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Guide to


Glorified by Thevaram Hymns

Tamarapu Sampath Kumaran
About the Author:
Mr T Sampath Kumaran is a freelance writer. He regularly
contributes articles on Management, Business, Ancient Temples and
Temple Architecture to many leading Dailies and Magaines.
His articles for the young is !ery popular in "The #oung $orld
section% of
TH& H'(D).
He was associated in the production of two Documentary films on
(a!a Tirupathi
Temples, and Tiru**urungudi Temple in Tamilnadu.
His boo* on "The +ath of ,amanu-a%, and "The .uide to /01 Di!ya
Desams% in boo* form on the 2D, has been well recei!ed in the
religious circle.

Tirth #atras or pilgrimages ha!e been an integral part of Hinduism.
+ilgrimages are considered 3uite important by the ritualistic
followers of Sanathana dharma. There are a few centers of
sacredness, which are held at high esteem by the ardent de!otees
who dream to tra!el and worship .od in these holy places. All these
holy sites ha!e some mythological significance attached to them.
$hen people go to a temple, they say they go for Darsan 4 of the
image of the presiding deity. The pinnacle act of Hindu worship is to
stand in the presence of the deity and to loo* upon the image so as
to see and be seen by the deity and to gain the blessings.
There are thousands of Si!a sthalams5 pilgrimage sites 5 renowned
for their di!ine images. And it is for the Darsan of these di!ine
images as well the pilgrimage places themsel!es 5 which are belie!ed
to be the natural places where .ods ha!e dwelled 5 the pilgrimage is
made. (otable of these are 678 Si!a Sthalams, of whom (ayanmars
ha!e compiled Hymns 4 the +athigams.
Though there are se!eral reference boo*s of these sthalams, this
boo* of mine is brought out as a consolidated reference guide to the
!isiting pilgrims to these Si!a sthalams, and dedicated to 9ord Si!a,
our belo!ed .od. An attempt is also made to de!elop this into a
comprehensi!e source of information on Sai!ism, by presenting here
some of the Basic Teachings, which form the core of Sai!ism 5 an
important sect of Hinduism.
The information is compiled from se!eral authentic sources, as well
from learned scholars, Si!acharyas and priests at each shetram.
Since se!eral authors ha!e translated the original te:t, a certain
degree of coincidence is li*ely to occur in my presentation with
regard to the choice of words and phrases, which is not intentional.
";m (amah Si!aya%
Tamarapu Sampath Kumaran
Siva and Saivism:
;f all the Hindu .ods none appealed to the emotions of a Hindu mind
as much as 9ord Si!a, who dwells in the mountains bearing the
trident. His third eye symbolies, the all5*nowing awareness of the
!ery Brahman.
Although ac*nowledged as one of the Trinity .ods of Hinduism, He is
Maheswara, to His followers representing the Trinity all by Himself,
and His different aspects manifest themsel!es as the creator,
preser!er and destroyer of the worlds He create. Symbolically He is
worshipped as 9ingeswara, which name stands more for His creati!e
Si!a is belie!ed as a pre5<edic .od who was admitted into the <edic
+antheon because of His immense popularity among many non5Aryan
'n the S!eta!atara )panishad He was ele!ated to the status of
Brahman, by the sage who composed it, after he had a !ision of 9ord
Si!a as the Absolute and Supreme Brahman.
As the perfect #ogi, He is credited with the source of all *nowledge
concerning the !arious yogas. Such was His prowess and di!inity,
that 9ord <ishnu in His incarnation as ,ama and Krishna, worshipped
Him with great re!erence.
Siva and His different Titles:
Si!a is *nown by many names and titles. He is Rudra, the ,ed ;ne, as
the .od of anger, feared by one and all. Since He dwells in Kailash, in
the Himalayas, He is referred to as Kailaspathi. As +urusha, He is
'swara Himself. As the 9ord of the beings, He is *nown as
Pasupathinath. As the husband of )ma, the Mother .oddess, He is
*nown as Umapathi and Parvathipathi.
As the bearer of the sacred ri!er .anges, He is *nown as Gangadhar.
And because of His matted hair, He is called as Jatadhari. As a
perfect being He is Siddheshwara. $ith His Trident in His hands, He
became popular as heroic and fearless Trisuladhari. As the world
teacher, He is referred to as Dahshinamurthi by Adi Shan*ara in his
famous boo*, =Hymns to Da*hshinamurthi=.
Si!a as Da*shinamurti is another beautiful concept. He becomes the
cosmic preceptor. His chinmudra where the right thumb and first
finger meet while the other three stand away has great philosophical
significance. The thumb represents .od> the forefinger the indi!idual
self, and the other fingers are delusion, toil and egoism. The meaning
is that the indi!idual self unites with the 2osmic self, if relie!ed of
these three doshas.
9ord Si!a is popularly *nown as Sanara. The word San*ara is made
up of two words, namely =sana= and =hara=. San*a means doubt
and hara means dispeller or destroyer 5He who dispels or destroys all
doubts. He rules o!er our disbeliefs and hesitations and establishes
firm faith in us through his compelling nature. By dispelling our
doubts and establishing faith, He destroys all our bondages.
To the connoisseurs of art, He is well *nown as !atara"a, the master
of all dance forms.
He was dearer not only to .ods but also to demons li*e ,a!ana and
Bhasmasura. He ga!e se!eral boons to His ardent followers out of His
unbound lo!e and in the process in!ited great trouble for Himself and
for others. &!er willing to help those who are in distress, He sa!ed
the worlds and all the .ods by parta*ing Halahal, the poison that
emanated during the churning of the ocean by De!as and Asuras in
their efforts to obtain Amrita.
2ombining in Himself both the male and female aspects of creation,
He earned the popular name of #rdhanariswara. As rider of the Bull
(andi, He is *nown to the world as !andiswara.
His names are endless. So does His popularity.
";M (ama Si!aya%? according to some is the same as +ancha*shara.
Si!a is belie!ed to reside high up on snowy mountain ranges. 'mage
of Si!a in his physical form presents him as a soothing meditati!e
figure. His ornaments are not gold and precious stones. He wears a
nec*lace made of s*ulls signifying his role as destructor. He has
sna*es coiling all o!er his body and his hair is matted and long
e:tending o!er the whole s*y and space. The crescent moon adorns
his crown, signifying his control on the time cycle. @Ama!asya and
+ournamiA. He smears his body with ashes and wears a tiger s*in
and elephant s*in. He has a third eye on his forehead, which is the
source of *nowledge and wisdom. The holy .anges is imprisoned in
his flowing loc*s. 'n his two arms he holds the Trisulam @the three
prongs representing the three gunas of satt!a, tamas and ra-asA in
one and Damaru in the other. His !ahana is (andi, who is also his
chief disciple to whom Si!a passed on all his immense *nowledge in
Siva w$rship in temples:
'n temples Si!a is worshiped as Si!a5linga, which are mostly made of
stone, consisting of three parts. The lowest portion in the shape of a
s3uare symbolises Brahma @2reationA. The middle part in the shape
of an octagon symbolises <ishnu @MaintenanceA. These two portions
are embedded inside a pedestal. The cylindrical portion pro-ecting
from the pedestal symbolises Si!a @DestructionA.
'n Si!a5linga, .od is sought to be represented as ha!ing "a form% as
well as "without% form 5 "Saguna% as well as "nirguna%. The three5
fold principle of creation, protection and destruction is con!eyed in
this form.
The linga may either be car!ed or natural. The natural lingas are
usually collected from the ri!erbed. A Si!a5linga is bathed, offered
flower garlands, co!ered with mil*, and offered food as part of the
worship. A Si!a5linga may be chala @mo!ableA or achala
@immo!ableA. A chala linga may be in a house, carried, or sometimes
worn around the nec*. The achala lingas are installed in temples.
Si!a in his human form is worshipped as the )tsa!a murthi, and
ta*en out of the temple in processions.
The <rishabha or the bull (andi that Si!a rides is Dharma. The (andi
before Si!a temples signifies that we are all "+asus% and Si!a "+ati%>
hence the name "Pasupati% for Si!a. The presentation of (andi, in
the temples, loo*ing towards Si!a indicates +asu i.e. "Bi!a% should
see* union with "+ati% i.e. +aramatman.
Pradh$sha p$$"a

's one of the most important among the poo-as performed to the
.raceful 9ord Si!a. The e!ening of the trayodasi @thirteenth moon
dayA between C.D0 p.m. to E.00 p.m. is called +radhosha and praying
9ord Si!a during this time is belie!ed to free us from our sins and
finally gi!es us mo*sha 5 hence the name +radhosha
Pradh$sha Purana
;nce De!as and Asuras using the serpent <asu*i and Mandhara hill
were trying to get Amrutham, from Ksheerabthi 4 the mil*y ocean.
$hile churning, Halahalam 5 the terrible poison came up. Frightened
by this, they pleaded to 9ord Si!a for rescue. Being the pea* of mercy
9ord Shi!a consumed the poison. As a result Si!a turned Blue and
gained the name (eela*antan. 9ater as per His orders they resumed
their effort to get Amrutham and got it on the Dhwadhasi day
@twelfth moon dayA. $ithout praying and than*ing the 9ord, De!as
started celebrating their !ictory. ;n the thrayodhasi day @thirteenth
moon dayA they realised their sin of not e:pressing their gratitude to
9ord Si!a, pleaded for forgi!eness. The pleased graceful 9ord Si!a
forga!e them and belie!ed to ha!e danced between the horns of
(andhi @the holy bullA. That time is called +radhosham. 't is belie!ed
that whoe!er prays 9ord Si!a at that time, will ha!e their wishes
;ffering <il!am and flowers to 9ord Shi!a and chanting "shiv#%a
nama&m 'hav#%a namaH 'hav#%a nama&m namaH shiv#%a( will
bring sal!ation.
During +rodhosha time anointing @Abhishe*amA the deity with the
following is considered fruitful.

Mil* 5 gi!es long life
.hee 5 gi!es Mo*sha state
2urd 5 gi!es good children
Honey 5 gi!es melodious !oice
,ice powder 5 frees from debts
Sugar cane -uice 5 gi!es good health
+an-amrutham 5 gi!es wealth
9emon 5 remo!es fear of death
Sugar 5 remo!es enmity
Tender coconut 5 gi!es en-oyment
2oo*ed ,ice@AnnamA 5 gi!es ma-estic life
Sandal 5 gi!es 9a*shmiGs grace
The five elements $f Siva:
9ord Si!a is worshipped as fi!e element lingas at fi!e ma-or temples
in South 'ndia?
/. A*ash5linga 5 S*y or space @etherA 5 in 2hidambaram, Tamil (adu.
6. Appu5linga 4 $ater 5 at the Bambu5*eswaram temple near
Tamil (adu.
D. Agni5linga 4 Fire 5 at the Arunachaleswar Temple, in
Tiru!annamalai, Tamil (adu.
C. +rith!i linga 4 &arth 5 in Kanchipuram, Tamil (adu, @some claim it
in .o*arna,
8. <ayu5linga 4 Air 5 in Sri Kalahasti, Andhra +radesh.
The Trident

The trident is the weapon of Si!a with which he destroys e!il and
restores order. The trident stands for the triple 3ualities of nature,
namely 5 satt!a, ra-as and tamas. Si!a is the master of maya and
thereby master of these three 3ualities with which he controls the
worlds. The trident symbolically represents the fact that Si!a is the
controller of the worlds and controller of all illusion. The trident also
represents the three aspects of time, the past, the present and the
future. Si!a is considered as the master of Time 5 Kala Bhaira! 5 who
determines the progress of the worlds according to His will.
)aheshwara murtis
According to Sai!a Sidhdhaantha .od is formless @ArupaA. But for the
sal!ation of li!es He too* the form of lingam 5 meaning symbol
@arupa rupaA. *ingam can be considered both as form as well as the
formless symbol. This murti is called Sadashi!a murti or Maheshwara
murti. There are twentyfi!e Maheshwara murtis.
1. Bhi*shtanar
2. Kamari
3. Kalari
4. Kalyana Sundarar
5. ,ishabharudhar
6. 2handra She*harar
7. )ma Mahesh!arar
8. (atara-ar
9. Tripuranta*ar
10. Balandharari
11. .a-asamhara murti
12. Kara9lr @<irabhadrarA
13. Shan*ara (arayanar
14. Ardha (arish!arar
15. Kiratar
16. Kan*alar
17. 2handeshanugrahar
18. 2ha*ra pradar
19. Saha uma s*andar @Somas*a.ndharA
20. &*a padar
21. .a-amu*hanugrahar @<ighneshanugraharA
22. Da*shina murti
23. (ila*anthar
24. 9ingodbha!ar
25. Su*asanar
Significance $f !atara"a
Si!a, particularly as (atara-a or Dancing Si!a, has won international
esteem. 'n that image, Si!a is concei!ed as the embodiment of
&ternal &nergy, engaged in the fi!e5fold acti!ity @+ancha5KrityaA of
creation, preser!ation, destruction, obscuration and sal!ation. 't
indicates cosmic acti!ity.
Si!a dances on the body of Apasmara purusha who represents ego,
ignorance and the original sin or soulGs illusion. By trampling upon
him Si!a points out that wisdom consists in destroying the same.
'n one of his upper arms, Si!a holds the *ettledrum whose sound
symbolises creati!e energy. The other upper arm holds the fire pot of
destruction. The lower right hand shows abhaya @protectionA mudra.
The lower left5hand points to the 9ordGs lifted foot belie!ed to be
saying? =#our sal!ation lies in worshipping my feet=. Sometimes a
deer is shown in one of his hands, e3uating to mind> thereby the
control of the mind in us is taught.
The framewor* with lighted lamps, at the bac* of the idol, represents
the dance of +ra*riti or (ature, reflecting the dance of wisdom.
At the base of the crown of hair on Si!aGs head is a s*ull. 't is
symbolic of Si!aGs destroying energy. ,i!er .anga on his head
denotes fertility. The crescent5moon on his head @Si!a is 2handra5
se*haraA signifies Si!aGs grace and also Time. The 2obra on his head
indicates Kundalinisha*ti at Sahasrara5cha*ra. His third eye stands
for omniscience or wisdom. @$hen Hindus wear *um*um or sandal5
paste on their forehead, it is to remind themsel!es of their latent
power of wisdom to which they should awa*en.A
;n the right ear, Si!a wears ma*ara5*undala, signifying the male
principle and on the left tatan*a @being ArdhanaarisaA denoting the
female principle. His nec*lace of s*ulls proclaims that he is the
arbiter of numberless creations and destructions. The ashes smeared
all o!er Si!aGs body are symbolic of purity. By wearing it we remind
oursel!es that in the lo!e of transient Samsara we should not lose
sight of .od. The body will end up in ashes.
Beads of rudra*sha he wears represent the solidified tears of pity
Si!a shed, at the woes of his bha*tas. @$earing rudra*shas on our
body, remind us of Si!aGs concern for us and the need for deser!ing
his grace by our steadfast de!otion to him.A
The )pa!ita or sacred thread consists of HE strands representing the
HE tattwas. Si!aGs wearing it proclaims that he is the arbiter of all
The 2obraGs coiling round Si!a is symbolic of the cosmic force about
The tiger s*in he wears tells us that we must strip oursel!es of
ahan*ara or pride, which is e3uated to the tiger.
By dri!ing away maya, burning *ama, crushing the ego and raising
Bee!a by grace 5 these are said to be the wor*s of the 9ordGs dance
during pradosham 5 its deepest significance will be felt, when we
!isualised that it ta*es place in our heart. This in turn will bring in
the realiation that .od is e!erywhere, as well within us.
Si!a destroys not only the hea!ens and the earth but also the fetters
that bind each separate soul. The burning ground of Si!a is the heart
of the bha*ta where their sel!es are to be destroyed> where their
illusions and doubts ha!e to be burnt away.
)aheshwara )urthams:
The holy forms shown by the Formless Supreme 9ord Si!a are the
"Maheshwara )urtham+. These are considered to be EC and are
listed hereunder?
/. Si!alingam
6. 9ingodbha!ar
D. Mu*halingam
C. Sadashi!am
8. Mahasadashi!am
E. )mamaheshwarar
7. Su*hasanamurti
1. )meshamurti
H. SomAs*andhamurti
18. .angadharamurti
DE.Kamahari @KamadahanamurtiA
38. Bhaira!amurti
62. +rarthanamurti
'n ancient 'ndia Sai!ism too* shape as a distinct and ma-or religious
mo!ement mostly in the south due to the untiring wor* of many
great saints who were dedicated to Si!a in e!ery concei!able way
and showed e:emplary de!otion to their belo!ed 9ord through their
li!es and wor*s of great merit.
The illustrious propagators of Sai!ism ha!e been classified into two
groups? the four IISamayaGG @religiousA leaders and four IISanthana
Acharyas.GG The farmerJs outpourings ha!e been collected as
The!aram. The lineage of the latter commences with (andi De!ar
@bodyguard of 9ord Si!aA followed by three illustrious saintly guides.
The Nayanmars hailed from all walks of life and the +eriya +uranam was an account
of the li!es of the Sai!a saints who li!ed in the Tamil land. 't is also
*nown as Thiruthondar +uranam as it chronicles the li!es of de!otees
and was composed by Se**hihar. Sundaramurthy Swamigal
undertoo* the pioneering tas* of documenting their li!es in the
Thiruthondar Tho*ai on which Se**hihar based his wor*. Se**hihar
was a minister of the 2hola rulers and his documentation is more
elaborate. ;ne may wonder why only ED saints ha!e been singled out
as (ayanmars. 2ertainly the Sai!a saints are many more. 't is by no
means a limitation but a representation of the different ways
de!otion e:pressed itself in human li!es and how .od graced them
each in a uni3ue manner.
The biographies of the ED (ayanmars, totally committed to the
worship of 9ord Si!a, con!ey their poignant feelings. They spread the
message of Sai!a Siddhanta, which deals with the three entities,
.od, Soul and Bondage, the former two being eternal. Born as
humans, with norms of beha!iour and codes of conduct, pious
persons in noble company are rewarded with di!ine life and e!ildoers
are punished with sufferings in their subse3uent birth. The
characteristics of the followers of Sai!ism as seen from the
biographies of these ED saints are their de!otion to the 9ord, their
chanting of the holy fi!e5lettered Mantra and their re!erence for holy
ash @!ibhuthiA. They are?
/. Sundaramurthi (ayanar
6. Tiruneela*anta (ayanar
D. 'yarpahai (ayanar
C. 'llayan*udi Mara (ayanar
8. Maiporul (ayanar
E. <iralminda (ayanar
7. Amaraneedi (ayanar
1. &ripatha (ayanar
H. &nadinatha (ayanar
/0.Kannappa (ayanar
//.Kunguliya Kalaya (ayanar
/6.Mana*anchara (ayanar
/D.Ari!attaya (ayanar
/C.Anaya (ayanar
/8.Murthi (ayanar
/E.Muruga (ayanar
/7.,udra +asupathi (ayanar
/1.Tiru (alai +o!ar (ayanar @(andanarA
/H.Tiru Kurippu Tonda (ayanar
60.2handeswara (ayanar
6/.Tiru (a!u**arasar (ayanar @ApparA
66.Kulachirai (ayanar
6D.+erumihailai Kurumba (ayanar
6C.Karai**al Ammaiyar
68.Appudi (ayanar
6E.Tiru (eela*anta (ayanar
67.(ami (andi Adigal
61.Tiru .nana Sambandar
6H.&yar*on Kali*ama (ayanar
D0.Tiru Mula (ayanar
D/.Dandi Adigal (ayanar
D6.Mur*ha (ayanar
DD.Somasira (ayanar
DC.Sa**iya (ayanar
D8.Sirappuli (ayanar
DE.Siruthonda (ayanar
D7.2heraman +erumal (ayanar
D1..ananatha (ayanar
DH.Kootru!a (ayanar
C0.+ugal 2hola (ayanar
C/.(arasinga Muniyarayar
C6.Adipattha (ayanar
CD.Kali*amba (ayanar
CC.Kalia (ayanar
C8.Satti (ayanar
CE.Aiyadigal Kada!ar*on (ayanar
C7.Kanampulla (ayanar
C1.Kari (ayanar
CH.(inra Seer (edumara (ayanar
8/.<ayilar (ayanar
86.Munaiyadu!ar (ayanar
8D.Kaharsinga (ayanar
8C.Seruthunai (ayanar
88.'dangahi (ayanar
8E.+ugah Thunai (ayanar
87.Kotpuli (ayanar
81.+usalar (ayanar
8H.(esa (ayanar
E0.Kochengat 2hola (ayanar
E/.Tiru (eela*anta #ahpanar
E6.Sadaya (ayanar
,$rs $f !a%anmars:
2ollection of the hymns of the foremost of the Sai!ite (ayanmars,
Appar, Sambandar and Sundarar> set to music> these ancient hymns
ha!e had a profound influence on the growth of 2arnatic Music, and
are e!en now being sung in temples as part of worship. The Te!Kram,
as we now ha!e it, is a corpus of appro:imately 100 hymns @
pathigamsA to .od Si!a, that were composed by D saints
@Sambanthar, Appar and SundararA at a time of powerful religious
fer!our, or 'hati, between the Eth and Hth centuries, in the Tamil
world. Most of these hymns refer and are attached by tradition to
specific Si!a temples located at specific sites @sthalamsA. Tradition
also attaches some musical information to a great number of hymns
in so far as it specifies what musical scale @ pa-A is to be used when
singing them. As a conse3uence, two traditional classificational
canons @or mu.aiA are met with, in the collections of hymns, one
being called tala @with primary classification according to the
67E sitesA, and the other one being called pa- @with primary
classification according to the three authors, and secondary
classification to 6C different musical scalesA. 'n the latter case, the
Te!Kram is seen as consisting of 7 sacred canonical boo*s @or 7 tiru
mu.aiA? the first, second and the third boo* contain the pathigams
composed by Sambanthar> the fourth, fifth and the si:th of those
composed by Appar> the se!enth boo* containing /00 pathigams, the
wor* of Sundarar.
The Te!aram hymns were rescued from obscurity and set to music by
(ambiandar (ambi during the rule of ,a-ara-a 2hola '.
"Thiru!empaa!ai% is the composition of 60 hymns in praise of 9ord
Si!a written by Mani**a!acha*ar, at the grand Tiru!annamalai
Arunachaleswarar temple. This is e:actly on the same lines of
"Tiruppa!ai% of Sri Andal. This deals about the paa!ai nonbu aspect
on sai!aite bha*thi and is sung ceremoniously during the winter
month of Margahi
The Tiruvachaam is, one of the most well5*nown and best5lo!ed
wor*s of Tamil de!otional literature of Mani**a!achagar. +arts of it
are regularly chanted e!ery day in many South 'ndian temples.
Mani**a!acha*ar emphasied that Tiru!achagam leads to the
awa*ening of the flame from within, and show how man, step by
step, can obtain sal!ation by reaching 9ord Si!a.
/01 Siva Sthalams:
The 678 Shi!astalams glorified by the Te!aram Hymns @pathigamsA
with at least /0 Te!aram !erses each, of (ayanmars are listed

2hola (aadu 5 (orth of ,i!er 2au!eri @ED TemplesA?
/0. +alla!aneeswaram
//. Tiru!en*adu
/6. Keehaittiru**attuppalli
/D. Tiru**uru*aa!ur
23. Sir*ahi
/8. Tiru**ola**a
24. +ulliru**u!elur @<aitheeswaran KoyilA
/7. Kannaar Ko!il
/1. Tiru**adaimudi
/H. Tiruninriyur
60. Tiruppun*ur
6/. Tiruneedur
66. Tiru Anniyur
6D. Tiru!el!i*udi
6C. &dir*olpaadi
68. Tirumanancheri
6E. Tiru**uru**ai
67. Karuppariyalur
61. Kura**u**a
6H. Tiru!aal*oliputrur
D0. Tirumannippadi**arai
D/. ;mampuliyur
D6. Tiru**aanaattumulloor
DD. Tirunaarayur
DC. Kadambur
D8. +andanainallur
DE. Kan-anoor
D7. Tiru**odi**a
D1. Tirumangala**udi
DH. Tiruppanantaal
C0. Tiru!aappaadi
C/. Tirucheignalur
C6. Tirundude!an*udi
CD. Tiru!iyalur
CC. Kottaiyur
C8. 'nnambar
CE. Tiruppurampayam
C7. <i-ayamangai
C1. Tiru!ai*a!ur
CH. Kurangaaduturai
80. Tiruppahanam
12. Tiru!aiyaru
86. Tiruneittanam
8D. Tirupperumpuliyur
8C. Tirumahapadi
88. Tiruppahu!ur @AalanturaiA
8E. Tiru**aanoor
87. Anbilalanturai
81. Tirumaanturai
8H. Tiruppaatrurai
45. Tiru Aanai**aa
E/. Tiruppainneeli
E6. Tiruppaachilasramam
ED. Tiru!eengoimalai
2hola (aadu 5 South of ,i!er 2au!ery @/61 TemplesA
/. <aatpo**i
6. Kadambar Ko!il
D. Tirupparaaitturai
C. Tiru**ar*udi @)yya**ondan MalaiA
8. )raiyur
4. Tiruchirappalli
7. Tiru!erumbur
1. (edun*alam
H. Melaittiru**attuppalli
/0. Tiru!alampohil
//. Tiruppoonturutti
/6. Tiru**andiyur
/D. Tiruchotrutturai
/C. Tiru!edi**udi
/8. Ten*udittittai
/E. Tiruppullamangai
/7. Tirucha*rapalli
/1. Tiru**aru*aa!oor
/H. Tiruppaalaitturai
60. Tirunallur
6/. Aa!oor +asupateeswaram
66. Satthi Mutram
6D. +atteeswaram
6C. +ahaiyarai <adatali
68. Tiru!alanchuhi
6E. Tiru**udamoo**u
67. Tiru**udandai Keeh*ottam
61. Kudandai**aaronam
6H. Tirunageswaram
65. Tiru!idaimarudur
D/. Ten Kurangaaduturai
D6. Tiruneela**udi
DD. <ai*anmaada**o!il
DC. Tirunallam
D8. Tiru**ohambam
DE. Tiru!a!aduturai
D7. Tirutturutti
D1. Tiru!ahundur
DH. Mayiladuturai
C0. <iilanagar
C/. Tiruppariyalur
C6. Tiruchemponpalli
CD. Tirunanipalli
CC. Tiru!alampuram
C8. Tiruttalaichan*adu
CE. Aa**oor
30. Tiru**ada!ur
C1. Tiru**ada!ur Mayaanam
CH. Tiru!etta**udi
80. Tiruttelicheri
8/. Dharumapuram
86. Tirunallar
8D. Tiru**ottaru
8C. Ambar
88. Ambar Maa*aalam
8E. Tirumeeyachur
87. Tirumeeyachur 'lam*o!il
81. Thilataipati
8H. Tiruppaampuram
E0. Siru*udi
E/. Tiru!eehimihalai
E6. Tiru!anniyur
ED. Karu!ili Kottittai
EC. +enu +erunturai
E8. (araiyur
EE. Arisir*araiputtur
E7. Si!apuram
E1. Kalayanallur
EH. Tiru**aru**udi
70. Tiru!anchiyam
7/. (annilam
76. Tiru**ondeeswaram
7D. Tiruppanaiyur
7C. <ir*udi
78. Tiruppugalur
7E. Tiruppugalur <ardhamaneswaram
77. ,amanadeeswaram
71. Tiruppayatran*udi
7H. Tiruchen*attan*udi
10. Tirumarugal
1/. Tiruchaattamangai
16. (agai**aronam
1D. Si**il
1C. Kee!alur
18. Tirutte!ur
1E. +alliyin Mu**oodal
17. Achaleswaram
77. Tiru!arur
1H. Arurpara!aiumandali
H0. <ilamar
H/. Kara!eeram
H6. +eru!elur
HD. Talaiyalan*adu
HC. Tiru**uda!aayil
H8. Tirucherai
HE. Tirunalurmayaanam
H7. Kadu!aai*aaraiputhur
H1. Tiru!irumpoolai
HH. Aradaipperumpahi
/00. A!ali!anallur
/0/. +aridiniyamam
/06. Tiru!enniyur @Koyil !enniA
/0D. Tiruppoo!anur
/0C. +aadaaleeswaram
/08. Tiru**alar
/0E. Tiruchitremam
/07. Tiru )saattaanam
/01. Tiruidumba!anam
/0H. Kadi**ulam
//0. Tandalaineeneri
///. Kottur
//6. <anduturai
//D. Tiru**ollampudur
//C. +ereyil
//8. Tiru**olli**adu
//E. Ten*oor
//7. Tirunelli**a
//1. Tirunatyattan*udi
//H. Tiru**arayil
/60. Kanraappur
/6/. <ali!alam
/66. Kaichinam
/6D. Tiru**olili
/6C. Tiru!aimur
/68. Tirumarai**adu
/6E. Tiru Agathiyan +alli
/67. Kodi**arai
/61. Tiru!idai!ai
&eha (aadu 5 Sri 9an*a @6 TemplesA
/. Tiru**onamalai
6. Tiru**etheeswaram
+andya (aadu @/C TemplesA
6. Aappudaiyaar Ko!il
8. Tiru**odun*unram
Malai (aadu 5 Kerala @/ TempleA
/. Tiru!anchi**alam
Kongu (aadu @7 TemplesA
7. Karu!oor Aanilai
(adu (aadu @66 TemplesA
/1. Tiruppadrippuliyur
/H. Tirumundeeswaram
$$. Tiruvannamalai
Tondai (aadu @D/ TemplesA
6. KachiMetral
D. ;na*anthan Tali
1. Tiru!othur
D/. 'rumbai Maa*alam
Tulu!a (aadu 5 Karnata*a @/ TempleA
/. .o*arnam
<ada (aadu @E TemplesA
/. Sri Kalahasti@AndhrapradeshA
6. Tirupparuppatham @Sri Sailam 4 A+A
D. Ane*atanga!adam @.owri*undA
C. Tiru**edaram @KedarnathA
8. Tiru**ailayam @Mount KailashA
E. 'ndraneela +ar!atam @(epalA
hola Naadu - North of auveri !iver ("# Temples)

