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How do people make positive changes to systems?

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding Criterion C: Critical Thinking Criterion D: Presenting


You recognize some vocabulary. You demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts about river systems through limited descriptions and/or examples.

You identify how your innovation will create a positive change to the Chao Phraya river system to a limited extent. You use indicators to give a limited opinion on the health of the Chao Phraya river system. You identify some stakeholders views about the effects of your innovation.

You communicate information and ideas in a style that is not always clear. You organize information and ideas in a limited way. You communicate information and ideas in a way that is somewhat clear. You somewhat organize information and ideas. You communicate information and ideas in a way that is mostly clear. You mostly organize information and ideas. You communicate information and ideas in a way that is completely clear. You completely organize information and ideas effectively.


You use some vocabulary. You demonstrate satisfactory knowledge and understanding of content and concepts about river systems through simple descriptions, explanations and examples.

You identify how your innovation will create a positive change to the Chao Phraya river system to some extent. You use indicators to give an adequate opinion on the health of the Chao Phraya river system. You identify some stakeholders views about the effects of your innovation and suggest some possible implications. You identify how your innovation will create a positive change to the Chao Phraya river system. You use indicators to give a substantial opinion on the health of the Chao Phraya river system. You identify stakeholders views about the effects of your innovation and suggest most implications. You identify how your innovation will create a positive change to the Chao Phraya river system in detail. You use indicators to give detailed opinions on the health of the Chao Phraya river system. You consistently identify stakeholders views about the effects of your innovation and its implications.


You use considerable relevant vocabulary, often accurately. You demonstrate substantial knowledge and understanding of content and concepts about river systems through descriptions, explanations and examples.


You consistently use relevant vocabulary accurately. You demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts about river systems through detailed descriptions, explanations and examples.




I chose a 6-7 for A and C because I feel my proposal fits around that level. For presenting I feel that I organized and communicated my ideas in a proper way that the audience would able to read and understand it.

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