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1he dlgesLlve sysLem ls a
very lmporLanL parL of our
bodles, wlLhouL a dlgesLlve
sysLem all Lhe food we aLe would come ouL
as wasLe and we wouldn'L have any proLelns and
nuLrlenLs from Lhe food Lo make energy for our
body. 1he dlgesLlve sysLem ls a serles of organs
LhaL converLs Lhe food we eaL lnLo nuLrlenLs
and proLelns LhaL provldes energy for our body. lL
helps Lhe food geL lnLo Lhe sLomach, and Lhe wasLe wlll go lnLo
Lhe LolleL.
1he sequence of someone dlgesLlng Lhelr food ls slmple, lL
all beglns wlLh someone eaLlng Lhelr meal. llrsL of all, when Lhe
food goes lnLo your mouLh, your LeeLh wlll sLarL chewlng lL.
?our LeeLh wlll break Lhe food lnLo Llny pleces, and Lhen Lhe
sallvary glands Lake over. 1he sallvary glands make Lhe Llny
pleces of food mushy so LhaL lL ls easler for us Lo swallow. 1he
nexL sLep of dlgesLlon ls swallowlng. When you swallow your
food, some of your muscles LlghLen up, maklng sure LhaL Lhe
food doesn'L geL sLuck ln your nose, Lhe ball of food wlll go
down Lhe esophagus and goes lnLo your sLomach. ?our
lnLesLlnes wlll suck up all Lhe nuLrlenLs and proLelns from Lhe
food and Lhen Lhe wasLe wlll go down your anus.
1here are loLs of funcLlons LhaL are ln Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem,
for example: LeeLh, sallva, lnLesLlnes, esophagus and more.
1here are Lwo dlfferenL Lypes of LeeLh, one klnd ls for blLlng and
Lhe oLher klnd ls for chewlng. 1he sallvary glands are ln charge
of maklng Lhe food mushler and easler Lo swallow. 1he
esophagus ls locaLed ln your
LhroaL, lL pushes your food
down lnLo your lnLesLlnes.
1he lnLesLlnes Lakes all Lhe
nuLrlenLs and proLelns ouL of
Lhe food and makes lL lnLo
energy for our body. 1he lasL
funcLlon ls Lhe anus. 1he
anus helps Lhe wasLe from
your food go down lnLo Lhe
1he organs LhaL are ln Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem are sLomach
folds, Lhey allow lL Lo expand when you eaL a blg meal. SLomach
muscles are rlngs of muscles LhaL squeeze Lhe Lop and boLLom
of Lhe sLomach LogeLher.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe urlnary sysLem.
When Lhe wasLe ls comlng ouL from Lhe blg lnLesLlnes, golng
lnLo Lhe LolleL, lL has Lo go Lhrough Lhe urlne flrsL. AfLer lL goes
Lhrough Lhe urlne, lL wlll end up ln Lhe LolleL.
1o keep Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy, you need Lo eaL loLs
of frulLs and vegeLables because frulLs and vegeLables are easy
Lo dlgesL. ?ou also have Lo eaL slower. Lvery day you need Lo
exerclse for abouL 30 - 40 mlnuLes because lf you exerclse lL
makes lL easler Lo dlgesL.
Some dlseases you mlghL geL from Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem ls
dlarrhea, Crohn's dlsease,
ulabeLes, ConsLlpaLlon and
more. Crohn's dlsease
causes you Lo have
dlarrhea and wlll cause
sLomach paln. ulabeLes wlll
happen lf you eaL Loo much
sugar, lf you have dlabeLes you wlll need an ln[ecLlon very ofLen,
and Lhere ls a very blg chance LhaL you wlll dle.
Pere are some lnLeresLlng facLs abouL Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem:
Cows and human don'L have Lhe same klnd of dlgesLlve sysLem,
LhaL ls because cows have four sLomachs! uld you know LhaL
our sLomach doesn'L do mosL of Lhe dlgesLlon? Cur organs do!
1he dlgesLlve sysLem ls
a very lmporLanL parL of your
body, wlLhouL lL you mlghL
dle. 1he dlgesLlve sysLem ls a
blg help Lo our bodles,
because lL helps us do many
Lhlngs. 1he dlgesLlve sysLem
ls very helpful, Lhanks Lo
Lhem, we can now suck ln
loLs of nuLrlenLs and dlgesL loLs of food, leLLlng Lhe wasLe ouL of
our bodles.

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