1. KOYIL @ Chidambaram A
2hidambaram is one of the most ancient and most celebrated shrines
of great religious as well of historic and cultural significance. The
word =Koyil= or temple in the Tamil Sai!ite tradition refers to none
other than the 2hidambaram (atara-ar temple. The presiding deity
(atara-a, or Shi!a is in his Ananda Tanda!a pose in the cosmic
golden hall of consciousness @2hit SabhaA. Shi!a is also worshipped
as A*asa 9ingam, in the =formless form= which is popularly called the
2hidambara ,ahasyam.
The presiding deity is Ambala!aanar, (atara-ar and the Ambal
The sthala <ri*sham is Tillai and the Theertham Si!a .anga
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egends has it that Aadi Sesha, learning from <ishnu the grandeur of
Shi!aGs cosmic dance was filled with irrepressible desire to witness
this dance in person at 2hidambaram. He descended to the earth as
+atan-ali 5 meaning one who descended. <yagrapaadar another
de!otee of Si!a, who obtained the tigerGs claws so that he could
collect with ease the sacred <il!a lea!es meant for Si!aGs worship,
was also at 2hidambaram. At the appointed hour, Si!a @with +ar!ati 5
Si!a*amiA granted to +atan-ali and <yagrapaadar, a !isual treat in
the form of his 2osmic Dance of Bliss, to the accompaniments of
music played by se!eral di!ine personalities in the Hindu pantheon.
This Dance of Bliss is also said to ha!e been witnessed by <ishnu.
2ommemorating this there is a shrine for <ishnu 5
.o!indara-a in the (atara-ar temple, and the (aalayira Di!ya
+rabandam of the <aishna!ite Ahwars sing the glory of this image.
Adi San*ara is said to ha!e presented a Spati*a 9ingam, which is still
under worship in this temple.
The dance of bliss, or the Ananda Tanda!am of Si!a 4 popularly
called (atara-a 5 is said to symbolie the fi!e di!ine acts @pancha
*rityasA of creation, sustenance, dissolution, concealment and
bestowment of grace. The dance of Si!a is re!erentially held in
worships in (atara-a Sabhas, in all of the Sai!ite temples in
Tamilnadu. 'mportance is gi!en to fi!e of the foremost Sabhas called
"+ancha Sabhai%. They are located at 2hidmbaram @Kana*a Sabhai 5
the hall of goldA, Madurai @,a-ata Sabhai 5 the hall of Sil!erA,
Tiru!alangadu near Ara*onam @,atnasabhai 5 the hall of rubiesA,
Tirunel!eli @Tamrasabhai 5 the hall of copperA and Kutralam
@2hitrasabhai 5 the hall of picturesA.
;ther dance halls of significance are Adri Sabhai in the Himalayas,
Aadi 2hitsabhai at Tiru!en*aadu near 2hidambaram, and +erur
Kana*asabhai in the +atteeswarar temple at +erur near 2oimbatore.
The innermost sanctum of the temple, houses the grand images of
Si!a @(atara-aA and +ar!ati @Si!a*amiA in the 2hitSabha or the hall of
consciousness The 2hitsabha, the holiest shrine in the temple, is a
wooden structure supported with wooden pillars, with a hut shaped
roof. 't is in this hall, that the images of (atara-a and Si!a*ami are
housed, in front of a set of two curtains, the inner @in!isibleA one
being red in color, the outer one being blac* in color. To the right of
Si!a, is the re!ered 2hidambara rahasyam 5 or a representation of
emptiness garlanded with golden !il!a lea!es. The curtain in front of
the 2hidambara ,ahasyam, representing Si!a @and +ar!atiA in the
formless form @AroopamA is lifted ceremoniously during worship
ser!ices, with offerings of lamps
The outermost pra*aram is home to the grand Si!a*ami Amman
temple, the Si!aganga tan* and the /0005pillared hall or the ,a-a
Sabha, where (atara-a is brought during two annual festi!als. The
!ast Si!a*ami Amman shrine is a temple on the right. 2eilings on the
mu*hamandapam of this temple ha!e paintings from the (aya*a
period. There are friees of dancers, drummers and musicians all
along the enclosing walls of this temple. The thousand5pillared hall
has witnessed se!eral grand e!ents in history. This hall is also
designed in the form of a chariot. 'ts entrance features two
elephants, and on the basement there is a friee of dancing figures.
+erhaps the most magnificent structures in the temple are the four
lofty gopurams or towers in the four cardinal directions, piercing the
walls of the outermost pra*aram. &ach is a gigantic masterpiece in
itself 5 about 680 feet in height, with se!en tiers. The $estern tower
is the oldest one. 'n the towers, on either side of the gateways there
are representations of the /01 poses of the classical Bharata (atyam
Tradition as enunciated in the 2lassic (atya Sastra.
The Sai!a Agama system of temple rituals followed in almost all of
the Sai!ite temples in Tamilnadu is not followed at 2hidambaram. 't
is a uni3ue worship protocol said to ha!e been prescribed by
+atan-ali, and is being followed at this temple.
$hen the images of the Trinity Saints were brought in procession to
the temple by ,a-a ,a-a 2hola, the ruler at that time, it is belie!ed
that the sacred Tamil wor*s of the (ayanmaars 5 rich in musical
content, which were missing for se!eral years, were reco!ered in a
dilapidated state in one of the chambers in this !ast temple.
The bul* of Mani**a!aca*arGs wor* is in praise of Si!a at
Two annual Brahmotsa!ams at 2hidambaram are of great
significance, as they in!ol!e colorful processions of festi!al deities.
The grandest of these occurs in the month of Margahi @Dec /8 5 Ban
/8A, concluding on the full moon day corresponding to the Arudra
Darisanam festi!al. The second Brahmotsa!am happens in the month
of Aani, and it concludes with Aani Tiruman-anam on the tenth day,
in a manner similar to Arudra Darisanam in Margahi
6. Tiru!et*alam
This temple is located in the !icinity of the Annamalai )ni!ersity at
The presiding deity is +asupateswarar and the Ambal (alla (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Moongil and the Theertham Si!a .angai
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e appeared in the form of a
hunter and then blessed Ar-una with the +asupatastram and this
e!ent is enacted during the festi!al in the Tamil
month of <ai*asi. The bows .andipam and +ina*am are said to ha!e
been formed here. There are festi!al images of Ar-una, and Shi!a
with the +asupatastram.
Many !illages around this shrine participate in the celebrations of
their association with the legend of Ar-unaJs encounter with Si!a.
)suppoor is where Ar-una is said to ha!e chased a wild boar, which
disturbed his meditation. &esanpor!eli is where Ar-una is belie!ed to
ha!e fought with Shi!a, and <illeruttaan Kuttai is where Ar-unaGs
bow, is said to ha!e been bro*en by Shi!a.
Sambandar, considering the entire town of 2hidambaram to be the
holy temple, resided in Tiru!et*alam, and regularly !isited the
2hidambaram temple from here.
D. Tirunel!ayil
This Si!astalam is located at Si!apuri, close to 2hidambaram.
The presiding deity is )chinathar, Shi*hapureeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Kripasamudram
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a re!ealed His cosmic dance to Sambandar. 't is
belie!ed that Sambandar !isited 2hidambaram from Sir*aahi,
accompanied by Tiruneela*anda #aahpaanar and others.
2onsidering the whole of 2hidambaram to be a Koyil, he resided at
Tiru!et*alam. He is belie!ed to ha!e !isited Tirunel!aayil, and
Tiru**ahippaalai from Tiru!et*alam and composed his +athigam.
There are inscriptions from the (aya* period here.
Si!aratri and Arudra Darsanam are important festi!als.
C. Tiru**ahippaalai
This Si!a sthalam is close to 2hidambaram. The Kollidam ri!er
washed away, the original shrine sung by the (ayanmars and the
deity remains in the (el!ayil5Si!apuri temple @2hidambaramA *nown
as the +aalaiyappar Ko!il. 'nscriptions to this effect, from the
'mperial 2hola period are found in this temple.
The presiding deity is +aal!anna (aathar and the Ambal <edanaya*i
The Theertham is Kollidam
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <almi*i worshipped Shi!a here. The water in the
templeGs well is belie!ed to be white in color.
Arudra Darsanam is celebrated in a grand scale.
8. Tirunallurperumanam
This Si!astalam is located near Kollidam railway station on the
2hidambaram 5Mayiladuturai railroad.
The presiding deity is Shi!alo*atyagar and the Ambal
The Sthala <ri*sham is Maamaram and the Theertham +ancha*shara
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +arasarar, <ashishtar, Bhrigu and Bamadagni
Munis were blessed with a !ision of Shi!alo*am after their arduous
meditation here @hence Si!alo*atyagarA. <ishnu and Brahma are also
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
This temple is the site of SambandarGs wedding where the entire
gathering is belie!ed to ha!e been blessed by Tiru!enneerammai 4
+ar!ati, and attained sal!ation. This e!ent is commemorated each
Maha!idwan Meena*shisundarampillai has composed the
Tiru!enneetrumai +illaittamih in honor of this shrine.
E. Mahendrappalli
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Aachalapuram near
The presiding deity is Tirumeniahagar, Somasundareswarar and the
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Mahendra
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e re!ealed a !ision of his 2osmic
Dance to the sages, Surya, 2handra, 'ndra and Brahma who
worshipped her. Sundarar has referred to this shrine in his +athigam
dedicated to Tiruppun*ur.
Arudra Darsanam is celebrated in the Tamil month of Margahi.
7. Ten Tirumullai!ayil
This Si!astalam is a coastal shrine in the !icinity of Tiru!en*adu and
The presiding deity is Mullai!ananathar and the Ambal Kothaiyammai
The sthala <ri*sham is Mullai and the Theertham 2handra Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
The legend has it that 'ndra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here,
and that the (amachi!aya mantram was re!ealed to +ar!ati De!i
An interesting legend surrounds this shrine. The mortal remains of a
de!otee of Si!a turned into gems when they were immersed in the
Theertham here.
Arudra Darsanam is celebrated during the Tamil month of Margahi.
1. Kali**aamoor
This Si!astalam is located on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, near
The presiding deity is Sundareswarar and the Ambal Ahagammai.
The Theertham is Ambuli Theertham
Sundarar has composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +araasarar worshipped Si!a here.
The S*anda Shasti festi!al is of great significance at this place.
H. Tiruchaai*adu
Also *nown as 2haayaa!anam, this Si!a sthalam is in the ancient
2hola seashore capital of +oompuhaar and this shrine considered to
be on par with Banares.
The presiding deity is 2haaya!aneswarar and the Ambal Kuyilinum
The sthala !ri*sham is Korai and the Theertham Sangumu*ha
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra and Aira!atam @the elephantA are said to
ha!e worshipped here> 'ndra is said to ha!e attempted to ta*e the
deity to his hea!enly abode but failed. The deity is at present found
in a <imanam shaped chariot within the temple.
'ndira <iha is celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai, and the
'yarpa*ai (ayanar festi!al is celebrated in the month of Mar*ahi.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, <inaya*a 2haturthi, S*anda
Sashti and (a!aratri are the other festi!als celebrated here.
/0. +alla!aneeswaram
This Si!a shetram is at the confluence of the ri!er 2au!eri with the
Bay of Bengal near +oompuhaar.
The presiding deity is +alla!aneswarar and the Ambal Soundara
The sthala !ri*sham is Mullai and the Theertham Baana!i Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
Kubera is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this sthalam. There is
also a separate shrine to Sambaapathi Amman, which is belie!ed to
ha!e been worshipped by Madha!i and Manime*alai of the Sangam
+attinathaar, who is belie!ed to be reincarnation of Kubera, is
worshipped during the festi!al celebrated in the Tamil month of
Aaadi. (a!aratri and S*anda Sashti are the other festi!als celebrated
//. Tiru!en*aadu
This shrine is located near Sir*ahi.
The presiding deity is <en*adar, Swetaraneswarar and Ambal +ann
Moitta 'nmohiyaal, Brahma <udya (aya*i.
The sthala !ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Surya
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra, Aira!atam, Budhan, Surya and 2handra are
said to ha!e worshipped here. Similar to the legend of Mar*andeya, a
sage by name Sweta*etu is said to ha!e been sa!ed from the
clutches of death by the grace of Shi!a here. 't is also belie!ed that
Shi!a too* the fierce Aghoramurthy form, to !an3uish the demon
Maruttu!an, who has misused the "soolam% gi!en as a boon by Si!a.
Mei**andaar the author of Si!agnanabodham is said to ha!e been
born by the grace of Swetaranyeswarar and there is a shrine to him
on the ban*s of the Agni Theertham
Si!a thanda!am festi!al as in 2hidambaram is celebrated here.
/6. Keehai Tiru**aattuppalli
This Si!astalam is located close to +oompuhaar.
The presiding deity is Aranya Sundareswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Amuda +oi*ai
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the De!as are said to ha!e prayed to Si!a to
relie!e 'ndra of the sin of ha!ing slain the demon <riddirasuran.
Brahma is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a by creating ten Si!alingams
at this shetram.
The annual festi!al is celebrated during the Tamil month of Thai.
The design of the temple is such that it causes a sound resembling
the wa!es of sea, heard in the Da*shinamurthy shrine.
/D. Tiru**uru*aa!ur
This Shi!astalam, also *nown as <elladai is located close to Sir*ali.
The presiding deity is <elladaiyappar, ,atnangureswarar and the
Ambl Kaa!iyan*anni> (eelotpala <isala*shi
The Theertham is <el!idai Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu is said to ha!e ta*en the form of a white
,ishabham and prayed to Si!a, hence <el!idai, ,ishabapuram, and
<ishnupuram. 't is also belie!ed that Si!a caused Kuberan to pro!ide
a poor de!otee with a gift of gems hence the name
,atnan*ureswarar. Agni in the guise of a pigeon had tested King Sibi
and to regain his original form, created a ri!er and offered its waters
in prayer to Si!a, hence Kuru*a!ur.
Si!a is also said to ha!e miraculously pro!ided Sundaramoorthy
(ayanar with a meal of curds rice and hence this place is also called
Shi!aGs blessing Sundaramoorthy (ayanar is enacted on 2hitra
+ournami, and his blessing Sambandar is enacted on Thai Ama!asai.
S*anda Sashti is also celebrated here.

/C. Sir*ahi
Sir*ahi is a highly re!ered shrine with 7/ @the most number of
*nownA Te!ara +ati*ams and is located in the !icinity of
<aitheeswaran Koil. 't is a center for Bhaira!a worship.
The presiding deity is Thoniappar, Bhramapureeswarar, Sattanathar
and the Ambal Tirunilainaya*i
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that during the great deluge that submerged the earth,
Si!a is said to ha!e carried the EC arts with him in a raft, in this
shrine, hence the name Toniappar, and Tonipuram. Brahma is
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here, hence the name
Bhrammapureeswarar. Bhaira!ar or Sattainathar, who is said to ha!e
3uelled the arrogance of Tri!i*ramar, after his ha!ing shown his
dominance o!er the three worlds, is worshipped here each Friday
Sambandar as an infant is said to ha!e been fed with the mil* of
wisdom by the di!ine mother +ar!ati on the ban*s of the temple
tan*, -ust prior to the commencement of his authorship of the
anthology of Te!aram hymns commencing with Todudaiya Se!iyan.
This well maintained temple is under the administration of the
Dharumapura Adhinam.
This is a !ast temple comple: with three different Si!a Shrines. The
Bhramapureeswarar shrine is housed in the lower le!el. The second
le!el houses +eriyana*ar with +eriyanaya*i on a GThoniG and hence
the name Thoniappar. SattainatharM<atu*anathar is also housed
here. From the steps leading to the Toniappar and the <atu*anathar
shrine, one can grasp the entire layout of this !ast temple and its
towers and mandapams. There are 66 Theerthams associated with
this shrine. Three different forms of Si!a are worshipped here, the
Si!alingam @BhrammapureeswararA, a collossal image of )ma
Maheswarar @ToniapparA at the upper le!el, and Bhaira!ar
@SattanatharA again at the upper le!el.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai, where on the second day, the Tirugnanasambandar festi!al
is celebrated.

/8. Tiru**ola**a
The temple is also *nown as Taalam )daiyar Ko!il, located near
The presiding deity is Shabdapureesar and the Ambal ;sai Kodutta
The Theertham is Surya Theertham
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is belie!ed to ha!e been worshipped by Kan!a
,ishi at this place.
Tirugnana Sambandar is said to ha!e recei!ed a pair of golden
cymbals from Si!a, and +ar!ati 5 ;sai Kodutta (aya*i, in turn blessed
the cymbals.
The Tirumulaippaal )tsa!am in the Tamil month of 2hittirai, where
an image of Tirugnanasambandar is brought here from Sir*ahi is the
most important one.
/E. +ulliru**u!elur @<aitheeswaran KoyilA
This Si!astalam is a well5*nown shrine hailed as one of the nine
(a!agraha Stalams, sacred to Angara*an. 't is located in close
pro:imity to Sir*ahi.
The presiding deity is <aidyanathar and the Ambal Thaiyal (aya*i,
The sthala <ri*sham is <epa Maram and the Theertham Sidhamrita
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is considered to be the Di!ine Healer
"<aidyanathar%. His consort Thaiyalnaaya*i is said to accompany
him with a !essel containing medicinal oil. There is also a shrine
dedicated to Dhanwantari here. The prasadam offered at this temple
goes by the name Tiruchaandu )rundai and it is considered to cure
many ailments. 't is made of ashes ta*en out of the homa *undam in
front of the Subramanya shrine. ,ituals are performed where a
mi:ture of earth and ashes from the homa*undam are shaped into
pills and placed at the Thaiyalnaya*i shrine and distributed.
ama )akshmana and the Saptarishis are also said to ha!e worshipped
Si!a here. 't is belie!ed that ,ama performed the last rites to Batayu
here. The nectar with which the Sidhas worshipped Si!a is said to
ha!e flown into the Sidhamrita Theertham. ,ig <edam @'ru**uA,
Batayu @+ullA, Sambadi, the Surya @;orA and S*anda @<elA are said to
ha!e worshipped Si!a here and hence the name +ulliru**u<elur.
The (a!agrahams are in a single file.
This temple is rich in legend and tradition. There are se!eral wor*s
in Tamil dedicated to this shrine. 't was !isited by
Tirugnanasambandar, Appar. ArunagirinatharGs Tiruppugah hymns
also spea* of the glory of this shrine. So do the hymns of saints such
as Kumaragurupara Swamigal and ,amalinga Adigalaar. +oems of
Kaalamega +ula!ar and +adi**asu Tambiran also spea* of the glories
of this shrine.
The annual Brahmotsa!ams are celebrated in the Tamil months of
+an*uni and Thai. ;ther festi!als celebrated here include S*anda
/7. Kannaar Ko!il
This Si!astalam is located close to <aitheeswaran Koyil.
The presiding deity is Kannayireswarar, Sahasranetreswarar and the
Ambal Murugul!alar
Kodaiyammai, Sugandha Kundalambi*a.
The sthala <ri*sham is Sara**onrai and the Theertham is 'ndra
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the De!as prayed to Si!a to rid 'ndra of the curse
of .owtama ,ishi who had cursed his body to be co!ered with a
multitude of eyes, on account of his ha!ing decei!ed Ahalya. 't is
also belie!ed that <ishnu as <amanar obtained the blessings of Si!a,
prior to his setting out to MahabaliGs court and hence the name
Festi!ities are obser!ed in the Tamil month of Kaarti*ai.
/1. Tiru**adaimudi
This Si!astalam is located near <aitheeswaran Koyil.
The presiding deity is Kadaimudinathar and the Ambal Abhirama!alli
The sthala <ri*sham is Kilu!ai and the Theertham Kadaimudi
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma worshipped Si!a at this shetram.
Arudra Darsanam is celebrated at this shetrm.
/H. Tiruninriyur
This Si!astalam is located close to Sir*ahi.
The presiding deity is Mahala*shmeesar, +ari*eswarar and the Ambal
)laga (aya*i, 9o*a (aya*i
The Theertham is (eelamalarppoi*ai
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Bamadagni and +arasuramar are said to ha!e
worshipped here. <ishnu and Mahala*shmi are also said to ha!e
worshipped here, hence the name Mahala*shmeeswarar.
't is belie!ed that the 2hola *ingGs retinueGs lamps used to get put
out upon crossing this temple. The sans*rit name here is <arthi
(ir!apanapuram, which translates into Tiri5ninra!ur, -ibing with the
legend associated with <eera 2holan.
This temple is under the able administration of the Dharumapuram
60. Tiruppun*ur
This Si!a shetram is located near <aideeswaran Ko!il.
The presiding deity is Si!alo*anathar and the Ambal 2ho**a (aya*i,
Soundara (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is +un*amaram and the Theertham ,ishabha
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is worshipped as a +rith!i 9ingam here. 9egend has it that
'ndra, Agasthyar, Bhrama, Surya and 2handra, +atan-ali and
<yagrapadar and the <anaras who had gone in search of Sita @in the
,amayanaA are said to ha!e worshipped here. The (andi is said to
ha!e mo!ed away from the shrine to pro!ide a !ision of Shi!a to
Sundarar is said to ha!e miraculously caused it to rain to pro!ide
much needed relief from a prolonged drought upon being re3uested
by Kali**aama (aayanar of Tirupperumangala**udi, a !illage nearby.
The well5*nown legend of Agastyar being blessed with a !ision of
Si!aGs marriage with +ar!ati is also associated with this temple.
A +anchamu*ha lingam, representing Shi!aGs appearance before
Brahma is seen under the stala!ri*sham in the +ra*aram. 't is
belie!ed that after their defeat the two of the three !ain asuras of
the Tri5+urams became dwarapala*as and other became (atara-aGs
drummer at this shetram.
Si!aratri is celebrated on a grand scale at this shetram.
6/. Tiruneedur
This Shi!astalam is located at a distance of / *m from the (eedur
railway station near, Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Arulsomanathar, Somanathar and the Ambal
<eyurutoliammai, Adityapradambi*a.
The sthala !ri*sham is Magihamaram @Ba*ulaA and the Theertham
Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra, Surya, 2handra and Kaali are said to ha!e
worshipped here. 'ndra is belie!ed to ha!e fashioned a Si!alingam
out of earth from the ban*s of 2au!eri ri!er. Si!a is also *nown as
Kar*ateswarar and this name comes from the belief that a crab had
offered worship to Si!a. (eedur is also *nown as <a*ularanyam,
Ma*ilaranyam and Magiha!anam.
There is an imposing shrine to Bhadra*ali 5 Aalaalasundari and Surya
here. ;n Sundays special worship is being conducted to Sun .od in
the shrine located in the temple.
(eedur has been mentioned in ancient Sangam literature
@A*anaanooruA, and Sundarar and Appar ha!e described its richness
and natural wealth. 't is belie!ed that this shrine will remain
indestructible through the great deluge, hence (eedur.
66. Tiru Anniyur
This Shi!astalam is located close to Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Aabatsa*ayeswarar and the Ambal +eriya
The sthala !ri*sham is 9emon tree and the Theertham <aruna
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Manmathan is belie!ed to ha!e restored bac* his
physical form when his wife ,athi, worshipped Si!a at this shetram.
Si!a is also said to ha!e gi!en darsan to Agni under the lemon tree,
which is the sthala !ri*sham here, and hence the deity is also called
<ri*charanyeswarar. The +anda!as are also belie!ed to ha!e !isited
this shrine. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Harischandra here, and hence
the name Aabatsa*ayeswarar.
The sunGs rays illuminate the sanctum for fi!e days from the 6Cth day
of the Tamil month of +anguni and hence this shrine is referred to as
a Bhas*arastalam.
6D. Tiru!el!i**udi
This is a small temple located close to Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Kalyanasundareswarar and the Ambal
+arimalasugandha (aya*i
The Theertham is Mangala Theertham
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e blessed the marriage
ceremony of a de!out prince here, hence the name
Kalyanasundareswarar. Shi!a is said to ha!e married +ar!ati here
*eeping his promise to her @Sonna!aarari!aarA.
Arudra Darisanam and Si!aratri are celebrated here.
6C. &dir*olpaadi
This shrine is also referred to as Melaittirumanancheri and is located
close to Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Aira!ateswarar and the Ambal Malar*uhal
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
+ar!ati is said to ha!e been born as a daughter to Bharata Muni, and
Si!a as the bride groom is said to ha!e been recei!ed here by
Bharata Muni, hence the name &dir*olpaadi.
Besides Si!aratri, +ar!athi Tiru*alyanam is celebrated at this
68. Tirumanancheri
This shrine is located close to Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Arul <allal, Kalyanasundareswarar and the
Ambal Kuyilin Menmohiammai, Ko*ilaambaal
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Samudra Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e e:pressed her desire to Si!a
to ha!e the e:perience of an earthly wedding> Si!a obliged to the
proposal and so she was reborn as the daughter of Bharata Muni.
Si!a emerged from the lingam at Tirutturutti. Bharata Muni
approached Si!a and as*ed for his hand in marriage to +ar!ati and
was married to Si!a at this shetram, hence the name
Tirumanancheri, and the 9ord Kalyanasundareswarar.
+arents desirous of celebrating the marriage of their children throng
to this temple and worship the presiding deity.
The Tiru**alyanam is celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai>
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam and (a!aratri are also
celebrated here.
6E. Tiru**uru**ai
This is one of the eight <eeratta sthalams located near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is <eeratteswarar and the Ambal .nanambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is Kadu**ai and the Theertham Trishula .anga
Appar composed the +athigam
Tiru**uru**ai is associated here with the destruction of Manmathan
by Si!a
Si!a is said to ha!e been in a state of meditation under the Kadu**ai
tree after the destruction of the !ain Da*shaGs yaagam, hence the
name #ogeeswarar. The +aha!aaru ri!er to the north of this town is
*nown as .naana Theertham, as it is belie!ed that the tears of -oy
that flowed out of Si!a in a state of meditation merged with this
A rishi by name Deerga!ahu performed the ritual of !isiting se!eral
Sai!ite shrines, and in!o*ing the ri!er .anges through his #ogic
powers offered the waters to Si!a. 't is said that his arms got shrun*
as he did the same at this sthalam, hence Tiru**uru**ai.
The annual brahmotsa!am festi!al is conducted during the Tamil
month of Masi. The slaying of Kama is enacted on Masi Magham.
67. Karuppariyalur
This Shi!astalam is located close to Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Kutram +orutta (atheswarar, Aparadha
Kshameswarar and the Ambal *ol!alainaya*i, <ichitra Balambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is Ko*utimullai and the Theertham 'ndra
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra the *ing of De!as is said to ha!e attac*ed
Si!a with his <a-rayutham and Si!a is said to ha!e forgi!en him for
his hasty act of aggression, hence the name Aparadha Kshameswarar
@and Karmanaasapuram for this Shi!astalamA. <asishta Muni is said
to ha!e worshipped Si!a upon the ad!ice of Brahma. Hanuman is also
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
't is belie!ed that acts of goodness committed at this shetram,
multiply manifold.
Si!aratri is celebrated in a grand scale.
61. Kura**u**a
This Si!astalam is located near <aideeswaran Koyil.
The presiding deity is Kuntaleswarar and the Ambl Kuntalalambi*a
Appar composed the +athigam.
This temple is !ery closely associated with Karuppariyalur temple
nearby, where Hanuman is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a see*ing
pardon for the offence of ha!ing tried to uproot the Si!alingam at
,ameswaram. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Hanuman at
Karuppariyalur, and Hanuman is belie!ed to ha!e built a temple for
Si!a at Kura**u**a.
't is said that e!en now, during the Tamil months of 2hittirai and
<ai*asi a pac* of mon*eys enter the sanctum and ma*e offerings of
flowers to the deity.
Si!aratri is celebrated in this temple.
6H. Tiru!aal*oliputrur

