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Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc.

Lesson Plans
FirstClass is an in-depth, skills-based learning system, combining computer-based training
with role play, practical applications, case studies, and student reading. This system is
designed to help students develop reasoning and decision-making skills as they learn specific
job-related tasks.
The Galileo curriculum is divided into 18 units, each corresponding to a major topic of study.
Each unit in the Student Guide opens with a list of carefully planned learning objectives,
enumerating the expected knowledge and skills outcomes. Review questions within each unit
of study provide reinforcement of the concepts and entry formats presented in each unit.
The curriculum is organized as follows:
Unit 1. Introduction
Unit 2. Flight Availability
Unit 3. Selling Air Segments
Unit 4. Booking Files
Unit 5. Supplementary Data
Unit 6. Modifying the Itinerary
Unit 7. Modifying Booking Files
Unit 8. Fare Displays
Unit 9. Fare Quotations
Unit 10. Ticket Production
Unit 11. Advance Seat Assignments
Unit 12. Client Files
Unit 13. Queues
Unit 14. Reference Information
Unit 15. Hotel Reservations
Unit 16. Car Rentals
Unit 17. Travelscreen
Unit 18. TIMATIC
The following lesson plans include an outline of the tasks and entry formats taught in each
unit and the answer key for each set of review questions in the Student Guide.
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -2-
Unit 1. Introduction
This unit introduces students to the computer reservation system and teaches them how to
sign on; sign off; and encode or decode a cities, airlines, aircraft equipment, countries, and
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Sign on.
Sign off.
Encode a city or airport.
Decode a city code and an airport code.
Encode an airline.
Decode an airline code.
Decode a three-letter airline code.
Encode aircraft equipment.
Decode an equipment code.
Encode a country.
Decode a country code.
Encode regions.
Entry Formats
Sign Off SOF
Encode city .CE DENPASAR
Decode city .CD BTR
Encode airline .AE QANTAS
Decode airline .AD RG
Decode 3-letter airline code .AD**UAL
Encode equipment .EE FOKKER
Decode equipment .ED M80
Encode country .LE THAILAND
Decode country .LD DK
Encode regions .RD CA
Computer Module 1. Encoding and Decoding
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -3-
Unit 2. Timetables and Availability
This unit teaches students how to display, modify, and interpret timetables and flight
availability displays.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Display a timetable for a specific date and city pair.
Specify an approximate or specific departure time.
Display a return timetable.
Display flight availability.
Display return availability.
Change the date or departure time.
Move the date forward or back.
Change the board point or off point.
Redisplay a flight availability display.
Change to a selected carrier or carrier-specific display.
Change the order of the display.
Obtain a last-seat availability display.
Display availability for a specific transit point.
Order the display by journey, arrival, or departure time.
Display availability for a selected carrier.
Exclude a carrier.
Obtain a carrier-specific availability display.
Specify the flight type and number of stopping points.
Entry Formats
Display timetable TT24SEPLONPAR
Approximate departure time TT24SEPLONPAR.1100
Specific departure time TT24SEPLONPAR.0900#
Return timetable TTR30SEP
Display availability A10MAYAMSFRA
Approximate departure time A10MAYAMSFRA.0800
Specific departure time A10MAYAMSFRA.1400#
Return availability AR10MAY
Additional availability A*
Change departure date A17MAY
Change departure time A.1400#
Add/subtract days A#3
Change board point ABFRA
Change off point AOBRU
Original availability A*O
Previous availability A*R
Select carrier A/KL
Exclude carrier A/AI-
Change to carrier-specific A*BA
Reorder by journey time AJ
Reorder by arrival time AA
Reorder by departure time AD
Last seat availability AL1
Specified connecting city A10MAYLISATH.SIN
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -4-
By arrival time AA10MAYLISATH
By journey time AJ 10MAYLISATH
By departure time AD10MAYLISATH
By first available class AF10MAYLISATH
Selected carrier A10MAYDUBAMS/EI
Excluded carrier A10MAYROMSIN/SQ-
Direct/nonstop A10MAYLISATH8A/D0
Carrier-specific A10SEPLHRSYD*BA
Computer Modules 2. Timetables
3. Follow-Up Timetable Entries
4. Timetable Options
5. Flight Availability
6. Follow-up Availability Entries
7. Availability Options
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -5-
Unit 3. Selling Air Segments
This unit teaches students how to sell air segments from an availability display; to book a
specific flight by carrier, flight number, and departure date; and to book waitlisted, open,
passive, and ARNK segments.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Sell an air segment from an availability display.
