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Breaking news UK Radiation Research Trust

Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) member Dr Hansson Mild ex oses control of science within the SCENIHR gro! " SCENIHR excl!ded many st!dies from the latest scientific re#iew$ incl!ding fi#e st!dies by the Hardell %ro! $ !blished in &'()" *t the same time SCENIHR is excl!ding Dr" Mild+s key scientific a ers$ b!t then romoting his artici ation as gi#ing balance and trans arency to this rocess" ,hese st!dies are the longest st!dies on mobile hones and brain cancer" ,he re ort fails to do a thoro!gh re#iew of h!ndreds of a ers on electromagnetic fields /EM0) and biological health effects$ with many a ers containing new information in the field concerning EMR im acts" In addition$ 1!kas Margaritis$ 2rofessor Emerit!s from the 3ni#ersity of *thens and Dr *damantia 0rago o!lo! and esteemed colleag!es forwarded a re ort to SCENIHR incl!ding references to s! erb research highlighting st!dies working with e#eryday !se of wireless de#ices demonstrating serio!s im acts on oxidati#e stress ind!ction$ learning and memory deficits$ fertility red!ction and cell death in animal models" ,hese st!dies are !blished in high 4!ality eer re#iewing 5o!rnals and are still excl!ded from the SCENIHR re ort" Dr 0rago o!lo! said 67e ha#e ointed o!t serio!s omissions of !blications from the SCENIHR o inion d!ring the hearing in *thens on March &8-&9 as well as on the ! loaded file to SCENIHR" 7e are ex ecting to see m!ch more references in the final form of the re ort"6 ,he 3: Radiation Research ,r!st and the ;ioinitiati#e 7orking %ro! has raised com laints directly with the *cting Director at the E3 Commission and are calling all oliticians to raise this iss!e at the highest le#el as many li#es are at risk and the !blic ha#e a right to know" See letters of com laint from the 3: Radiation Research ,r!st and the ;ioinitiati#e workgro! to <ohn Ryan$ *cting Director of the 2!blic Health Directorate at the E3 Commissio " Eileen =>Connor Director EM Radiation Research ,r!st www"radiationresearch"org

28th April, 2014 John F. Ryan, Acting Director Public Health Directorate, Health and on!u"er! Directorate #eneral $uropean o""i!!ion, % & 2'20 %u(e"bourg SCENIHR Report on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) )ent *ia e"ail Dear John +han, you -or your re!pon!e *ia e"ail on 22nd April. . appreciate your !upport -or ) $/.HR, ho0e*er thi! group along 0ith other bodie! !uch a! . /.RP, .$$$ and Public Health $ngland are -ailing to ac,no0ledge and accept peer1re*ie0ed re!earch i- it doe! not "eet 0ith their appro*al or under!tanding. . ha*e engaged 0ith all !ide! o- the debate -or "any year! in the hope that 0e can -ind a 0ay -or0ard together. Ho0e*er, the di*i!ion bet0een both !ide! o- the debate i! beco"ing greater and leading to !tronger oppo!ition -ro" both !ide!. .t i! an i"pa!!e that lea*e! pri*ate citi2en! at ri!,, and 0e "u!t "a,e e*ery e--ort to root out undue in-luence -ro" the indu!try 0ho!e pro-it! are a--ected by deci!ion! "ade by co""ittee3! li,e ) $/.HR. A body i! not truly 4independent4 i- -inancial tie! can be "ade by the a--ected indu!try to co""ittee "e"ber5!6. +here !hould be no place -or -inancial in-luence in !cience, but !adly there i!, and 0ith potentially de*a!tating long1ter" con!e7uence! -or our citi2en!. . 0a! plea!ed to !ee Dr 89ell Han!!on :ild a! a "e"ber o- the $:F 0or,ing group and reali!e he i! the co1author o- the Hardell paper!. Ho0e*er, . a" !ure you 0ill agree that hi! appoint"ent to ) $/.HR i! only 0orth0hile i- hi! opinion and 0or, i! ta,en into account and . 7ue!tion ithat 0a! the ca!e a! it 0a! clear during the e*ent in Athen! that the i"portant Hardell 201; paper! 0ere re9ected by ) $/.HR. . there-ore call on the $< o""i!!ion to in*e!tigate 0hether there ha! been any "i!u!e o- authority 0hen !electing and re9ecting i"portant paper! -or re*ie0. =ne !cienti!t doe! not pro"i!e true 4independence4 -or the group a! a 0hole. +he independence o- ) $/.HR ha! been brought into 7ue!tion -or

