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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 JM Virilio K
JM Virilio K.............................................................................................................................................................1 1NC .........................................................................................................................................................................2 Link Airpower.......................................................................................................................................................7 Link Apocalyptic Discourse/A oi!ance..............................................................................................................." Link Asteroi!s.......................................................................................................................................................# Link Dual use......................................................................................................................................................1$ Link Co%petiti eness ........................................................................................................................................11 Link &ntelli'ence/()*/Monitorin' ....................................................................................................................12 Link +erroris% ...................................................................................................................................................1, A+- )er%................................................................................................................................................................1. A+- /ealis%...........................................................................................................................................................17 A+- Ce!e t0e )olitical ...........................................................................................................................................1" No sol ency Diplo%acy......................................................................................................................................1# &%pact )ure war .................................................................................................................................................2$ &%pact Ar%s /ace/kills !eterrence.....................................................................................................................21 &%pact A'ency....................................................................................................................................................2, &%pact 12tinction/3ar........................................................................................................................................2. 4ra%ework.............................................................................................................................................................2#

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 1NC
&N*1/+ *)1C&4&C L&NK

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 1NC
The aff is the apex of the military machine in its acceleration to pure spee cumulatin! in a state of total "ar "here the military in ustrial complex operates in a state of total "ar runnin! on the li#es of those un er its control $il%ur &' 6*0awn7 8owlin' (reen *tate 9.7 :Dro%olo'ies- *pee!7 Cine%a7 an! t0e 1n! o; t0e )olitical *tate7< C. 1##5
0ttp-//recor!s.!ia,$1/!ro%olo'ies.0t%> Virilio e2plains portions o; 0is !ro%olo'ical narrati e in ter%s o; t0e !e elop%ent o; ? e0icles7? alt0ou'0 0e uses t0is ter% in rat0er no el ways. At arious ti%es7 Virilio speculates on t0e ?;irst e0icle7? w0ic0 0e %ost o;ten i!enti;ies wit0 ?wo%an.? 8ot0 in se2ual intercourse7 w0en ?%ounte!? @y %an7 or in t0e relation o; support c0aracteristic7 0e @elie es7 o; t0e 0u%an 0eterose2ual couple7 t0e wo%an in so%e sense ?carries? t0e %an. +0e couple constitues t0e si%plest ?war %ac0ine.? A; course7 since e ery %o!e o; carria'e @rin's alon' its own acci!ent7 we s0oul! note 0ere t0en ?little !eat0? o; or'as% as t0e ;atal acci!ent o; t0is particular e0icular relations0ip. 8eyon! t0is are %ore con entional ;or%s o; e0icles7 @e'innin' wit0 t0e ri!in' ani%al an! @east o; @ur!en an! e2ten!in' t0rou'0 arious w0eele!7 tracke! an! win'e! ;or%s7 t0en @eco%in' stran'e a'ain as arious teleco%%unications ;or%s @e'in to ?carry? us a;ar in a ariety o; ways. +0at %any o; t0ese earlier ;or%s o; co%%unication tec0niBues were in ;act e0icular tec0nolo'ies only @eco%es %ore o@ ious in an era w0ere we take certain ;or%s o; teleCpresence ;or 'rante!. +0e o@ ious !i;;erences in t0ese %o!es o; transportation point to essential c0an'es in t0e worl!7 as it is or'aniDe! @y ectors o; ti%eCspaceCspee!. 3e can ;airly easily trace t0e ?conBuest o; space? t0at in ol es an acceleration ;or% t0e nearly static tra ellin' o; se2ual intercourse to t0e escape elocity o; spacecra;t. &t is 0ar!er to co%pre0en! t0e su@seBuent ?conBuest o; ti%e? w0ic0 telepresence7 ?li e? satellite @rao!cast7 an! ot0er ?tec0nolo'ies o; u@iBuity? 0a e nearly acco%plis0e!. 30en t0e ti%e o; transportation or trans%ission is relati e7 !epen!in' not on !istance @ut on w0ere you want to 'o7 !istant points @eco%e @ot0 nearer an! sooner t0an t0ose closer in strictly spatial ter%s. Virilio ar'ues t0at w0at we are le;t wit0 is ;inally only spee!7 t0e a@ility to %anipulate t0e spaceCti%e %atri2. +0is certainly see%s to @e t0e case in t0e irtual spaces o; t0e internet7 w0ere spee! o; trans%issionCCan! t0e conseBuent a@ility to process 'reater ?@an!wi!t0?CC0as @eco%e t0e 'ui!in' criteria ;or nearly all 0ar!ware an! so;tware !e elop%ent !ecisions. +0ese ?conBuests? ;ollow a particular pattern7 one w0ic0 see%s tie! to t0e Ee'elian notion o; au;0e@un'7 an! w0ic0 sur;aces in a ariety o; conte2ts in VirilioFs workCCas in t0e work o; %any ?post%o!ernists7? ul'ar %o!ernist/ post%o!ernist !istinctions to t0e contrary. A'ain7 w0ile 0e !oes not assu%e any particular ?pro'ress? in t0e %o e%ent7 Virilio o@ser es a ten!ency o; t0e tec0nolo'ical !yna%ic to tru%p itsel;. &n t0e space @etween a tec0nolo'yCCor a !i%ensionCCan! its i%%anent acci!ent7 it is o;ten possi@le to to pus0 t0e %o e%ent on to anot0er le el. +0ere is a 'oo! !eal o; a%@i'uity a@out t0e relations0ips @etween t0ese le els. +0ere is so%et0in' o; Ee'elFs !yna%ic in t0e %o e%ent @y w0ic0 t0e ?pro@le%? o; a e0icular tec0nolo'yCCor o; space or ti%eCCis ?sol e!7? @ut wit0out !oin' so in a way w0ic0 allows us to si%ply %o e on. +0e ol! pro@le%s are re!istri@ute!7 or per0aps reco%@ine!7 in new pro@le%s w0ic0 are in so%e sense %ore co%ple2. Eowe er7 we 0a e no sense t0at t0ere is a 'ol!en ?trut0? or a ;ullness o; ?spirit? awaitin' at t0e en! o; t0e roa!. &nstea!7 t0ere are t0e ?c0oices? @etween t0e Buantu% collapse an! reor'aniDation o; t0e ?onwar!? %o e%ent7 an! t0e catastrop0ic collapse o; t0e acci!ent. Virilio is ;on! o; Buotin' Mars0all McLu0an7 an! t0ere is so%et0in' o; t0e a%@i'uity o; McLu0anFs ?t0e %e!iu% is t0e %essa'e? in t0e %o e%ent 0e !escri@es. Al! an! new ;or%s are Goine! @y an ina@ility to ;ully resol e t0e ol!CCor to resol e t0e% in ti%e. McLu0anFs t0ou'0t resur;aces in VirilioFs !iscussion o; one o; t0e ot0er aspects o; e0icular !e elop%entCCt0e !e elop%ent o; prost0eses o; spee!. Eere. McLu0anFs analysis o; t0e ?e2tensions o; %an?CCanot0er kin! o; au;0e@un'7 in w0ic0 pro@le%s o; t0e senses are realiDe! wit0out @ein' ;inally resol e!CC'i es Virilio a way o; un!erstan!in' all e0icular relations0ips. All ?carria'e? is prost0esis an!7 since McLu0an notes t0at t0ere is an ?a%putation? t0at correspon!s to e ery ?e2tension? o; t0e 0u%an su@Gect7 all tra el is tra el away ;ro% our ?proper? 6in psyc0oanalytic ter%s> sel;. 6*ee t0e analysis o; +0e Aest0etics o; Disappearance7 @elow7 ;or a %ore co%plete e2ploration o; t0e issue o; su@Gecti ity in VirilioFs work.> All o; t0ese %o e%ents 0elp to esta@lis0 t0e 'eneral %o e%ent t0rou'0 t0e eras o; strate'y an! tactics7 an! on into t0e era o; +otal 3ar. +otal 3ar con;ronts %ilitary power wit0 a serious t0reat to its e2pansionCCt0e ina@ility o; nor%al state peaceti%e econo%ics to support it. +0e answer is t0e warti%e econo%y7 an! ;inally t0e perpetual warti%e econo%y. Virilio %arks t0e en! o; state politics an! political econo%y wit0 t0e perpetuation o; warti%e econo%ics into peaceti%eCCt0e soli!i;ication o; a %ilitaryCin!ustrial co%ple2 w0ic0 possesses su@stantial autono%y ;ro% ci ilian li;e. &n ;act7 so per asi e 0as t0is %ilitary power @eco%e t0at Virilio reser e t0e ter% ?ci ilian? only ;or t0ose acti ely in ol e! a'ainst t0e i!eolo'y o; t0at power7 w0at 0e calls ?%ilitary intelli'ence.? Ee is not antiC%ilitary7 an! takes a consistently post%o!ern ?@elly o; t0e @east? position on t0e 'roun!s o; 0is opposition. +o @e antiC%ilitary7 0e says7 is ;inally to @e a ?racist.? &t is to 0ate a class o; people7 w0en w0at one ou'0t to 0ate7 an! to co%@at7 is an or!er or rationality. +0is is t0e @asis ;or 0is own ?episte%oCtec0nical? work. 6Ee pro i!es ery little e2planation ;or t0at o!! !esi'nation7 e2cept t0at it in ol es a en'a'ent t0at is critical wit0out @ein' a! 0o%inu%.>

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

+otal 3ar con;ronts its realiDation7 an! itFs acci!ent7 in t0e ;or% o; t0e ulti%ate weapon. +0e ato%ic @o%@ ;orces anot0er

reor'aniDation o; cultural ectors w0ic0 are now increasin'ly @oun! up wit0 %ilitary tec0nolo'ies. 30at t0e t0reat o; nuclear war institutes is !eterrence7 an! t0e %o e%ent towar! +otal )eace. +0e lo'ic o; !eterrence repeats on a 'lo@al scale t0e lessons t0at were learne! @y @y warriors in a ariety o; ot0er con;licts7 once t0e pro!uction an! !eli ery o; slowness cease! to @e t0e pre!o%inant ;or% o; @attle;iel! %ana'e%ent. &n t0e c0ar'e towar!7 wit0 t0e ai% o; 'ettin' ?@eneat07? t0e ene%yFs 'uns7 we see a partial %o!el ;or !eterrence. Deat0 kills !eat0. +0e @est !e;ense is a 'oo! o;;ense. Virilio re;ers to t0e state o; +otal )eace as )ure 3ar7 war carrie! on @y ot0er %eans. &t is t0e state we occupy a;ter war 0as @een ?realiDe!7? once war is u@iBuitous. +0e cost o; peace in our ti%e see%s to @e our cy@ernetic incorparation into a 'lo@al war %ac0ine. An! t0e %ost !istur@in' Buestions raise! @y t0is ;inal6H> ?tru%pin'? %ust @e- 30at is t0e i%%anent acci!ent o; our a'e7 an! @y w0at sli'0t o; 0an! o; ?!e elop%ent? %i'0t we ;orestall itH +0e stakes 0a e un!ou@te!ly @eco%e Buite 0i'0. +0e rest o; VirilioFs work7 concentratin' as it !oes on arious aspects o; 0is lar'er narrati e7 only !e%onstrate 0ow 0i'0.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 1NC
The alternati#e is a hesitate form of politics that econstructs the !o#ernments re!ime of spee an replaces it "ith a politics that focuses on the %o y Dra)e &* 6Mick7 9ni ersity o; Eull7 :+0e Iuestion o; Military +ec0nolo'y- Apocalyptics or )oliticsH< 1/,$/#7
0ttp-//ni!e;;*)11DJ/1.5/articles/!rake.0t%l> Virilio !oes not ;ollow t0is traGectory7 @ut nor !oes 0e clin' to t0e wrecka'e. /at0er t0an acceptin' t0e @lack%ail o; postC %o!ernis%7 0e see%s closer to Eanna0 Aren!tFs crucial !istinction @etween eart0 an! t0e worl! 6CANAVAN 1##2>. F+0e eart0F is in!ee! alrea!y tec0nolo'ise!7 @ut Ft0e worl!F Cas t0e en!urin' e;;ect o; transient 0u%an action w0ic0 %ust @e %aintaine! t0rou'0 work7 co%prisin' not only institutions @ut sc0ools o; t0ou'0t7 an! t0us pro i!in' t0e possi@ility o; critical perspecti esC is not totally re!uci@le to instru%entality or ;unction. As a construction t0at is not !e;ine! ;unctionally7 t0e worl! t0us re%ains in0erently open to politics7 to 0u%an action7 to work. Virilio inno ati ely %aterialises t0is Aren!tian concept o; Ft0e worl!F. 4or 0i%7 %atter7 %ateriality7 is precisely w0at we risk losin' in our 0ea!lon' ;li'0t into tec0notopia. Eis work can @e rea! as an atte%pt to re;or%ulate Cin ter%s o; a present o ers0a!owe! @y t0e return o; an 1n!7 t0e possi@ility o; an apocalypseC t0e con!itions o; ci iliDation7 o; t0e @eco%in' o; our worl!. +0e !iscourse o; postC %o!ernist antiC0u%anis% routinely con;lates politics wit0 Ft0e policeF7 aut0ority wit0 ;ascis%7 t0e state wit0 totalitarianis%. &n t0e e2cesses o; postCK" critical t0eory7 w0ic0 li@erate! itsel; not only ;ro% t0e pro!uction para!i'% @ut ;ro% all econo%y in ;a our o; t0e o@Gect o; FcultureF7 t0e critiBue o; i!eolo'y an! o; enli'0ten%ent is totalise! to reGect con entional %o!es o; ra!ical politics like FresistanceF or t0e proGect o; Fli@erationF7 as i%%anently co%plicit in nor%alisation7 re'ulation7 policin'7 etc.7 an! t0us as s0arin' a continuu% wit0 t0e worst 0orrors o; %o!ernity. 1 en 0u%anis% s0ares t0e pat0 t0at lea!s to Ausc0witD. +0e crucial aspect o; %o!ernity ;or Aren!t an! Virilio7 0owe er7 is neit0er t0e proGect o; nor%ati e %o!ernisation nor t0e ten!ency towar! instru%ental rationalisation7 @ut t0e prospecti e reco ery o; politics an! o; a worl! o; t0e @o!y7 a prospect %arke! @y t0e /enaissance rat0er t0an @y in!ustrialisation7 re olution or Fscienti;icF 'eo%etric re!uction. Virilio re;uses t0e @lack%ail i%plicit in a position w0ic0 !e%an!s i%perati e reGection o; politics an! t0e !i;;usion o; ener'ies into culture. As an alternati e to !octrines o; resistance7 VirilioFs pro@le%atisin' t0eorisations o; t0e possi@ilities o; F!e;enceF appear as t0e para!o2ical assertion o; politics in t0e ;ace o; prospecti e apocalyptic o@literation on t0e one 0an!7 an! its ine2trica@ility ;ro% co%plication wit0 t0e sources o; totalisin' !o%ination on t0e ot0er. +0e assertion o; politics i%plies7 0owe er7 t0at t0ese are not pro@le%s o; t0e present %o%ent w0ic0 can @e escape! @y ;li'0t into t0e oi! o; t0e unknown. &n t0e irtuality w0ic0 appears as t0e @eyon! o; t0e ;inal point o; t0e trans0istorical %ilitaryCtec0nolo'ical traGectory7 ar'ues Virilio7 t0ere lies not t0e prospect o; %utational transcen!ence o; t0e li%its o; ti%e7 e%@o!i%ent an! action7 @ut t0e e2tinction7 rat0er t0an e olutionary trans;or%ation7 o; 0u%an possi@ility. 4urt0er%ore7 t0e past is no %ore to @e reGecte! t0an t0e 0ope o; t0e ;uture. +0e !ile%%a o; resistance an! co%plicity t0at con;ronts us to!ay is as ancient as7 e en conco%ittant wit07 our ci iliDation itsel;7 @ut it is not a pro@le% ;ro% w0ic0 a solution can @e seperate! or !istille!. Ne ert0eless7 t0e line o; VirilioFs work %ay @e trace! ;ro% so%e FruinsF o; %o!ernity7 t0rou'0 0is e2plorations o; t0e @unker ;orti;ications o; t0e Atlantic 3all on t0e coast o; 4rance @uilt !urin' t0e NaDi occupation in 332. 1 en @eyon! t0e e2plorations o; 8unker Arc0aeolo'y 6V&/&L&A 1##5>7 t0e @unker still constitutes ;or Virilio t0e %o%ent o; articulation o; t0e %ultiple2 0istory o; our past7 present an! ;uture. +0is initial approac0 0as i%@ue! 0is work wit0 a %ultiCperspecti alis% not a aila@le to 0istorical narrati e7 pro i!in' a %et0o!olo'ical point o; !eparture an! an episte%olo'ical iewpoint ;ro% a crucial t0res0ol! in t0e Fparallel 0istoryF o; %ilitaryCtec0nical !o%ination. +0e @unker7 ;or Virilio7 %arks t0e ter%inal point o; t0e NaDi proGect7 a point at w0ic0 e en in its own ter%s it encountere! actual ;ailure. Eowe er7 t0is is not t0e ;ailure o; t0e %ilitary !rea%7 %erely t0e li%it o; t0e total war as a %eans o; policy ;or nationC states. &n t0is ;inality7 t0e @unker %arks t0e point at w0ic0 FEistory 0a! c0an'e! course one ;inal ti%e @e;ore Gu%pin' into t0e i%%ensity o; aerial space.F6V&/&L&A 1##57 p12>. 4or Virilio7 t0e @unker o; 332 %arks t0e 0i'0 ti!e o; t0e relation @etween t0e political state an! %ilitary tec0nolo'y7 t0e li%it o; t0e !ro%ocracy w0ic0 utilise! t0e ;orce o; @o!ies %o@ilise! in political nationalis%. +0e a@an!on%ent o; t0e @unker %arks t0e %o%ent o; autono%y o; t0e total warC%ac0ine ;ro% t0is political relation7 an! its lo'istical !isplace%ent o; politics in t0e era o; t0e Col! 3ar. +0is isnFt so ery !i;;erent7 as Virilio points out7 to t0e concerns o; 1isen0ower7 C 3ri'0t Mills an! Earol! Laswell. &t is ;ro% t0ese ery %o!ernist concerns t0at Virilio procee!s7 al@eit it on a pat0 t0at c0allen'es t0e con entional 0istoricisation an! ;ocus o; analysis w0ic0 @ot0 c0aracterises an! !e;ines %o!ernity. As suc0 a %arker7 it is a Fconser atoryF o; t0e w0ole 0istory o; tactical weaponry7 t0e %o%ent w0erein all 0istorical %et0o!s o; war;are ca%e to'et0er ;or one %o%ent an! are concentrate!. 8ut it also si'ni;ies t0e a@an!on%ent o; all o; t0ese7 w0ic0 0a e @een le;t @e0in!7 stran!e! on t0e continental e!'e w0ile war took ;li'0t ;irst into t0e air7 t0en into space7 an! ;inally into t0e instanteity o; t0e electro%a'netic. 3ar @eca%e !ise%@o!ie!. +0e @unker also %arks t0e en! o; t0e ;unction o; s0elter in crisis as t0e ;ear t0at ci ilian populations were alrea!y su@Gect to in t0e airCrai! @eca%e per%anent. +0e 'lo@alisation o; insecurity was e;;ecte! @y t0e war %ac0ines a@an!on%ent o; territorialisation7 a'ain %arke! @y t0e a@an!one! @unker. +0e territory it 0a! once @een necessary to !e;en! wit0 ;orti;ications si%ilarly

