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SK TAMAN BUKIT RAMBAI ENGLISH LANGUAGE YEAR 6 YEARLY PLAN YR 6 / Pg 1 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Week : 1 to 3 (2 JAN- 17 JAN) Un t 1 Wonderfully Made T!e"e : World of Stories / World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 1)3 A %uire &o a'ulary and understand t"e !eaning of words ( )"rases in onte*t$ 1)* Listen to and en+oy t"e r"y!e, r"yt"! and sounds of )oetry, +a-- "ants and songs$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2)* Tell stories 'ased on )i tures and ot"er sti!uli, and re ite )oe!s$ 2)7 Tal. a'out t"e )eo)le, )la es and !oral &alues of t"e stories "eard, read and &iewed in si!)le language$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 5$1$1 5$6$1 2 1$1$2 1$0$0 1$1$1 2$1$0 2$2$2 2$4$0 0$1$2 4IA.NOSTIC TEST 1$0$1 1$1$1 2$13$1 2$1$2 2$2$1 2$0$1 2$1$1 2$4$1 L 1 1$1$1 SPECIFICATIONS L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound : 7iii8 di)"t"ongs Listen to .ey words and )"rases in des ri)tions$ Listen to and en+oy )oe!s$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at o'tain t"e sound : 7iii8 di)"t"ongs 9ronoun e 0 and 5 sylla'le words orre tly$ As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ Re ite si!)le )oe!s$ Na!e t"e good and 'ad "ara ters and tell w"y t"ey are good or 'ad$ ,e#- n% : Loo. at letters and say aloud t"e sounds : 7iii8 di)"t"ongs Re ognise and read aloud words wit" )refi*es and suffi*es$ Read ( learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read and understand )"rases 'y !at "ing )"rases to )i tures$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and tell w"at one "as learnt fro! t"e story$ W$ t n% : Write si!)le guided des ri)tions$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle sounds$ Listen to and understand )"rases in stories and des ri)tions$ Listen to and en+oy )oe!s$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ Tal. a'out t"e e&ents of t"e story$ ,e#- n% : Read aloud words wit" di)"t"ongs$ CONTENTS .$#""#$ : 9refi*es Suffi*es So&n- S/(te": =i)"t"ongs > / a? / as in !out" > /e@ / as in stairs 0o'#1&2#$/ : > 3o$#2 0#2&e( : Res)e tful T"an.ful Ne&er gi&e u) /rateful E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : A ti&e listening Analysis <ategorising <lassifi ation <olla'orati&e <oo)eration =ifferentiate #*)lanation #*)ressing o)inion /at"ering infor!ation /enerate ideas Identifying !ain ideas Inferen e Intensi&e reading Intera tion Intra)ersonal Kinaest"eti #*)lanation New ideas Rationalise Reading Reasoning

0$1$1 0$2$1 0$2$2 0$0$1 0$5$1 0$1$2 0$6$2 0$13


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YR 6 / Pg 2 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 3)17 Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ 5)6 Write to e*)ress oneself reati&ely su " as w"en o!)osing si!)le )oe!s and stories, reating greeting ards, )osters, et $ 0 1$1$2 1$1$1 2$2$5 2$1$1 2$4$5 0$0$0 0$13 5$0$0 5$1$2 5$6$2 Week : 5 to 8 (27 JAN 9 37 JAN) Un t 2 9roud To Be A Malaysian T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 2$1$2 2$0$1 0$0$1 0$5$1 1 1$2$1 1$0$1 L 2 0$5$2 0$6$0 SPECIFICATIONS Read aloud senten es in te*ts o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : <onstru t si!)le senten es and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" little or no guidan e$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : S anning S.i!!ing Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e Aisual / S)atial Intelligen e

5$0$2 5$1$2 5$6$2

L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle sounds$ Listen to and en+oy )oe!s$ S+e#k n% : Res)onding to su " %uestions$ Tell si!)le stories$ Tal. a'out t"e &alues e*)lored in t"e story$ ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions and o!)leting info transfer diagra!s$ Read and tell w"at one "as learnt fro! t"e story$ W$ t n% : Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" little or no guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat t"e )ronun iation of o!)ound words orre tly$ Listen to .ey words and )"rases in des ri)tions$ S+e#k n% : 9ronoun e 0 and 5 sylla'le words orre tly$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ ,e#- n% : Read and understand )"rases 'y !at "ing )"rases to )i tures$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ .$#""#$ : B7a8 0$ 9ronouns 0$0 9ossessi&e Ad+e ti&es So&n- S/(te": 6$ Stress i$ Stress in o!)ound words