Interpret the information in an air segment.
Identify the status/action code for a confirmed segment.
Sell a connection from a city pair availability display.
Waitlist a seat request on a sold-out flight in an availability display.
Sell a specified flight by carrier, flight number, departure date, class, and city pair.
Waitlist seats directly on a specified flight.
Book an open segment using the direct-sell format.
Input a passive segment booked directly with a carrier.
Record a surface (ARNK) segment in the passenger itinerary.
Entry Formats
Sell from availability N1Y2
Sell connection N1Y4*
Sell different classes N1Y4M5
Direct-sell NBA14Y22OCTLHRJ FKNN2
Direct-waitlist 0KL244Y12OCTAMSFRALL2
Passive Segment 0BT256S22SEPASPDRWAK2
Computer Modules 8. Selling from Availability
9. Selling by Carrier and Flight
10. Waitlisted and ARNK Segments
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -6-
Unit 4. Booking Files
This unit teaches students how to input names, contact telephones, ticketing arrangements,
and received-from entries; to redisplay the booking file; and to end or ignore the transaction.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Identify the five mandatory parts of a booking file.
Input passenger names by surname, initial, and title.
Input multiple passengers with the same surname.
Input multiple surnames.
Input name remarks.
Input travel agency, business, home, and accommodation phones.
Input the ticketing arrangement.
Input received-from information in a booking file.
Redisplay the current record.
End the transaction to store a booking file.
Ignore the transaction.
Entry Formats
Multiple passengers/same surname N.2GREENBERG/PAULMR/ANNEMRS
Name remarks N.WIGGONS/PETERMR*EMP97822
Infant name N.I/WILEY/DMISS*DOB24J UN05
Travel agency phone P.LONT*020 240 1198-GALILEO TVL
Business phone P.LONB*020 438 3478
Home phone P.AMSH*020 3183777
Accommodation phone P.SYDA*02 9456 4948 HILTON HTL
Insert agency phone CMT/QX9//+*MARY
Ticketing arrangement T.TAU/10MAY
Booking file ticketed T.T*
Other ticketing arrangement T.T*24AUG
Received from passenger R.P
End transaction E
Ignore transaction I
Computer Modules 11. Name Entries
12. Phone Entries
13. Ticketing Entries
14. Received-from Entries
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -7-
Unit 5. Supplementary Data
This unit teaches students how to input note pad entries, the form of payment, mileage
membership information, other supplementary information, and special service requests.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Input free text in the note pad field.
Input the form of payment as cash, a cheque, or a credit card.
Input a written address.
Input a delivery address.
Input an OSI entry for a specific carrier.
Input an OSI entry for multiple carriers.
Identify common SSR codes.
Input an SSR entry for all segments and passengers.
Input an SSR entry for a specific passenger.
Input an SSR entry for a specific segment.
Input an SSR entry with descriptive text.
Input passport details.
Combine passenger and segment selection in an SSR entry.
Input a vendor remark.
Input mileage membership information.
Written address W.MR T J ONES*25 GRAFTON ST*SYDNEY
FOP/cash F.S
FOP/cheque F.CK
FOP/credit card F.6254338390164437/D1013
Elderly passenger SI.BA*ELDERLY PSGR
Segment selection SI.S2/VGML
Passenger selection SI.P2/VGML
Passenger/segment SI.P2S2/VGML
Descriptive text SI.SPCL*EGGLESS MEAL
Passport details SI.SSRPSPTBAHK1/M3098767/03AUG58
Mileage membership M.UA162737
Passenger association M.P1/DL83261
Computer Modules 15. Supplemental Data
16. Optional Service Information
17. Special Service Requests
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -8-
Unit 6. Modifying the Itinerary
This unit teaches students how to retrieve booking files, cancel and insert segments, and
change the segment status.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Retrieve a booking file by surname.
