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%e3u4lic (2 t-e -ili33ines $ic(l ;niversit) College of Nursing Lega<3i "it)

Clinical Teaching Plan Medical Ward, Nursing Level IV 2nd Se. 2013-2014 DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Name 'urati(n 1(cus : Intensive Nursing racticum! N"M 10#- $ %L& : 4 da)s a *ee+, 33 -(urs! *ee+ .M/WS0 : Nursing care (2 clients *it- 3r(4lems! alterati(ns in (5)genati(n,2luid 6 electr(l)te 4alance, nutriti(n, end(crine, meta4(lism, cellular a4errati(ns, 3erce3ti(n, c((rdinati(n and acute 4i(l(gic crisis : 7$M'8 Medical Ward : /-e) are 2ull time and level IV students in t-eir sec(nd semester, *-( are in t-eir late ad(lescent stage and )(ung adult-((d. /-e) are -etergen(us *it- average intellectual maturit), ma9(rit) are 2emales and m(st c(me 2r(m middle inc(me 2amilies. /-e gr(u3 is c(m3(sed (2 11-12 students *-( -ad 4een 3revi(usl) e53(sed t( vari(us clinical areas .s3ecial areas and general *ards0, including t-e 3ediatric, surgical, (4stetrics and g)nec(l(gic *ards. /-e gr(u3 -as alread) ta+en u3 t-(se c(nce3ts necessar) 2(r e53(sure in Medical Ward in t-eir 3revi(us level. /-is )ear, t-e) are e53ected t( 4e m(re ac:uainted *it- t-e area, t-e 3r(cedures and actitivities in t-e *ard, -ence s(me assistance, direct guidance, and su3ervisi(n are

Setting 'escri3ti(n (2 t-e Learners

needed. Leaders-i3, su3ervisi(n, and management and strengt-ened, and t-e) are e53ected t( 2uncti(n inde3endentl) and!(r c(lla4(rate *it- (t-ers in t-e -ealt- team. =eneral >49ectives : ?t t-e end (2 t-e t-ree da) dut) in t-e Medical Ward (2 7$M'8, t-e student nurses *ill 4e a4le t( deci3-er and a33l) t-e t-e(ries learned in t-e 2(ur c(rners (2 t-e classr((m as *ell as en-ance and utili<e t-e +n(*ledge, s+ills, and attitude t-e) -ave learned in t-e actual e53(sure 2(r t-e 3r(visi(n (2 e22icient, e22ective and :ualit) nursing care t( clients *it- c(m3le5 3r(4lems and li2e t-reatening c(nditi(n.

'?@ 1 Time Specific Ob ec!i"es #The s!u$en!s nurses %ill be able !o:& CI *:+,-*:./ *:./-0:,, /( devel(3 3unctualit) and disci3line /( t-an+ =(d and as+ guidance and *isd(m /( assist students 4e em(ti(nall), 3s)c-(l(gicall) and s3irituall) 3re3ared in dealing *it- clients as *ell as signi2icant (t-ers /( assist in 3r(9ecting a 3(sitive image (2 t-e 3r(2essi(n 4) devel(3ing and em3-asi<ing t( students t-e im3(rtance (2 3r(3er gr((ming, a33earance (2 sel2 t(*ards clients 'evel(3 3re3aredness and readiness in "all time and c-ec+ attendance ?ssign SSN t( lead t-e 3ra)er Intr(duce sel2 and s-are e53ectati(ns. >rients t-e student sta22s *it- t-e activities and re:uirements "-ec+ uni2(rm and gr((ming Tas'()c!i"i!ies S!u$en! Nurse ?rrives (n time S(lemnl) 3artici3ate in t-e 3ra)er Listen attentivel) and ta+e d(*n n(tes as necessar) ?ttendance S-eet &valuati(n "-ec+list E"alua!ion

resent sel2 in a neat and 3r(2essi(nal manner

"-ec+ 3ara3-ernalia

8ave c(m3lete

ara3-ernalia c-ec+list

all nursing activities /( 3re3are student sta22 2(r t-eir clients 2(r t-eir clinical e53(sure =iving (2 student assignment