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 1NC
!isappeare! ;ro% strate'ic calculation. 3ar @eca%e !eterritorialisin'. 8ut in t0is %o%ent7 t0e war %ac0ine cease! to i%pose upon t0e lan!7 into w0ic0 it 0a! alrea!y succes;ully %er'e! itsel; in %i%etic appropriation. +0e @unker is t0us at once a@sent to perception an! yet in!epen!ent o; t0e en iron%ent in w0ic0 it nestles. Ca%ou;la'e! to F;itF into nature7 t0e @unker is also !esi'ne! to F;loatF upon an en iron%ent w0ic0 coul! @e %aterially reconstitute! @y @o%@ar!%ent Cit 0as no ;oun!ations. *i%ilarly7 Virilio ar'ues7 %ilitary Cor7 rat0er7 !ro%ocraticC !o%ination 0as @eco%e @ot0 in isi@le to an! in!epen!ent o; political society. +0e %ilitary institution o; total war is no lon'er su@or!inate to political o@Gecti es in t0e ClausewitDian sense Cit is still tie! to t0e%7 @ut it is now t0e i%perati es o; strate'ic %ilitary intelli'ence w0ic0 0a e @eco%e !eter%inant. +0e NaDi state was alrea!y suici!alL wit0 !eterrence7 t0e state in 'eneral @eco%es so.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 -in) . /irpo"er
/irpo"er supremacy reflects the nee for a%solute estruction that aims to ominate the capa%ilities of challen!ers in a re!ime of spee Virilio 00 6)aul7 )ro;essor o; )0ilosop0y at t0e 1uropean (ra!uate *c0ool7 :*trate'y o; Deception7 2$$$ p'. KC">
+0e t0eory o; air power7 Mrst propoun!e! @y t0e &talian (iulio Dou0et7 was an atte%pt to @uil! on t0e t0eory o; sea power. +0e i!ea o; winnin' a war MFo% up in t0e sky N t0at Marinettian7 4uturist ision N was soon taken o er @y t0e ;oun!er o; t0e /oyal 4lyin' Corps7 (eneral +renc0ar!7 w0o trie! out t0e use o; %assi e air rai!s on re@el tri@es in 8ritainFs Near 1aste% colonies. Later an A%erican7 (eneral 8illy Mitc0ell7 0a! t0e i!ea o; co%@inin' air an! na al ;orces7 @eco%in' t0e a! oC cate o; t0e aircra;t carrier. &n spite o; t0e Lu;FtwaMFeFs ot;ensi es7 t0e O8litDP an! t0e strate'ic @o%@in' o; (er%any in t0e *econ! 3orl! 3ar7 Dou0etFs t0eory t0at air ;orces coul! win a war wit0out support ;ro% lan! ;orces was not to recei e conMr%ation until Eiros0i%a7 w0en a sin'le 8 2# @o%@er an! a sin'le ato% @o%@ p% an en! to t0e war in t0e )aaJFMc.. Durin' t0e Col! 3ar years7 t0e !e elop%ent o; Ointercontinental %issilesO an! control o; satellite space ;or t0e 'ui!ance o; 0i'0Cprecision %issiles sa!ly cause! us to ;or'et t0e ;act t0at aeroCspatial war 'oes 0an! in 0an! wit0 e2tre%es o; !estruction an! t0e i%perati e nee! ;or an a@solute weapon7 w0et0er it @e an ato%ic or neuC tron !e ice7 or c0e%ical/@acteriolo'ical a'ents. &t was @ecause t0is ;act was ;or'otten7 or rat0er o@scure! @y t0e illusion o; Allie! ictory in &raB7 t0at t0e ;atal error was to arise !urin' t0e Clinton presi!ency o; an allCout %ulC tiplication o; t0ese Oauto%atic strikesP7 ai%e! at punis0in' soCcalle! Oro'ue statesP7 ;ro% w0ic0 t0e 9*A aspires to protect t0e worl! @y way o; its tele%atic tec0nolo'ies. An! in!ee!7 'oin' @eyon! t0e O0u%anitarianP @asis o; t0e Koso o conQict7 t0e )enta'on spokes%an Kennet0 8acon was to !eclare on 1K April 1###- O3e @elie e t0ere is still a c0e%ical weapons capa@ility o; unknown Buantity in Ru'osla ia to!ay.P +0at !eclaration7 a prelu!e to an i%%inent c0an'e o; course in t0e 8alkans7 well illustrate! t0e li%its o; t0e ;a%ous !uty to inter ene. +0is is not an et0ical li%it7 as one %i'0t nai ely @elie e7 @ut a strate'ic li%it7 suc0 as t0e li%it w0ic07 in t0e case o; nuclear !eterrence %ore t0an ;orty years a'o7 i%pose! t0e ten%istic eBuili@ri%n @etween 1ast an! ESst C @ut !i! so at t0e cost o; puttin' all li;e on t0e planet un!er t0reat o; e2tinction. +0is was a 'enuine cri%e a'ainst 0u%anity7 t0ou'0 no penalsanction will e er @e taken apinstitT +0us7 aMaer t0e %o%entous political repu!iation o; t0e 9nite! Nations an!7 in t0e near M2ture per0aps7 t0e repu!iation o; NA+AFs power o;F!'Oensi e control7 we woul! see% to @e e%@arkin' upo%anot0er kin! o; conC trolCint0iscase7 BQensi eCinw0ic0 t0e %ilitary no lon'er preten!s to Oplay cops an! ro@@ersP wit0 %ur!erC ous ro'ue states7 @ut re'ains its ol! place in t0e ;ace o; t0e !i;;iculties o;t0e politicians to %ana'e t0e new worl! or!ereMecti ely. 30enyousee t0e nature o;t0e !ecisions taken @y t0e %ilitary 'eneraU sta;; o; NA+A7 in w0ic0 t0e nineteen capitals o; t0e Alliance 0a e to 'i e t0e sa%e O%ission or!erP in w0at t0e 'enerals re;er to as a silence proce!ure N a process w0ere@y t0ey 'i e t0e 'reen li'0t @y i%plicit consensus C you can see 0ow li%ite! are t0e prospects ;or t0is ;or% o; Opolitics continue! @y ot0er %eansP. +0e nee! to arri e at a consensus o; NA+A %e%@er states on e ery tactical operation an! tar'et can only pro!uce losses o; precious ti%e ;or action on t0e 'roun!7 seriously preGu!icin' t0at spee! w0ic0 is t0e essence B; war. V

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 -in) . /pocalyptic Discourse0/#oi ance

1ear of the apocalypse impe es action2 "e %ecome o%sesse an %o!!e o"n "ith the insurmounta%le tas) of o#ercomin! it Virilio 10 6)aul7 )ro;essor o; )0ilosop0y at t0e 1uropean (ra!uate *c0ool7 :+0e 4uturis% o; t0e &nstant- *topC1Gect7< p'.#5C#K>
(lo@al war%in' on t0e one 0an!7 econo%ic o er0eatin' on t0e ot0er- 0onestly7 !isaster anticipation is @eco%in' so wi!esprea! wePll soon nee! to set up %eteopolitics in place o; a 'eopolitics t0at is o@ iously too O!ownCtoCeart0P now t0at ate%poral ;uturis% is 'earin' up to swa%p t0e secular s0ores o; 'eneral 0istory @e;ore too lon'T O& starte! wit0 not0in' @ut7 so ;ar7 &P e lost not0in' eit0er7P Mike Da is re%arke! sar!onically as t0e %e%@ers o; t0e (7 'at0ere! in 3as0in'ton to try an! !o!'e t0e Osyste%ic s0ockP o; t0e A%erican cras0 e en t0ou'0 t0at syste%7 t0e w0ole point o; w0ic0 is to en'en!er c0aos an! t0e repetition o; serial crises7 coul! well lea! @e;ore lon' to t0e econo%ic war o; eac0 a'ainst all7 a t0ir! worl! war o; a new kin!. &n!ee!7 we now nee! to re iew t0e ery nature o; a syste% t0at a@o e all sets panic a%on' all. +o c0an'e7 i; not t0e tur@oCcapitalis% o; t0e sin'le %arket7 t0en at least t0e so;tware it uses. 3e nee! to a@an!on t0is ;atal lo'icis% t0at 0as ;or so lon' o erlooke! t0e psyc0olo'ical si!e o; out @e0a iours7 o; our o@Gecti e rationality7 an! instea! !ri en us into a !e;initi e loss o; con;i!ence7 not only in t0e past o; out @elie;s 6p0ilosop0ical7 reli'ious7 an! so on>7 @ut also in our e ery!ay li es i; we !onPt want to s0ortly en! up !espairin' o; a ;uture t0at 0as no ;uture.

The attempt to pre3empt a 4pace 5earl 6ar%or #ia space militari7ation can ne#er achie#e the %loo less "ars they see)8 C0arles Ea@les 9ray7 )ro;essor at 9C*C7 K/1/0*7 )ost%o!ern 3ar at )eak 1%pire7 *cience as Culture
There is no need here to reprise all the arguments against the Star Wars proposals or the militarization in space but so%et0in' nee!s to @e sai! a@out t0e particular perspecti e o; t0e role o; in;or%ation in %ilitary syste%s @ecause it is one o; t0e %aGor pro@le%s o; )ost%o!ern war. The problems are framed by a pragmatic combination of lived experience with information systems and what we know about information theory itself.6 &n li'0t o; t0e work on t0e li%itations o; co%puters in relation to *tar 3ars7 speci;ically an! weapons in 'eneral7 an! %ore 'eneral critiBues o; science an! tec0nolo'y7 t0e ;ait0 t0at t0e 9* 'o ern%ent an! ot0ers s0ow in tec0nolo'y is !istur@in'. +0ey !onPt care t0at w0at t0ey want is !ee%e! i%possi@le nowL t0ey assu%e t0at e entually anyt0in' will @e tec0nolo'ically possi@le. The limitations of ballistic missile defense in general render the whole idea of an I !" defense nonsensical. It isn#t $ust that it costs the defender %& to %&& times more to counter a deception by the attacker. +0e i!ea t0at any s%all state or nonC'o ern%ental or'aniDation woul! c0oose to !eli er weapons o; %ass !estruction @y rocket instea! o; so%e ot0er way is Gust not cre!i@le. The systems effects are multiple. It isn#t $ust the impossibility of predicting the outcomes of complex systems' that is discussed in the technical articles' rather it is some of the larger effects of ballistic missile defense that are foreseeable that we should be concerned with. &; t0e *tar 3ars syste% was really %eant as a !e;ensi e syste% only 6w0ic0 is i%possi@le in actual %ilitary ter%s7 @ut one can preten!> t0en it woul! @e tryin' to use an i%possi@le tec0nolo'y to sol e a 0orri@le pro@le% t0at was @ou'0t into @ein' @y tec0nolo'y in t0e ;irst place. (owever' since t0e actual 'oal o; t0e current plans is Gust to %ake t0e ne2t step in t0e %ilitariDation o; space a reality7 it is a political 'oal )literally' of world domination* @ein' %et @y an i%possi@le tec0nolo'y. +0e %ilitariDation o; space and its domination 0as @een an e2plicit 'oal o; parts o; t0e 9* %ilitary since t0e %i!C1#5$s. +ow there is a consensus at the ,entagon and it is shared by the rest of the executive branch and much of the national legislature. A 9ni;ie! *pace Co%%an! is in place an! t0ere plans ;or t0e *pace 4orce' a new military branch to $oin the -ir .orce' +avy' and -rmy. It#s politically sensitive' but it#s going to happen. Some people don#t want to hear this' and it sure isn#t in vogue' but / absolutely / we#re going to fight in space' we#re going to fight from space and we#re gong to fight into space. )0uoted in Scott' %116' p. 2%' original emphasis* +0e +ational "issile 3efense and its resulting occupation o; space by the 4S Space orp. is !ee%e! necessary in or!er to a oi! a O*pace )earl Ear@orP. *o !e;ensi e Opree%ptionP @eco%es t0e rationale ;or t0e a@ro'ation o; t0e treaties pre entin' war in space an! t0e @e'innin' o; t0e %ilitary e2ploitation o; Ot0e last ;rontierP' fortunately infinite. To its supporters it seems inevitable. &t is our %ani;est !estiny. 5ou know we went ;ro% t0e 1ast Coast to t0e 3est Coast o; t0e 9nite! *tates o; A%erica settlin' t0e continent an! t0ey call t0at %ani;est !estiny an! t0e ne2t continent i; you will7 t0e ne2t ;rontier7 is space and it goes on forever. )Sen. !ob Smith )6. +ew (ampshire*' Senate -rmed Services ommittee. Iuote! in t0e O*tar 3ars /eturnsP !ocu%entary' .ebruary 7&&%* "ilitarizing space is $ust part of a ma$or refocusing of military priorities for the 4nited States. 3own the line' we can expect that nanotechnology could produce new types of weapons of mass destruction' and' ;ro% space7 e;;ecti e lasers coul! !o ery @a! t0in's' but these are far enough away that we need not worry about them for a decade or so. "eanwhile' !e;ense intellectuals an! esta@lis0e! %ilitaries 0a e @een ;lo''in' a new type o; war7 @ase! on in;or%ation7 an! pro%isin' easy7 %ay@e e en @loo!less7 ictories.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 -in) . /steroi s
Detection technolo!y is a military #esti!e of the Col $ar that isolates the ;4 not only a!ainst N<=s2 %ut a!ainst its enemies as "ell Virilio 0* 6)aul7 )ro;essor o; )0ilosop0y at t0e 1uropean (ra!uate *c0ool7 :City o; )anic7< 2$$7p'. KKCK">
8ut letPs 'et @ack to t0e !i;;erent si'ns o; &NCA/C1/A+&AN. 4or so%e ti%e alrea!y7 certain astrono%ers 0a e @een Gu%pin' up an! !own a@out t0e %a0or naural 0aDar! pose! A*+1/A&D*. +0e last to 0it us 'oes @ack to June ,$7 1#$" w0en a co%et or asteroi! no@o!y knows w0ic0 e2plo!e! o er Central *i@eria at +un'uska. &t was suc0 a %assi e e2plosion t0at it cause! e2tensi e !a%a'e o er %ore t0an 27$$$ sBuare kilo%eters o; tun!ra. 2 An Acci!ent in +i%e /ecently na%e! N1A/C1A/+E A*+1/A&D* or C/9&*1/*7 t0ese %enacin' celestial o@Gects are @e'innin' to spawn cast !etection pro'ra%s all A%erican7 note suc0 as L&N1A/7 Lincoln Near 1art0 Asteroi! /esearc0 proGect7 t0e %ost i%pressi e o; t0e% all7 e%ploy%in' two auto%ate! telescopes7 eBuippe! wit0 electroCoptical !etectors7 pre iously use! @y t0e %ilitary use! ;or !etectin' *o iet sattelites., /eCcon erte! at t0e en! o; t0e Col! 3ar7 t0ese instru%ents 0a e since @een a;;ecte! to t0e searc0 ;or errant asteroi!s. Eowe er as t0e syste% incorporates a lar'e @lin! spot t0at !oesn not allow it to o@ser e t0e *out0ern Ee%isp0ere7 ri''in' out t0at 0al; o; t0e worl! 0as @eco%e a %atter o; 'reat ur'ency7 accor!in' to 4rancois Colas7 o; t0e &nstitut !e %Sc0aniBue celeste o; t0e )aris A@ser atory. *tran'ely7 t0is syste% o; cos%ic !e;ense7 w0ic0 Goins t0e AN+&CM&**&L1 *E&1LD o; O*tar 3ars7P relaunc0e! in 2$$1 @y )resi!ent (eor'e 3. 8us07 appears as 0istoryPs ulti%ate ra%part7 a;ter t0e ;orti;ie! walls t0ornw up aroun! town s or t0e (reat 3all o; C0ina7 to say not0in' o; t0e Ma'inot line or t0e 8erlin 3all. Anot0er clinical si'n o; t0e (/1A+ E1MM&N( &N is t0e e2ponential !e elop%ent o; (A+1D CAMM9N&+&1* an! t0e return to t0e walle! city7 nota@ly in t0e 9nite! *taets7 w0ere se eral tons o; %illions o; A%ericans 0a e @een lockin' t0e%sel es away ;or t0e last ten years in Buest o; t0e ulti%ate co%;ort7 &N+1/NAL *1C9/&+R. )ri ate cities7 protecte! @y t0eir electronic ;ences7 sur eillance ca%eras an! 'uar!s7 one o; t0ese '0ettos is e en calle! 4A/+/1** AM1/&CAW +0ose on t0e su@continent7 suc0 as t0e ;i e AL)EAV&LL1* t0at now rin' *au )aulo in 8raDil7 !onPt @ear %entionin'.5 +0ese are all so %any sy%pto%s o; t0e pat0olo'ical re'ression o; t0e City in w0ic0 t0e cos%opolis7 t0e open city o; t0e past7 'i es way to t0is claustropolis w0ere ;oreclosure is intensi;ie! @y e2clusion o; t0at stray7 t0e outsi!er7 w0at we %i'0t call a *AC&AC/9&*1/7 w0o is t0reatenin' t0e %etropolitan in0a@itantPs peace o; %in! t0e sa%e way t0e stray N1A/C1A/+E C/&9*1/ is t0reatenin' t0e terrestrial en iron%ent only to s0ortly reBuire us to erect an! 1XA*)E1/&CAL ;ence to ;en! o;; t0e !an'ers o; t0e oi!.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 -in) . Dual use