This Si!a sthalam is located close to Mayiladuturai.
This place is also *nown as <aal*oliputrur, <aaloliputrur or
Tiru!aalapputrur, Durgaputtur.
The presiding deity is Mani**a <annar and the Ambal <andaar
The sthala !ri*sham is <aagai Maram and the Theertham Bhrama
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the +anda!as and Draupadi worshipped Si!a here.
.oddess Durga is said to ha!e slain Mahishasuran at
Kadaattalaimedu nearby. 't is also belie!ed that the serpent <asu*i is
said to ha!e resided in a sna*e hill 4 +utru, and worshipped Si!a
here. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Ar-una and re!ealed His Self.
Durga is being worshipped first, in this temple. The (a!agrahams
are notably absent in this shrine.
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month
of <ai*asi. ;ther festi!als celebrated here include Karti*ai Deepam,
Arudra Darisanam, +an*uni )thram, Aa!ani Moolam, Aadi +ooram,
(a!aratri, <inaya*a 2haturti and S*anda Sashti.
D0. Tirumannippadi**arai
This Si!astalam is also *nown as Tiruppahamanni paddi**arai and is
located at a distance of 60 *m from Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is (eela*antar and the Ambal Amrita!alli
The sthala !ri*sham is 'luppai Maram and the Theertham Brahma
Appar composed +athigam on this shetram.
This shrine is also associated with characters from the
Mahabharatam. #udhishtra worshiped (eela*antar, and Ar-una
worshiped +adi**arai (aya*ar. Duryodhana is said to ha!e poisoned
the Brahma Theertham and Si!a is said to ha!e con!erted the poison
into celestial nectar. The Brahma Theertham is also *nown as Amrita
Theertham or (achchuppoi*ai.
Si!aratri is celebrated in this shetram.
D/. ;mampuliyur
This shrine is located at a distance of /1*m from Kutralam on the
Mayiladuturai Kumbha*onam railroad.
The presiding deity is Tuyartheerthanathar, +rana!apureeswarar and
the Ambal +oon*odinaya*i, +ushpalalitambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is 'landai and the Theertham Kollidam
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
Si!a as Da*shinamurthy is said to ha!e re!ealed the +rana!a
)padesam to +ar!ati, and hence the name +rana!a!yagrapuram.
<yagrapadar 5 the saint with tigerGs claws and feet 5 is said to ha!e
worshipped here.
Thai +oosam, Maasi Magam, (a!aratri and Si!aratri are the annual
festi!als celebrated here.
D6. Tiru**aanaattumullur
This is a Si!astalam located in the !icinity of ;maampuliyur, near
The presiding deity is +atan-ali (athar and the Ambal Kaanaar
The sthala !ri*sham is Atthi Maram and the Theertham Surya
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
+atan-ali Muni!ar is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here and this
shrine is also *nown as Madhoo*a!anam.
<ai*asi <isa*am and Arudra Darisanam are the festi!als celebrated
DD. Tirunaarayur
This shrine located close to Mayiladuthurai is associated with
+ollaappillayar 5 who is connected with the legend regarding the
reco!ery of the Tirumurais from the 2hidambaram temple by
,a-ara-a 2holan and (ambiyaandaar (ambi.
The presiding deity is Soundareswarar and the Ambal Tripurasundari
The sthala !ri*sham is +unnaga Maram and the Theertham Karunya
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that a (aarai @stor*A, Surya and others are belie!ed to
ha!e worshipped here.
+ollaappillaiyaar @formerly +ollaappillaiyaar 5 one untouched by a
chiselA is said to ha!e aided the monarch and the de!otee in
reco!ering the "Tirumurais% hidden in a !ault in the 2hidambaram
Temple To (ambiyaandaar (ambi goes the credit of compiling and
classifying this colossal collection. He compiled the wor*s of the D
saints into the /st through 7th Tirumurais> Mani**a!aca*arGs
Tiru!aca*am and Tiru**o!aiyar into the 1th. He included
Tiru!isaippaa and Tiruppallaandu in the Hth and TirumoolarGs
Tirumantiram in the /0th. Tirumu*happaasurm and other wor*s were
included in the //th Tirumurai. $ith the aid of a descendant of
(ila*anta #aahpaanar he assigned and fitted +anns to the Te!aram
The (ambiandar (ambi festi!al conducted during the Tamil month of
<ai*asi and sponsored by the Tiruppanandal Matham witnesses the
chanting of the Tirumurais. ;ther festi!als include (a!aratri and
S*anda Sashti. 'mages of ,a-ara-a 2hola and (ambiyaandaar (ambi
adorn this temple.
DC. Kadambur
This Si!astalam 5 a !eritable art gallery of the /6th century and a
uni3ue graceful
monument of Dra!idian art 4 is located close to Kattumannargudi,
and near 2hidambaram.
The presiding deity is Amritaghateswarar and the ambal
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here, to
obtain the celestial nectar Amritam and the temple is also *nown as
This temple is built in the shape of a chariot on wheels, two on each
side, drawn by caprisoned horses in a prancing posture, depicting a
hea!enly chariot ha!ing come down to the earth with Si!a as its
There are also series of sculptures of the rishis and the .ods who are
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here, and interestingly there are
labels in /6th century Tamil and in .rantha characters gi!ing the
names of each of these figures.
Si!aratri is celebrated here on a grand scale.
D8. +andanainallur
This Si!astalam also *nown as Konrai!anam, Bhanupuram and
Ten*ayilai, is located near 2hidambaram.
The presiding deity is +asupateeswarar and the Ambal <eyurutoli
Ammai, <enubhu-ambi*a.
The sthala !ri*sham is Sara**onrai and the Theertham Kadhir
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a upon being angered by +ar!atiGs indifference
to him in the middle of a ball game with 9a*shmi and Saraswati,
cursed her to turn the form of a cow. She was relie!ed of this curse
upon offering worship here, with Murugar as a calf. Kamadhenu,
'ndra and <aali are also said to ha!e worshipped here.
The (a!agrahams are seen enshrined in a straight line here, unli*e in
other temples. There is also the 2hitrambalam shrine nearby housing
(atanapureeswarar and Soundarambi*ai
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Maasi.
DE. Kan-anoor
This Si!astalam is located in a 3uiet hamlet in the !icinity of
Tiru!aa!aduturai, and close to *uryanar Koyil and this shrine is also
referred to as +alaasa!anam, Bhrammapuri and Agnistalam.
The presiding deity is Agneeswarar and the Ambal Karpagambal
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma is said to ha!e been blessed with a !ision
of Si!aGs marriage with +ar!ati here. Agni is said to ha!e worshipped
Si!a here, hence the name Agneeswarar. 9egend also has it that Si!a
blessed +araasara muni with a !ision of the cosmic dance 5 Mu*ti
Associated with Su*ran this is one of the nine Shi!a temples in the
Than-a!ur area lin*ed with the (a!agrahams. 't is belie!ed that
Haradatta Si!acharyar, a <aishna!ite who was originally *nown as
Sudarshanar, is said to ha!e undergone ordeals to pro!e the tenacity
of his de!otion for Si!a to the fellow <aishna!ites, and images
depicting legends related to Haradatta Si!acharyar are seen in this
A festi!al commemorating Haradatta Si!acharyar is celebrated in the
Tamil month of Thai each year. Mahasi!aratri, Arudra Darisanam,
(a!aratri and Aadi +ooram are celebrated here.
D7. Tiru**odi**a
This Si!astalam is near 2hidambaram and all of the multitudes of
.ods @KotiA are said to ha!e worshipped at this shrine beautified by
countless gardens @*a!uA, hence Koti**a
The presiding deity is Kodi**a &swarar, Tiru*oteeswarar and the
Ambal <adi!ambi*ai
The Theertham is Mu**oti Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e escorted a de!otee Haradatta
to Kan-anur nearby, and mysteriously disappeared. <asishtar is said
to ha!e installed an image of .anapati fashioned out of earth.
't is also belie!ed that the Ahwars were as*ed by <en*atachalapathi
of Tirupati to worship Tripurasundari here before offering worship at
Tirupati. Agasthyar is said to ha!e helped them cross the 2au!eri
ri!er, which was in spate. Tripurasundari Amman is then said to ha!e
blessed them with a !ision of <en*atachalapati
Arudra Darisanam, Karti*ai Deepam, (a!aratri, Si!aratri, 2hitra
+ournami, Si!aratri, Aadi +ooram and <inaya*a 2haturthi are the
festi!als celebrated here.
D1. Tirumangala**udi
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Suryanaar Koyil near
Kumbha*onam. 't is belie!ed that this temple should be !isited first
before proceding to Suryanar Ko!il enshrining the (a!a .rahams.
The presiding deity is +rananatheswarar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is 'la!a Maram and the Theertham Mangala
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e been relie!ed of a curse
@wherein she had assumed the form of a parrotA> this incident and
the di!ine marriage are belie!ed to ha!e happened on Ma*ara
San*aranti at this shetram 5 hence Mangala Kshetram.
+anguni )thiram, Arudra Darisanam, +adinettaam +eru**u, <inaya*a
2haturthi, (a!aratri, Aadi +ooram and S*anda Sashti are the festi!als
celebrated here.
DH. Tiruppanantaal
This Si!astalam located near Kumba*onam is an )padesa Stalam
with Shi!a facing $est and Ambal facing &ast.
The presiding deity is Senchadaiyappar, Aruna-ateswarar and the
Ambal +eriyanaya*i, Taala!aneswari
The sthala !ri*sham is +anai and the Theertham Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
;f the 678 Shi!astalams si: shrines are associated with +anai maram
@+alm TreeA.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e bent forward to allow an
an:ious de!otee Tata*ai to adorn him with a garland.
Kungiliya**alaya (ayanar is said to ha!e straightened the tilted
Shi!alingam by !irtue of his ardent de!otion to the deity
The fact that this is an )padesa Stalam renders significance to this
This shrine is under the administration of the Dharumapura Adhinam.
C0. Tiru!aappaadi
This Srine is located near Kumbha*onam. This temple is said to ha!e
been located on the ban*s of the Manniyaru before it changed its
course. Se!eral natural springs are seen in the temple during the
monsoon months.
The presiding deity is +aalugandeeswarar, Ksheerapurinathar and
the Ambal +eriya (aya*i, Brihannaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Athi and the Theertham Ksheera*undam
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 2handi*eswarar created a Si!alingam of earth and
offered worship here. There are two shrines to Si!a, one under the
Stala <ru*sham and the other in the sanctum. This temple is
associated with the familiar legend of a cow offering mil* on its own
accord, to a Swayambu lingam. The name Aappaadi arises from the
fact that 2handi*eswarar was graing a herd of cows here.
(a!aratri is calebrated annually.
C/. Tirucheignalur
This Si!astalam is located at Senganoor near Kumba*onam and is
said to be the birthplace of 2handesar 5 the foremost of Shi!aGs
The presiding deity is Satyagireesar and the Ambal Thohiyahi,
Sa*thi De!i
The Theertham is Manni (adhi
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a was worshipped here by Subramanya and
was blessed with a +aasupatastram before he proceeded to !an3uish
Soorapadman. Harischandra and se!eral families associated with
King Sibi are said to ha!e li!ed here.
(a!aratri is celebrated in this shetram.
C6. Tirundude!an*udi
This Si!asthalam is located at Tiru!isalur near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is Kar*ateswarar, Arumarundu De!ar and the
Ambal Arumarundu (aya*i> Ara!inda (aya*i
The Theertham is +an*a-a Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egends has it that a crab has worshipped Si!a at this shetram and
that is the reason for the deity being called Kar*ateswarar, and the
image of a golden crab can be seen on the Si!alingam during the
ablution rituals. Si!a is said to ha!e in the guise of an elderly person,
relie!ed a de!out King of his painful affliction> and said to ha!e
directed him to the spot where the Si!alingam is now installed. He is
also said to ha!e promised to re!eal to him medicines for other
afflictions, hence the name Arumarundu De!ar, the 9ord of Medicine
and Healing.
't is belie!ed that the !egetation co!ering the temple is of high
medicinal !alue.
CD. Tiru!iyalur
This Si!astalam is located close to Tiru!idaimarudur.
The presiding deity is Si!ayoginathar, #oganandeswarar and the
The sthala !ri*sham is Arasa maram and the Theertham Batayu
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma is said to ha!e ta*en the form of a mortal,
worshipped and merged with Si!a here. 't is belie!ed that Agasthyar
worships Si!a during Si!aratri. .
<il!am, <anni, +unnai, Magihamaram, Aalamaram, (elli,
Arasamaram are the trees found in this temple.
Si!aratri is celebrated on a grand scale.
CC. Kottaiyur
Kottiyur is located near Kumba*onam and is also *nown as
<il!aranyam and Harendrapuram. This temple is also *nown as
The presiding deity is Koteeswarar and the Ambal +andaadiammai,
Kadu*a Kredambi*a
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the Si!alingam here is said to ha!e emerged from
a castor seed, hence Kottaiyur. The Si!alingam is belie!ed to be
composed of se!eral lingams, and hence called Koteeswarar. Atreya
rishi performed penances here. .ood deeds committed at this
shetram are said to multiply se!eral folds in !alue.
<inaya*ar here is Koti!inaya*ar. .anesh 2haturthi is an important
C8. 'nnambar
This Si!astalam is located close to Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is &huttarinatheswarar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is +alaamaram
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e re!ealed the grammar of Tamil
language to Agasthyar at this place. Aira!atam the mythological
elephant is also said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
The entrance to the sanctum and the Si!alingam are huge and the
(atara-ar image is of great wor*manship. (itya*alyani Amman is
situated to the right of Si!a, while there is a separate shrine for
Sugandha Kundalambal in the outer pra*aram. (itya*alyani AmmanGs
shrine located close to Si!aGs shrine is said to represent the
Kalyana**olam of Si!a.
Si!aratri is celebatrated in this shetram.
CE. Tiruppurampayam
This Si!astalam is located near Tiru!aiyaru, and is said to be one of
6C shrines special to Da*shinamurthy and is surrounded by
Manniyaru, Kollidam and the 2au!eri.
The presiding deity is +unnai!ana (athar, Saa*shi (athar and the
Ambal Karumpadu Solli
The sthala !ri*sham is +unnai and the Theertham Saptasagara
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here. 't is
belie!ed that this shrine sur!i!ed the great deluge, and hence the
name +urampayam @+uram5outsideA came into being. The <inaya*ar
at this shrine is referred to as +ralaya Kaala <inaya*ar. 't is belie!ed
that Sambandar caused miracles to happen at this shrine.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Maasi
and the annual <inaya*ar festi!al is obser!ed in the Tamil month of
A!ani. Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darsanam, <ishu, Aadipooram,
(a!aratri, S*anda Sashti and Taippoosam are celebrated here.
C7. <i-ayamangai
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Tiru!ai*a!ur near
The presiding deity is <i-ayanathar, .anga-ateswarar and the Ambal
Mangai (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is +urasu Maram and the Theertham Ar-una
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that a cow worshipped Si!a and Ar-una is said to ha!e
obtained the +asupatastram after se!ere penances towards Si!a
here, hence the name <i-ayamangai. (andi is also said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here. 't is belie!ed that when Sambandar arri!ed
here, the Kollidam ri!er was in spate, which forced him to compose
his +athigam from across the ri!er.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls in the Tamil month of 2hittirai. ;ther
festi!als celebrated here are Margahi Tiru!adirai, (a!aratri, Karti*ai
Deepam and Aadi +ooram.
C1. Tiru!ai*a!ur
This Si!astalam is located in pro:imity to Tiruppurampayam, near
The presiding deity is <il!a!ananthar and the Ambal <alai**ai
(aya*i, Sar!a-ana ,a*sha*i
The sthala !ri*sham is !il!am and the Theertham Brahma Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the Sapta Matas are said to ha!e worshipped
Da*shinamurthy here. There is also an image of <eenadhara
Da*shinamurthy here. The <edas in the form of <il!a lea!es are also
said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
There are no regular Dwarapala*as here, as according to legend they
were sent to protect a de!out hunter who worshipped Si!a with !il!a
lea!es. Brahma and <ishnu are belie!ed to ha!e acted as
Dwarapala*as in their absence, and there are festi!al images for
both. The (andi faces the entrance portraying his attempt to subdue
#ama who had come to bring the hunterGs life to an end.
Si!aratri is celebrated here in great splendor.

CH. Kurangaaduturai
This Si!a shetram is located near Tiru!aiyaru. There are two shrines
Then Kurangaaduturai @AaduturaiA and <ada Kurangaaduturai,
because of their location on the (orth and Southern sides of the ri!er
2au!ery, where Sugree!an and <aali are belie!ed to ha!e
worshipped Si!a.
The presiding deity is Ahagu Sadaimudinaathar, Dayanideeswarar
and the Ambal Ahagu Sadaimudiammai, Bata Ma*utanaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is 2oconut and the Theertham 2au!eri
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <aali is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here at <ada
Kurangaaduturai and Sugree!a at Then Kurangaaduthurai. A sparrow
is also said to ha!e worshipped here. Hanuman who is said to ha!e
lost his tail at ,ameswaram while trying to uproot the Si!a lingam
regained it here. Dayaniteeswarar or Kulai!anangu (aathar is said to
ha!e come to the aid of a thirsty de!otee in causing a coconut tree to
bend down and to pro!ide her with tender coconut
Si!arathri and Arudra Darsanam are celebrated here.
80. Tiruppahanam
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tan-a!ur and is one the se!en
Saptastanams of Tiru!aiyaru and is *nown as +rayanapuri in
The presiding deity is Aabatsahayar and the Ambal +eriyanaya*i.
The sthala !ri*sham is <aahaimaram.
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the moon is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a.
The Saptastana festi!al here, where festi!al images of Si!a from
Tiru!aiyaru are ta*en in procession to each of the se!en Saptastana
temples and is of great significance
8/. Tiru!aiyaru
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tan-a!ur. Known as Da*shina
Kailasam, this is a Sai!ite shrine of great significance.
The presiding deity is Aiyaarappar, +anchanadeeswarar and the
Ambal Aram <alartta (aya*i, Dharma Sam!ardhini
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham 2au!ery
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the Ambal is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a with
two measures of grains. Si!a, in the form of a column of light,
redeemed a de!otee by name Sucharitan from untimely death.
Agasthyar is said to ha!e obtained his dwarfed physical stature here.
$hile Appar was on his tre* to Kailasam a di!ine inter!ention is said
to ha!e miraculously transported him to Tiru!aiyaru the e3ui!alent of
Kailasam. This incident is celebrated in the Tamil month of Aadi.
Tiru!aiyaru is *nown more for the samadhi of one of the foremost
composers of 2arnatic Music, Saint Tyagara-a.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai, and the float festi!al is celebrated on Aa!ani Moolam, while
the Appar festi!al is celebrated in the month of Aadi.

86. Tiruneittanam
This Shi!astalam is located to the west of Tiru!aiyaru.
The presiding deity is (eyyadiappar and the Ambal <aalambi*ai,
The Theertham is 2au!eri
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Saraswati worshipped at this shrine. 9egend also
has it that Kamadhenu and .owtama muni worshipped Si!a here.
Da*shinamurthy is portrayed in a standing posture in this shetram.
The Saptastana festi!al here, where festi!al images of Shi!a from
Tiru!aiyaru are ta*en in procession to each of the se!en Saptastana
temples is of great significance.
8D. Thirupperumpuliyur
This Si!astalam is located close to Than-a!ur.
The presiding deity is <yagrapureeswarar and the Ambal Soundara
The Theertham is Kollidam
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <yagrapadar 5 the saint with tigerGs claws and feet
5 is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shetram.
Si!aratri is celebrated on a large scale.
8C. Tirumahapadi
This Si!a shetram is located near Tiru!aiyar.
The presiding deity is Mahu!aadeesar, <a-rastampeswarar and the
Ambal Ahagammai
The Theertham is Kollidum.
Appar, Sundarar and Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a performed Taanda!am with the
Mahu!aayudam @hence MahapadiA for Mar*andeyar. +urushamriga
Muni!ar is said to ha!e established a shrine for Shi!a, and Brahma
tried in !ain to remo!e the same, and hence referred to as
<a-rastamba Murthi.
Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of Masi. (andiGs
marriage with Suyahambi*ai is celebrated in the month of +an*uni
88. Tiruppahu!ur@AalanturaiA
This si!a sthalam is located nearAriyalur
The presiding deity is Aalanturaiyeesar, <adamoolesar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Kollidam.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here prior
to marrying him. +arasuramar is said to ha!e prayed here and is also
said to ha!e made arrangements for the up*eep of religious ser!ices
here. There is an image of +arasuramar in this shrine. SambandarGs
hymns refer to the fact that priests from Kerala were engaged in
carrying out worship ser!ices here during his time. The word +ahu
refers to the stala !ri*sham Aalamaram here. The stala !ri*sham
being Aalamaram the presiding deity here is Aalanturaiyeesar or its
e3ui!alent <atamoolesar or <atatheerthanathar in Sans*rit.
The sculpture of Anantasayana o!er the gateway of the
Ardhamandapam is popularly belie!ed to represent +arasuramar
engaged in penance after ha!ing *illed his mother, in response to his
fatherGs command.
Margahi Tiru!adirai, Aippasi +ournami and Karti*ai Deepam are the
fesit!als celebrated here.
8E. Tiru**aanoor
This shrine located near Tan-a!ur was buried underground and was
e:ca!ated only during the last century.
The presiding deity is Semmeninatheswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is <eda Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e appeared as a column of fire
before +ar!ati in answer to her prayers, hence the name
Semmeninaathar. Si!a is also *nown as Arumbeswarar and Kaanoor
Mulai. +arasuramar is also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped at this
The sunGs rays illuminate the sanctum during the Tamil month of
2hittirai for a period of D days. Si!aratri and Arudra darsanam is
being celebrated here.
87. Anbilalanturai
This Si!astalam is located near 9algudi.
The presiding deity is Satya!ageeswarar and the Ambal Soundara
The sthala !ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham .ayatri
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma from Satyalo*a and <aageesamuni
worshipped here, hence the name Satya!ageeswarar or
Brahmapureeswarar. 't is belie!ed that Sambandar sang the praises
of Anbil, from across the Kollidam ri!er which was in spate, and that
.anapati leaned forward to hear it and hence .anapathi in this she
tram is called Se!i Saitha <inaya*ar.
Si!aratri is celebrated in a grand scale.
81. Tirumaanturai
This shrine is located near 9algudi.
The presiding deity is Maanturaiappar, Amra!aneswarar and the
Ambal Ahagammai> Balambal
The sthala !ri*sham is Maamaram and the Theertham .ayatri (adi.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Surya, 2handra, Kan!ar and <ishnu are said to
ha!e worshipped Si!a here. Mri*andu Muni!ar @father of
Mar*andeyaA and a deer are said to ha!e worshipped Si!a under a
mango tree, and this legend is illustrated in the stucco in the temple.
'ndra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a to absol!e himself of the sin of
ha!ing decei!ed A*alya, the wife of .owtama ,ishi.
Besides Si!aratri Arudra Darsanam is celebrated here.
8H. Tirupaatrurai
This Si!astalam is located near Tiru!erumbur, and Tiruchirappalli.
The presiding deity is Aadi Mudal!ar, Moolanathar and the Ambal
Moga (aya*i, Me*alambi*ai.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Mar*andeya worshipped here, and Si!a obliged
him by causing enormous 3uantities of mil* to materialie for his
daily worship ser!ices.
This small temple celebrates (a!aratri in the month of +urattasi and
Arudra Darisanam in Margahi. .
E0. Tiru Aanai**aa
This well !isited Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Tiruchirappalli
and Srirangam This is one of the most re!ered temples to Si!a> and
it is also one of the +anchabhoota Stalams signifying the element of
The presiding deity is Bambulingam, Bambu*eswarar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is (aa!al and the Theertham 2au!eri
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
As per the legend Si!a is said to ha!e appeared under one of the
Bambu trees as a Shi!a 9ingam. 't is also belie!ed that two de!otees
of Si!a were born under the influence of a curse as a white elephant
and a spider. The elephant worshipped Shi!a with flowers and water
brought in its trun* and hence the name Tiru Aanai**a. The spider
also worshipped the 9ingam by spinning a web on top, to protect it
from the falling lea!es. Since the elephantJs worship would destroy
the spiderJs web, and the spiderJs web amounted to desecration in
the eyes of the elephant, this lead to animosity between the two of
such proportion that a fight between them resulted in the death of
both. Both of them were reborn as staunch de!otees of Si!a.
There is a continuous flow of water out of a spring in the sanctum.
The stala !ri*sham is said to ha!e grown out of a muni!ar, who
offered his worship to Si!a and A*hilandeswari.
Adi San*ara is said to ha!e !isited the A*hilandeswari shrine, and is
said to ha!e adorned her with earrings bearing the symbol of the
The annual festi!als here include the +an*uni Brahmotsa!am,
<asanta )tsa!am, and the float festi!al in the Tamil month of Thai,
Aadi +ooram and the +ancha +ra*ara festi!al.
E/. Tiruppainneeli
This Si!astalam is located close to Tiruchirapalli and is one of the
Saptastanam Temples of Tiru!anai**a!al. Shi!a here is referred to as
Aranya <itan*ar.
The presiding deity is (eeli!ananathar, (eela*antar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is <aahai and the Theertham <ishala +ush*arini
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e blessed <asishtar with a !ision
of the cosmic dance and the dance hall here is *nown as ,atna
Sabha. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Tiruna!u**arasar who arri!ed
from Tirupachilasramam after a sumptuous meal on a banana leaf
@+ainneeli 5 <aahaiA. Hence the name Tiruppainneeli.
After Si!a !an3uished the powers of #ama at Tiru**ada!ur to sa!e
Mar*andeyan, #ama is belie!ed to ha!e gained bac* his power of
control o!er mortal souls, on worshipping Si!a at this shetram.
Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
E6. Tiruppachilaasramam
This Si!astalam is located on the ban*s of the Kollidam ri!er near
The presiding deity is Maatrari!aalar, Saamee!aneswarar and the
Ambal Angilamangai, Balasundari
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Brahma Theertham
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is said to ha!e presented Sundarar with thousand copper coins
upon hearing eight of his hymns. 9ater upon hearing another four,
Si!a is said to ha!e prayed to <ishnu to turn them into gold. The
Tapana mandapam is said to be the place where Sh!a is belie!ed to
ha!e blessed Sundarar with gold. Sambandar is said to ha!e relie!ed
the daughter of a de!otee, Kolli Maha!an of the Muyala*an disease.
Si!aratri is celebrated at this shetram.
ED. Tiru!eengoimalai
This temple is located at Kulittalai in the !icinity of Tiruchirappalli
The presiding deity is Maragathachaleswarar and the Ambal
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Agasthyar assumed the form of a housefly to fly
past the thousands of waiting de!otees, to worship Si!a. Hence the
name &engoimalai.
The temple has been designed in such a manner that the sunGs rays
fall on the Maragata lingam on Si!aratri, when it is found that the
lingam emits different hues of colour.
During Thai +oosam, the festi!al image of the deity is ta*en across
the 2au!eri to Kadambathurai. ;ther festi!als are Arudra Darisanam,
and Aadi +eru**u.
2hola (aadu 5 South of Ka!eri @/61 TemplesA
/. <aatpo**i
This Si!astalam is located at ,atnagiri near Kulittalai, by road from
The presiding deity is <atpo**inathar, ,atnagireeswarar, and the
Ambal is Hara!at*eswari.
Appar composed the +athigam on this shetram.
The ,atnagireeeswarar temple is built on a hilloc* reached by a flight
of /000 steps while the Si!apureeswarar temple is at ground le!el.
The idols of Si!a and Ambal face each other in the )padesa posture.
A legend has it that 'ndra, Surya, Adi Sesha, Durga, Agasthya Muni
and the Sapta Matas ha!e worshipped the presiding deity at this
shetram. 't is also belie!ed that this hill temple is being worshipped
by lightning once in /6 years
't is considered to be of significance to !isit the temples at Kadambar
Ko!il, &engoi Malai and ,atnagiri @located close byA on the same day.
;n "Arudra Darisanam%day in Margahi, 9ord (atara-a is ta*en in
procession on a decorated chariot. The deity is ta*en to
Kadambanturai on Tai poosam day with the con!ergence of deities
from se!eral temples, close by. The procession of the deity on a
horse mount, during +anguni attracts large crowd of pilgrims from
the surrounding !illages.
6. Kadambar Ko!il
This Si!astalam is located at Kulittalai by road from Tiruchirappalli, is
considered to be one of the fi!e5*adamba shrines.
The presiding deity is Kadamba!ananthar, Anantheswarar and the
Ambal Mutrilamulaiammai, Abhirami.
The sthala !ri*sham is Kadambamaram and the Theertham is
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma is said to ha!e conducted the chariot
festi!al here, and <ishnu is said to ha!e prayed to Si!a prior to
reco!ering the <edas from Somasran. Hence the shetram is also
called Brahmapuram and 2hatur!edapuri.
A fine car!ing of the Saptamatas are engra!ed in the sanctum behind
the Si!alingam. Muthuswamy Dee*shitarGs Kriti !eelaantham 8ha"e
sings the glory of this shrine.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is being celebrated during the Tamil
month Masi. During Taipoosam, deities from nearby temples of
Kattupathur, Si!ayam, &engoimalai, Musiri, <ellur and ,a-endram are
brought in a grand procession to this shetram.
D. Tirupparaaitturai
This shetram is located at Tirupparaaitturai, close to Tiruchirapalli,
on the ban*s of the A*handa Ka!eri considered to be the widest point
in the course of the ri!er.
This shrine is also *nown as ,a-agambiranallur.
The presiding deity is +araitturai (athar, also called
Dharu*a!ananathar and the Ambal +asum +on (aya*i,
Sambandar and Appar composed the (ayanmar +athigam
9egend has it that a de!out 2hola King, upon his seeing a golden bird
fre3uently flying out of an anthill dug out the Si!alingam from it. 't is
interesting to find the sunGs rays illuminate the sanctum on the /1th
day of the Tamil month of +urattasi.
The Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of <ai*asi.
C. Tiru**ar*udi @)yya**ondan MalaiA
This Shi!astalam is located close to Tiruchirappalli.
The presiding deity is )chinathar, )--ee!aneswarar and the Ambal
Sambandar, Appar, and Sundarar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Tirisirand, one of the characters from the
,amayanam, worshiped this hill temple. This hill temple has fi!e
+ra*arams, with si: feet thic* circular surrounding walls. There are
two sanctums for An-ana*shi Amman, one facing the &ast and the
other $est. Shi!aGs sanctum faces west, and Ardhanareeswarar
occupies the &astern niche, while Durga and Brahma occupy niches in
the (orthern wall of the sanctum.
(andi!arma +alla!an built this temple, and the Te!aram hymns and
+eriyapuranam refer to this shrine as "Kar*udi%.
This temple is a formidable fortress> by !irtue of the layers of strong
walls surrounding it, and this temple is under the administration of
the Dharmapuram Adheenam
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
8. )raiyur
This shetram is located close to Tiruchirappalli, which was the
ancient capital of the early 2holas. Tiruppaanaahwar, one of the
<aishna!ite Ahwars was born here. )raiyur is also *nown as
Kohimanagaram as legend holds that a fowl blessed with di!ine
powers defeated an elephant in a duel.
The presiding deity is +ancha!arneswarar and the Ambal Kantimathi.
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham +ancha!arna
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that .aruda, Kasyapa Muni and Kar*ota*an are said to
ha!e worshipped at this shetram. Si!a is said to ha!e manifested
himself in fi!e different shades of colour to )ttanga Muni!ar as ,atna
9ingam in the morning, Spati*a 9ingam at noon, .old 9ingam in the
afternoon, Diamond lingam at night and 2hitra lingam later on at
Se!eral legends are associated with this temple and the one
in!ol!ing the merger of si: Si!alingams into one is commemorated
during the annual festi!al in the Tamil month of <ai*asi. This legend
states that a 2hola *ing saw the fi!e daughters of (agara-an
worshipping a Si!alingam each, on the ban*s of the (agatheertham.
He married the youngest of these princesses and re3uested his
father in law for the Si!alingam that was held in worship by
(agara-an. He handed o!er a half of the Si!alingam to his daughter,
who in turn handed it along with the fi!e Si!alingams worshipped by
the siblings> all of these merged into one under a <il!a tree. 't is
belie!ed that the present temple originated under this tree.
There are also shrines to Ambal, <inaya*ar, Subramanyar and
Mahala*shmi. The main sanctum faces east while the Ambal shrine
faces south. 'mages of .anesha, Da*shinamurthy, <ishnu, Brahma
and Durga occupy the niches around the sanctum.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
<ai*asi, and the +anchapraharam festi!al in the month of Aadi.
E. Tiruchirappalli
This Si!astalam is a roc* cut temple on a hill and forms one of the
most prominent landmar* in Tiruchirappalli, reached by a flight of
steps on the way to the famous )cchi +illayar temple. The ,oc* Fort
Temple comple: is a collection of three temples 5 the Mani**a
<inaya*ar temple at the foot of the hill, the )chhi +illayar Koyil at the
top of the hill and the Taayumaana!ar Koyil Shi!astalam on the hill.
The presiding deity is Taayumaana!ar, Matrubhuteswarar and the
Ambal Mattu!aar*uhali> Sugandha Kundalambi*a
The Theertham is Ka!eri.
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the demon ruler Tirisiran worshiped Si!a, and
hence gained the name Tirisirapuram and corrupted as
't is also belie!ed that the name Tri5Shi*haram or Tirisirapuram
came into being, since Si!a, +ar!ati and <inaya*a occupy the three
pea*s on this hill.
9egend also has it that since Si!a attended to the call of a de!otee in
labor in the guise of a woman @motherA, he is called
Tiruchirappalli is hailed as the Da*shina Kailasam, as the hill is said
to be one of the three pieces that flew off the Himalayas during a
fierce tussle between Adi Sesha, the mythical sna*e and <ayu the
$ind .od. The other two shetrams are Triconamalee and Sri
This is a fascinating roc* cut temple, and the approach to the temple
is through a flight of co!ered stairs.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is during the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
Aadi +ooram and the float festi!al in +anguni are also other
important festi!als.
7. Tiru!erumbur
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Tiruchirappalli.
The presiding deity is &rumbeeswarar and the Ambal Saurabhya
Kudalaambal, (arun*uhal naya*i.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
The legend has it that the De!as fearing Karan @The demon of the
Kara Dhooshana duo of ,amayanaA are said to ha!e assumed the
form of ants and ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shetram. ,esponding
to their prayers the Si!a lingam is said to ha!e tilted forward to
accept their worship.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
1. (edun*alam
This is a Si!astalam in the !icinity of Tiru!erumbur near
The presiding deity is (edun*alanathar, (ityasundareswarar and the
Ambal ;ppila (aya*i.
The Theertham is Surya Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that when +ar!ati worshipped Si!a at this shetram
with the intention of being united in marriage. Si!a in disguise
grasped her hand and +ar!ati ran away and hid in a gro!e. Hence
this shrine is also *nown as ;limadicholai. 't is also belie!ed that
Agastya Muni worshipped Si!a here.
The Tamil pathigams of (ayanmars are depicted in the temple tower.
+an*uni )tthiram and <ai*asi <isaa*am are the ma-or festi!als
celebrated here.
H. Melaittiru**attuppalli
This Si!astalam is located close to Budalur, near Than-a!ur, on the
Southern ban* of the ri!er Kudamurutti.
The presiding deity is Theeyadiappar, Agneeswarar and the Ambal
<aar*onda Mulaiyammai, Soundara (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Surya Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that when )raiyur got submerged in a sandstorm, the
Nueen of the 2hola monarch of )raiyur, who was a staunch de!otee
of Si!a managed to find solace in Tiru**attuppalli. Si!a blessed her
and relie!ed her of the scorching heat that ra!aged the region.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of
/0. Tiru!alampohil
This temple is located in the !icinity of Tiruppoonturutti, near
The presiding deity is Atmanathar and the Ambal .nanambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Kudamurutti
Appar composed the +athigam on this temple.
9egend has it that the Ashta <asus worshipped Si!a here. Si!a, at
this shetram is also *nown as <adamooleswarar.
Si!aratri and S*anda Sashti are celebrated in this temple.
//. Tiruppoonturutti
This Si!astalam is located near Tiru!aiyaru between the ri!ers Ka!eri
and Kudamurutti. This is one of the Sapta Sthana Temples of
Tiru!aiyaru, also *nown as +ushpa!anam. The Saptastana temples of
Tiru!aiyaru are Tiruppanturai, Tiruppahanam, Tiruchottruturai,
Tiru!edi**udi, and Tiru**andiyur.
The presiding deity is +oonturutti (athar, +ushpa!ana (athar and
The Thertham is Kasyapa Theertham.
ApparGs pathigam Angamaalai was composed here.
9egend has it that <ishnu and 9a*shmi, 'ndra and Kasyapar, are said
to ha!e worshipped Shi!a here.
Appar is said to ha!e spent a good part of his life here and this shrine
represents the first point of interaction between him and Sambandar.
't is belie!ed that to allow Si!a to ha!e a clear sight of Appar and
Sambandar arri!ing together at the shrine (andi is said to ha!e
mo!ed aside.
Da*shinamurthy is portrayed in this temple with a !eena, and is
called G<eena dhara Da*shinamurthyG.
The saptastanam festi!al during the Tamil month of 2hittirai
in!ol!ing a !isit by Aiyarappar to each of the saptastanams is of
great importance here.
/6. Tiru**andiyur
This Si!a shetram is near Tan-a!ur and is one of the eight <eeratta
Stalams associated with Si!a. The eight <eeratta Stalams are
Tiru!ati*ai, Tiru**uru**ai, Tiru**ada!ur, Tiru!ahu!ur, Tiru**o!alur,
Tiruppariyalur, Tiru**andiyur and Tiru!ir*udi. Tiru!ahu!ur is
considered to be a Te!ara <aippustalam, as it has no +ati*ams
dedicated to it.
There is also a Di!ya Desam of <ishnu across this temple sung by the
The presiding deity is <eeratteswarar and the Ambal Mangalanaya*i.
The sthala <ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Kapaala Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that upon the re3uest of the De!as, Si!a remo!ed the
fifth head of Brahma, because of which Brahma was causing great
misery to others. There is also a shrine to Brahma in this temple.
The Saptastana festi!al is conducted during the Tamil month
/D. Tiruchotrutturai
This Si!astalam is located at Kandiyur near Tan-a!ur. This is one of
the Saptastanams of Tiru!aiyaru.
The presiding deity is ;ppillachel!ar, ;dana!aneswarar and the
The Theertham is Surya Theertham. Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar
composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that .owtama, 'ndra and Surya worshiped Si!a.
Shi!a and Ambal are said to ha!e pro!ided a number of de!otees
with food, with rice that grew in the paddy fields close by and gained
the name Annam +adaitta <ayal. Si!a is also referred to as
"Sorudaiyan%, and this shrine Anna!atarastalam.
The Saptastana festi!al during the Tamil month 2hittirai, where the
festi!al image of Si!a of Tiru!aiyaru is brought in procession is a
grand one.
/C. Tiru!edi**udi
This Si!astalam is located near Than-a!ur and is considered to be one
the Saptastanams of Tiru!aiyaru.
The presiding deity is <edapureeswarar and the Ambal
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma and the <edas are said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here, hence the name <edi**udi. Si!a at this shrine
is also *nown as <aahaimadunaathar.
't is interesting to find .anesha in a reclining posture listening to the
<edas and is called <edappillayar.
't is obser!ed that the rays of the sun illuminate the sanctum for a
period of D days from the /Dth day of the Tamil month of +anguni.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls in the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
/8. Ten*udittitai .
This Si!astalam is located at Tittai near Tan-a!ur and the name
comes from the templeGs location on sand dunes between the ri!ers
<ennar and <ettar.
The presiding deity is +asupateeswarar, <asishteswarar and the
Ambal )la*a (aya*i, Sugandhamundalambi*a
The stala <ri*sham is Karu!elamaram and the Theertham 2ha*ra
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the <edas, <asishtar, .owtama, Adi Seshan and
<ishnu are said to ha!e worshipped here.
The Adhrnareeswarar image in the niche of the sanctum shows
+ar!ati constituting the right half of Si!a, in contrast to the norm,
where she occupies his left.
The annual Brahmotsa!am as well <asishtarGs marriage with
Arundhati is celebrated in the Tamil month of <ai*asi.
/E. Tiruppullamangai
Known as Aalanturai this shetram is located at +asupathi Koil near
The presiding deity is Aalanturai (aathar, <adatheertha (athar and
the Ambal Alliyan*othai
The sthala <ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Shi!a
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e consumed the poison that
emanated from the churning of the mil*y ocean here 5 hence the
name Aalanturai.
't is also belie!ed that +ar!ati is said to ha!e ta*en the form of a
2ha*ra!aha bird and worshipped Si!a here, hence the name
The Saptastanam festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month of
/7. Tirucha**rappalli
This Si!astalam is located at Aiyampettai near Kumba*onam and is
one of the se!en shrines associated with the Sapta Matas 4 Abhirami.
The other being Pullamangai @2hamundiA, Thahaimangai
@MahendriA, Soolamangai @KaumariA, Arimangai @MaheswariA,
(andimangai @<aishna!iA, +asupatimangai @<arahiA.
The presiding deity is Alanturaiyeesar, 2ha*ra!ageswarar and the
Ambal Alliyam*othai, De!anaya*i
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu obtained his discus @2ha*ramA after
worshipping Si!a here, hence the name 2ha*rapalli.'t is also belie!ed
that 'ndra and his son Bayanta prayed to Si!a at this shetram.

