god in his own Domain, the likeness of which none was
made before. Save the Ever-living God Almighty, yet. He was debased
into a perishable mortal. Because of the sin of Rebellion, so began his
trial and that of his progeny, to this day, it has raged on, till the Day of
Resurrection not far. It shall rage on.

Although fallen from Grace, Adam was not completely, annihilated, or

stripped of his entire kingdom. For he remained a sole ruler on the
earth where none else had been chosen as his inheritor, or successor.

After being rejected from Eden, Adam lived as a Mortal Vice-gerent for
another thousand years, less sixty.
This was the first Sumerian Kingdoms, ever!

Many other Sumerian Kings came after Adam, until there came the end
of that term, by Noah’s, Floods, they were perished.

Second Sumerian Kingdoms

After the first Apocalypse, there came no Sumerians of note, until there
came to be a Man of God, called The Melkizedek, a Mighty prophet of
Jehovah, a man sent to alter the cause of history forever.

It is this man that was sent to bless a young Abram, and anoint him as
one of the Chosen one’s. This anointment is the one that began the
second and last on the series of Sumerian Empires.

Abraham’s Covenant

If there was ever man loves by more by God, none of them exceeds this
man of God,
With this man Jehovah made a unique and special Covenant that was to
last to the end of time, basically, forever, for He said to him

“Look hither oh Abram; thine father has rejected thee, for no reason
that thou followeth mine good pleasure, the same way that mine
earthly servants have rejected mine Sovereign Worship, for that of
derived pagan gods of theirs.
Therefore I shall bless thee greatly or Abraham, so thou shalt be called
from now, for thou shall be father to the nations plenty on the earth.”
Said the Almighty, a word to last beyond this present life.
To strengthen this promise, God made a covenant with Abraham. The
covenant is this:

Abraham was to dedicate his all self to God, he was forbidden to

worship anything else, he was to be a worshipper of God, from whom
God was to create a nation that will be of the Chosen Peoples, a nation
of Jehovah’s Devotees.

For His part of the bargain Jehovah gave this promise to Abraham:
“If ye and thine progeny wilt honor this mine covenant, with thee,’
declared the Creator, “Then shall I make thee and thine progeny the
inheritors of the earth, the Vicegerents of mine handiwork forever. I
shall place amongst thine progeny, mine priests and prophets, I shalt
make of thine sons and daughters,. Warriors and Nazir, for mine glory
and worship, dost thou then bear witness of mine word as covenant
binding forever, oh Abraham?,” inquired the Almighty Jehovah,
“Yea I bear witness, oh mine God Jehovah, submitted Abraham, to his
Lord’s Will”
“Bear witness then that I am among those that bear witness, to thine
word, oh Abraham”. Said Jehovah in conclusion
As a sign of obedience to this covenant. God instructed that Abraham
should be circumcised, him and his sons, were forever to bear this sign
of their identity.

Abraham’s Progeny

The next ‘Chosen One’ after Abraham was his second son Isaac, born of
Sarah, for his first one was begotten of an Egyptian slave Hagar.
Ishmael, the father of all Arabs
Isaac begot Esau and Jacob

Esau became the father of all Europeans, for although he had been
born an heir, of Isaac’s house. He was a rebel and a pagan; he sold his
inheritance right to Jacob for a plate full of beans. This on the sight of
God was seen as ingratitude and rebellion, thus Jacob received his
brother’s sacred inheritance.
As for their father’s blessings, Jacob decided to keep them for himself
having seen how this was going to be wasted on his faithless brother.
So with his mother’s help, they consorted a plan to steal his
brother’s blessings. Which unknown to Isaac, Jacob retained.

When Esau returned to receive his blessings, it was too late. Whilst he
pleaded with his father to reverse the promise made to Jacob. His
father gave this reply:
“You will be your brother’s slave, you will teal his fields, and tend to his
sheep. You will live by your sword, and turn rebellious against your
brother. But then he will again subdue you, and thine progeny, forever
you will remain beneath him.