Dual use "eapons create a smo)escreen allo"in! the military to monopoli7e space in or er to ac>uire omniscience o#er the e#er expan in! %attlefiel MacDonal 0* 64raser7 *c0ool o; Ant0ropolo'y7 (eo'rap0y an! 1n iron%ental *tu!ies7 9ni ersity o; Mel@ourne7 :AntiC
Astropolitik outer space an! t0e or@it o; 'eo'rap0y7< Progress in Human Geography Vol. ,1 No. . p'. K$$CK$1> +0e %ost strikin' aspect o; t0e sociality o; outer space is t0e e2tent to w0ic0 it is7 an! always 0as @een7 t0orou'0ly %ilitariDe!. +0e 1#K7 9N Auter *pace +reaty @anne! nuclear weapons in space7 on t0e %oon or on ot0er celestial @o!ies7 an! containe! a !irecti e to use outer space O;or peace;ul purposesP. 8ut its atte%pt to pro0i@it t0e OweaponiDin'P o; space was always interprete! in t0e loosest possi@le %anner. +0e si'natories to t0e A*+ in 3as0in'ton7 Lon!on an! Moscow were in no !ou@t t0at space e2ploration was pri%arily a@out %ilitary strate'yL t0at t0e a@ility to sen! a rocket into space was conspicuous e i!ence o; t0e a@ility to !ispatc0 a nuclear !e ice to t0e ot0er si!e o; t0e worl!. +0is association re%ains stron'7 as t0e concern o er &ranPs space pro'ra%%e 6wit0 its *0a0a@ ;a%ily o; %e!iu% ran'e %issiles an! satellite launc0 e0icles> %akes clear. *e eral co%%entators in strate'ic a;;airs 0a e note! t0e e2pan!in' 'eo'rap0y o; war ;ro% t0e two !i%ensions o; lan! an! sea to t0e air war;are o; t0e twentiet0 century an! %ore recently to t0e new strate'ic c0allen'es o; outer space an! cy@erspace 6see7 ;or instance7 (ray7 2$$.- 1.5>. +0ese latter !i%ensions are not separate ;ro% t0e @attleCO;iel!P @ut rat0er t0ey ;ully support t0e tra!itional %ilitary o@Gecti es o; killin' people an! !estroyin' in;rastructure. *pace itsel; %ay 0ol! ;ew 0u%an tar'ets @ut t0e capture or !isruption o; satellites coul! 0a e ;arCreac0in' conseBuences ;or li;e on t0e 'roun!. *trictly speakin'7 we 0a e not yet seen war;are in space7 or e en ;ro% space7 @ut t0e a! ent o; suc0 a con;l ict !oes appear closer. &n postCCol!C3ar unipolar ti%es t0e strate'ic rationale ;or t0e 9nite! *tates to %aintain t0e pro0i@ition a'ainst weaponiDin' space is !i%inis0in' 6La%@akis7 2$$,>7 e en i; t0e rest o; t0e worl! wis0es it ot0erwise. &n 2$$$7 a 9N (eneral Asse%@ly resolution on t0e O)re ention o; an Ar%s /ace in Auter *paceP was a!opte! @y a %aGority o; 1K,$ wit0 , a@stentions- t0e 9nite! *tates7 &srael an! t0e 4e!erate! *tates o; Micronesia 69nite! Nations7 2$$$>. Less t0an two %ont0s later7 a 9* (o ern%ent co%%ittee c0aire! @y Donal! /u%s;el!. issue! a report warnin' t0at t0e Orelati e !epen!ence o; t0e 9* on space %akes its space syste%s potentially attracti e tar'etsPL t0e 9nite! *tates t0us ;ace! t0e !an'er7 it ar'ue!7 o; a O*pace )earl Ear@orP 6/u%s;el!7 2$$1- iii>. As space war;are was7 accor!in' to t0e report7 a O irtual certaintyP7 t0e 9nite! *tates %ust Oensure continuin' superiorityP 6/u%s;el!7 2$$1- iii>. +0is ar'u%ent was Buali;i e! @y o@li'atory 'estures towar!s Ot0e peace;ul use o; outer spaceP @ut t0e report le;t little !ou@t a@out t0e !irection o; A%erican space policy. Any !i;;i cult Buestions a@out t0e ;urt0er %ilitariDation 6an! Downloa!e! ;ro% p0'.sa' at DA/+MA9+E CALL1(1 on July 2#7 2$11 4raser MacDonal!- AntiCAstropolitik outer space an! t0e or@it o; 'eo'rap0y K$1 e en weaponiDation> o; space coul! @e easily a oi!e! un!er t0e 'uise o; !e elopin' O!ualCuseP 6%ilitary/ci ilian> tec0nolo'y an! e%p0asiDin' t0e role o; %ilitary applications in Opeacekeepin'P operations. +0rou'0 suc0 r0etoric7 NA+APs satelliteC'ui!e! @o%@in' o; a *er@ian +V station on 2, April 1### coul! 0a e @een rea!ily acco%%o!ate! un!er t0e A*+ inGunction to use outer space ;or Opeace;ul purposesP 6Cer ino et al.7 2$$,>. *ince t0at ti%e new t0eatres o; operation 0a e @een opene! up in A;'0anistan an! &raB7 ;or ;urt0er trials o; spaceCena@le! war;are t0at ai%e! to pro i!e aerial o%niscience ;or t0e precision !eli ery o; Os0ock an! aweP. 30at 8enGa%in La%@et0 0as calle! t0e Oacco%plis0%entP o; air an! space power 0as since @een calle! into Buestion @y t0e all too apparent li%itations o; satellite intelli'ence in t0e tasks o; i!enti;yin' &raBi 3eapons o; Mass Destruction or in ste%%in' t0e 'rowin' nu%@er o; Allie! !ea! an! woun!e! ;ro% %o!estly ar%e! ur@an insur'ents 6La%@et07 1###L (ra0a%7 2$$5L (re'ory7 2$$5- 2$.>. 4or all its li%itations7 e en t0is i%a'ery 0as @een s0iel!e! ;ro% in!epen!ent scrutiny @y t0e %ilitary %onopoliDation o; co%%ercial satellite outputs 6Li in'stone an! /o@inson7 2$$,>. Ret7 ;ar ;ro% un!er%inin' Allie! con;i !ence in satellite i%a'ery or in a Ocos%icP iew o; war 6Kaplan7 2$$K>7 it is precisely t0ese a@stract p0otocarto'rap0ies o; iolence !etac0e! ;ro% t0eir isceral an! @loo!ie! Oacco%plis0%entsP t0at 0a e license!7 say7 t0e !estruction o; 4alluGa0 6(re'ory7 2$$5- 1K2L (ra0a%7 2$$.@>. +0ere re%ains7 o; course7 a 'reat !eal %ore t0at can @e sai! a@out t0e politics o; t0ese aerial perspecti es t0an can @e !iscusse! 0ere 6see7 ;or instance7 (re'ory7 2$$5L Kaplan7 2$$K>.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 -in) . Competiti#eness
Competin! a!ainst !lo%ali7ation ta)es the e#elopment of technolo!y out of our control an constitutes a threat to sta%ility of the emocratic system ?ar) et al8 0, 6)eter7 +4K +ransport /esearc0 &nstitute7 KaG 1l'stran'e was a researc0er in work p0ysiolo'y an! er'ono%ics in *tock0ol% 1#K5C1#K"7 t0en
worke! as an associate e2pert in er'ono%ics at t0e 9ni ersity o; Cauca7 Colo%@ia7 Jo0an 1rn@er'7 M1117 worke! ;or t0e &nternational +eleco%%unication 9nion 6&+9> in arious positions since 1#K"3inston (ereluk worke! ;or t0e tra!e unions in Cana!a in researc07 e!ucation an! pu@lic relations ;or 2K years. Ee is Aca!e%ic Coor!inator ;or &n!ustrial /elations Y Eu%an /esources pro'ra%s at At0a@asca 9ni ersity7 since 1###. Ee 0as represente! t0e international tra!e union %o e%ent at t0e 9nite! Nations Co%%ission on *ustaina@le De elop%ent7 Lei; Ea%@raeus7 MD )0D7 was )ro;essor o; Eu%an Nutrition7 4aculty o; Me!icine7 9ppsala 9ni ersity ;ro% 1#71 to 2$$1 an! since 2$$2 0as @een )ro;essor 1%eritus at t0e Dept o; 8iosciences an! Nutrition7 9nit ;or )re enti e Nutrition7 at t0e Karolinska &nstitute in *tock0ol%7 8o Jo0ansson is a M.A. in social sciences7 reli'ion an! ant0ropolo'y+or! KGellstro% is partCti%e )ro;essor7 National &nstitute o; )u@lic Eealt07 *tock0ol%7 Casten on Atter is a sociolo'ist7 an! )ro;essor at t0e *we!is0 National &nstitute ;or 3orkin' Li;e7 Nils )etersson is Master o; *cience in )ro!uction 1n'ineerin' 6Ci in'> an! 1r'ono%ics7 * enC1rik )ettersson is an occupational sa;ety an! 0ealt0 en'ineer in a'riculture an! ;orestry7 Jukka +akala is currently t0e Director o; t0e 1uropean A'ency ;or *a;ety an! Eealt0 at 3ork in 8il@ao7 *painA!rienne +aylor was /e'ional *ecretary ;or t0e Asia )aci;ic re'ion ;or )u@lic *er ices &nternational )ro;essor e%eritus 9l; 9l; arson7 M*c7 )0D7 'ra!uate! in c0e%istry at t0e /oyal &nstitute o; +ec0nolo'y an! was researc0er in arious positions in t0e *we!is0 c0e%ical in!ustry. Associate )ro;essor *te;an !e Vyl!er is a *we!is0 econo%ist w0o currently works as an in!epen!ent researc0er an! consultant )ro;essor /onal! 3ennersten7 M*c7 )0D 'ra!uate! in C0e%ical 1n'ineerin' ;ro% Lun! 9ni ersity7 :A*E YDe elop%ent7< No e%@er 2$$K p'. 2#C,$>

+0e concept o; ti%e is closely relate! to elocity7 6i.e. t0e spee! o; an o@Gect in a particular !irection7 suc0 as 0ow ;ar can we tra el in a speci;ic ti%e>. &n 1"7,7 Jules Verne wrote <Aroun! t0e 3orl! in 1i'0ty Days< w0ere a scientist na%e! )0ileas 4o'' %a!e a @et wit0 0is ;rien!s at t0e 8ritis0 Aca!e%y o; *cience t0at 0e coul! tra el aroun! t0e worl! in "$ !ays7 a trip t0at can now @e !one in less t0an 25 0ours. +0e %ain ;actors t0at contri@ute! to t0e spee! up o; transportation syste%s were a iation tec0nolo'y7 in;or%ation tec0nolo'y an! c0eap ;ossil ;uels. Mo!ern &n;or%ation an! Co%%unication +ec0nolo'y 6&C+> an! t0e &nternet 0a e %a!e in;or%ation a aila@le at t0e spee! o; li'0t anyw0ere on eart0. +0is 0as create! worl! wi!e co%petition @etween co%panies w0ere ;ast a!aptation is t0e key to sur i al. +0e concept o; co%petition i%plies t0at t0ose co%petitors w0o can success;ully !i;;erentiate pro!ucts an! ser ices reBuire! @y t0eir in!i i!ual costu%ers will 'row an! @e pro;ita@le @ecause t0ey 'i e custo%ers w0at t0ey want7 w0en t0ey want it. +0e ti%e pressures e2erte! on co%panies are also e2erte! on in!i i!uals. 1lectronic calen!ars an! plannin' so;tware are part o; e ery!ay li;e in ,$ in!ustrialise! countries7 e en in ;a%ily li;e. A 'rowin' restlessness an! !isco%;ort is @ein' e2perience! in societies w0ere t0e pace o; li;e is too ;ast. +0e *low Cities %o e%ent is a 'roup o; towns an! cities co%%itte! to i%pro in' t0e Buality o; li;e o; t0eir citiDens @y proposin' t0at people consciously seiDe control o; ti%e rat0er t0an @ein' !ictate! @y it. )eople s0oul! ;in! a @alance @etween usin' ti%eCsa in' an! appreciatin' w0at is i%portant in li;e. Eowe er7 proponents @elie e t0at a slower te%po in ol es acti ity rat0er t0an passi ity. +0e ;aster te%po o; li;e an! t0e !epen!ence on tec0nolo'y 0as also create! criticis% o; science an! tec0nolo'y as t0e ;un!a%ental ele%ents @e0in! in!ustrial !e elop%ent an! 'lo@alisation. +0e aut0or )aul Virilio 0as ;ocuse! on spee! an! t0e rapi! !e elop%ent o; tec0nolo'y as one o; t0e %ost i%portant t0reats to 0u%ans. &n an inter iew 0e says- :+0is %eans t0at 0istory is now rus0in' 0ea!lon' into t0e wall o; ti%e. As & 0a e sai! %any ti%es @e;ore7 t0e spee! o; li'0t !oes not %erely trans;or% t0e worl!. &t @eco%es t0e worl!. (lo@alisation is t0e spee! o; li'0t. An! it is not0in' elseT (lo@alisation cannot take s0ape wit0out t0e spee! o; li'0t. &n t0is way7 0istory now inscri@es itsel; in real ti%e7 in t0e Fli eF7 in t0e real% o; interacti ity.< :8ut we %ust en'a'e in resistance ;irst o; all @y !e elopin' t0e i!ea o; a tec0nolo'ical culture.< :4or e2a%ple7 we 0a e !e elope! an artistic an! a literary culture. Ne ert0eless7 t0e i!eals o; tec0nolo'ical culture re%ain un!er!e elope! an! t0ere;ore outsi!e o; popular culture an! t0e practical i!eals o; !e%ocracy. +0is is also w0y society as a w0ole 0as no control o er tec0nolo'ical !e elop%ents. An! t0is is one o; t0e 'ra est t0reats to !e%ocracy in t0e near ;uture. &t is7 t0en7 i%perati e to !e elop a !e%ocratic tec0nolo'ical culture.< &n 0i'0ly in!ustrialise! societies7 people e2perience a 'ap @etween t0eir personal a%@itions an! real li;e C t0ere is not only less ti%e a aila@le to ;ul;il a%@itions @ut a%@itions are also stea!ily 'rowin'. +0e in!ustrial re olution t0at 'a e rise to %o!ern capitalis% 'reatly e2pan!e! t0e possi@ilities ;or t0e %aterial !e elop%ent o; 0u%ankin!. &t continues to !o so to!ay7 @ut at a se ere price. *ince t0e %i!Cei'0teent0 century7 %ore o; nature 0as @een !estroye! t0an in all prior 0istory. 30ile in!ustrial syste%s 0a e reac0e! pinnacles o; success7 a@le to %uster an! accu%ulate ,1 0u%anC%a!e capital on ast le els7 natural capital7 on w0ic0 ci iliDation !epen!s to create econo%ic prosperity7 is rapi!ly !eclinin'7 an! t0e rate o; loss is increasin' proportionate to 'ains in %aterial well @ein'.

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DDI 2011

1 -in) . Intelli!ence09540Monitorin!
@atchetin! up satellite systems reflect the militarys nee to control operational space an eliminate its enemies $il%ur &' 6*0awn7 8owlin' (reen *tate 9.7 :Dro%olo'ies- *pee!7 Cine%a7 an! t0e 1n! o; t0e )olitical *tate7< C. 1##5
0ttp-//recor!s.!ia,$1/!ro%olo'ies.0t%> 30at Virilio presents in t0is olu%e is a particularly 'ri% picture o; t0e en!s o; ?%ilitary intelli'ence.? +0e ;irst ;ocus o; t0e @ook is coloniDation. Virilio ar'ues t0at t0e %o e%ent towar! ?!ecoloniDation? was no t0e a@an!on%ent o; t0e lo'ic o; colonialis%7 @ut a c0an'e in its !irection. As t0e worl! political scene 0as reoriente! itsel; alon' t0e nort0Csout0 a2is7 t0e colonial powers 0a e e%ploye! t0e lessons o; t0e colonial era at 0o%e. 3e 0a e 0ear! a'ain an! a'ain t0e co%parisons o; t0e inner cities to Gun'les7 or ;rontiers. Eowe er7 we %ay @e too opti%istic i; we i%a'ine t0at t0e rest o; t0e city not also coloniDe! @y t0is sa%e lo'ic. Certainly7 t0e s0ape o; t0e city is in part a response to t0e new econo%ic i%perati es o; t0e postCwar worl!. +0e su@ur@ is a pro!uct o; re olutions in %o@ility7 @ut also o; new notions o; ;a%ily an! 0o%e. *o%e o; t0ose reor'aniDations 0a e reBuire! literal or ;i'urati e !e%olitions. Virilio points to a 'eneral tren! w0ic0 0as as its 'oal t0e !estruction o; t0e city. &n an era in w0ic0 only spee! %atters7 t0e control o; tra;;ic @y t0e cityFs structure is no lon'er neccesary or !esira@le. &n an a'e o; teleCpresence7 per0aps e en t0e 0i'0ways w0ic0 0a e pro i!e! so %any ways to tra el away ;ro% oursel es are o@solete. Eowe er7 Virilio also presents a %uc0 'ri%%er e2planation ;or t0e !estruction o; t0e city7 w0ic0 takes its place as part o; t0e occupation o; t0e worl!. Ee re%in!s us o; t0e lo'ics t0at !ri e )ure 3ar. As 0e sees it7 t0e assault on t0e is co%pletely consistent wit0 t0e %ilitaryFs nee! to %aintain a clear ;iel! o; operations. &n a particularly c0illin' passa'e 0e su''est t0at+0is ClausewitDian now0ere is essential7 ;or7 'oin' @eyon! a resistance wit0out @o!y7 we can alrea!y concei e o; a resistance wit0iut territory7 on an eart0 %a!e unin0a@ita@le @y t0e %ilitary pre!ator. &n t0is passa'e7 Virilio ;inally s0ows t0e %onstrous nature o; %ilitary intelli'ence wit0out any %iti'ation. +0e interests o; t0e ?%ilitary pre!ator? lie precisely in %akin' o er t0e eart0 in a ;or% w0ic0 !enies co er to any resistance. &t see%s t0at part o; VirilioFs !esire is to ask us to ret0ink a ariety o; ;or%s o; en iron%ental !e'ra!ation in a political conte2t %uc0 !i;;erent ;ro% ?conser in' nature? in so%e a@stract sense7 or sa in' t0e w0ales or t0e spotte! owl. Eow !oes !e;orestation ser e t0e interests o; t0e %ilitaryH 30o is ser e! @y t0e ine;;icient use o; cereals as ;ee! ;or stock7 rat0er t0an as ;oo! ;or 0u%ansH

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DDI 2011

1 -in) . Terrorism
The "ar on terror is a su%set of the ;4 >uest for meticulous sur#eillance that allo"s them to eliminate any oppose Ka% 4hapiro7 Asst. )ro;. o; )olitics an! (o ern%ent Z &llinois *t. 9ni .7 2$$:7 Carl *c0%itt an! t0e &ntensi;ication o; )olitics7 p.
1$5C7 &; we put suc0 %yt0s asi!e7 t0e 'lo@al inter;ace Virilio !escri@es woul! see% less suscepti@le to Manic0ean polarities. /at0er t0an a sin'le opposition7 t0e ?Gu2taposition o; e ery locality? 6or e ery ?;ace?> results in a olatile @len! o; !i;;erences7 'i in' rise to a plurality o; %uta@le con;licts. +0e suppose! tools o; 1%pire7 inclu!in' t0e ?culture in!ustry? look less like t0e ar%s o; a 'lo@al 0e'e%on t0an a !isGointe! array o; weapons7 %e!ia tec0nolo'ies7 e%otionally c0ar'e! scripts7 an! i%a'es t0at are appropriate! @y state an! nonstate actors ;or %any purposes. +0us7 we see neit0er t0e su@li%ation o; con;lict nor t0e concentration o; so erei'n power7 @ut %o@ile7 erupti e political stru''les. As & 0a e ar'ue!7 *c0%ittFs work traces a si%ilar !e elop%ent alon' parallel traGectories ;ro% t0e Cat0olic et0os o; @elie; to t0e pat0os o; i!enti;ication !escri@e! in +0e Concept o; t0e )olitical an! ;ro% a sta@le no%os to !eterritoriCaliDe! partisan 'roupin's. At t0e intersection o; olatile transnational ;orces7 iolent political con;rontations can arise ;ro% sun!ry class7 reli'ious7 an! aest0etic anta'onis%s7 t0e intensities o; w0ic0 are %o!i;ie! @y e ents near an! ;ar. +0e points at w0ic0 new 0ostilities intensi;y an! politiciDe7 %oreo er7 !o not ;all alon' a clear line o; !e elop%ent. /at0er7 !istant e ents or new i!eas can su!!enly or'aniDe !isperse! ener'ies7 resultin' in !ra%atic eruptions o; iolence7 or as *c0%itt puts it7 an ?a%@i'uous !esi'nation can su!!enly @eco%e pro;oun!ly political.?7" 8ecause t0ese trans;or%ations !o not ;ollow ;ro% t0e pri%or!ial co%position o; local 'roupin's7 ArGun Appa!urai !escri@es t0e e%er'ence o; et0nic iolence as an ?i%plosion? o; local an! 'lo@al ;orces rat0er t0an an e2plosion o; in0erent ten!encies.[# +0is possi@ility is also capture!7 al@eit %ore crassly7 @y 8enGa%in 8ar@erFs p0rase 6not to @e con;use! wit0 0is @ookFs @o%@astic title>7 ?Ji0a! ia Mc3orl!.?1$ An t0e si!e o; so erei'nty7 ;or%al 0ostilities @etween sy%%etrical powers 0a e @een supplante! not @y a co%pre0ensi e ;or% o; 'lo@al control7 @ut @y on'oin'7 ;ra'%ente!7 or ?li%ite!? war;are7 per0aps @etter ter%e! @y *yl ere Lotrin'er ?*tate terroris%.F$1 &n A +0ousan! )lateaus7 DeleuDe an! (uattari !isplay si%ilar prescience. +0e new war %ac0ine7 t0ey write7 0as ?set its si'0ts on a new type o; ene%y7 no lon'er anot0er *tate7 or e en anot0er re'i%e7 @ut t0e Funspeci;ie! ene%y.F?12 &n li'0t o; recent !e elop%ents7 t0ese ;or%ulations 'ain an air o; clair oyance. As recent co%%entaries ;ro% across t0e political spectru% s0ow7 it is all too easy to !raw parallels @etween *c0%ittFs i!eas an! t0e pole%ical !e;inition o; ene%ies o; li@eral !e%ocracy in t0e 8us0 a!%inistrationFs strate'y an! r0etoric surroun!in' t0e ?war on terror.?11 +0is ene%y to!ay is notoriously a'ue7 c0aracteriDe! precisely @y a lack o; territorial or le'al inte'rity. &n t0e na%e o; a 'lo@al war a'ainst it7 t0e 9nite! *tates 0as %a!e su@stantial pro'ress towar! a unilateral or!er only to re eal t0e li%its o; suc0 a proGect 6an e%@arrassin' sy%pto% @ein' t0e en!urin' ;ailure o; intelli'ence a'encies to unco er Asa%a @in La!en7 still at lar'e as o; t0is writin'7 o er si2 years a;ter #/11>. An t0e w0ole7 t0e occasional7 iolent assertion o; uni ersal nor%s 0as taken prece!ence o er atte%pts to !e;ine t0e% in concrete ter%s. 3a'e! a'ainst cri%inaliDe! an! stateless 'roups 6?unlaw;ul ene%y co%@atants?>7 or ?cri%inal? states7 t0e war on terror procee!s @y e2traGu!icial !ecrees7 secret !etention centers7 a!%inistrati e !ele'ations7 constitutional e asions7 an! a 'eneral pre;erence ;or t0e Arcanu% o er open !iscussion. Despite conceptual an! territorial co%ple2ities7 clearly7 si%pli;yin' %yt0s cannot so easily @e set asi!e. +0e a;ore%entione! @o%@ast o; 8ar@erFs 1##. title7 Ji0a! s. Mc3orl!7 now see%s prescient. As *c0%itt note!7 p0ilosop0ical ?consecrations? o; partisan stru''les7 co%@ine! wit0 new tec0nolo'ies o; war an! co%%unication7 can c0annel t0e% into 'lo@al i!eolo'ical oppositions. &n t0e neoconser ati e r0etoric o; t0e (eor'e 3. 8us0 a!%inistration7 t0e war on terror is a 'lo@al stru''le a'ainst ?e il7? ;or (o!7 0u%anity7 an! Gustice. 30ile initially ;ra%e! as a ?crusa!e? 6in itin' co%parisons to *c0%ittFs ?ri'0t an! sensi@le? t0eolo'ical con;rontation>7 it su@seBuently @eca%e a war ;or ;ree!o%7 !e%ocracy7 or!er7 0u%an ri'0ts7 an! ci iliDation7 all un!er t0e auspices o; a ?%oral law t0at stan!s a@o e %en an! nations.?,5 &n 8us0Fs 2$$, speec0 to t0e 9nite! Nations asse%@ly7 all nations are calle! to Goin t0is @attle7 w0ose special a'ents inclu!e @ot0 t0e 9nite! Nations an! t0e 9nite! *tates. 1 ents !urin' t0e past two years 0a e set @e;ore us t0e clearest o; !i i!es- @etween t0ose w0o seek or!er7 an! t0ose w0o sprea! c0aosL @etween t0ose w0o work ;or peace;ul c0an'e7 an! t0ose w0o a!opt t0e %et0o!s o; 'an'stersL @etween t0ose w0o 0onor t0e ri'0ts o; %an7 an! t0ose w0o !eli@erately take t0e li es o; %en an! wo%en an! c0il!ren wit0out %ercy or s0a%e. 8etween t0ese alternati es t0ere is no neutral 'roun!. All 'o ern%ents t0at support terror are co%plicit in a war a'ainst ci iliDation.... An! all nations t0at ;i'0t terror7 as i; t0e li es o; t0eir own people !epen! on it7 will earn t0e ;a ora@le Gu!'%ent o; 0istory. . . . +0e ;oun!in' !ocu%ents o; t0e 9nite! Nations an! t0e ;oun!in' !ocu%ents o; A%erica stan! in t0e sa%e tra!ition. 8ot0 assert t0at 0u%an @ein's s0oul! ne er @e re!uce! to o@Gects o; power or co%%erce7 @ecause t0eir !i'nity is in0erent. 8ot0 reBuireN@ot0 reco'niDe a %oral law t0at stan!s a@o e %en an! nations7 w0ic0 %ust @e !e;en!e! an! en;orce! @y %en an! nations.? 3e ;in! in t0is speec0 a %ulti;acete! !eC0u%aniDation o; t0e ene%y. +0e terrorist is !enie! 0u%anity7 %orality7 reli'ion7 an! ci iliDation. Lookin' at 8us0Fs secon! inau'ural speec07 we ;in! a si%ilar set o; incantations.1K +0e %arc0 o; ;ree!o% is 0istorically ine ita@le 6not runnin' on ?w0eels o; ine ita@ility7? @ut still !isplayin' a ? isi@le !irection?>7 !i inely or!aine!7 continuous7 an! institutionally ;le2i@le.,7

