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A Panty Explosion hack based on the Shin Megami Tensei Side-Series Dan Ravipinto/Peccable Productions ( !Pla"test #ersion ($.$.% & Openin' (and: )he Sacri*ice Even as he reached for the Evoker, Dais ke kne! it !as too late" The Shado! had already gotten #ho , s!allo!ing her !hole even !hile it tittered" At first, he tho ght her Titania might break thro gh, someho!" $ t then the thing sl mped against the !all, seemingly sated, and he kne! she !as gone" And the Dark %o r ticked on" %ikari-sama&s crying behind him gave him the idea" %e co ld r n" %e co ld get the hell o t of here ' leave the school&s (ther!here and hide ntil it !as over" %e&d been half!ay to the doors !hen %ikari&s scream made him t rn" )t had one arm !rapped ro nd her legs* the other lay gently against her face, as if it !ere caressing a doll" )t !as looking at him thro gh the blankess of a formal mask ' fitting for the Empress Arcana ' its head tilted at a + i,,ical angle" %e co ld hear it giggling again" %e co ld r n" Scre! #ho , scre! %ikari, scre! the Shado!s and the Personas and the school and his parents" Scre! them all" %e co ld r n and never look back"
-et he co ld still feel an incessant t g against his heart ' of his o!n mask inside him p lling against !ho he tho ght he !as"

5Ever"one carries a Shadow. and the less it is embodied in the individual;s conscious li*e. the blac-er and denser it is.7 #arl . ng, Psychology and /eligion

Even as he reached for the Evoker, Dais ke kne! it !as too late" Even so, he placed its cold barrel against his temple, and p lled the trigger, freeing Attis from his head and heart, and obliterating the !orld in a flash of !hite" Ante +p: ,ntroduction PERSONA is a Panty Explosion hac-. attemptin' to capture the bac-'round and *eel o* the Atlus console RP/ series. particularl" Persona 0 and Persona 1 (due in America b" the end o* 2$$3 . )he Persona video4'ame series is a spin4o** o* another popular Atlus *ranchise called 5Shin 6e'ami )ensei7 (which can be loosel" translated as )rue Resurrection o* the /oddess . Abbreviated as 6e'aten. the 'ames ta-e place *irml" in the modern da". usuall" in 8apan. and contain themes o* m"ster" and occultism. All revolve around the concept o* demon summonin'. thou'h the 5demons7 in 9uestion come *rom a variet" o* bac-'rounds and can include 'ods. 'oddesses. and m"thical *i'ures o* various pantheons. )he Persona spin4o** series revolves e:clusivel" around hi'h4school a'ed prota'onists whose demons are Personas in the 8un'ian vein: hidden embodiments o* their personalities that the" summon *orth to help them. )he stories the 'ames tell are about discoverin' one;s true sel* (5<e =our )rue 6ind7 was the ta'line *or the ori'inal Persona in 8apan . )he PERSONA hac- attempts to tell similar stories o* hi'h schoolers *i'htin' Shadows. demon personalities that have overta-en their creators. while attemptin' to understand and control their own Personas. >i-e Panty Explosion it overla"s the horri*ic and the occult over the ever"da" pressures o* school. teachers. *riends. and parents. )he /ame: )he ?orld o* Persona )here are several elements o* Persona 0 and 1 that this hac- attempts to encompass: @ )he Awa-ened. all those with the potential to summon Personas. whether the" realiAe it or not. )his includes: the prota'onists. who ma" start the 'ame -nowin' as Persona4users or will have to learn how to summon durin' the course o* the 'ameB other students who have not "et awa-ened. leavin' them at the merc" o* the Shadows durin' the Dar- (our (see below B students who are *ull Persona4+sers but choose not to ali'n with the prota'onistsB and those whose Persona;s personalit" has ta-en over their own and are on their wa" to becomin' *ull Shadows. )he Awa-ened are the Shadow;s pre" and deadl" enem". Potential Persona4+sers who have not *ull" awa-ened are per*ect. unprotected tar'ets. but *ull Persona4+sers are the onl" ones who can directl" harm Shadows.

