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October 2009

Tango in
Simion Red

winter dreams
t i o n 2 0 1 0
g c ollec
S p r i n
G a l l i a
SEXy destinations
travel exclusive photos funny zone auto
winter dreams Chris Simion pag.27 Frankfurt
pag.5 pag.13 pag.39
powered and communication

spring collection 2010 sexy destinations horoscope

John Galliano Londra, Madrid, Moscova, Praga pag.91
pag.53 pag.59
Under the sign of white sheeps…
Editorial by Cezar Iancu
Chief editor enLife magazine
Yo man, this sucks…You open the
window in the morning and instead of
fresh air, it smells like stupidity. Go out
for a walk and just when you feel sunny,
you stumble, without insisting on this
matter, either of a peel seed or a puppy
poop…But it’s ok! You get on the
ground, you walk another two steps,
look around you and suddenly, your
intellectually hair became stood on
end…the parking is white ... and full of
cars ....
Although we have a franco-
phone origin, years in a row, the streets
of our country hade been full of german
cars. Full option, skin full, full…And as if
this wasn’t enough, it’s a must that they
were completely black. It doesn’t matter
that you had to wash them five times a
day to see that they were actually black,
the important thing was that deep inside
you knew that your car was black. And if
you insisted on the black colour, it had
to be a Golf, or a Passat, or a BMW, or a
Mercedes…You lack of one of the moels
it was as if you lack of one hand or leg!
But, things are starting to change and
they look brighter and brighter. That
enLife magazine e-paper ( online) doesn’t mean that we realized that so
much black on a car is like the pink
PUBLISHER colour on a pig, because as long as we
want to be authentic sheeps among authentic sheeps, we would better be white. Us and the cars too…

enLife magazine is a registred mark of

enLife media company. Any reproduction
of text, images and content without
author’s approval it is strictly forbidden.
All rights reserved to enLife media 2009© exploreyouremotions
For example, let’s say you purchase a new
Dacia(sorry, a Logan – it’s not the same thing),
or a second hand Bentley, the white colour it’s a
must have. It doesn’t matter if that colour fits
with your car or not, but if it’s not white you’re
not in the trend. And how could the broad on
your left get into the car if it’s not white or if it’s
not parked in Dorobanti? Or how could you
twist the key with your fingers so that
everybody could see you, when you don’t fit in
the “white” category? God forbid, no one wants
to make you suffer…Regarding this I recom-
mend everyone to be as white as possible,
because this way it would seem like we are in
heaven. Or in a madhouse…But what’s the point
as long as the white color represents purity,
cleanliness, the infinity… We can thus conclude
that when we purchase a car we see beyond the
limits of geometrical forms, because we are an
intellectual and philosopher mankind.

More likely we have a passion for high

spheres of meditation, than for simple
schemes of four-wheel boats, which, being
white, they seem to be even more ostenta-
tious than in real life. We, the short John’s,
with gelled and jagged hair, with golden
chains, perfect for straining dogs in the yard,
with epileptic gestures for wiping the noses
full of mucous and house music fans (“hauls”,
for the aboriginal people, which don’t read
acid editorials), want white cars not because
it’s a fashion but because white is both
elegant and practical, metaphorically
profound and introspectively deep.
travel time

5 | enLife magazine
HOTEL SNOWPLOUGH 2* - fara masa
Localizare: la 15 minute de mers de telegondola.
Dotari camere: baie, balcon, cablu TV, facilitati pentru gatit, cafetiera/ceainic, frigider,
uscator de par.
Facilitati hotel: rent a car.

Perioada: 19.12 - 25.12 Ap. 1 dormitor :46euro Ap 2 dormitoare: 58 euro

Oferta speciala: la 6 nopti platite, a 7-a este gratuita; la 9 nopti platite, a 10-a si a 11-a
sunt gratuite. Oferta nu este valabila pentru cazare in perioada 26.12-02.01.


Localizare: in centrul statiunii, la 15 minute de mers fata de telegondola.
Capacitate cazare: 12 studiouri, 15 apartamente cu un dormitor si 24 apartamente cu
doua dormitoare.
Dotari camere: studiourile au pat dublu, canapea extensibila, masa, baie cu dus, uscator
de par si terasa; apartamentele cu un dormitor au living cu o canapea extensibila, baie c
cada sau dus, uscator de par si terasa; apartamentele cu doua dormitoare au un
dormitor, o camera twin, living cu o canapea extensibila, una sau doua bai cu dus sau
cada, uscator de par; fiecare camera din apartamente are TV satelit, minibar; toate
apartamentele au incalzire centrala.
Facilitati hotel: restaurant, seif, acces internet, rent a car, sala de masaj, baie cu aburi,
sauna, jacuzzi, sala de gimnastica, garaj, loc pentru depozitarea schiurilor.
Pagina internet:

Perioada: 19.12 - 25.12 Studio: 52 euro Ap. 1 dormitor: 65 euro

Ap 2 dormitoare: 77 euro

APARTHOTEL ORBILUX 3*sup. - demipensiune

Localizare: in partea sudica a statiunii, la 600 metri de telegondola.
Capacitate cazare: camere duble; studiouri cu chicineta; apartamente cu 1-2 dormitoare,
canapea extensibila si chicineta.
Dotari camere: telefon, TV satelit, minibar, baie; toate camerele au vedere spre munte.
Facilitati hotel: restaurant, lobby bar, seif, centru Spa, sauna, piscina, bar la piscina, sala
de masaj, casa de schimb valutar, acces internet, parcare, loc pentru depozitarea
echipamentelor de ski.
Pagina internet:

Perioada: 15.11 - 26.12 25 euro/noapte/persoana

Mai multe detalii pe | enLife magazine | 6

Prea rapizi, într-o epocã prea nebunã
cu o tehnologie decent de evoluatã în
situaţia în care avem la îndemana unui
click orice hotel, destinaţie, rezervare
de bilet de avion, transfer, rent a car,
pe muţeste, ne aruncãm asupra
laptop-ului şi-ntr-o secundã deja
ne-am teleportat oriunde.