/1. Tiru**aru*a!oor
This Si!astalam is located close to +apanasam, near Kumba*onam.
ThisShi!astalamis *nown more for its shrine to .arbara*sha*ambi*a.
The presiding deity is Mullai!ananthar, Madha!i!aneswar and the
Ambal Karumpanaiyaalammai, .arbhara*sha*amba
The sthala !ri*sham is Mullai and the Theertham Brahma Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati assisted a helpless lady in her motherhood
and sa!ed her of her offspring, and hence the name "Karu*aa!oor%.
$orship at this shetram is belie!ed to help barren couple in
obtaining children. The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the
Tamil month of <ai*asi.
/H. Tirupaalaitturai.
This is a Si!astalam in the !icinity of +apanasam near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is +aal!anna (athar and the Ambal Dha!ala
The Theertham is 2au!eri
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a !an3uished a tiger sent by the arrogant rishis
of Dharu*a!anam, at this shetram. <asishtar, ,ama, Sita,
9a*shmana, Ar-una are said to ha!e worshipped here.
't is also belie!ed that 9ord ,ama has installed /01 Si!alingams to
e:piate the sins that he had committed by *illing the demons Karan
and Dhooshanan.
<ai*asi <isa*am, Aippasi +ournami and Karti*ai Deepam are
important festi!als.
60. Tirunallur
This Si!astalam is located near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is +eriyandeswarar, Kalyana Sundareswarar and
the Ambal Kalyanasundari
The Theertham is Saptasagara Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that at this shetram Agasthyar is said to ha!e been
blessed with a !ision of the marriage of Si!a and +ar!athi. Bhrigu
Muni and (arasimhar are said to ha!e worshipped here.
Tirunallur is also referred to as Da*shina Kailasam> and it is related
to the legend of the trial of strength between <ayu and Adisesha
where a pea* of Mount Meru fell at (allur and formed a Si!alingam.
The Si!alingam here is belie!ed to manifest itself in fi!e different
colors in a day, and hence the deity is also called
2ommemorating ApparGs surrender at the deityGs feet here, the
practice of placing "Satari% containing the imprint of the deityGs feet
on the heads of de!otees, as in <aishna!ite temples, is carried out
6/. Aa!oor +asupateeswaram
This temple is located at .o!inda*udi near Kumba*onam
The presiding deity is Aa!oorudaiyar, +asupateeswarar and the
Ambal Mangalambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is Arasamaram and the Theertham Kamadhenu
Appar composed the +athigam.

9egends has it that Kamadhenu is said to ha!e come down to the
earth at this shetram and worshipped Shi!a.
Si!aratri is celebrated at this shetram.
66. Satthi Mutram
This Si!astalam is situated at Sathi Mutram close to +atteeswaram
also called +ahayarai.
The presiding deity is Si!a**ohuntheesar and the Ambal is
The Theertham is Satthi Mutra <aa!i.
The +athigam is composed by Appar.
9egend has it that Si!a appeared as a huge column of light
"Byotiswaroopam% in front of +ar!ati while she meditated upon him
and later she embraced him. Hence the deity is also called
Si!a**ohundeeswarar and Sathi Mutham.
An image of Si!a and +ar!ati in the embracing posture, associated
with the legend, is enshrined in the temple. The shrines for (atara-ar
and the Sarabeswarar are of importance here.
Appar is said to ha!e prayed to surrender at the feet of Si!a.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls during the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
6D. +atteeswaram
This Shi!astalam is near Kumba*onam. The 2hola *ing, who had
+ahiyarai @+atteeswaramA as one of his capitals, patronied this
The presiding deity is +atteeswarar, Dhenupureeswararand the
Ambal +al!alai (aya*i.
The Theertham is .nana Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam

9egend has it that the calf of Kamadhenu is said to ha!e worshipped
Si!a here.
The Koti Theertham well in the temple is said to ha!e been created
by ,ama and is considered to be e3ui!alent to Dhanush*oti.
Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Sambandar with an umbrella lined with
pearls, to protect him from the scorching summer sun, and is said to
ha!e re3uested (andi to mo!e aside, in order to be able to loo* at
the sight of the arri!al of Sambandar.
,amaGs worshipping of Si!a see*ing pardon for the sin of ha!ing
slained <aali is commemorated each year during the Tamil month of
6C. +ahayaarai <adathali
This temple is located at an ele!ation near +atteeswararm near
The presiding deity is Dharmapureeswarar and the Ambal
The sthala<ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Soma
Appar composed the +athigam.

9egend has it that 2handra worshipped at this shrine.
'nterestingly, Ardhanareeswarar occupies the rear niche of the
68. Tiru!alanchuhi
This Shi!astalam in the !icinity of Swamimalai
The presiding deity is Karpa*a (athar, Khabartheesar and the Ambal
+eriya (aya*i, Brihannaya*i.
Appar composed the +athigam.

9egend has it that Dur!asa muni is said to ha!e carried out a yagnam
at this shetram, and the De!as who attended it are said to ha!e
established se!eral Si!a 9ingams. 't is belie!ed that when 2au!eri
ri!er went bac* into the ground, Heranda Muni went to retrie!e it
and brought it bac* to the surface in this shrine after ma*ing a
complete circle to the right, hence the name <alanchuhi.
't is also belie!ed that when the mil*y ocean 5Ksheera Samudram9
was churned by the De!as, they fashioned out of the foam that was
emanated, a white colored image of .anapati called Sweta
<inaya*ar. 'ndra the King of De!as is said to ha!e had this image
installed at this shetram.
The <inaya*ar shrine is encountered soon after entering the temple
<inaya*a 2haturthi is celebrated on a grand scale.
6E. Tiru**udamoo**u
This temple is located in Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is Kumbeswarar and the Ambal Mangalanaya*i
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
The Mangalambi*ai shrine here is re!ered as a Sha*ti +eetham
@Mantra +eethamA. The Mahamagam festi!al associated with this
temple attracts crowds from all o!er 'ndia.
9egend has it that during the great deluge, it is belie!ed that Si!a
caused the Amrita*alasam 5 the pot holding the di!ine nectar 5 to
stall here, and the shrine is said to ha!e been built and consecrated
by Bhrama.
The huge Mahamagam tan* is surrounded by /E pictures3ue
mandapams, dating bac* to the /Eth century.
Kumbeswarar representing as a Si!alingam fashioned out of earth, is
said to ha!e been made by Si!a himself in the guise of a hunter 5
Moor*a (ayanaar is one of the ED (ayanars associated with this
The annual festi!al in the Tamil month of Masi is well attended. The
Mahamaham tan* is the center of great festi!ity once e!ery /6 years
during Maasi Magam.
67. Tiru*udandai*eeh*ottum
This Si!astalam is a grand temple in the temple town of
Kumbha*onam and is *nown for its grand shrine to (atara-a 5
The presiding deity is (ageswara Swamy and the Ambal +eriya
The sthala <ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham is (aaga
Appar composed the +athigam on this shetram
;ffering worship at Kudandai Kee+hko&&am (ageswarar temple in the
morning, and at the temples Tiruna#eswaram and Tiruppampuram,
located closeby during noon and in the e!ening on a gi!en day is
considered to be of special significance.
9egend has it that Surya is said to ha!e worshipped here to regain
his lost splendour. The temple tan* is also *nown as Surya
Theertham. . Also *nown as "<il!a!anam%, it is belie!ed that a !il!a
leaf from the pot carrying the celestial nectar had drifted away and
landed here. Aadi Seshan is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this
The SunGs rays fall on (ageswarar in the sanctum on the //th
through the /Dth day of the Tamil month 2hittirai and hence this
place is also called Bhas*ara*shetram.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of
61. Kudandai**aaronam
This Si!a sthalam is located in Kumba*onam town.
The presiding deity is Kasi <iswanathar and the Ambal Tenaar Mohi>
Kasi <isala*shi
The Theertham is Maamanga Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam
The Kasi <iswanathar temple is associated with the Mahamagam
festi!al, which occurs once e!ery /6 years.
,ama and 9a*shmana are said to ha!e worshipped Shi!a here during
their search for Sita, and ac3uired ,udramsam, to enable them to
fight ,a!ana. 9egend has it that the nine sacred ri!ers of 'ndia,
prayed to Shi!a at Banares @<iswanatharA to be absol!ed of the sins
they a3uired being washed away by bathers. To ha!e their wish
fulfilled they were directed to bathe in the Mahamagam tan* and
worship Aadi Kumbheswarar. <iswanathar of Kaasi is belie!ed to
ha!e manifested himself here at Kumbha*onam.
Masi Magam is the most important annual festi!al celebrated. ;ther
festi!als include Arudra Darisanam, Karti*ai Deepam, Aadi +ooram
and (a!aratri.
6H. Tirunageswaram
This shetram is located at )ppiliappan Ko!il near Kumbha*onam.
The presiding deity is (ageswarar and the Ambal Kunramulainaya*i,
The Theertham is Surya +ush*arini
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Aadi Sesha, Da*shan and Kaar*ota*an worshipped
Shi!a here.
This temple is *nown for its shrine to ,aahu, one of the nine celestial
bodies 5 (a!agraham 5 hence a (a!agrahastalam. There is a separate
shrine for ,aahu in one of the +ra*arams.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is obser!ed in the Tamil month of Karti*ai
while the Se**ihaar festi!al is celebrated in the month of <ai*asi.
D0. Tiru!idaimarudur
This Si!astalam located in the !icinity of Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is Maruda!aanar, Mahalingeswarar and the
Ambal +erunalamaamulaiyaal, Brihadsundara*uchambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is Marudamaram and the Theertham 2au!ery
Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Sarasathi, 9a*shmi, Kaali, and the <edas,
<asishtar, S*anda, <ishnu and Agastya worshiped Si!a. 't is belie!ed
that those suffering from ill health, caused by e!il spirits are said to
find relief through prayers offered at this shrine and
circumambulating the outermost pra*aram.
This huge temple is one of the greatest Sai!ite shrines in Tamilnadu
and is referred to as Madhyar-una Kshetram and is said to be on par
with 2hidambaram and <aranasi. Madhyar-unam translates into G'dai
MaruduG in Tamil. Marudu stands for the stala !ru*sham maruda
maram. The colossal (andi here is found seated ma-estically.
This temple is surrounded on four corners by temples dedicated to
<iswanathar, ,ishipureeswarar, Aatmanathar and 2ho**anathar and
hence gained the name "+ancha 9ingastalam%.
't is said that during the abhishe*am to 2ho**anathar rendering of
music in megaraaga*urin-i raaga would result in a bountiful