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DDI 2011

1 -in) 3 Terrorism
8roa!ly speakin'7 8us0Fs speec0es replicate t0e co%@ination o; en%ities wit0 a prop0etic anticipation o; a ;inal stru''le t0at *c0%itt ;oun! e;;ecti e in %essianic Mar2is%. 9n!er t0e si'n o; terror7 a plurality o; local stru''les7 inclu!in' t0at o er a )alestinian state7 0a e @een con;late!. Eowe er7 Gusti;ications ;or t0e war %ore clearly rese%@le t0e %e!ie al lan'ua'e o; Gust war pre iously o erco%e @y t0e Uus )u@licu% 1uropaeu%. Moreo er7 t0e role o; 9nite! *tates as t0e ;inal ar@iter 0a! alrea!y @een asserte! in t0e !octrine o; ?pree%ption7? w0ic0 places t0e 9nite! *tates7 an! t0e e2ecuti e @ranc0 in particular7 in t0e position to !eci!e not only w0en an! 0ow to wa'e war7 @ut also to pre ent terror.1" As in t0e wars *c0%itt !escri@e!7 t0e %oral cri%inaliDation o; t0e terCrorist ene%y 0as also co%@ine! wit0 0is tec0nolo'ical !eC 0u%aniDation @y re%ote war;are. &n t0e war on terror7 !eat0 is %a!e a@stract @y lon'Cran'e %issiles7 satellite sur eillance7 an! re%otely pilote! aircra;t.1# &n!ee!7 t0e electronic si%ulation o; %ilitary space 0as @een %a!e an e2plicit policy ai% in ?in;or%ational? or ?netCcentric? war;are7 @ase! on a real ti%e electronic %appin' o; t0e @attle;iel!7 or e en t0e entire eart0 6an aspiration !ri in' t0e construction o; a ?(lo@al &n;or%ation (ri!? or (&(>.1$ +0ese tec0nolo'ies 0a e not so %uc0 !isconnecte! us ;ro% iolence as t0ey 0a e !islocate! t0e conte2t o; t0at iolence7 as !i'ital %e!ia carry !eat0 an! torture @ack 0o%e across satellites an! t0e &nternet ;or %e!ia spectacles an! pri ate consu%p[ tion. Moreo er7 t0e atte%pt to i%pose unilateral ;orce an! perspecti e7 w0ile 0i'0ly !estructi e7 0as ;aile! to e;;ecti ely !istin'uis0 co%@atants ;ro% ci ilians or pro!uce a sta@le 'roun! ;or t0e rule o; law. &n t0is li'0t7 t0e popularity o; %essianic C0ristianity in conte%porary A%erica can @e seen less as a cause t0an a consolation ;or 9.*. ;orei'n policy.51 3it0out t0e creation o; a new no%os7 atten!in' to t0e pro!uction an! allocation o; 'oo!s an! positions7 only a total isolation or !estruction o; t0e 'roupin's capa@le o; political ali'n%ent 6t0e ci ilian ?in;rastructure? out o; w0ic0 t0e insur'ency arises> can 0alt partisan 0ostilities. &n!ee!7 a recent e!itorial anticipates7 an! i%plicitly reco%%en!s7 Gust t0at. 1!war! 3on' Buotes *0eik Mu0a%%a! 8akr K0a%is alC*u0ail7 an ostensi@le supporter o; t0e A%erican pus0 ;or !e%ocracy in &raB- ?3e nee! stron' rulers or !ictators like 4ranco7 Eitler7 e en Mu@arak. 3e nee! a stron' !ictator7 an! a ;air one at t0e sa%e ti%e7 to kill all e2tre%ists7 *unni an! *0iite.?52 3on' e2plains7 ?&t is ;or people like 0i% t0at t0e A%ericans 0a e ;ou'0t t0is war. 8ut t0e solution 0e proposes is not one t0e A%ericans woul! easily e%@race.?5[ +0us7 as *c0%itt ar'ue!7 t0e tec0nolo'ical !eterritorialiDation o; air war results in an a@solute iolence t0at !e%an!s a %oral a@solutis% Gusti;yin' a scorc0e! eart0. Despite Donal! /u%s;el!Fs procla%ations concernin' t0e ra!ical trans;or%ation o; t0e @attle;iel! @y new tec0nolo'ies7 t0en7 %uc0 re%ains t0e sa%e. 4ro% t0e 9.*. carpetC@o%@in' o; Vietna% an! t0e *o iet !e astation o; A;'0anistan to ?s0ock an! awe? in t0e &raB !esert an! &sraelFs su%%er 2$$K @o%@in' o; Le@anon7 t0e use o; air ca%pai'ns to i%pose a sta@le or!er on t0e lan! @elow 0as @een at once a spectacular ;ailure an! a ;aile! spectacle. At t0e sa%e ti%e7 t0ese spectacles %ay ser e anot0er purpose7 coercin' !o%estic %oral support7 0owe er ep0e%eral7 ;or a warti%e a!%inistration. &t woul! 0ar!ly 0a e surprise! *c0%itt to ;in! e%@ar'oes7 torture7 an! %ass killin' procee!in' in t0e na%e o; a a'ue7 o erarc0in' 'lo@al 0u%anis%. &n 0is later works7 we 0a e seen7 *c0%itt was ery %uc0 concerne! wit0 t0e sprea! o; war @eyon! territorial7 et0ical7 an! le'al @oun!aries. Ee woul! no !ou@t 0a e @een alar%e! to ;in! ?Gust war? transcen!in' t0e !e;ensi e ;unction articulate! in t0e Monroe Doctrine to @eco%e a pree%pti e ri'0t o; inter ention 6on t0e part o; t0e 9nite! *tates7 anyway>.55 Ane catc0es a re;lection o; 0is senti%ents in t0e wor!s o; 3alter LaBueur7 w0o writes7 ?t0ere can @e no ;inal ictor in t0e ;i'0t a'ainst terroris% \a point 8us0 %o%entarily acknowle!'e!U7 ;or terroris% 6rat0er t0an ;ullCscale war> is t0e conte%porary %ani;estation o; con;lict7 an! con;lict will not !isappear ;ro% t0e eart0.?5. As *c0%itt !isco ere!7 %uc0 too late7 t0e Katec0on an! t0e Arc0eront can tra!e places.5K 9n!er t0e si'n o; a !e;ensi e stru''le ;or nor%alcy7 t0e so erei'n i!enti;ication o; ene%ies can 'i e way to an occasional Gusti;ication ;or in!e;inite war. +0is ti%e7 @in La!en plays t0e in erte! DulCcinea7 inspirin' a Bui2otic %ilitary a! enture a'ainst 0is %any s0a!ows.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 /TA 5erm
The representations of the affirmati#e set the po"er relations surroun in! the affs technolo!y in stone2 the perm "oul at %est ne!ate the alternati#e 9rahm &: 6*tep0en7 Centre ;or 9r@an +ec0nolo'y7 Depart%ent o; +own an! Country )lannin'7 9ni ersity o; Newcastle7 :+0e en!
o; 'eo'rap0y or t0e e2plosion o; placeH ConceptualiDin' space7 place an! in;or%ation tec0nolo'y7< )ro'ress in Eu%an (eo'rap0y 2272 p'. 1KKC1K7 0ttp-//p0'.sa';ull.p!;]0t%l> &nterestin'ly ;ro% t0e iew point o; 'eo'rap0ers7 t0e recent 'rowt0 o; !iscourses on ^cy@erspaceF an! new co%%unications tec0nolo'ies7 e en t0e ery wor! ^cy@erspaceF itsel;7 0a e @een !o%inate! @y spatial an! territorial %etap0ors 6*te;ik7 1##K>. ^Cy@erspaceF7 su''ests *te e )ile 61##5- 1"17>7 ^is a plurality o; clas0in'7 resonatin' an! s0ockin' %etap0orsF. +0e e2pan!in' le2icon o; t0e &nternet _ t0e %ost wellCknown e0icle o; cy@erspace _ is not only replete wit07 @ut actually constitute! @y7 t0e use o; 'eo'rap0ical %etap0ors. De@ates a@out t0e &nternet use spatial %etap0ors to 0elp isualiDe w0at are7 e;;ecti ely7 no %ore t0an a@stract ;lows o; electronic si'nals7 co!e! as in;or%ation7 representation an! e2c0an'e. +0us7 an &nternet pointCo;Cpresence @eco%es a we@ site. +0e ulti%ate con er'ent7 @roa!@an! !escen!ant o; t0e &nternet is la@elle! t0e in;or%ation super0i'0way. A satellite no!e @eco%es a teleport. A @ulletin @oar! syste% @eco%es a irtual co%%unity or an electronic nei'0@our0oo!. 3e@ sites run @y %unicipalities @eco%e irtual cities 6see (ra0a% an! Auri'i7 1##7>. +0e w0ole societyCwi!e process o; tec0nolo'ical inno ation @eco%es a wil!CwestClike electronic ;rontier awaitin' coloniDation. +0ose ^e2plorin'F t0is ;rontier @eco%e 3e@ sur;ers7 irtual tra ellers7 or7 to 8ill Mitc0ell 61##.- 7>7 electronic ;la`neurs w0o ^0an' out on t0e networkF. +0e &nternet as a w0ole is ariously consi!ere! to @e an electronic li@rary7 a %e!iu% ;or electronic %ail or a !i'ital %arketplace 6*te;ik7 1##K>. An! Microso;t se!ucti ely ask ^30ere !o you want to 'o to!ayHF An! so t0e list 'oes on an! on. *uc0 spatial %etap0ors 0elp %ake tan'i@le t0e enor%ously co%ple2 an! arcane tec0nolo'ical syste%s w0ic0 un!erpin t0e &nternet7 an! ot0er networks7 an! t0e 'rowin' ran'e o; transactions7 social an! cultural interactions7 an! e2c0an'es o; la@our power7 !ata7 ser ices7 %oney an! ;inance t0at ;low o er t0e%. 30ile %any alle'e t0at networks like t0e &nternet ten! to ^ne'ate 'eo%etry7F to @e ^antiCspatialF or to @e ^incorporealF 6Mitc0ell7 1##."_1$>7 t0e cu%ulati e e;;ect o; spatial %etap0ors %eans t0at t0ey @eco%e isualiDa@le an! i%a'ea@ly reconstructe! as 'iant7 apparently territorial syste%s. +0ese can7 @y i%plication7 so%e0ow @e i%a'ine! si%ilarly to t0e %aterial an! social spaces an! places o; !aily li;e. &n ;act7 suc0 spatial %etap0ors are co%%only relate!7 usually t0rou'0 si%ple @inary oppositions7 to t0e ^realF7 %aterial spaces an! places wit0in w0ic0 !aily li;e is con;ine!7 li e! an! constructe!. *o%e ar'ue t0at t0e strate'y o; !e elopin' spatial %etap0ors is ^per0aps t0e only conceptual tool we 0a e ;or un!erstan!in' t0e !e elop%ent o; a new tec0nolo'yF 6*aw0ney7 1##K- 2#,>. Metap0orC%akin' ^points to t0e process o; learnin' an! !isco ery _ to t0ose analo'ical leaps ;ro% t0e ;a%iliar to t0e un;a%iliar w0ic0 rally t0e i%a'ination an! e%otion as well as t0e intellectF 68utti%er7 1#"2- #$7 Buote! in Kirsc07 1##.- .5,>. As wit0 t0e 'la%ourous7 ;uturistic tec0nolo'ical isions7 or !ark7 !ystopian portraits wit0in w0ic0 t0ey are so o;ten wrappe!7 t0ese tec0nolo'ical %etap0ors ^always re;lect t0e e2perience o; t0e %o%ent as well as %e%ories o; t0e past. +0ey are i%a'inati e constructs t0at 0a e %ore to say a@out t0e ti%es in w0ic0 t0ey were %a!e t0an a@out t0e real ;utureF 6Corn7 1#"K- 21#>. 8ut t0e %etap0ors t0at @eco%e associate! wit0 in;or%ation tec0nolo'ies are7 like t0ose representations surroun!in' t0e %aterial pro!uction o; space an! territory 6Le;e@ re7 1#"5>7 acti e7 i!eolo'ical constructs. Concepts like t0e ^in;or%ation societyF an! t0e ^in;or%ation super0i'0wayF 0a e i%portant roles in s0apin' t0e ways in w0ic0 tec0nolo'ies are socially constructe!7 t0e uses to w0ic0 t0ey are put7 an! t0e e;;ects an! power relations surroun!in' t0eir !e elop%ent. Metap0ors also encapsulate nor%ati e concepts o; 0ow tec0nolo'ies !o or s0oul! relate to society an! social c0an'e7 as t0e use o; ^s0ockF an! ^wa eF %etap0ors in t0e writin's o; Al in +o;;ler s0ows 6see +o;;ler7 1#7$L 1KK ConceptualiDin' space7 place an! in;or%ation tec0nolo'y. +0ey can e en @e use! to represent t0e ery nature o; society itsel;7 as t0e wi!esprea! use o; ^in;or%ation societyF an! ^in;or%ation a'eF la@els currently testi;ies. Eere tec0nolo'ies are seen to e%@o!y %etap0orically t0e ery essence o; conte%porary cultural7 econo%ic7 'eo'rap0ical an! societal c0an'e. +0is @rin's wit0 it7 o; course7 t0e atten!ant !an'ers o; relyin' on si%ple tec0nolo'ical !eter%inis% in t0inkin' a@out 0ow new tec0nolo'ies are relate! to social7 an! spatial7 c0an'e. As Ni'el +0ri;t 61##Ka- 1571> conten!s7 ^in t0is ;or% o; \tec0nolo'icalU !eter%inis%7 t0e new tec0nolo'ical or!er pro i!es t0e narrati e %ill. +0e new %ac0ines @eco%e @ot0 t0e %o!el ;or society an! its %ost conspicuous si'nF.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 /TA 5erm
The perm is another lin) . these representations are use to sprea the influence of the military an its territoriality 9rahm &: 6*tep0en7 Centre ;or 9r@an +ec0nolo'y7 Depart%ent o; +own an! Country )lannin'7 9ni ersity o; Newcastle7 :+0e en!
o; 'eo'rap0y or t0e e2plosion o; placeH ConceptualiDin' space7 place an! in;or%ation tec0nolo'y7< )ro'ress in Eu%an (eo'rap0y 2272 p'. 1KKC1K7 0ttp-//p0'.sa';ull.p!;]0t%l> *o%e ar'ue t0at t0e strate'y o; !e elopin' spatial %etap0ors is ^per0aps t0e only conceptual tool we 0a e ;or un!erstan!in' t0e !e elop%ent o; a new tec0nolo'yF 6*aw0ney7 1##K- 2#,>. Metap0orC%akin' ^points to t0e process o; learnin' an! !isco ery _ to t0ose analo'ical leaps ;ro% t0e ;a%iliar to t0e un;a%iliar w0ic0 rally t0e i%a'ination an! e%otion as well as t0e intellectF 68utti%er7 1#"2- #$7 Buote! in Kirsc07 1##.- .5,>. As wit0 t0e 'la%ourous7 ;uturistic tec0nolo'ical isions7 or !ark7 !ystopian portraits wit0in w0ic0 t0ey are so o;ten wrappe!7 t0ese tec0nolo'ical %etap0ors ^always re;lect t0e e2perience o; t0e %o%ent as well as %e%ories o; t0e past. +0ey are i%a'inati e constructs t0at 0a e %ore to say a@out t0e ti%es in w0ic0 t0ey were %a!e t0an a@out t0e real ;utureF 6Corn7 1#"K- 21#>. 8ut t0e %etap0ors t0at @eco%e associate! wit0 in;or%ation tec0nolo'ies are7 like t0ose representations surroun!in' t0e %aterial pro!uction o; space an! territory 6Le;e@ re7 1#"5>7 acti e7 i!eolo'ical constructs. Concepts like t0e ^in;or%ation societyF an! t0e ^in;or%ation super0i'0wayF 0a e i%portant roles in s0apin' t0e ways in w0ic0 tec0nolo'ies are socially constructe!7 t0e uses to w0ic0 t0ey are put7 an! t0e e;;ects an! power relations surroun!in' t0eir !e elop%ent. Metap0ors also encapsulate nor%ati e concepts o; 0ow tec0nolo'ies !o or s0oul! relate to society an! social c0an'e7 as t0e use o; ^s0ockF an! ^wa eF %etap0ors in t0e writin's o; Al in +o;;ler s0ows 6see +o;;ler7 1#7$L 1KK ConceptualiDin' space7 place an! in;or%ation tec0nolo'y 1#"$>. +0ey can e en @e use! to represent t0e ery nature o; society itsel;7 as t0e wi!esprea! use o; ^in;or%ation societyF an! ^in;or%ation a'eF la@els currently testi;ies. Eere tec0nolo'ies are seen to e%@o!y %etap0orically t0e ery essence o; conte%porary cultural7 econo%ic7 'eo'rap0ical an! societal c0an'e. +0is @rin's wit0 it7 o; course7 t0e atten!ant !an'ers o; relyin' on si%ple tec0nolo'ical !eter%inis% in t0inkin' a@out 0ow new tec0nolo'ies are relate! to social7 an! spatial7 c0an'e. As Ni'el +0ri;t 61##Ka- 1571> conten!s7 ^in t0is ;or% o; \tec0nolo'icalU !eter%inis%7 t0e new tec0nolo'ical or!er pro i!es t0e narrati e %ill. +0e new %ac0ines @eco%e @ot0 t0e %o!el ;or society an! its %ost conspicuous si'nF. +oo o;ten7 t0en7 t0e per asi e reliance on spatial an! tec0nolo'ical %etap0ors actually ser es to o@;uscate t0e co%ple2 relations @etween new co%%unications an! in;or%ation tec0nolo'ies an! space7 place an! society. &n t0e si%ple7 @inary alle'ations t0at new tec0nolo'ies 0elp us to access a new ^electronic spaceF or ^placeF7 w0ic0 so%e0ow parallels t0e li e! %aterial spaces o; 0u%an territoriality7 little conscious t0ou'0t is put to t0inkin' conceptually a@out 0ow new in;or%ation tec0nolo'ies actually relate to t0e spaces an! places @oun! up wit0 0u%an territorial li;e. 3it0out a t0orou'0 an! critical consi!eration o; space an! place7 an! 0ow new in;or%ation tec0nolo'ies relate to7 an! are e%@e!!e! in t0e%7 re;lections on cy@erspace7 an! t0e econo%ic7 social an! cultural !yna%ics o; t0e s0i;t to 'rowin' ^tele%e!iationF7 see% likely to @e re!uctionist7 !eter%inistic7 o ersi%plistic an! stale.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 /TA @ealism
Its irrele#ant a8 The ori!in of Virilios criti>ue came form a criti>ue of realist ne!le!ance %8 @ealists ont ha#e anythin! to say a%out mo ern technolo!ical tren s2 means all of our root cause claims still apply Bif they rea a "armin! a #anta!eC c8 /n realism ta)es out their "armin! a #anta!e2 realists ont thin) it matters 4cheuerman 0& 63illia% 1.7 )0!. )ro;essor o; )olitical *cience at t0e 9ni ersity o; &n!iana 68loo%in'ton>7 :/ealis% an! t0e
critiBue o; tec0nolo'y7< 12/1"/$# p'. 1C2 0ttp-//www.tan!;!oi/p!;/1$.1$"$/$#..7.7$#$,,2..$5> /ealist international t0eory 0ar!ly see%s like a sensi@le place to turn to 'ain constructi e insi'0ts a@out conte%porary tec0nolo'ical tren!s an! t0eir pat0olo'ical or at least a%@i alent conseBuences. 30en analysin' t0e prospect o; nuclear o%nici!e7 ar'ua@ly t0e %ost o%inous tec0nolo'ical possi@ility ;ace! @y 0u%ankin! since 1#5.7 presentC!ay /ealists e2u!e a re%arka@le nonc0alance7 as per0aps @est illustrate! @y Kennet0 3altDPs un;or'etta@le iew o; nuclear proli;erationO%ore %ay @e @etterP in nuclear weapons7 since alle'e!ly t0e Col! 3ar %o!el o; @ipolar nuclear !eterrence can @e e2ten!e! to t0e postC1#"# political uni erse 6*a'an an! 3altD 2$$,7 55>. Nor 0a e /ealists 0a! %uc0 o; alue to say a@out t0at ot0er 'reat tec0nolo'ically in!uce! t0reat to 0u%an sur i al7 'lo@al war%in'. Jo0n Mears0ei%er7 t0e %ost i%pressi e a! ocate o; Oo;;ensi e /ealis%P7 !escri@es Oen iron%ental !e'ra!ation7 un@oun!e! population 'rowt07 an! 'lo@al war%in'P as constitutin' Oat %ost secon!Cor!er pro@le%sP7 none o; w0ic0 is Oserious enou'0 to t0reaten t0e sur i al o; a 'reat powerP 6Mears0ei%er 2$$17 ,72>. A;;ensi e /ealis%7 wit0 its e%p0asis on t0e centrality o; 'reat power ri alry7 apparently can sleep soun!ly e en in t0e ;ace o; 'lo@al ecolo'ical an! population !isaster. Mainstrea% conte%porary /ealist %et0o!olo'y7 w0ic0 typically en isions t0e natural sciences as t0e para'on o; intellectual ri'our7 per0aps lies at t0e root o; t0is strikin' ten!ency to !ownplay t0e !an'ers o; recent tec0nolo'ical !e elop%ent. &n li'0t o; t0eir ;i!elity to a so%ew0at ri'i! %o!el o; scienti;ic inBuiry7 s0oul! we @e surprise! @y t0e ;ailures o; %ost presentC!ay /ealists to 'rapple seriously wit0 t0e perils pose! @y tec0nolo'y7 or Oapplie! science \w0ic0U t0reatens to !estroy %an an! 0is social an! natural en iron%entP 6Mor'ent0au 1#727 ,>H 4ortunately7 so%e oices in t0e /ealist tra!ition pro i!e a %ore @alance! account o; %o!ern tec0nolo'y. &n w0at ;ollows7 & recall t0e ne'lecte! insi'0ts o; two soCcalle! OclassicalP /ealists7 Eans J Mor'ent0au an! Jo0n E EerD7 w0ose re;lections a@out %o!ern tec0nolo'y see% anyt0in' @ut anac0ronistic7 notwit0stan!in' t0e %any le'iti%ate criticis%s le elle! a'ainst t0eir wi!eran'in' contri@utions to international t0eory. &n part per0aps @ecause neit0er Mor'ent0au nor EerD was an uncritical a;iciona!o o; a %o!el o; social inBuiry @ase! on t0e natural sciences7 eac0 was a@le to i!enti;y si'ni;icant !an'ers intrinsic to %o!ern tec0nolo'y.1 +o @e sure7 so%e o; t0eir %ost ;a%ous writin's ;ro% t0e i%%e!iate postwar era7 like t0ose o; t0eir presentC!ay /ealist o;;sprin'7 see% re%arka@ly unworrie! a@out conte%porary tec0nolo'ical tren!s. 8ut 'rowin' an2ieties a@out t0e 0orri;ic possi@ility o; nuclear war ulti%ately encoura'e! @ot0 t0inkers to !e elop a critical account o; %o!ern tec0nolo'y. &n particular7 EerD succee!e! in ;or%ulatin' a prescient analysis o; w0at 0e !escri@e!7 in a series o; writin's ;ro% t0e 1#K$s an! 1#7$s7 as e erCacceleratin' Otec0nolo'icalscienti;ic processP. &n!ee!7 EerDPs ne'lecte! i!eas still pro;;er a ;ruit;ul startin' point ;or sc0olars o; international politics w0o 0ope to !o Gustice to t0e pro;oun! si'ni;icance o; %o!ern tec0nolo'ical !e elop%ent. Eis !iscussion o; t0e ;arCreac0in' i%plications o; tec0nolo'icallyC@ase! social acceleration7 or w0at 0e aptly !escri@e! as t0e Otec0nolo'ical ;actor o; anni0ilation o; ti%e an! !istance t0rou'0 spee!P7 constitutes an in!ispensa@le @uil!in' @lock ;or conte%porary international t0eory 6EerD 1#7K7 17K>. *o%e i%portant sc0olars0ip o; recent inta'e 0as 0i'0li'0te! t0e key place o; te%porality ;or international political t0ou'0t 6Der Derian 1##$L 1##2L Eutc0in's 2$$">. Ret EerDPs special ac0ie e%ent is to 0a e early on un!erline! t0e centrality o; t0e speci;ically 0i'0Cspee! or accelerate! social !yna%ics o; %o!ernity to t0e stu!y o; international politics. A; course7 i!eas an! concepts7 not in!i i!ual t0inkers7 are %ost pro!ucti ely !escri@e! as O/ealistP. Ret & rely 0ere on t0e con entional c0aracteriDation o; Mor'ent0au an! EerD as /ealists si%ply in or!er to su''est t0at an intellectual tra!ition t0at ot0erwise typically 0as 0a! little o; a critical @ent to say a@out %o!ern tec0nolo'y o;;ers so%e untappe! t0eoretical resources. Moreo er7 it was t0e typically /ealist preoccupation wit0 sel;Cpreser ation an! sur i al in a !an'erous worl! t0at 0elpe! en'en!er t0eir o;ten illu%inatin' re;lections. At least to t0is !e'ree7 t0eirs constitute! a !istincti ely /ealist critiBue o; tec0nolo'y.