It is these events that we today see being fulfilled. Because at no other

time after this declaration did the two brothers ever live in peace, we
have been enemies, and for the larger part, will remain so.

Our brothers have never ceased their onslaught, and they never will,
because they are poor you see, with barren lands of ice and curse.
While we on the other hand are rich with blessed lands, wisdom and
physique, and yes we are also stupid, very stupid an covetous of vanity.
Israel, Jehovah’s People

Jacob was named Israel, and it was through him that the promise God
made was to be fulfilled to the full, for it was through his twelve sons
that the whole nation of Israel descended.

Then there came in their land a great drought, which forced them to
flee to Egypt, where they remained for four hundred years, as slaves.
Building the land of Egypt to glory unprecedented prior, to the arrival of
Jacob’s son, Joseph.

It is they that built the pagan temples of Egypt, the so-called Pyramids,
Sphinx and other pagan chambers they had, to worship their dead kings
and anchorites.

It was not through God’s neglect that my people became slaves in

Egypt, but it was because of their neglect of the Covenant their fathers
were sworn to.
A similar scenario that is still occurring today, only this time it has
lasted five times as much, to two thousand years. But the Europeans,
have like the Egyptians utilized on this historical heedlessness, and
managed to turn us away from the truth.
Only they have excelled their own expectations, for they never
dreameth of this good fortune to last for this long.

Again it is not through God’s neglect of us that has given them such
success, nor was it through their numerous tactics of deceit or toys of
destruction; those are as futile as are, their masters. For none can face
the forces of The Almighty Jehovah, let alone, defeat them.

It is Israel that has brought about his own ills. And he continues to do so
through covetous, rebellion. That has been his down fall, plenty a time
Now about vicegerents, it is the intentions of the owner of this Palace
to reverse this prevalence, just like did Moses. And his name is
Jeshuruni the Messiah. The Last of the of Sumerian Kings .

This is the man in the Prophecies of Darkness, and the descendants of

Esau know and expect his coming. And they have placed much lies to
mislead those that wishes to see God’s intervention, for the salvation of
the whole of mankind and his domain…

Identifying the people of Israel is not really a matter of great exercise,

because they were given an ‘identity tag’, and they possess a very
unique faith, symbol and culture.

There are three distinguishing points with which one can separate the
people from the rest of the world.

1. Jehovah is their God of the Covenant

2. Their identification is circumcision
3. They have a very unique culture

New Slavery
Land confiscations: The Europeans came here, not more than four
hundred years ago; they came here penniless, and nameless. Just their
trusty guns, gold diggers..
They settled here, got food water and a warm welcome, from the
habitants of the land, what did those good Samaritans get in return?

They were slaughtered, their wives were violated, sons enslaved, and
lands confiscated, they were called apes, (recall Saartie Baartman). All
in the name of ‘Discovering New Lands’, inhabited lands were, suddenly
‘discovered by unknown way- farers.
Plunder got rife; everyone was fleeing from the snow caps of Europe to
the new found wonderland, with a gun and a greedy appetite.

The unsuspecting victims were made slaves and servants overnight,

rulers were ridiculed and murdered, those that did not choose to co-
operate in favor of selling their homes and families to slavery.

This was many years ago, but the heat lit is still raging. As part of the
‘reconciliation process’ ( with people who have shown no regret against
the atrocities that, they are still continuing), The South African
government tried to ‘buy back’, the seventy percent privately owned
lands from white people especially the ‘Dutch’ progeny, they were very
stubborn, and the lands were ‘bought back’ at exorbitant fees of tax
payer’s money.

The lands that were confiscated by force and plunder of unprecedented

scale, through death of our own fathers, when we got ‘freedom’. We
had to pay, for what we had been robbed. We suffered bloodshed
during the loss of our lands cattle; we are now suffering loss, to have
them back. We have to pay the oppressor, even though he has been
overcome. Or is he? I’m asking ‘What Freedom?’