Ce site de rezervãri foloseşti?

Din ce website-uri românesti sau
straine îţi iei informaţia pentru urma-
toarele tale cãlãtorii sau vacanţe?

Oferim un premiu interesant celui mai

„crazy travel webber” care ne raspunde
la întrebarile de mai sus!

7 | enLife magazine | | enLife magazine | 8

Care sunt emoţiile tale cele mai intime?
Ne permitem sã te întrebãm, pentru ca
noi, enLife magazine, asta explorãm
împreunã cu Tine.
Sãpãm adânc în craterul emoţional al
fiecãruia dintre noi pânã descoperim
ceva... Ce?

Trimite-ne o imagine (pe adresa cu tine surprins în
mijlocul unei emoţii, în fracţiunea de
secundã de uimire , de confuzie, de
dragoste, de ce nu, de senzualitate.

9 | enLife magazine |

Poza ta va fi publicatã pe website-ul şi
blogul plin de emoţii al enLife magazine.
Te invitãm sã ne distram împreunã. | enLife magazine | 10

winter dream


Să porneşti deja spre plăcerea

Sezonul de iarnă a început deja pe cei 5
gheţari tirolezi!
Să schiezi deja în septembrie? În ciuda
unei veri cu recorduri de caniculă,
adevăraţii fani ai schiului de-abia
aşteaptă să se întoarcă din nou pe pârtie.

11 | enLife magazine |

Deoarece cei 5 gheţari tirolezi fac Panorame unice pentru perspectivă.
acest lucru posibil şi deschid Ospitalitate unică cu experienţe culin-
experienţa superlativă a iernii, are la cel mai înalt nivel. O ofertă
pentru toate gusturile. Mai sus e mai cuprinzătoare pentru snowboarderi şi
bine. După acest motto se trăieşte în freerideri, cum nu mai există într-o altă
Kaunertal, Pitztal, în Sölden/Ötztal, regiune a Alpilor.
Stubai şi în Hintertux. Aduce
iubitorilor sporturilor de iarnă multe
avantaje - şi aceasta mult mai
devreme decât în alte regiuni:
zăpada afânată este aici standard şi
la 3000 de metri gheţarii maiestuoşi
şi panoramele impozante
impresionează într-un mod unic. Se
respiră, simte şi gustă altfel. Pur şi
simplu mai liber.

Aveţi libertate şi la în alegerea

gheţarilor şi în organizarea concedi-
ului de iarnă, cu biletul „White5",
biletul pentru toţi cei 5 gheţari.
Acesta este valabil de la 1.10.2009
până la 15.5.2010. În perioada de
valabilitate de opt luni, toţi gheţarii
pot fi colindaţi timp de zece zile. Iar
cele zece zile le alegeţi când doriţi.
Zile consecutive, pe perioada mai
multor concedii de scurtă durată sau
cu zile singulare de schiat pe gheţari.
„White5" costă 308 Euro. Pentru cei
5 gheţari tirolezi, există 5 motive
care fac această ofertă deosebită, pe
care nicio altă regiune nu le oferă:
Certitudinea zăpezii şi instalaţiile de
transport care funcţionează parţial
pe toată durata anului sau cel târziu
din octombrie. | enLife magazine | 12
Gândurile regizoarei Chris Simion în
exclusivitate pentru revista enLife
magazine octombrie 2009 din cartea
care urmeazã sã aparã:
"Despre tot ce ne spunem,
atunci când nu ne vorbim"

13 | enLife magazine |

Aş vrea sã vinã Isus sã mã
spele pe picioare! Poate aşa
aş avea curaj sã merg fãrã
cârje. | enLife magazine | 14

De ce-i uitãm
pe morţi?
Pentru cã ei nu
ne mai ajutã!
Existã oare
cineva care sã
renunţe când
ştie cã poate sã

15 | enLife magazine |

Când aveam trei ani, am întrebat-o pe mama
de ce nu poate inima mea sã batã o singurã
datã. Şi mama mi-a rãspuns: “ dãcã ar bate o
singura datã, n-ar mai exista golurile dintre
bãtãi”. Şi de ce-aş avea nevoie de golurile
acestea, am întrebat-o apoi? Şi ea, mi-a
rãspuns: “ pentru cã într-o zi , cineva , sã vinã şi
sã le umple”. | enLife magazine | 16
Castelul de
nisip, adãpostul
pânã la primul
val mai mare
care vine şi
distruge totul.

17 | enLife magazine |

Albastrã, cu
copiii nu se

Am fost un
copil şi eu.

despre ea. | enLife magazine | 18

Dacã mi-ai fi
spus sã aleg
între tine şi
viaţa mea, aş fi
ales viaţa mea.
Iar tu ai fi
plecat supãrat,
neştiind cã de
fapt viaţa mea
eşti tu. Îţi

19 | enLife magazine |

tul. Par
şopteai. | enLife magazine | 20
But enough with the jokes, I can
take a “leave me the hell alone man”, on
behalf of anyone who wants to buy a white
car, eventually this is just a matter of taste.

I once desired a white car. It’s just

that, dear readers, I’m trying a pretty
strange sensation when I see that the public
mind disease is cyclically transforming into
an epidemic. And it’s like there will never be
an antidote. I still don’t know if I should
laugh or cry hysterical, at the thought that,
one day, the fashion will impose green as an
example, concerning the clothing, pink for
cars and brown for exterior walls of the
buildings, thus showing that everyone, like a
huge finite product, derived from an
unfortunate combination of pears, yogurt,
seeds, pudding, tripe soup and hepatitis.