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YR 6 / Pg 3 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1 1)3 A %uire &o a'ulary and understand t"e !eaning of words ( )"rases in onte*t$ 1)7 Listen to and en+oy stories, fa'les and ot"er tales of i!agination and fantasy and )redi t out o!es, and draw on lusions at a le&el suited to t"e )u)il;s a'ility$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2)7 Tal. a'out t"e )eo)le, )la es and !oral &alues of t"e stories "eard, read and &iewed in si!)le language$ 2)6 #*)ress t"oug"ts and feelings and gi&e o)inions on t"ings read, seen, "eard and &iewed in si!)le language$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s, and w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)8 Read and understand t"e !eaning of words 'y guessing t"eir !eaning t"roug" t"e use of onte*tual lues$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 0 1$2$0 2 1$4$2 2$1$0 2$2$2 2$0$5 2$4$0 2$6$2 0$5$2 0$B$1 0$1$B 0$C$0 5$1$1 5$13$1 0$B$1 0$1$2 0$6$1 0$6$2 0$C$2 L (ten n% : Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ Read and understand different te*ts su " as instru tions, dire tions, noti es, la'els, !essages, letters, )assages, re ounts and des ri)tions$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and gi&e details a'out t"e )eo)le and ani!als in a story read$ W$ t n% : Write si!)le guided des ri)tions$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ L (ten n% : Listen to stories and gi&e details$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ To !a.e o!)arisons$ Tal. a'out t"e e&ents in a story$ Relate t"e story to one;s life$ ,e#- n% : Read aloud senten es in te*ts o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ <o!'ine words to for! o!)ound words$ Read and tal. a'out t"e a tions of )eo)le and ani!als in a story read$ W$ t n% : <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ S+e#k n% : Tal. a'out t"e &alues e*)lored in t"e story$ Relate t"e story to one;s life$ C:INESE NEW ;EA, 31 JAN 9 2 FE< 0o'#1&2#$/ : 4$ <o!)ound Words 3o$#2 0#2&e(: A))re iation <aring <onsiderate <oo)eration /rateful Kind Lo&e for one;s ountry 9roud Res)e t Unselfis"ness E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : I<T s.ills Learning Dow To Learn S.ills Multi)le Intelligen es 9re)aration for t"e Real World T" S.ills Aalues and <iti-ens"i) L SPECIFICATIONS CONTENTS

5$0$2 5$1$2 5$13$1

2$4$5 2$6$2


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YR 6 / Pg 4 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 3)17 Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ 5)17 9un tuate !eaningfully$ Week : * to 6 (3 FE< 9 21 FE<) Un t 3 Eit As A Eiddle T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 0$2$2 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 1)8 F'tain infor!ation fro! te*ts listened to in relation to !ain ideas, s)e ifi details, se%uen e, and ause> effe t relations"i)s$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)* Tell stories 'ased on )i tures and ot"er sti!uli, and re ite )oe!s$ 2$1$0 2$2$2 2$1$5 2 1$B$2 0$5$1 0$1$2 0$6$2 0$C$2 5$1$1 2$1$1 2$2$1 2$1$1 1 1$1$1 L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound : 7&8 initial 'lends$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7&8 initial 'lends As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Re ite si!)le )oe!s wit" e*)ressions$ ,e#- n% : Read and learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and gi&e details a'out t"e )eo)le in t"e story$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ L (ten n% : Listen to si!)le des ri)tions, re ounts, news re)orts and fa tual te*ts and gi&e t"e !ain ideas and su))orting details$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress ( intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ /i&e suita'le endings to a story$ .$#""#$ : B 7a8 1$1 <ounta'le Nouns 1$2 Un ounta'le Nouns B 7'8 12 To s"ow on ern So&n- S/(te": Einal 'lends : / !) / and / dg / 0o'#1&2#$/ : 9"rasal Guantifiers 3o$#2 0#2&e(: Dealt"y li&ing <aring <ourage =iligen e Bra&ery A))re iation S"ow on ern Awareness 9"ysi al "ealt" <oo)eration L 0 0$0$0 0$4$1 0$4$2 0$C$B 0$13 5$1$2 5$13$1 SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Read and sele t t"e definition suited to t"e !eaning of t"e words in onte*t$ Read and )redi t out o!es$ Read and tell w"at one "as learnt fro! t"e story$ W$ t n% : Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ CONTENTS


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YR 6 / Pg 5 of 20

WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$

L 2 0$1$4 5$1$1

SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : State )"rasal %uantifiers$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing words wit"out any guidan e$ <o!)lete !ind !a)s, diagra!s wit" infor!ation fro! t"e te*t$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ S+e#k n% : Tell si!)le stories$ To s"ow on ern$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to final sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read aloud )oe!s learly and e*)ressi&ely$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases and on a )i ture sti!ulus$

CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : <reati&e T" S.ills Bodily Kinaest"eti =i tionary S.ills Inter)ersonal Knowledge A %uisition

3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s ( w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ Week : = to 17 (25 FE< -7 3A,) Un t 5 Magi al Mo&e!ents T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language 1

5$2$2 5$2$0 5$0$2

0 1$2$0

Learning Dow To Learn S.ills Logi al / Mat"e!ati al Intelligen e 9re)aration for t"e Real World 9ro'le! Sol&ing T" S.ills Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e Aisual / S)atial Intelligen e

2$1$1 2$C$B 0$1$0 0$0$0 0$5$0 5$1$1 5$0$0


L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound : 7ii8 dou'le onsonants$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7ii8 dou'le onsonants$ As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ Na!e t"e good and 'ad "ara ters and tell w"y t"ey are good or 'ad$