3ara3-ernalia Listen attentivel) and 3re3are sel2 2(r t-e end(rsement (2 t-eir clients ?ttend end(rsement and Listen attentivel) t( t-e nursing r(unds (utg(ing sta22 2(r im3(rtant end(rsement and ta+ing d(*n n(tes as necessar) >rientati(n ?s+ :uesti(ns as necessar) and rec(rd - ?rea im3(rtant details - 1acilities - Sta22 (n dut) - %esident 3-)sicians (licies "(nduct N I .Nurse "(mmunicate Evaluation Checklist atient interacti(n0 t-era3euticall) and s-(*s c(ncern t( t-eir clients "-ec+ Vital Signs and %e3(rt an) a4n(rmal 3er2(rm I ? 2indings 2(r 3r(3er re2erral t( resident (n dut) "(m3ute t-e 3r(3er d(sage (2 medicati(ns, 2re:uenc), as *ell as determine t-e 3ur3(se (2 giving sucmedicati(n "(nduct re-test "an c(m3ute t-e d(sage (2 t-eir medicati(ns inde3endentl) and c(rrectl) ?ns*ers inde3endentl) Test Questionnaire



/( (4tain 3atientAs end(rsement 2r(m sta22 (n dut) and devel(3 t-e attitude (2 +n(*ing 2irst t-e clientAs data 2(r deliver) (2 e22ective and e22icient nursing care /( give necessar) (rientati(n t( SSN 2(r 2amiliari<ati(n (2 -(s3ital sta22s and -(s3ital 3(licies


/( 3r(m(te an avenue t( learn -(* t( c(mmunicate *it- clients, ta+e vital signs, c(m3utati(n and 3re3arati(n (2 res3ective medicati(ns


/( assess 3ri(r +n(*ledge (2 SSN

1:./-3:,, 3:,,-22:,,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( devel(3 sense (2 res3(nsi4ilit) and a33l) +n(*ledge and s+ills ac:uired

'eclare Snac+ $rea+ .'ivide t-e gr(u30 Sta) *it- t-e client 2(r m(rning care and d(ct(rs r(unds and carr)ing (ut (2 (rders

/a+es snac+s '(es Nurse- atient Interacti(n ?ttends t( t-e needs (2 3atient assigned ?ssist and "arr) (ut d(ct(rs (rders c(rrectl) 'iscuss t-e case (2 t-e client and c(nduct -ealteducati(n e22ectivel) Frequent rounds and Evaluation Checklist

/( 3r(vide -ealt- teac-ings regarding t-e clients c(nditi(n "(nduct -ealteducati(n! (ne (n (ne 4edside clinic

22:,,- 22:+, 22:+,-24:+,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( (4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(n

Lunc- $rea+ re3are and administer medicati(ns

/a+es lunc>4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(ns, e53lain t-e 3ur3(se (2 medicati(n t( clients and (4serve an) unt(*ard e22ects >4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n s3eci2icall) grammar, a44reviati(ns, and se:uencing (2 n(tes ?4le t( end(rse im3(rtant 2indings regarding client as *ell as t-e 3r(cedures and medicati(ns given

Evaluation Checklist


/( (4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n (2 nursing 3r(cedures! care d(ne

"-ec+ sam3le c-arting and d(cumentati(n (2 medicati(ns given "(nduct (ne (n (ne end(rsement *it- t-e sta22

Evaluation Checklist


/( devel(3 am(ng student sta22s t-e value (2 end(rsement and im3(rtant details t( 4e end(rsed /( devel(3 a sense (2 acc(m3lis-ment

and t( delegate assignments and tas+s 2(r t-e case 3resentati(n (st-"(n2erence - 'iscussi(n (2 activities - ?ssignments 2(r t-e 2(ll(*ing da) - 'elegati(n (2 tas+ 2(r case 3resentati(n 4:/,-+:,, /( 3r(m(te cleanliness Initiate 8(use-+ee3ing 'eclare 'ismissal

(st-"(n2erence S-ares e53erience *it- -andled 3atient - /a+es n(te (2 assignments - ?cce3ts tas+ delegated -

'(es -(use-+ee3ing Leaves area sa2el)