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DDI 2011

1 /TA Ce e the 5olitical

The aff ce es the political too . they ce e it to a technocratic elite "ho "oul ren er the !o#ernment po"erless 4cheuerman 0& 63illia% 1.7 )0!. )ro;essor o; )olitical *cience at t0e 9ni ersity o; &n!iana 68loo%in'ton>7 :/ealis% an! t0e
CritiBue o; +ec0nolo'y7< 12/1"/$# p'. .K# 0ttp-//www.tan!;!oi/p!;/1$.1$"$/$#..7.7$#$,,2..$5> *i%ilarly7 *cience- ser ant or %asterH !escri@e! t0e ascen!ance o; a new tec0nocratic elite w0ose %astery o; t0e co%ple2ities o; a 'rowin' nu%@er o; politically rele ant tec0nolo'ies ren!ere! @ot0 or!inary citiDens an! seasone! politicians un!uly !epen!ent on t0e%. As 'uar!ians o; a new tec0nolo'ical arcane i%perii7 t0is elite un!er%ine! !e%ocratic accounta@ility an! pose! countless pro@le%s ;or %o!ern li@eral !e%ocracy. +0e ten!ency to surroun! tec0nolo'ical researc0Nin particular7 %ilitaryCrelate! scienceNin a s0rou! o; secrecy si%ply a''ran!iDe! current antiC !e%ocratic tren!s. A;ter !escri@in' t0e %any co'niti e a! anta'es enGoye! @y t0e new tec0nolo'ical elite7 0owe er7 Mor'ent0auPs analysis su!!enly s0i;te! 'ear- 0e !eclare! t0at @ot0 laypersons an! politicians were lettin' t0e%sel es 'et 0oo!winke! @y scientists w0ose e2pertise on %any %atters was astly o errate!. 30en pus0 ca%e to s0o e7 t0e task o; 'au'in' t0e i%plications o; Ot0e construction an! politicalC%ilitary e;;ects o; a new tec0nolo'ical !e iceP in ol e! 'uesswork7 %akin' 0unc0es7 an! Opolitical interestsP an! alues a@out w0ic0 t0e or!inary scientist possesse! no %ore e2pertise t0an or!inary citiDens or politicians 6Mor'ent0au 1#727 1$#>. 30ile 0is initial ar'u%ent i%plie! t0at t0e acceleratin' tec0nolo'ical Gu''ernaut pose! an irrepressi@le an! pro@a@ly irre ersi@le structural t0reat to !e%ocracy7 t0is secon! an! so%ew0at inconsonant iew posite! t0at citiDens an! politicians coul! si%ply pull up t0eir @oots7 acBuire so%e @asic scienti;ic knowle!'e an! stop kowtowin' to t0e soCcalle! e2perts7 an! !e%ocracy %i'0t yet @e sa e!. Alt0ou'0 a nor%ati ely appealin' response to t0ose w0o un!uly !ownplaye! t0e potential %erits o; or!inary political Gu!'%ent in tec0nolo'ical %atters7 t0is secon! ar'u%ent un;ortunately occasionally see%e! akin to a !esperate e2pression o; !e%ocratic ;ait07 ulnera@le to Mor'ent0auPs own 'loo%ier o@ser ations a@out a tec0nolo'ical Gu''ernaut porten!in' uni ersal !estruction.

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DDI 2011

1 No sol#ency . Diplomacy
4pee )ills iplomacy . rapi fire response an lo" accounta%ility that o%literate iplomacy 4cheuerman 0& 63illia% 1.7 )0!. )ro;essor o; )olitical *cience at t0e 9ni ersity o; &n!iana 68loo%in'ton>7 :/ealis% an! t0e
CritiBue o; +ec0nolo'y7< 12/1"/$# p'. .7#C."$ 0ttp-//www.tan!;!oi/p!;/1$.1$"$/$#..7.7$#$,,2..$5> EerD also !escri@e! 0ow social acceleration ;un!a%entally trans;or%s !iplo%acy. O30ere ;or%erly %ore leisurely @ut also cooler an! %ore t0orou'0ly t0ou'0tCout action was possi@le7 one now %ust act or react i%%e!iatelyP to ;astC%o in' ;orei'n e ents 6EerD 1#7K7 17">. 30en transportation an! co%%unication was slowC%o in'7 !iplo%ats were typically 'i en su@stantial autono%y isCa^C is t0e key !ecisionC%akers an! t0e political centre. +0e relati ely slow ;low o; e ents also per%itte! care;ul an! !eli@erate re;lection7 t0ou'0 EerDPs relati ely unro%antic iew o; tra!itional 1uropean O0i'0 politicsP i%plicitly conce!es t0at t0e snailPs pace o; classical !iplo%acy @y no %eans 'uarantee! soun! !ecision%akin'. Ret7 social acceleration ten!s to spee! up international e ents an! t0ere@y also crises7 as !ecisionC%akers are ;orce! to respon! at rapi!C;ire rates to w0at %any ti%es appear as correspon!in'ly ;astC%o in' an! une2pecte! e ents. +0e te%poral presuppositions o; tra!itional !iplo%atic e2c0an'e an! !iscourse are conseBuently o@literate!7 w0ile t0e concentration o; !ecision%akin' Oin ;ewer units o; power7 an! wit0in t0e%7 in ;ewer a'entsP7 !eri in' ;ro% Ot0e necessity o; spee! in !ecision %akin'P7 i%pairs popular accounta@ility 6EerD 1#7K7 17">. As EerD pointe! out7 t0e Cu@an %issile crisis porten!e! uni ersal !estruction7 yet it was %ana'e! @y only a tiny 0an!;ul o; !ecision%akers. *i%ilarly7 t0e 0i'0Cspee! pace o; nuclear war;are ;a ours t0e centraliDation o; !ecisionC%akin'. &n t0e conte2t o; t0e Nort0 Atlantic +reaty Ar'aniDation 6NA+A>7 ;or e2a%ple7 suc0 ten!encies 0a e circu% ente! atte%pts to !e ise an e;;ecti e syste% O;or Gointly runnin' a %ultilateral \nuclearU ;orceL a !oDen :;in'ers on t0e tri''er< %ay see% reckless 'i en t0e i%perati es o; e;;ecti e crisisC le el nuclear !ecision %akin'P 6EerD 1#7K7 17#>. &n!ee!7 t0e centraliDation o; !ecisionC%akin' %otore! @y social acceleration !a%a'es t0e a@ility o; any syste% o; %ilitary alliances to rest on 'enuinely s0are! control o er t0e %ost a! ance! 6t0at is7 0i'0Cspee!> weaponry. Last @ut no %eans least7 social acceleration counteracts t0e possi@ility o; rational ;orei'n policy @y %eans o; an Oe2plosi ely acceleratin' increase in t0e %ere a%ount o; in;lowin' in;or%ationP to !iplo%ats an! ot0er !ecisionC%akers7 w0o o;ten ;in! t0e%sel es ;loo!e! @y in;or%ation t0at t0ey cannot possi@ly si;t an! !i'est e;;ecti ely. Eere as well7 EerDPs insi'0ts re%ain relati ely une2ploite!. Alt0ou'0 %any o; t0e s0i;ts in !iplo%atic practice !escri@e! @y 0i% are ;a%iliar7 relati ely ;ew analysts 0a e atte%pte! to relate t0e% to core ;eatures o; social acceleration 6Der Derian 1##2>. Ret so%e preli%inary e i!ence su''ests t0at EerD was ri'0t to worry a@out 0ow social acceleration not only accelerate! international crises7 @ut also 0ow ;astC%o in' crises %i'0t !an'erously transcen! t0e capacity o; %ost !ecisionC%akers to respon! e;;ecti ely. &n a @rilliant account o; t0e crisis at%osp0ere o; t0e su%%er o; 1#157 ;or e2a%ple7 t0e cultural 0istorian *tep0en Kern !escri@es 0ow t0e %ost power;ul players on t0e international scene Olost t0eir @earin's in t0e 0ectic rus0 pace! @y ;lurries o; tele'rap0s7 telep0one con ersations7 %e%os7 an! press releasesP7 as inno ations in co%%unication tec0nolo'y accelerate! !iplo%atic e2c0an'e to a !e'ree t0at o erw0el%e! t0e% 6Kern 1#",7 2K$>. Alt0ou'0 %any causal ;actors o@ iously contri@ute! to t0e out@reak o; t0e 4irst 3orl! 3ar7 t0e accelerate! elocity o; relati ely no el tec0nolo'ical inno ations !isastrously con;licte! wit0 t0e slow pace o; tra!itional !iplo%atic e2c0an'e. +0e political e%ploy%ent o; 0i'0Cspee! co%%unication /ealis% an! t0e critiBue o; tec0nolo'y .7# Downloa!e! @y \&nstitutional *u@scription AccessU at 1$-1K $. Au'ust 2$11 tec0nolo'ies 0elpe! 'enerate a Ospectacular ;ailure o; !iplo%acy7 to w0ic0 \in particularU tele'rap0y contri@ute! wit0 crosse! %essa'es7 !elays7 su!!en surprises7 an! t0e unpre!icta@le ti%in'P 6Kern 1#",7 2K">. New co%%unication tec0nolo'ies not only allowe! eliteCle el actors to ;ire o;; !e%an!s an! ulti%atu%s to w0ic0 t0e tra!itional 1uropean !iplo%atic corps was poorly eBuippe! to respon! e;;ecti ely7 @ut t0ey were also use! to i%passion %assC@ase! e%otions an! popular nationalis% in new an! ulti%ately tra'ic ways. As Kern conclu!es7 O\tU0ere is a@un!ant e i!ence t0at one cause o; 3orl! 3ar & was a ;ailure o; !iplo%acy7 an! one o; t0e causes o; t0at ;ailure was t0at !iplo%ats coul! not cope wit0 t0e olu%e an! spee! o; electronic co%%unicationP 6Kern 1#",7 27.27K>.

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DDI 2011

1 Impact . 5ure "ar

/ pure "ar e#iates from a normal terrestrial "ar to an internal con ition of hopelessness an preparation for a%solute estruction an cultural eath ?or! 0( 6Mark 8. Jr7 )0D.7 )racticin' psyc0oanalyst consultant7 New Rork7 :)syc0oanalytic )ure 3ar- &nteractions wit0 t0e )ostC
Apocalyptic 9nconscious7< J)C*- Journal ;or t0e )syc0oanalysis o; Culture Y *ociety7 Volu%e "7 Nu%@er 17 *prin' 2$$, p'. .7> )aul Virilio an! *yl ere Lotrin'erPs concept o; :pure war< re;ers to t0e potential o; a culture to !estroy itsel; co%pletely 612>.23e as psyc0oanalysts canNan! increasin'ly %ustNe2plore t0e i%pact o; t0is concept on our practice7 an! on t0e 'rowin' nu%@er o; patients w0o li e wit0 t0e ina@ility to repress or !issociate t0eir e2perience an! awareness o; t0e pure war con!ition. +0e realiDation o; a patientPs worst ;ears in actual catastrop0ic e ents 0as always @een a pro;oun! enou'0 psyc0ot0erapeutic c0allen'e. +0ese !ays7 0owe er7 catastrop0ic e ents not only t0reaten ;rien!s7 ;a%ily7 an! nei'0@orsL t0ey also @eco%e t0e stu;; o; en!less repetitions an! !ra%atiDations on ra!io7 tele ision7 an! &nternet., *uc0 continual re%in!ers o; !eat0 an! !estruction a;;ect us all. 30at is t0e role o; t0e analyst treatin' patients w0o li e wit0 an e erC t0reatenin' sense o; t0e pure war lyin' Gust @elow t0e sur;ace o; our cultural eneerH At t0e en! o; t0e 4irst 3orl! 3ar7 t0e ;irst :total war7< 3alter 8enGa%in o@ser e! t0at :not0in' \a;ter t0e warU re%aine! unc0an'e! @ut t0e clou!s7 an! @eneat0 t0ese clou!s7 in a ;iel! o; ;orce o; !estructi e torrents an! e2plosions7 was t0e tiny7 ;ra'ile 0u%an @o!y<6"5>. Julia Kriste a %akes a si%ilar note a@out our conte%porary situation7 :+0e recourse to ato%ic weapons see%s to pro e t0at 0orror...can ra'e a@solutely< 62,2>. An!7 as i; 0e too were acknowle!'in' t0is sa%e ;ra'ility an! uncontaina@ility7 t0e 4renc0 politician (eor'es Cle%enceau co%%ente! in t0e conte2t o; 3orl! 3ar & t0at :war is too serious to @e con;ine! to t0e %ilitary< 6Bt!. in Virilio an! Lotrin'er 1.>. Virilio an! Lotrin'er 'a e t0e na%e :pure war< to t0e psyc0olo'ical con!ition t0at results w0en people know t0at t0ey li e in a worl! w0ere t0e possi@ility ;or a@solute !estruction 6e.'.7 nuclear 0olocaust> e2ists. As Virilio an! Lotrin'er see it7 it is not t0e tec0nolo'ical capacity ;or !estruction 6t0at is7 ;or e2a%ple7 t0e e2istence o; nuclear ar%a%ents> t0at i%poses t0e !rea! c0aracteristic o; a pure war psyc0olo'y @ut t0e @elie; syste%s t0at t0is capacity sets up. )syc0olo'ical sur i al reBuires t0at a way @e ;oun! 6at least unconsciously> to escape ine ita@le !estructionNit reBuires a way outN@ut t0is en;orces an irresol a@le para!o27 @ecause t0e !e;inition o; pure war culture is t0at t0ere is no escape. Ance people @elie e in t0e e2ternal possi@ilityN at least t0ose people w0ose !e;enses cannot 0an!le t0e wei'0t o; t0e !rea! t0at pure war i%posesN pure war @eco%es an internal con!ition7 a perpetual state o; preparation ;or a@solute !estruction an! ;or personal7 social7 an! cultural !eat0.