2$1$1 2$2$1 2$0$1 2$4$1

.$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 1 Nouns 1$0 <olle ti&e Nouns 4 Ad&er's So&n- S/(te": 2$ =ou'le <onsonants > /s/ > /-/ > /r/


Page B


YR 6 / Pg 6 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1 1)8 F'tain infor!ation fro! te*ts listened to in relation to !ain ideas, s)e ifi details, se%uen e, and ause> effe t relations"i)s$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2)7 Tal. a'out t"e )eo)le, )la es and !oral &alues of t"e stories "eard, read and &iewed in si!)le language$ 2)6 #*)ress t"oug"ts and feelings and gi&e o)inions on t"ings read, seen, "eard and &iewed in si!)le language$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 3)8 Read and understand t"e !eaning of words 'y guessing t"eir !eaning t"roug" t"e use of onte*tual lues$ 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 0 1$1$2 2$4$0 2$6$2 0$1$2 0$0$2 0$B$1 0$6$0 0$C$0 W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ <o!)lete !ind !a)s, diagra!s wit" infor!ation fro! t"e te*t$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e !iddle and ending sounds$ UJIAN 1 0$1$1 0$0$1 0$B$1 0$6$1 0$6$2 0$C$2 ,e#- n% : Loo. at letters and say aloud t"e sounds : 7ii8 dou'le onsonants Read and understand )"rases 'y !at "ing )"rases to )i tures$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ Read and understand different te*ts su " as instru tions, dire tions, noti es, la'els, !essages, letters, )assages, re ounts and des ri)tions$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and gi&e details a'out t"e )eo)le and ani!als in a story read$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ Write learly and legi'ly in )rint for diagra!s$ L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle sounds$ Listen to si!)le des ri)tions, re ounts, news re)orts and fa tual te*ts and gi&e t"e !ain ideas and su))orting details$ S+e#k n% : Tal. a'out t"e e&ents of t"e story$ Relate t"e story to one;s life$ ,e#- n% : Read aloud words wit" t"e letters listed in 0$1$1 7ii8$ Read and understand si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'y inter)reting )ronoun for!s$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read and tal. a'out t"e a tions of )eo)le and ani!als in a story read$ 0o'#1&2#$/ : Words )ertaining to "u!an and ani!als; !o&e!ents$ 3o$#2 0#2&e(: A))re iation Awareness <are for t"e ani!als /rateful /ratitude Donesty Lo&e Lo&e of nature 9erse&eran e 9roud Res)e t E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : I<T S.ills Learning Dow To Learn S.ills Multi)le Intelligen es 9re)aration Eor T"e Real World T" S.ills Aalues And <iti-ens"i) L SPECIFICATIONS CONTENTS

5$1$1 5$2$1 2 1$1$2 1$B$2

5$1$1 5$2$0 5$0$2 5$1$2


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YR 6 / Pg 7 of 20 WEEK / UNIT 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ L 0 2$6$2 0$0$0 0$B$1 0$4$1 0$C$1 5$1$1 5$0$0 5$1$2 Week : 11 to 13 (17 3A, 9 5 AP,) Un t 8 Sounds Ff Musi T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and t"e orre t intonation and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2 1$1$2 1$2$2 2$1$1 2$1$2 2$2$1 2$0$1 0$1$1 0$2$2 0$5$1 0$1$1 0$1$2 0$6$2 5$1$2 5$2$1 5$6$1 5$13$1 1 1$1$1 SPECIFICATIONS S+e#k n% : Relate t"e story to one;s life$ ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Relate t"e )eo)le and e&ents in t"e story to one;s life$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7i8 s"ort &owel sounds$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7i8 s"ort &owel sounds$ 9ronoun e 0 and 5 sylla'le words orre tly$ As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ ,e#- n% : Loo. at letters and say aloud t"e sounds : 7i8 s"ort &owel sounds$ Read and learn t"e !eaning of .ey words$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ /i&e words o))osite in !eaning$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ Write learly and legi'ly in )rint for diagra!s$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" guidan e$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a and full sto) w"en writing$ L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle sounds$ Listen to and re)eat orre tly )"rases and senten es$ .$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 2 Arti les B$ 7'8 13 To e*)ress "a))iness So&n- S/(te": 1$ S"ort &owel: a$ / H / '$ / I / 0o'#1&2#$/ : Words )ertaining to !usi $ 3o$#2 0#2&e(: Res)e ting t"e National Ant"e!$ 9atriotis! E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : A ti&e Listening Analysis Brainstor!ing CONTENTS