Retrieve a booking file by departure date and surname.
Retrieve a booking file by flight, departure date, board point, and surname.
Retrieve a booking file by record locator number.
Cancel a segment.
Cancel a multiple segments.
Cancel and rebook with one entry.
Insert a segment in the itinerary.
Insert and book with one entry.
Change segment status.
Entry Formats
Retrieve Booking *-FROST
From similar name list *3
By departure date/name ` *26MAR-SMITH
By flight/origin/name *BA12/10AUGLHR-MICHAELS
By record locator *3W423V
Redisplay record *R
Display itinerary *I
Name items only *N
Cancel segment X2
Cancel and rebook X2+0BA12M10J ULLHRSFONN2
From availability X2+N1Q3
Rebook date @2/10J UL
Rebook class @2/J
Rebook date and class @2/10J UL/J
Cancel range X2-5
Multiple segments X1.3
Cancel itinerary XI
Cancel air only XA
Insert after segment /1
Insert and book /3+0CO15Y23OCTSYDAKLNN2
From availability /3+N2Y3
Insert ARNK segment /4+NA
Change segment status @1HK
Insert flight times @3/10101445
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -9-
Computer Modules 18. Retrieving Booking Files
19. Cancelling and Rebooking
20. Changing Segment Status
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -10-
Unit 7. Editing the Booking File
This unit teaches students how to change and delete passenger names; change and delete
other data fields; and divide passengers.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Delete selected passenger name.
Change the name field.
Delete other passenger data.
Change other passenger data.
Divide a booking file
Divide multiple passengers
Entry Formats
Change name item N.P1-2@2J OHNSON/HENRYMR/ANNMRS
Delete name item N.P1-2@
Change phone item P.3@LONH*020 215 0112
Delete phone item P.4@
Change note pad item NP.2@COLLECT PAYMENT
Delete note pad item NP.3@
Change ticketing item T.@TAU/28J UL
Divide passengers DP2
Multiple passengers DP2.4
Computer Modules 21. Changing Client Data
22. Dividing a Booking File
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -11-
Unit 8. Fare Displays
This unit teaches students how to display fares for a specific date and city pair; to specify a
carrier, fare basis, fare category, or journey type; and to display fare notes.
Explain how to perform the following tasks. Discuss the information contained in each type
of display.
Display fares for all carriers from least expensive to most expensive.
Interpret the information in a fare display.
Obtain a fare display for a specific carrier.
Obtain a fare display for a specific fare basis.
Modify a fare display.
Display fares for a specific fare category.
Specify the journey type.
Display a menu of fare notes pertaining to a given fare basis.
Display one or more selected paragraphs from the fare notes menu.
Entry Formats
Display fares by date and city pair FD10MAYLONROM
Specified carrier FD10MAYLONROM/BA
Validated fares FDLONROMV10MAY17MAY/BA
Specified fare basis FD10MAYLONROM@QVAP7
Specified fare category FD10MAYLONROM@EXCN
Booking code FD10MAYLONROM-B/AZ
Round-trip fares FD10MAYLONROM-RT
Fare notes menu FN*2
Display paragraph FN*P3
Bypass fare notes menu FN*2/P3
Display all paragraphs FN*2/ALL
From booked itinerary FS
Book pricing option FSK1
Computer Modules 23. Fare Displays
24. Fare Shopping
25. Fare Notes
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -12-
Unit 9. Fare Quotations
This unit teaches students how to obtain a fare quote for a booked air itinerary; to rebook an
itinerary at the lowest available fare; to obtain a fare quote for a hypothetical itinerary; and to
create and store a manual fare record.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Obtain a fare quote for a booked air itinerary.
Identify common passenger type modifiers.
Quote an itinerary using passenger definition codes.
Quote an itinerary using passenger selection.
Quote an itinerary using segment selection.
Quote an itinerary forcing a specified transit point.
Quote an itinerary using a specified fare basis or class.
Quote an itinerary at the lowest available fare.
Rebook the itinerary to obtain the lowest fare.
Obtain a comparative fare quotation.
Use the fare quote planner function to obtain a fare quote for a hypothetical itinerary.