The Great Debt

Some people say that under European rule, the world is the richest,
than it has ever been. This is said by people whose countries thrive only
on credit, now credit was never wealth, its debt.
The Chinese invented ‘paper money’ has no value what so ever, it’s a
promise. It was meant to free people from carrying heavy gold and
silver thus a ‘promissory note’ was made.
But it could not be granted without the availability of hard currency
(gold, silver, etc) to balance its issue.
Now the west has violated this balancing factor beyond
comprehension. America has round about eighty trillion dollars of these
‘promissory notes’. Which it can never balance with hard currency.

As a result, the economy is collapsing. Because without their wealth,

Europe, USA, China, Russia, etc. They are nothing, their lands dry.
Thus it is important that they make preparations, to secure their
advantage, lest the ‘farce economy’ crumbles as it is about to. The
offensive against Iraq was one such preparation.

I predicted this melt down since 2004; now I told my aunts to, stop
investing on anything ‘capitalistic’, meaning any type of usury. Shares,
unit trusts, even retirement funds, and everything in between.
I told them to buy hard currency and, keep it safe. They did not of
cause. Last time I checked those who had bought special issue gold
coins, in 2004.
A R15 000 gold coin, five years later costs R75 000, today a 500%
increase that is not available in the financial indicators.
What this means basically is this, that paper money has lost five times
its value since 2004

South Africa has gold, lots and lots of gold, the most important trade
medium of all. It is needed counter-balance the credit issue, of paper
money. We basically have to cough up, about sixty trillion dollars worth
of gold to foot the American debt alone! Not to mention the English,
Germans, and the rest of those mouths to feed. It is only South Africa
that has easily accessible minerals, the other place in which it is ‘still’
available, is Alaska and Siberia. Both God forsaken deep freezers.

Now I have been more than mildly curious as to what would happen if
the economy finally collapses, and it will. Will they leave us alone?
Nah!, impossible, still too much wealth on these shores. So what?
Grace me, Does anyone ever wonders as to why South African seas
have suddenly become a play-ground for armed nuclear warships?
Last time I counted, there were nineteen warships prowling the
Southern oceans. Now if the economy collapses, I wonder what those
ships will do, go back home to check up the damage.

I think they will be fighting to ‘protect’ South Africa, like Hitler

‘Protected’ Poland. These people are preparing for war; we are an open
target, sitting ducks. For anyone to take at will, and currently.
What is it we are doing, amidst these war preparations?
‘Organizing a ‘soccer world cup,’ at a cost of over R50 billion, even
amidst these economic upheavals, original quotation, R20 billion. All
this just to please the enemy. Shame on you, oh leaders of these people
of need!

The Future of Mankind

As the previous page has mentioned, South Africa has to carry, the
burden of credit of the lands, far away.
Imagine if South Africa were to halt the export of gold to other
countries, especially Europe and USA.

The very suggestion of such a move, would rock the world markets to
their very foundation. Such an implementation would be disastrous, to
say the least. Hard currency has become a ‘Safe haven’ with traders.
The last assured investment that cannot be determined by some youth
in Wall Street.

South Africa has all these hard currency mineral deposits in great
quantities. But no matter how much gold we have in South Africa. We
just cannot satisfy the insatiable appetite of these market trades.
Because even if the trillions that they must balanced with hard currency
were available. The credit is increasing at an alarming rate; the deficit
has gone too far.

So the collapse of this economy is inevitable, worse still, besides. Other

than our gold resource and other mineral resources, there are no other
counter measures put in place to avert this plight.
Since this civilization cannot survive a single day, we can only expect
the worse. Starvation, pestilence, mass migrations and war;


Although this earth has enough sustenance to satisfy all the needs of its
inhabitants, History shows us that we are very much bad at sharing!