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YR 6 / Pg 8 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 2)= 9erfor! a &ariety of fun tions in a so ial onte*t$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 5$13$1 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)6 Write to e*)ress oneself reati&ely su " as w"en o!)osing si!)le )oe!s and stories, reating greeting ards, )osters, et $ 5)17 9un tuate !eaningfully$ 0 1$1$2 1$2$0 L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle sounds$ Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ S+e#k n% : Res)onding to su " %uestions$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to !edial sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Read and sele t t"e definition suited to t"e !eaning of t"e word in onte*t$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ Use a)ital letters, o!!as and full sto)s w"en writing$ 5$1$2 5$2$2 5$0$2 L 2 2$1$0 2$2$2 2$C$0 0$1$2 0$5$2 0$1$6 0$6$0 SPECIFICATIONS S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress ( intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ To e*)ress "a))iness$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to !edial sounds$ Read aloud senten es in te*ts o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation$ Build new words fro! a gi&en word$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ <o!)lete t"e te*t wit" t"e !issing words wit"out any guidan e$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Use a)ital letters, o!!as and full sto)s w"en writing$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : <ategorise <lassifi ation <oo)erati&e =ifferentiation /enerate Ideas Identifying Main Ideas and =etails Inferen e Intera tion Inter)ersonal Intra)ersonal Logi al #*)lanation S anning S.i!!ing Understanding Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e

2$2$5 0$1$0 0$0$0 0$4$1 0$4$2

5$1$2 5$13$1

UJIAN 1 11>12>13 3AC 2715 SC:OOL :OLI4A; 9 3 - SE3ESTE, 1 22 3A, 9 37 3A,


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YR 6 / Pg 9 of 20


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13 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I

YR 6 / Pg 10 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)6 Write to e*)ress oneself reati&ely su " as w"en o!)osing si!)le )oe!s and stories, reating greeting ards, )osters, et $ 5)17 9un tuate !eaningfully$ 2$2$5 2$4$5 0$1$0 0$0$0 0$4$1 0$4$2 0$13$1 0 1$1$2 1$2$0 L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e !iddle or ending sounds$ Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ S+e#k n% : Res)ond to su " %uestions$ Tal. a'out t"e &alues e*)lored in t"e stories$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to !edial sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Read and sele t t"e definition suited to t"e !eaning of t"e word in onte*t$ Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" little or no guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7&8 initial 'lends Listen to and follow si!)le instru tions on "ow to o!)lete a gi&en tas.$ Listen to si!)le !essages and gi&e t"e infor!ation re%uired$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7&8 initial 'lends Na!e and identify t"ings$ To !a.e a tele)"one all for a )ur)ose$ To ta.e and gi&e s"ort !essages to friends and fa!ily !e!'ers$ Re ite si!)le )oe!s wit" e*)ressions$ L 2 5$1$2 5$2$2 5$0$2 5$6$2 SPECIFICATIONS W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ <o!)lete t"e te*t wit" t"e !issing words wit"out any guidan e$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" little or no guidan e$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Intera tion Inter)ersonal Intra)ersonal Logi al #*)lanation 9redi tion 9resentation Guestioning Rationalise Reading S anning S"ort Listing S.i!!ing Understanding Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e

5$1$2 5$0$2 5$6$2

Week : 1* to 16 (21 AP, 9 = 3A;) Un t 7 Beautiful World T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$

1 1$1$1 1$5$1 1$B$1

.$#""#$ : B 7a8 1$ Ad+e ti&es 1$1 <o!)arati&e for! 1$2 Su)erlati&e for! So&n- S/(te": B$ Initial 'lends a$ t"r / r / '$ s"r / r / $ st /st / 0o'#1&2#$/ : Idio!s

2$1$1 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 2$0$1 2$5$1 2$B$1 2$1$1


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11 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I

YR 6 / Pg 11 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1 1)5 Listen to and follow si!)le instru tions and dire tions a urately$ 1)8 F'tain infor!ation fro! te*ts listened to in relation to !ain ideas, s)e ifi details, se%uen e, and ause> effe t relations"i)s$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2)5 Ma.e and re ei&e tele)"one alls )olitely$ 2)8 <on&ey a si!)le !essage a urately$ 2)* Tell stories 'ased on )i tures and ot"er sti!uli, and re ite )oe!s$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)8 Read and understand t"e !eaning of words 'y guessing t"eir !eaning t"roug" t"e use of onte*tual lues$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)$ 0 1$1$2 1$2$0 1$5$2 1$B$0 2$B$1 5$1$1 5$2$2 5$5$2 5$4$2 2 1$1$2 1$5$2 0$2$2 0$5$1 0$$1$2 0$6$1 0$6$2 0$C$1 5$1$1 5$5$1 5$4$1 L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e 'eginning sound$ Listen to and follow si!)le dire tions to )la es in t"e ountry$ S+e#k n% : To ta.e and gi&e s"ort !essages to friends and fa!ily !e!'ers$ ,e#- n% : Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e te*t$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ <o!)lete t"e te*ts wit" t"e !issing word7s8 wit"out any guidan e$ Write si!)le letters 7less guidan e8$ Write si!)le dire tions and !essages wit" little or no guidan e$ L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e 'eginning sound$ Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ Listen to and follow si!)le dire tions to )la es in t"e ountry$ Listen to si!)le !essages and tal. a'out t"e!$ S+e#k n% : To ta.e and gi&e s"ort !essages to friends and fa!ily !e!'ers$ Inter)ersonal Knowledge A %uisition Learning Dow To Learn S.ills Logi al / Mat"e!ati al Intelligen e 9re)aration for t"e Real World T" S.ills Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e Aisual / S)atial Intelligen e ,e#- n% : Read ( learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ Read and understand different te*ts su " as instru tions, dire tions, noti es, la'els, !essages, letters, )assages, re ounts and des ri)tions$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and gi&e details a'out t"e )la e in a letter$ W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ Write si!)le guided letters to friends or fa!ily !e!'ers$ Write si!)le !essages wit" guidan e$ 3o$#2 0#2&e(: Awareness =iligen e <oo)eration A))re iate nature 9erse&eran e E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : A ti&e Listening <reati&e T" S.ills <riti al T" S.ills L SPECIFICATIONS CONTENTS




