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English Grammar Retro


1.- Thats the man ____________ brother is a movie star.
a).- who b).- whos c).- whose d).- thats
2.- You wont pass the exam ____________ you study hard.
a).- if b).- when c).- as soon as d).- unless
.- !f ! were you" ! _________ #o to the doctor.
a).- would b).- will c).- can d).- did
$.- %e __________ that he was tired.
a).- told b).- say c).- tells d).- said
&.- 'he told ___________ that she wouldnt be here tomorrow.
a).- we b).- ---- c).- us d).- ourselves
(.- %e __________ me if ! would li)e to sit down.
a).- as)ed b).- told c).- said d).- offered
*.- +o you ta)e off your shoes _________ you enter someones home,
a).- who b).- where c).- that d).- when
-.- !f ! __________ enou#h money" !d buy private plane.
a).- would have b).- have c).- would d).- had
..- %e ___________ to steal" but then he went to /ail.
a).- use b).- would c).- used d).- often
10.- The two friends ________ each other.
a).- apolo#i1ed b).- in2uired c).- #reeted d).- replied
3ill in the blan)s with the correct forms of the verbs.
1.- ! wouldnt do that if ! _________ you. 4am 5 were)
2.- !ll tell him if ! ________ him. 4see 5 will see)
.- 6e __________ call the doctor unless she #ets worse. 4wont 5 dont)
$.- ! ___________ #o if ! had time. 47d 5 7ll)
&.- ! wont ta)e an umbrella unless it _________ rainin#. 4is 5 was)
(.- !f you had a different hairstyle" you ___________ loo) older. 4mi#ht 5 did)
*.- !f you ________ swim" dont #o in the deep end of the swimmin# pool.
4cant 5 mi#ht)
-.- ! _________ buy one unless ! were very rich. 4wouldnt 5 cant)
3ill in the blan)s with the correct words.
1.- Theres a house in the town __________ ! live.
2.- !t was built in the year ________ 8eor#e 6ashin#ton was born.
.- The name of the house is 9asa :ella" ____________ is !talian for
;:eautiful %ouse.<
$.- =ow it belon#s to a man _______ son is a famous sin#er.
&.- %es the one _________ sin#s ;:allad of the >utlaws.<
;!ts cold"< she said.
'he said that it was cold.
?ut the sentences into reported speech.
1.- ;! have a new /ac)et"< she said. _______________________________
2.- ;! dont li)e tea"< she said. _______________________________
.- ;!ts made of cotton"< she said. _______________________________
$.- ;!ve been to the supermar)et"< he said. _________________________
&.- ;!t has been done"< she said. _______________________________
(.- ;! went to 9anada"< she said. _______________________________
*.- ;! didnt #o to the @'"< she said. ______________________________
-.- ;!ll do it"< he said. _______________________________
..- ;! can spea) ?ortu#uese"< he said. _____________________________
10.- ;! have to #o"< she said. _______________________________
Re#orting $er%s E&#lanation
1.- whispered a.- said suddenly and loudly
2.- in2uired b.- made a sound li)e a sna)e
.- demanded c.- as)ed a 2uestion
$.- exclaimed d.- said li)e an an#ry animal
&.- hissed e.- said before someone else had
(.- snarled f.- spo)e very 2uietly
*.- interrupted #.- s-s-said ! A ! A li)e this
-.- stuttered h.- as)ed stron#ly" li)e a command
3ill in the blan)s with the past tense of the reportin# verbs below. @se each verb
only once.
warn 5 remind 5 explain 5 demand 5 promise 5 complain
1.- ;+ont for#et the tic)ets"< he __________ her.
2.- ;8et me my dinner nowB< ___________ the an#ry child.
.- ;! cant eat this. !ts ice A cold"< she ____________ .
$.- ;:e carefulB That pans red A hotB< she __________ them.
&.- ;!ll pay you bac) tomorrow" really"< he ___________ .
(.- ;This is how you do it"< __________ the teacher.

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