D/. Ten Kurangaaduturai
This Si!astalam is located at Aaduturai near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is Aabatsa*ayeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Sa*haya Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
Hanuman and Sugree!a worshipped here, and Si!a is said to ha!e
re!ealed a !ision of his 2osmic dance to Sugree!a. 't is also belie!ed
that ,ama, at this place, *illed <aali.
The festi!als celebrated here include Arudra Darisanam, (a!aratri
and Si!aratri.
D6. Tiruneela**udi
This Si!astalam is located near Aaduturai
The presiding deity is (eyyaadi (athar, (eela*anda and the Ambal
+eriya (aya*i, )ma
The Sthala <ri*sham is +alaamaram
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <aruna and the celestial nymphs offered worship
't is belie!ed that during the abhishe*a ritual, the Si!a 9ingam
absorbs half the 3uantity of the sesame oil offered to the deity.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of
DD. <ai*anmada**o!il
This Si!a sthalam is located near Kumba*onam and Aaduturai.
The presiding deity is <ai*anathar and the Ambal Kombil 'lan*othai,
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu, 9a*shmi and Brahma are said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here. Si!a is also referred to as
+an*uni )thiram is the main function celebrated here annually.
DC. Tirunallam
This Si!astalam is located at Konerira-apuram between Kumba*onam
and Karai**al.
The presiding deity is )ma Maheswarar and the Ambal Mangala
The sthala <ri*sham is Bhadra*sha, and the Theertham Bhrama
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Bhumade!i was instructed by Maha!ishnu to build
this temple> hence it gained the name Bhumiswaram. 't is also
belie!ed that the ruler of this place, *ing +urura!as was cured of
leprosy and he in turn gilded the temple <imana with gold and
instituted the celebration of <oices full moon festi!al.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is during the Tamil month of <ai*asi.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Si!aratri, Aadi +ooram, and
S*anda Sashti are the other festi!als celebrated here.
D8. Tiru**ohambam
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Tiru!a!aduturai near
The presiding deity is Ko*ileswarar and the Ambal Soundara (aya*i
The Theertham is Madhu Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that a scholar who was cursed by 'ndra to assume the
form of a cuc*oo, prayed 9ord Si!a at this shetram and was relie!ed
of the curse, hence Ko*ileswaran and the place is called
't is also belie!ed that +ar!ati too* the form of a cow and
worshipped Si!a and the hoof mar*s of a cow are seen on the
The annual Brahmotsa!am is during the Tamil month of Thai.
DE. Tiru!a!aduturai
This Si!a sthalam is located near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Masilamaneesar, .omu*teesar and the Ambal
;ppilamulaiyammai, Atula*uchanaya*i.
The sthala !ri*sham is Arasamaram and the Thertham Mu*ti
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati worshipped Si!a in the form of a cow.
Shi!a is said to ha!e displayed this shrine as Tiru!arur, and himself
as Tyagara-ar to Muchu*unda 2hola.
The stala!ri*sham Arasamaram is said to represent the De!as. #ama
is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shetram. Tirumoolar
composed his Tirumantiram under the Arasa maram.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the month of Thai
@2apricornA, and ,athasaptami is considered !ery significant.
D7. Tirutturutti
This Si!a shetram is at Kutralam near Mayiladuturai. . 't is also
*nown as 2holeeswaram
The presiding deity is Sonna!aarari!ar, )*ta <edeeswarar and the
Ambal Mu*ihambi*ai.
The Sthala <ri*sham is Kutrala Maram and the Theertham Ka!eri
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e e:pressed her desire to Si!a
to ha!e the e:perience of an earthly wedding> Si!a obliged and so
she was reborn as the daughter of Bharata Muni. ,esponding to the
prayers of Bharata Muni Si!a emerged from the lingam at Tirutturutti
and lent His hand in marriage to +ar!ati. The name Sonna!aarari!aar
stems from this legend that Si!a *ept his word and the name
Mana!alanathar is attributed to Him on marrying +ar!ati.
Agni and <arunan are said to ha!e been blessed by Shi!a here.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is obser!ed in the Tamil month of
D1. Tiru!ahundur
This Si!astalam at Terahandur is located in the !icinity of
't is one of the 71 Maada**oyils built at an ele!ation by King
2hen*anna 2holan.
The presiding deity is <edapureeswarar and the Ambal Soundara
The Theertham is Sidhaamritam.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the De!as, Ashtadi*pala*as and the <edas
worshipped Shi!a here, hence the name <edapureeswarar.
Terehundur is also associated with the legend of Si!aJs marriage
with +ar!ati
9egend also has it that the chariot of King ;ord!aradan got stuc* in
this town and hence the name Terahundur.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai. ;ther festi!als include Karti*ai Deepam, and Surya +oo-a in
the month of Maasi.
DH. Mayiladuturai
This is a !ast with se!eral gopurams and mandapams in the town of
The presiding deity is <allal, Mayuranathar and the Ambal
An-alnaya*i, Abhayambi*a.
The sthala !ri*sham is Maamaram
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that after her fatherGs Da*sha #agnam, Da*shayani
@+ar!atiA too* the form of a peacoc* and worshipped Si!a. 9ater Si!a
also is belie!ed to ha!e ta*en a peacoc* form, and performed the
.owri Tanda!am and united with her.
The Tiruppariyalur ,eera&&am where the Da*shayagnam is belie!ed to
ha!e been performed is located at a distance of /0 *m from this
temple. (ear the bathing ghats on the ban*s of the ri!er 2au!eri, is
the Kasi <iswanathar temple with !imanams resembling those at
The annual festi!al Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month
of <ai*asi.
C0. <ilanagar
This Si!astalam is located close to Mayiladuturai enroute to
The presiding deity is Turai Kaattum <allalaar, )cheeraaneswarar
and the Ambal Turai *attum !alli.
The sthala <ri*sham is <ihal and the Theertham 2au!eri.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that when Sambandar was on his way to Mayiladuturai,
Si!a is said to ha!e caused the floods in the ri!er 2au!eri to recede,
and pointed out this shrine to him. Hence the shetram is also called
Turai Kaattu <allal.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Aadi +eru**u, and Aadi +ooram
are the festi!als celebrated here.
C/. Tiruppariyalur
This Si!a sthalam is located at +arasalur near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is <eeratteswarar and the Ambal
'lan*ombanaiyaal> Balambi*a
The Theertham is Homa Kundam
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the De!as are belie!ed to ha!e got rid of their fear
caused by the demon Dharu*a by worshipping Si!a at this shetram.
This temple is associated with the story of Da*shanGs yagnam, where
Da*shan and his ego were !an3uished.
Sundays during the Tamil month of Karti*ai are considered
important, and the festi!als celebrated include Arudra Darisanam,
Aadi +ooram
C6. Tiruchemponpalli
This Si!a sthalam is located at 2hemponar Ko!il near Mayiladuturai .
The presiding deity is Swarnapureeswarar and the Ambal Maru!aar
Kuhali, Sugandha!ana (aya*i
The Theertham is Surya +ush*arini
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra and Kubera worshipped Si!a here. ,athi
De!i is belie!ed to ha!e prayed here to get united with Manmathan.
The SunGs rays fall on the sanctum for a period of // days from the
7th day of the month of Aries in this Maada**o!il built at an
The annual Brahmotsa!am is held in the Tamil month of 2hittirai
CD. Tirunanipalli
This Si!astalam is located near Mayiladuturai
The presiding deity is (atrunaiyappar and the Ambal Malaiyaan
Madandai, Swarnambi*a
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam
Shi!a is also *nown as Swarnapureeswarar and ga!e his dancing
!ision to Sambandar.
SambandarGs mother is said to ha!e hailed from this !illage.
CC. Tiru!alampuram
This Si!a sthalam is located near +oompuhaar.
The presiding deity is <alampurinathar and the Ambal
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam
9egend holds that <ishnu worshipped Shi!a to recei!e a <alampuri
't is also belie!ed that Heranda Muni who went into the ground in
search of 2au!eri ri!er at Tiru!alanchuhi is said to ha!e re5emerged
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is obser!ed in the month of Thai.
C8. Tirutalaichandaadu
This Si!a sthalam is located near +oompuhaar
The presiding deity is Sangu (aya*ar, Shan*arunatheswarar and the
Ambal Soundara (aya*i
The Theertham is 2au!eri
Sundarar composed the+athigam
9egend has it that <ishnu worshipped Si!a here to ac3uire
+ancha-anyam. @Talai 2hanguA, the greatest of all Sangu @2onchA
't is 'nteresting to note that the legend associated with this temple
is the same as in Tiru!alampuram.
2hitra +ournami is one of the important festi!als celebrated here.
CE. Aa**oor
9ocated near Mayiladuturai, this Shi!astalam is a "Maada**o!il% built
by Ko 2hen**an 2holan, at an ele!ation, which is also *nown as
Shan*haranyam. This temple is also *nown as Taantonrimaadam 5
that which appeared on a self made hill.
The presiding deity is Taantonreesar, Swayambu (athar and the
Andal <aalaran*anni, Kat*ora (etri
The sthala <ri*sham is Sara**onrai and the Theertham Kumuda
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a appeared in the guise of one of the /000
guests 5 Aayirattil ;ru!ar, at a feast offered by a de!out 2hola
monarch. An image of this manifestation is seen in this temple.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam are important festi!als
celebrated here.
C7. Tiru**adayur
This Si!asthalam is located near Mayiladuthurai.
The presiding deity is Amritaghateswarar and the Ambal Abhirami
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Amrita +ush*arini
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Mar*andeya was sa!ed from the clutches of death
@#amaA by Shi!a. The con3uest of #ama is ac*nowledged through
celebration of the E0th and 10th birth anni!ersaries of pilgrims
!isiting this shetram.
The Shi!alingam is hailed as a manifestation of the celestial nectar,
obtained by the De!as, and hence the name Amritaghateswarar. The
Shan*habhishe*am to the deity is of great importance in *eeping
with the belief that Mar*andeya had performed this form of worship.
Kaalasamhaaramurthy, the fierce form of Si!a, belie!ed to ha!e
sa!ed Mar*andeya from the clutches of #ama is enshrined in this
Abhirami Amman shrine attracts thousands of !isitors throughout the
C1. Tiru**ada!ur Mayaanam
9ocated in Tiru**ada!ur near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Bhramapureeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e first !an3uished Brahma 5
hence the name Mayaanam 5 and then re!i!ed and initiated him into
the act of creating the )ni!erse
't is from a well here in Tiru**ada!ur Mayaanam, that water for daily
ablution is ta*en to Tiru**ada!ur Abhirami Amritaghateswarar
CH. Tiru!etta*udi
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tiru!etta**udi near Karai**al and
The presiding deity is Tirumeniyahagar and the Ambal Shantha
The Theertham is Satya +ush*arini
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Ar-una is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here, and
Si!a is said to ha!e materialied in front of him in the guise of a
hunter, hence the name Tiru!etta**udi.
80. Tiruttelicheri
This Si!a shetram is located near Karai**al and (agappattinam
The presiding deity is +ar!ateeswarar and the Ambal
Ampadutta**annaal> Sa*thi (aya*i
The Theertham is Sa*ti Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati worshipped Shi!a here.
This shetram is associated with the incident of
TirugnanasambandarGs singing the pathigam GMaadar MadappidiG in
#aahmuhi +ann.
The SunGs rays illuminate the sanctum at sunset for a period of /0
days from the /Dth day of the month of +isces.
8/. Dharumapuram
This Si!a shetram is located in Karai**al near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is #aahmurinathar, Dharmapureeswarar and the
Ambal Madhuraminnammai, Abhayambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is <aahai and the Theertham Dharma
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that #ama is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here,
repenting for ha!ing thrown his noose around Mar*andeya.
#uddhishtra of +anda!as is also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped here.
#aahmurinathar, bearing a yaah is the festi!al deity 5
)tsa!amoorthy here
This town has a shrine to the re!ered .uru .nanasambandar founder
of the Dharumapura Adhinam.
86. Tirunallar
This Si!astalam is located in close pro:imity to Karai**al and
The shrine for Saneeswarar in this temple is of great significance,
which attracts thousands of pilgrims when the planet Saturn transits
between odiac sign.
The presiding deity is Darbaranyatyagar, Darbaranyeswarar and the
Ambal Bogamaartha +oonmulaiyaal> +ranamba
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham.
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that King (ala who was under the influence of Sani in
his life and going through se!eral ordeals, obtained total relief after
worshipping Si!a at this shrine.
The full moon night in the Tamil month of +urattasi witnesses se!eral
special ser!ices to the &merald 9ingam.
The best5*nown festi!al here is the one mar*ing the transition of
Saturn between Oodiac sign, once in two and a half years
8D. Tiru**ottaru
Tiru**ottaru is a Si!astalam in the !icinity of Amba*arathur between
+eralam and Karai**al.
The presiding deity is Aira!ateswarar and the Ambal <andamar,
The Theertham is Surya Theertham
Appar composed the +athigam.
The white elephant of 'ndra, Aira!atam is said to ha!e created
<aan-iyaru ri!er, with its tus* and prayed to Si!a at this shetram.
8C. Ambar
This Si!astalam is located near +oonthottam between +eralam and
The presiding deity is +unnaga!aneswarar, Bhramapureesar and the
Ambal +oon*uhalammai> Suganda Kundalambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is +unnai and the Theertham Brahma
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma, in the form of a bird, is said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a to be retrie!ed to his original form, and hence the
name Brahmapuri or +unna*a!anam. The tan* here is said to ha!e
been created by Brahma. Si!a is said to ha!e appeared here in the
fiery Bhaira!a form, Sattainathar, for the sa*e of 'ndra, hence the
name 'ndrapuri.
Maasi Magam is one of the important festi!als celebrated here
88. Ambar Maa*aalam
This Si!astalam is located near +oonthottam between +eralam and
The presiding deity is Maa*aala (athar, Kaala*andeswarar and the
Ambal Baya*shaya (aya*i
The Theertham is Amrita!aa!i
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Kaali !an3uished the demons Amban and Ambaran
at this shetram. Kaali too* the form of an enchantress, accompanied
by <ishnu in the guise of an old man and through chicanery caused
Amban to *ill Ambaran, and then de!oured Amban herself. To rid
herself of the sin of ha!ing *illed, she prayed to Shi!a here, hence
the name Ambar Maa*alam.
Si!a is said to ha!e appeared as a 2handala in a yagnam conducted
by Somaasi Maaranaar.
8E. Tirumeeyachur
This Si!a shetram is located at +eralam near Mayiladuturai
The presiding deity is Tirumeninathar, Meganathar and the Andal
Soundara (aya*i> 9alitambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Surya +ush*arini
Sambandar composed the +athigm.
9egend has it that Surya offered prayers placing Si!a and +ar!ati on
an elephant.
Festi!als celebrated include Aadipperu**u, Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra
Darisanam, and ,athasaptami in Thai.
87. Tirumeeyachur 'llam*o!il
This is another Si!astalam in the town of Tirumeeyachur, near
Mayiladuturai and is located right ne:t to the Tirumeeyachur
Shi!astalam enshrining Tirumeninathar.
The presiding deity is Sa*ala Bhu!aneswarar and the Ambal Minnum
Megalaiyaal> Me*alambi*a.
Appar composed the +athigam on this shetram
9egend has it that Kali is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped at this shrine
81. Thilataipati
This Si!a sthalam is in +oonthottam near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Mutheesar, Mandara!aneswarar and the Ambal
+or*odi (aya*i> Maragatha!alli
The Theertham is 2handra Theertham
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama and 9a*shmana are said to ha!e performed
the GThila TarpanamG funeral rites to their father King Dasaratha at
this place. The Sun and the moon are also said to ha!e worshipped
Si!a at this shetram.
There is a statue of one of the Kings of Benares who is belie!ed to
ha!e made endowments to this temple.
8H. Tiruppaampuram
This Si!a shetram is located at +eralam near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is +aampuranathar, Sarpeswarar and the Ambal
<andaar +oon*uhali.
Sambandar composed the +athigam on this shetram
(agara-an the *ing of serpents, Kar*ota*an, Brahma and Agasthyar
are said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here. The name +aampuram comes
from the association with (agara-an. Si!a here is also referred to as
Maasi Magam and Arudra Darisanam are celebrated here
E0. Siru*udi
This Si!a sthalam is located near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Mangalesar, Kalyanasundaresar and the Ambal
Mangala (aya*i
The Theertham is Surya Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that .aruda, ,aghu and the .andhar!as worshipped
Si!a in this shrine popularly *nown as Soo*shmapuri. Si!a is
portrayed here as Santoshaalinganamoorthy
E/. Tiru!eehimihalai
This Si!a shetram is located near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is <eehiahageeswarar, (etrarpaneswarar and
the Ambal Brihadsundara*uchambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is <eehi and the Theertham Damodara
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
This Si!astalam is considered to be among the holiest Sai!ite shrines
as it has the third highest number of +athigams, the first two being
Sir*ahi and Tiru!arur
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e been reborn as Katyayani
and married Si!a here, and the temple is belie!ed to be the <imanam
brought by Maha!ishnu,
The annual Brahmotsa!am is obser!ed in the Tamil month of 2hittirai
E6. Tiru!anniyur
The Si!a shetram is located at Annur near Mayiladuturai
The presiding deity is Agneeswarar and the Ambal +ar!ati
The Theertham is Agni Theertham
Appar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Agni worshipped Si!a here.
Arudra Darisanam is celebrated in grandeur each year here
ED. Karu!ili Kottitai.
This Si!a sthalam is located at Konerira-apuram near Mayiladuturai.
The +residing deity is Sarguna (atheswarar and the Ambal Sar!anga
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra, the De!as, and a *ing by name Sargunan
worshipped here.
EC. +enu +erunthurai
This Si!a shetram is located at Tiruppanturai near Tiru!aiyaru
The presiding deity is Si!anandar, +rana!eswarar and the Ambal
Malaiarasiammai, Mangalambi*a
The Stala <ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Mangala Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati, Brahma and Subramanyar worshipped
Si!a here.
Aippasi +ournami, Arudra Darisanam and (a!aratri are celebrated
E8. (arayur Sidheeswaram
This Si!a shetram is located at (araiyur near Kumbha*onam
The presiding deity is Sidha (athar, Sidheeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
The name narai refers to the sweet fragrance of flowers grown here
The 9egend has it that Si!a at this shetram is said to ha!e been
worshipped by the Sidhas, hence the name Sidheeswaram. <inaya*ar
here is *nown as Aananda +illayar.
't is also belie!ed that Kubera, the De!as and the .andhar!as, Surya,
(ara5(arayana and Brahma, also worshipped Si!a
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
66. Ariir!arai"uttur
This Si!asthalam is located near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is +adi**asalitha (athar, Swarnapureeswarar
and the Ambal Aha*ambi*ai.
The Theertham is Arisilaru.
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is said to ha!e blessed +ugahtunai (ayanar here.
Since this shetram lies on the southern ban* of the ri!er Arisil, it got
the name Arisir*ariputtur.
E7. Si!apuram
This Si!a sthalam is located close to Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is Si!apuranathar and the Ambal +eriyanaya*i,
The sthala <ri*sham is Shanbagamaram and the Theertham Surya
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that <ishnu in his <araaha A!ataram worshipped Si!a
here and the car!ings of the Stalapuranam are seen in the temple.
Brahma is also said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here before he
undertoo* his tas* of creation
The annual festi!al is celebrated in the month of Karti*ai
E1. Kalayanallur@Saa**ottaiA
This Si!a shetram is located close to Kumbha*onam.
The presiding deity is Amudaghatesar, Amrita*alaseswarar and the
Ambal Amrita!alli
The Theertham is 2hatur!eda Theertham
Sundarar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that in a deluge that submerged the earth, a *alasam,
containing samples of the then e:isting species settled at this spot,
signifying the magic of creation> hence the name Amrita Kalasam.
The Saptastana festi!al is obser!ed in the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
EH. Tiru**aru*udi
This Si!a sthalam is located at Marudaantanalloor near
The presiding deity is Karu**udinathar, Sargunalingeswarar and the
Ambal Sar!alan*rita (aya*i
The Theertham is #ama Theertham.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama, Brahma and a *ing by name Sargunan are
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped the +rithi!i lingam here.
Si!aratri in the Tamil month of Maasi and Mondays in the month of
Karti*ai are considered of importance here.
70. Tiru!anchiyam
Tiru!anchiyam is located near (annilam and Tiru!arur
The presiding deity is <anchilingeswarar, <anchinathar and the
Ambal Mangalanaya*i
The sthala <ri*sham is 2handana Maram and the Theertham .upta
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Mahala*shmi is said to ha!e prayed to Si!a at this
shetram to get united with Maha!ishnu. #ama, Brahma, +arasarar,
Atri are also said to ha!e worshipped at this shrine, considered to be
on par with Benares. The sandal stala!ri*sham imparts the name
2handanaranyam to the shrine. Mahala*shmiGs G<aanchaiG for <ishnu,
and the fact that her prayers were answered here imparted the name
Mani**a!aca*ar sang of the miracle of a (aga *anni*a @Sna*e
princessA who worshipped Si!a and became one with Him as Ammai
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
7/. (annilam
This Si!a sthalam is near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Madhu!aneswarar and the Ambal Madhu <ana
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham
Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Surya is said to ha!e worshipped at this temple.
This is referred to as +erum Ko!il by Sundaramoorthy (ayanar 5
hence Brihadeeswarar. 't is also belie!ed that De!as in the form of
bees worshipped Si!a here. As a proof of that there are two beehi!es
one in Somas*andarGs shrine and the other in the Subramanya
Thai +oosam, <alli Tirumanam in Karti*ai, Aani Tiruman-anam, Aadi
+ooram, Aa!ani Moolam and S*anda Sashti are celebrated here.
76. Tiru*ondeeswaram
This Si!astalam is located near (annilam, and Mudi*ondaan.
The presiding deity is +asupateeswarar and the Ambal Shantha
The sthala <ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Ksheera +ush*arini
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati assuming the guise of Kamadhenu is
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a and hence the presiding deity is
called +asupateeswarar, and the theertham Ksheera +ush*arini.
Thursdays in the Tamil month of Karti*ai are considered important
7D. Tiruppanaiyur
This Si!a sthalam is 9ocated near (annilam and Mayiladuturai,
The presiding deity is Ahagiya nathar, Soundarya (athar and the
Ambal +eriya (aya*i.
The Sthala <ri*sham is +anai and the Theertham Amrita +ush*arini.
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +araasarar is said to ha!e worshipped the
presiding deity here. 't is also belie!ed that Si!a is said to ha!e
blessed Sundaramoorthy (ayanar with a !ision of the cosmic dance
There is an image of +araasara Muni, who is said to ha!e dropped a
small portion of the celestial nectar 5 Amritam 5 into the Temple tan*,
and hence gained the name Amrita +ush*arini.
7C. <ir*udi
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tiru!arur and Mayiladuturai
The presiding deity is <eeratteswarar and the Ambal &la!aar Kuhali
The sthala <ri*sham is Tulasi, and the Theertham is 2ha*ra
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a *illed the demon Balandharan, at this
sthalam. 'nterestingly the stala!ri*sham Tulasi is belie!ed to be the
reincarnation of Brinda, the wife of the slain demon.
This shrine is also named as Dhanushapuram as <ishnuGs bow, which
was belie!ed to ha!e been bro*en by the De!as in the guise of
termites landed here.
The festi!al image of Si!a, Balandhara Samhara Moorthy, here bears
the discus and cha*ram
Appar is said to ha!e spent his last years here, dedicating his life to
the up*eep of this temple, and the Appar +eru!iha which lasts for a
period of /0 days, celebrates these e!ents
78. Tiruppugalur
This Si!a sthalam is located near (annilam
The presiding deity is Konappiraan, Agneeswarar and the Ambal
Karuntaah*uhali, 2hooti*ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Agni Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Agni is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here, and
was blessed with a !ision of 2handrase*harar. Si!a is said to ha!e
blessed Bhumide!i and Satyashada rishi with a !ision of the 2osmic
Dance. The demon Banasuran is said to ha!e attempted to carry
away the Si!alingam from here but failed.
The Appar festi!al is celebrated in the month of 2hittirai, witnesses
the singing of the Tamil Te!aram hymns.
7E. Tiruppugalur <ardhamaneeswaram
This Si!a sthalam is located near (annilam
The presiding deity is <ardhamaneswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Agni Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
This Si!astalam is a part of the Tiruppugalur temple *nown for its
shrine to 2handrase*harar.
77. ,amanadeeswaram
This Si!a sthalam is located in Tiru**annapuram near (annilam and
The presiding deity is ,amanathar and the Ambal
Karu!ar*uhaliammai> 2hooti*ambal
The Theertham is Surya +ush*arini
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama on his way bac* to Ayodhya worshipped
Si!a at this place. 't is belie!ed that (andi stood in the way of
,amaGs worship and that +ar!ati controlled him by holding him with
her arm, hence the name ,amanandeeswaram.
71. Tiruppayattran*udi
This Si!a sthalam is located at <ir*udi near (annilam.
The presiding deity is +ayatreeswarar, Mu*tapureeswarar and the
Ambal Kayiyan*anniammai.
The Sthala <ri*sham is Si!andimaram and the Theertham De!i
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Bhaira!a muni is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at
this shrine.
A miracle is said to ha!e transformed a traderGs stoc* of pepper into
pulses and bac* into pepper again here, hence the name
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls during the Tamil month of <ai*asi.
7H. Tiruchen*attan*udi
9ocated at .anapateeswaram near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is )ttarapathiyar, .anapateeswarar and the
Ambal Tirugu*uhal (aya*i.
The sthala <ri*sham is Aathi and the Theertham Surya Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that .anapati is said to ha!e prayed to Si!a here to
see* atonement for the sin of ha!ing *illed the demon
.a-amu*hasuran, hence the name .anapateeswaram. The demonGs
blood that flowed created the reddened land, called 2hen*aadu.
Amudhu +adayal festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai
10. Tirumarugal
This Si!a shetram is located near Mayiladutrai.
The presiding deity is Mani**a!annar, ,atnagireeswarar and the
Ambal <andu!aar*uhaliammai, Amotalanaya*i.
The sthala <ri*sham is <aahai and the Theertham Si!a .anga
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 9a*shmi got reunited with <ishnu upon
worshipping Si!a, hence the name Tirumarugal. The name marugal
also comes from the stala !ru*sham 5 <aahai.
Sambandar upon singing the +athigam GSadaiyai &numaalG @<idam
Theertha +ati*amA is said to ha!e brought bac* to life the husband of
a de!otee of Si!a and this e!ent is commemorated in a celebration
each year.
2hitra +ournami is celebrated here on a grand scale.
1/. Tiruchattamangai
This Si!a sthalam is located near Mayiladuturai.
The presiding deity is Aya!anteeswarar and the Ambal
Malar*annammai, )bayapushpa!ilochani
The sthala <ri*sham is Konrai and the Theertham Bhramma
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma worshipped Si!a here, hence the name
All of the !erses in SambandarGs pathigam here describe Si!aGs
manifestation as Ardhanareeswarar.
Aa!ani Moolam in the Tamil month of A!ani witnesses a lot of
festi!ities here
16. (agai*aronam
This Si!a sthalam is located in (agapattinam south of 2au!eri ,i!er.
The presiding deity is Ka!arohaneswarar and the Ambal
Karuntadan*anni, (eelayada*shi.
The sthala <ri*sham is Maamaram and the Theertham +undari*a
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam
The .ometa*a 9ingam representing Sundara <itan*ar was stolen in
the recent past.
9egend has it that +undari*a Muni!ar ascended to di!inity with his
mortal body, hence called Kaya Aarohanam. The name
(agappattinam is belie!ed to ha!e been deri!ed from the legend that
of Adiseshan worshipped Si!a here. AdiseshanGs daughter is belie!ed
to ha!e married Saaleeswaran, a de!otee of Si!a.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
1D. Si**al
This Si!a shetram is located in Si**al near (agappattinam.
The presiding deity is <enneipperumaan, (a!aneeteswarar and the
Ambal <elon Kanniyaal, Sa*tiyuda*shi
The sthala <ri*sham is Malli*ai and the Theertham Ksheera
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <asishta is said to ha!e prayed to Si!a to reco!er
his Kamadhenu, whose mil* flowed and froe to form butter.
Fashioning a 9ingam out of Butter @<enneippiranA, <asishtar !ainfully
tried to mo!e it, but it got stuc* at this shetram @Si**alA.
9egend also has it that <ishnu sought the blessings of Si!a before
!enturing out to the court of the demon *ing Mahabali, and there is a
Kola <aamana +erumaal shrine ad-acent to the temple.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai. During S*anda Sashti )tsa!am Singara!elar recei!es his <el
@SpearA from De!i,
1C. Kee!alur
This Si!a sthalam is near (agappattinam and the temple is built at an
ele!ation on the hilloc* *nown as 2hitra*ootagiri
The presiding deity is Kediliyappar, A*shayalingeswarar and the
Ambal <anamulaiamman, Sundara*uchambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is 'landai Maram @BadariA and the Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Subramanyar is belie!ed to ha!e created this
shrine for Si!a with the help of 'ndra and worshipped at this place. 't
is also belie!ed that Si!a is said to ha!e danced with his right foot
raised, for Agasthyar.
Kuberan is said to ha!e come here to help out a poor de!otee by
name 2handragupta.
This shrine has been glorified by Muthuswamy Dee*shitarGs *riti
A*shaya 9inga <ibho in the raga San*arabharanam.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
18. Tirutte!ur
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is De!a .urunathar, De!apureeswarar and the
Ambal +ann (ila!iya Mohiyumai, Madhura Bhashini
The sthala <ri*sham is <ahaimaram and the Theertham De!a
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brihaspati the .uru of the De!as worshipped Si!a
here> hence the deity is called De!agurunathar. .owtama Muni,
'ndra, Kubera and Surya are also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a
The annual festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month of <ai*asi
1E. +alliyin Mu*oodal
This Si!a shetram is located in <ir*udi near Mayiladuturai
The presiding deity is Mu**onanatheswarar and the Ambal is
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama offered worship here at +alliyinmu**oodal.
There is a ,amaswamy temple behind this Si!astalam.
17. Achaleswaram
Also *nown as Tiru!arur Araneri, this temple to Si!a is located in the
Southern +ra*aram of the grand Tyagara-a Temple at Tiru!arur, near
The presiding deity is Araneri Appar, Achaleswarar and the Ambal
<andaar*uhali, Achaleswari
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that (aminandi Adigal, one of the ED (ayanmars, *ept
the temple lamp burning with water, when oil was not a!ailable
The niche images here include those of Ardhanareeswarar, Durga,
Bhi*shanta*ar, Brahma, 9ingodbha!ar, Da*shinamurthy, Agastyar
and (atara-ar.
11. Tiru!arur
This Si!astalam is a huge temple of great historical and religious
significance and is considered to be one of the holiest of the 678
Sai!ite shrines. 't has the most number of hymns in the Tirumurai
The presiding deity is <eedhi <itan*ar, Tyagara-ar, Tirumoolattanar
and the Ambal Alliyan*othai, Kamalambi*a
The sthala theertham is Kamalalayam
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu worshipped Si!a in the form of
Somas*anthar: associated with the A-apa Dance
'ndra is belie!ed to ha!e as*ed Muchu*unda 2holan to pic* the
original image of Somas*andar worshipped by Maha!ishnu. The
image of Tyagara-ar is the foremost of the Se!en which. Muchu*unda
2holan is belie!ed to ha!e pic*ed and 'ndra is belie!ed to ha!e
rewarded him with all of the se!en images, which the latter installed
at se!en different places within his territory, and these temples
constitute the se!en <itan*astalams.
The e!ening worship ser!ice @Saayara*shaiA here is of great
Muthuswamy Dee*shithar, Tyagara-ar and Syama Sastri the trinity of
2arnatic Music were born in Tiru!arur. Dee*shithar in particular
composed se!eral Kritis addressed to Tyagara-ar, Kamalambi*a and
se!eral other deities in this temple.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is in the Tamil month of +an*uni. The
temple car is considered to be one of the biggest ta*en out in
procession The Tamil saying ;Tiru!arur Terahagu; spea*s of the
grandeur of the Aahitter,
1H. Aarurpara!aiumandali
This Si!a sthalam is located in Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Too!ai (ayanar and the Ambal +an-in
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Dur!asa muni is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped
here, and his image is seen near that of <inaya*ar. 't is also
belie!ed that Si!a swallowed the mighty deluge sent by <aruna, the
rain .od. Sundaramoorthy (ayanar is said to ha!e reco!ered his
eyesight after he too* bath in this templeGs tan*.
H0. <ilamar
This Si!a sthalam is located close to Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is +atan-ali Manoharar and the Ambal #aahinum
men mohiammai> Madhura Bhashini
The Theertham is Agni Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
+atan-ali and <yagrapadar, for whom Si!a pro!ided a !ision of the
cosmic dance at 2hidambaram, are said to ha!e worshipped here.
H/. Kara!eeram
This Si!a sthalam is located at Kara!eeram near Tiru!arur
The presiding deity is Alari!ananathar, Bhramapureeswarar and the
Ambal +ratya*sha (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Alarichedi and the Theertham Bhrama
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that .owtama Muni is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped
here. Brahma is also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped here and hence the
name Brahmapureeswarar.
H6. +eru!elur
This Si!a sthalam is located at Kattur Aiyanpettai near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is +iriyaada (athar, A!imu*teswarar and the
Ambal (irai*onda (aya*i, Abinnammbaal
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Sara!ana +oi*ai
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Subramanyar is said to ha!e worshipped here, and
<ishnu is said to ha!e prayed to Si!a to shed his Mohini form.
.owtama and Bhringi Munis are also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped
Si!a here
HD. Talaiyalan*adu
This Si!astalam is located close to Koda!asal near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Andal <alla!ar, (artanapureeswarar and the
Ambal Tirumadandaiammai, Balambi*a.
The Thertham is Shangu.
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e danced upon the body of
Muyala*an, sent by the sages of Dharu*a!anam @(artanapuriA.
Kapila Muni worshipped Si!a here to recei!e the 2hintamani gem. He
is said to ha!e wal*ed on his head to reach here 5hence
The annual brahmotsa!am festi!al is obser!ed in the Tamil month of
Thai here.
HC. Tiru**uda!aayil
This Si!a sthalam is located at Koda!asal near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Konanathan, Koneswarar and the Ambal
+eriyanaya*i, Bhrihannaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is <aahaimaram and the Theertham Amrita
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e appeared out of a pot @KudamA
and relie!ed Drinabandu Muni!ar of his leprosy.
't is belie!ed that when the great deluge submerged the earth,
<ishnu remained afloat in an earthen !essel that stretched from
Koda!asal to Kumbha*onam.
't is also belie!ed that a part of the celestial nectar Amritam
dropped here> hence a bath in the temple tan* here is considered
sacred, during the Mahamagam festi!al at Kumbha*onam.
Arudra Darisanam and Maasi Magam are the festi!als of significance
H8. Tirucherai
This Si!a sthalam also called )daiyar Koyil is located near
Kumba*onam and Koda!asal
The presiding deity is Senneriappar, .nana +arameswarar and the
Ambal .nana!alli
The Theertham is Mar*andeya Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Mar*andeyar and ,i!er 2au!ery are said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a in this shrine. Dowmya risih is also belie!ed to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here.
HE. Tirunaalurmayaanam
This Si!a shetram is located at Tirunaalur near Kumba*onam.
The +residing deity is +alaasa <anesar, .nanaparameswarar and the
Ambal +eriya (aya*i, .nanambi*a
The Theertham is 2handra Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Aapatsamba muni worshipped Si!a here.
H7. Kadu!aai*araiputtur
This Si!a shetram is located at Aandaan Ko!il near Kumbha*onam.
The presiding deity is Semponnnathar, Swarnapureesar and the
Ambal Si!ase*hari, Shi!ambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Kudamurutti
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a and +ar!ati chose this shrine as a resort, in
ac*nowledgement of its richness and fertility. The .anges appeared
here. +ar!ati worshipped Si!a with flowers, gold and with the waters
of the .anges. Hence the name Semponnnathar. Se!eral colorful
legends are associated with the glory of this shrine. Kasyapa Muni is
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here. The ri!er Kadu!aai is now
*nown as Kudamurutti.
The sunGs rays illuminate the sanctum of this small temple for a
three5day period in the Tamil month of 2hittirai
The annual festi!al is in the month of <ai*asi
H1. Tiru!irumpoolai.
This Si!a sthalam is located at Aalan*udi near Kumbha*onam.
The presiding deity is Aabatsa*aayar and the Ambal &la!aar

The Theertham is Amritha push*arini.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Da*shinamurthy is said to ha!e preached to the
De!as who ha!e swooned under the impact of the poison that came
out of the churning of the mil*y ocean. +ar!ati is said to ha!e been
reborn on the ban*s of Amrita +ush*arini and later on reunited with
Si!a. <iswamitrar is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Shi!a here.
There are shrines to Surya, .urumo*sheswarar, Somanathar,
Saptarishi nathar Someswarar, <ishnunathar and Bhrameesar, Kaasi
<iswanathar and <isala*shi.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
HH. Aradaiperumpaahi
This Si!a sthalam is located at Aridwaramangalam near
The presiding deity is +aataleswarar and the Ambal Alan*ara (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Brahma Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that a co!ered pit in front of the shrine is said to ha!e
been dug by <ishnu in his <araaha A!ataram and enraged by this
Si!a bro*e the horns of <araha Moorthy and wore it as an ornament.
9egends connected with <ishnuGs <araaha A!ataram are also
associated with the Si!astalam A!ali!anallur nearby
Karti*ai Deepam, 2hitra +ournami and +an*uni )thiram is the
festi!al celebrated here
/00. A!ali!anallur
This Shi!astalam is located in the !icinity of -aridwaraman#alam, near
The presiding deity is Saa*shi (aya*eswarar and the Ambal

The Theertham is 2handra +ush*arini
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
Both this temple and the one at Haridwaramangalam are associated
with the <araha A!ataram of <ishnu. 9egend has it that <ishnu in his
<araha!ataram after losing his horn worshipped Si!a here. Si!a is
said to ha!e played the role of a witness in settling a marital dispute
among his de!otees hence the name A!ali!alnallur.
Thai Ama!asai @(ew moon day in the month of 2apricornA is
celebrated here. 'n addition (a!aratri and S*anda Sashti are
celebrated each year.
/0/. +aridiniyamam
This Si!a sthalam is located near Kumba*onam.
The presiding deity is +aridiyappar, Bhas*areswarar and the Ambal