"any year! by "e"ber! o- the public, doctor!, !cienti!t! and politician!. . 0ould li,e to highlight !e*eral e(a"ple!. Plea!e !ee attached a recent report -ro" the )0edi!h Radiation Protection Foundation. +hi! report clearly !tate! that ) $/.HR pro*ided -al!e, inaccurate, "i!leading and bia!ed in-or"ation and i! clai"ing !cienti-ic -raud 0ith a call -or the report to be re*i!ed and !ub"itted to a ne0 group oe(pert! that are capable o- pre!enting an ob9ecti*e and accurate report o0hat !cience ha! !ho0n about health ri!,!. )eriou! allegation! o- corruption need to be in*e!tigated a! a "atter ourgency. >e appear to be 0a!ting public "oney on bia!ed report! and delaying urgent action to i"ple"ent the precautionary 0arning! that are urgently needed to protect public health. . 0ould al!o li,e to dra0 your attention to 7ue!tion! rai!ed on 1? th :arch, 200' by hri!tel )calde"o!e to the o""i!!ion. +he!e 7ue!tion! rai!e concern! regarding the .ndependence o- e(pert! on the )cienti-ic o""ittee on $"erging and /e0ly .denti-ied Health Ri!,!. +he o""i!!ion i! challenged on 0hether the!e e(pert!, 0ho 0ere in*ol*ed in e!tabli!hing the li"it! *alue! 0or,ing 0ith . /.RP, can be regarded a! i"partial and independent. hri!tel )calde"o!e al!o a!,ed 0hat "ea!ure! 0ill the $< o""i!!ion ta,e to -ind a better balance bet0een critical and uncritical re!earcher!. Do0nload here@ -!"#$&language=%& ' .n addition, Dr aroline %uca! launched an Alternati*e Re!olution to the 200' Rie! Report on AHeath concern! a!!ociated 0ith $:F!.B +he #reen!C$FA group rai!ed the urgent alternati*e "otion 5!ee attach"ent6 a! the Rie! Report 0a! -orced to include a late a"end"ent calling -or ) $/.HR to re*ie0 the !cienti-ic ade7uacy o- $:F li"it!. +he #reen Party there-ore !ub"itted the Alternati*e Re!olution, deleting the paragraph calling -or ) $/.HR to underta,e the re*ie0. +here 0a! no doubt that thi! contro*er!ial la!t1"inute a"end"ent gi*ing ) $/.HR !uch authority 0ould o*erride e(cellent reco""endation! and precautionary "ea!ure! contained 0ithin the Rie! Report due to the predictable and bia!ed nature o- reporting -ro" ) $/.HR. )adly it 0a! too late and the Rei! Report containing the contro*er!ial a"end"ent calling -or the re*ie0 0a! put -or0ard and adopted by :$P! 0ith DD' *oting -or and 22 again!t and 8 ab!tention!. Do0nload the report 0ith the late a"end"ent li!ted a! nu"ber 1 0ithin the -ollo0ing +e(t. Do0nload here@ type=()&language=%&&reference=P*-()-200 -02!*