@ )he Shadows. who are the main enemies o* the prota'onists. )he" come in two *orms. )he *irst are smaller. minor Shadows. which are the embodiment o* the ;dar-er; side o* a sin'le individual C literall" a Persona out o* control. )he second. -nown as maDor Shadows. are the embodiment o* entire concepts within the collective unconscious. 'iven li*e and sentience. )he monthl" ;bosses; *rom Persona 0 (based on the *irst %0 Arcana o* the )arot: the 6a'ician. the ?heel o* Eortune. etc are e:amples o* maDor Shadows. )here are e:amples o* even lar'er Shadows. such as N": *rom the end o* Persona 0. but these are usuall" out o* the reach o* a normal 'ame o* Pant" E:plosion. thou'h one could be used as the culmination o* a campai'n. @ )he >ost. the victims o* the Shadows. ?hile Shadows attac- ph"sicall" when the" are present durin' the Dar(our. the results o* such attac-s are mental and spiritual dama'e. )hose whose ps"che. the vital spar- o* their souls. are e:tin'uished b" the Shadows are le*t empt" hus-s. )he doctors call it 5Apath" S"ndrome7 and are at a loss to e:plain its cause. 6ost humans. -nown as the <lind. are sa*e durin' the Dar- (our. encased in a co**in4shaped embodiment o* their souls. (owever. potential Persona4+sers have lost this protection in e:chan'e *or bein' aware and awa-e durin' the Dar- (our. )he" are. as such. per*ect victims. @ )he Dar- (our. a m"sterious 2Fth hour o* the da" between one da" and the ne:t. onl" accessible to the Awa-ened. )he world sleeps un-nowin' durin' the Dar- (our. )he <lind. loc-ed in their co**in4souls. pass throu'h it unawares. )he rest o* the ph"sical world warps C becomin' both more and less. )echnolo'" tends to *reeAe and *ail. and ph"sical locations ;remember; what the";ve been in the past. Durin' the Dar- (our. ;ps"cho'eo'raph"; becomes the rule: what a place 6eans is more important that what a place ,s. As such. it is durin' the Dar- (our that Otherwheres become accessible. )hrou'h this stran'e. ps"chic landscape crawl the Shadows. loo-in' *or pre". )he Dar- (our alwa"s has a particular loo- and *eel to it: in Persona 0. the s-" and land are tin'ed 'reen and the moon becomes hu'e. @ Otherwheres are particularl" stron' e:amples o* ps"cho'eo'raph". <oth Persona 0 and 1 revolve most o* their 'amepla" around an Otherwhere. ,n Persona 0. it is the 'iant tower -nown as )artarus that the local (i'h School turns into each Dar- (our. ,n Persona 1. it;s the world inside o* ever" television C accessible *rom an"where. Othewheres are massive. lab"rinthine structuresB shi*tin'. chan'in' maAes which are never the same twice. Otherwheres are the local source and 'atherin' place o* Shadows. and the natural battle'round o* Persona4+sers. )he creation o* an Otherwhere is almost alwa"s connected to the histor" o* a place. ,n Persona 0. )artarus (and. in EES;s G)he AnswerG. the Ab"ss o* )ime was *ormed on the site o* a corporation;s attempt to harness Shadows *or their own ends. @ Evo-ers are how Persona4+sers brin' *orth their hidden selves. ,t;s usuall" a ph"sical obDect or act. ,n Persona 0. students place an Evo-er shaped li-e a pistol to their heads and pull the tri''er. metaphoricall" ;d"in'; *rom one personalit" to be born into another. ,n Persona 1. the characters all wear 'lasses and use cards to summon Personas. @ )he #elvet Room. a place o* transition where ,'or and his assistant live. ,'or is a m"sterious *i'ure who shows up in all o* the Persona 'ames and never leaves the Room. (e acts as advisor and teacher. e:plainin' Personas and their power to those who enter the Room C a space partl" o* the Dar- (our. partl" o* our world and accessible *rom both. ,n the last two Persona 'ames. the transition theme o* the Room came throu'h in its appearance. ,n Persona 0. the room loo-s li-e a 'iant elevator. with li'hts constantl" *lashin' throu'h the 'ated ;door; at the bac-. At the end o* the 'ame. the Room reaches its *inal destination and the door opens. ,n Persona 1. the Room ta-es on the appearance o* a limousine. with dimmed windows which *lash occasionall". ,'or;s assistant is alwa"s *emale. and has chan'ed *rom 'ame to 'ame. )he implication is that she wor-s in the Room towards some end 4 either the *ul*ilment o* a promise. or waitin' *or someone to arrive. @ )he ?ild Hard is the new element thrown into the e:istin' situation. )he 6ain Hharacter (pla"ed b" the pla"er in the video 'ames is the New Iid. who enters and chan'es the situation. ,n both Persona 0 and 1. that character is called )his is the world the pla"ers will *ind themselves in. Either the Superintendent or the pla"ers as a 'roup should create some o* the details *or these elements at the same time the school is desi'ned. ?hat is the local OtherwhereJ (ow are Persona summonedJ ?hat does the Dar- (our loo- li-eJ ,s there a local. rival 'roup o* Persona4+sers that have no interest in *i'htin' the Shadows. but would rather use their powers to their own endsJ Not all o* the details need to be wor- out in advance. but havin' a thematic idea o* where thin's are 'oin' is alwa"s a 'ood idea.

)he (and =ou;re Deal: Student and Persona Hreation Student creation is the same as in the Panty Explosion rules. with the *ollowin' modi*ications:

