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Brazilian, married, XX years old

Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
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Academic Background
$ost (rad#ation: Mana)ement De*elo%ment + St#dyin) ,
Semester -.A//S$ 0110/,
A&&o#ntant (rad#ate by .ESA / 2345 + 6$A n7 2S$201,15/1-8
9e&hni&al S&hool + A&&o#ntin) / 2340
Main Qualifications
01 years e:%erien&e, the &areer has been de*elo%ed in the mana)ement of the follo'in) areas:
A&&o#ntin), A#ditin), 6ontrollin), 9a:, B#d)et and -inan&e;
Solid <no'led)e and e:%erien&e in mana)in) %ro=e&ts s#&h net e>#ity e*al#ation, ta:
%lannin) (9ransfer $ri&e"? %arti&i%ation in the &or%orate strate)ies and res%onsible for
e*al#atin) finan&e, boo<-<ee%in) and fis&al ro#tine and %ro&ed#res;
9a: mana)ement %resentin) stron) le)islation <no'led)e s#&h as .n&ome 9a: (.$@, D.$@
and Aal#r ", D69-, .$., .6MS, .SS and others ( $.S/6ofins and et&B ";
6reation of mana)ement re%orts;
De*elo%ed A#ditin) $ro=e&ts, in&l#din) internal &ontrols e*al#ation, needs identifi&ation and
strate)ies definition fo&#sin) on the %ro&ess o%timization and b#siness de*elo%ment;
S#%%orted .nternal and E:ternal A#ditin) ($ri&e Caterho#se and Deloitte" and all
s#%er*isions: from the &o#ntry: -ederal, State and M#ni&i%al (-is&al A#thority";
Stron) <no'led)e in the lo&al Aa's and balan&e sheet &on*ersion into /S! (-ASB +
6oordination and &#stomization of the systems im%lementation (e:: Dra&le"
Mana)ement of the administrati*e area, in&l#din) ne)otiation and &ontrol of all &ontra&ts 'ith
third %arties, rent, fa&ilities maintenan&e, attorneys, &omm#ni&ation and le)al do&#mentation
-inan&e mana)ement in*ol*in) 9reas#ry, ris< analysis of the &redits and reso#r&es, e:&han)e
rate, %ayroll, a&&o#ntability, &osts, &or%orate b#d)et (eal X Estimated d#e to the fore&ast";
D%erational Mana)ement: s#%%ly &hain, im%ortation and in*entory;
Mana)ement s<ills: e:%erien&e 'ith m#ltidis&i%linary teams (Brazil E Ar)entina";
Professional background:
Name of the company (from Sept!" to actual#
American Electronic Company in Brazil & Argentina with revenues around US$ 30 and !00
$urrent Position: $ontroller
Main %esponsibilities:
Mana)ement of all -inan&e, A&&o#ntin), 6osts, 9a:, $ayroll, .m%ort and E:%ort f#n&tion;
A&&o#ntin) in lo&al &#rren&y and /S! (Brazilian (AA$ and /S-(AA$", &or%orate
a&&o#ntability system, 9a: $lannin), -is&al .ss#es (ens#re in &om%lian&e 'ith the stat#tory
and fis&al la'", b#d)ets, fore&asts, &ost, mana)ement re%orts and the &or%orate finan&e
mod#le in Dra&le; (.nternational e:%erien&e + member of the Dra&le )ro#%:
Name of the $ompany & (from Apr!' to Aug!"#
American Auto parts "ndustry with revenues around US$ #$ and #00 employees%
Position: $ontrolling Super(isor
Main %esponsibilities:
es%onsible for &ontrollin) in )eneral, %re%aration of monthly balan&e sheet, in&ome
statement, mana)ement re%orts, .n&ome ta: ret#rn, ta: %lannin), a&&o#ntin) in lo&al and /S-
(AA$, &ost analysis, fi:ed asset &ontrol, system re*ie', im%lementation of the /S-(AA$
methodolo)y, res%onsible for the a&&o#ntin) and finan&e restr#&t#rin) and et&;
Name of the $ompany (from Mai!) to Mar!'#
&apanese 'roup (investors) *uilding company) agri*usiness) hotels and tourism+ with revenues
around US$ 3$ and ,00 employees%
Position: *eneral Accounting Manager
Main %esponsabilities:
es%onsible for &ontrollin) in )eneral, %re%aration of monthly balan&e sheet, in&ome
statement, mana)ement re%orts, .n&ome ta: ret#rn, ta: %lannin), a&&o#ntin) in lo&al and /S-
(AA$, &ost analysis, fi:ed asset &ontrol, system re*ie' and et&;
En)lish -l#ent (Critten, listenin) and &on*ersation";
.n&ome ta:es, a&&o#ntin) in /S-(AA$, ta: %lannin), man#fa&t#rin) &osts, &or%orate
b#d)et, in*estments,ris<s and others;

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