The Theertham is Surya Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Mar*andeyar is said to ha!e been blessed here on
the day of Margahi Tiru!adirai. There are legends associated with
King Sibi disco!ering this shrine by accident.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Tai +oosam, Masi Magam,
+an*uni )thiram, 2hitra +ournami, Aadi +ooram, Aa!ani Moolam,
(a!aratri and Deepa!ali are celebrated here.
/06. Tiru!enniyur @Koyil <enniA
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Aalan*udi @.urustalamA
and Tiruppoo!anur @+ushpa!anamA near (eedamangalam.
The presiding deity is <enni**arumbar and the Ambl Ahagiya
The sthala !ri*sham is Karumbu
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is belie!ed to ha!e blessed 'ndra.
This well laid out temple enshrines a Si!alingam with mar*s
resembling those of the sugarcane
/0D. Tiruppoo!anur
This Shi!astalam is located in the !icinity of Aalan*udi and Koyil
!enni near (eedamangalam
The presiding deity is +ushpa!aneswarar and the Ambal +ushpa!ana
The sthala !ri*sham is +alaamaram and the Theertham Karun*uhi
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati who was born as the ,a-a ,a-es!ari
daughter of a *ing in Tirunel!eli, and 2hamundeswari one of the
Sapta Maatas is said to ha!e raised ,a-a ,a-eswari. Si!a who had
come in the guise of a Sidhhar and defeated +ar!ati in a game of
2haturangam and married her, hence the name 2haturanga
A Tenday festi!al is celebrated in the month of 2hittirai.
/0C. +aadaaleeswaram
This Si!astalam is located in the Tiruppaambani area of the town of
The presiding deity is (aganathar, Sarpapureeswarar and the Ambal
Amrita (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Mango and the Theertham (aaga Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
Aadi Seshan is said to ha!e worshipped here, hence the names
+aambani for the shrine, and Sarpapureeswarar for Si!a. Dhanan-aya
muni!ar whose form resembled that of +atan-ali is also belie!ed to
ha!e worshipped here. The ri!er in the !icinity is also *nown as
The annual Brahmotsa!am is held in the Tamil month of <ai*asi
/08. Tiru**alar
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Kalarmulainathar and the Ambal Ahageswari.
The sthala !ri*sham is +a!alamalli and the Theertham Dur!asa
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that (atara-ar is said to ha!e blessed Dur!asar with a
!ision of the cosmic dance. The latterGs image is seen facing
(atara-ar here. +arasarar is also belie!ed to ha!e worshipped here.
A lofty ,a-agopuram @/80 feetA adorns the entrance to this temple
and the <alampuri <inaya*ar and the Subramanyar shrines are also
of significance here
/0E. Tiruchitremam
This Si!astalam is located close to Alattampadi near Tiru!arur
The presiding deity is +on <aitha (athar, Madhupureeswarar and the
Ambal Ahagiya Sornam, A*ilanda (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Aathi and the Theertham Swarna +ush*arini
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e blessed a destitute woman
with a piece of gold each day, hence +on <aitta (athar.
A group of Sidhas are said to ha!e assumed the form of bees and
worshipped Si!a> there is a beehi!e to the south of the deity.
$orship is offered to the beehi!e.
/07. Tiru )saattaanam
The Si!a sthalam is at Ko!iloor near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is )saattaanamudaiya (aayanaar,
Mantrapureeswarar and the Ambal +eriyanaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Maamaram
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama along with 9a*shmana, Bamba!an,
Sugree!an and Hanuman worshipped here on his way to Sri 9an*a. A
white colored Shi!alingam occupies the sanctum.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the month of 2hittirai.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Aani Tiruman-anam, Aadi
+ooram, Aa!ani Moolam, (a!aratri, S*anda Sashti are also
celebrated here.
/01. Tiruidumba!anam
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Sargunanatheswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
.atot*achan is said to ha!e been born @to Bhima and HidambiA here
and the temple theertham is said to ha!e been created by Bheema
with his mace. Kunraloor nearby is belie!ed to he HidumbanGs
capital. 9egend has it that Si!a granted a !ision of the di!ine
marriage to Agasthyar, and as in <edaranyam, a panel depicting Si!a
and +ar!ati adorns the sanctum wall behind the Si!alingam.
't is belie!ed that Sambandar tre**ed his way to this temple for a
distance of about four miles, on his hands, as he had a !ision of
Si!alingams co!ering the entire path.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the month of <ai*asi
/0H. Kaddi*ulam
This shrine is located near Tillai!ilaa*am Karpaganaar Ko!il close to
The presiding deity is Karpaga (aathar and the Ambal Soundara
The Theertham is <inaya*a Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Karpaga <inaya*ar prayed to Si!a and obtained
the celestial
Mango fruit of *nowledge here. The <inaya*ar shrine here is of great
Thai +oosam and +anguni )thiram are celebrated annually.
//0. Tandalaineeneri
This Shi!astalam is in the !icinity of Tirutturaippundi near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is (eeneri (aathar, Sthira Budheeswarar and the
Ambal .nanambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is Kurunda Maram and the Theertham ;ma*a
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has that Si!a is said to ha!e 3uelled Koorma @A!ataram of
<ishnuA, and used its shell as an ornament here. Ari!aattaya (ayanar
is associated with this shrine
S*anda Sashti is celebrated in the month of Aippasi.
///. Kottur
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of Tiru**alar, near
The presiding deity is Kohuntheesar and the Ambal
Thenmohippa!ai, Madhura!achanambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Agasthya (adhi
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the De!as are belie!ed to ha!e worshipped here.
An image of Ardhanareeswarar can be seen on the Si!alingam when
it is bathed with mil*, during festi!al days such as Maasi Magam
//6. <anduturai
This Si!astalam is located near Mannargudi
The presiding deity is <anduturai (athar, Bhramarapureeswarar and
the Ambal <enedun*anniyammai
The Theertham is Agasthya Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
Bhringi Muni!ar is said to ha!e assumed the form of a bee and
worshipped here, hence the name <anduturai
//D. Tiru**ollampudur
This Si!a sthalam is located at Selloor @Tiru**alamburA near
The presiding deity is <il!a!aneswarar and the Ambal
The Sthala !ri*sham is Konrai and the Theertham is Brahma
Sambandar has composed the +athigam
9egend has it that The <il!a trees are said to represent splashes of
the celestial nectar Amritam, and this stalam is considered on par
with Banares. Sundarar is belie!ed to ha!e floated across the ri!er to
this temple on a raft on the ri!er in spate, singing a +athigam. This
e!ent is celebrated as a festi!al in the monsoon month of 9ibra. The
A!imu*teswarar temple nearby is also associated with this legend as
is the Si!astalam at Koda!asal. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Dur!asa
Muni with a !ision of the 2osmic Dance here.
Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Si!aratri, S*anda Sashti are
some of the festi!als celebrated here.
//C. +ereyil
This Si!astalam is located south of Kuhi**arai near Than-a!ur.
The presiding deity is Sidhi (athar, Bagadeeswarar @<iswanatharA
and the Ambal +eriya (aya*i, Bagannaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is (aarathai Maram and the Theertham Agni
Appar composed the +athigam.
Appar glorified this small shrine @;gaippereyilA in a pathigam of his
in Tiru**urunto*ai. Si!a is said to ha!e blessed De!as at this
The (atara-ar image here is said to be of great beauty. Four worship
ser!ices are offered here each day. Karti*ai Deepam and Tamil (ew
#ears day are celebrated here.
//8. Tiru**olli**adu
This Si!astalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Thee!annanathar, Agneeswararand the Ambal
+an-inu melladiammai.
The Theertham is Agni Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Agni is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a.
The shrine for Saneeswarar is of significance here.
//E. Ten*oor
This Si!a shetram is at <ellimalai near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is <ellimalai (athar, ,a-atagireeswarar and the
Ambal +eriya naya*i The Theertham is Si!agangai
Appar composed the +athigam.

9egend has it that the (a!agrahams and 9a*shmi worshipped Shi!a
here. Shi!aGs shrine is located in front of 9a*shmiGs. Asura .uru
Su*racharyar is belie!ed to ha!e regained his eyesight after
worshipping Si!a here.
The Shi!a .anga tan* is located to the north of the temple.

//7. Tirunelli**a
This Si!asthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is (elli!ananthewsarar, Amala*a!aneswar and
the Ambal Mangalanaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is (ellai and the Theertham Brahma Theertham.
Sundarar composed the +athi*am.
9egend has it that Si!a blessed Dur!asa Muni and enabled the Muni
to shed his short temperedness.
9egend also has it that <ishnu, 2handra, Saneeswaran, Surya and
Bhrama worshipped here. Hence the names Arunaapuram and
Bhramatheertham. 't is also belie!ed that a .andhar!a worshipped
Si!a here and was relie!ed of his leprosy, and hence the name
The Bhrammotsa!am is celebrated in the month of 2hittirai.
//1. Tirunatyattan*udi
This si!asthalam is located at +ala**urichi near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Mani**a!annar, ,atnapureeswarar and the
Ambal Maamalarmangai> ,atnapureeswari
The sthala !ri*sham is Maa!ilangamaram and the Theertham Surya
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
't is belie!ed that Si!a settled the assets of ,atnendra 2hola and his
father here and hence the name ,atneswarar. The name
Karinatheswarar stems from the worship offered by an elephant
here. Kai Kattu <ina%aar is said to ha!e pointed out Si!a and +ar!ati
in disguise, to Sundarar. Kotpuli (ayanar is associated with this
shrine and his association is commemorated each year in the month
of Aadi.
The (ada!u )tsa!am in the month of Aadi is of importance here.
//H. Tiru**aaraayil
This Si!astalam @Tiru**aarai!aasalA is regarded as of the
Sapta<itan*a temples> housing shrines to Tyagara-a and located near
The presiding deity is Kannayira (atheswarar, Tyagara-ar @Aadi
<itan*arA and the Ambal Kailaya (aya*i
The Theertham is 'ndra Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
'ndra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a on a full moon night in the
month of <irgo. 't is belie!ed that Kadu**aai +illaiyaar here,
transformed a traderGs cargo of nutmeg into Kadu**aai and then
bac* to Kadu**aai,
Tyagara-ar here is *nown as Aadi <itan*ar and is associated with the
Ku**uta (atanam dance
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month
of <ai*asi.
/60. Kanraappur
This Si!asthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is (aduthariappar, <atsanathar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is Kalpanaimaram and the Theertham .nana
Appar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is said to ha!e accepted worship from a de!out woman to a
fi:ture used to tie cal!es in the cattle shed, since her family members
ob-ected to her religious faith and barred her from worshipping a
linga. Hence the name Kanraappu. Hidimba is said to ha!e
worshipped here.
The annual Bhrammotsa!am is held in the month of <ai*asi
/6/. Tiru <ali!alam
This si!asthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Manattunai (athar, Hridaya Kamalanathar and
the Ambal Maahaiyon*anni
The sthala !ri*sham is +unnai and the Theertham 2ha*ra Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
A blac* sparrow @<aliyanA is said to ha!e circumambulated the
shrine, hence the name <ali!alam. Surya is said to ha!e worshipped
here and the wheels of his chariot are belie!ed to ha!e created the
2ha*ra Theertham moat.
The annual Brahmotsa!am conducted in the month of 2hittirai
concludes with the float festi!al in the 2ha*ra Theertham.
/66. Kaichinam
This Si!a sthalam is located at Tirunelli**a near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Karachinneswarar, Hrudaya Kamala (athar and
the Ambal <el!alaiyammai, Matsayada*shi
The sthala !ri*sham is Kon*ila!u and the Theertham 'ndra
Appar composed the +athigam.
'ndra, the *ing of the De!as is belie!ed to ha!e worshiped here and
is said to ha!e been relie!ed of his afflictions. Finger imprints said to
be that of 'ndra are seen on the Si!alingam made of earth and hence
the name Kaichinnam. Drinabindu muni is belie!ed to ha!e
worshipped here. Agastyar is also said to ha!e been blessed here
Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the month of <ai*asi while Arudra
Darisanam, +anguni )thiram, S*anda Sashti and (a!aratri are the
other festi!als celebrated through the year.
/6D. Tiru**olili
This Si!asthalam is located at Tiru**u!alai near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Sundareswarar, Thyagara-ar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Brahma Theertham.
Sambandar, appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
Brahma is said to ha!e worshipped here prior to commencing the act
of creation, hence Brahma Tapo!anam, Bhramapureeswarar. Since
the sins of the nine celestial bodies @KolA were forgi!en here, the
name Tiru**olili came into being. The (a!agrahas are enshrined in a
straight row here as in Tiru!arur.
An aged de!otee from Kundaiyur intent upon tra!elling to Madurai
was blessed with a !ision of Meena*shi and Sundareswarar here.
Sundarar was blessed with rice grains here and this !ast supply of
grains was, by the grace of the presiding deity, miraculously
transported toTiru!arur. This is commemorated in the Maasi Magam
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the month of <ai*asi,
while the Sundarar )tsa!am is conducted on the day of Maasi
/6C. Tiru!aimur
This si!asthlam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is <aimurnathar and the Ambal +aalinum (an
mohiammai, Ksheeropa!achani
The sthala !ri*sham is +alaamaram and the Theertham Surya
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
Surya is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a and the suns rays stri*e the
sanctum on two days in the Tamil month of +an*uni.
The /15day <asantotsa!am in the month of <ai*asi is of great
significance here.
/68. Tirumarai**aadu
This si!asthalam is located at <edaranyam near (agappattinam.
The presiding deity is Marai**aadanaar, <edaranyar and the Ambal
+anmohi Ammai
The sthala !ri*sham is +unnai and the Theertham Mani*arni*a
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that ,ama attempted to build a bridge to Sri 9an*a
from <edaranyam first and was directed by Si!a to proceed to
,ameswaram to build a bridge from there on. ,ama is said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a at this shetram on his !ictorious return to Ayodhya.
Brahma is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a prior to commencing his
wor* of creation. <iswamitrar worshipped Si!a to wor* his way
towards the status of Brahmarishi. Agastyar was blessed with a
!ision of the di!ine marriage here. The doors of the temple that had
remained shut for ages, reopened when Appar composed his
+athigam and shut themsel!es upon SambandarJs re3uest with a
+athigam. The +anda!as are belie!ed to ha!e installed the +ancha
9ingams here.
,ama worshiped <eerahatti <inaya*ar here. Sundarar !isited this
shrine with 2heraman +erumaal and Sambandar with Appar.
There is an image of )ma Maheswarar behind the Shi!alingam in the
/6E. Tiru Agathiyaanpalli
This si!asthalam is located at <edaranyam near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Agastheeswarar and the Ambal
Baagampiriyaal, Soundaranaya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Agathi and the Theertham Agni Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Agastyar witnessed the di!ine marriage of Si!a
and +ar!ati here. 'nterestingly, the same legend is associated with
the Tyagara-ar temple at <edaranyam where a panel depicting the
di!ine marriage is seen behind the Si!alingam in the sanctum. 't is
belie!ed that Agasthyar built his hermitage here, and tre**ed up to
<edaranyam each day. Si!a here is also *nown as Agnipureeswarar.
/67. Kodi**arai
This si!asthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is Amrita .hateswarar and the Ambal Maiyar
The Theertham is Amritha Theertham
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the celestial nectar from the Mil*y ;cean, carried
by <ayu, fell at this spot and assumed the form of a Si!alingam,
hence Amritaghateswarar.
,ama is said to ha!e sighted Sri 9an*a from here, and what is
belie!ed to be his footprint is preser!ed nearby.
/61. Tiru!idai!ai
This si!asthalam is located near Tiru!arur.
The presiding deity is +unya*oti (athar and the Ambal Abhirami
The Theertham is +unya*oti Theertham
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <idaiya!an, of the Surya !amsam, originally built
this temple, and that Shi!a was worshipped by Aadiseshan,
Agasthyar and Atri.
This Si!astalam is a shrine added later on to the collection of 67C
Si!astalams during this century. @Most references point only to 67C
Te!ara +aadal +etra StalamsA. The Te!aram hymns dedicated to this
shrine were found in the temple inscriptions and are hence not a part
of the original collection of the Tirumurais compiled by !am'i%andar
!am'i. The pathigam here is referred to as Puthi%a Pathigam.
Appar refers to this shrine as <idai!ai**udi in his
&eha (aadu 5 Sri 9an*a @6 TemplesA
/. Tiru**onamalai
Known as Da*shina*ailasam, this Si!a sthalam is situated in
Tiru*onamalai near Talaimannar in Sri 9an*a. This is one of the
+aadal +etra Stalams. This ancient temple faced destruction during
the +ortuguese regimen.
The presiding deity is Koneswarar and the Ambal is
The Theertham is Kona Theertham
According to the Stala puranam Si!a is belie!ed to ha!e been
worshipped by 'ndra at this shetram.
Sambandar has sung the (ayanmaars +athigam from ,ameswaram
across the ocean.
$orship ser!ices are offered at a roc*, on the coast. Singai
Bagaraa-ase*harar a monarch of Sri 9an*a has composed the
Da*shina Kailasa +uraanam in praise of Tiru**onamalai.
Si!arathri is celebrated on a grand scale.
6. Tiru**etheeswaram
This Si!a sthalam is situated in Tiru**etheswaram near Talaimannar
in Sri 9an*a.
The presiding deity is Ketheeswarar and the Ambal is .owri.
The Theertham is .owri Theertham

Kethu, and Brighu Muni are belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this
shrine. This shrine later fell into destruction during the +ortuguese
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam on this shetram.
Although this shrine has not been !isited by the (ayanmars,
Sambandar and Sundarar sang its praises from ,ameswaram on the
other side of the ocean.
Si!aratri and S*anda shasti are celebrated on a grand scale.
+andya (aadu @/C TemplesA

/. Aala!aai @MaduraiA
The Madurai Meena*shi Sundareswarar temple is one of the greatest
Si!a temples.
The presiding deity is 2ho**anathar, Sundareswarar and the Ambal
An*ayar*anni, Meena*shi
The sthala !ri*sham is Kadambamaram and the Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e been worshipped by 'ndra in
the Kadamba!ana forest and hence SundareswararGs !imanam at this
shetram is *nown as 'ndra <imanam. 9egend has it that Meena*shi
@+ar!atiA re5born as the daughter of Malayadwa-a +andyan married
Si!a @born as Soundara +andyanA here. Together Si!a @Soundara
+andyanA and Meena*shi are said to ha!e ruled o!er Madurai. There
are se!eral legends surrounding this temple.
9egend has it, that the di!ine nectar falling from 9ord Si!aGs loc*s,
ga!e the city its name GMadhurapuriG, now *nown as =Madurai=.
This temple is a treasure house of architectural beauty built by the
(aya* ,ulers, and has se!eral towers and Mandapams. The four tall
gopurams stand on the massi!e outer walls of the temple, one on
each side. ;ut of them the Southern .opuram is the tallest. Besides
these, there are four smaller gopurams. The temple tan*
+otramarai*ulam is located inside the temple and is closely
associated with the legendary Tamil literary institution *nown as the
Sangam. There are two specimens of ingenious Pmusical pillarsJ in
the Ayiran**al Mandapam. &ach musical pillar has a central column
surrounded by groups of slender columns chiseled from the same
stone. &ach of these thin pillars when struc* produces different
musical notes.
During the 2hittirai Tiru!iha @Apr /85May /8A the entire city ta*es
on a festi!e loo* when Meena*shi and Sundareswarar are ta*en in
colorful processions and the di!ine marriage and the coronation are
enacted. The float festi!al here is also of great importance.
6. Aappudaiyaar Ko!il
This temple is located close to Meena*shi Sundareswarar temple at
The presiding deity is Aappudaiyar, ,ishabeswarar and the Ambal
Kura!an*amahum Kuhalammai, Sugandha Kudalambal.
The Theertham is ,ishaba Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam on this shetram.
9egend has it that GAappuG 5 a wedge that was mista*enly worshipped
as a Si!alingam by a +andya ruler is said to ha!e transformed
miraculously into a Si!alingam and thus it gained the name
GAappudaiyaarG. Si!a is also belie!ed to ha!e turned the grains of
sand in the ri!er into rice during the time of a debilitating famine,
and hence the deity is also called Anna 9ingeswarar.
Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of Maasi.
'mages of Meena*shi and Sundareswarar are brought to this temple
during +anguni )ththiram.
D. Tirupparan*unram
This Si!a sthalam is located near Madurai.The most important of the
si: +adai <eedu temples of Murugan, where he dwelled before
!an3uishing the demon Soorapadman is Tirupparan*unram
The presiding deity is +arangirinathar and the Ambal Aa!udai (aya*i.
The Theertham is Sara!ana +oi*ai.
Sundarar and Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Subramanyar is said to ha!e married De!asena
@De!anaiA here, and is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a 5
The main shrine is an early roc* cut temple while the other
structures date to the (aya* period. An Aasthaana Mandapam with
se!eral artistically car!ed pillars lead one to the towering /80 feet
high ,a-agopuram at the entrance. The Kambathadi Mandapam,
Ardha Mandapam and Mahamandapam are situated at different
le!els. 2ells in the main wall house the sanctums of Subramanya,
Durga, <inaya*ar, Shi!a and <ishnu.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls in the Tamil month of +anguni.
S*anda Sashti, the ten5day Karti*ai festi!al, <ai*asi <isa*am, and the
float festi!al in Thai are other celebrations here.
C. Tiru!eda*am?
This Si!astalam lies on the ban*s of the ri!er <aigai, close to
The presiding deity is &da*anatheswarar and the Ambal
&la!aar*uhali, Sugandha Kundalambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Bhrama Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that .aruda, Adiseshan and <ishnu are belie!ed to
ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shetram. SambandarGs pathigam on a
palm leaf @&duA is said to ha!e gone against the current of <aigai and
settled here and responding to the prayers of Sambandar,
G<aadu!enra <inaaya*ar% at this shetram is said to ha!e stopped the
mo!ement of the palm leaf in the guise of a fish.
SambandarGs miracle is celebrated as G&du &thireriya )tsa!amG in the
Tamil month of <ai*asi. ;ther festi!als include <inaya*a 2haturthi,
Aadi +ooram, (a!aratri, Aippasi +ournami, S*anda Sashti, Karti*ai
Deepam, Arudra Darisanam, Tai +oosam, Maasi Magam, +anguni
)ththiram and <ai*asi <isa*am.
8. Tiru**odun*unram
This Si!astalam is located at +iranmalai near Tirupputtur.
The presiding deity is Kodun*unranathar, )gragireeswarar and the
Ambal Kuyilamritanaya*i.
The sthala !ri*sham is )rangaappuli and the Theertham Madhu
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is belie!ed to ha!e re!ealed a !ision of his
marriage with +ar!ati to Agasthya Muni. Brahma, Saraswathi,
Subramanya and (andi are belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
+iraanmalai is said to be a bloc* of Mount Meru, which got blown off
during a fierce tussle between the serpent *ing Aadiseshan and the
wind .od <aayu. Since this hill is in the form of a Si!alingam, it is
also called +rachandragiri and Katoragiri.
There are three shrines in this temple representing the states of
Bhumi, Antari*sham and Swargam.
The )gra Bhaira!ar Shrine here witnesses a special festi!al in the
Tamil month of Thai, and the Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the
month of 2hittirai.
E. Tirupputhur
This Si!a sthalam is located near Karai**udi.
The presiding deity is Tiruttalinathar, Sreetalinathar and the Ambal
Si!a*ami, Soundarya (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Konrai and the Theertham .aruda Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e re!ealed a !ision of the 2osmic
Dance to 9a*shmi @.owri Tanda!amA at this shetram. The concept of
+rana!am 5 that Si!a and +rana!am were one and the same is said to
ha!e been realied here and manifested itself as the Konrai Maram.
Agasthyar, <almi*i, Bayanthan the son of De!endran are said to ha!e
worshipped here.
The Kunna**udi5Tiru!annamalai Aadheenam manages this temple.
<inaya*a 2haturthi, (a!aratri, Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam
and <ai*asi <isaa*am are celebrated here in addition to the Bayantan
Festi!al celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai.
7. Tiruppuna!ayil
This Shi!astalam is located on the seashore near +udu**otai.
The presiding deity is +ahampati (athar and the Ambal Karunai
The Theertham is Brahma Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma, 9a*shmi and the four <edas worshipped
Si!a here.
All the /C shrines in the +andya Kingdom are said to manifest
themsel!es at this shetram.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is conducted in the Tamil month of
1. ,ameswaram

This island5temple town is located off of the Sethu coast of
This Si!astalam is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in
'ndia. 't represents one of the twel!e Byotirlingams, and is an
important pilgrimage center.
The presiding deity is ,amanathaswamy and the Ambal
Malai!alar*aadali, +ar!atha!arthini.
The Theertham is Dhanus*oti.
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
This temple is associated closely with ,amayana and ,amaGs
!ictorious return from Sri 9an*a.
9egend has it that ,ama while returning to Ayodhya, desiring to
worship Si!a at this shetram, as*ed -anuman to bring an image of
<iswanathar from Benares. Anticipating delay in HanumanGs return,
,ama at the pre5chosen auspicious moment is said to ha!e offered
worship to a Si!alingam fashioned out of earth by Sita. This lingam is
referred to as ,amalingam and the town gained its name as
The Si!a lingam of Kasi <iswanathar, said to ha!e been brought later
by Hanuman from Banares, is also installed in this temple and is
referred to as Kasilingam and Hanumalingam. Traditionally prayers
are offered first to Kasilingam before they are offered to
9egend also has it that ,ama worshipped Tila*eswarar at .evipa&nam
nearby, enroute to Sri 9an*a.
There is also a shrine to Sethu Madha!a, also called Sweta Madha!a
and 9a*shmi in ,ameswaram. The term Sweta refer to the white
stone with which the image is made.
The .andamadana par!atam is a hill on the island, which bears a
small shrine containing imprints of ,amaGs feet and is held in
worship. 't is belie!ed that after his !ictorious return ,ama from the
hilltop destroyed the bridge, which he had built between the island
and Srilan*a,
This temple, spread o!er an area of /8 acres, has lofty gopurams,
massi!e walls and a colossal (andi. The stuccoes image of (andi is
about /1 feet tall and 66 feet in length. ,ameswaram also boasts of a
C000 feet long pillared corridor with o!er C000 pillars, and this is
supposed to be the longest in the world. The car!ed granite pillars
are mounted on a raised platform. $hat is uni3ue about this corridor
is that the roc* is not indigenous to the island and it was brought in
from the main land across the sea. The e:isting temple was built by
+ara*rama Bahu of Sri 9an*a, and was completed by the Setupathy
rulers of ,amanathapuram.
There are DE Theerthams in ,ameswaram of which 66 are in the
temple and these waters are said to possess medicinal properties, as
well religious sanctity. The Agni theertham refers to the ocean while
the Koti theertham is located within the temple itself.
Two annual Brahmotsa!ams are celebrated in the Tamil months of
Aadi and Maasi.
H. Tiru!aadaanai
This Shi!astalam is a !ast temple at Tiru!aadanai near De!a**ottai.
The presiding deity is Aadaanainathar, Aadi ,atneswarar and the
Ambal Anbayiammai, Sneha!alli
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Surya Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <aaruni, the son of <aruna who was cursed by a
Sage to ha!e an elephantGs body and a goatGs head, regained his
normal form after worshipping Si!a at this shetram. Surya is said to
ha!e worshipped a blue diamond image of Si!a here.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is held in the Tamil month of <ai*asi while
the annual festi!al for Ambal is held in the month of Aadi
/0. Tiru**aanapper
This Si!a sthalam is located at Kaalayar Ko!il near Si!aganga.
The presiding deity is Kaalaiyeesar, Sundareswarar and the Ambal
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athig*am.
9egend has it that +ar!ati was cursed to attain the form of the dar*
Kaali when she *illed the demon 2handasuran. By offering prayers to
Si!a at this shetram, +ar!ati got relie!ed from the curse. Shi!a is
then said to ha!e married her here, and ta*en on the name
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of

//. Tiruppoo!anam
This shrine is located closer to Madurai.
The presiding deity is +oo!ana (athar, Bhas*arapureeswarar and the
Ambal+oo!ana (aya*i, Sundara (aya*i.
The sthala <ri*sham is +alaamaram and the Theertham <aigai
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Surya and .oddess 9a*shmi worshipped
Somas*andar here. Sambandar upon !iewing each grain of sand as a
Si!alingam refused to set foot in the temple for the fear of trampling
on them. , To gi!e Darsan to Sambandar standing outside the shrine,
Si!a is said to ha!e directed (andi to mo!e aside.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls during the Tamil month of +anguni.
;ther festi!als here include Aadi +ooram, (a!aratri, Arudra
Darisanam, and Karti*ai Deepam.
/6. Tiruchuhial
This is one of the re!ered Si!astalams near Manamadurai.
The presiding deity is Tirumeni (athar, Bhoominathar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is +unni and the Theertham Kau!ai**adal.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e meditated upon Si!a,
see*ing his hand in marriage and this e!ent is commemorated in the
Amman Tapas )tsa!am in the Tamil month of Aadi.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is in the Tamil month of +anguni.