'a) 2


Specific Ob ec!i"es #The s!u$en!s nurses %ill be able !o:& CI /( devel(3 3unctualit) and disci3line /( t-an+ =(d and as+ guidance and *isd(m /( assist students 4e em(ti(nall), 3s)c-(l(gicall) and s3irituall) 3re3ared in dealing *it- clients as *ell as signi2icant (t-ers

Tas'()c!i"i!ies S!u$en! S!aff Nurse ?rrives (n time S(lemnl) 3artici3ate in t-e 3ra)er Listen attentivel) and ta+e d(*n n(tes as necessar)


*:+,-*:./ *:./-0:,,

"all time and c-ec+ attendance ?ssign SSN t( lead t-e 3ra)er Intr(duce sel2 and s-are e53ectati(ns. >rients t-e student sta22s *it- t-e activities and re:uirements

?ttendance S-eet

/( assist in 3r(9ecting a 3(sitive image (2 t-e 3r(2essi(n 4) devel(3ing and em3-asi<ing t( students t-e im3(rtance (2 3r(3er gr((ming, a33earance (2 sel2 t(*ards clients 'evel(3 3re3aredness and readiness in all nursing activities /( 3re3are student sta22 2(r t-eir clients 2(r t-eir clinical e53(sure 0:,,-0:+, /( (4tain 3atientAs end(rsement 2r(m sta22 (n dut) and devel(3 t-e attitude (2 +n(*ing 2irst t-e clientAs data 2(r deliver) (2 e22ective and e22icient nursing care /( 3r(m(te an avenue t( learn -(* t( c(mmunicate *it- clients, ta+e vital signs, c(m3utati(n and 3re3arati(n (2 res3ective medicati(ns

"-ec+ uni2(rm and gr((ming

resent sel2 in a neat and 3r(2essi(nal manner

&valuati(n "-ec+list

"-ec+ 3ara3-ernalia =iving (2 student assignment ?ttend end(rsement and nursing r(unds

8ave c(m3lete 3ara3-ernalia Listen attentivel) and 3re3are sel2 2(r t-e end(rsement (2 t-eir clients Listen attentivel) t( t-e (utg(ing sta22 2(r im3(rtant end(rsement and ta+ing d(*n n(tes as necessar) "(mmunicate t-era3euticall) and s-(*s c(ncern t( t-eir clients %e3(rt an) a4n(rmal 2indings 2(r 3r(3er re2erral t( resident (n dut) "an c(m3ute t-e d(sage (2 t-eir medicati(ns inde3endentl) and c(rrectl) $e a4le t( understand

ara3-ernalia c-ec+list


"(nduct N I .Nurse atient interacti(n0 "-ec+ Vital Signs and 3er2(rm I ? "(m3ute t-e 3r(3er d(sage (2 medicati(ns, 2re:uenc), as *ell as determine t-e 3ur3(se (2 giving suc- medicati(n

&valuati(n "-ec+list


%e2res-ed *it- t-e c(nce3ts learned

%ati(nali<e 3retest

1:./-3:,, 3:,,-22:,,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( devel(3 sense (2 res3(nsi4ilit) and a33l) +n(*ledge and s+ills ac:uired

'eclare Snac+ $rea+ .'ivide t-e gr(u30 Sta) *it- t-e client 2(r m(rning care and d(ct(rs r(unds and carr)ing (ut (2 (rders

t-e rati(nale and 3artici3ate activel) in t-e class discussi(n /a+es snac+s '(es Nurse- atient Interacti(n ?ttends t( t-e needs (2 3atient assigned ?ssist and "arr) (ut d(ct(rs (rders c(rrectl) 'iscuss t-e case (2 t-e client and c(nduct -ealt- educati(n e22ectivel) 1re:uent r(unds and &valuati(n "-ec+list

/( 3r(vide -ealt- teac-ings regarding t-e clients c(nditi(n

"(nduct -ealt- educati(n! (ne (n (ne 4edside clinic

22:,,- 22:+, 22:+,-24:+,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( (4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(n

Lunc- $rea+ re3are and administer medicati(ns


/( (4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n (2 nursing 3r(cedures! care d(ne


/( devel(3 am(ng student sta22s t-e value (2 end(rsement and im3(rtant details t( 4e end(rsed

