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&eneral+:orticulture -ith relevant Soil Science courses i%e% Soil Survey+ 'edology+ #and 8valuation from a recognised ;nstitution% T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of Soil 'hysics+Soil and <ater Management for applicants in possession of a )Sc in Soil Science+Agronomy+ Agriculture &eneral+ :orticulture -ith relevant Soil Science courses i%e% Soil 'hysics+Soil and <ater Management+#and Management from a recognised ;nstitution% (. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND AGRIBUSINESS Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of )usiness Management for applicants in possession of a honours degree in )usiness Administration+ 8conomics+Agriculture+ Agricultural 8conomics and a Masters degree in )usiness Administration ma=oring in :uman 1esource Management+ 7inance+ Marketing+ Agri,usiness and 8ntrepreneurship /evelopment% Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of Agricultural 8conomics for applicants in possession of a honors degree in 8conomics+Agricultural 8conomics+Agriculture and Master degree in 8conomics+ Agricultural 8conomics ma=oring in 8nvironmental and 3atural 1esource Management+ 7arm Management+ Agricultural Marketing+ Agricultural 'olicy and Trade% ). DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION Assistant Le t!"e" #& P$sts% in the discipline of /airy Science for applicants in possession of a )Sc in related fields and a MSc in Animal Science+ /airy Science+ /airy Technology and related fields% <orking e>perience in these fields of study -ill ,e an added advantage% *. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND E+TENSION Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 2ommunity /evelopment for applicants in possession of a )Sc% Agricultural 8ducation and 8>tension+ )Sc 2ommunity /evelopment+ )Sc% Agricultural 8>tension and an MSc in these areas% ,. DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 2rop 'roduction+Agronomy for applicants in possession of a )Sc% in related fields and a MSc in 2rop 'hysiology+'lant 3utrition+ Agronomy -ith emphasis in 2ropping Systems% T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of )otany for applicants in possession of a )Sc% in Agriculture &eneral+ Agriculture+:orticulture+)otany+&eography+7orestry%

JOB OPPORTUNITIES The Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) invites qualified Tanzanians to apply for positions of Tutorial Assistants (TAs) ( !" yrs of age) and Assistant #ecturers ( $" years)% Applicants are advised to note that the minimum &'A of !%( or an average of ) for unclassified degrees such as that of *eterinary and Medical graduates at undergraduate level applies for TAs and !%" at )Sc+)A level or equivalent (i%e% an average of ) for *eterinary and Medical graduates) and a good Masters degree is applica,le for those -ith postgraduate qualifications% .nly registered *eterinarians -ill ,e considered for intervie-s% /uring application the applicant should state the /epartment0 'osition and /iscipline one is vying for% Applicants are advised to note that salary packages and fringe ,enefits shall ,e as per Treasury 1egistrars Salaries 2ircular 3o% ! of 456!% The deadline for su,mission of application letters indicating names and addresses of three referees0 together -ith certified copies of certificates and transcripts0 curriculum vitae and testimonials shall ,e t-o -eeks after the date of the first advertisement% .nly short listed applicants -ill ,e contacted for intervie-% Those -ho had applied for similar posts in the past are encouraged to apply% Application letters should ,e sent to the undersigned% A: ACADEMIC POSTS

1. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND LAND PLANNING Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 7arm Machinery and Mechanization for applicants in possession of a )Sc in 8lectro 9 Mechanical 8ngineering+ Mechanical 8ngineering+ Agricultural 8ngineering or related field and a MSc in the areas related to Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization% Those -orking in the industry are encouraged to apply% &. DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of Soil Survey+ 'edology+ #and 8valuation for applicants in possession of a )Sc in Soil Science+Agronomy+ Agricultural

