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(A/N: Sorry everyone for waiting! And thank you who reviewed, you really inspired me!

So…in return…I’m dedicating this chapter to Alice and your friend, Bella!)

Chapter 6: Alice V. The Mer-Lady…and Some of Emmett’s Silliness

Jess’s POV

I still can’t believe that they’re actually doing the dare! I’m literally bouncing in my seat, and
everyone is staring at me like I’ve turned crazy.

“What?” I demanded. “Can’t a girl show some bouncy happiness?”

“Never mind.” Emmett, Rose, Alice, and Jasper muttered. I rolled my eyes again.

Thirty Minutes Later…

“WE’RE HERE!” I shouted. I smiled a huge grin. We finally arrived at the Pacific Ocean. Why
was Emmett driving so slowly in the first place? Alice must’ve bribed him back, HA! Take that,
Emmett! Now only if I bribed him…of something else, of course.

“Whoop-de-doo.” Jasper commented sarcastically. I glared at him.

“Hey hey, where’s your team spirit?” I asked. He fell silent. That was not what I hoped for. Well,
at least I could convince myself that he’s so excited that he’s speechless.

“Alice, Jasper, you should put on your swimsuits.” I told them. Alice was grumbling as she took
her bag—Gucci—and pulled Jasper behind a huge rock by his ear. I smiled innocently.

“Guys, you should wear yours too.”

Emmett reached for his belt. I gasped and covered my eyes. “Emmett, not HERE!”

Everybody started laughing. I let myself see again, and sighed. “You have the camera, right?”

“Yep!” He said happily.

“Good. Where is it?” I asked.

“Here.” He pointed towards his “private area”.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. “And why did you put it there?” I demanded.

“It’s a safe place!”

“Oh, Emmett.” Esme told him while Carlisle put his head in his hand as if in embarrassment.
“You have so much to learn.”

“Esme’s point exactly.” Edward pointed out.

“Um guys?” Emmett asked. “I’m getting a bit uncomfortable, so can I take this out?”




“I’ll help you, babe.”

“Thanks Rosie.”

Another Thirty Minutes Later, After Rose’s and Emmett’s Loud…Stuff

“Alright, we all set?” I asked impatiently.

“Uh huh.”


“I’ll go in first.” Alice said.

“You go, honey!” Jasper yelled.

“…And with you, Jazzy.”

“What?! NOOO!”

“You can’t go anywhere to get away from me, Jazzy-poo!” Alice said sweetly, and dragging
Jasper by the legs as he left lines in the sand, desperately looked for a rock to hold onto.

We giggled, and went into the water too.

I pointed westward. We swam for a while, admiring the colorful fish and coral.

“OOOOHHH…a butterfly fish!” We heard Emmett yell out loud. (Jess gave them power to talk

“Emmett, put the fish back where it belongs!” Carlisle shouted.

“But Carlisle, I need to see it flies!”

“No it doesn’t!” Bella argued.

“Then why is it called “butterfly fish” then?”

“Because it’s shaped like a butterfly!” Bella retorted. Too late.

Emmett through the fish all the way up to the surface of the water with amazing speed and
strength. The fish did not drop back in.

“See! The fish is FREE!”

“Um…Emmett? I think you killed it.” Alice said.

“Pshhh…of course not! The fishie flew away with its friends!” He grinned like an idiot.

“Emmett…” Edward started, but he interrupted.

“Oh, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.” He said, tsking. We all struggled not to laugh. “You’re just jealous.”

“Oh yea? Jealous of what? Killing a fish?!”

“Nope! Of course not! How silly of you!” Emmett rolled his eyes. Edward raised his eyebrows.

“Because I set it free, it’s going to come back to me, and reward me for my kindness!” He smiled
and then looked like he’s thinking. “OH!”

“Finally! You understand!” Edward shouted in relief.

“Yes! Of course! I forgot to tell the fishie what I wanted!” Emmett raced downward to the bottom
of the ocean. Edward pinched the bridge of his nose while Emmett knelt on the ground.

“Oh, butterfly fish.” He started formally. “I WANT SANTA CLAUS! Thank you.” He smiled as
he swam back up towards us.

“Santa Claus?” I asked him.

“Well, duh! If I got him, then everyday I’ll get presents!” He told me gleefully. I sighed. Why
does he have to be an idiot? I’m a good person!

After a few minutes, I sensed another presence in the water! We’re here! I pointed towards the
kingdom. My family nodded and we swam towards the underwater castle. We went behind a rock
and hid there while Alice and Jasper prepared to begin their dare.

“Still unhappy, Alice?” Carlisle asked.

“Of course, Carlisle! Who would want to shop underwater?!” She nearly exploded.

“I bet that after this dare, Alice would want to come back again.” Emmett betted.

“You’re so on!” Jasper smirked.

“Oh, and I forgot. None of us are going to help you two.” Jasper and Alice nodded. I snapped my
fingers. “Now we are officially aren’t going to help you.”

Alice opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She looked surprised, and appeared to be
shouting her lungs out. No luck. Jasper did something similar. Not a sound.

They glared at me. I smiled and pointed towards the market. Alice pouted.

“Never falling for that!” I told her. She sighed, and swam towards the kingdom along with her

“Remember to buy at least one item!” I shouted towards her. She put a thumbs up.

“Ready, Emmett?”

“Ready!” He opened the water-proof camera and we all followed the two victims. We all hid
behind another rock, which is closer to the place where Alice’s dare is going to start. She began
to browse the booth, and then grinned widely. She grabbed the bracelet that was woven from sea-
silk, and had sparkling shells on it, but at the same time when this older mermaid grabbed it.
Alice frowned.

“Give it up, vampy!” The old mermaid screamed. Alice tried to yell something again, but with no
use. She glared at Jasper. He understood, and started to growl at the mer-lady. Unfortunately, she
didn’t understand that it meant, “Back off, lady, or I’ll eat you!”

The lady smacked Alice’s wrist that was holding the bracelet with her tail, and Alice pulled back
her hand as a reflex. The women smiled in victory. Alice, fuming, swam towards another shop.
We followed.

She came upon a famous underwater shop, which had all the popular clothes the mermaids wore
here. Alice picked up a dress, a lime-green one, and then she paid at the counter with the sand
dollars that I gave her. She was swimming towards us when she saw this other dress. It was short
with shells at the bottom and at the top, and it was turquoise. She probably immediately forgot
about the dare and her shopping senses came into action. Once again, as she touched the dress,
the same mermaid came and eyed the dress. Both ladies grabbed it.

Alice showed her deathly glare, but the other did not even flinch. Probably the mer-folk here had
been taught to defend themselves or something. Luckily, so had Alice. The mermaid tugged and
pulled, and Alice being Alice, she began to pull too. The old mermaid used her handbag to hit
Alice’s head, and Alice jumped onto the mermaid.
“Get your hands off this, vampy!” Alice said nothing.

“Get OFF, b****!” Alice grew angry and started taking action.

They were both rolling on the sea-floor when Jasper, and a merman came to the rescue and broke
the two up. The women smiled again in victory, but Alice quickly grabbed the dress and swam as
fast as she could to the counter to pay for it.

Now it was the old mermaid’s turn to fume in anger.

We all whistled and shouted as Alice finally swam towards us with a HUGE smile on her face. I
snapped my fingers again, and the two was finally able to talk again.

“I love that old lady.”

(A/N: WOAH! Long chapter! 1,316 words! Hope you enjoyed it!)

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