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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES National Capital Judicial Region Regional Trial Court CITY OF MAKATI BRANCH 2

IN THE MATTER OF PETITION FOR HABEAS CORPUS OF MINORS JOHN CRUZ AN JANE CRUZ! JUAN CRUZ! Petitione"! Spec. Proc. 20 !"000 FOR # Petition Fo" Ha$ea% Co"pu% &o" Cu%tod' o& Mino"%


OROTH( CRUZ! Re%pondent) %"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""% ANS*ER R&SPON'&NT( t)ru t)e un*er$igne* coun$el( re$pect+ull, a#er$ t)at. T)e re$pon*ent recei#e* t)e Or*er +ro. t)i$ Honora/le Court to an$0er 0it)in t)e regle.entar, perio* $et+ort) /, la0( t)i$ pre$ent petition +or Ha/ea$ Corpu$ o+ Minor$ 1o)n an* 1ane Cru2( 0)ic) 0a$ recei#e* on 3 Fe/ruar, 20 !4 2. T)e re$pon*ent i$ o+ legal age( .arrie* 0it) t)e petitioner )erein( an* 0it) currentl, re$i*ing at 5!6 1uan St.( Brg, BF Ho.e$( Parana7ue Cit,4 5. Re$pon*ent re$pon*ent$ a*.it$ paragrap) ( 2 an* 5 o+ t)e attac)e* petition 8Anne% 9 :; +or Ha/ea$ Corpu$4 !. An* a$ AFFIRMATI+E EFENSES( t)e re$pon*ent allege$a. Petitioner )erein( a$ a .atter o+ +act( a/an*one* t)e, eig)teen 8 3; .ont)$ prior to t)e +iling o+ t)i$ pre$ent petition4 /. T)at *uring t)e $ai* perio* o+ a/an*on.ent( t)e petitioner +aile* to pro#i*e t)e nece$$ar, $upport +or )i$,( *e$pite clear $)o0ing o+ )i$ +inancial capa/ilit, a$ a C)ie+"&%ecuti#e"O++icer 8C&O; o+ t)e Proctor an* <a./le P)ilippine$ an* earne$t e++ort +ro. t)e re$pon*ent to co..unicate to t)e petitioner t)roug) #ariou$ .ean$ $uc) a$ letter$ 8Anne% 92:;( te%t .e$$age$ 8Anne% 95:;( electronic .ail$ 8Anne% 9!:; ot)er .ean$ o+ co..unication4 c. Petitioner i$ a =no0n p)ilan*erer an* a *rug"*epen*ent a$ e#i*ence* /, t)e attac)e* recor* +ro. t)e Parana7ue Anti"'rug A/u$e Council 8Anne% 96:; a$ 0ell a$ a )a/itual *run=ar* a$ e#i*ence* /, t)e attac)e* Me*iation Procee*ing$

tran$pire* *uring t)e >upon Tagapa.a,apa Procee*ing$ at t)e .entione* Baranga, 8Anne% 9?:;4

6. T)e circu.$tance$ .entione* in paragrap) ! are proo+ t)at t)e petitioner i$ un+it an* un$uita/le to ta=e cu$to*, o+ an, nature o+ t)e .inor c)il*ren a$ pre$cri/e* in /, A.M. No. 05"0!"0!"SC R&- PROPOS&' R@>& ON C@STO'Y OF MINORS AN' ARIT OF HAB&AS CORP@S IN R&>ATION TO C@STO'Y OF MINORS4 ?. Re$pon*ent i$ t)e $ole proprietor o+ I$la Bonita <roup o+ Hotel$( a c)ain o+ Fi#e Star Hotel$( a$ e#i*ence* /, t)e attac)e* Certi+ication *ul, i$$ue* /, t)e 'epart.ent o+ Tra*e an* In*u$tr, 8'TI; 8Anne% 9B:;( an* earning an annual gro$$ inco.e o+ T0o Hun*re* Fi+t, Million &ig)t Hun*re* T)ou$an* an* Fi+t, Pe$o$ 8P260(360(060.00; a$ e#i*ence* /, t)e attac)e* au*ite* +inancial $tate.ent +or t)e ,ear 20 5 8Anne% 93"A:; an* t)e Inco.e Ta% Return 8ITR; +ile* at t)e Bureau o+ Internal Re#enue 8BIR; +or t)e calen*ar ,ear 20 5 8Anne% 93"B:;4 B. All t)e circu.$tance$ lai* *o0n in paragrap) ? i$ a clear $)o0ing t)at t)e re$pon*ent i$ per+ectl, capa/le o+ pro#i*ing t)e nece$$ar, +inancial $upport +or t)e .inor c)il*ren4 PRA(ER

*HEREFORE! pre.i$e$ con$i*ere*( it i$ re$pect+ull, pra,e* t)at t)e pre$ent petition +or Ha/ea$ Corpu$ /e ISMISSE . ParaCa7ue Cit,( D Fe/ruar, 20 !

ATT() CRIS T) MORAN Coun$el +or t)e Re$pon*ent MORAN an* MORAN >a0 O++ice San Antonio( ParaCa7ue Cit,

Cop, Furni$)e*-

Coun$el +or t)e Petitioner 25 Bang=al St.( Ma=ati Cit,


'ue to t)e lac= o+ .anpo0er to per$onall, $er#e t)i$ an$0er( $er#ice t)roug) regi$tere* .ail 0a$ re$orte* to.

ATT() CRIS T) MORAN Coun$el +or t)e Re$pon*ent

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