Display filed fare data.
Construct a manual fare.
File manual fares.
Entry Formats
Display fare quote FQCBA
By passenger type (PDC) FQ*CSRC
Multiple passenger types FQP1.3*CNN
Segment selection FQS2
Passenger selection FQP1.3
No stopover FQX2
Best Buy FQBB
Best Buy/rebook FQBBK
Comparative fare quote FQC
Fare quote planner FQPAMS PAR NCE ROM AMS
Specified carrier FQPLON+BD NCE+AF ROM
Specified booking class and carrier FQPLON.Y+BOD NCE.C+AF ROM
Display linear fare calculation FQP*3
Display all fare notes FN1/ALL
Display filed fares *FF
Create fare build screen FBC
Insert fare basis FBU FB/Y
Insert baggage allowance FBU BG/20K
Insert fare amount FBU FARE/AUD869.00
Insert exchange rate FBU ROE/.7652
Insert tax amount FBU TAX1/10.00AU
Insert fare construction FBU FC/LON BD PAR 90.00 NUC90.00
File manual fare FBF
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -13-
Computer Modules 26. Fare Quotations
27. Fare Quote Options
28. Manual Fares
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -14-
Unit 10. Ticket Production
This unit teaches students how to store ticket modifiers; print tickets for all passengers in the
booking file; and print tickets using a specific filed fare.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Store the validating carrier for a specified filed fare.
Store the commission rate.
Store the form of payment in the filed fare field.
Store text to print in the endorsement/restrictions box.
Store other optional ticket modifiers.
Issue tickets for a retrieved booking file.
Issue tickets with ticket modifiers.
Print an itinerary/invoice document.
Entry Formats
Store validating carrier TMU1CUA
Store commission rate TMU1Z5
Store form of payment TMU1FCK
Store multiple ticket modifiers TMU1CUA/Z5/FCK
Store endorsement information TMU1EBNO REFUND
Produce tickets TKP
With form of payment TKPFCK
Validating carrier and commission TKPCAF/Z9
With segment selection TKPS1.3
File fare selection TKP1
With passenger selection KP1P2
Issue itinerary document TKPDID
Issue ticket and itinerary TKPDTDID
Computer Module 29. Ticket Production
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -15-
Unit 11. Seat Assignments
This unit teaches students how to request advance seat reservations, assign seats on a specific
segment, display and interpret a seat availability map, display seat characteristics, and cancel
seat reservations.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Request automatic seat assignment on all segments.
Request seat reservations on a specific segment.
Assign specific seats by row and seat letter.
Display a seat availability map for a specific segment.
Interpret the information in a seat availability map.
Display seat characteristics.
Display seat assignment information in a booking file.
Cancel seat assignments.
Entry Formats
No-smoking window S.NW
No-smoking aisle S.NA
Smoking window S.SW
Smoking aisle S.SA
Assign specific seat S.14C
Multiple seats assignment S.14A-C
Display seat availability map SA*S1
Display seat characteristics SC*1B
Display seat data *SD
Cancel seat assignments S.@
Passenger selection S.P2@
Segment selection S.S3.4@
Computer Module 30. Advance Seat Reservation
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -16-
Unit 12. Client Files
This unit teaches students how to display an Agency File, Business File, or Personal File;
move data from a client file into a booking file; and move data without retrieving the client
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Display an Agency File.
Display a Business File.
Display a Personal File.
Move the Y lines from a client file into a booking file.
Move one or more O lines.
Insert the agent's name.
Initiate a single file move.
Use a blind move to transfer data without retrieving the client file.
Entry Formats
Display Agency File C*G4R
Display Business File C*ABM
List Business Files CLB/S
Display Personal File C*ABM-THOMPSON
Move mandatory Y lines CM/
Insert agent name CM/+*MARY
Move Y lines plus O line CM/+5
Multiple O lines CM/+7-9
Insert agent name CM/+*MARY/+7.10
Single file move CMB/
Blind move from Agency File CMT/G4R//+*MARY
Computer Module 31. Client Files
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -17-
Unit 13. Queues
This unit teaches students how to obtain a queue count; sign on to a queue; remove, ignore,
or suspend a booking file on queue; and exit the queue.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Identify important agency queues.
