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Discovering Mesa Prieta

* These are core units.
Unit 1. Following the Sun: The ancient Pueblo people studied the sky and
were expert astronomers. This activity develops the students' observational
skills that will help them become more connected to their universe. It is best
(but not necessary) to begin this activity in eptember at the !all e"uinox.
Unit !. "eolog# o$ Tsi%w&a#e 'Mesa Prieta(: Through cooperative
learning and hands#on materials$ the students will learn about the !ormation
o! %esa Prieta and the animals that lived here at the time o! the Ice &ge.
Unit ). *ow Ol+ Is Ol+,: 'eologic timeline( )sing a one hundred !oot
time line to represent the age o! the earth$ the students will begin to
understand how li!e on earth evolved. Then they will create a personal time
line using strips o! colored construction paper.
Unit -. .here in New Me/ico Is Tsi%w&a#e
'Mesa Prieta(, %apping( *ach student will receive
a +ew %exico road map and learn how to use it.
They will trans!er in!ormation !rom the road map to
an outline map o! +ew %exico and answer review
Unit 0. Intro+uction to Petrogl#1hs an+ Pictogra1hs. The students will
learn the di!!erence between pictographs and petroglyphs through painting
and etching into clay. tudents will study about the people who created the
Unit 2. Draw 3i%e a Scientist. ,eginning with sun!lower seeds$ the
students will learn how to draw accurately. Then they will look at
photographs o! local petroglyphs and practice drawing them.
Unit 4. O5servation an+ In$erence. )sing a drawing o! two children on
the %esa$ the students will learn the di!!erence between observation and
in!erence and how it relates to the petroglyphs and archaeology.
Discovering Mesa Prieta
Unit 6. Fiel+ .or% Da# at Tsi%w&a#e 'Mesa Prieta(. ,e!ore the trip$
students will put together recording books !or the -ork .ay. They will
review what to bring and the handout Protecting the Past on the %esa Prieta
/ike. Trained volunteers will guide small groups o! students to look !or
petroglyphs on the %esa. The students will draw di!!erent petroglyphs in
their recording books and apply what they have learned in classroom
Unit 7. Petrogl#1h 8lassi$ication. The people who record petroglyphs
have grouped them into many di!!erent categories. -e have modi!ied the
system into ten di!!erent categories !or the students. &!ter a cut and paste
activity$ the students will graph their results.
Unit 19. Signs an+ S#:5ols. tudents will gain an understanding o!
symbols by drawing on the board !amiliar symbols$ signs and logos. The
concept o! symbol will be rein!orced with a hand#out on symbols and then
students will create a collage using signs and symbols cut out !rom
Unit 11. Ma%ing Plaster Petrogl#1hs. &s a !ollow up activity to the !ield
trip or simply an engaging art activity$ students will simulate the process o!
pecking petroglyph designs into Plaster o! Paris or draw on smooth river
rocks to simulate pictographs.
Unit 1!. Mo+ern Pue5los ; Ancient Sites. %apping activity1reading
comprehension1research( tudents will learn
about the connection between the ancient
Tewa Pueblos and the present day Pueblos
by locating modern Pueblos and
archaeological sites on their +ew %exico
road map. Then they will read and study the
in!ormation about the ancient sites and
modern Pueblos and possibly do more
extensive research.
Unit 1). Earl# 3i$e in the Tewa .orl+.
&!ter reading the Tewa story Turkey 'irl$
Discovering Mesa Prieta
the students will observe and draw real turkey !eathers. &ctivity 2 covers the
history and sacredness o! corn and
&ncestral Pueblo 3arming %ethods. In the third activity students will
observe &nasa0i beans and learn about the development o! agriculture. The
students will learn about the importance o! respect !or the natural world in
the !inal activity.
Unit 1-. 8reating a 8lass Petrogl#1h Panel. This activity begins as an
art activity. tudents will use a dilute bleach solution to create petroglyph
designs. Then they will draw these designs onto large butcher paper to create
a class petroglyph panel. The !inal part o! this activity helps the students to
experience the e!!ects o! vandalism.
Unit 10. Tsi%w&a#e 'Mesa Prieta( Ethics. .ilemma 4ards( *ach group o!
students must decide what they would do in a di!!icult situation relating to
the petroglyphs. They will share their decision and why they chose it with
the rest o! the class.
Unit 12. 8areers in Archaeolog# an+ <elate+ Fiel+s. It is important that
students begin to learn about di!!erent careers. In groups they will read
actual interviews with local archaeologists and others and then present their
in!ormation to the class.

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