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1 Impact . /rms @ace0)ills eterrence

4pee politics strips us of reason an ma)es eterrence impossi%le . results in arms races )aul Virilio7 p0ilosop0er7 ur@anist7 an! cultural t0eorist7 2$$& :+0e *tate o; 1%er'ency7< +0e Virilio /ea!er7 p 5"C.77 !k
&n t0e retreat !ue to t0e e2ten!e! reac0 o; t0e @allistic ectors7 we in ;act 'ain ti%e @y losin' t0e space o; t0e 6stationary or %o@ile> a! ance! @ases7 @ut t0is ti%e is 'aine! at t0e e2pense o; our own ;orces7 o; t0e per;or%ances o; our own en'ines7 an! not at t0e ene%yPs e2pense7 since7 sy%%etrically7 t0e latter acco%panies t0is 'eostrate'ic !isen'a'e%ent. 1 eryt0in' su!!enly 0appens as i; eac0 prota'onistPs own arsenal @eca%e 0is 6internal> ene%y7

@y a! ancin' too Buickly. Like t0e recoil o; a ;irear%7 t0e i%plosi e %o e%ent o; t0e @allistic per;or%ances !i%inis0es t0e ;iel! o; strate'ic ;orces. &n ;act7 i; t0e a! ersary/partners !i!nPt pull @ack t0eir %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction w0ile len't0enin' t0eir reac07 t0e 0i'0er spee! o; t0ese %eans woul! alrea!y 0a e re!uce! t0e ti%e o; !ecision a@out t0eir use to not0in'. Just as in 1#727 in Moscow7 t0e partners in t0is 'a%e a@an!one! plans ;or an antiC%issile %issile !e;ense7 so ;i e years later t0ey waste! t0e a! anta'e o; swi;tness ;or t0e ery te%porary @ene;it o; a 'reater e2tension o; t0eir intercontinental %issiles. 8ot0 see% to ;ear N all t0e w0ile seekin' N t0e %ultiplyin' e;;ect o; spee!7 o; t0at spee! acti ity so !ear to all ar%ies since t0e /e olution. &n t0e ;ace o; t0is curious conte%porary re'ression o; strate'ic ar%s li%itation a'ree%ents7 it is wise to return to t0e ery principle o; !eterrence. +0e essential ai% o; t0rowin' ancient weapons or o; s0ootin' o;; new ones 0as ne er @een to kill t0e ene%y or !estroy 0is %eans7 @ut to !eter 0i%7 in ot0er wor!s7 to ;orce 0i% to interrupt 0is %o e%ent. /e'ar!less o; w0et0er t0is p0ysical %o e%ent is one t0at allows t0e assaile! to contain t0e assailant or one o; in asion7 :t0e aptitu!e ;or war is t0e aptitu!e ;or %o e%ent7< w0ic0 a C0inese strate'ist e2presse! in t0ese wor!s- :An ar%y is always stron' enou'0 w0en it can co%e an! 'o7 sprea! out an! re'roup7 as it wis0es an! w0en it wis0es.< 4or t0e last se eral years7 0owe er7 t0is ;ree!o% o; %o e%ent 0as @een 0in!ere! not @y t0e ene%yPs capacity ;or resistance or reaction7 @ut @y t0e re;ine%ent o; t0e ectors use!. Deterrence see%s to 0a e passe! su!!enly ;ro% t0e ;ire sta'e7 in ot0er wor!s t0e e2plosi e sta'e7 to t0at o; t0e %o e%ent o; ectors7 as i; a ;inal !e'ree o; nuclear !eterrence 0a! appeare!7 still poorly %astere! @y t0e actors in t0e 'lo@al strate'ic 'a%e. Eere a'ain7 we %ust return to t0e strate'ic an!
tactical realities o; weaponry in or!er to 'rasp t0e present lo'istical reality. As *un +Du sai!7 :3eapons are tools o; ill o%en.< +0ey are ;irst ;eare! an! ;earso%e as t0reats7 lon' @e;ore @ein' use!. +0eir :o%inous< c0aracter can @e split into t0ree co%ponents t0e t0reat o; t0eir per;or%ance at t0e %o%ent o; t0eir in ention7 o; t0eir pro!uctionL t0e t0reat o; t0eir use a'ainst t0e ene%yL t0e e;;ect o; t0eir use7 w0ic0 is ;atal ;or persons an! !estructi e ;or t0eir 'oo!s. &; t0ese last two co%ponents are un;ortunately known7 an! 0a e lon' @een e2peri%ente! wit07 t0e ;irst7 on t0e ot0er 0an!7 t0e 6lo'istical> ill o%en o; t0e in ention o; t0eir per;or%ance7 is less co%%only reco'niDe!. Nonet0eless7 it is at t0is le el t0at t0e Buestion o; !eterrence is raise!. Can we !eter an ene%y ;ro% in entin' new weapons7 or ;ro% per;ectin' t0eir per;or%anceH A@solutely not. 3e t0us ;in! oursel es ;acin' t0is !ile%%a-

+0e t0reat o; use 6t0e secon! co%ponent> o; t0e nuclear ar% pro0i@its t0e terror o; actual use 6t0e t0ir! co%ponent>. 8ut ;or t0is t0reat to re%ain an! allow t0e strate'y o; !eterrence7 we are ;orce! to !e elop t0e t0reatenin' syste% t0at c0aracteriDes t0e ;irst co%ponent- t0e ill o%en o; t0e appearance o; new per;or%ances ;or t0e %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction. *tate! plainly7 t0is is t0e perpetual sop0istication o; co%@at %eans an! t0e replace%ent o; t0e 'eostrate'ic @reakt0rou'0 @y t0e tec0nolo'ical @reakt0rou'07 t0e 'reat lo'istical %aneu ers. 3e %ust ;ace t0e ;acts- i; ancient weapons !eterre! us ;ro% interruptin' %o e%ent7 t0e new weapons !eter us ;ro% interruptin' t0e ar%s race. Moreo er7 t0ey reBuire in t0eir tec0nolo'ical 6!ro%olo'ical> lo'ic t0e e2ponential !e elop%ent7 not o; t0e nu%@er o; !estructi e %ac0ines7 since t0eir power 0as increase! 6si%ply co%pare t0e %illions o; proGectiles in t0e two 3orl! 3ars to t0e se eral t0ousan!s o; rockets in conte%porary arsenals>7 @ut o; t0eir 'lo@al per;or%ances. Destructi e capa@ilities 0a in' reac0e! t0e ery li%its o; possi@ility wit0 t0er%onuclear ar%s7 t0e ene%yPs :lo'istical strate'ies< are once %ore oriente! towar! power o; penetration an! ;le2i@ility o; use. +0e @alance o; terror is t0us a %ere illusion in t0e in!ustrial sta'e o; war7 in w0ic0 rei'ns a perpetual i%@alance7 a constantly raise! @i!7 a@le to in ent new %eans o; !estruction wit0out en!. 3e 0a e pro en oursel es7 on t0e ot0er 0an!7 not only Buite incapa@le o; !estroyin' t0ose weP e alrea!y pro!uce! 6t0e Owaste pro!ucts< o; t0e %ilitary in!ustry @ein' as 0ar! to recycle as t0ose o; t0e nuclear in!ustry>7 @ut especially incapa@le o; a oi!in' t0e t0reat o; t0eir appearance. 3ar 0as t0us %o e! ;ro% t0e action sta'e to t0e conception sta'e t0at7 as we know7 c0aracteriDes auto%ation. 9na@le to control t0e e%er'ence o; new %eans o; !estruction7 !eterrence7 ;or us7 is tanta%ount to settin' in place a series o; auto%atis%s7
reactionary in!ustrial an! scienti;ic proce!ures ;ro% w0ic0 all political c0oice is a@sent. 8y @eco%in' :strate'ic7< in ot0er wor!s7 @y co%@inin' o;;ense an! !e;ense7 t0e new weapons !eter us ;ro% interruptin' t0e %o e%ent o; t0e ar%s race7 an! t0e :lo'istical strate'y< o; t0eir pro!uction @eco%es t0e ine ita@le pro!uction o; !estructi e %eans as an o@li'atory ;actor o; nonCwar N a icious circle in w0ic0 t0e ine ita@ility o; pro!uction replaces t0at o; !estruction. +0e war %ac0ine is now not only all o; war7 @ut also @eco%es t0e a! ersary/partnersP principal ene%y @y !epri in' t0e% o; t0eir ;ree!o% o; %o e%ent.P Dra''e! unwillin'ly into t0e :ser itu!e wit0out 0onor< o; !eterrence7 t0e prota'onists 0ence;ort0 practice t0e :politics o; t0e worst7< or %ore precisely7 t0e :apolitics o; t0e worst7< w0ic0 necessarily lea!s to t0e war %ac0ine one !ay @eco%in' t0e ery !ecision ;or war N t0us acco%plis0in' t0e per;ection o; its sel;Csu;;iciency7 t0e auto%ation o; !eterrence. +0e su''esti e Gu2taposition o; t0e ter%s !eterrence an! auto%ation allows us to un!erstan! @etter t0e structural a2is o; conte%porary %ilitaryC political e ents7 as E. 30eeler speci;ies- :+ec0nolo'ically possi@le7 centraliDation 0as @eco%e politically necessary.< +0is s0ortcut recalls t0at o; *aintCJustPs ;a%ous !ictu%- :30en a people can @e oppresse!7 it will @e< N t0e !i;;erence @ein' t0at t0is tec0noClo'istical oppression no lon'er concerns only t0e :people7< @ut t0e :!eci!ers< as well. &; only yester!ay t0e ;ree!o% o; %aneu er 6t0at aptitu!e ;or %o e%ent w0ic0 0as @een eBuate! wit0 t0e aptitu!e ;or war> occasionally reBuire! !ele'ations o; power up to t0e secon!ary ec0elons7 t0e re!uction o; t0e %ar'in o; %aneu er !ue to t0e pro'ress o; t0e %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction causes an e2tre%e concentration o; responsi@ilities ;or t0e solitary !ecisionC%aker t0at t0e C0ie; o; *tate 0as @eco%e. +0is contraction is7 0owe er7 ;ar ;ro% @ein' co%pleteL it continues

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1 Impact . /rms @ace0)ills eterrence

accor!in' to t0e ar%s race7 at t0e spee! o; t0e new capacities o; t0e ectors7 until one !ay it will !ispossess t0is last %an. &n ;act7 t0e %o e%ent is t0e sa%e t0at restrains t0e nu%@er o; proGectiles an! t0at re!uces to not0in' or al%ost not0in' t0e !ecision o; an in!i i!ual !epri e! o; counsel. +0e

%aneu er is t0e sa%e as t0e one t0at to!ay lea!s us to a@an!on territories an! a! ance! @ases7 an! as t0e one t0at will one !ay lea! us to renounce solitary 0u%an !ecision in ;a or o; t0e a@solute %iniaturiDation o; t0e political ;iel! w0ic0 is auto%ation. &; in 4re!erick t0e (reatPs ti%e to win was to a! ance7 ;or t0e supporters o; !eterrence it is to retreat7 to lea e
places7 peoples an! t0e in!i i!ual w0ere t0ey are N to t0e point w0ere !ro%olo'ical pro'ress closely rese%@les t0e Get en'inePs reaction propulsion7 cause! @y t0e eGection o; a certain Buantity o; %o e%ent 6t0e pro!uct o; a %ass ti%es a elocity> in t0e !irection opposite to t0e one we wis0 to take. &n t0is war o; recession @etween 1ast an! 3est N conte%porary not wit0 t0e illusory li%itation o; strate'ic ar%s7 @ut wit0 t0e li%itation o; strate'y itsel;N t0e power o; t0er%onuclear e2plosion ser es as an arti;icial 0oriDon ;or a race t0at is increasin' t0e power o; t0e e0icular i%plosion. +0e i%possi@ility o; interruptin' t0e pro'ress o; t0e power o; penetration7 ot0er t0an @y an act o; ;ait0 in t0e ene%y7 lea!s us to !eny strate'y as prior knowle!'e.

+0e auto%atic nature not only o; ar%s an! %eans7 @ut also o; t0e co%%an!7 is t0e sa%e as !enyin' our a@ility to reasonNic0t raisonnirenT 4re!erick t0e *econ!Ps or!er is per;ecte! @y a !eterrence t0at lea!s us to re!uce our ;ree!o% not only o; action an! !ecision7 @ut also o; conception. +0e lo'ic o; ar%s syste%s is elu!in' t0e %ilitary ;ra%ework %ore an! %ore7 an! %o in' towar! t0e en'ineer responsi@le ;or researc0 an! !e elop%ent N in e2pectation7 o; course7 o; t0e syste%Ps sel;C su;;iciency. +wo years a'o Ale2an!re *an'uinetti wrote7 :&t is @eco%in' less an! less concei a@le to @uil! attack planes7 w0ic0 wit0 t0eir
spare parts cost se eral %illion !ollars eac07 to transport @o%@s a@le to !estroy a country railroa! station. &t is si%ply not costCe;;ecti e.< +0is lo'ic o; practical war7 in w0ic0 t0e operatin' costs o; t0e 6aerial> ector auto%atically entail t0e 0ei'0tenin' o; its !estructi e capa@ility @ecause o; t0e reBuire%ents o; transportin' a tactical nuclear weapon7 is not li%ite! to attack planesL it is also @eco%in' t0e lo'ic o; t0e *tate apparatus. +0is @ackwar!ness is t0e lo'istical conseBuence o; pro!ucin' %eans to co%%unicate !estruction. +0e !an'er o; t0e nuclear weapon7 an! o; t0e ar%s syste% it i%plies7 is t0us not so %uc0 t0at it will e2plo!e7 @ut t0at it e2ists an! is i%plo!in' in our %in!s. Let us su%%ariDe t0is p0eno%enon- +wo @o%@s interrupt t0e war in t0e )aci;ic7 an! se eral !oDen nuclear su@%arines are enou'0 to ensure peace;ul coe2istence.. +0is is its nu%erical aspect. 3it0 t0e appearance o; t0e %ultiple t0er%onuclear war0ea! an! t0e rapi! !e elop%ent o; tactical nuclear ar%s7 we see t0e %iniaturiDation o; e2plosi e c0ar'es... +0is is its olu%etric aspect. A;ter 0a in' cleare! t0e planet sur;ace o; a cu%@erso%e !e;ensi e apparatus @y re!ucin' un!ersea an! un!er'roun! strate'ic ar%s7 t0ey renounce worl! e2panse @y re!ucin' t0e trou@le spots an! a! ance! @ases... +0is is its 'eo'rap0ical aspect. Ance responsi@le ;or t0e operations7 t0e ol! c0ie;s o; war7 strate'ists an! 'enerals7 ;in! t0e%sel es !e%ote! an! restricte! to si%ple %aintenance operations7 ;or t0e sole @ene;it o; t0e C0ie; o; *tate... +0is is its political aspect. 8ut t0is Buantitati e an! Bualitati e scarcity !oesnPt stop. +i%e itsel; is no lon'er enou'0- Constantly 0ei'0tene!7 t0e ectorsP alrea!y Buasisupersonic capacities are superse!e! @y t0e 0i'0 ener'ies t0at ena@le us to approac0 t0e spee! o; li'0t... +0is is its spatioCte%poral aspect. A;ter t0e ti%e o; t0e *tatePs political relati ity as noncon!uctin' %e!iu%7 we are ;ace! wit0 t0e noC ti%e o; t0e politics o; relati ity. +0e

;ull !isc0ar'e ;eare! @y ClausewitD 0as co%e a@out wit0 t0e *tate o; 1%er'ency. +0e iolence o; spee! 0as @eco%e @ot0 t0e location an! t0e law7 t0e worl!Ps !estiny an! its !estination.

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/utomation an spee effecti#ely effaces humans of political a!ency )aul Virilio7 p0ilosop0er7 ur@anist7 an! cultural t0eorist7 2$$& :+0e *tate o; 1%er'ency7< +0e Virilio /ea!er7 p 5"C.77 !k
8ut letPs 'o @ack to 1#K27 to t0e crucial e ents o; t0e Cu@an %issile crisis. At t0at ti%e7 t0e two superpowers 0a! ;i;teen %inutesP warnin' ti%e ;or war. +0e installation o; /ussian rockets on CastroPs islan! t0reatene! to re!uce t0e A%ericansP warnin' to t0irty secon!s7 w0ic0 was unaccepta@le ;or )resi!ent Kenne!y7 w0ate er t0e risks o; 0is cate'orical re;usal. 3e all know w0at 0appene!- t0e installation o; a !irect line N t0e :0ot line< N an! t0e interconnection o; t0e two Eea!s o; *tateT +en years later7 in 1#727 w0en t0e nor%al warnin' ti%e was !own to se eral %inutes N ten ;or @allistic %issiles7 a %ere two ;or satellite weapons N Ni2on an! 8reD0ne si'ne! t0e ;irst strate'ic ar%s li%itation a'ree%ent in Moscow. &n ;act7 t0is a'ree%ent ai%s less at t0e Buantitati e li%itation o; weapons 6as its a! ersary/partners clai%> t0an at t0e preser ation o; a properly :0u%an< political power7 since t0e constant pro'ress o; rapi!ity t0reatens ;ro% one !ay to t0e ne2t to re!uce t0e warnin' ti%e ;or nuclear war to less t0an one ;atal %inute N t0us ;inally a@olis0in' t0e Eea! o; *tatePs power o; re;lection an! !ecision in ;a or o; a pure an! si%ple auto%ation o; !e;ense syste%s. +0e !ecision ;or 0ostilities woul! t0en @elon' only to se eral strate'ic co%puter pro'ra%s. A;ter 0a in' @een 6@ecause o; its !estructi e capacities> t0e eBui alent o; total war N t0e nuclear %issileC launc0in' su@%arine alone is a@le to !estroy .$$ cities N t0e war %ac0ine su!!enly @eco%es 6t0anks to t0e re;le2es o; t0e strate'ic calculator> t0e ery !ecision ;or war. 30at will re%ain7 t0en7 o; t0e :political reasons< ;or !eterrenceH Let us recall t0at in 1#K27 a%on' t0e reasons t0at %a!e (eneral !e (aulle !eci!e to 0a e t0e populations rati;y t0e !ecision to elect t0e )resi!ent o; t0e /epu@lic @y uni ersal su;;ra'e7 t0ere was t0e cre!i@ility o; !eterrence7 t0e le'iti%acy o; t0e re;eren!u% @ein' a ;un!a%ental ele%ent o; t0is ery !eterrence. 30at will re%ain o; all t0is in t0e auto%ation o; !eterrenceH in t0e auto%ation o; !ecisionH +0e transition ;ro% t0e state o; sie'e o; wars o; space to t0e state o; e%er'ency o; t0e war o; ti%e only took se eral !eca!es7 !urin' w0ic0 t0e political era o; t0e states%an was replace! @y t0e apolitical era o; t0e *tate apparatus. 4acin' t0e a! ent o; suc0 a re'i%e7 we woul! !o well to won!er a@out w0at is %uc0 %ore t0an a te%poral p0eno%enon. At t0e close o; our century7 t0e ti%e o; t0e ;inite worl! is co%in' to an en!L we li e in t0e @e'innin's o; a para!o2ical %iniaturiDation o; action7 w0ic0 ot0ers pre;er to @aptiDe auto%ation. An!rew *tratton writes7 :3e co%%only @elie e t0at auto%ation suppresses t0e possi@ility o; 0u%an error. &n ;act7 it trans;ers t0at possi@ility ;ro% t0e action sta'e to t0e conception sta'e. 3e are now reac0in' t0e point w0ere t0e possi@ilities o; an acci!ent !urin' t0e critical %inutes o; a plane lan!in'7 i; 'ui!e! auto%atically7 are ;ewer t0an i; a pilot is controllin' it. 3e %i'0t won!er i; we will e er reac0 t0e sta'e o; auto%atically controlle! nuclear weapons7 in w0ic0 t0e %ar'in o; error woul! @e less t0an wit0 0u%an !ecision. 8ut t0e possi@ility o; t0is pro'ress t0reatens to re!uce to little or not0in' t0e ti%e ;or 0u%an !ecision to inter ene in t0e syste%.< +0is is @rilliant. Contraction in ti%e7 t0e !isappearance o; t0e territorial space7 a;ter t0at o; t0e ;orti;ie! city an! ar%or7 lea!s to a situation in w0ic0 t0e notions o; :@e;ore< an! :a;ter< !esi'nate only t0e ;uture an! t0e past in a ;or% o; war t0at causes t0e :present< to !isappear in t0e instantaneousness o; !ecision. +0e ;inal power woul! t0us @e less one o; i%a'ination t0an o; anticipation7 so %uc0 so t0at to 'o ern woul! @e no %ore t0an to ;oresee7 si%ulate7 %e%oriDe t0e si%ulationsL t0at t0e present :/esearc0 &nstitute< coul! appear to @e t0e @lueprint o; t0is ;inal power7 t0e power o; utopia. +0e loss o; %aterial space lea!s to t0e 'o ern%ent o; not0in' @ut ti%e. +0e Ministry o; +i%e sketc0e! in eac0 ector will ;inally @e acco%plis0e! ;ollowin' t0e !i%ensions o; t0e @i''est e0icle t0ere is7 t0e *tateC ector. +0e w0ole 'eo'rap0ic 0istory o; t0e !istri@ution o; lan! an! countries woul! stop in ;a or o; a sin'le re'roupin' o; ti%e7 power no lon'er @ein' co%para@le to anyt0in' @ut a :%eteorolo'y.< &n t0is precarious ;iction spee! woul! su!!enly @eco%e a !estiny7 a ;or% o; pro'ress7 in ot0er wor!s a :ci iliDation< in w0ic0 eac0 spee! woul! @e so%et0in' o; a :re'ion< o; ti%e. As Mackin!er sai!7 ;orces o; pressure are always e2erte! in t0e sa%e !irection. Now7 t0is sin'le !irection o; 'eopolitics is t0at w0ic0 lea!s to t0e i%%e!iate co%%utation o; t0in's an! places. 3ar is not7 as 4oc0 clai%e!7 0ar@orin' illusions on t0e ;uture o; c0e%ical e2plosi es7 :a worksite o; ;ire.< 3ar 0as always @een a worksite o; %o e%ent7 a spee!C;actory. +0e tec0nolo'ical @reakt0rou'07 t0e last ;or% o; t0e war o; %o e%ent7 en!s up7 wit0 !eterrence7 at t0e !issolution o; w0at separate! @ut also !istin'uis0e!7 an! t0is nonC!istinction correspon!s ;or us to a political @lin!ness. 3e can eri;y it wit0 (eneral !e (aullePs !ecree o; January 77 1#.#7 suppressin' t0e !istinction @etween peaceti%e an! warti%e. 4urt0er%ore7 !urin' t0is sa%e perio!7 an! !espite t0e Vietna%ese e2ception t0at pro es t0e rule7 war 0as s0runk ;ro% se eral years to se eral !ays7 e en to se eral 0ours. &n t0e 1 #K$s a %utation occurs- t0e passa'e ;ro% warti%e to t0e war o; peaceti%e7 to t0at total peace t0at ot0ers still call :peace;ul coe2istence.< +0e @lin!ness o; t0e spee! o; %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction is not a li@eration ;ro% 'eopolitical ser itu!e7 @ut t0e e2ter%ination o; space as t0e ;iel! o; ;ree!o% o; political action. 3e only nee! re;er to t0e necessary controls an! constraints o; t0e railway7 airway or 0i'0way in;rastructures to see t0e ;atal i%pulse- t0e %ore spee! increases7 t0e ;aster ;ree!o% !ecreases. +0e apparatusP sel;Cpropulsion ;inally entails t0e sel;Csu;;iciency o; auto%ation. 30at 0appens in t0e e2a%ple o; t0e racecar !ri er7 w0o is no %ore t0an a worrie! lookout ;or t0e catastrop0ic pro@a@ilities o; 0is %o e%ent7 is repro!uce! on t0e