Obtain a specific queue count.
Obtain a total queue count.
Sign on to a specific queue.
Remove a booking file from the queue.
Suspend a queue for a short time interval using the UTC queue.
Suspend a queue for a longer time interval using the LMCB queue.
Place a booking file on a specific queue.
Place a booking file on the Review Booking file queue.
Specify the queue date and time in a Review Booking file entry.
Entry Formats
Specific queue count QCB/18
Multiple queue count QCB/8+10+12
Branch office queue count QCB/W4T/12
Total queue count QCA
Sign on to queue Q/18
Sign on to branch office queue Q/CZ4/10
Remove booking file from queue QR
Place booking file on UTC queue UTC
Place booking file on QLMCB queue QLMCB
Exit queue and end transaction QX+E
Exit queue and ignore transaction QX+I
Place booking file on queue QEB/44
Computer Module 32. Queues
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -18-
Unit 14. Reference Information
This unit will teach students how to obtain a GIS display; to display flight service details; to
display minimum connecting times; to display the local time in a specific destination; to
display exchange rates and convert currencies; and to obtain help with a Galileo entry format.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Display the GIS index.
Display a chapter index by item number or keyword.
Display a specific page from a chapter index.
Display GIS information by chapter and page reference.
Display minimum connecting times for a specific city.
Display minimum connecting times for a specific airport of a multi-airport city.
Display minimum times for inter-airport connections.
Display local time in a specific destination.
Display bank selling rates.
Display IATA exchange rates.
Convert currencies at the bank selling rate.
Display help for a specific entry format.
Display help by letter.
Entry Formats
Display General Information index GG*
Display chapter from index GC*2
Display chapter by keyword GC*KL
Display subject from chapter index GP*19
Redisplay chapter index GC*
Display flight service information SVC*
Display minimum connecting times DCTBKK-II
Display local time @LTPPT
Display specific IATA ROE FZINZD
Display all IATA exchange rates FZIALL
Convert NUC to currency FZINUC2191.39AUD
Display bank buying rate FZBCHF
Convert currency at buying rate FZBAUD222.00GBP
Display bank selling rate FZSHKD
Convert currency at selling rate FZSEUR1434GBP
Display Galileo format help HELP FD
Display help information by keyword HELP SELL
Display the help index HELP INDEX
Display help for a specific function H/OSI
Display help by letter H/B
Computer Module 33. Reference Information
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -19-
Unit 15. Hotel Reservations
This unit will teach students how to display a hotel index or availability display; display a
hotel description; sell a hotel segment from a hotel availability display; input a direct hotel
segment; and modify an existing hotel segment.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Display the hotel index for a specific city.
Interpret room rate codes and rate categories.
Display the hotel index for a specific rate category, bedding type, or location.
Display hotel reference points.
Display hotel availability for a selected air segment.
Display hotel availability by date and city.
Use optional qualifiers in a hotel availability entry.
Display a hotel description for a selected property.
Display a specific subject from the hotel description menu.
Sell a hotel segment from a hotel availability display.
Input guarantee information with a hotel reservation.
Request a service option.
Modify a hotel segment to change the date, room type, or service option.
Input a direct hotel booking.
Entry Formats
Display hotel index HOISFO
Specific location HOISFO/L-A
Specific chain HOISFO/HI
With rate modifier HOISFO/C-COR
Hotel reference points HORPAR
Hotel availability from hotel index HOA
Hotel availability by segment 1+HOA-5NT2
By date and city HOA10DEC-7NTNAS2
Rate qualifier /1+HOA-5NT2/V100
Complete availability HOC2
Hotel description HOD3
Display subject from menu HOD/5
Sell hotel segment N1A1KRAC
Credit card guarantee N1C1DCOR/G-60251266440202EXP1013
Book service options N1A1KRAC/EX-1/RA-1
Modify room type HOM2R/1B2T-1
Modify date HOM2D/17J UN-20J UN
Modify guarantee information HOM2O/G-4536726690876624EXP1013
Modify service option HOM2O/EX-1
Delete service option HOM2X/CR
Direct booking 0HTLZZBK1BOS...
