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Our film would be targeted at any age and gender above the age of 15.

This is due the fact that the

audience could then connect to the characters on a more personal level as they have lived at the
same age, thus meaning they can relate their teenage years to the ones of the characters.
1. Photograph number 1 shows young adults. This shows both a boy and a girl who are about
21 years old. This age is part of our target market as they know what it feels like to be young
and in love, as well as being able to relate to the young characters. Young people of this sort
of age go to the cinema to watch films, thus making them the perfect audience for a horror
film, as well as the fact that that the fear factor gives an adrenaline boost which is needed
within a young mind. This group of people would be interested within the horror genre, due
to the fact that most films are based upon this age, an age where most young adults have
just left home and gone to university, thus making them more vulnerable. This idea can also
be seen within the production company Hammer Films.

2. Photograph 2 shows a group of teenage boys, around the age of 15 or 16. This age group is
one of the main target audiences as boys seem to be attracted by scenes of violence and the
idea of the paranormal. Boys also watch scary films to prove themselves as men and show
their masculinity, at the same time as feeling the fear factor, as well as wanting to watch
the whole film. This shows that the idea of a horror film would be attractive to a boy, as well
as the fact that the main characters are normally a good-looking female, thus making them
want to engage with story to feel a protective nature towards her.

3. Photograph 3 is a picture of a nerd. We have selected to include this type of person within
our target audience, due to the stereotypical idea that nerds are interested in the idea of
the paranormal and the aspect of horror. A huge clich that surrounds the concept of nerds
is the idea that they are into computer gaming. These computer games normally contain
characters such as zombies or vampires, thus showing that they would be attracted to the
idea of possession within a movie, furthermore making them want to watch it.

4. Picture 4 shows a gothic boy. We have based a target audience around this type of person,
due to the fact that they normally believe in the paranormal. This also relates to the kind of
music they listen to, as many bands, such as the Black Veil Brides, and My Chemical
Romance, contain the ideas of death within them. Due to the fact the main character within
our opening sequence is a figment of evil; the gothic viewer would feel inclined to interact
with her emotions, as they are different to society, much like the possessed girl and enjoy
her ways of revenge. We have also chosen to include people with these characteristics
within our target audience because they would stereotypically enjoy the fear factor, thus
influencing them to enjoy the film.

5. Much like the gothic boy shown in picture 5, this gothic girl was also part of our target
audience. She would share the same characteristics as the boy would, in addition to the fact
that female Goths may feel incline to prove themselves to boys, as many of them believe in
equality between the sexes, hence attracting them to watch the film. On the other hand, it
can be taken into perspective that they are still female meaning that they would still feel the
same sense of fear as any other girl would.

6. Although not an obvious choice, we have chosen to include teenage girls in our target
audience as they also enjoy the idea of a horror film, due to the element of romance shown
within it. Teenage girls were also included within our target market as they can interact and
relate to the two main characters in the film, and place themselves in their shoes, thus
increasing the intensity of fear. They also watch horror film to seem vulnerable in front of
the opposite sex, to make themselves seem weaker and as if the need protection. Also, at
this age, teenagers are more likely to go to watch a horror film if their friends are talking
about it through either giving it positive or negative reviews.

7. Middle-age men, as shown in photograph seven, were included in our target audience as
they are old and mature enough to appreciate the film, without having the wild imagination
of a younger child. This age group, much like the teenage boys, also watch films containing
the genre of horror as it seen to be a way to prove their masculinity hence signalling the idea
that they need to find a horror film not scary. This helped to motivate us to make our
opening sequence as scary as possible so that it would attract all types of people within our
target audience. Stereotypically, men also get a sense of amusement out of the idea of
torture and death due to the fact that they are not seen to be as sensitive, thus influencing
them to watch the films.

8. Photograph eight shows a middle age woman. Although they are seen to be much more
mature than teenage girls, women still gain the idea of the fear factor from horror films as
it is normally shown that the vulnerable character within the films, thus meaning that the
female audiences feel as if they are part of the film and have a connection with the
character. Also, many women may feel a sense of adrenaline from the film, as well as
wishing to watch it for the romantic factor within it. For many women, horror films are a
different kind of genre for one they would normally choose, thus meaning that they would
enjoy the sense of adventure and the unknown within our horror opening sequence.

9. Photographs 9 and 10 both show elderly people. Although this is a strange audience to
target, both myself and Hannah believed that they should be included. Due to the fact that
old people are not generally seen within horror films, unless they are the villain, it removes a
sense of horror therefore making it less scary. Also, the fact that our film contains teenagers
in love can help people of the older era to relate the love story back to their own personal
experiences and create a comparison. This would then further make them wish to carry on
watching the film to find out what happens to the couple and create a sense of compassion
towards them if they come into danger.

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