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DDI 2011

1 Impact . /!ency
political le el as soon as con!itions reBuire an action in real ti%e.2 Let us take7 ;or e2a%ple7 a crisis situation- :4ro% t0e ery @e'innin' o; t0e *i2 DaysP 3ar in 1#K77 )resi!ent Jo0nson took control o; t0e 30ite Eouse7 one 0an! 'ui!in' t0e *i2t0 4leet7 t0e ot0er on t0e 0ot line. +0e necessity o; t0e link @etween t0e two @eca%e clearly apparent as soon as an &sraeli attack a'ainst t0e A%erican reconnaissance s0ip Li@erty pro oke! t0e inter ention o; one o; t0e ;leetPs aircra;t carriers. Moscow e2a%ine! e ery @lip on t0e ra!ar screens as attenti ely as 3as0in'ton !i!- woul! t0e /ussians interpret t0e air planesP c0an'e o; course an! t0eir con er'ence as an act o; a''ressionH +0is is w0ere t0e 0ot line ca%e in3as0in'ton i%%e!iately e2plaine! t0e reasons ;or t0is operation an! Moscow was reassure!< 6Ear ey 30eeler>. &n t0is e2a%ple o; strate'ic political action in real ti%e7 t0e C0ie; o; *tate is in ;act a :(reat Eel%s%an.< 8ut t0e presti'ious nature o; t0e peoplePs 0istorical 'ui!e 'i es way to t0e %ore prosaic an! rat0er @anal one o; a :test pilot< tryin' to %aneu er 0is %ac0ine in a ery narrow %ar'in. +en years 0a e passe! since t0is :crisis state7< an! t0e ar%s race 0as cause! t0e %ar'in o; political security to narrow still ;urt0er7 @rin'in' us closer to t0e critical t0res0ol! w0ere t0e possi@ilities ;or properly 0u%an political act ion will !isappear in a :*tate o; 1%er'ency<L w0ere telep0one co%%unication @etween states%en will stop7 pro@a@ly in ;a or o; an interconnection o; co%puter syste%s7 %o!ern calculators o; strate'y an!7 conseBuently7 o; politics. 6Let us recall t0at t0e co%putersP ;irst task was to sol e si%ultaneously a series o; co%ple2 eBuations ai%e! at causin' t0e traGectory o; t0e antiCaircra;t proGectile an! t0at o; t0e airplane to %eet.> Eere we 0a e t0e ;earso%e telescopin' o; ele%ents @orn o; t0e :a%p0i@ious 'enerations<L t0e e2tre%e pro2i%ity o; parties in w0ic0 t0e i%%e!iacy o; in;or%ation i%%e!iately creates t0e crisisL t0e ;railty o; reasonin' power7 w0ic0 is @ut t0e e;;ect o; a %iniaturiDation o; action N t0e latter resultin' ;ro% t0e %iniaturiDation o; space as a ;iel! o; action. An i%percepti@le %o e%ent on a co%puter key@oar!7 or one %a!e @y a :skyGacker< @ran!is0in' a cookie @o2 co ere! wit0 %askin' tape7 can lea! to a catastrop0ic c0ain o; e ents t0at until recently was inconcei a@le.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 Impact . <xtinction0$ar
Conflict e#oi of "arnin! times an increase technolo!ical chan!es ma)e faster offense the only possi%le option8 This politics ma)es extinction ine#ita%le8 )aul Virilio7 p0ilosop0er7 ur@anist7 an! cultural t0eorist7 2$$& :+0e *tate o; 1%er'ency7< +0e Virilio /ea!er7 p 5"C.77 !k
+0e ancient interCcity !uel7 war @etween nations7 t0e per%anent con;lict @etween na al e%pires an! continental powers 0a e all su!!enly !isappeare!7 'i in' way to an un0ear!Co; opposition- t0e Gu2taposition o; e ery locality7 all %atter. +0e planetary %ass @eco%es no %ore t0an a :critical %ass7< a precipitate resultin' ;ro% t0e e2tre%e re!uction o; contact ti%e7 a ;earso%e ;riction o; places an! ele%ents t0at only yester!ay were still !istinct an! separate! @y a @u;;er o; !istances7 w0ic0 0a e su!!enly @eco%e anac0ronistic. &n +0e Ari'in o; Continents an! Aceans7 pu@lis0e! in 1#1.7 Al;re! 3e'ener writes t0at in t0e @e'innin' t0e eart0 can only 0a e 0a! @ut one ;ace7 w0ic0 see%s likely7 'i en t0e capacities ;or interconnect ion. &n t0e ;uture t0e eart0 will 0a e @ut one inter;ace... &; spee! t0us appears as t0e essential ;allCout o; styles o; con;licts an! cataclys%s7 t0e current :ar%s race< is in ;act only :t0e ar%in' o; t0e race< towar! t0e en! o; t0e worl! as !istance7 in ot0er wor!s as a ;iel! o; action. +0e ter% :!eterrence< points to t0e a%@i'uity o; t0is situation7 in w0ic0 t0e weapon replaces t0e protection o; ar%or7 in w0ic0 t0e possi@ilities o; o;;ense an! o;;ensi e ensure in an! o; t0e%sel es t0e !e;ense7 t0e entire !e;ensi e a'ainst t0e :e2plosi e< !i%ension o; strate'ic ar%s7 @ut not at all a'ainst t0e :i%plosi e< !i%ension o; t0e ectorsP per;or%ances7 since on t0e contrary t0e %aintenance o; a cre!i@le :strike power< reBuires t0e constant re;inin' o; t0e en'inesP power7 in ot0er wor!s o; t0eir a@ility to re!uce 'eo'rap0ic space to not0in' or al%ost not0in'. &n ;act7 wit0out t0e iolence o; spee!7 t0at o; weapons woul! not @e so ;earso%e. &n t0e current conte2t7 to !isar% woul! t0us %ean ;irst an! ;ore%ost to !ecelerate7 to !e;use t0e race towar! t0e en!. Any treaty t0at !oes not li%it t0e spee! o; t0is race 6t0e spee! o; %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction> will not li%it strate'ic ar%s7 since ;ro% now on t0e essential o@Gect o; strate'y consists in %aintainin' t0e nonCplace o; a 'eneral !elocaliDation o; %eans t0at alone still allows us to 'ain ;ractions o; secon!s7 w0ic0 'ain is in!ispensa@le to any ;ree!o% o; action. As (eneral 4uller wrote7 :30en t0e co%@atants t0rew Ga elins at eac0 ot0er7 t0e weaponPs initial spee! was suc0 t0at one coul! see it on its traGectory an! parry its e;;ects wit0 onePs s0iel!. 8ut w0en t0e Ga elin was replace! @y t0e @ullet7 t0e spee! was so 'reat t0at parry @eca%e i%possi@le.< &%possi@le to %o e onePs @o!y out o; t0e way7 @ut possi@le i; one %o e! out o; t0e weaponPs ran'eL possi@le as well t0rou'0 t0e s0elter o; t0e trenc07 'reater t0an t0at o; t0e s0iel! N possi@le7 in ot0er wor!s7 t0rou'0 space an! %atter. +o!ay7 t0e re!uction o; warnin' ti%e t0at results ;ro% t0e supersonic spee!s o; assault lea es so little ti%e ;or !etection7 i!enti;ication an! response t0at in t0e case o; a surprise attack t0e supre%e aut0ority woul! 0a e to risk a@an!onin' 0is supre%acy o; !ecision @y aut0oriDin' t0e lowest ec0elon o; t0e !e;ense syste% to i%%e!iately launc0 antiC%issile %issiles. +0e two political superpowers 0a e t0us ;ar pre;erre! to a oi! t0is situation t0rou'0 ne'otiations7 renouncin' antiC%issile !e;ense at t0e sa%e ti%e. (i en t0e lack o; space7 an acti e !e;ense reBuires at least t0e %aterial ti%e to inter ene. 8ut t0ese are t0e :war %aterials< t0at !isappear in t0e acceleration o; t0e %eans o; co%%unicatin' !estruction. +0ere re%ains only a passi e !e;ense t0at consists less in rein;orcin' itsel; a'ainst t0e %e'aton powers o; nuclear weapons t0an in a series o; constant7 unpre!icta@le7 a@errant %o e%ents7 %o e%ents w0ic0 are t0us strate'ically e;;ecti e N ;or at least a little w0ile lon'er7 we 0ope. &n ;act7 war now rests entirely on t0e !ere'ulation o; ti%e an! space. +0is is w0y t0e tec0nical %aneu er t0at consists in co%ple2i;yin' t0e ector @y constantly i%pro in' its per;or%ances 0as now totally supplante! tactical %aneu ers on t0e terrain7 as we 0a e seen. (eneral Ailleret points t0is out in 0is 0istory o; weapons @y statin' t0at t0e !e;inition o; ar%s pro'ra%s 0as @eco%e one o; t0e essential ele%ents o; strate'y. &; in ancient con entional war;are we coul! still talk a@out ar%y %aneu ers in t0e ;iel!s7 in t0e current state o; a;;airs7 i; t0is %aneu er still e2ists7 it no lon'er nee!s a :;iel!<. +0e in asion o; t0e instant succee!s t0e in asion o; t0e territory. +0e count!own @eco%es t0e scene o; @attle7 t0e ;inal ;rontier. +0e opposin' si!es can easily @an @acteriolo'ical7 'eo!esic or %eteorolo'ical war;are. &n reality7 w0at is currently at stake wit0 strate'ic ar%s li%itation a'ree%ents 6*AL+ &> is no lon'er t0e e2plosi e @ut t0e ector7 t0e ector o; nuclear !eli erance7 or %ore precisely its per;or%ances. +0e reason ;or t0is is si%ple- w0ere t0e %olecular or nuclear e2plosi ePs @last %a!e a 'i en area un;it ;or e2istence7 t0at o; t0e i%plosi e 6 e0icles an! ectors> su!!enly re!uces reaction ti%e7 an! t0e ti%e ;or political !ecision7 to not0in'. &; o er t0irty years a'o t0e nuclear e2plosi e co%plete! t0e cycle o; spatial wars7 at t0e en! o; t0is century t0e i%plosi e 6@eyon! politically an! econo%ically in a!e! territories> inau'urates t0e war o; ti%e. &n ;ull peace;ul coe2istence7 wit0out any !eclaration o; 0ostilities7 an! %ore surely t0an @y any ot0er kin! o; con;lict7 rapi!ity !eli ers us ;ro% t0is worl!.

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DDI JM Virilio K +urns Case

DDI 2011

In a pure "ar e#eryone is a sol ier2 they are al"ays on !uar an protecti#e of their resources "hich ma)es conflict2 terrism2 an fuel inefficiency ine#ita%le ?or! 0( 6Mark 8. Jr7 )0D.7 )racticin' psyc0oanalyst consultant7 New Rork7 :)syc0oanalytic )ure 3ar- &nteractions wit0 t0e )ostC
Apocalyptic 9nconscious7< J)C*- Journal ;or t0e )syc0oanalysis o; Culture Y *ociety7 Volu%e "7 Nu%@er 17 *prin' 2$$, p'. ."> +0e p0ilosop0y 6or practice> o; :pure warriors7< t0at is7 o; people w0o are preoccupie! wit0 t0e pure war con!ition o; t0eir society7 is @ase! on t0e perpetual ;ailure wit0in t0e% o; t0e !issociation an! repression t0at allow ot0ers to ;unction in a situation t0at is ot0erwise co%pletely o erw0el%in'. Joyce was one o; t0ose w0o li e! on t0e @or!er o; li;e an! !eat0L s0e coul! not escape awareness o; t0at !rea! !ic0oto%y t0at %ost o; us are at 'reat pains to !issociate. *0e %ani;este! t0e state o; perpetual preparation t0at is t0e 0all%ark o; pure war culture an! o; t0e insu;;iciently !e;en!e! pure warrior7 an! also a constant awareness o; t0e nearness o; !eat0 in all its arious ;or%s. *0e un!erstoo! Buite well7 ;or instance7 t0at w0en people are institutionaliDe! 6as s0e 0a! @een on nu%erous occasions>7 :society is !e;inin' t0e% as socially !ea!7 \an! t0at at t0at pointU t0e essential task to @e carrie! out is to 0elp in%ates to %ake t0eir transition ;ro% social !eat0 to p0ysical !eat0< 6Miller an! (wynne 75>. A'ainst t0is @ack!rop7 Joyce sou'0t psyc0oanalysis as a :new worl!7< t0e place w0ere s0e woul! @reak ;ree ;ro% t0e !eat0ly institutionaliDe! aspects o; 0er sel;7 an! @e'in 0er li;e anew. Eer searc0 ;or a :new worl!< inclu!e! t0e possi@ility o; a worl! t0at was not a pure war worl!Na prelapsarian 1!en. Virilio an! Lotrin'er state t0at :war e2ists in its preparation< 6.,>. An! *un +su7 w0o wrote o er 25$$ years a'o an! yet is o;ten consi!ere! t0e ori'inator o; %o!ern war;are7 sai! in +0e Art o; 3ar7 :)reparation e eryw0ere %eans lack e eryw0ere< 655>. +0is %eans t0at w0en t0e %e%@ers o; a culture %ust @e on 'uar! on all ;ronts7 t0e resources o; t0at culture are necessarily scattere! an! ta2e!. +0e %ore !e;enses are in!uce! an! enacte!7 t0e %ore psyc0olo'ically i%po eris0e! a culture 6or a person> will @e. &n warCtorn nations7 resources like ;oo!7 clot0in'7 an! %aterials ;or s0elter %ay @e scarce in t0e 'eneral population @ecause t0ey are s0unte! o;; to t0e %ilitary. *i%ilarly7 t0e 0oar!in' o; psyc0olo'ical resources an! t0e constant alert status o; t0e !e;ense syste% are outco%es o; e2istence in a pure war culture. 3e can see t0is scatterin' an! scarcity o; resources occurrin' alrea!y in t0e 9nite! *tates as @illions o; !ollars are s0unte! ;ro% social ser ices to war e;;orts an! 0o%elan! security. &n pure war culturesNt0at is7 in cultures t0at enact a perpetual preparation ;or warNt0e notion o; peace is itsel; a !e;ensi e ;antasy7 alt0ou'0 to sur i e psyc0ically we !istract oursel es ;ro% suc0 ;ri'0tenin' sti%uli as wi!esprea! terrorist acti ities an! ot0er e ents t0at !e%onstrate our pure war status. )ure war o@literates t0e !istinction @etween sol!ier an! citiDen. 3e 0a e all @een !ra;te!. Accor!in' to Virilio an! Lotrin'er7 :All o; us are alrea!y ci ilian sol!iers7 wit0out knowin' it...3ar 0appens e eryw0ere7 @ut we no lon'er 0a e t0e %eans o; reco'niDin' it< 652>.

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DDI JM Virilio K

DDI 2011

1 Turns Case
Technolo!ical chan!es creates a isconnect that ma)es miscalc an extinction ine#ita%le Dou'las Kellner7 )0.D.7 )0ilosop0y7 Colu%@ia 9ni ersity7 &llu%inations7 1#&&7 :Virilio7 3ar7 an! +ec0nolo'y- *o%e Critical
/e;lections<7 0ttp-//www.uta.e!u/0u%a/illu%inations/kell2#.0t%7 !k 4or Virilio7 t0eories o; li'0t an! spee! replace ti%e an! space7 as a new i%%ateriality an! ?new illu%inis%? co%es to !o%inate conte%porary scienti;ic t0inkin'. Virilio @elie es t0at as wit0 t0e notions o; critical %ass or te%perature7 w0en states o; a;;airs @reak up an! @eco%e ra!ically ot0er7 space too @eco%es ?critical? 6Virilio 1##7@- #;;>. +0e notion o; ?critical space? re;ers to t0e @reakin' up an! !issolution o; pre ious con;i'urations o; space un!er t0e i%pact o; tec0nolo'y. 4or Virilio7 teleco%%unication t0at era!icates all !uration an! e2tension o; ti%e in t0e trans%ission o; %essa'es an! i%a'es7 as well as %ass transportation an! interacti e co%puter tec0nolo'ies t0at !ecenter ur@an or li e! space7 all constitute t0reats an! !issolutions o; pre ious con;i'urations o; e2perience as space @eco%es irtual an! takes on new %o!alities. )re ious con;i'urations o; space an! ti%e are replace! @y ti%eCli'0t 6i.e. t0e ti%e o; t0e spee! o; li'0t> an! a new ?lu%iocentris%? 61##7@- .; an! 15;>7 in w0ic0 t0e instantaneous ;low o; in;or%ation ruptures pre ious con;i'urations o; ti%e an! space7 reBuirin' new concepts to !escri@e t0e para%eters an! processes o; t0e new worl!s o; tec0nolo'y an! tec0nolo'ical e2perience. 4or Virilio7 !e elop%ents in science an! tec0nolo'y are o@literatin' @ot0 %o!ern an! co%%on sense iews o; t0e worl! an! pro!ucin' new o@Gects an! spaces t0at cannot @e e2plaine! @y current conceptual sc0e%es. +0e ?p0ysics o; t0e in;initesi%ally s%all? an! t0e cos%olo'ical speculations on outer space pro!uce no elties an! puDDles t0at put in Buestion t0e ;acts o; perception7 t0e real% o; e2perience7 an! t0at point to new7 unpercei e! an! i%percepti@le entities7 t0at con;oun! co%%on sense an! current scienti;ic sc0e%es 6Virilio 1##1@- ;;>. Moreo er7 new tec0nolo'ies are pro!ucin' @ot0 new o@Gects 6i.e. cy@erspace7 irtual reality7 etc.> an! new %o!es o; perception an! representation 6i.e. ;ractal 'eo%etry7 co%puterC'enerate! representations o; e2ternal an! internal realities7 etc.> t0at t0e%sel es reBuire new %o!es o; t0ou'0t an! co'nition. *uc0 s0i;ts in %o!es o; perception an! representation @e'an wit0 cine%atic p0oto'rap0y t0at capture! %otion an! p0eno%ena not isi@le to t0e nake! eye7 increase! wit0 !e elop%ents in %icroscopes an! telescopes7 an! proli;erate! new %o!es o; perception an! representation wit0 co%puters an! new irtual tec0nolo'y. &n s0ort7 Virilio is %ournin' t0e loss o; t0e o@Gect o; ocular perception in t0e e%er'ent ;or%s o; tec0nolo'ical perception an! representation7 t0e !isplace%ent o; t0e !i%ension o; !irect o@ser ation an! co%%on sense 61##1@ 111>7 an! t0us t0e loss o; t0e %ateriality an! concreteness o; t0e o@Gects o; perception7 t0e real% o; appearance an! li e! e2perience. &n or!er wor!s7 Virilio %ourns t0e loss o; t0e p0eno%enolo'ical !i%ension t0at pri ile'e! li e! e2perience. Always a p0eno%enolo'ist7 as 0e a;;ir%s in 0is inter iew wit0 Jo0n Ar%itra'e in t0is issue7 Virilio roots 0is t0ou'0t in concrete e2perience o; o@Gects7 people7 an! processes in t0e o@ser e! an! e2perience! worl!s o; e ery!ay li;e an! t0e natural an! social worl!s. +0e new tec0nolo'ical worl!s7 ;or 0i%7 constitute a @reak an! rupture wit0 or!inary e2perience an! t0us s0i;t t0e locus o; trut07 %eanin'7 an! ali!ity to7 ;or Virilio7 an a@stract an! eni'%atic irtual real%. Conte%porary science an! tec0nolo'y ;or Virilio are t0us pro!ucin' new ;or%s o; e2perience7 new %o!es o; perception an! representation7 an! new o@Gects o; e2perience t0at !ecenter t0e 0u%an su@Gect7 t0at replace 0u%an co'nition wit0 tec0nolo'ical ision7 an! !isplace 0u%an la@or power in ;a or o; auto%ate! tec0nolo'ical pro!uction. Losin' control o er its worl!7 t0e 0u%an su@Gect @eco%es a %ere recor!in' !e ice an! t0e 0u%an @o!y is re!uce! to ;unctions in a tec0nolo'ical syste%. Material reality is !ecentere! an! a new tec0nolo'ical i!ealis% 'enerates concepts increasin'ly !istant ;ro% co%%on sense7 t0e @o!y an! %aterial worl!7 t0e conceptual syste%s o; t0e past7 an! li e! e2perience. &n
a!!ition to t0e loss o; t0e concrete o@Gect o; perception7 o; t0e real% o; appearance an! %aterial reality7 o; t0e @o!y7 Virilio %ourns t0e !isappearance o; t0e city7 t0e state7 an! t0e en! o; politics in t0e new 'lo@aliDe! tec0nopolis. Just as co%puterCai!e! pro!uction an! a new irtual ;or% o; auto%ation !isplace 0u%an la@or power7 so too !oes ?;le2i@le accu%ulation? 6Da i! Ear ey>7 t0e new 'lo@al !i ision an! or'aniDation o; pro!uction7 an! international ;inancial %arkets7 !ata @ases7 an! si%ultaneity o; in;or%ation trans%ission7 co%%unication7 an! i!eo representation o@literate pre ious e2periences an! concepts o; ti%e an! space7 pro!ucin' a 'ra e new worl! o; transnational 'lo@al corporations7 political or'aniDations7 an! cities7

