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Adrianna Telck English 2010 April 30, 2014 Reflection essay I took English 2010 for spring semester

of 2014. The o !ecti"es for the class incl#ded$ gaining strategies of arg#mentation for a gi"en %riting sit#ation$ finding o#r o%n %riting style and design for each gi"en %riting assignment$ learn to %rite in m#ltiple genres$ concei"e, draft, and re"ise many kinds of doc#ments, and manage these processes on o#r o%n$ read and research critically, analytically, and rhetorically, finding appropriate research strategies for each partic#lar %riting task$ cite so#rces appropriately for the %riting sit#ation and #se an academic system of citation$ #nderstand and respond critically to a ci"ic con"ersation and ecome a participant in that con"ersation$ %ork as a gro#p on %riting tasks. In this class there is, %hat I liked to think of it as, an &o"er'all assignment($ meaning that this assignment %ill effect the rest of o#r ma!or %riting papers. This assignment %as called &the )omm#nity *riting +ro!ect( or )*+ for short. This assignment %as intended for and helped my gro#p pick a topic that %o#ld e the topic for the rest of o#r ma!or %riting papers. ,efore choosing o#r topic of the school l#nch reform, my gro#p disc#ssed %riting a o#t po"erty and e"en more specifically, homelessness. -y gro#p %as in agreement that the homeless iss#e in .tah and in America has got ridic#lo#s and %o#ld e interesting to look into #t #ltimately in a "ote, %e decided that the /chool 0#nch Reform %o#ld e a etter option for easier access to reso#rce and a more road topic. 1nline English 2010 is a "ery self'engaging class' meaning if yo# do not engage yo#rself, yo# %ill not completely #nderstand the class. I often fo#nd myself getting distracted y my life and missing dead'lines that %ere important. I elie"e that this online class re2#ires a lot of self'discipline and eing a le to read instr#ctions and #nderstand f#lly %hat they mean. I %as not a le to completely #nderstand a lot of the assignments %hich often res#lted in me getting a lo% grade. I learned thro#gh taking this

class that I am a hands on learner and I %ill not e taking an other online college co#rse. The co#rse is "ery dependent on the fact that yo# ha"e a gro#p of peers to %ork %ith. *ith e"ery assignment that %e t#rned in, %e had to e engaged in a con"ersation. *hen %e %rote o#r drafts for o#r ma!or %riting assignments, %e %ere al%ays instr#cted to post the draft to a page %here o#r peers co#ld read and re"ie% them to ins#re that they are meeting all of the re2#irements in the assignment. I relied mainly on my peers to gi"e me feed ack on the papers so that I co#ld correct the mistakes that I didn3t see. I decided to re"ise my arg#ment and commentary papers. -y arg#ment paper had "ery disorgani4ed tho#ghts, it appeared that I had three separate topics %hen I only meant to %rite a o#t one. I narro%ed my s# !ect to only one, the n#tritional "al#e or lack of n#trition that the school3s ser"e d#ring l#nch time. I took a%ay pict#res of charts that the ./5A had made on the pricing of school food and added in some photos of the non'healthy food ser"ed in school as %ell has some healthy food that %e sho#ld replace the non'healthy food %ith. I also added a ne% paragraph and some ne% sentences to really tie my tho#ghts together and stay on one foc#s. In my commentary, I had %ay too m#ch of my o%n reflection on the iss#e. 0#ckily, after deleting all of the reflection parts, I still had met most of the re2#irements for this paper. I also had to go in and add some so#rces to cite, %hich I elie"e I lended "ery nicely. )omments made y some of my peers %ere "ery helpf#l. *hile %orking on my poster assignment, I recei"ed a comment a o#t ho% my pict#res %ere not placed in a "ery eye'pleasing %ay. This comment %as "ery #sef#l, as I %ent ack and I reali4ed that I had #nched all of my pict#res into one area. I %as a le to spread o#t the pict#res and make the poster look etter. 1n my profile paper, an other on of my peers had mentioned that it might e helpf#l to sho% pict#res of the parents that I %as inter"ie%ing. I fo#nd this comment #nnecessary at first #t later reali4ed that it %o#ld had helped my grade to follo% his helpf#l s#ggestion. I also ga"e feed ack to my peers, I al%ays tried to look at the positi"e of the paper first and then may e mention some errors that I sa%. *hen the class %as %orking on coming #p %ith 2#estions for the profile assignment, I s#ggested some 2#estions to other people that

I tho#ght co#ld #se them and %hen %e had the commentary assignment. I had also s#ggested to someone that they needed some ackgro#nd in their commentary. Those %ere pro a ly the most #sef#l comments that I sent o#t eca#se I %as al%ays str#ggling myself and often times, I %as st#ck on %hat I co#ld s#ggest. *hen I started %orking on my final portfolio, I %as lost, a log m#st e created and filled %ith co#rse %ork from this class and I am no comp#ter %i4ard. After I chose *ee to start my log my first attempt at the log, %itho#t %atching the /0)) instr#ction "ideos, %as a fail#re. I don3t kno% %hat I %as trying to do %itho#t instr#ctions #t I %as so conf#sed that I ended #p deleting the log all together. I decided that may e follo%ing instr#ctions %as the %ay to go. After %atching the /0)) "ideos, I had a etter #nderstanding of %hat %as re2#ired. *ee ly %as fairly easy to mo"e aro#nd thro#gh, thanks to the instr#ctional "ideos as %ell. After getting the %e 'site set #p, I %ent ack thro#gh my old assignments that I had recei"ed lo%er points for and re"ised them thro#gh the teacher3s re"ie%. +osting the assignments %as my last step6

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