Students ma" now be male. Do not choose a )rait based on "our student;s hobbies. ,nstead. "ou will have a Persona trait (see below . A*ter choosin' a <est Eriend and Rival. create "our Students; Personas usin' the rules below be*ore choosin' an A'enda: Hhoosin' Arcana %. =ou;ll need either a dec- o* )arot cards or sheets o* paper or inde: cards. Either remove the 22 6aDor Arcana (numbered *rom $ to 22 or write the names o* the Arcana down *rom the Appendi: and put them in a cup or ba'. Remove Arcana %0 (5Death7 and place it to one side. 2. Shu**le and then draw a number o* Arcana e9ual to the number o* students. Set one aside randoml". *ace down. and replace it with Death. Each pla"er then draws one Arcana. 0. All students reveal their Arcana. )he student who drew the Death card is 5)he New Iid7 and *ollows the rules associated with the role (see below . )he New Iid then ta-es the last unchosen Arcana as his/her own. Hreatin' Personas %. Startin' with the pla"er to the le*t o* )he New Iid. each student;s Persona is de*ined. )hat student;s <est Eriend loo-s up the chosen Arcana in the Appendi: and reads the description aloud. 2. )he student;s Rival then chooses the ali'nment (+pri'ht or Reversed that the" believe most directl" opposes the personalit" o* the student as described thus *ar. Eor e:ample. i* a sh". retirin' student pic-ed the 6a'ician Arcana (Subtle versus <latant . the Rival would choose the Reversed ali'nment: <latant. 0. )his Ali'nment represents the basic archet"pe o* the student;s Persona. the hidden *acet o* their personalit" that will ma-e itsel* -nown as a separate entit" unto itsel*. )he student;s pla"er. with the help o* the 'roup. comes up with the 'eneral description and appearance o* the Persona usin' the /odai: @ Earth/Ph"sical Appearance: Each Arcana 'ives some su''estions *or Personas based on various m"tholo'ies. =ou can either use one o* these or come up with somethin' thematicall" similar. =our Persona mi'ht be a literal instantiation o* a 'od. spirit or demon (such as )itania. the Eaerie Kueen . or merel" impl" a connection ()itania as a re'al butter*l"4shaped creature . @ Air/Personalit": =our student;s Persona embodies an opposin' ali'nment or interpretation o* his or her Arcana. )heir personalit" should re*lect this. (ow do the" hold themselvesJ (ow do the" spea-J @ Eire/Attac-: =our student will o*ten call on his or her Persona to directl" attac- Shadows durin' the Dar(our (see below . (ow does it do soJ Does it directl" attac- with a ma'ical/spiritual weapon it holdsJ Does it breathe *ireJ HonDure li'htJ @ ?ater/)rait: Each Persona ma-es itsel* -nown durin' the da"li'ht hours as a hidden part o* "our student;s personalit". Hreate a Persona trait *or "our student that represents how their Persona in*luences his/her nature. @ #oid/Supernatural: Hertain versions o* the New Iid can call their Persona outside o* the Dar- (our (see below . ,* "our Persona can mani*est in ;real; world. how does it do soJ Subtl"J <latantl"J 1. )he New Iid should create his/her Persona last. <" de*inition this character is somehow new to the situation. or brin's chan'e with him or her. )his represents the appearance o* what in the actual 8RP/s would be 5)he Silent Prota'onist7. )he Iid is the replaces Pant" E:plosion;s 5Ps"chic7 character C all rules that appl" to ps"chic 'irls (not bein' allowed to be the most popular. etc appl" to the New Iid. ,n return. the New Iid has a special power. Dust li-e the prota'onists o* Persona. ,n the ori'inal 'ame. the character was ?ild Hard and could maintain multiple Personas at once. )his would be too much *or a table4 top 'ame. however. Alternate su''estions *or New Iid powers include: bein' allowed to use their Persona durin' da"li'ht hours (incurrin' Persona use penalties per normal . or havin' two Personas at once. with their own separate to-ens and personalities.

Arcana $: )he Eool $lind to the approaching fall, the 0ool is either innocent or foolish" +pri'ht: )nnocence - simple. care*ree. 'uileless. and possibl" a bit naive. E:ample +pri'ht Personas: Orpheus. Ho"ote E:ample +pri'ht )raits: 5Never 'ets innuendo.7 5Alwa"s thin-s the best o* people7. 5,s a paci*ist.7 5,s loved b" animals7 Reversed: 0oolishness - nwise. hast". actin' without *orethou'ht or caution. E:ample Reversed Personas: >o-i. Susano4O. Ose E:ample Reversed )raits: 5Spea-s be*ore thin-in'.7 5/oes where an'els *ear to tread. 5(its *irst and as-s 9uestions later7 Arcana %: )he 6a'ician /aising his hands, the Magician applies his 1ill s btly or blatantly" +pri'ht: S btle 4 E:ample +pri'ht Personas: E:ample +pri'ht )raits: 57 Reversed: $latant E:ample Reversed Personas: E:ample Reversed )raits: 57

Arcana 2: )he (i'h Priestess Standing bet!een the S n and Moon, the %igh Priestess& 1isdom may lead to #onceit" +pri'ht: 1isdom ' slow. thou'ht*ul. considered. E:ample +pri'ht Personas: E:ample +pri'ht )raits: Reversed: #onceit C arro'ant. overcon*ident in one;s abilities. E:ample Reversed Personas: E:ample Reversed )raits: Arcana 0: )he (i'h Priestess A maternal fig re !ho either n rt res or smothers those she considers her 2children3" +pri'ht: 4 rt ring 4 E:ample +pri'ht Personas: E:ample +pri'ht )raits: Reversed: Smothering 4 E:ample Reversed Personas: E:ample Reversed )raits:

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