For example, I’m thinking and

craving at the time, at the 60’s
fashion. Strong colors, exuberance,
felling more alive then ever, with
quality music and lots of dreams.

And if I were to talk only

about cars, the unique option, no
matter what brand or model, was the
chromium. Besides that, from the
design and performance point of
view, the sky was the limit.
21 | enLife magazine |
I always appreciated the
innovation and power of one person to be
different. I find it very cool to have the
power to deny the trend, if it doesn’t
represent you. To prefer a 1000 Ron
mobile phone, but very fashionable, than
to worn-out the latest mobile phone, that
costs 1000 euros without knowing how to
set his reminder on…Having 20 or 25
years old and to buy a red sports car that
a ragged Cadillac, white on the outside
and black on the inside, that if daddy
hadn’t anything better to do with the last
35000 euros, obtained from the last
recent asphalting campaign…

To cut it short, I really hope that we won’t

be tempted to sin and we’ll avoid the
equality among everything, no matter
how hard it might be. Maybe eventually
we won’t get, with or without our will, to
find ourselves under the sad and empty
sign of the white sheep…

By cezar Iancu
(Chief editor enLife magazine) | enLife magazine | 22


Dr.Chiper Cristina-Daniela
medic dentist
In assistance with teeth whitening

In stomatology, the dental whiten- WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES THE TEETH

ing became a pretty usual proce- YELLOW
dure, applied to the patients that
desire healthy teeth but also a Among the agents which cause the
special aesthetics. unaesthetic stains on the dental
Being a pretty simple surface are: ageing ( the teeth become
procedure, the dental whitening is more opaque and dark), the coloring
a process matter from various food products and
that discolors the dentine and the colorful drinks ( sodas, coffee, tee),
enamel spots with the help of smoking, fluorosis ( obtained after the
special gels that are composed of excessive treatment whit fluorine),
peroxide compounds that, in direct improper dental treatment, various
contact with the tooth, it acts on trauma that the teeth had been
its stains. exposed to, etc.

23 | enLife magazine |


The dental whitening consists in a very

simple chemical process: the peroxide
compounds are brought into intimate
contact with the teeth, at which point it
releases the active oxygen .The oxygen
combines with the color molecules placed
on the reticular structure of the enamel and
of the dental canaliculus thus increasing
their solubilization level.

The degradation products obtained

after the dental whitening contain oxygen,
water and ammonia, products that are
usually found in the human body, thus
absolutely harmless compared to it. The
dental whitening doesn’t need mechanical
interventions on the enamel, like polishing,
micro abrasions, etc, or any other
unexpected maneuver that might damage
its structure!


The dental whitening is recommended to

anyone who wishes to have a bright and
attractive smile! Usually, the best results can
be obtained in some cases of light and
medium colorings of the teeth the degree
of whitening being dependent on the teeth
structure and the coloring type that the
teeth are exposed to frequently.
The intense colorings benefit on a
longer whitening treatment and with
different results from case to case.
The whitening process acts only on
the natural teeth, not on the obturations,
facets, dental crowns or bridges such as
these often require the replacement at the
end of the treatment. | enLife magazine | 24


The dental hypersensitivity repre-

sents a contraindication of the dental
whitening because this will exacerbate the
already existing symptoms.

The dental whitening isn’t suitable

for 14 year old children, for pregnant
women or the ones that are breast feeding,
because there hadn’t been done any
researches on them yet. Some patients can
have a high sensibility on cold slight
discomfort in the teeth area.
These symptoms disappear in 1 to 3 days
after the treatment. During the treatment it
is better to avoid cold or hot drinks,
consumption of the citric fruits and



It’s the most efficient way of

whitening, it’s done under the surveillance
of the dentist with the help of some gels
with high concentration (38%), it requires a
few sessions (approximately 3) depending
on the patient. This method has the most
spectacular results and the highest
durability. Generally, through this method
you can obtain color modifications of the
teeth from 3 to 8 shades.


It’s done on the medical advise

using gels with less
concentration(6%,10%,15%) applied in
special conformation personalized, called
trays. The patient wears the trays at home
during a period of time established by the
dentist until the wanted results are
25 | enLife magazine |
a. The toothpastes act only
mechanical, not chemically, removing the
superficial deposits from the teeth surface,
without acting to deep. The professional
whitening products recommended by the
dentist contain hydrogen peroxide which
acts also in the deep layers of the enamel
and dentine, eliminating the coloration.

b. The gels and the whitening rolls

that can be brought from the store have a
small concentration of active substance, it
can be applied easily, but generally the
results are pretty bad.

Some products that are sold in the

supermarkets or through the TV
commercials can be also harmful and now
we refer to the ones that contain acids
(acetic, citric, etc.) which, in time, can
destroy the tough dental structures, thus
increasing their predispositions to caries,
coloring and hypersensitivity. Some of
these whitening agents can contain
particles of titanium dioxide which
temporarily covers the enamel giving the
impression that the tooth is whiter for a
small period of time.
It’s good to know that the prod-
ucts used in the dental surgery are sure
and approved by the Ministry of Health so
they are better than the old ones used in
an unprofessional way.



The effect of the dental whitening

generally lasts 1-2 years, depending on the
type and frequency of the extrincical
pigments that act on the teeth (drinkers of
coffee, soda, smokers will benefit from this
effect a shorter duration of time).The
treatment can be started after a period of
time to mentain the dental estetics that is
desired. | enLife magazine | 26
Haleluia, Haleluia
…….Oh Lord …Slam Dunk
& Santa Claus, is coming
to town….