-. DEPARTMENT OF FOREST MENSURATION AND MANAGMENT Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 7orest 1esource Assessment in the fields of 7orest Mensuration0 &;S and 1emote Sensing for applicants in possession of a )Sc 7orestry and MSc% in 7orestry Mensuration and Management+ 7orestry 1esource Assessment and Management and in the related field% .. DEPARTMENT OF FOREST BIOLOGY Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 7orest )iology and 8cosystem Management in the fields of Silviculture for applicants in possession of a )Sc and MSc% degree in 7orestry and related fields% ?no-ledge of Agroforestry0 Tree )reeding and 7ire Management is desira,le and -ill ,e an added advantage% ?no-ledge of )otany0 8cology and Tree )reeding and e>perience in research related to 3atural 1esources Management -ill ,e an added advantage% T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of 7orest )iology in the fields of 7orest 'rotection i%e% 7orest 8ntomology0 7orest 'athology and other related fields for applicants in possession of a good )Sc degree in 7orestry and related and related fields% /. DEPARTMENT OF FOREST ENGINEERING T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of 7orest 8ngineering for applicants in possession of a )Sc% in Agricultural 8ngineering+ 8nvironmental 8ngineering+ 2ivil 8ngineering+ Mechanical 8ngineering% 10. DEPARTMENT OF 1ILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Assistant Le t!"e" #) P$sts% in the discipline of Tourism for applicants in possession of a MSc in Tourism+#inguistic+ Anthropology and Tourism and )achelor of Tourism+ #inguistics+ Anthropology and Tourism% The applicant shall have to teach one or t-o of the follo-ing courses@A Meal 'lanning0 )usiness #a- and 8thics for Tourism0 Travel #a-s and ;nsurance0 Management ;nformation System0 2omputer Application in Tourism0 7ood 'roduction and 2atering0 1estaurant and 7ood Management0 Spanish and+or 7rench #anguage T!t$"ia' Assistant #& P$st% in the discipline Tourism for applicants in possession of a )achelor in Tourism Management or equivalent from a recognised ;nstitution% The applicant shall serve as a teaching assistant and conduct tutorials in t-o or more of the follo-ing courses@A Meal 'lanning0 )usiness #a- and 8thics for Tourism0 Travel #a-s and ;nsurance0 Management ;nformation

System0 2omputer Application in Tourism0 7ood 'roduction and 2atering0 1estaurant and 7ood Management0 Spanish and+or 7rench #anguage% 11.DEPARTMENT OF 1OOD UTILI2ATION T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of <ood Utilization for applicants in possession of )Sc in 7orestry+<ood Science -ith at least a B)CD in <ood Science su,=ects% The applicant must have competence in )asic 'rinciples of 'rocessing and Utilization of 7orest 'roducts0 <ood 2hemistry0 'hysics0 Mechanics and 1heology of <ood0 <ood Machining0 Technology of <ood )ased 'anels0 'ulp and 'aper Technology0 <ood 8nergy and 3on 9 Tim,er 7orest 'roducts% 1&. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND PUBLIC 3EALT3 T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% for applicants in possession of )*Sc+)*M degree from a recognised ;nstitution -ith an overall grade of at least B)D or a,ove at undergraduate% The 2andidate should also have at least scored B)D in *eterinary Medicine courses% 1(. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY SURGERY AND T3ERIOGENOLOGY T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of *eterinary Theriogenology for applicants in possession of a )*M+)*Sc from a recognised ;nstitution -ith an overall average score in all su,=ects of B)D and a,ove in year $ and "% Must have scored an average of B)D in *eterinary Theriogenology courses% 1). DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of *eterinary Micro,iology for applicants in possession of a )*M+)*Sc degree and MSc in *eterinary Micro,iology from a recognised ;nstitution and -ho has an overall of B)D grade or a,ove for )*M and should in addition have scored B)D grade or a,ove in *eterinary Micro,iology at Undergraduate% 1*. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY P3YSIOLOGY4 P3ARMACOLOGY4 BIOC3EMISTRY AND TO+ICOLOGY T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of )iochemistry for applicants in possession of a )*M+)*Sc% ;n addition the applicant should have an average score of B)D grade or a,ove in all su,=ects in year $+" at undergraduate and must have a B)D or a,ove in )iochemistry% 1,. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY ANATOMY T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% for applicants in possession of a )*M+)*Sc% ;n addition the applicant must have an overall score of B)D or a,ove in all su,=ects and scored an average of B)D or a,ove in *eterinary Anatomy%