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12 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I

YR 6 / Pg 12 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5$1$1 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)5 Write si!)le infor!al letters to friends, )arents, ot"er fa!ily !e!'ers and )en>)als in a so ial onte*t$ 5)7 /i&e a urate infor!ation w"en writing !essages, instru tions, si!)le re)orts and w"en filling out for!s$ Week : 1= to 27 (12 3A; 9 23 3A;) Un t 6 #n&iron!ental Issues T!e"e : World of Knowledge 2$1$1 Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 1)* Listen to and en+oy t"e r"y!e, r"yt"! and sounds of )oetry, +a-- "ants and songs$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2$0$1 2$1$1 2$4$1 2$6$1 2$C$1 0$1$1 0$2$2 0$0$1 0$B$1 0$1$2 1 1$1$1 1$1$1 L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7&ii8 &oi ed and &oi eless :t";$ Listen to and en+oy )oe!s$ S+e#k n% : Re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound: 7&ii8 &oi ed and &oi eless :t";$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ Re ite si!)le )oe!s$ Na!e t"e good and 'ad "ara ters and tell w"y t"ey are good and 'ad$ State w"et"er one or does not li.e t"e story and gi&e reasons$ To &olunteer$ ,e#- n% : Loo. at letters and say aloud t"e sounds : 7&ii8 &oi ed and &oi eless :t";$ Read ( learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read and understand )"rases 'y !at "ing )"rases to )i tures$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ .$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 5$ <on+un tions B$ 7'8 6$ To &olunteer So&n- S/(te": Aoi ed and &oi eless :t"; a$ t" / J / '$ t" / K / 0o'#1&2#$/ : Do!ogra)"s 3o$#2 0#2&e(: A))re iation <are for t"e en&iron!ent <onsiderate <oo)eration /rateful /ratitude Kind 9roud Res)e t Unselfis"ness 5$0$0 5$5$2 5$4$2 L 0 0$1$0 0$0$0 0$5$0 0$B$1 0$1$C W$ t n% : Write words, )"rases and senten es in lear, legi'le ursi&e writing$ Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )i ture sti!uli$ Write si!)le letters 7less guidan e8$ Write si!)le dire tions and !essages wit" little or no guidan e$ SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to !edial sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions$ Read aloud )oe!s learly and e*)ressi&ely$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e te*t$ Understand si!)le idio!s$ CONTENTS


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10 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I

YR 6 / Pg 13 of 20


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15 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
YR 6 / Pg 14 of 20 WEEK / UNIT 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)8 Write si!)le for!al letters to t"e tea "er and ot"er )eo)le in aut"ority for a )arti ular )ur)ose$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ 5)6 Write to e*)ress oneself reati&ely su " as w"en o!)osing si!)le )oe!s and stories, reating greeting ards, )osters, et $ 17 3A; 9 1* 3A; L 0 2$4$5 0$0$0 0$5$0 0$4$1 0$4$2 0$C$1 5$B$1 5$6$2 SPECIFICATIONS S+e#k n% : Tal. a'out t"e &alues e*)lored in t"e story$ ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions and o!)leting info transfer diagra!s$ Read aloud )oe!s learly and e*)ressi&ely$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Read and sele t t"e definition suited to t"e !eaning of t"e word in onte*t$ Relate t"e )eo)le and e&ents in t"e story to one;s life$ W$ t n% : Write si!)le guided des ri)tions$ <o!)ose )oe!s wit" little guidan e or no guidan e$ CONTENTS

3I4 ;EA, E?A3INATION 3I4 ;EA, SC:OOL :OLI4A; 26 3A; 9 18 JUNE

Week : 21 to 23 ( 1* JUNE 9 5 JUL) Un t = #* "anging Messages T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade : to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$

1 1$2$1

L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat t"e )ronun iation of words orre tly$ S+e#k n% : As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ ,e#- n% : Read ( learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ Read and understand different te*ts su " as instru tions, dire tions, noti es, la'els, !essages, letters, )assages, re ounts and des ri)tions$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ W$ t n% : Write si!)le guided des ri)tions$

.$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 1$ Ad+e ti&es Si!)le 9resent Tense 7i8 Eor "a'itual a tions B$ 7'8 C$ To s"ow a))re iation So&n- S/(te": 6$ Stress 7ii8 0 and 5 sylla'le words 0o'#1&2#$/ : 9ro&er's 3o$#2 0#2&e(: A))re iation So ial Relations"i)s

2$1$2 2$0$1 0$2$2 0$5$1 0$B$1 0$1$2 0$6$1 0$6$2 5$1$1

2 1$0$0

L (ten n% : Listen to and understand )"rases in des ri)tions "eard$ S+e#k n% :