Oh, oh, old mama. Seeing

the cigar, I think they raised
your income this month.

27 | enLife magazine |

Nice views in the
I’m coming again
tomorrow !

She doesn’ t know I

changed my sex. Ha, Ha,

Here is the daily

offer! Ice-cream
with monkey
topping, calm
and educated. | enLife magazine | 28

3 moods for the morning,
afternoon and evening:
stupid, stupid or..stupid?
29 | enLife magazine |
The new woody sofa.
Sleep with talent or
talent to sleep! That
means working under

Skittles coctails –
“taste the rainbow,
believe the rainbow”,
sbibbles haba, came
in bed, sweety!


What a woman! | enLife magazine | 30

Tell me, tell me ,
is she nice?

Hi, Mr. Driver

How much is
to jail?

Illegal immigrant
picking blackberries
in Spain!
Do you have any job
in construction?
Making tiles with

31 | enLife magazine |

Good evening!
Have a light?

2 strupid, twin singers or frogs?

love | enLife magazine | 32

The emotion of flying
and a dream you can’t
share not even with
yourself… an atrocious
selfishness of one self
that denies you the
smell of your own

33 | enLife magazine |


Amphitrion presents at Sala Palatului
December 2nd 2009 at 19:30

Gustavo Russo, choreogra-

pher, creator, innovative, and an artist
who opened new paths and who
inspired a whole new generation of
artists, reinvents in a unique and
incomparably way the tango show.
Tango in Red Major it’s a
contemporary show with classical
rhythms and tomorrows ideas, full of
colour, beauty, glow and elegance.
Gustavo Russo will fascinate us
along with a band formed out of the
best and most talented dancers from
Buenos Aires and a orchestra which
will interpret new musical
arrangements of one of the most
beautiful and well known tangos.
But it wasn’t all invented, written or
danced this show is a brave, wonder-
ful vision of tango, a journey to a land

Tango in unknown of this dance, a dance so

unique, without an end always
fashionable, glowing and praised.
Tango in Red Major, directed

by Gustavo Russo, is an effervescent,
sensual and extravagant show, where
art bounds with dancing to recreate
supernatural scenes with a sarcastic

shade in the background of the
contemporary world.
An unexpected journey
through the hidden parts of tango, an
Amphitrion-like event.
Online media partner: enLife

37 | enLife magazine |

You can find out more details
about this event soon on
On the same website you can
win an invitation card for this
event, giving a correct answer
to the questions in the contest
of enLife magazine in October
2009 | enLife magazine | 38

iN aUTO sHow

39 | enLife magazine |

At every 2nd year, Auto Show
from Frankfurt, presents to car
lovers, new designs, innovation
and performance regarding cars
and their brands.

This year the logo was: “ A moving

experience” the exhibition having
a strong accent on the electric cars | enLife magazine | 40


41 | enLife magazine |

( romanian)
Nivel poluare Euro 5
Emisii CO2 g/km 293
Nr. usi 4
Nr. locuri 5
Motor tip / cilindri V8
Combustibil Benzina
Cilindree cmc 4806
Cutie viteze tip / trepte Manual (6 viteze)
Putere maxima CP (rpm) 400 (6500)
Cuplu maxim Nm (rpm) 500 (3500)
Viteza maxima km/h 285
Acceleratie 0-100 km/h s 5..6
Tractiune Fata
Lungime mm 4970
Latime mm 1931
Inaltime mm 1418
Greutate kg 1845
Ampatament mm 2920
Volum rezervor litri 80 | enLife magazine | 42

Renault Laguna

43 | enLife magazine |

Nivel poluare Euro 4
Emisii CO2 g/km 207
Nr. usi 2
Nr. locuri 4
Motor tip / cilindri V6
Combustibil Benzina
Cilindree cmc 1998
Cutie viteze tip / trepte Automata
(6 viteze)
Putere maxima CP (rpm) 170 (5000)
Cuplu maxim Nm (rpm) 270 (3250)
Viteza maxima km/h 220
Acceleratie 0-100 km/h s 9.2
Tractiune Fata
Lungime mm 4643
Latime mm 2082
Inaltime mm 1401
Greutate kg 1597
Ampatament mm 2694
Volum rezervor litri 66
Volum portbagaj litri 423
Pret : 27.700 - 28.500 € | enLife magazine | 44


45 | enLife magazine |

Noul Maserati poartă
semnatura celebrei case de
design Pininfarina, urmând
să intre în producţie din

Modelul va fi marcat de
cateva superlative, cum este
ampatamentul de 2,94 metri
sau motorul V8, de 4,7 litri si
440 CP.

Acesta din urma, care se

regaseste pe versiunea S a
lui GranTurismo, ar putea fi
secondat, in viitor, de un
propulsor mai mic, de 4.2
litri si „numai” 405 CP, care
este oferit in acest moment
pe versiunea de baza a
limuzinei sport.

Preţul estimativ al maşinii,

se situează în jurul valorii de
125.000 € | enLife magazine | 46


47 | enLife magazine |


Nivel poluare Euro 5

Emisii CO2 g/km 212
Nr. usi 4
Nr. locuri 5
Motor tip / cilindri V6
Combustibil Benzina
Cilindree cmc 2996
Cutie viteze tip / trepte automata (7 viteze)
Putere maxima CP (rpm) 231 (6000)
Cuplu maxim Nm (rpm) 300 (2500-5000)
Viteza maxima km/h 247
Acceleratie 0-100 km/h s 7.5
Tractiune Spate
Lungime mm 4868
Latime mm 1854
Inaltime mm 1464
Ampatament mm 2874
Volum rezervor litri 80
Volum portbagaj litri 540
Preţ versiune bază: 36.980 € | enLife magazine | 48

Hyundai ix35

49 | enLife magazine |


Liniile de design ale noului ix35 se

bazează pe conceptul de "sculptură
fluidă" de la Hyundai, cea mai notabilă
fiind grila hexagonală pronunţată, care
va deveni un atribut al întregii familii
de vehicule.