Cancel hotel segment X3
Cancel direct booking .2XK
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -20-
Computer Modules 34. Hotel Index Displays
35. Hotel Availability
36. Hotel Descriptions
37. Selling Hotel Segments
38. Modifying Hotel Segments
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -21-
Unit 16. Car Rentals
This unit teaches students how to display car availability by segment or city; book a car
segment from a car availability display; display car rules, vendor locations, and policy
descriptions; and modify an existing car segment.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Identify common car type codes.
Display car type availability.
Display low-to-high rates.
Obtain a qualified car availability display.
Display car availability by date and city.
Specify the car type and vendor.
Book a car segment from a car availability display.
Input optional service information in a car booking.
Modify a car segment to change the dates, car type, or service information.
Display car rules from a car availability display.
Display a car index.
Display a vendor policy description.
Entry Formats
Car type availability CAA9MAY-12MAYSYD/ARR-1200
Qualified car availability CAQ10MAYLON/ARR-1400
Low-to-high rates CAL2APR-5APRMIA/ARR-1400
Segment reference /2+CAL
Specific vendor /2+CAQ/ZD
Specific car type /2+CAL.EC
Sell from availability NA2
Service information NA2/ID-6012873
Car rules display CAV2
Car index CAINCE
Vendor index CAINCE/ZE
Policy description CADZLSFO
Modify dates CAM3D/12J UN-15J UN
Modify car type CAM3T/CCMN
Modify service information CAM3O/SQ-SKI RACK
Fill-in format CAQ/
Computer Modules 39. Car Availability and Rates
40. Miscellaneous Car Displays
41. Selling Car Segments
42. Modifying Car Segments
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -22-
Unit 17. Travelscreen
This unit teaches students how to create airline, hotel, and car preference records for a
business account or for an individual passenger; activate client preference records; and
display activated preferences.
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Create a general air preference record for a business account.
Create a city pair preference record for a business account.
Create a universal city record for a business account.
Create a hotel preference record for a business account.
Create a car preference record for a business account.
Create personal air, city pair, hotel, and car preference records.
Create a personal information table.
Create a personal membership table.
Activate client preferences and transfer the information to a booking file.
Display activated preference records.
Clear client preferences and delete preference records.
Entry Formats
Business general air preference CP*AB
Personal general air preference CP*AP
Business city pair air preference CP*AB/CITY
Personal city pair air preference CP*AP/CITY
Business universal city air preference CP*AB/CTY*
Personal universal city air preference CP*AP/CTY*
Display business car preference FP*CB
Personal car preference FP*CP
Business car preference FP*CB/AMS
Personal location car preference FP*CP/FRA
Business general hotel preference FP*HB
Personal general hotel preference FP*HP
Business location hotel preference FP*HB/FCO
Personal location hotel preference FP*HP/HKG
Personal information table FP*PI
Membership information table FP*
Computer Module 43. TravelScreen
Lesson Plans
Copyright 2011, Dennis L Foster, Inc. -23-
Unit 18. TIMATIC Displays
This unit teaches students how to obtain a TIMATIC display for a specific segment; display
full text information by section and subsection; and use a fill-in mask to display TIMATIC
Explain how to perform the following tasks:
Display visa information by segment.
Specify one or more transit points.
Display health information.
Display both visa and health information.
Display airport tax information.
Move the display.
Identify common TIMATIC section codes.
Display TIMATIC full text information.
Identify common 2-letter section codes and subsection codes.
Display a TIMATIC fill-in format mask.
Entry Formats
Display visa information by segment TIMV/1/GB
Specify transit points TIMV/1-2/DE
Display health information by segment TIMH/2
Page display to next page TIPN
Page back to previous page TIPB
Page to last page TIPL
Page to first page TIPF
Display full text information TI-DFT/SYD/TX
Display subsection TI-DFT/SIN/PA/VA
Display section and subsection codes TI-HELPF
Fill-in format/visa information TI-MV
Fill-in format/health information TI-MH
Fill-in format/both visa and health TI-MA
Fill-in format/full text display TI-MF
Computer Module 44. TIMATIC Displays

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