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1B | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
2$2$2 As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$

YR 6 / Pg 15 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)8 Read and understand t"e !eaning of words 'y guessing t"eir !eaning t"roug" t"e use of onte*tual lues$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)s$ 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ 0 L (ten n% : > 2$2$5 0$1$0 0$0$0 0$B$1 0$1$C 0$4$1 5$0$0 5$1$2 P,A UPS, 1 25> 28> 2* JUNE 2715 Week : 25 to 28 (7 JUL 9 28 JUL) Un t 17 Re!ar.a'le A "ie&ers T!e"e : World of Knowledge Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 1)3 A %uire &o a'ulary and understand t"e !eaning of words ( )"rases in 2$2$1 2$0$1 2$4$1 L (ten n% : > S+e#k n% : As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e and identify t"ings$ Na!e t"e good and 'ad "ara ters and tell w"y t"ey are good or 'ad$ ,e#- n% : Read and learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for t"e to)i taug"t$ Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ /i&e words si!ilar in !eaning$ Read and distinguis" "o!o)"ones$ .$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 11$ T"e Si!)le 9ast Tense > Irregular Aer's 15$Guestions and res)onses > Guestion tags So&n- S/(te": 6$ Stress 7iii8 Stress in %uestions S+e#k n% : Res)onding to su " %uestions$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to !edial sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions and o!)leting info transfer diagra!s$ Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ Understand si!)le idio!s$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ W$ t n% : Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases on a )i ture sti!uli$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ L 2 0$B$1 0$6$0 SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Understand t"e !eaning of words 'y at t"e onte*t$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering si!)le o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : <o!)lete t"e te*ts wit" t"e !issing word7s8 wit"out any guidan e$ Write si!)le des ri)tions wit" little or no guidan e$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : <riti al T" I<T S.ills Knowledge A %uisition Learning Dow To Learn S.ills Multi)le Intelligen es 9re)aration for t"e Real World T" S.ills

5$2$2 5$1$2

0$2$2 0$5$1 0$1$2 0$1$5


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11 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
onte*t$ 0$6$2 0$C$2 S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and gi&e details a'out t"e )eo)le in t"e te*t$ 7i&8 Stress in state!entS YR 6 / Pg 16 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)8 F'tain infor!ation fro! te*ts listened to in relation to !ain ideas, s)e ifi details, se%uen e and ause> effe t relations"i)s$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)3 /i&e rele&ant infor!ation )olitely in res)onse to en%uiries !ade: to identify, to refute, to !a.e o!)arisons, to state$ 2)* Tell stories 'ased on )i tures and ot"er sti!uli, and re ite )oe!s$ 2)7 Tal. a'out t"e )eo)le, )la es and !oral &alues of t"e stories "eard, read and &iewed in si!)le language$ 2)6 #*)ress t"oug"ts and feelings and gi&e o)inions on t"ings read, seen, "eard and &iewed in si!)le language$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)s$ 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 2$2$0 2$1$1 2$6$2 0$2$B 0$0$0 2$1$0 2$1$5 2$2$2 2$0$B 2$4$2 2$4$0 2$6$2 0$5$2 0$6$0 L 1 5$2$1 5$0$1 5$1$1 2 1$2$2 1$B$2 L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat orre tly )"rases and e*)ressions$ Listen to si!)le des ri)tions, re ounts, news re)orts and fa tual te*ts and gi&e t"e !ain ideas and su))orting details$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress ( intonation$ As. %uestions wit" t"e orre t intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ Understand ordinal nu!'ers$ Tal. a'out t"e )la e in a story$ Tal. a'out t"e e&ents in a story$ Relate t"e story to one;s life$ ,e#- n% : Read aloud senten es in te*ts o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : <o!)lete t"e te*ts wit" t"e !issing word7s8 wit"out any guidan e$ <o!)lete !ind !a)s, diagra!s wit" infor!ation fro! t"e te*t$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ L (ten n% : Listen to and understand ordinal nu!'ers$ S o)e : first L t"irty>first S+e#k n% : As. %uestions wit" %uestion tags$ Tell si!)le stories$ Relate t"e story to one;s life$ ,e#- n% : Re ognise and read and learn ordinal nu!'ers : 1st L 01st Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions and o!)leting info transfer diagra!s$ SPECIFICATIONS W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint for diagra!s$ Eor! senten es and %uestions 'y e*)anding on words gi&en$ Write si!)le guided des ri)tions$ CONTENTS 0o'#1&2#$/ : Do!o)"ones 3o$#2 0#2&e(: Awareness Bra&ery <aring <ourage <reati&ity =iligen e Moti&ation 9atriotis! 9erse&eran e E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Analysing <ategorising <oo)eration <riti al T" S.ills Infor!ation L S.ills Inter)ersonal Knowledge A %uisition Logi al #*)lanation Logi al Mat"e!ati al Intelligen e 9re)aration for t"e Real World 9ro'le! Sol&ing S anning S.i!!ing Aer'al Linguisti Intelligen e