Spre bucuria fanilor mărcii, maşina

preia mare parte a liniilor conceptului
ix-Onic şi prezintă un aer general
extrem de modern şi dinamic. Se pare
că maşina va fi disponibilă atât cu
tracţiune integrală cât şi pe o singură
punte, iar motorizările vor fi de 2 litri,
cea benzină dezvoltând peste 180 CP
iar cea diesel peste 160 CP, însă datele
oficiale nu sunt încă disponibile. | enLife magazine | 50


Trabant a renăscut la
Salonul Auto de la
Frankfurt sub forma
conceptului electric
„nT” (newTrabi).

După 18 ani de
absenţă, compania
Herpa a prezentat în
premieră publicului de
la Frankfurt noul model
pregătit pentru
producţia de serie.

51 | enLife magazine |

Conceptul nT are sub
capotă un motor electric,
fiind capabil să parcurgă
o distanţă de până la 160
km cu o singură încărcare
a bateriilor.

Pentru această autono-

mie rezonabilă, noul Trabi
are un panou solar
montat pe acoperiş, ce
captează energia soarelui.
Viteza maximă este de
130 km/h. | enLife magazine | 52

Spring collection 2010

(1960-) is one of
the most influential
fashion designer
Born in
Gibraltar, grew up
in London, he re-
leased his brand
before becoming a
“chief designer” of
the French haute

53 | enLife magazine |
After thinking that the
best scene for a
presentation that
extravagant could be
an abandoned
swimming pool, John
Galliano’s inspiration
for the spring-summer
season 2010 was one
of the most notorious
figures in history-
Napoleon Bonaparte. | enLife magazine | 54


Being inspired by Napoleon,

by his soldiers and crusades
in Egypt, in the spring
collection Galliano explores
the modern ways of
reinterpretation of some
oriental motives.

55 | enLife magazine |

Şalvarii şi şalurile de tip
turban au adus un
omagiu evident la
imaginile găsite în
Lawrence din Arabia, în
timp ce tulurile multi-
stratificate de pe
paltoane şi pantalonii
exotici, par sã-i redesco-
pere partea gentilã şi
diabolicã în acelaşi timp.

The shalwars and scarfs of

turban type were brought as
an obvious tribute to the
images found in Lawrence,
Arabia, while the multilayer
tulles found on the coats and
the exotic pants, seem to
reveal his gentle and
diabolical side in the same
time. | enLife magazine | 56
Moved by the
Delacroix paintings,
his collection
reinvented the black
finishes, the neutral
shawls from the
desert based on
colour palettes
which include the
orange-yellow and
red shades.

57 | enLife magazine |

While the military
jackets remain conser-
vative, having a noble
and suitor ton, the outer
clothing was painted
with a extensive matrix
of belts and scarfs.

This collection as the ones before, is the result of an

inspirational overdraft which results from a great number of
muses and symbols, and Galliano manages to control this
contextual and motivational charade and the results are a great
piece collection with royal colorful ending. | enLife magazine | 58


Being considered one of the biggest
European city ( 8 million inhabitants),
London is the most different from the
ethnically point of view.

Here are spoken over 200

international languages, more then
30% of the population being consisted
of immigrants.

59 | enLife magazine |

Although the famous British
arrogance and superiority
some times arouses irritation
and even strong resentments,
the costs for visiting the
British capital are not that
small, you have every reason
in the world should you want
to visit London.

First for the special

architecture in the entire city
and for the unique
atmosphere that you will fell
once you arrive there. Then,
for the diversity of tourist
attractions, London is a city
where the history stories told
through pictures feel like
home. | enLife magazine | 60

Important financial center, the
British capital acts like a magnet
when we talk about actors, artists
or designers, being a metropolis
where are established the trends
in art, architecture, fashion, design
and technology.

After sustained efforts over the

last 2 decades, London even
manages to get rid of the bad
reputation of a city whit no proper
food, becoming one of the
culinary capitals of the world.

61 | enLife magazine |

What can we visit in London or to be
more specific where to begin?
Depending on your tastes and
preferences, you can delight yourself
by choosing to begin your visit right
in the middle of London, in The City,
the oldest London district.

Here you’ll find some of the

major tourist attractions and
monuments in London, such as Tower
Bridge and Tower Of London, the
latter serving as a place where the
British Crown Jewels are kept. | enLife magazine | 62

The City also hosts some modern buildings that are
worth visiting, among them being the Lloyds
buildings, Swiss Re ( also known as The Gherkin ) or
Millennium Bridge, named “sword of light”.

You can also find out interesting things

about the history of money, for example, choosing
to visit the Bank of England Museum.

But, regardless of the travel purpose you choose, it

would be good to know that the heart of London is
better to be visited during the day because there
are not to many restaurants and the night life is
totally missing.

63 | enLife magazine |

Also in the central London
can be found important churches
such as St. Paul’s Cathedral, built by
Christopher Wren.

Also, the Museum of

London seems like an interesting
place to visit, because it contains
objects from the prehistoric time,
discovered during the archaeological
excavations that were made. | enLife magazine | 64

If you are looking for a place to
have fun, then you should go straight to
West End, the neighborhood where you
can find enough restaurants, as well as
some of the most famous theatres and
cinemas ( eg: Covent Garden or Royal
Opera) the most interesting and full of life
bars are located in Soho, more precisely
right in the heart of West End.