Millions of people die every year through hunger, this trend is still very
selective, and this is obvious, but it will soon become world-wide. The
main reason is because this monetary system is based on want,
starvation and incapability of some, to purchase food, makes it a luxury
those that sell profit through this price hike, of scarcity.

In Europe, they kill one out of ten pigs to keep the demand ‘ high’, it
basically means this, too many pigs are too cheap when sold, and less
pork profitable because it is hard to get pork, for most. Unless you can
produce enough credits from your pocket.
Millions of tons of food are dumped into the sea every year, for this
reason. Starving people starve, just so that prices can remain beyond
reach, the privileged will eat at the expense of the poor

This folly in trade will be the very fall of man’s privileges, now since the
west can never function without credit, the future is dark indeed. The
collapse of this economy will mean that there will be no medium of
trade. With no medium of trade, there can be no trade. What is left
there after is transgression, of a very large scale. Force of arm will
Determine the full, from the hungry. A dire decree for all, especially my


With the collapse of the economy, there can be no doubt that

pestilence will be rife and unhindered, millions will be over come by
such unexplained ills such as bird flu, h1n1, Ebola, AIDS, malaria, ect.
With no functional hospitals of any sort

This is only inevitable and goes to explain the prevalence of these new
ills. God is preparing a war of His own. Just like the economic
structures, no counter measures have been devised to fight this

There exists among those who know, a legacy of a Great War, most
horrendous. T was prophesized a long time ago and is very close at
hand. If any thinks that the two past world wars were destructive, than
think again.

The weapons are bigger and most destructive indeed, even intelligent.
These are weapons so bad and powerful, one wonders, why they were
made in the first place. Mankind has created arms that are capable of
annihilating his own domain a hundred times over, and trust me they
will be used in this war of survival.

This war will be so severe that, infants will be eaten as food. It will
cause such poverty that soldiers will be paid with hide.
The false dept that Africa, the provider has will be obsolete. Than every
nation will have to find ways of keeping itself from collapse. But what
options are there?, let’s look at the only one available, Africa’s wealth!
War Preparations: There is a curious trend going on, around all African
seas and oceans. We have seen a very high increase in ships prowling
our waters, these are not same ships that van Ribieck arrived with here,
these are nuclear war ships and they are fully armed

We all know full well the perdition that these monstrosities’ can cause,
at least a slight idea can be found from a historical example made in
Japan sixty years ago, yet the nations of the world are scattering these
Spears of Armageddon all over the world, especially oceans around

We have no nuclear capabilities in the African continent, yet we are

surrounded on all sides by these cursed vessels. The last time I counted,
there were nineteen of these monsters around the Southern
hemisphere, the question is, what is it they here for, peace. I doubt it!
One of them a SS George W. Bush Nimitz, it carries about four hundred
airplanes. It is said that this ship alone is capable of producing enough
fire power to re-enact four world wars one and two. Meaning it can
cause death of 320 million people, and four Europe’s.

Others may be less afflictions than this US monster, but together, we

are doomed, unless we get help, fast. Yet our leaders are gearing for a
sport extravaganza. And they are spending extravagantly, for the show!

Before he was attacked by his heart in 2005, during the western outcry
against Iran’s suspected armament attempts. Benjamin Netanyahu,
then an Israeli Prime minister. He declared in broadcast media that
South Africa was in cahoots, with this enemy of the west. In developing
nuclear arms.
Now according to the USA’s home land security act, this was a clear
declaration of war. Having a nuclear arsenal is a grave offense, not
worthy of investigation or trial, but only offensive by force of arms. If
you don’t already have them (weapons), anyway.

Politicians don’t make such statements in vain, as the Iraqis. There was
a good reason for this declaration, a obvious intent and it is still hanging
over our heads. Thank God for the heart attack, otherwise, we’d be like
Afghanistan and Iraq today.

This war will not be about economics alone, there is also the question
of habitable lands. The westerners in their pursuit for wealth, they
‘industrialized’ their countries. Millions upon millions of tons of deadly
poisons into their atmospheres, today these lands are hardly habitable,
but it gets worse.