5$2$2 5$2$0 5$0$2 0 1$0$B


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14 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I

P,A UPS, 2 6> => 17 JUL; 2715 YR 6 / Pg 17 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)* Write si!)le fa tual des ri)tions of t"ings, e&ents, s enes and w"at one saw and did$ T,IAL E?A3INATION/ UJIAN 2- 22>23> 25 JUL; L 0 0$6$0 SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases 'ased on a )i ture sti!uli$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Aisual / S)atial Intelligen e


Week : 2* to 26 (37 JUL 9 18 JUL) Un t 11 /rowing 9ains T!e"e : World of Knowledge

1 1$1$1

L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words t"at ontain t"e sound : 7i&8 silent letters S+e#k n% : Re)eat word t"at ontain t"e following sound : 7i&8 silent letters 9ronoun e 0 and 5 sylla'le words$ As. :W"; %uestions to see. infor!ation$ Na!e t"e good and 'ad "ara ters and tell w"y t"ey are good or 'ad$ ,e#- n% : Loo. at letters and say aloud t"e sounds : 7i&8 silent letters Read and learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for ea " to)i taug"t$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat orre tly )"rases and e*)ressions$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress ( intonation$ As. %uestions wit" t"e orre t intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ Tal. a'out t"e e&ents in a story$ ,e#- n% :

2$1$1 Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)7 Tal. a'out t"e )eo)le, )la es and !oral &alues of t"e stories "eard, read and &iewed in si!)le language$ 3)1 A %uire word re ognition and word atta . s.ills to re ognise words on sig"t$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 2 1$2$2 2$1$0 2$1$5 2$2$2 2$4$0 5$1$2 5$13$1 2$1$2 2$2$1 2$4$1

.$#""#$ : B$ 7a8 0$ 9ronouns 0$5 Interrogati&e 9ronouns 6$ Modals So&n- S/(te": 5$ Silent letters 7a8 Silent :'; 7'8 Silent :g; 0o'#1&2#$/ : Meta)"ors 3o$#2 0#2&e(: A e)t t"e way we are <on ern =oing t"e rig"t t"ing E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Analysis <lassifi ation <oo)erati&e Inferen e Intensi&e Reading Intera tion

0$1$1 0$2$2 0$6$2 0$13$1


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16 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
0$1$2 0$5$2 Read aloud words wit" t"e silent letters :'; and :g;$ Read aloud senten es in te*ts o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation$ Inter)ersonal Intra)ersonal

YR 6 / Pg 18 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)7 Use t"e di tionary to get t"e a))ro)riate !eaning of t"e word$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)s$ 3)= Read si!)le te*ts and )redi t out o!es$ 0 3)17 Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ 5)1 Write at word, )"rase, senten e and )aragra)" le&el in lear, legi'le )rint and ursi&e writing$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 5)17 9un tuate !eaningfully$ 0$0$0 0$4$1 0$4$2 0$C$1 0$13$1 5$1$2 5$13$1 2$2$5 2$4$5 0$1$0 1$1$2 1$2$0 L (ten n% : Listen to and grou) words a ording to t"e sa!e 'eginning sound$ Listen to and re)eat )oe!s, )aying attention to )ronun iation, stress and intonation orre tly$ S+e#k n% : Res)onding to su " %uestions$ Tal. a'out t"e &alues tal.ed a'out in t"e story$ ,e#- n% : Read and grou) words a ording to 'eginning and final sounds$ Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions and o!)leting info transfer diagra!s$ Read and lo ate t"e re%uired words in t"e di tionary$ Read and sele t t"e definition suited to t"e !eaning of t"e word in onte*t$ Relate t"e )eo)le and e&ents in t"e story to one;s life$ Read and tell w"at one "as learned fro! t"e story$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ P,A UPS, 3 12>13>15 AU.UST 2715 1 Week : 2= to 37 (16 AU. 9 2= AU.) Un t 12 A =ay To Re!e!'er T!e"e : World of Knowledge, 1$1$1 2$1$2 2$1$1 L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat words$ S+e#k n% : 9ronoun e 0 and 5 sylla'le words orre tly$ Re ite si!)le )oe!s wit" e*)ressions$ ,e#- n% : .$#""#$ : > So&n- S/(te": > 0o'#1&2#$/ : > 3o$#2 0#2&e(: 5$1$2 5$0$2 5$13$1 L 2 0$6$0 0$C$0 0$13$1 SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ Read and tal. a'out t"e a tions of )eo)le in t"e story$ Read si!)le te*ts and !a.e inferen es and draw o'&ious on lusions$ W$ t n% : Write learly and legi'ly in )rint$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ CONTENTS E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Logi al #*)lanation Musi al Guestioning Rationalise Reading S anning S"ort Listing S.i!!ing Understanding Aer'al / Linguisti Intelligen e :W"; Guestions


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1C | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
World of Eriends ( Ea!ily, World of Stories Read and learn t"e !eaning of .ey words for ea " to)i taug"t$ Read and understand )"rases 'y !at "ing )"rases to )i tures$ <oo)eration =iligen e Eriends"i) /ratitude