Westminster is a neighborhood
that you will find interesting. There you
may visit Westminster Abbey and the
Buckingham Palace or you can walk
through Trafalgar Square. The Houses of
Parliament, The Big Ben and Westminster
Abbey are found on the Whitehall end of
the street, located in Trafalgar Square.

Along the street are located the

Cabinet War Rooms, Churchill Museum
but also 10 Downing Street, the residence
of the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

65 | enLife magazine |

I trust we have arouse your
interest and the holidays in
London will certainly be
unforgettable, and in addition we
wish you safe journey and many
pictures taken!

Accommodation: Hotel 3* -from

67 euros/double room
Plane ticket: from 185 euro/
roundtrip ticket ( low cost airline).

Sources : | enLife magazine | 66


Located in the center of the

Iberian Peninsula at an altitude of
over 650 meters, Madrid is
considered to be one of the
highest European capital.

It’s a very hospitable town, bright

and full of life especially when it
comes to talk about the famous
bull fights or about the night life.

67 | enLife magazine |

Besides the large number of pubs,
restaurants, theatres or nightclubs,
Madrid offers to the passing by tourists,
enough reasons for them to want to
extend their visit in Madrid.

The multitude of museums and the

special sight of the near by places will
definitely make you wish stay a little bit
longer. | enLife magazine | 68

For example, Queen Sofia Arts
Center, which shelters the best
modern art collection of
Madrid is a place that would be
a shame not to visit.

Here you can enjoy some of

the most influential works of
Pablo Picasso, including the
famous “Guernica”. In this
cultural center are also
exhibited works of other
famous painters like Kandinsy,
Salvador Dali or Bacon.

69 | enLife magazine |

Talking about arts, the Royal Palace ( Palacio
Real) may be another touring sights that’s
worth mentioned, being the home of a
fantastic collection of paintings ( Velasquez,
Caravaggio and Goya ), sculptures, furniture,
tapestry, glassware, silverware, medals,
porcelain and musical instruments. The palace
it’s worth visiting for it’s decorated chambers
by Gasparini, such as the Royal Pharmacy,
The Library or the Royal Armour.

Other interesting tourist attractions in

cultural terms are: Prado Museum (El
Prado Museum), the Thyssen
Bornemisza Museum, Buen Retiro Park
(Casόn del Buen Retiro), Debod Temple
(Templo de Debod), Monastery of the
Barefoot Royals (Monasterio de las
Descalzas Reales) and Gateway Of The
Sun (Puerta del Sol). | enLife magazine | 70

But, if you find yourself in
Madrid, you must know that not all
is about art and culture. If you have
an unopened bag of seeds in your
pocket and if you are an ardent
football fan, you could visit the
stadium of Real Madrid team,
Santiago Bernabeu.

Built in 1947 on the

initiative of the President of the
Board, Santiago Bernabeu and
having a capacity exceeding 70.000
places, for a long time this stadium
was the largest in Spain. Once here,
you can visit the Club Museum, the
Trophy Room and you could step
on the lawn.
71 | enLife magazine |
And to continue the amusement, you
can choose to empty your pockets in
a very pleasant way. Let’s not forget
that Madrid is also the European
capital of shopping, especially when
there are price cuts, it’s worth taking
a full tour of the shopping center
from the Spanish capital because no
matter what trade, the sales are
applied not only to clothing
products, footwear or accessories but
absolutely to anything else that’s for
sale. | enLife magazine | 72

To enjoy all the “riches” of
Madrid, the best thing to do is to
see the travel agencies offers
during this period. In addition we
whish you safe journey and a
happy holiday, with the request
that when you return you’ll bring
us at least one bull horn picked up
from a bullfight!

73 | enLife magazine |

Accommodation: Hotel 3* -from 61 euros/
double room
Plane ticket: roundtrip ticket from 141 euro.

Sources : | enLife magazine | 74


Moscow, the Russian Federa-

tions largest city, it’s also the
economical, political and cultural
center of Russia. Having the
same name as the river that’s
situated on, Moscow is a
port-town, the water-ways
ensure a fluent traffic for the
vessels coming from the Baltic
Sea, White Sea, Caspian Sea and
Black Sea.

75 | enLife magazine | | enLife magazine | 76
But what can we visit
once we got here? The journey of
those that wish to discover the
true beauties of Moscow, must
start in Kremlin. Here you’ll spend
enough days, so that you can
enjoy all the tourist attractions
that are recognized among them
being: the State Palace – modern
building from glass and concrete,
its most impressive feature being
the huge auditorium(6000 places);

The Senate – built by the

command of Tsarina Catherine
the Great, in a neo – classical
style, is one of the memorable
projects of the architect Matvey
Kazakov(once served as a place
where the Tsarina counselors
used to meet, but is better known
as the building where Lenin had
settled his office, after the

77 | enLife magazine |

The Imperial Cannon and the Tsar
Bell – a full novel, of a huge impact,
but none of them war never been
used; the Cathedral Square – the
first place intended for the public
and decorated in the 14th century
which during several decades was a
symbol of power in Moscow and
particular of the tsars.

The Red Square – certainly the most

important place of attraction here,
is the Lenin’s mausoleum, designed
by Alexei Shchusev in 1924( many
argue that today, instead of the
deceased Lenin, there is a wax
mannequin, the clever solution
proved to be helpless in the
struggle with time). | enLife magazine | 78

What are the costs of a trip to Moscow?
With the request of closely investigate the
updated offers of the travel agencies, we
can tell you that 9 days spent in Russia,
costs somewhere around the amount of
850 euro. The money will cover the
accommodation expends in a 3 stars hotel
with included breakfast, as well as the
airplane transport on route Bucharest-
Moscow and the services provided by a
79 | enLife magazine | Romanian guide.
In a few words if you manage to
get over the prejudices, the trip to
Moscow is definitely worth it!
You’ll have places to visit and for
sure you’ll have a story to tall on
your return. In addition we wish
you, safe journey and we’re
expecting your opinions.