/D. Kutralam
This Si!a sthalam is located near Tirunel!eli. Kutralam is a popular
tourist resort *nown for its waterfalls, amidst pictures3ue
The presiding deity is Kurumpala!eesar, Kutrala (athar and the
Amman Kuhal!aaimohiammai.
The sthala !ri*sham is Kurum +alaa and the Theertham 2hitranadhi
Saambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that at the re3uest of Si!a, Agastyar proceeded
southwards to stabilie the balance of earth, and relie!e it from the
instability resulting from the presence of a multitude of entities at
Si!a and +ar!atiJs wedding in the Himalayas. To ha!e a glimpse of
the di!ine couple, Agastyar is said to ha!e created a Si!alingam at
this shetram by shrin*ing an image of <ishnu, hence the name
The 2hitra Sabhai or the hall of pictures, which resembles that of the
other (atara-a Sabhas, is located away from the main temple, and its
interior is dec*ed with hundreds of murals, depicting images from
the 'ndian epics.
Arudra Darisanam is celebrated in the 2hitrasabha, and the Taanda!a
Deepa Aradhanai carried out at that time is of significance here. 'n
the annual festi!al Si!a appears as Brahma, <ishnu, ,udra, &swara,
Sadasi!a and Subramanya.
/C. Tirunel!eli
This Si!astalam located in Tirunel!eli Town, is a !ast temple with
sprawling mandapams dec*ed with life5sied images. 't is one of the
most beautiful temples in 'ndia and is hailed as one of the fi!e
+ancha Sabhas of (atara-a housing Tamra
The presiding deity is (ellaiyappar, <enu!aneswarar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is Moongil and the Theertham Tambraparni.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a protected the food grains collected for
worship at the temple from floods of the ri!er Tamaraparani, by a
fence and hence the name "(el <eli%. Agasthyar and <ishnu are said
to ha!e worshipped here.
This temple combines two comple: structures of the temples for
(ellaiappar and Kantimati lin*ed by the Sangili Mandapam, which
has se!eral lifesied sculptures adorning the pillars. The ;on-al
Mandapam and the /0005pillared hall are of great beauty.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Aani.
Malai Naadu - Kerala (1 Temple)
/. Thiru!anchi**alam
Tiru An-ai**alam is located in the !icinity of Kodungallur, near
Thrissur. Kodungallur is well *nown for its famed temple to
Bhagawati. This is the only Si!astalam in Kerala, which has been
sung by the (ayanmars.
The presiding deity is <anchi*uleswarar, An-ai**alathappar and the
Ambal )ma De!i, )maiammai.
Sundarar composed the (ayanmars +athigam
9egend has it that Si!a has gi!en the !ision with +ar!ati and blessed
Sundarar at this shetram.
2heraman +erumal, one of the ED (ayanmars and a great friend of
Sundaramoorthy (ayanar is said to ha!e ruled with Kodungallur as
his capital. Sundarar and 2heraman +erumal (ayanar are said to
ha!e left for Kailasam from here.
The festi!al during the Tamil month of Adi @Adi SwathiA
commemorates SundararGs association with the temple.

The sanctum is in the form of a chariot. 'n *eeping with the Kerala
architectural style, this temple has a conical copper plated <imanam,
a namas*ara mandapam, and gopura dwarams on the east and the
western direction. 2heraman +erumalGs image is car!ed on the
temple walls and there is a memorial to him nearby. The
Da*shinamurthy idol in this temple faces the &ast.
Kongu (aadu @E TemplesA
/. A!inashi
This shetram is located at A!inashi near 2oimbatore. The word
A!inashi means that which is indestructible. This is one of the 7
Shi!astalams in Kongu (adu. This temple is also *nown as
Karunaiyaathaal temple. A!inashi is referred to as Da*shina
<aranasi, Tiruppu**ohiyur etc. TirumularGs Tirumantiram,
The presiding deity is A!inashi &swarar, Kediliyappar and the Ambal
The sthala <risham is +aatiri and the Theertham is 'ra!ata
Theertham: Kasi .angai Theertham
The (ayanmars +athigam is composed by Sundarar
Sundaramoorthy (ayanar on his way to Tiru!anchi*ulam is said to
ha!e miraculously rescued a boy from the clutches of a crocodile, at
Tamarai**ulam close by. This e!ent is commemorated during the
GMudalai <aai +illaiG )tsa!am during +anguni )ththiram. There is a
shrine to Sundarar on the shore of the Tamarai**ulam.
The Kasi .angai Theertham 5 in the form of a well in the temple is
considered to be of significance. There is a shrine for Kaalabhaira!ar
and is being worshipped here with the offerings of <adai Maalai.
This temple has two pra*arams and the (a!aranga Mandapam in the
inner pra*aram has intricate sculptural wor*. The large (andi here,
and the car!ed image of a scorpion in the Ambal sanctum are of
significance. This temple is a protected monument under the
Archeological sur!ey of 'ndia.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai. The 2ar festi!al attracts large crowd.
6. Tirumuruganpoondi
This Si!a sthalam is located close to Tiruppur and is one of the se!en
Si!astalams in Kongu (adu.
The presiding deity is Muruga (atheswarar, S*anda (atheswarar and
the Ambal Muyangu +oon Mulaiyammai, 9ingabhooshana Stananbi*a
The stala !ri*sham is Mullai and the Theertham is Subramanya
The +athigam is composed by Sundarar
9ord Subramanyar is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here after his
heroic Surasamharam. Dur!asar is said to ha!e brought the Mullai
tree 4 the stala !ri*sham from Karpa*a 9o*am. 't is belie!ed that
worshipping the deity at this shetram relie!es those with mental
Sundarar and 2heraman +erumal upon arri!ing here lost their wealth
to a group of bandits. )pon singing his pathigam Sundarar reco!ered
the lost wealth. There are two images of Sundarar here depicting his
state of mind prior to and after the incident.
The Maadeswarar 5 Mangalambi*a temple nearby is considered to be
the original Tirumuruganpoondy temple. A large (andi 5 !isible from
a distance substitutes the traditional gopuram in a mandapam
situated in front of the shrine. (atara-arGs tanda!am here is
attributed as Brahma Tanda!am.
The annual Brahmotsa!am falls in the Tamil month of Maasi Brahma
Tanda!am is the feature of the /0th day of the festi!al. ;ther
festi!als obser!ed here are Arudra Darisanam, Karti*ai Deepam,
<inaya*a 2haturthi and S*anda Sashti.
D. Tiru (ana
This Si!astalam at Bha!ani near &rode, in Kongu (aadu, is a shrine at
the confluence of Bha!ani, 2au!eri and Amruta!ahini ri!ers 5
The presiding deity is Sangameswarar and the Ambal +annaar
Mohiyaal, <edanaya*i
The stala !risham is 'landai and the Theertham is Bha!ani5Ka!eri
The (ayanmars pathigam is composed by Sambandar
Kuberan, ,ama, Ar-una, <iswamitrar and +arasarar are said to ha!e
worshipped here. 9egend goes that the remnants of the celestial
nectar which came out of the mil*y ocean was buried here by
+arasarar> and the same turned into a Si!alingam.
A shrine to Subramanyar is situated between the shrines of Si!a and
Ambal. There is a beautiful i!ory palan3uin gifted by a &uropean
collector in the /Hth century, which is being used during the temple
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Aadi.
't is belie!ed that no e!il will befall those who !isit this shetram 5
=Teemai nannaa oor%5 hence Tirunanaa.
The fi!e hill shrines of this area such as San*agiri, Tiruchengode,
+admagiri, Mangalagiri and <edagiri surround this shrine.
C. Kodimaadachen*unroor
This Si!a shetram is in Tiruchengode in the !icinity of &rode and
Salem in Kongunaadu. This is an ancient temple mentioned in the
Tamil wor* Silappadi*aram as "(edu!el*unru%. There is a motorable
road to the hill temple and the red colour of the hill caused the name
Ardhanareeswarar 5 one of the EC manifestations of Shi!a,
representing the unity of Si!a and +ar!ati, is enshrined in this
re!ered hill temple of great significance.
The presiding deity is Ardhanareeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Sangu Theertham.
Sambandar composed the (ayanmars +athigam
The legend is that Adi Kesa!a +erumal, enshrined here, instructed
.owri on the Kedara .owri <ratam which she performed to unite
with Shi!a as Ardhanareeswarar, "the man5woman form% with
+ar!ati constituting the left half of Shi!a.
't is also belie!ed that a battle of strength between Adi Seshan and
<ayu, saw the former clinging tightly to Mount Meru and <ayu using
his might to blow it away. The latter succeeded in blowing it away to
Tiruchengode and the blood spilled by Adiseshan colored it red.
There is a E0 ft long sna*e car!ed on the hill, and hence the hill is
also named as (agagiri.
Although the sanctum faces the $est, entrance to it is from the
South. A ma-estic image of Ardanareeswarar adorns the sanctum.
There is a water spring at the foot of the image, which is said to ha!e
been di!inely manifested ")li +adaa )ru!am%. The
Tiruchengottu!ela!ar shrine dedicated to 9ord Subramanyar attracts
a large number of pilgrims.
Sambandar composed the Tiruneela*andapathigam here, to help rid
fellow tra!ellers of an affliction. Muthuswamy Dee*shitar has sung
of this shrine in Ardhanareeswaram in Kumuda*riya.
"Artha Baama +oo-a% the late night worship ser!ice is considered to
be of importance in this shetram. (ew moon days are also
considered to be special e!ents. The annual festi!al is celebrated in
the Tamil month of <ai*asi.
8. <enchamaa*oodal
9ocated at <en-amangudalur near Karur, this temple is classified as
one of the Kongu (aattu Stalams.
The presiding deity is <i*riteswarar and the Ambal <i*ritambi*a
The Theerthama is <i*rita Theertham.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Shi!a is said to ha!e appeared in the guise of an
old priest and blessed Sundarar with gold. 't is also belie!ed that a
Tribal *ing by name <enchan is said to ha!e worshipped Shi!a at this
shetram and hence the name <enchamaa*oodal.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Maasi.
E. +aandi**odumudi
This Si!astalam is located near Kodumudi in Kongunadu and is
belie!ed to be one of the "si*arams% 4 pea*s 4 of Kailash. Se!eral
literary wor*s praise the glory of this temple.
The presiding deity is Kodumudi Nathar, Makuteswarar and the Ambal
Panmozhi Nayaki, Soundarambika
The stala <ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Ka!eri
Sambandar, Appar, Sundarar ha!e composed the +athigams.
Sundarar composed
his (amachi!aayappathigam at this shetram.
9egend has it that Brahma and <ishnu who are enshrined here, are
said to ha!e worshipped Si!a, hence the shetram is also called
"Trimurthy Ko!il%. Agasthyar is said to ha!e worshipped here.
't is also belie!ed that during a test of strength between Adisesha
and <ayu, fi!e gems are said to ha!e got scattered from the head of
Adisesha. A diamond landed at this shetram and a red stone landed
at Tiruvannamalai, an emerald at /en#oimalai, a blue diamond at +oti*ai,
a mani**am at ,aa&poki.
7. Karu!oor Aanilai
This Si!a shetram is located in Karur.
The presiding deity is +asupateeswarar and the Ambal Sundara!alli.
The Sthala Theertham is Brahma Theertham.
Sundarar and Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Kamadhenu the mythological cow is said to ha!e
meditated upon Si!a to recei!e his blessings> hence the name
Aanilai, and +asupateeswarar.
There are two images of Ambal here, Sundara!alli and Alan*ara!alli.
The sunGs rays illuminate the sanctum for three days in the Tamil
month of +an*uni.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in +anguni> other festi!als
include the &ripaththa (ayanar utsa!am, (a!aratri and Arudra
!adu !aadu =// Temples>
/. Tirunel!aayil Arratturai
This Si!asthalam is located at Tiru!attatturai between Tiruchirappalli
and <illuppuram. 't is one of the se!en GTuraisG associated with
The presiding deity is Aratturai (aathar, Theerthapureeswarar and
the Ambal Tripurasundari
The sthala <ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham (eelamalar
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar ha!e composed the +athigam.
The legend has it that Adi Sesha is said to ha!e worshipped Shi!a at
this shetram, and hence the name Ara!atturai, which became
Aratturai. There are 7 Shi!a lingams in this temple, which are
belie!ed to ha!e been worshipped by the Saptarishis.
Sambandar is said to ha!e been blessed with a palan3uin lined with
pearls, to relie!e him of his physical strain as he tre**ed to Aratturai
6. +ennaagadam
The temple is situated near <riddhachalam and is referred to as
Tunngaanai Maadam.
The presiding deity is Sudar*ohuntheesar, +ralaya*aleswarar and
the Ambal .adantai (aya*i, Aamodanambi*ai
The sthala <ri*sham is Shanbaga Maram and the Theertham Kapila
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Shi!a is said to ha!e been worshipped by
Kamadenu, the celestial nymphs and the Aira!atam. 't is also
belie!ed that the presiding deity here is said to ha!e consumed the
deadly poison that emanated out of the mil*y ocean, hence is
worshipped as +ralaya*aleswarar5Sundareswarar.
Appar is said to ha!e been blessed with the mar*ing of the
,ishabham and Trisoolam on him, at this shetram. The (andi in this
temple faces away from the shrine and is belie!ed to ha!e swallowed
the waters of the great deluge.
Mei**andar the pioneer of Sai!a philosophy was born here.
A fi!e5tiered gopuram adorns this temple co!ering an area of around
C acres. The sanctum is built in the form of an elephant, with
windows on three sides.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai. ;ther festi!als celebrated include Karti*ai Deepam, S*anda
Sashti, Arudra Darisanam, Thai +oosam, San*aranti, +an*uni )thiram
and Aadi +ooram
D. .oodalaiyatrur
This Si!astalam is in the !icinity of Sree Mushnam and 2hidambaram.
The presiding deity is (eri**attunaya*ar, (arthana <allabheswarar
andtheAmbal +uri*uhalambi*a, +ara sa*thi.
The Theertham is Brahma Theertham.
Sundarar has composed the +athigam.
As per the legend Si!a is said to ha!e intercepted SundararGs path
and as*ed him to !isit this shetram.
The annual brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Masi.
C. &ru**attampuliyur
This Si!astalam is located at ,a-endrapattinam near <riddachalam
and Sreemushnam.
't is one of the fi!e +uliyur shrines worshipped by <yagrapadar, the
other four being +erumpuliyur, ;mampuliyur, +aatirippuliyur and
+erumpatrappuliyur @2hidambaramA
The presiding deity is Tiru**umaresar, Swetarga!aneswarar and the
Ambal (eelamalar**anniammai, Abinna*ucha (aya*i
The sthala <ri*sham is <elleru**u and the Theertham S*anda
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
't is belie!ed that the (aimisaranya Munis li!ed here in the form of
trees and when the locals began cutting the trees for firewood, Si!a
is said to ha!e con!erted them all to <elleru**u trees, unsuitable for
This shrine is belie!ed to ha!e been built by a childless +andya King,
who was later blessed with a child 5 ,a-endran, hence the name
Karti*ai Deepam, Thai +oosam, Aa!ani Moolam, Aani Tiruman-anam,
(a!aratri and Aippasi +ournami are the ma-or festi!als celebrated in
this temple.
8. Tiruttinai (agar
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of 2uddalore.
The presiding deity is Si!a**ohuntheeswarar and the Ambal ;ppilaa
(aya*i> (eelambi*a
The sthala <ri*sham is Konrai and the Theertham Bamba!a
Sundarar composed the +athigam.

Bamba!an is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shetram. 9ocal
legend holds that Si!a tilled the land and grown GThinaiG and blessed
a de!otee and his family.
This temple celebrates the Brahmotsa!am during the Tamil month of
E. Tiruchopuram
This Si!a shetram is located at Thiaga!alli near Aalapa**am and
2uddalore. This temple was buried under sand and was e:ca!ated
about hundred years ago.
The presiding deity is 2hopuranathar, Mangalapureeswarar and the
Ambal 2hopuranaya*i, Satyayada*shi.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a was worshipped by Agasthyar and a princess
by name Tyaga!alli, hence the shrine goes by the name Tyaga!alli.
+an*uni )thiram, Karti*ai Deepam and Masi Ma*ham are some of the
important festi!als celebrated here.
7. Tiru!ati*ai
Tiru!ati*ai is located at +anruti near 2uddalore. This is one of the
eight <eerata Stalams of Si!a and is associated with the legend of
Tripurasamhaaram. The red earth surrounding the temple is said to
illustrate the legend. The other <eeratta Stalams are Tiru**uru**ai,
Tiru**ada!ur, Tiru!ahu!ur, Tiru**o!alur, Tiruppariyalur,
Tiru**andiyur and Tiru!ir*udi. Tiru!ahu!ur is considered to be a
Te!ara <aippustalam, as it has no +athigams dedicated to it.
The presiding deity is <eerateswarar and the Ambal Tirupurasundari
The sthala <ri*sham is Sara**onrai and the Theertham .aruda (adi
Sambandar, Appar, Sundarar ha!e composed the +athigam.
Appar got his name =Tiruna!u**arasar= here.
9egend has it that the marriage of Shi!a and )ma too* place at this
shetram and a panel depicting the marriage is seen behind the
Si!alingam in the sanctum.
Aadipooram, <asantotsa!am, Appar <iha are some of the festi!als
celebrated at this shetram.
1. Tirunaa!alur
This Si!astalam is at Tirunaa!alur near <illuppuram and is the
birthplace of Sundaramoorthy (ayanar. Also located nearby is
Tirumundeeswaram or .ramam. Tiruna!alur is also *nown as
The presiding deity is (aa!aleesar, Bha*ta Baneswarar and the
Ambal Manonmani, Sundaranaya*i
The Theertham is Katila nadhi and the sthala !risham is (aa!al
Sundarar has composed the +athigam.
The 9egend has it that +ar!ati, <ishnu, 2handi*eswarar, Su*ran and
.arudan worshiped Si!a at this shetram. 'mages depicting the life of
2handi*eswarar are seen car!ed in the temple. The Si!alingam
placed across from Su*ranGs shrine is referred to as Su*ralingam.
There is a shrine to <aradara-a +erumal in this temple.
Da*shinamurthy is portrayed in a standing posture here, bearing
scriptures in one hand, with the right hand placed on a rishabham
portrayed behind.
A shrine for Sundaramoorthy (ayanar is inside this temple. The
brone images of (atara-ar, Bhi*shatanar and Sundaramoorthy
(ayanar are noteworthy.

H. Tirumudu*unram
This Si!astalam is on a hill in the town of <riddachalam. The hill is
belie!ed to be a manifestation of Si!a, and is considered to be a
"Mo*sha Stalam% on par with 2hidambaram, Kalahas&i and Banares.
The presiding deity is +ahamalainathar, <ridhagireeswarar and the
Ambal+eriya (aya*i, <riddambi*a.
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni
Sundarar, Appar and Sambandar ha!e composed the +athigam.
The legend is that Agasthyar, Surya, 2handra, Brahma and <ishnu
ha!e worshipped Si!a here. Si!a is also said to ha!e blessed the
De!as with a !ision of the 2osmic Dance and it is belie!ed that this
stalam stayed untouched through the great deluge. 't is recorded
that Sundarar is belie!ed to ha!e dropped his gold ring in the
Manimuttar ,i!er here, and retrie!ed it in the Kamalalayam tan* at
't is a big temple with !ast courtyards surrounded by tall walls and
towers on the four sides. The outermost pra*aram is referred to as
Kailasa +ra*aram. A sage by name <ipachit is belie!ed to ha!e built
the earliest structure of this temple, and his image is *ept under the
!anni tree here.
The (atara-ar and the Bhogeswari brone images found in this
temple are said to ha!e been presented by Nueen Sembiyam
Mahade!i of the /0th century A.D. who was *nown for her penchant
for temple building. The (andi Mandapam was constructed in her
Three annual festi!als are celebrated here 5 one in the Tamil month
of Aadi, the <ai*asi <asantotsa!am and the Maasi Brahmotsa!am.
/0. Tirunel!ennei
This Si!astalam is located in the !illage (ei!ennai, near Tiru**o!ilur,
close to )lundurpet railway station. This is one of the eight <eeratta
The presiding deity is <enneiyappar, Swarnaghateswarar and the
Ambal (eelamalar**anni.
Sambandar composed the +athigam
9egend has it that Sana*ar and Sanat*umarar worshipped Si!a at
this shrine *nown as (ei <ennei.
;ne of the later inscriptions refers to Si!a as +or*udam Koduttu
Aruliya (ayanaar.
//. Tiru**o!alur <eerattam
Tiru**o!alur also *nown as Tiru**o!ilur is one of the eight <eeratta
Stalams of Si!a and is also *nown as Kihur or Killiyur located south
of Tiru!annamalai.
The presiding deity is <eeratteswarar and the Ambal Si!ananda!alli.
The Theertham is +ennai (adhi
Sambandar and Appar ha!e composed the +athigam.
The eight <eeratta Stalams are Tiru!ati*ai, Tiru**uru**ai,
Tiru**ada!ur, Tiru!ahu!ur, Tiru**o!alur, Tiruppariyalur,
Tiru**andiyur and Tiru!ir*udi. Tiru!ahu!ur is considered to be a
Te!ara <aippustalam, as it has no +ati*ams dedicated to it.
Tiru**o!alur is associated with the legend of Si!a !an3uishing
the demon Danda*asuran. The image of .anapathi here is said to
ha!e been worshipped by A!!aiar the Tamil Saint +oet.
The annual festi!al is celebrated during the Tamil month of Maasi.
/6. Aran*andanallur
The Aran*andanallur Shi!astalam near Tiru**o!ilur is located on top
of a hill ad-acent to the +ennar ri!er. Tiru!annamalai temple tower is
!isible from this hill. SambandarGs Te!aram refers to this shrine as
The presiding deity is Araiani (aathar and the Ambal Soundarya
Kana*ambi*a, Ahagiya +onnammai.
The Theertham is Bhima Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
't is belie!ed that +anda!as !isited Aran*andanallur, and that the
temple tan* close to the ca!e in which they stayed, was created with
BhimaGs mace. Sambandar is said to ha!e miraculously mo!ed a huge
roc* that had been placed to bloc* the shrine, and there is an imprint
of TirugnanasambandarGs feet at this temple.
The /E0 feet high .opuram in this shrine @dating bac* to the 7th
centuryA with three pra*arams is !isible from a distance, across the
+ennar ri!er.
/D. Tiru!idaiyaru
This is a Si!astalam in the small !illage of 'daiyaru, between
Tiru**o!ilur and Tiru!ennainallur.
The presiding deity is 'daiyatreesar and the Ambal Sitridainaya*i,
The Theertham is +enna nadhi
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
Si!a is in the Tiru**alyana**olam facing west while the Ambal faces
The annual festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month of Thai, while
+an*uni )thiram and Arudra Darisanam are also other festi!als of
/C. Tiru!ennainallur
This is a Si!astalam is located near <illupuram and is *nown
primarily for its association with the attainment of sainthood
by Sundaramoorthy (ayanar.
The presiding deity is Taduttaat*onda (athar, Kripapureeswarar and
the Ambal <er*anniyammai, Mangalambi*ai.
The sthala !ri*sham is Moongil and the Theertham is +ennai (adhi.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
The legend has it that +ar!ati is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a in a
fortress of butter. Si!a is said to ha!e danced here to enunciate the
details of the (atya Sastram. The <edas in the form of bamboo are
said to ha!e worshipped Shi!a, hence the name <enu!anam.
Sundarar is said to ha!e been reminded of the purpose of his life by
Si!a at this shetram, where he sang his first hymn G+ittaa +irai
/8. Tirutturaiyur
This Si!a shetram is located near 2uddalore.
The presiding deity is Tirutturai (aathar, +asupateeswarar and the
Ambal Kayar*an (aya*i, Si!alo*a (aya*i.
The <ris*sham is Konrai and the Theertham is +ennar.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that (aradar, Surya, Bhrama, <ishnu, ,ama, Sita,
Bheema and Agasthyar worshipped Si!a here. There is a shrine to
<aradara-a +erumal here.
(a!aratri and Aippasi +ournami are the important festi!als
celebrated at this shetram.
/E. <atu*ur
This Si!astalam is near the 2hinnababu samudram railway station, at
a distance of /7 *m from <illuppuram, enroute to +ondicherry.
<atu*ur is also *nown as <andaar Koyil.
The presiding deity is <atu*urnathar, +anchanatheeswarar, and the
Ambal <adu!ar*ir*anniammai.
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the theertham <atu*a Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
This shrine is *nown for the Bhaira!a manifestation of Shi!a "
Special ser!ices are offered to Bhaira!ar in the Tamil month of
Karti*ai @AshtamiA. Samhara Bhaira!ar is one of the eight Bhaira!a
/7. Tirumaani*uhi
Tirumaani**uhi is a Shi!astalam in the !icinity of
Tiruppaatirippuliyur near 2uddalore.
The presiding deity is )da!i (aya*ar, <aamaneswarar and the Ambal
+an*ayar*anni, Ambu-a*shi.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <amana is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this
shetram to rid himself of the sin of ha!ing manipulated Mahabali, 5
hence Maani**uhi or <aamanapuri. Si!a is also *nown as
Maani**a!aradar here. 't is belie!ed that Si!a installed Bhima ,udra
at the entrance of the sanctum in order to a!oid anyone disturbing
during <aamanaGs worship.
Brahma, Dur!asar, Surya, Ashta <asus, Da*shan and others are said
to ha!e worshipped Shi!a here. The first Deepaaradanai is offered to
Bhimarudra whose image is portrayed in a sil* curtain hung in front
of the sanctum.
The Brahmotsa!am is celebrated during the Tamil month of Karti*ai.
/1. Tiruppaadirippuliyur
Tiruppatirippuliyur, located at 2uddalore.
The presiding deity is Tonraattunai (athar, +aataleeswarar and the
Ambal +eriya (aya*i> Brihannaya*i
The sthala <ri*sham is +aatiri and the Theertham Ketila (adhi
Appar composed the famous PSotrunai <ediyanJ 5
(amachi!ayappati*am here.

The legend has it that <yagrapadar @the saint with tigerGs claws and
feetA is said to ha!e worshipped here. By the grace of the presiding
deity, Appar is said to ha!e been rescued from death of drowning.
The name +aatiri comes from the +aatiri!ri*sham while +uliyur
comes from the association with <yagrapadar.
Arunagirinathar has glorified this shrine with his Tiruppugah.

