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Professional Self-Assessment Form Teacher Candidates Name: Ms. Jacquitta H.

Graham Date: April 21, 2014 Mentor Teachers Name: Mrs. Mary L. Maier School: Marshall Elementary School Grade Level (s)/Subject Area(s): First Grade/All Content Areas Instructions to the teacher candidate: Please reflect on your professional performance, and respond to each of the following prompts. 1. In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional strengths? How have you built on these strengths so far, and how do you plan to do so in the future? In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, I feel that my professional strengths include APS standards 2, 3, 4 and 6. In APS standard 2, I have learned in my student teaching experience so far that I am able to develop unit objectives, instructional plans and am able to use student performance data to drive my instruction. In APS 3, from observing my cooperating teacher I have learned to use a variety of assessments, both formal and informal, administer a variety of assessment and I have learned that by grading papers, I can use assessment data to assign grades. In APS 4, at the beginning of each lesson I establish, maintain and communicate high expectations for achievement and participation. This is achieved by explaining to all students what I expect of them and making them responsible for their actions, as well. In APS 6, I have displayed a thorough command of discipline, provides appropriate content and the content that I am teaching promotes learning. This APS is achieved by studying all lessons taught before hand and being familiar with my students likes and dislikes. In the future I plan to continue with the stated APS standards as a professional strength by continuing to plan ahead as much as possible.


In terms of the ADEPT Performance Standards, what are your professional challenges? How do you plan to meet these challenges? In terms of ADPET Performance Standards, I feel that my professional challenges did include some areas of APS Standards 5, 8 and 9. On my final evaluation, my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Maier noted that over time I began to understand the importance of making certain that I am meeting the needs of all students, and that

she saw growth in using all strategies effectively. In APS 8, creating a culture of learning needs to be established at the beginning in each lesson to ensure that students are gaining a thorough knowledge of the content being taught. Towards the end of this student teaching experience, Mrs. Maier informed me that this culture of learning would blossom, as it did with time. In APS 9, I began with a challenge of using the maximum time limit for instructional time. Growth in this area became a necessity, in order to have the day run as smoothly as possible. Planning ahead and studying all materials before instruction is how I met this challenge. 3. Describe your students overall progress and achievement. What insights have you gained into ways to improve student progress and achievement? Overall, I do feel that my students overall progress and achievement increase. Some of the students that initially I had difficulties with are now taking medication for attention and behavior issues. I also have gained insight into the most effective way to improve student progress and achievement. This strategy is making sure to connect to each type of learner; however it is imperative that no matter what everything that I teach needs to be somehow explained visually. Even though there is three other types of learners, being able to aid students in a visual light seemed to be very helpful, overtime. 4. How will you use the knowledge you have gained through this professional selfassessment to promote your continuous professional growth and collaboration? Going forth into the future, the knowledge that I have gained through this professional assessment to promote continual professional growth and collaboration is something that considered to me as a personal commitment. Soon, I will be responsible for education someones child, and as an educator it is my sole personal responsibility to treat, teach, nurture and reach out to every child no matter situation or challenge.

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