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Daily Lesson Plan Date Time Class No. !

pupils #u$je%t Theme +ear&i&) area +ea&i&) o$je%ti(e : : : : : : : : 26th july 2012 8. 20 a.m 9 .20 a.m Year 5 Appar "6 #%ie&%e '&(esti)ati&) *aterial 2. A%i, a&, Al-ali 2.1 .&,ersta&,i&) the properties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es. +ear&i&) out%ome : At e&, o! this lesso&/ #tu,e&ts 0ill $e a$le to: 11 ',e&ti!y a%i,i%/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es usi&) litmus paper. 21 ',e&ti!y the taste o! a%i,i% / al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es. "1 Co&%lu,e the properties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es 2re3 re4uestio& 5&o0le,)e: #tu,e&ts ha(e lear&t a$out the tastes o! !oo, su$sta&%es a&, %olour. #ome !oo, su$sta&%es su%h as (i&e)ar solutio&/ $a-i&) po0,er/ ,eter)e&t solutio&/ lime 0ater/ toothpaste/ %oo-i&) oil a&, tap 0ater are 4uite !amiliar to stu,e&ts.

#%ie&ti!i% s-ills a&, Thi&-i&) s-ills : 11 2re,i%t the su$sta&%es that a%i,i%/ al-ali&e or &eutral. 21 Classi!y the su$sta&%es a%%or,i&) their property 0hether they are a%i,i%/ al-ali&e or &eutral. "1 ma-i&) their o0& %o&%ept a$out the property o! su$sta&%es. *a&ipulati(e s-ill #%ie&ti!i% attitu,es a&, (alues : .se a&, ha&,le the materials !or i&(esti)atio& pro%ess. : 6e ho&est i& )atheri&) ,ata a&, 7a(i&) %riti%al a&, a&alyti%al thi&-i&).

Tea%hi&) a&, lear&i&) resour%es: +itmus papers/ $ea-er/ ,eter)e&t solutio&/ (i&e)ar solutio&/ tap 0ater/ ma&)o/ me,i%i&e/ tea/ lotio&/ 8asam -epi&) 9/ ,eter)e&t po0,er/ lime 0ater/ ri%e/ toothpaste/ ora&)e jui%e. Assessme&ts #a!ety pre%autio& : #tu,e&ts (er$al i&tera%tio&/ stu,e&t pro$lem sol(i&) a&, 0or-sheet. : #tu,e&t shoul, &ot taste the material that %o&tai& %hemi%al su$sta&%es su%h as lotio& a&, ,eter)e&t solutio&.

Detaile, steps: Phase rie&tatio& : 5 *i& 1 Contents Cha&)e o! litmus %olour paper Teaching and learning 3 activities Tea%her ma-e a ,emo&stratio& ho0 litmus papers %a& %ha&)e their %olour 0he& ,ip i& the %olourless ;li%itatio& : 10 *i&1 2roperties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e or &eutral su$sta&%es li4ui,s 3 #tu,e&ts pre,i%t the property o! materials i& !ro&t o! them a&, they &ee, to i&(esti)ate the property o! materials that he ha, pro(i,e, usi&) litmus paper to ,etermi&e 0hether they are a%i,i%/ al-ali&e or &eutral $y ,emo&strati&) i& !ro&t the tea%her. =estru%turi&) i,eas 2roperties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e or &eutral su$sta&%es :10 *i& 1 : %hemi%al properties1 3 3 3 #tu,e&ts %ompare their pre,i%tio& a&, their o$ser(atio&. Tea%her poses them 0ith %o&!li%t 0hi%h is usi&) the ,ry su$sta&%es Compari&) Thi&-i&) s-ills 2re,i%ti&) Thi&-i&) s-ills ;<perime&ti&) *a&ipulati(e s-ills Teaching and learning aid $ser(atio& *a&ipulati(e s-ills

that has property a%i, a&, al-ali. >he& i& ,ry they &ot %ha&)e the %olour o! litmus paper/ $ut 0he& put a little $it o! 0ater they %a& %ha&)e the %olour Appli%atio& :20 mi&1 ;!!e%t o! a%i,/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral 3 o! litmus paper. #tu,e&ts ,oi&) i&(esti)atio& o& the su$sta&%es that they use i& ,aily li!e su%h as tamari&,/ %a&&e, ,ri&-/ yo)urt/ lime jui%e a&, tomato sau%e. 3 #tu,e&ts 0ill ,is%uss their o$ser(atio& a&, %o&%lu,e the properties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es i& terms o! %olour %ha&)e o! litmus paper a&, taste. =e!le%tio& :15 mi&1 3 #tu,e&t ma-i&) a simple mi&, map a$out the topi%. Thi&-i&) s-ills *a&ipulati(e s-ills

#tu,e&t 0ill %omplete the e<er%ise sheet that )i(e& to them.

:Dise,ia-a& oleh : #e&arai &ama ahli lesso& stu,y1 11 #i(ajothy #i(ali&)am 21 2&. A. #a&thi "1 ;&. =a(i%ha&,ra& ?1 2&.*.@a,i(e Tari-h: 26.Auly.2012

Name: _________________________________ Date: __________________ Learning objective: Understanding the properties of acidic, alkaline, and neutral substance. ',e&ti!y a%i,i% al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es usi&) litmus paper

',e&ti!y the taste o! a%i,i% a&, al-ali&e !oo, Co&%lu,e the properties o! a%i,i%/ al-ali&e a&, &eutral su$sta&%es.

A. Classify the following substances into acidic, alkaline, and neutral substances. Put a tick ( ! in the correct column.

"ubstance P # $ " % & ' (




). Com*lete the table "ubstance +ffect on litmus *a*er $ed )lue ,nference

%ooth*aste "our milk (yogurt! "oa* solution Cooking -il "oft drinks

C. .ill in the blanks with the correct words. &se the words gi/en. blue acidic red sour neutral alkaline bitter no taste

0. Acidic substances change ________________ litmus *a*er to ______________. 1. Alkaline substances change ________________litmus *a*er to _______________. 2. _____________ substances do not ha/e any effect on either blue or red litmus *a*er. 3. 4ime 5uice is an _______________ substance and has a ________________ taste. 6. %ooth*aste is an ______________ substance and has a _________________ taste. 7. Cooking oil is a ________________ substance and it has __________________.

D.8rou* the following substances into acidic, alkaline, or neutral substances. D+%+$8+N% ',N+8A$ Acidic substances )4+AC9 ,C+ "-AP "N-( %--%9PA"%+ (A%+$ Neutral substances

Alkaline substances

ttach!ents *aterials use, !or the ,emo&stratio& +itmus paper p7 Chart 6ea-er




*i&eral 0ater



Co%oa Bruit

6i%ar$o&ate o! #o,a

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