. -eared that 0e 0ould -ace the current !ituation that 0e are !eeing today a! a re!ult o- that late a"end"ent and 0e are no0 0itne!!ing another publicly -unded bia!ed report by ) $/.HR at the co!t o- 0a!ted "oney, but "ore i"portantly at the po!!ible co!t o- "any li*e!. Di!play! o- arrogance, bia!ed, "i!leading and !cienti-ic -raudulent reporting a! highlighted by the )0edi!h Radiation Protection Foundation i! not acceptable. . 0ould li,e to re"ind the $< o""i!!ion o- the opening addre!! in Athen! -ro" :arian Har,in :$P e(pre!!ing the need -or a re*ie0 o- up to date e*idence and the need -or accountability. )he !tre!!ed i"portance o- openne!! to0ard! lobbying and di*er!e opinion! and the need -or tran!parency and inclu!ion o- all !ta,eholder!. )he re"inded the $< o""i!!ion and ) $/.HR that public con!ultation !hould not !i"ply be a bo( tic,ing e(erci!e and that con!ultation i! only "eaning-ul i- addre!!ing negati*e outco"e! along 0ith report! that ha*e po!iti*e outco"e!. Further"ore and perhap! "o!t pro-oundly, !he ga*e the !tar, re"inder that D00 "illion citi2en! are relying on ) $/.HRE! re*ie0. . ha*e no doubt that :arian Har,in along 0ith "any :$P! and "illion! ociti2en! throughout the $< and the 0orld 0ill be di!appointed to hear that ) $/.HR -ailed 0ith thi! ta!, and their re!pon!ibility to0ard! accurate reporting. Fet greater than "y concern about the di!appoint"ent o- "any i! "y pro-ound -ear about the potential ad*er!e health e--ect! -or all that 0ill continue to be *i!ited upon our D00,000,000 citi2en! a! the Precautionary Principle in $urope beco"e! nothing but a 0ea, phra!e 0ith no "eaning and no protection -or citi2en! 0ho ha*e ab!olutely no idea o- the!e bac, roo" dealing!. +he!e good people depend on the $ and it! co""ittee! -or truth, not co*er1up, and the "oney -lo0ing to !cienti!t! 0ho tell the" all i! 0ell i! a cri"e again!t each and e*ery one o- the". +he -i*e !tudie! by the Hardell #roup publi!hed in 201; de"and RF 1 $:F be cla!!i-ied a #roup 1 carcinogen. Hardell hi"!el- !tate! thi! in the conclu!ion o- one o- hi! "o!t co"pelling epide"iologi!t !tudie!. .- it 0ere al"o!t any !cienti!t but %ennart Hardell, one "ight i"agine it i! ea!y to di!"i!! a !ingle !cienti-ic group or indi*idual. +o do !o 0ith Hardell3! !cience 0ould be the height o- !cienti-ic hypocri!y. >hyG %ennart Hardell3! epide"iological !tudie!, prior to hi! -i*e paper! publi!hed in 201; 0ere ignored by ) $/.HR, 0hen hal- the ba!i! -or .AR 3! call in :ay 2011 -or e*erything on the RF 1 $:F )pectru" to be cla!!i-ied a #roup 2H carcinogen. .- Hardell3! earlier !tudy 0ere good enough -or .AR in 2011, then can ) $/.HR plea!e e(plain 0hy the additional -i*e !tudie! o- e*en longer duration and "ore !peci-icity dee"ed 4un0orthy4 by ) $/.HR ./ 2014G +here i! no an!0er, and it i! a rea!on that !hould bring !ha"e to ) $/.HR and by a!!ociation, to the $uropean o""i!!ion it!el-. '

. call on the o""i!!ion to li!ten to truly independentC,no0ledgeable doctor!, !cienti!t! and "e"ber! o- the public and ta,e ad*ice -ro" the appeal contained 0ithin the #reen! Alternati*e :otion calling -or the $uropean #roup on $thic! in )cience and ne0 +echnologie! 5$#$6 to be gi*en the additional ta!, o- a!!e!!ing !cienti-ic integrity in order to help the o""i!!ion -ore!tall po!!ible ca!e! o- ri!,, con-lict o- intere!t!, or e*en -raud that "ight ari!e no0 that co"petition -or re!earcher! ha! beco"e ,eener. +han, you -or your attention in thi! urgent and !eriou! "atter. >ith re!pect, %ileen'+,-onnor Director %.'/adiation'/esearch'(rust

(he'%. Radiation Research Trust is an educational organisation funded by donations. An independent Charity Registered No. 1106304' The %. Radiation Research Trust 003! 004

-c:'0ia'e1ail .i2e'3ell 4oe'3enton'.P' 5e0erine'3ernard' Dr'%rica'.allery-3lythe 6aurent'3ontou7 3ill'%sterson'.P 4ill'%0ans'.%P' 5usan'8oster 9iulio'9allo' Dr':an'9i;son' Dr'6ennart'<ardell .arian'<ar2in'.%P Dr'-aroline'6ucas'.P' Donata'.eroni'' Dr'=>ell'<ansson'.ild 5te0e'.iller' )ndrew'.itchell'.P -indy'5age 5tefan'5chrec2' 3rian'5tein

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