The western ‘First World Countries’, are over populated, worse still.
These populations are crammed into miniature places called
metropolitan cities. These mortar and steel jungles are dependent
entirely from outside resources. Can you imagine New York without
electricity? This will mean, no traffic lights (million car traffics), no
elevators (high rise buildings, inaccessible), drinking water, no
technology. Useless infrastructure, useless industrialization.

It is this self inflicted plight of the ‘Supremists’ that will get us trouble,
because the lands they have put to waste, still has people that will need
space, these countries and continents like Siberia are already showing
this, countries like Uzbekistan, and Chechnya have been so radiated by
testing atomic and nuclear bombs, which took place thirty years ago. So
that there are children most disfigured born, there. This radiation
results from nuclear bombs detonated deep in the sea, what would
happen if this happened on land.

We are really facing a dire future, brought on us by people that we

took, and treated as honored guests even after a horrendous period of
slavery called colonization, we have forgiven them. Without any
apology of any sort, yet today they are replying these good gestures
with extermination preparations against our people. Why, what have
we do, what kind of people are these, will you succeed forever with
deceit as your shield? And cruelty, you don’t fear blood my persecutors,
but blood shall follow you, so says Jehovah.

It is because of this implication that my God has decreed the

eventualities of Resurrection. We are the people of Israel, like Moses.
We have been given a savior to bring us the will and knowledge of God,
this is the only hope we have, and the Will of God shall prevail. Our
enemies shall never cause our extinction. They have tried and failed.
And as surely as Jehovah lives, they will fail. Again!

This is the warning to my enemies, the enemies of God Almighty, and

the enemies of my people. Who hate us for no other reason, than the
fact that God chose us. They will not prevail, we are Israel, let them
come. We are waiting, with hope in God’s intervention.

The New Mount Sinai

The last enigma regarding this revelation is that of the mountain. The
question being; why does it have all these symbols?
There must be a good and sacred decree upon which this decision was
taken. The answer is quite simple, whilst very much, unexpected, was
so even to myself! This mountain will house The Temple of Jehovah

The meaning of these Prophecies

1. The Last Temple of Jehovah will be built on it.
2. We are the people of the Covenant’, Israel
3. The Great Last War of Armageddon ,is nigh
4. It is the sign of Noah’s Ark, the only place of refuge.
5. This is the land of promise, Jehovah gave the Israelis.
6. The fore-told Messiah has arrived
7. Resurrection is nigh, and imminent.
8. Then God Jehovah shall come forth


The depiction of Leviathan

The Great Serpent: He will bring the end of this life as we know it, he
breathes fire, has seven heads. He is the master over the arrogant.
He is three hundred meters long and twenty five meters in diameter.
This is the ‘Fiery Sword’ that God promised us, and it lives under this
mountain of God, awaiting resurrection, (this is the closest likeness we
have found, feeble!)

There are star gazers that expect his arrival, they gaze onto the stars.
Hoping to note and prevent his decent, yet he is already here. (Job)
This is the executioner of man, this is the Messiah’s criterion, this is the
decree inscribed, from the Torah & Zaboor (Old Testament), The
Qur’an, Nostradamus. This is The Resurrection, in the prophecies.
The last time that Leviathan, was out of his, hide out was in 1987.
During this year, great floods covered the South African landscape,
there was much thunder and torrents of rain that removed, and
exhumed graves. Bridges were swept away, and great many people lost
their lives.
The serpent had emerged from ten kilometers from this mountain. He
emerged from a mountain called ‘Ntanyeni’, which translate to ‘On the
Neck’. The biblical account says that his strength rests on his neck.
There are many snakes like this living in and around this place.
Some may call them ‘tornados’ or ‘typhoons’. We call them God’s
security guards, placed to guard our wealth most vulnerable.
This is the truth; let him who will, believe. “Let him who will disbelieve,
for they are rebellious people” says Jehovah.

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