/a+es lunc>4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(ns, e53lain t-e 3ur3(se (2 medicati(n t( clients and (4serve an) unt(*ard e22ects "-ec+ sam3le c-arting and >4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n (2 d(cumentati(n medicati(ns given s3eci2icall) grammar, a44reviati(ns, and se:uencing (2 n(tes "(nduct (ne (n (ne ?4le t( end(rse end(rsement *it- t-e sta22 im3(rtant 2indings regarding client as *ell

&valuati(n "-ec+list

&valuati(n "-ec+list

/( devel(3 a sense (2 acc(m3lis-ment and t( delegate assignments and tas+s 2(r t-e case 3resentati(n

as t-e 3r(cedures and medicati(ns given (st-"(n2erence (st-"(n2erence 'iscussi(n (2 activities - S-ares e53erience ?ssignments 2(r t-e *it- -andled 3atient 2(ll(*ing da) - /a+es n(te (2 assignments - 'elegati(n (2 tas+ 2(r case 3resentati(n - ?cce3ts tas+ delegated Initiate 8(use-+ee3ing 'eclare 'ismissal '(es -(use-+ee3ing Leaves area sa2el)


/( 3r(m(te cleanliness

'a) 3 Time Specific Ob ec!i"es #The s!u$en!s nurses %ill be able !o:& CI *:+,-*:./ *:./-0:,, /( devel(3 3unctualit) and disci3line /( t-an+ =(d and as+ guidance and *isd(m /( assist students 4e em(ti(nall), 3s)c-(l(gicall) and s3irituall) 3re3ared in dealing *it- clients as *ell as signi2icant (t-ers /( assist in 3r(9ecting a 3(sitive image (2 t-e 3r(2essi(n 4) devel(3ing and em3-asi<ing t( students t-e im3(rtance (2 "all time and c-ec+ attendance ?ssign SSN t( lead t-e 3ra)er Intr(duce sel2 and s-are e53ectati(ns. >rients t-e student sta22s *it- t-e activities and re:uirements Tas'()c!i"i!ies S!u$en! Nurse ?rrives (n time S(lemnl) 3artici3ate in t-e 3ra)er Listen attentivel) and ta+e d(*n n(tes as necessar) ?ttendance S-eet E"alua!ion

&valuati(n "-ec+list

3r(3er gr((ming, a33earance (2 sel2 t(*ards clients 'evel(3 3re3aredness and readiness in all nursing activities /( 3re3are student sta22 2(r t-eir clients 2(r t-eir clinical e53(sure 0:,,-0:+, /( (4tain 3atientAs end(rsement 2r(m sta22 (n dut) and devel(3 t-e attitude (2 +n(*ing 2irst t-e clientAs data 2(r deliver) (2 e22ective and e22icient nursing care /( 3r(m(te an avenue t( learn -(* t( c(mmunicate *it- clients, ta+e vital signs, c(m3utati(n and 3re3arati(n (2 res3ective medicati(ns

"-ec+ uni2(rm and gr((ming "-ec+ 3ara3-ernalia =iving (2 student assignment

resent sel2 in a neat and 3r(2essi(nal manner 8ave c(m3lete 3ara3-ernalia

ara3-ernalia c-ec+list

?ttend end(rsement and nursing r(unds


"(nduct N I .Nurse atient interacti(n0 "-ec+ Vital Signs and 3er2(rm I ? "(m3ute t-e 3r(3er d(sage (2 medicati(ns, 2re:uenc), as *ell as determine t-e 3ur3(se (2 giving suc- medicati(n

Listen attentivel) and 3re3are sel2 2(r t-e end(rsement (2 t-eir clients Listen attentivel) t( t-e (utg(ing sta22 2(r im3(rtant end(rsement and ta+ing d(*n n(tes as necessar) "(mmunicate &valuati(n "-ec+list t-era3euticall) and s-(*s c(ncern t( t-eir clients %e3(rt an) a4n(rmal 2indings 2(r 3r(3er re2erral t( resident (n dut) "an c(m3ute t-e d(sage (2 t-eir medicati(ns inde3endentl) and c(rrectl) $e a4le t( understand t-e