0$2$2 0$0$1

YR 6 / Pg 19 of 20 WEEK / UNIT Le#$n n% O&t'o"e( : 1)1 Listen to and dis ri!inate si!ilar and different sounds of t"e #nglis" Language$ 1)2 Listen to and re)eat a urately t"e orre t )ronun iation of words, and word stress in )"rases, e*)ressions and senten es$ 1)8 F'tain infor!ation fro! te*ts listened to in relation to !ain ideas, s)e ifi details, se%uen e and ause> effe t relations"i)s$ 2)1 S)ea. learly 'y )ronoun ing words a urately and s) wit" t"e orre t stress and intonation$ 2)2 As. %uestions )olitely to o'tain infor!ation and larifi ation$ 2)* Tell stories 'ased on )i tures and ot"er sti!uli, and re ite )oe!s$ 3)2 A %uire .ey words at &arious stages of de&elo)!ent$ 3)3 Read and understand )"rases, senten es, )aragra)"s and w"ole te*ts$ 3)5 Read aloud e*)ressi&ely and fluently )ronoun ing words orre tly and o'ser&ing orre t stress and intonation and senten e r"yt"!$ 3)* A %uire a wide range of &o a'ulary$ 3)6 Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts for !ain ideas, su))orting details, se%uen e, and ause and effe t relations"i)s$ 5)2 <o!)lete te*ts wit" t"e !issing word, )"rase or senten e$ 5)3 <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es wit" guidan e and inde)endently$ 0 1$2$0 2$2$5 L 1 0$5$1 0$1$0 0$1$5 0$6$2 0$6$0 SPECIFICATIONS ,e#- n% : Read aloud )"rases and senten es, )ronoun ing t"e! orre tly$ Read and distinguis" "o!ogra)"s$ Read and distinguis" "o!o)"ones$ S an for s)e ifi infor!ation in te*ts$ Read and understand si!)le fa tual te*ts 'y answering o!)re"ension %uestions in relation to !ain ideas and details$ W$ t n% : <o!)lete t"e te*ts wit" t"e !issing words wit" guidan e$ <reate greeting ards$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ CONTENTS 3o$#2 0#2&e(: Lo&e for nature Lo&ing 9u'li S)iritedness Res)e t E-&'#t on#2 E"+!#(e( : Analyti al S.ills <reati&e T" /at"ering Infor!ation /i&ing F)inions Knowledge A %uisition Learning Dow To Learn S.ills 2 1$B$2 L (ten n% : Listen to si!)le des ri)tions, re ounts, news re)orts and fa tual te*ts and gi&e t"e !ain ideas and su))orting details$ S+e#k n% : Say aloud )"rases wit" t"e orre t stress ( intonation$ As. %uestions to see. infor!ation and larifi ation$ ,e#- n% : W$ t n% : <o!)lete t"e te*ts wit" t"e !issing word7s8 wit"out any guidan e$ <onstru t si!)le and o!)ound senten es 'ased on words and )"rases gi&en and on a )i ture sti!ulus$ <reate greeting ards$ L (ten n% : Listen to and re)eat orre tly )"rases and senten es$ S+e#k n% : Res)onding to su " %uestions$ ,e#- n% : Asso iations 9re)aration for t"e Real World Relaying Infor!ation T" S.ills Aer'al Linguisti Intelligen e Aisual / S)atial Intelligen e

5$2$1 5$6$0 5$13$1

2$1$0 2$2$2

5$2$2 5$0$2 5$6$0


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23 | S K T A M A N B U K I T R A M B A I
0$0$0 0$5$0 0$1$C Read and understand si!)le )aragra)"s$ Read aloud )oe!s learly and e*)ressi&ely$ Understand si!)le si!iles$ YR 6 / Pg 20 of 20 WEEK / UNIT 5)7 /i&e a urate infor!ation w"en writing !essages, instru tions, si!)le re)orts and w"en filling out for!s$ 5)6 Write to e*)ress oneself reati&ely su " as w"en o!)osing si!)le )oe!s and stories, reating greeting ards, )osters, et $ 5)17 9un tuate !eaningfully$ P,A UPS, 5 2*>27>26 AU.UST 2715 WEEK 311 SEPT - = SEPT WEEK 32 10 SEPT 12 SEPT WEEK 33 13 SEPT 21 SEPT WEEK 34 - 42 St#te @!#t #(+e't( oA EL te#'! n% ( 1e n% -one n +$e+#$#t on Ao$ UPS, L 1 5$0$0 5$4$2 5$6$2 5$6$0 5$13$1 SPECIFICATIONS W$ t n% : Write )aragra)"s 'ased on words and )"rases$ Write si!)le dire tions wit" little or no guidan e$ <o!)ose stories wit" little guidan e$ <reate greeting ards$ Use a)ital letters, o!!a, full sto), a)ostro)"e and e* la!ation !ar.s w"en writing$ CONTENTS

SC:OOL :OLI4A; 3I4 SE3ESTE, 2 ;e#$ S B P$o%$#""e( (AAte$ UPS, P$o%$#""e() FINAL ;EA, E?A3INATION 27 9 25 OCT 4EEPA0ALI 23 OCT


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