1-. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY PAT3OLOGY T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% for applicants in possession of a )*M+)*Sc degree from a recognised ;nstitution% The applicant must have an overall score of B)D or a,ove for all su,=ects% ;n addition must have an average of B)D or a,ove in *eterinary 'athology courses% 1.. DEPARTMENT OF P3YSICAL SCIENCES T!t$"ia' Assistant #& 5$st% in the discipline of Meteorology% :olders of a )achelors degree in 'hysics and Mathematics+8nvironmental Sciences and Management+ Meteorology -ith specialization in Synoptic and /ynamic Meteorology and Meteological /ata Analysis and /isplay System from a recognized ;nstitution% 1/. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 5$st% in the discipline of Molecular )iology for applicants in possession of a )achelors degree in the relevant field of science specializing in Molecular )iology+ )iotechnology+ )iochemistry -ith ma=ors in Molecular )iology% &0. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES T!t$"ia' Assistant #& 5$sts% in the discipline of #anguages and #inguistics for applicants in possession of a good undergraduate degree in #anguages and #inguistics -ith a ,ias in 8nglish and+or 7rench% &1. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS T!t$"ia' Assistant #( P$sts% in the discipline of &eoA information+;mage 'rocessing and Artificial ;ntelligence for applicants in possession of a )achelors degree in 2omputer 8ngineering and ;nformation Technology+ 2omputer Science+ ;nformation Systems+ ;nformatics% ;n addition the applicant should have a minimum score of B)CD for courses forming each of the mentioned discipline i%e% &eo 9 information0 ;mage 'rocessing and Artificial ;ntelligence% <orking e>perience in computer graphics0 kno-ledge ,ased systems0 computer programming in loand high level language -ill ,e an added advantage% &&. DEPARTMENT OF BIOMETRY AND MAT3EMATICS T!t$"ia' Assistant #1 P$st% in the discipline of Multivariate and+or Time Series Analysis for applicants in possession of a )achelors degree in Statistics or related field from a recognised ;nstitution% ;n addition0 the applicant must have scored at least B)CD in Multivariate and+or Time Series Analysis courses% Mathematical Skills+kno-ledge -ill ,e an added advantage%

&(. DEVELOPMENT STUDIES INSTITUTE Assistant Le t!"e" #1 P$st% in the discipline of 1ural 8conomics for applicants in possession of a Masters degree in one of the follo-ing disciplines@ 8conomics+Agricultural 8conomics+ Agricultural 8conomics and Agri,usiness+ 1ural 8conomy+ /evelopment 8conomics+ Microfinance+ 'roduction 8conomics or related fields% ;n addition to the a,ove qualifications the candidate should have also a )achelors degree in 8conomics+ Agricultural 8conomics+ Agricultural 8conomics and Agri,usiness+ 1ural 8conomy+ /evelopment 8conomics+ Microfinance+ 'roduction 8conomics% &). COMPUTER CENTRE T!t$"ia' Assistant #) P$sts% for applicants in possession of a )achelors degree in 2omputer Science+ ;nformatics+ ;nformation Technology+ 8lectronics+ Telecommunication or related fields% &*. SUA CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT Assistant Resea" 6 Fe''$7 #1 P$st% for applicants in possession of a )Sc degree in Agricultural 8>tension+ Agricultural 8conomics+Sociology or related fields and an MSc in Agricultural 8>tension+ Agricultural 8conomics+ Sociology or related fields% ;n addition the applicant must have 2omputer kno-ledge particular in Spread Sheets0 Microsoft -ord and 8>cel programme% The applicant must ,e field oriented and ,e a,le to -ork in a multidisciplinary team in remote areas and should ,e a,le to forge close -orking relationships -ith colleagues0 the local communities0 community leaders and other actors%

O88i e $8 t6e De5!t9 Vi e C6an e''$" #A : F% S$;$ine Uni<e"sit9 $8 A="i !'t!"e P. B$> (0004 C6!$ Ki;!!4 M$"$=$"$ TAN2ANIA

;ssued ,y

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