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Unconfined Compression (UC) Test Procedure

Test standard ASTM 2166-06

Test procedure 1) Measure the diameter of the top of the specimen at three location 120 apart, similar take three measurements at the bottom. Record the average on the datasheet. 2) Measure the length of the specimen at three locations 120 apart. Record the average on the datasheet. 3) Place the specimen in the loading device so that is centered on the bottom plate 4) Adjust the loading device carefully so that the upper platen just makes contact with the specimen. Zero the deformation and load dials to zero. 5) Apply the load so that the device produces an axial strain at a rate of 0,5% to 2% per minute. Record load, deformation, and time values at sufficient intervals to define the shape of the stressstrain curve (usually 10-15 points are sufficient). 6) Keep applying the load until the load values decreases with increasing strain, or until 15% strain is reached. 7) Draw a sketch to depict the sample failure. 8) Remove the sample from the compression device and obtain two samples for water content determination. Determine water content using a. conventional oven method (>20g); 24 hrs at 105 deg. b. microwave oven method (>100 g); 3 min. at high power, thereafter 1 min intervals

Unconfined Compression (UC) Test Data sheet

Sample No. ___________________________ Location _____________________________ Depth of Sample ________________ _______ Project No. Boring No. Date of Test _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Description of Soil _______________________________________________________________________ Tested by ___________________________________ Specimen data

Type of specimen Shape of specimen Diameter of specimen, D0 Initial area of specimen, A0 Initial height of specimen, H0 Height to diameter ratio Volume of specimen, Mass of specimen, mt Wet unit weight of specimen Undisturbed Cylindrical __________ g __________ cm2 __________ cm __________ __________ cm3 __________ g __________ g/cm3 __________ kg/m3 Specific weight __________ kN/m3 Remoulded Prismatic Reconstituted

Water content of specimen, w = mw/ms __________ % Can no. Mass of can __________ __________ g Can no. Mass of can __________ __________ g

Mass of wet soil + can __________ g Mass of wet soil + can __________ g Mass of dry soil + can Mass of water, mw Mass of dry soil, ms __________ g __________ g __________ g

Mass of wet soil + can __________ g Mass of wet soil + can __________ g Mass of dry soil + can Mass of water, mw Mass of dry soil, ms __________ g __________ g __________ g

Water content, w = mw/ms __________ % Unit dry weight of specimen __________ g/cm3

Water content, w = mw/ms __________ % __________ kg/m3 Specific weight __________ kN/m3

Compression data
Proving ring No. _____________ Elaspsed time (min.) Deformation dial reading, H (mm) Proving ring calibration __________ kN/mm Unit strain, (%) H/H0 Cross-sectional area, A (cm2) A0/(1-) Proving ring dial reading (mm) Applied axial load, P (kN) Axial stress, a (kPa) P/A

Strain rate __________ %/min

Unconfined compressive strength, qu __________ kPa Cohesion, c = qu/2 ___________ kPa

Sketch of specimen after failure

Plot of results
300 275 250 225

Axial stress, 'a [kPa]


150 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Axial strain, [%]

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