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Ing_8 ano_2 bi_09


2 Bimestre - 2009

Com a inteno de contribuir de forma mais efetiva para a elaborao de instrumentos de avaliao, coerentes com a abordagem metodolgica adotada nos Cadernos do Sistema Anglo de Ensino, os autores de nosso material didtico produzem, bimestralmente, estes Subsdios. Trata-se de sugestes que podem ser utilizadas nas avaliaes, mas tm como principal destinatrio o prprio professor. Por esse motivo, ser necessrio que voc analise cada uma das propostas, verificando o nvel de adequao, de acordo com as necessidades de seus alunos. Sabendo das particularidades de cada regio, de cada escola e respeitando a dinmica e as caractersticas de cada professor, salientamos que a utilizao das atividades sugeridas depende exclusivamente de sua deciso.

CONSIDERAES/ORIENTAES GERAIS Ao elaborar os instrumentos de avaliao para suas classes, o professor deve considerar, em linhas gerais: os objetivos das aulas previstas para o perodo; as competncias e habilidades que foram trabalhadas no perodo; as prioridades ou relevncias do contedo para a escola e/ou o professor, tendo em vista as especificidades de cada contexto escolar (projeto da escola, classes com diferentes nveis de aprendizagem, etc.). Em lngua estrangeira, a avaliao deve calcar-se nos objetivos lingusticocomunicativos pretendidos (estrutura da lngua ou gramtica, funes comunicativas e habilidades) e nos tipos de atividades propostas no material didtico. Sugerimos instrumentos de avaliao compostos de trs sees: READING, GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY e WRITING/COMMUNICATION (= produo escrita). READING os assuntos dos textos propostos para leitura e compreenso devem ser, preferencialmente, relacionados a assuntos trabalhados no perodo. Os textos podem ser selecionados de revistas, da Internet ou de outros livros didticos e a fonte deve ser indicada no final do texto. GRAMMAR - elaborar questes semelhantes aos exerccios do livro de ingls: reescrever frases; completar um pequeno texto, dilogo ou frases com as estruturas

Ing_8 ano_2 bi_09

trabalhadas no bimestre etc. Sempre que possvel avaliar, de forma contextualizada, os conhecimentos das estruturas gramaticais estudadas (Ex: Ao pedir o preenchimento de lacunas com tempos verbais, faz-lo com pequenos textos ou dilogos e no com frases descontextualizadas). WRITING esta atividade dever ser relacionada aos assuntos dos textos trabalhados em aula e/ou projetos desenvolvidos durante o bimestre ou, ainda, ao texto apresentado na seo de READING da prpria prova.

PROPOSTA 1 Reading Objetivo Avaliar as habilidades de leitura e compreenso de texto em lngua estrangeira utilizando o conhecimento lingustico associado ao conhecimento prvio sobre assuntos estudados em classe e/ou atuais. SHOCKING NEWS Grandma was ninety-two years old when she won two million dollars in the lottery. Our family was extremely worried about her heart and nobody wanted to tell her the news. We thought that it could be a shock to her. We mustnt forget that she has a weak heart. I think we must call Dr Jones to tell her the news, suggested my father. The doctor soon arrived and we explained the situation to him. You dont have to worry about anything, said the doctor. I can tell her the news gently. Everything will be all right if you leave it to me. The doctor went to see the old lady and gradually started the conversation about money. Tell me, said the doctor, what would you do if you won a fortune in the lottery lets say, two million dollars? I would give half of it to you, naturally, answered Grandma. The doctor fell down dead with shock. Vocabulary weak heart corao fraco; truth verdade; news notcias

Questes A) Read the text and answer the questions. Write complete answers. a) How much did Grandma win? b) What was the family worried about? c) What did father do?

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d) What did the doctor ask the old lady about the lottery? e) What was Grandmas answer? B) What do the underlined words refer to in the text? a) b) c) d) her heart we explained the situation to him.... tell me it could be a shock

Comentrios/observaes Considerar apenas metade do valor do item quando a resposta no for completa como pedido. Respostas A) Read the text and answer the questions. Write complete answers. a) How much did Grandma win? She won two million dollars. b) What was the family worried about? The family was worried because she (the grandmother) had a weak heart and the news could be a shock to her. c) What did father do? He called Dr Jones to tell her the news. d) What did the doctor ask the old lady about the lottery? He said: What would you do if you won a fortune in the lottery lets say, two million dollars? e) What was Grandmas answer? She answered: I would give half of it to you, naturally. B) What do the underlined words refer to in the text? a) b) c) d) her heart grandmas heart we explained the situation to him.... we- the family; him the doctor tell me the doctor it could be a shock the news

PROPOSTA 2 Objetivo Avaliar a capacidade de transferncia de conhecimentos lingusticos adquiridos e de fazer associaes para completar frases com tempos verbais estudados e revisados. Questes A) Read the instructions, then complete the sentences with must or mustnt. Read these instructions carefully. a) b) c) d) e) f) Use a blue or a black pen. Do not use a pencil. Put your name at the top of the page. Try to answer as many questions as possible. Draw a circle round the correct letter. Do not put a circle round more than one letter. Do not write in the boxes.

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a) You ______________ write your name at the top of the page. b) You ______________ use a pencil. c) You ______________ write in the boxes. d) You ______________ draw a circle round the correct letter. e) You ______________ draw a circle round more than one letter. f) You ______________ answer as many questions as possible. B) Complete the sentences, using if-clause (Type I or II). a) If it is cold and rainy tomorrow morning, I _______________(not; go) jogging. b) If I _________ (get) a job soon, I will pay you the money I owe you. c) If I were you, I ______________ (stop) smoking. d) If Barbara arrives home on time tonight, we ___________ (have) dinner at 6:30. e) I __________ (take) you to my favorite seafood restaurant if you enjoyed fish. f) We will buy lots of souvenirs for our friends if we _________ (travel) to Recife. Respostas A) Read the instructions, then complete the sentences with must or mustnt. Read these instructions carefully. a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) e) f) Use a blue or a black pen. Do not use a pencil. Put your name at the top of the page. Try to answer as many questions as possible. Draw a circle round the correct letter. Do not put a circle round more than one letter. Do not write in the boxes. You must write your name at the top of the page. You mustnt use a pencil. You mustnt write in the boxes. You must draw a circle round the correct letter. You mustnt draw a circle round more than one letter. You must answer as many questions as possible.

B) Complete the sentences, using if-clause (Type I or II). a) b) c) d) e) If it is cold and rainy tomorrow morning, I will not / wont go (not; go) jogging. If I get (get) a job soon, I will pay you the money I owe you. If I were you, I would / Id stop (stop) smoking. If Barbara arrives home on time tonight, we will have (have) dinner at 6:30. I would / Id take (take) you to my favorite seafood restaurant if you enjoyed fish. f) We will buy lots of souvenirs for our friends if we travel (travel) to Recife.

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