Хорошая тропа (Farewell)! | enLife magazine | 80

Accommodation: Hotel 3* - from 72 euros/
double room/ per night
Plane ticket: roundtrip ticket from 225
euros / one person
Sources :
81| enLife magazine |
If you were to Moscow
and you have a beauti-
ful photograph send it
on and
we will publish it. | enLife magazine | 82

Known as the “City of a
hundred spires” or “The Golden
City”, Prague is known as one of
the most beautiful European cities,
since antiquity. Several centuries
ago, through the present Czech
capital used to be trade routes
that linked the southern and
northern areas from Europe and

followed the stream of the main
rivers in the region.

83 | enLife magazine |

But the true development and
prosperity of this town, started in the
14th century during the reign of
Charles 4th and Holly Roman Empire
of Germanic people of the Luxem-
bourg dynasty. From the fall of the
Iron Curtain, Prague had become one
of the most popular tourist destina-
tions in Europe and in the world,
occupying the six place in the top of
the most visited European cities after
London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and
Berlin. | enLife magazine | 84

The Czech capital is also a city full
of tourist attraction and beautiful
places, that some times you have
the feeling that not even a lifetime
would be enough to see them all.
Thus, Prague Castle, the largest
medieval complex in Europe, with
570 meters long and an 7,28
hectares area is the most impor-
tant attraction in Prague.

It was first built in the 9th century,

thus turning from a modern
fortress surrounded by stone
walls, into an imposing building
exactly as is today. Whit in the pile
of buildings there are also: St
Vitus Cathedral ( the most impor-
tant landmark in the city, where
you can visit the towers, the
museum and the art galleries),
Golden Plane, Lobwicz Palace and
St George Church.

85 | enLife magazine |

In this castle the Czech
kings, the Roman Empire
emperors and the Presidents of
Czechoslovakia and those of the
Czech Republic had their offices.
Here are kept the Crown

The town hall and the

Astronomical Clock, Charles
Bridge, St Nicholas Church,
Hebrew neighborhood or a long
walk through the Old Center will
certainly bring your attention and
will charm you with the riches of
the architecture, of the colours
and why not with the legends
behind the origins of these | enLife magazine | 86
And if you have decided for an
autumn trip in Prague, you can
make a brief raid of the innova-
tive and modern, choosing to
visit “ The Dancing House”.
Located near the National
Theatre, this house was built
between 1994 and 1996 for an
insurance company, by the Czech
architect Vlado Milunic, together
with the Canadian architect Frank
Gehry. The house is also called
Ginger & Fred, by referring to
the famous dancing couple
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair.
Initially, instead of it there was a
house built in a Neo-Renaissance
style the end of the 19th century,
but it was destroyed during the
bombardment since 1945. The
“Dancing House”, stands among
buildings built in a Neo-Baroque,
Neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau
style, for whom Prague became
renowned. Although controver-
sial during its construction , this
non conventional building
became after several years, a
travel goal with a significant
meaning, occupying its well-
deserved place in the modern
architectural landscape of
87 | enLife magazine | Prague.
No matter what are the
tourist attractions that
you will choose to visit,
the stroll to Prague is
fully worth it.

Check carefully the

autumn offers of the
tourist agencies and
start packing! | enLife magazine | 88

89 | enLife magazine |
Accommodation: Hotel 3* - from 44 euros/ double room/ per night
Plane ticket: roundtrip ticket from 106 euros / one person
Sources :
enLife | o c t o m b r i e

A venit toamna! Marte îţi dã cheful grozav de a experimenta dupã
bunul tãu plac. La servici e bine, nu-ţi face probleme. Începe distracţia
…proiecte, multe proiecte, şefii au încredere în tine..bani, mulţi
bani….Cu sãnãtatea stai perfect, dacã e sã asculţi ce-ţi zice corpul tãu.
Rinichii vor comenta ceva…doar daca nu stai departe de frig….în rest,
toate merg ca unse. O lunã perfectã pentru….nimicurile zilnice!

Imaginaţia ta ar putea transforma începutul de lunã în ceva
spectaculos.Nepãsarea planetelor te-ar putea face sã crezi cã poţi fi
un pic leneş/leneşã. La servici ţi se cere ceva ce tu nu poţi sã dai; efort
suplimentar.Ei, asta e… Nu te întrista…..Ce sã zic, daca nu eşti atent la
ce mãnânci (cât şi când), s-ar putea sa ai probleme!
Deci, fii cu ochii în patru (4), 16, oricum multiplu de 4 sã fie…..!!!!

Watch out! Solicitare maximã unde place omului, şi adicã: nebunii (de
orice fel şi gen), idile…., creativitate.Noroc în dragoste …. numai cu
potenţiali parteneri cãrora le place distracţia.Susţinere la servici…..asta
duce la nişte reprize de shopping pentru cã banii se recupereazã….da,
da, da,… Sfat: nu exagera cu distracţia şi party-urile….obosealã cron-
icã…. Şi nu, noi nu ne dorim asta, nu-i aşa?