%e2res-ed *it- t-e c(nce3ts learned

%ati(nali<e 3retest

1:./-3:,, 3:,,-22:,,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( devel(3 sense (2 res3(nsi4ilit) and a33l) +n(*ledge and s+ills ac:uired

'eclare Snac+ $rea+ .'ivide t-e gr(u30 Sta) *it- t-e client 2(r m(rning care and d(ct(rs r(unds and carr)ing (ut (2 (rders

rati(nale and 3artici3ate activel) in t-e class discussi(n /a+es snac+s '(es Nurse- atient Interacti(n ?ttends t( t-e needs (2 3atient assigned ?ssist and "arr) (ut d(ct(rs (rders c(rrectl) 'iscuss t-e case (2 t-e client and c(nduct -ealteducati(n e22ectivel) /a+es lunc>4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(ns, e53lain t-e 3ur3(se (2 medicati(n t( clients and (4serve an) unt(*ard e22ects >4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n s3eci2icall) grammar, a44reviati(ns, and 1re:uent r(unds and &valuati(n "-ec+list

/( 3r(vide -ealt- teac-ings regarding t-e clients c(nditi(n "(nduct -ealt- educati(n! (ne (n (ne 4edside clinic

22:,,- 22:+, 22:+,-24:+,

/( address 3-)si(l(gic need /( (4serve t-e rig-ts in drug administrati(n

Lunc- $rea+ re3are and administer medicati(ns

&valuati(n "-ec+list


/( (4serve 3r(3er d(cumentati(n (2 nursing 3r(cedures! care d(ne

"-ec+ sam3le c-arting and d(cumentati(n (2 medicati(ns given

&valuati(n "-ec+list

se:uencing (2 n(tes 4:,,-4:/, /( devel(3 student sta22sA anal)tical s+ills in a certain dis(rder /( devel(3 am(ng student sta22s t-e value (2 end(rsement and im3(rtant details t( 4e end(rsed /( devel(3 a sense (2 acc(m3lis-ment and t( delegate assignments and tas+s 2(r t-e case 3resentati(n (st-"(n2erence (stest "(nduct a s-(rt case 3resentati(n 'iscuss t-e diagn(sis (2 selected client 2r(m t-e 3atients 3r(2ile and relate it t( t-e c(nce3ts taug-t in t-e classr((m ?4le t( end(rse im3(rtant 2indings regarding client as *ell as t-e 3r(cedures and medicati(ns given (st-"(n2erence - S-ares e53erience *it-andled 3atient 4:/,-+:,, /( 3r(m(te cleanliness Initiate 8(use-+ee3ing 'eclare 'ismissal '(es -(use-+ee3ing Leaves area sa2el)

"(nduct (ne (n (ne end(rsement *it- t-e sta22 (n dut)

B:30-B:4C?M B:4C-#:00 ?M #:00-#:30?M ?rrival (2 "I and students NurseAs ra)er &nd(rsement! rec(n2erence o "-ec+ing (2 attendance! 3ara3-ernalias o %e(rientati(n (2 t-e 2(ll(*ing: >49ectives (2 clinical e53(sure -)sical setu3, 3(licies, and 3ers(nnel %evie* (2 res3(nsi4ilities as student sta22 nurse %e:uirements and grading s)stem =iving (2 assignment 4) dec+ing s)stem /eac-, guide and su3ervise students (n t-eir r(le as sta22 nurse suc- as 3r(viding 4asic nursing care, carr)ing (ut (2 d(ct(rs (rders, administrati(n (2 medicati(ns, c(nducting 3-)sical e5aminati(ns, 3r(3er d(cumentati(n (2 nursing acti(ns &nd(rsement and (st "(n2erence 'ismissal %evie*ed 4): CE5ERINO S9 P)5)CIO8 E$9D9 ?cademic "((rdinat(r ?33r(ved: E7ER5IND) E9 )5C)5)8E$9D

#:30- 2:30 M 2:30- 3:00 M re3ared 4):

CONCEPCION C5E7EN)8 RN8 7)N "linical Instruct(r %ec(mmending ?33r(val: )DE5I) )9 :U)S)8 Ph9D9

?ssistant 'ean


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