During the Tamil of month 2hittirai Appar ha!ing been sa!ed from
drowning is commemorated as a festi!al.
/H. Tirumundeeswaram
This is a Si!astalam in the !icinity of Tiru!ennainallur also *nown as
Mouli5.ramam between Tiru**o!ilur and Tiru!annamalai.
The presiding deity is Mundeeswarar, Si!alo*a (athar and the Ambal
Soundara (aya*i.
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Munda*a Theertham
Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma and 'ndra are said to ha!e worshipped
Si!a at this shetram. 't is also belie!ed that a ruler, wonderstruc* by
a mysterious red lotus in the tan* reached out for it. )nable to grab
the flower that dodged his ad!ances he is said to ha!e struc* at it
with his sword and then realised the presence of a Si!alingam in the
tan*, o!er which he constructed the temple.
The neighboring town of Tiruna!alur also *nown as ,a-adityapuram
is the birthplace of Sundarar.
Appar <iha is celebrated in the Tamil month of 2hittirai and Arudra
Darisanam during Margahi.
60. +ura!aar +anan*aattur
This Shi!astalam is located at +aniyapuram close to <illuppuram.
;f the 678 Shi!astalams si: shrines are associated with +anai maram
@+alm TreeA. They are +anaiyur, +anan*attur, +ura!aar +anan*attur,
2heyyar, Tirumahapadi and Tiruppanantaal.
The presiding deity is +anan*atteesar and the Ambal Meyyambal,
The Sthala <ri*sham is +anai Maram and the Theertham +adma
Sambandar composed the +athigam of this shetram.
9egend has it that Surya and Sibi are said to ha!e worshipped Shi!a
at this shetram.
The sunGs rays illuminate Shi!aGs sanctum and then upon +ar!atiGs
sanctum for a period of se!en days from the /st of the Tamil (ew
6/. Tiru Aamaathur
This Si!astalam is located near <illuppuram on the ban*s of the
+ampa ri!er.
The presiding deity is Ahagiyanayanar, Abhirameswarar and the
Ambal Muthambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Kadamba (adhi.
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Kamadhenu worshipped Si!a at this shetram.
Brigu Muni!ar is said to ha!e manifested as a <anni tree at this
place. 't is also belie!ed that 9ord ,ama and Sugree!a are said to
ha!e ta*en a !ow of eternal friendship here. Si!a and +ar!ati face
each other here in the )padesa formation
,amalinga Adigalar and Arunagirinathar ha!e also sung of this
'nscriptions at this temple re!eal that a 2hola King had pro!ided a
grant for the benefit of se!eral blind people to learn the Te!aram
hymns and sing them in traditional tunes.
+an*uni )thiram and S*anda Sashti are the annual festi!als
celebrated here.
66. Tiru Annamalai
Tiru!annamalai is located close to <illupuram and is one of the
greatest Sai!ite shrines in 'ndia, drawing thousands of pilgrims
e!ery full moon day. The hill closeby is considered to be a
manifestation of Si!a.
The presiding deity is Arunachaleswarar, Annamalaiyar and the
Ambal Apita*uchambal, )nnamulaiamman
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Agni Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e manifested himself in the form
of a massi!e column of fire, whose crown and feet Brahma and
<ishnu failed to trace.
Tiru!annamalai is one of the +anchabhoota Stalams signifying the
element of fire at Tiru!annamalai, wind at Kalahasti, water at
Tiru!anai**a, earth at Kanchipuram and space at 2hidambaram.
Karti*ai Deepam festi!al here is of great significance, attracting
thousands of pilgrims. The celebration of Karti*ai Deepam mar*s the
conclusion of the ten5day Brahmotsa!am in the Tamil month of
The +aatala 9inga shrine is connected with the spritual sa!ant
,amana Maharishi. Arunagiri (athar began composing his
Tiruppu*ah at this temple.
The Arudra Darisanam in the month of Margahi is a celebration of
the cosmic dance of Si!a. The Tai +oosam festi!al that occurs in the
month of Tai is also of great significance. The Tiru!oodal festi!al,
enacting a moc* 3uarrel between Annamalaiyaar and )nnamalai
Amman is enacted in the presence of Sundaramoorthy (ayanaar in
the Tiru!oodal Street, a street that has been earmar*ed for this
annual e!ent. During this 3uarrel, +ar!ati enters the temple alone by
herself, lea!ing Si!a outside. Si!a @AnnamalaiyaarA circumambulates
the Annamalai hill @himselfA, and during his trip grants liberation to
the rishi Bhringi, and returns to the temple the following morning.
The temple is rich in architectural beauty and massi!e .opurams.
The //5tiered &ast ,a-agopuram tower is 6/7 feet high, and the
/0005pillared hall has e:3uisite car!ings. &ach of the pra*arams has
a huge (andi and se!eral towers such as the <allala Mahara-a
.opuram and Kili .opuram.
T$ndai !aadu =62 Temples>
/. Kachi &*ambam
This is one of the most re!ered temples to Si!a located in
Kanchipuram, and also one of the +anchabhoota Stalams signifying
the element of earth 4 +rith!i 9ingam.
The presiding deity is &*ambara (athar, &*ambreswarar and the
Ambal &la!ar Kuhali, Kama*shi
The sthala !ri*sham is Maamaram and the Theertham Kambaa nadi
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
There are se!eral Si!a temples in Kanchipuram, and significantly
there is no separate shrine for +ar!ati in any of them. The
Kama*shiamman temple is the only Ambal shrine in Kanchipuram
9egend has it that +ar!ati worshipped Si!a in the form of a +rithi!i
9ingam, impro!ised out of sand, under a mango tree. The mango tree
in the temple is belie!ed to be D800 years old, and is considered to
be the embodiment of the four <edas. The tree is said to bear fruits
of four different tastes in each season.
't is also belie!ed that the neighboring <ega!ati ri!er o!erflowed and
threatened to engulf the Si!a 9ingam. Thereupon +ar!ati or
Kama*shi embraced the 9ingam to protect it from being destroyed.
By the touch of +ar!ati, Si!a materialied in person and married her.
't is in this conte:t Si!a is referred to as GTahu!a **uhainthaarG in
The Saint poet Sundaramoorthy (ayanar is said to ha!e reco!ered
sight of his left eye, upon offering worship here. The great te:ts,
Tiru!aca*am, Tiru**o!aiyaar, Kanchipuranam, Manime*alai spea*
the glory of Kanchi city
The temple co!ers an area of o!er C0 acres, and the ,a-a .opuram of
the temple built by the <i-ayanagar Monarch Krishnade!araya rises
to a hheight of /76 feet.
The annual festi!al during the Tamil month of +anguni lasts for /D
days and it is during this festi!al that the wedding of the presiding
deity is celebrated, and the Tirumurai of (ayanmars is sung in great
6. Kachi Metrali
This is a small shrine in +illayarpalayam in Kanchipuram.
The presiding deity is Tirumetrali nathar and the Ambal Kama*shi
The Theertham is <ishnutheertham
Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu meditated upon Si!a here to attain
There are two Si!alingams in this shrine 5 ;dha <rigeeswarar and
&ach year Sambandar festi!al is conducted at this shrine.
D. ;na*anthan Tali
This Shi!astalam is a small temple, in Kanchipuram.
The presiding deity is ;na*antheswarar and the Ambal Kama*shi
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e been worshipped here by an
;nan and a Kanthan the commander of <anasuran.
The festi!als are celebrated along with &*ambareswarar temple.
C. Kachi Ane*atangapadam
This is a small shrine located in the (orth $estern part of
The presiding deity is Ane*atangapadeswarar and the Ambal
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
A legend has it that Kubera and .anapati worshipped Si!a here. The
fields in the !icinity are *nown as GAanaiyurittaan <ayalG.
The temple festi!als are associated with &*ambareswarar temple.
8. Kachi (eri**aarai**aadu
This small shrine is located in Kanchipuram, and is also *nown as
Satya!ratam and 'ndiresam.
The presiding deity is Kaaraittirunatheswarar, Satyanatheswarar and
the Ambal Kaaraar*uhali, Kama*shi.
The Theertham is 'ndra Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra, the King of the De!as and Budhan
worshipped Si!a here. 't is belie!ed that the Si!alingam absorbs the
sesame oil offered during ablutions.
Arudra Darisanam is celebrated in this temple.
E. Kuranganilmuttam
This is a Shi!astalam located at Mamamdur near Kanchipuram.
The presiding deity is Koyyaa Malareesar, <aaleeswarar and the
The Theertham is +aalaar.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <aali worshipped Si!a at the entrance to the
temple while a s3uirrel worshipped from the South and a crow from
the (orth, hence the name Kuranganilmuttam. Hanuman is also
belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
Arudra Darsanam is celebrated in this temple.
7. Tiru Maa*aral
This Si!astalam is located close to Kanchipuram.
The presiding deity is Maa*araleeswarar, Agasteeswarar and the
Ambal Tribhu!aneswari
The Theertham is Agni Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e manifested himself as a giant
golden liard to ,a-endra 2holan here. 't is also belie!ed that an
)dumbu @giant liardA is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a in an anthill.
'ndra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
The festi!al coincides with that of the Kancheepuram temple.
1. Tiru!othur
This Shi!astalam is in cheyyar close to Kanchipuram.
The presiding deity is <edanatheswarar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is +anaimaram and the Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e re!ealed the <edas to the .ods
and ,ishis from under a banyan tree here. Sambandar is said to ha!e
transformed a male palm tree to a female one, responding to the
pleas of an an:ious de!otee.
Si!a is said to ha!e appeared as a sna*e charmer to sa!e Sambandar
from the clutches of a sna*e.
H. +anan*attur
This Si!astalam is located at +anan*adu in the !icinity of
Kanchipuram. .
The presiding deity is +anan*atteesar, Taalapureeswarar and the
The sthala !ri*sham is +anai and the Theertham Amudha Theertham.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the deity at this shrine is said to ha!e been
worshipped by Agasthyar and +ulastiar.
The temple celebrates Brahmotsa!am during the Tamil month of
/0. Tiru!allam
This Si!astalam is located on the $estern Ban* of +ennar ri!er, near
<ellore Town. The waters of the +ennar were once *nown for their
healing powers. Tiru!allam is referred to as a Mu*tistalam.
The presiding deity is <allanathar, <il!a!ananathar and the Ambal
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!a Maram
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <inaya*ar is said to ha!e obtained the celestial
mango from Si!a at this shetram. ,eferring to <inaya*arGs
circumambulation of Si!a, this sthalam is called Tiru!alam. 't is also
belie!ed that (andi is said to be guarding the temple priest from a
ra*shasan, Kan-an of Kan-amalai nearby.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of Maasi.
Si!aratri, and Thai +oosam are the festi!als of significance here.
//. Tirumalper
This is a Si!astalam located near Kancheepuram and Ara**onam.
The presiding deity is Maal <anangia &esar, Mani*andeswarar and
the Ambal Karunai (aya*i, An-ana*shi
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham <ishnu Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu is said to ha!e been blessed with his
2ha*rayudam upon worshipping Si!a here 5 hence the name
Tirumalper. 't is also belie!ed that during the worship <ishnu is said
to ha!e offered to Si!a his eye in lieu of the /000th flower, hence the
name +adma*shan.
The Brahmotsa!am is in the Tamil month Maasi. (a!aratri and
S*andasashti are also obser!ed here
/6. Tiru!ooral
This Si!astalam is located at Ta**olam near Kanchipuram and
The presiding deity is Tiru!ooral Mahade!ar, Balanatheswarar and
the Ambal .irira-a Kanya*a
Sambandar compsed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the Si!alingam is said to ha!e been made by
+ar!ati. 't is also belie!ed that Si!a appeared here in response to the
prayers of Brahma, <ishnu and Sam!arta Muni!ar, brother of
Brihaspati. This shrine is belie!ed to be the #aga Kundam of Da*sha.
The presiding deity, Balanatheswarar, is considered to be a
swayambu lingam of sand. The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated
in the Tamil month of +an*uni.
/D. 'lambian*ottur
This Si!a sthalam is located near Kadambattur and Ara**onam.
The presiding deity is Dei!a (aya*ar, 2handrase*harar and the
Ambal Kodendu Mulaiyammai.
The Theertham is 2handra Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Si!a appeared in the form of a child and then as an
old man pointed out the location of this shrine to Sambandar and his
followers. Si!a is said to ha!e been worshipped by the celestial
nymph ,amba and hence the name Arambayam*ottur, which o!er a
period of time became 'lambayan*ottur.
$orshipping Da*shinamurthy here on full moon night is considered
to be auspicious.
Mahasi!aratri is celebrated here on a grand scale.
/C. Tiru!ir*olam
This Si!a sthalam is located at 2oo!am near Tiru!allur.
The presiding deity is Tripuranta*a and the Ambal Tripuranta*i
The Theertham is <ir*ola Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the a:le in Si!aGs chariot bro*e here, while he was
proceeding towards the Tripura *ingdoms, and Si!a enshrined here
in the form of a Swayambu lingam. The Si!a lingam is belie!ed to
change colors with the seasons. Si!aJs appearance with his bow
@<ir*olamA is attributed to this place 5 Tiru!ir*olam
Si!aratri is celebrated on a grand scale.
/8. Tiru!alan*adu
This Si!a sthalam is located near Ara**onam and Kanchipuram.
This is a !ast and beautiful temple heralded as ,atnasabhai 5 one of
the fi!e +ancha Sabhais attributed to 9ord (atara-a.
The presiding deity is Aalan*atteesar, (atara-a,
;ordh!atanda!amoorthy and the Ambal <andaar*uhaliammai.
The sthala !ri*sham is Aalamaram and the Theertham Mu*ti
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that upon being re3uested by (aradar to sa!e the
earthly beings from the rage of Kali, born out of her !an3uishing the
demons Sumban and (isumban in the banyan forest in this region,
Si!a agreed to a dance duel, and defeated Kali by raising his left foot,
on the ;ordh!atanda!am posture
Kali is depicted in a dance posture at thi shrine. Karai**al Ammayar
is said to ha!e wal*ed on hear head to this shrine and her image is
seen in the shrine
The Margahi Tiru!adirai celebrations witness festi!ities related to
the 2osmic Dance of Shi!a.
/E. Tiruppaasur
This Shi!astalam is located near Tiru!allur on the way to Tirupati.
The presiding deity is +aasoor (athar, +asupati (athar and the
Ambal <eyidam Konda (aya*i, +asupati (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Moongil and the Theertham +asupati
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the 2hola King Kari*aalan, who built a temple
here, disco!ered the Shi!alingam in a bamboo forest. Kari*al
<ala!an is associated with this temple, and while his enemies tried to
*ill him with a sna*e, Si!a !an3uished them.
Si!aratri is celebrated at this shetram.

/7. Tiru!enpa**am
This Si!astalam is located close to Tiru!allur.
The original site of the temple is now submerged under the +oondy
reser!oir and the deities are housed in a temple on its shores.
The presiding deity is ;onreeswarar and the Ambal Minnaloliammai.
The sthala !ri*sham is 'landai
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati appeared in the form of a lightning e!ery
now and then at this shetram, hence the name Minnaloliammai.
Sundaramoorthy (ayanar who had lost his eyesight, was blessed by
Si!a with a pole to assist him to wal*.
Arudra Darisanam is celebrated on a grand scale.
/1. Tiru**allil
This Si!astalam is located close to +eriyapalayam near 2hennai.
The presiding deity is Kalleeswarar, Si!anandeswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Si!ananda Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Bhrigu Muni is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this
<inaya*a 2haturthi, (a!aratri and S*anda Sashti are celebrated here
/H. Tiru!otriyur
This is one of the famous Si!astalam located close to 2hennai.
The presiding deity is Thyagara-ar and the Ambal <adi!udaiyammai.
The sthala !ri*sham is Magihamaram and the Theertham Bhrama
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Brahma and <ishnu worshipped Si!a at this shrine.
The Tripada Trimurthy image combines the essence of Shi!a, <ishnu
and Brahma. The Moola!ar here @AadipureeswararA is a 9ingam of
earth, co!ered with a *a!acham, remo!ed only on the occasion of
Karti*ai Full Moon.
Tiru!otriyur is a well renowned shrine for Tyagara-ar and His dance
here is Sundara (atanam. There are Si!a lingams associated with
each of the 67 stars @(atshatramsA
+attinathar and ,amalinga Adigal ha!e sung praises of ;triyur.
The grand festi!als celebrated here is centered around the dance of
Tyagara-ar Sundarar is said to ha!e married Sangili (achiyar under
the stala !ri*sham Magiha maram.
60. Tiru!alithaayam
This is a Si!a Stalam in +adi, close to 2hennai.
The presiding deity is <alithaya (athar and the Ambal Thaaiyamman.
The Theertham is Bharadwa-a Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that Bharadwa-a Muni @<aliyaanA and Hanuman
worshipped Si!a here, and hence the name <alithaayam.
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month
of 2hittirai.
6/. Tirumullai!ayil
This is one of the Si!astalams in the !icinity of 2hennai, near A!adi.
The presiding deity is Masilamaneeswarar and the Ambal Kodiyidai
The sthala !ri*sham is Mullai**odi
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that (andi as per the directions of Si!a is said to ha!e
accompanied a de!out King Tondaimaan on an elephant during a
battle. $hen the feet of the elephant got entangled with a mullai
creeper at this shetram, the obstacle was remo!ed and a Si!alingam
was re!ealed o!er which the temple has been built. Sundarar is said
to ha!e worshipped here first, after losing his eyesight.
't is considered special to worship Kodiyidai (aya*i here
and <adi!udai (aya*i at Tiru!otriyur on full moon days.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
66. Tiru!er*aadu
This Si!astalam is located close to 2hennai and +oondamalli.
The presiding deity is <er*atteeswarar, <edapureeswarar and the
Ambal <er*anniammai, Balambi*ai.
The theertham is <elayudha Theertham.
Sambandar composed the +athi*am.
9egend has it that Si!a is said to ha!e blessed Agasthyar with a
!ision of his marriage with +ar!ati. 't is also belie!ed that
Subramanyar is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a here after ha!ing
slained the demon Sooran.
Tiru!er*adu is *nown more for the Karumariamman temple, which
attracts a large number of pilgrims. 't is considered to be of
significance to !isit the shrines of Balambi*a here, <adi!udaiamman
in Tiru!otriyur and Bagadambi*ai in +adi> on the same day
S*anda sashti is celebrated on a grand scale.

6D. Tirumayilai@MylaporeA
This Si!a sthalam located in the 2ity of 2hennai !ery well fits into the
sprawling meteropolis, and is one of well5*nown landmar*s in the
heart of Mylapore.
The presiding deity is Kapaleeswarar and the Ambal Karpagambal
The sthala !ri*sham is +unnai
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!ati @Karpa*ambalA in the form of a peacoc* 4
Mayil, is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a and hence gained the name
Mylapore. There are se!eral literary wor*s associated with this hoary
shrine, which remains today as a seat of Tamil culture. The
+oompaa!ai +athigam composed by Sambandar is associated with
this temple and he is said to ha!e brought bac* to life, +oompa!ai
the daughter of a de!otee of Shi!a 5 Si!anesa 2hettiar.
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month
of +an*uni, and the procession of the ED (ayanmars popularly called
"Aru!athimoo!ar% festi!al attracts a !ery large number of de!otees.
The Teppam float festi!al in the large temple tan*, and the biwee*ly
+radosham festi!al also draw huge crowds.
6C. Tiru!anmiyur
This Si!a sthalam is located in the city of 2hennai, and is one of the
ancient shrines.
enshrining Tyagara-ar in a separate shrine within the large temple
comple:. Tiru!anmiyur, Tirumayilai and Tiru!otriyur are the three
Shi!astalams sung by the (ayanmars, in and around the metropolis.
The presiding deity is Marundeeswarar, ;ushadapureeswarar and the
Ambal 2ho**a (aya*i, Tripura Sundari
The sthala !ri*sham is <anni and the Theertham Si!a .anga
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <almi*i Maharishi is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a
here. Kamadhenu is said to ha!e poured her mil* o!er the Si!alingam
and offered worship. Shi!a is also *nown as Marundeeswarar, or
;shadeeswarar. The <edas and the De!as are also said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here. The Ashwini twins are said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a to recei!e the *nowledge of medicinal herbs, hence
the name Marundeeswarar
The Tyagara-a shrine is of great significance and the /1 (atanams of
Tyagara-ar is enacted during certain festi!e occasions. The shrine for
Kala Bhaira!ar attracts large number of de!otees.
68. Tiru**achoor
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of 2hennai, near
Singaperumaal Koyil.
The presiding deity is <irunditta easar, Kachabeswarar and the ambal
Kanniummaiyal, An-ana*shi
The Theertham is Koorma Theertham.
Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <ishnu in his Koorma A!atara is said to ha!e
worshipped Si!a, see*ing the celestial nectar Amritam. The name
Kachur comes from the Kachaba @tortoiseA form with which <ishnu
worshipped Si!a. 't is also belie!ed that Si!a is said to ha!e collected
alms and offered a feast to Sundarar here, and hence the name
<irunditta &esar.
Brahmotsa!am in the Tamil month of 2hittirai, and Arudra Darisanam
in the month of Mar*ahi are the important festi!als celebrated here.
The dance of Si!a, Si!a Tanda!am is enacted during these festi!als.
6E. Tiru!idaichuram
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of 2hingleput, enroute to
The presiding deity is 'daichuranathar and the Ambal
The Theertham is Madhura Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that +ar!athi worshipped Si!a at this shrine. A shiny
and transparent Maragatha Shi!a 9ingam occupies the Sanctum here.
+anguni )thiram, Karti*ai Deepam, Arudra Darisanam and 2hitra
+ournami are the festi!als celebrated annually here.
67. Tiru**alu*unram
This Si!astalam located near Mahabalipuram on the way to
The presiding deity is Tirumalaiyaludaiyar, <edagireeswarar and the
Ambal Tirumalai 2ho**anaya*i, Tripurasundari
The sthala !ri*sham is <aahai and the Theertham +a*shi Theertham
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that the four hills surrounding the shrine represent the
four <edas. 'ndra and <ishnu were blessed by Shi!a here, hence the
names 'ndrapuri and (arayanapuram. Two de!otees in the form of
birds, belie!ed to be on their way from Kasi to ,ameswaram, are still
found to parta*e food offerings, atop the hill at a specific time each
day. 't is also belie!ed that a part of the San-ee!ani hill, being ta*en
by Hanuman, dropped at this place and the surrounding hills are
presumed to be the same. 't is also said that 'ndra in the form of
lightning worships the deity at the hill temple.
Sundaramoorthy (ayanar was blessed with material wealth here.
The annual Brahmotsa!am festi!al is celebrated in the Tamil month
of 2hittirai. The +ush*aram festi!al is celebrated once in /6 years in
the Sanga Theertham.
61. Tiru Acharapa**am
This is a Si!astalam in the !icinity of Maduranta*am near 2hingleput.
The presiding deity is Aatchi Konda (athar, +aa**a +ureswarar,
Aa*sheeswarar, and the Ambal Balasu*hambal, Sundara (aya*i
The sthala !ri*sham is Konrai and the Theertham De!a Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend here has it that the a:le on Si!aGs chariot bro*e here as he
was heading to destroy the Tripurams, reminding him of .anesha
whom he had not meditated upon prior to his setting out on this
mission. Hence the name "Achu 'ru +aa**am%.
The annual Brahmotsa!am is celebrated in the Tamil month of
2hittirai, where the Tiru**alyanam is performed on the fifth day.
6H. Tiru!a**arai
This Si!astalam is in Tiru!a**arai near Mayilam and <illuppuram.
The presiding deity is 2handrase*harar and the Ambal <adi!ambi*ai.
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 2handra is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a 4
2handrase*hara. <ishnu is said to ha!e !an3uished the demon
<a*rasura, and Kaali de!oured the drops of blood that spilled. There
are shrines for <ishnu and Kaali in this temple. The three faces of
Si!a here are said to ha!e blessed 2handra, Brahma and <ishnu.
There is also a shrine for Kundala ,ishi.
The image of (atara-a here shows him dancing with his right foot
raised. Arudra Darsanam is celebrated at this temple.
D0. Arasili
This Si!astalam is located in the !icinity of 'rumbai Maa*alam, near
The presiding deity is Arasili (aathar and the Ambal +eriya (aya*i.
The Theertham is Arasili Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
<amade!a is said to ha!e worshipped Si!a at this shrine. The Si!a
lingam is relati!ely of a !ery small sie.
D/. 'rumbai Maa*alam
This Shi!astalam is located close to +ondicherry.
The presiding deity is Maa*aaleswarar and the Ambal Kuyilmohi
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
The legend has it that Si!a and +ar!athi were worshipped by
The shrine to Subramanyar here is of significance, and +anguni
)thiram is celebrated in splendor here. Mondays in the month of
Karti*ai are also considered to be special.
Tuluva !aadu 9 Karnataa =2 Temple>
/. .o*arna @.o*arnamA
.o*arna is near Kollur on the westcoast of Karnata*a, enshrining the
Aatma 9ingam Mahabaleshwar.
't is regarded as one of the se!en Mu*ti Sthalas of Karnata*a. The
other Mu*tisthalas are )dupi, Kollur, Subramanya, Kumbasi,
Kodeshwara, San*aranarayana. All these shrines are also *nown as
+arasurama Kshetras created on the land reclaimed from the sea by
The presiding deity is Mahabaleswarar and the Ambal .o*arna
The Theertham is Koti Theertham
Sambandar and Appar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that <inaya*a is said to ha!e tric*ed the demon *ing
,a!ana @Maha BalaA into lea!ing behind a Si!alingam at this
shetram. 'n spite of the might e:erted by ,a!ana, the Si!alingam
stayed fi:ed, hence the name Mahabaleshwar. The pull e:erted by
,a!ana, is said to ha!e caused the Si!alingam to resemble the shape
of a cowGs ear and hence the name .o*arnam.
The si: foot tall Si!alingam of Mahabaleswar is enclosed inside a
s3uare Saligrama +eetham. A golden re*ha on the peetham, and a
small hole in its middle permits de!otees to ha!e a glimpse of the top
of the Aatma 9ingam. The full form of the Si!a lingam can be seen
only once in C0 years, when the Ashta bandana Kumbhahishe*am is
performed. The image of <inaya*a at this shrine bears a dent, said to
ha!e been caused when ,a!ana, enraged at the loss of the Atma
9ingam hit him.
't is customary here to ha!e a dip in the sea and then worship a
Si!alingam made out of sand, before worshipping at the temple.
Maha Si!aratri is of great significance in this shrine.
<ada !aadu = 4 Temples>
/. Tirupparuppadam 4 Srisailam
Sri Sailam, referred to as Tirupparuppatham in the Te!aram hymns,
is located near (andyal, in Andhra +radesh. 't is a !enerated
Si!astalam, considered to be one of the /6 Byotirlinga Shrines spread
all o!er 'ndia.
The presiding deity is Malli*ar-uneswarar and the Ambal
The Theertham is +aalaahi
Sambandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
The Srisailam temple is also the seat of Maha*ali in the form of
Bhramaramba. 't is said that <rishabha, the sacred bull of 9ord Shi!a
performed penance here. 9ord Shi!a appeared before him, with his
consort +ar!ati in the forms of Malli*ar-una and Bharamaramba. 't is
belie!ed that the Si!a lingam in the temple is the manifestation of
the 9ord Himself.
't is also belie!ed that at Sripar!ata on the Srisailam Mountain, the
resplendent 9ord Si!a abides with his consort +ar!ati, immersed in
di!ine delight. Brahma also stays there along with other .ods. 't is
supposed that a bath in the sacred la*e, with purity and self5control
of mind, has the same efficacy as the performance of an As!amedha
sacrifice. (ot only the pilgrim is benefited, but his entire race is also
During his stay here, Adisan*ara composed those e:3uisite
!erses in praise of Malli*ar-unaswamy in his celebrated wor*
Si!anandalahari, as well in praise of .oddess Bhramaramba, in his
Bhramaramba Ashta*a.
This is a !ast temple with se!eral gopurams, on a hill, which is said
to be a manifestation of (andi
Si!a is worshipped here in his form of 9ord Malli*ar-una, and Sha*ti,
his consort, as Sri Bharamaramba De!i.
6. 'ndraneelapar!atam
This Si!a sthalam is in the Himalayas near Katmandu in (epal.

The presiding deity is (eelachalanathar and the Ambal (eeelambi*a
The Theertham is 'ndra Theertham
Sambandar composed the +athigam.
9egend has it that 'ndra is belie!ed to ha!e worshipped Si!a here.
Ar-una obtained the +asupatha Astram after offering prayers to 9ord
This shrine has not been !isited by any of the (ayanmars, although
Sambandar has sung its praises from Kalahasti.
This towering pea* of E000 Meters tall can be reached by a long tre*
from Kathmandu. The pea* is re!ered as the manifestation of Si!a
and a green roc* atop is re!ered as that of Ambal.
D. .owri*und 5 Ane*atanga!adam
.owri*und is a popular Himalayan shrine at about C000 Meters
abo!e sea le!el near ,ishi*esh.
The presiding deity is Arul Manna (aya*ar and the Ambal
Manonmani, .owri
't is belie!ed that .owri @+ar!atiA meditated upon Si!a. .owri*und
has se!eral hot springs, and .owri is belie!ed to ha!e ta*en a bath in
one of the springs at this shetram after gi!ing birth to Karti*eya
@SubramanayaA. Surya and 2handra are also belie!ed to ha!e
worshipped Si!a here.
9egend also has it that Si!a and +ar!ati were married at
Triyuginarayan, south of this place. The fire *indled during their
wedding is said to be burning e!en to this date at Agni*und. Si!a is
belie!ed to ha!e cut off the head of +ar!atiJs son .anesh and then
re!i!ed him to life with the head of an elephant, and at this place
there is the temple to Mund*atta .anesh 4 .anesh without the head.
Although none of the (ayanmars ha!e !isited .owri*und, Sambandar
has sung of .owri*undam from Kalahasti.
C. Kedarnath
9ocated on the Himalayas at about /6,000 feet, this Si!a sthalam is
considered to be one of the most sacred pilgrimage centers of the
country. 't is re!ered as one of the Twel!e Byotirlingams.
The presiding deity is Kedara (athar and the Ambal .owri
The Theertham is Manda*ini
Sambandar and Sundarar composed the +athigam on this shetram
from Kalahasti.
9egend has it that (ara and (arayana 5 two incarnations of <ishnu
practiced se!ere penances at Badri*ashramam, in front of a
Si!alingam fashioned out of earth. $hen Si!a appeared in front of
them, they re3uested him to ta*e up a permanent abode as a
Byotirlingam at Kedarnath.
9egend also has it that +ar!ati worshipped Kedareeshwar to be
united with Si!a as Ardhanareeswarar. Kedara Muni!ar is said to
ha!e established this shrine, which was !isited by the +ancha
Tradition has it that pilgrims first !isit #amunotri and .angotri and
bring with them the holy waters from the sources of the ri!ers
#amuna and .anga to offer abhishe*ams to Kedareshwarar.
The temple at Kedarnath enshrining the Byotirlingam of Si!a, opens
only when the sun enters the odiac sign of Aries and it is closed
when the sun enters Scorpio.

8. Kailasam 4 Tiru Kailayam
The towering 66,061 ft high pea* Mt. Kailash in the Himalayas, 68
miles north of the Mansaro!ar 9a*e. 't is an arduous tre* to Kailash
through the snow clad Himalayas. The Tibetians refer to Kailash as
Kangrimpoche @Bewel of SnowA.
The presiding deity is Kailasa (athar, Si!a and the Ambal +ar!ati.
Sambandar, appar and Sundarar ha!e composed the +athigam.
Hindus regard Mt. Kailash as an embodiment of Si!a and +ar!ati.
Mount Kailash is considered as the abode of Si!a, and it appears li*e
a giant Si!alingam placed in a /E petalled lotus.
There are two la*es here> one the ,a*shasa Tal, where ,a!ana is
belie!ed to ha!e performed penances to 9ord Si!a, and the other the
Mansaro!ar, being considered as one of the 8/ Sa*thi +eetams.
Tiruna!u**arasar on his pilgrimage to Kailasam, is said to ha!e
been transported by a di!ine inter!ention to Tiru!aiyaru, considered
as Da*shina Kailasam. Karai**al Ammaiyar is said to ha!e started
tre**ing to Kailasam but returned to Tiru!alangadu.
+ilgrims go to Kailash !ia 9ipu 9e*h pass. They first go to Tona*pur,
then through +ithorgarh, As*ot and Dharchula and .arbiang the last
town in the 'ndian Territory. The 9ipu 9e*h pass is /E780 feet abo!e
sea le!el, and is at the Tibet frontier. Manasora!ar is DC miles away
from here. /6 miles from Ta*la*ot in Bhutan, a Budhist center. #et
another route is from Haridwar !ia the (iti pass.

E. Sri Kalahasti
Sri Kalahasti is one of the most re!ered Sai!ite shrines near Tirupati
in Andhra +radesh.
The presiding deity is Kaalahasti (aathar and the Ambal <andaar
Kuhalaal, .nana +rasoonambi*a
The sthala !ri*sham is <il!am and the Theertham Swarnamu*hi
Sambaandar, Appar and Sundarar composed the +athigam.
The Si!alingam is shaped !ery slim and is co!ered with *a!acham.
The oil lamp in the sanctum can be seen fluttering, indicating that
this is the panchabhoota sthala of <ayu @windA.
9egend has it that 9ord Si!a is worshipped here in the form of <ayu
9inga. The legend says that Sri @spiderA, Kala @cobraA and Hasti
@elephantA worshipped 9ord Si!a here and attained Mo*sha. Hence
this place is *nown as Sri*alahasti. Kannappa (ayanar @a tribal
hunterA attained sal!ation in this place by offering his eyes to 9ord
This is considered to be a (a!agrahastalam where ,ahu and Ketu
worshipped Si!a, and it is belie!ed prayers offered at this shetram
during ,ahu *alam will ward off (a!agraha dosham.
Sambandar composed hymns in honour of Kailasam, and
.owri*undam from this shetram.
Si!aratri is conducted here on a !ery grand scale.
Hara Hara San$ara %aya %aya San$ara
&m Nama Sivaya
%ai Sri Gurave Namaha

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