Comunicare excelentã pe plan financiar. Cu cine?... nici noi nu ştim,
dar e de bine…Adicã, vrei negociere de salariu……argumentele sã
curgã… cã au de unde… Ciocãne puternic la uşa managerului şi cere-ţi
partea. Dacã iese cu scandal…..asta e…niciodatã nu poţi fi sigur 100%.
Marte s-ar putea sã-ţi aducã nişte probleme de sãnãtate…..ceva
palpitaţii, dar totul se poate rezolva cu ceva calmante…Un sfat priete-
nesc: yoga, relaxare…

91 | enLife magazine |

Energia iţi umple inima şi-ţi dã avânt…
Te poţi certa cu cineva deşi nu e cazul, poţi intra la mijloc într-un
scandal fârã sã vrei neapãrat, te poţi alege cu un cucui fãrã sã
vrei……Cuvântul de ordine: impresii…Cum sã-ţi zic eu….. la
capitolul sãnãtate şi bani esti ok. Nu te lua numai dupã intuiţia ta
care nu a dat greş never ever, pentru cã…….s-ar putea sã o
paţeşti de data asta pe plan profesional… adicã sã faci cu mânuţa
la un super proiect mult asteptat…Deci se cere cumpãtare !

Sã înceapã distracţia!
Ai Soarele în casa a 2 a..???..aşa
cã îţi spun…gândeşte-te la ce te
tenteazã acum, la început de
toamnã: o casã nouã, o vacanţã
târzie….ce?…Nu-ţi fie teamã sã
spui, nu devii mai vulnerabil aşa,
stai liniştit.
La sãnãtate ai un mare semn de
întrebare (?) De ce? Pentru cã
atât Soarele cât şi Venus ajung
în Scorpion…la ce duce asta?...
la mici probleme legate de
infecţii, bineînţeles…Cere sfatul
medicului, neapãrat! Ţine
aproape! | enLife magazine | 92

Ai Soarele de partea ta! E de bine, crede-mã!
N-ai motive sã te plângi… toate merg ca ceasul elveţian….deoarece
Mercur se întoarce pe drumuri mai bune.
În zodia ta se mutã Saturn, nu te bucuri? Asta inseamna cã incepe
prima zi din urmãtorii 2 ani de drum sinuos…vei trãi emoţii
nemaitrãite…ai multe de învãţat…
Şi… deoarece ajunge şi Venus în zodia ta, şi nu singur, ci cu Soarele în
Scorpion, s-ar putea sã ai probleme cu sanatatea, prietene. Dar tot tu
eşti de vinã….prea ai exagerat cu vacanţele!
Daca nu vrei sã numeri diagnostice, la inceput de toamnã atungi fugi
repejor la medic! Iţi spune el ce vrei sã auzi!

Bravo! Nu o duci deloc rãu! Ai prietenii aproape…
Distracţia e prezentã noapte dupã noapte …..te ajutã sanatatea !!!
Venus ajunge pe casa ta întai, alãturi de Soare, fapt ce-ţi da o aurã
luminoasã în faţa oricui….inclusiv a pretendentului din jurul tãu…
Saturn se mutã în Balanţã…off..vei fi sãpatã la servici…iţi spun…
N-oi fi tu uşã de bisericã, dar şi cei din jurul tãu sunt rãi. Ai grijã la
Pastreazã-le doar pentru tine!!!...asta dacã poţi, bineînţeles…!

Hai cã e de bine!
Ai Soarele în casa a 11 a, împreunã cu Venus plus Mercur. Mare
distracţie mare cu prietenii, şi mai vechi şi mai noi. Distracţia este
cuvântul de ordine în toamna asta…dã fuga pânã la şifonier…ia vezi, ai
ţinute suficiente?!
Marte din Leu valorificã relaţiile cu strãinãtatea. Întrebarea este: ai pe
cineva drag departe? Dacã da, atunci e de bine!!! Asta daca nu te agiţi
Sãnãtatea-i cam fragilã. Venus în Scorpion îţi poate aduce ceva
probleme în zona genitalã… Deci toatã baza în medic…el te poate
lãmuri…daca nu mai e grevã….şi-l gãseşti la spital…

93 | enLife magazine |

Cunoşti expresia: “Ai grija ce iţi doreşti pentru cã ţi se poate
întâmpl? “
E pe cale sã ţi se îndeplineascã. Uneltele sunt la tine, doar la
Astrele sunt cu tine, iar Soarele din Balanţã, ajutat de Venus şi
apoi de Mercur iţi garanteazã succesul absolut! Ce zici?
Libidoul e la maxim…în dragoste…de neînţeles…
Sãnãtatea nu e stresantã, nu, absolut deloc. Şi de ce sã fii şi tu
stresat/stresatã, dacã toatã lumea te iubeşte şi te ocroteşte…
Şi noi nu vrem sã-ţi aducã toamna decât bucurii, multe bucurii,
aşa cã ascultã-ne:

Cu Marte în Leu îmi vine un singur gãnd în minte: iubireee!
Coloratã, dar nu întãmplãtoare!
Casa a 9 a plinã iţi aduce provocãri nemaiîntâlnite. Studii dincolo
de graniţã, o slujbã prin afara…este cã te gândeai la ele…
Sfatul nostru: go for it… acum se pot întâmpla!
Sãnatatea este bine, dar ce vrei, se poate şi mai bine. Esti
sensibil/sensibilã la oase… ce înseamnã?...mici accidente/mari
Ascultã-ne, ca sã nu priveşti tomna de la geamul living-ului…sau

Luna asta îţi dã de furcã!Te ajutã o moştenire!
Cum la ce? La cheltuit …ce credeai?
Totuşi, mai dã şi pe la servici, cred cã esti propus/propusã pentru
o avansare şi e pãcat sa te îneci ca ţiganul la mal!
În dragoste sunt artificii. Atât… pur şi simplu
Totuşi, sãnãtatea pare a fi o mare problemã pentru tine. Ce sã
zic, cu Saturn în casa a 8 a se cere o prudenţã mai mare.
Accidentele s-ar putea ţine scai de tine… Ne bazãm pe tine cã le
vei evita…cine ar putea fi mai alunecos decât un Peşte ca tine? | enLife magazine | 94

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