!isplacin' t0e national ;ir%7 t0e city7 t0e nationCstate7 an! pre ious ;or%s an! sites o; %o!ern politics. &n!ee!7 ;or Virilio part o; t0e ?lost !i%ension? is t0e en! o; politics in a worl! o; increase! spee! an! irtualities. +0is is %ost e i!ent in t0e real% o; %ilitary tec0nolo'y in w0ic0 t0e co%ple2ity o; weapon syste%s create e er s0orter response ti%es ;or 0u%ans to react to ;ri'0tenin' co%puterC'enerate! in;or%ation concernin' %ilitary t0reats an! in w0ic0 %ilitary tec0nolo'y itsel; can autono%ously 'enerate catastrop0es ran'in' ;ro% ?;rien!ly ;ire? inci!ents to nuclear apocalypse. 8ut t0e loss o; sta@le re;erents o; t0e political CC t0e city7 state7 nation CC in t0e !eterritorialiDe! an! olatiliDe! irtual an! 'lo@al spaces o; t0e new in;or%ation econo%y an! polity7 also ren!er 0u%an participation in politics perple2in' an! per0aps ;utile. +0is ision o; tec0nolo'ical !o%ination7 o; tec0nolo'y !isplacin' 0u%an @ein's7 0as ec0oes o; t0e t0eories o; ?autono%ous tec0nolo'y? 63inner> !e elope! @y Eei!e''er7 1llul7 an! ot0er totaliDin' critics o; conte%porary tec0nolo'y. Virilio !oes
positi ely cite Eei!e''er on tec0nolo'y7 t0ou'0 0e su''ests critiBues o; Eei!e''er an! totalitarianis%7 speci;ically 0is a;;iliation wit0 (er%an National *ocialis% 61#"K- #$7 11,;7 passi%7 an! Virilio an! Lotrin'er 1#",- 2,;>. +0us7 w0ile Virilio is BuasiCEei!e''erian in 0is perspecti e on tec0nolo'y7 seein' tec0nolo'y as t0e en;ra%in' !e%iur'e o; t0e %o!ern worl!7 as t0e %atri2 in w0ic0 0u%an practice un;ol!s7 0e is clearly antiCtotalitarian7 an! %i'0t @e seen per0aps as a le;tCEei!e''erian. 4urt0er7 in t0e li'0t o; 0is C0ristian reli'ious @elie;s7 0e 0as certain a;;inities wit0 JacBue 1llulFs ra!ical critiBue o;

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DDI 2011

1 Turns Case
tec0nolo'y7 t0at sees tec0nolo'y as an autono%ous ;orce t0at is co%in' to !o%inate t0e conte%porary worl!7 e;;acin' 0u%an ;ree!o% an! %eanin'. 30en aske! i; 1llul or C0ristian e2istential p0ilosop0er (a@riel Marcel in;luence! 0is t0ou'0t7
0e a;;ir%e! t0e in;luence o; 1llul w0ile !enyin' t0e i%pact o; Marcel.\2U Certainly7 t0ere are ec0oes o; 1llulFs tec0niBue7 o; a totalitarian ten!ency towar! !o%ination an! !estruction ;ro% tec0nolo'ical !e elop%ent7 runnin' t0rou'0out VirilioFs work7 alt0ou'0 0e uses %ore concrete %o!els o; war %ac0ines7 or ision %ac0ines7 to c0aracteriDe tec0nolo'y7 is less o ertly totaliDin' t0an 1llul7 an! is %ore %ute! in 0is reli'ious perspecti es. Ret t0ere are si%ilar t0e%es o; t0e !e%ise o; 0u%an autono%y an! creati ity in a worl! in w0ic0 tec0niBue an! tec0nolo'ical !e elop%ent i%poses its i%perati es on 0u%an @ein's an! @ot0 0a e a pre!o%inantly ne'ati e an! critical take on w0at t0ey see as t0e totalitarianis% o; %o!ern tec0nolo'y. Like 1llul7

Virilio !enies t0e tec0nolo'ical i%perati e an! a;;ir%s t0e !i'nity an! so erei'nty o; 0u%an @ein's o er t0in's. A'ainst all ;or%s o; econo%ic !eter%inis% an! i!ealist 0u%anis%7 Virilio posits an autono%ous ;orce an! power o; tec0nolo'y an! !escri@es t0e ways t0at it constrains econo%ic an! social li;e. Ret in place o; Mar2ian econo%ic !eter%inis%7 Virilio ar'ua@ly su@stitutes a ;or% o; %ilitaryCtec0nolo'ical !eter%inis%. An 0is iew7 t0e %ilitary or'aniDation an! !eploy%ent o; people is t0e ori'in o; proletarianiDation an! pre!ates capitalis%L %ilitary %o@iliDation is e2ploite! @y political7 econo%ic7 an! %ilitary ;orces to au'%ent t0eir powerL an! t0e result is t0e e erC%ore sop0isticate! an! let0al !e elop%ent o; a war %ac0ine7 a !estructi e apparatus t0at is increasin'ly auto%ate!7 let0al7 ;ast7 e;;ecti e an! re%o e! ;ro% 0u%an control or alues7 pro!ucin' ?a state o; e%er'ency? in w0ic0 t0e ery ;ate o; t0e eart0 an! 0u%anity is at stake.

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The iscourse of "ar shapes ho" "ar is "a!e an policies are propose 8 Lucas $alsh an Julien ?ar%ara7 Buals7 200,7 *pee!7 &nternational *ecurity7 an! OONew3arPP Co era'e in Cy@erspace7 Journal
o; Co%puterCMe!ia Co%%unication7 J*tor +0e ways t0at 3estern 'o ern%ents represent war to !o%estic populations an! seek to esta@lis0 t0e ;ra%e o; !iscourse in w0ic0 war is un!erstoo! continues to @e a central preoccupation o; %e!ia t0eorists an! co%%entators. +0e work o; t0eorist )aul Virilio pro i!es a use;ul startin' point ;or critiBuin' t0e relations0ip @etween conte%porary tec0nolo'y7 politics7 an! war co era'e in cy@erspace. Eis critiBue 0i'0li'0ts 0ow t0e acceleration an! intensi;ication o; war co era'e in cy@erspace pro!uces political e;;ects o; !isorientation7 w0ic07 as will @e e2plore! @elow7 0a e @een utiliDe! @y states to Gusti;y new ;orei'n policy !irections. Virilio raises so%e i%portant Buestions a@out t0e political i%plications o; spee! t0at arise ;ro% intensi e use o; &C+s. Virilio !oes not present a syste%atic t0eory o; tec0nolo'y per se 63ark7 1#"">7 @ut rat0er a !ystopian ision in w0ic0 cy@erspace an! instantaneous 'lo@aliDe! in;or%ation ;lows e;;ect a collapse o; territorial !istance an! co%pro%ise state so erei'nty 6Virilio7 1##.a>. Ar'uin' t0at cy@erspace is a new ;or% o; perspecti e ;ree o; any pre ious spatial re;erence7 Virilio 61##.@> su''ests t0at t0e s0eer spee! o; in;or%ation ;lows arisin' ;ro% %ass &C+s i%pact 0ow people en'a'e wit0 t0e worl! aroun! t0e% in pro;oun!ly political ways. Virilio e okes t0e 'eo%etric i!ea o; a ectorNa line o; ;i2e! len't0 an! !irection @ut wit0 no ;i2e! positionNto con ey t0e notion o; a traGectory alon' w0ic0 @o!ies or in;or%ation7 wit0 t0e potential to tra erse a 'i en territory7 pass 63ark7 1#"">. Manuel Castells !escri@es a si%ilar iew o; t0e in;or%ation society7 w0erein t0e spaces in w0ic0 0u%ans interact are increasin'ly s0i;tin' accor!in' to t0e OO aria@le 'eo%etryPP create! @y electronic networks7 OOw0ere t0e %eanin' o; eac0 locale escapes its 0istory7 culture or institutions7 to @e constantly re!e;ine! @y an a@stract network o; in;or%ation strate'ies an! !ecisionsPP 6Castells7 1#".7 pp. 1.7 2,>. 8y collapsin' territorial !istance7 Virilio ar'ues7 &C+s co%pro%ise political so erei'nty @y ena@lin' OOa parallel in;or%ation %arketPP o; propa'an!a an! illusion. Accor!in' to Virilio 61##.a7 p. .7> OO\tUerritorial !istance an! %e!ia pro2i%ity %ake an e2plosi e cocktailPP wit0 i%portant political conseBuences. /at0er t0an en'en!erin' pro2i%ity7 t0ese in;or%ation ectors 0a e t0e potential to trans;or% political relations entirely. &n VirilioPs ter%s7 &C+s are trans;or%in' social an! political relations @y ;acilitatin' ectors wit0 increasin' acceleration in w0ic0 t0e @oun!aries @etween entertain%ent7 in;or%ation7 co%%unication7 an! 0u%an/co%puter interaction are ero!e! an! reconstitute! @y tec0nolo'ical c0an'e. 4or Virilio7 t0e spee! an! intensity o; instantaneous in;or%ation an! co%%unication ;lows pro%otes an o erw0el%in' loss o; orientation t0at in;luences political ;or%ation. OO3it0 acceleration t0ere is no %ore 0ere an! t0ere7 only t0e %ental con;usion o; near an! ;ar7 present an! ;uture7 real an! unrealNa %i2 o; 0istory7 stories7 an! t0e 0allucinatory utopia o; co%%unication tec0nolo'iesPP 6Virilio7 1##.a7 p. ,.>. +0e con er'ence o; news an! entertain%ent %e!ia conGures a sea%less inte'ration o; co%%unication7 entertain%ent7 co%%erce7 an! politics7 t0rou'0 w0ic0 t0e iewer is isually @o%@ar!e! @y a !isorientin' array o; c0oice @etween news7 ;iction7 OOe!utain%ent7PP an! OOin;otain%entPPNall o; w0ic0 are !eli ere! instantaneously in t0e OO0ere an! now.PP As news7 OOreality tele ision7PP ;ictions7 an! arious le els o; 0u%an an! co%puterC%e!iate! interaction take place t0rou'0 t0is electronic portal7 t0e social an! political i%pacts o; t0e proli;eration o; irtual en iron%ents an! %ultiple realities intensi;y.

The o%session "ith technolo!ical a #ancement has left us "ith a tainte emocracy that allo"s the 4tate to pursue any !oal "ithout fear of reprocussions8 Lucas $alsh an Julien ?ar%ara7 Buals7 200,7 *pee!7 &nternational *ecurity7 an! OONew3arPP Co era'e in Cy@erspace7 Journal
o; Co%puterCMe!ia Co%%unication7 J*tor 8irilio argues that t0e kin! o; politics to e%er'e ;ro% a reliance on tec0nolo'y a%ounts to a cat0o!ic !e%ocracy7 in w0ic0 t0ere is a s0i;t o; representation to t0e OO irtual t0eatricaliDation o; t0e real worl!PP )8irilio' %112a' p. 99*. Virilio warns o; OO!eCrealiDationPP in ol in' a 'eneraliDe! @reak!own o; in!i i!ual an! social relations0ips to ti%e7 space7 an! %o e%ent )Wilson' %11:*. Technologies promoting instantaneous transmission' such as satellites7 %ay actually restrict %o@ility @y recastin' t0e scale o; 0u%an en iron%ent an! 0u%an perception o; reality itsel;. +0e conseBuence ' 8irilio argues' is a OOcatastrop0ic sense o; incarceration now t0at 0u%anity is literally !epri e! o; 0oriDonPP )8irilio' %11;' p. :%*. What

emerges is a <<montage of temporalities which are the product not only of the powers that be but of the technologies that organize time.## 6Virilio7 cite! in 3ark7 1#"">. 1lsew0ere7 Virilio writes t0at OO\wU0ere t0e polis once inau'urate! a political t0eater7 wit0 t0e a'ora an! t0e ;oru%7 to!ay t0ere re%ains not0in' @ut t0e cat0o!e ray screen7 wit0 its s0a!ows an! specters o; a co%%unity in t0e process o; !isappearin'PP 6Virilio7 1#"77 p. 2,>. 3arnin' o; a OOloss o; orientation in %atters political7PP Virilio 61###> su''ests t0at t0is s0i;t 0as ast i%plications ;or t0e way t0at we relate to our en iron%ents an! eac0 ot0er. /ecent !e elop%ents in teleco%%unications an! ot0er tec0nolo'ical @reakt0rou'0s t0us i%pose si%ultaneity7 i%%e!iacy7 an! u@iBuity upon e eryone in a way t0at Virilio likens to an OOin;or%ation @o%@7 Gust a@out to e2plo!ePP

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6Ali eira7 1##K>. +0e e%er'ence o; a cat0o!ic !e%ocracy 0as i%plications ;or t0e Buality o; !e%ocracy an! t0e relations0ip @etween citiDens an! t0e state. +0e spee! wit0 w0ic0 in;or%ation circulates clou!s political relations an! !esensitiDes citiDensP political sensi@ilities. Ane interpretation o; VirilioPs work woul! t0ere;ore @e t0at t0is 0ei'0tene! spee! an! !isorientation t0reatens con entional power @ases7 inclu!in' state aut0ority. +0e erosion o; con entional @oun!aries o; ti%e7 'eopolitics7 an! t0e %ultiplicity o; in;or%ation a aila@le to citiDens coul! @e seen to c0allen'e not only political su@Gecti ity7 @ut also to un!er%ine t0e statePs aut0ority an! le'iti%acy. An t0e ot0er 0an!7 suc0 spee! an! !isorientation potentially o@;uscate political reality7 pro i!in' t0e state wit0 political co er @e0in! w0ic0 it can pursue its 'oals.

$ar iscourse is use %y states to isorient an fool the in i#i ual into %elie#in! that the a #ance technolo!ies are for their %enefit8 The pure "ar2 ho"e#er2 lea#es e#eryone as al"ays alrea y rafte 8 Lucas $alsh an Julien ?ar%ara7 Buals7 200,7 *pee!7 &nternational *ecurity7 an! OONew3arPP Co era'e in Cy@erspace7 Journal
o; Co%puterCMe!ia Co%%unication7 J*tor VirilioPs perspecti e7 w0ile per0aps e2tre%e7 t0us pro i!es a use;ul @asis ;or consi!erin' t0e i%pact o; conte%porary war co era'e in cy@erspace on political relations wit0in 3estern states. *peci;ically7 it s0e!s li'0t on t0e ways in w0ic0 3estern states 6an!7 ;or t0at %atter7 ot0er actors suc0 as terrorists> %i'0t seek to e2ploit t0is !isorientation ;or political en!s. 30at is o; particular interest to t0is !iscussion is 0ow t0e state e%ploys con er'ent &C+s to %o@iliDe popular support t0rou'0 tra!itional propa'an!a7 an! per0aps %ore insi!iously7 to propa'ate ;ear as a @asis ;or action. *tates can @ene;it ;ro% t0e cu%ulati e e;;ect o; spee!7 !eCrealiDation7 an! ot0er i%pacts o; 'lo@aliDe! in;or%ation ;lows @y creatin' a per%anent state o; !isorientation pre!icate! on ;ear7 ur'ency7 an! o%niscience 6t0e OO3ar on +errorPP is OOe eryw0erePP>. Virilio an! Lotrin'er 61##7> e oke t0e i!ea o; OOpure warPP to !escri@e t0e ways in w0ic0 states culti ate e erCpresent ;ear o; t0e possi@ility ;or a@solute !estruction7 t0us pro i!in' t0e @asis ;or perpetual %o@iliDation. A c0aracteristic o; pure war psyc0olo'y7 as 8or' 62$$,> points out7 OOis not t0e tec0nolo'ical capacity ;or !estruction 6t0at is7 ;or e2a%ple7 t0e e2istence o; nuclear ar%a%ents> t0at i%poses t0e !rea! c0aracteristic o; a pure war psyc0olo'y @ut t0e @elie; syste%s t0at t0is capacity sets upPP 6p. .7>. )ure war OOo@literates t0e !istinction @etween sol!ier an! citiDen. 3e 0a e all @een !ra;te!PP 68or'7 2$$,7 p. .">. Virilio an! Lotrin'er 61##7> su''est t0at OO\aUll o; us are alrea!y ci ilian sol!iers7 wit0out knowin' it. 3ar 0appens e eryw0ere7 @ut we no lon'er 0a e t0e %eans o; reco'niDin' itPP 6p. 52>. As t0e ne2t section ar'ues7 3estern states 0a e pro e! %ost a!ept at usin' &C+sNan! t0e !isorientation t0at ;ollows in t0eir wakeNto consoli!ate t0eir political position an! %aintain t0eir aut0ority. Ane conseBuence o; t0e increasin' spee! an! !isorientation wit0 w0ic0 citiDens now en'a'e wit0 political OOrealityPP 0as @een t0eir ato%iDation as in!i i!ualiDe!7 irtual citiDens. 30ile in!i i!uals now enGoy unparallele! opportunities ;or o@tainin' !i erse in;or%ation an! e2pressin' contrary political opinions t0rou'0 &C+s7 t0eir capacity to use t0is in;or%ation effectively an! constructively 6in t0e sense o; !irectly a;;ectin' real political c0an'e t0rou'0 !ecisionC%akin' processes> 0as ar'ua@ly @een weakene!. 8y pro i!in' in!i i!uals wit0 a ;alse sense o; political e%power%ent7 &C+s %ay in e;;ect pro i!e a political ent in w0ic0 t0e polity can let o;; stea% w0ile t0e state continues to pursue its own a'en!as. 30ile clai%in' to enGoy new possi@ilities ;or enactin' political c0an'e7 irtual citiDens 0a e ar'ua@ly !isen'a'e! ;ro% t0e state an! t0us @eco%e less rele ant to it. &n t0e 9.*.7 an! aroun! t0e 3estern worl!7 t0is is %ost e i!ent in t0e !isen'a'e%ent o; citiDens ;ro% ;or%al party political processes. +0e irtual 3e@C@ase! opposition to t0e 8us0 re'i%e 0as 'enerate! lots o; political ;riction wit0 little practical political c0an'e on Capitol Eill.

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